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5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness


Hello friends of the truth;
Today I will tell you unusual information about our existence listen carefully this will blow your mind. Let’s refine the information received with this channeling which complements the picture
of the Hologram and the sides Once Upon a Time in ancient times.
Certain entities set off on a long journey they flew through outer space and their flight lasted many decades during all this time they did not see anything remarkable no new worlds they just did boring routine work. Then one of the crew members came up with the idea to write a hologram so that it would
have an action in which he himself could play an active role. The program provided options for
choice it followed the main plot but the player could make his own decisions and in the end no longer knew where the game would lead him or how it would end.
In short it was an interactive video program if the end of the game were known in advance it would lose its sharpness and excitement.
So one of the crew members wrote this program and first tried it out in a Sim simulator to get a feel for it, had to become as realistic as possible as soon as the particles ofphoton light allowed because this hologram was nothing more than a projection from light we will call this spaceship crew
member Shaw and gender does not play any role here. Shaw means both masculine and feminine so after the initial Breaking in his free time of which there was a lot on this long journey Shaw tried out his
program for real he was delighted the program opened up to him such corners of his personality that he did not even know existed. He expanded the program more and more and now the long flight became more interesting for him but what became most interesting for him was traveling through the expanses
of his inner World his companions such a way that the player does not know that it is just a
game so that his memory is temporarily blocked it was not erased mind you but only blocked and had to be restored after the end of the game.
The participants really liked this new Option but sooner or later all the possibilities of the game were exhausted what’s next the crew members decided that they would all come up with new stories and
everyone could use the stories of their colleagues so that they would be provided with entertainment for a long time during a boring flight. Off course it was necessary to guarantee the safety of the flight itself so part of the crew had to remain outside the Hologram some crew members were not
interested in the game and they voluntarily remained to control the spaceship but there were not enough of them therefore the rest no matter how passionate they were about the game had to take turns keeping watch and then someone came up with the idea to connect all the separate stories to make the game even more exciting and unpredictable. No sooner said than done all plots were coordinated with each
other and this extended the playing time for a long time. Now the main role was played first
by one crew member then by another then by a third everyone got the opportunity to play both leading and supporting roles and test themselves the supporting players gave the main player advice and Direction and directed the story in the originally intended Direction. Since the main player no
longer remembered this the supporting roles were written in such a way that such instructions came from them and awaken Ed something in the memory of the game leader a kind of code was sent that influenced his actions second roles were provided for Visible players and the same roles for invisible ones while all the off-duty crew members participated in the Hologram the remaining awake Travelers noticed a strange thing. Outer space where until quite recently there was nothing remarkable no colors no sounds
nothing began to change not only did some colors appear in it but also movement vortices Etc were observed in these Colors.
Over time it became clear the more complex the plots of the Hologram inside the ship were the more complex the surrounding space became there was a direct connection between what was happening inside and what was taking shape around the ship. The awake crew members were very frightened as it became clear to them that their colleagues were the culprits of such changes.
Although everything seemed to them like a harmless game it turns out that the crew was responsible not only for what was happening inside the ship but also for the external environment they also realized that they could no longer continue the Hologram haphazardly without thinking about their actions and they could not even stop it since it influenced the real world and participated in its formation.
She also influenced their journey and its purpose and their goal was their home planet they were flying home but now it turned out that they could not direct their ship to the target with the help of the means at their disposal. The target was obscured by what had formed around their ship. They
discussed what to do it was necessary to form the internal environment that is the Hologram in such
a way that their original purpose became visible again the task was seemingly impossible and required more Specialists than the team on Judy had at that moment and so although the Hologram was still
ongoing they decided if possible to awaken as many crew members as possible before the end of the game.
Awakening meant returning their memories since the withdrawal of the required number of Specialists from the game meant the complete destruction of the entire game and therefore the surrounding their
Off course they could take a certain number of Specialists out of the game at the same time without damaging the plot too much they did so but they were not enough to again find the goal and the
road to it therefore they woke up as many colleagues as possible but they remained in the game the advantage of this situation was that the decisions made were immediately implemented true communicating with those who needed to be awakened. Turned out to be very difficult the players did not believe that what they perceived as reality was only a hologram or one of many levels of reality the game went on too long for the reality outside to be clearly perceived.
The player’s memory could only be restored gradually since the whole truth could cause shock and then the players would not be able to complete the task assigned to them they had to gradually remember who they were and also overcome the desire to quit the game and help their sober colleagues again find their goal their home planet.
That is they had to understand that they would help in finding the goal from within from the Hologram and that they all depend on each other both awake outside the game and awaken players inside the hall
hologram of course. The awake ones did not wake up all the players in a row but specialists in certain
Fields but gradually it was necessary to wake everyone up to remind them who they were and that the stories they had invented went beyond mere entertainment and became reality.
Which began to influence the original reality and change it the players had to realize that each of them is responsible for the current situation and the awakened ones were now responsible for themselves as well as for those who were still asleep and for all colleagues outside the Hologram.

The crew of the spaceship was not fully aware of the power of their Creative Energy so they had to deal with their creations and take responsibility for them. How did they wake up the players originally conceived to control the game were so strengthened that the players increasingly noticed that someone else was influencing the game that they were not alone that there was another reality behind their reality.
Thus their curiosity was awakened and it increasingly activated the codes after all the crew members were smart beings and provided an Awakening code in case they had to remove everyone without
exception from the game only now they could not wake everyone up at the same time as originally planned since the Hologramhad to continue it influenced the original reality so much that if it was turned off it could destroy it too. So the Hologram had to be continued or reformatted until all the players were
awakened to see the result they had unconsciously or thoughtlessly created but in order for the result to be good for everyone it was now necessary to act not haphazardly but meaningfully and this was the main problem. Waking up is always difficult you have to overcome too many barriers many difficulties but when you awaken dear people only then will the real work begin.
The conscious formation of a new universe what will she look like the crew of the spaceship did not
influence the surrounding outer space with their hologram game while it was only a small episode similar to stories from the life of Leonardo da Vinci.
I don’t want to say that the history of the earth began with him this is just an example the space crew enjoyed their entertainment so much that they spread the story far back and forth into the
past and the future they made up stories that happened before and after Leonardo but even this was not enough for them they extended their story to the entire solar system and even further to distant
galaxies and even further into the past and future and in Endless variations as each played the story in his own way. The moment artificial stories left the solar system they ceased to exist artificially and turned into reality this reality spread like a shock wave throughout the Universe and changed
it. Was as if someone had flipped a giant toggle switch and created something that had never existed before, that which existed only in the imagination of a few entities acquired such materiality that it overcame the old reality and gained control over everything. Those who were not on the spaceship flying home were also affected in an instant they found themselves in another reality which they did not create and which they did not like.

This reality was associated with violence and conflict naturally they wanted to find out what happened but the new reality imposed restrictions on them that were not there before. It took them longer
than expected to figure out who happened and who was to blame the culprit remained unknown for a long time and during this time the new reality asserted itself more and more and nothing could be done about
it. Finally they found the Intruder the cosmic entities eventually paid a visit to the ship’s crew and this required all the efforts of the crew they conferred about the situation and called Shaw to account and he had not participated in the game for a long time because he did not like what the other players had done with it. He was the first to look out the window and realized what had happened he felt responsible for everything although in fact he was not guilty since he never wanted things to reach such proportions in addition he had been working on a solution to the problem for a long time and proposed it to those who discussed it. The meeting participants did not like his proposal but it was the only chance for Success everyone agreed that the old reality could no longer be restored this requires too much intervention and too many species that have emerged as a result of new Transformations will disappear. In general the new Transformations enriched the living space but at the same time they led to the destruction of both the new and the old since in some things the new and the old mutually destroyed each other. Therefore new Transformations had to be put into a Groove that would prevent death and create a reality that unites the new and the old it was necessary to develop a new strategy to determine the main axis of time into which all others could flow a big role here was given to the figures from the game which at first were only Holograms without a soul.
They let’s call them people were just programs without their own Consciousness or intelligence they
participated in the game but had almost no influence on it since there were not enough players to animate all these figures endow them with Consciousness and thus increase the element of unpredictability. A self-awareness program was introduced the figures received the opportunity to concentrate the energy of consciousness become aware of themselves and develop.
Thanks to this this made the game even more interesting it received many additional unpredictable
components now it was necessary to use these components and bring order to the unsung chaos meetings were held constantly it was necessary to determine what next steps to take when and how and check the results. There was regular cooperation between those inside the ship and those outside both groups had their own points of view and little by little they integrated the consciousness of human figures was also taken into account. It gradually became clear that they were the keys to correcting the situation
they were given Free Will something that according to the terms of the game the crew members almost did not have since their role was set in advance but people were free in their desires thoughts feelings and actions. They were subject to certain laws and restrictions only when the game served to entertain
their creators. Now it turns out that they have the potential to reach the next level if given enough space the creators put into them every idea they could imagine at first this was not in the interests of the players. The game should have remained more or less under control but when it became clear that she had long since gone beyond the spaceship all barriers for people were gradually removed so there are different entities at work in my story.

Firstly the crew members of the spaceship aliens who gradually realize that they are just guests in this reality.
But at the same time they themselves have changed their own reality so much that they barely
recognize it now. They are looking for ways to combine both of these realities and live in both at the same time since these realities already need to be brought together.
Secondly these are people who have developed only here their spiritual mental and physical potential has connected everything imaginable and they themselves are not subject to any restrictions.
Of course one limitation was nevertheless introduced a red thread along which the development of human
consciousness and the process of returning memory to Aliens Must and will occur otherwise chaos will increase rather than decrease. This is the frequency of heart vibration progress in the development of
Consciousness on both sides is governed by the vibrations of love to supervise the game. A Central
Computer was used that controlled the spaceship it controls the vibrational frequency of love this is a multi-year process that requires a lot of dedication and we understand that.
But you do it not only for yourself but for everyone and here’s something else I didn’t mention in order to gain as much new experience as possible to play as many roles as possible.
The participants in the game divided themselves into Parts divided their souls one might say so
this was possible only through severe experience for example if a person became a murderer or a murder victim the more often the more parts were split off from a person the more roles he could perform this process now needs to be reversed now people are collecting the parts of their split soul.
For aliens these are their own fragments of the soul for people these are fragments of a puzzle that needs to be assembled and as a result of this everyone’s personality changes every time some become who they were and are and others become who they will be.
Here another unusual circumstance is added it simultaneously complicates and simplifies everything of those who participated in the meeting on board the spacecraft and were not there.
Initially some there were not many of them decided to directly intervene in what was happening they decided to play some rounds in individual stories of the Hologram and then infiltrate it and at
the same time do a preliminary Activation so that individuals would actually be ready to awaken once the Awakening codes were sent.
One of these new players can be called Jesus Christ it is also known in many variants and a number of people think that they were in this role and they are right only in the timeline that would become the main one was this role played by one of the new players and only here were reactivation measures taken that would lead to a mass Awakening.

Now in our time and it came true understand that this is not something that influenced or
influences the originally planned history that is the past but it definitely influences what happens now there are time Specialists who are so skillful at zipping bringing together separate timelines parallel universes Dimensions Etc that no one is harmed in the process.
The result is optimal for everyone a new Unity if you like this can only be done for from the inside not from the outside the zipper can be fastened only when you pull the zipper and not when you simply bring the edges of the material together.
It’s exactly the same here let’s just say that my story tells your story only if everything around you
is a holographic projection what then are you is it also just a combination of light and energy that you call matter the Hologram can be changed by changing the parameters that is the input data of the program this is the process you are currently engaged in.
After all understand that when you for example expel the symptoms of a disease from the body and delve into its cause this information is re introduced into the entire system as you may know each
particle of a hologram contains information about the entire hologram so it is here if you change something in one part of the body you change it in the whole body but your body is also
part of a larger hologram a larger body and if you change something in yourself it again affects the whole. Always if a critical mass of cancer is expelled from your body then a large program is
automatically Rewritten and this disease leaves you such information is transmitted through morphogenetic fields which are again formed and controlled by light impulses. Light is everything
information is everything information changes so does light or its absence that is darkness in other words any disease is curable if the corresponding program is Rewritten in individuals and in a sufficient number of individuals In general to reprogram the entire disease program.
One of the reasons for the success of pranik light nutrition is that the Hologram cannot be eaten the
only thing that prevents you from going without food is your belief that you should eat that is your programming for food.
Humanity is facing a decisive step to change the program not of individual people but of everyone at
once the consequences of this are becoming increasingly noticeable but the original hologram must remain for some time yet for those who cannot or should not awaken yet as well as for external
reality for the above reasons.
To be continued
Alien assistance?/Food of the Gods

We do this because we need to survive in a competitive (crazy) world and because of its structure uncomfortable bodies and negative emotions are familiar. The link, the bridge between them that transforms one to the other, is the emotions.
Feeling a wave become matter (receptors, ligands, hormons and sudden expressions of gene programs like that for inflammation) as they vibrate in the quantum field, rewiring of our brain. Affects on programming of our subconscious, change in behaviour to mention a few.

We are outraged when we learn that we are on some menu, but like the lion and the zebra, it is all supposed to be this way. Our loosh has to be used its a tax of existence on his plane that even the devourers must pay. The big difference from the animals is that as human beings, maybe we have a choice to upgrade the frequency of the loosh we produce (from lower to higher), and thereby alter the details of the transaction. This physical universe is indeed a separation from God or the original , loving force behind it all. What did happen, our physical universe is energy based. To operate/manifest you need energy here.

So the most important thing is to use this revelation as motivation to evolve a higher level of being, like the Masters of all ages who have given us their example.
Jay, you’re close, but you’ve swallowed the Kool-Aid. The so-called masters don’t talk about loosh because there part of the system. The job of gurus is to recruit disciples to give their power away to the gods and the masters in other words, their job is to procure dinner.
Light is everything information is everything information changes so does light or its absence that is darkness in other words any disease is curable if the corresponding program is Rewritten in individuals and in a sufficient number of individuals in general to reprogram the entire disease.
Program one of the reasons for the success of pranik light nutrition is that the Hologram cannot be eaten the only thing that prevents you from going without food is your belief that you should eat that is your programming for food.
The abject surrender disciples give their spiritual lords must be the most total loosh transfer in the universe. No, it is not all supposed to be this way. Subjects get taxed by their overlords only when they submit themselves to the tax.
Free beings don’t do that. They find their power within themselves without the need either to tax or be taxed. This is what we must evolve to if life is to be lived without loss, death, and suffering if we are to live and actualize the original, joyous, divine intention.
Would a loving God really create a world such as this for his own fun and entertainment? The big questions are: What do we do about it? Where do we go from here? How do we get ourselves and everyone else out of this mess.

According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call/loosh.
Loosh is also harvested from the loneliness of animals and humans, as well as from the emotions engendered when a parent is forced to defend the life of its young. Another source of loosh is humans worship.
According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic type energy farmers, intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and upper-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators. The location of the life-force is in our blood.
This story told to Monroe (which threw him into a two-week depression) corresponds to reports in some of the world’s oldest scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas of India. There we can read that the universe is upheld by sacrifice (Atharva Veda) and that all who are living (in this world) are the sacrificers. There is none living who does not perform yagya (sacrifice). This body is (created) for sacrifice, and arises out of sacrifice and changes according to sacrifice. (Garbha Upanishad)

Again:(The Demise/Death as the Creators) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food. (Mahabharata)
In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness.
Reports Castaneda: The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames,
lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagle’s food.

The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things.(The Eagle’s Gift, by Carlos Castaneda)

According to some theories, they are a state of feeling that results in physical and psychological changes that influence our behavior. If we can perceive the small voice that reveals our true feelings about life, than we can make appropriate choices to deal with these feelings.
The Emotions or the flow of information perceived to be essential for the survival or any particular state of consciousness are the strongest ones being observed because their hardwired roots in millions of years of our survival.
On our earth the low frequency are dominant and containing fear, anger, calamities, treats, abuse, violent and other forms of primitive behaviour and most likely to be used to manipulate and control the masses. The vibration of frequency of our earth has increased in the past from 9 Hz to 12 Hz and significant.
And living in such environment lead to changes in humans not for the better but for the worse. Repression, exploitation, aggression, violent behavior, killing, rape, slavery just name them.

Love being a vibration in the high range does the opposite, happy, strong, healthy, vibrant to name a few.
It is important to realise again that as result of living with these emotions that our own observations, perceptions, beliefs and notions of reality be can switch around.
These tiny frequency receptors picking up the different frequencies is one thing, transport and processing another.
Similar again as above we do have 5 different brain parts, all with different properties and capacities.
We as humans have several different capabilities which are located within different brain parts. Our 5 senses like eye, nose, feeling, hearing and are important and related to the small reptile brain and with awareness of our body/survival. The ability to detect or range is our senses are limited and can about detect 20% of all information available, but working and responding very fast using the existing pre programming present in our small brain.
Because of this fast but also limited and associated with the three dimensional material world.
Expressing it selves by its nature in rules and regulations because otherwise it will not work properly.
To compensate and aid it we have built and designed several technical devices like the microscope, camera, infrared to help being able to see in the dark like certain animals do, Radio and TV, mobile phones, frequency detectors, for x-ray and other applications.
In biological terms our nerve system is the antenna of our basic resonance system which allows our nerves to pick-up vibrations including energy from not only from our world and inside the body but also the universe. Everything vibrates from small to big and there are hardly any limitations in time and place. It is wired to the mammal brain and in this respect its ability to connect limitless and part of the universe.
Light for example is a vibration and can travel through the universe and be picked-up by us.
Information or thought forms, energy, telepathic, aura, and almost any part of what we call the invisible or not-material world and as such much larger than the material world. It manifest itself in feelings, dreams, thought forms and therefore called multidimensional and outside our time frame as well.
In the West we are being trained from the beginning to ignore this parts and capabilities.
Reality: What is going on,
Certainly no one I know has found the answer to this, but I do believe it is the most important question we can ask ourselves. We haven’t come up with an alternative to the present system because 99.999% of humanity is thoroughly programmed never to even CONSIDER that there may BE an alternative. Seek and ye shall find. Don’t seek, and you probably never will find. If we start asking the question how can we live without being fed on and without ourselves having to feed off others? it sets the gears in motion for an answer to eventually be found.
Well, better accept it and be at peace. In the eyes of the ONE, the Creator being, PRIME CREATOR, this reality is NOT REAL. Think of it as a VIRTUAL REALITY that exist only in computer. We exist inside the computer mind of the ONE. The physical universe, our physical bodies are not REAL. We are holograms. We are illusory creations. The ONE , being the programmer, can put in any parameter it wants, and this dog-eats-dog is one of those. However we, inside this hologram think and feel that everything here is real.

This world now presented/created in this wat cannot be the original one, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister. Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the something wrong with the world, the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad,
There is only one that is REAL, where we are. It is PRIME CREATOR herself., being astute enough to impart in us a spark of herself in the form of an energy Mind being called SOUL.
So what is the purpose of all these bloody drama..?
It appears that when Creator woke up from her slumber (inside the Void.) she had no way of knowing how limitless she was.
Because everything is her,..she had no one to give her any feedback. in order to find out her borders, she created this VIRTUAL REALITY so she can ask her questions and get her answers thru us. In a way, we are her Petrie dish and organisms. We are her mirrors that reflect back to her the answers to the questions she would pursue. We are here to EXPERIENCE, and Prime Creator is inside us outside of us, to LEARN.

So, there are two points of view here. First, the point of view of PRIME CREATOR. That where we are is an illusory location, where the illusory drama of Good and Bad, the drama of SEPARATION AND LIMITATION is being played and that PRIME CREATOR is the ONLY player, being disguised as countless sparks, acting countless roles..
The second point of view is the point of view of the human mind That we are hapless victims , and we are forced to victimize others in order to live, and it is painfully revolting. I know only too well.
But now, it’s time to wake up . To know who we are. To drop all resentments. To drop all fears because this drama has ended. We now know we are the ONE, WE AS ONE ARE THE PRIME CREATOR.
And we are on our way out of this Game. We are folding the Game and dropping the curtain.
Joy, you do a great job of arguing your perspective. But the suffering that people and animals endure is far from a day’s fun work.
Links: matilda-macelroy.com
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“A Covenant With Death”, by Bill Cooper.
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The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Movie) (rumble.com)
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Emergency powers should be used only in case of war.
Skull and Bones Society & Thule society! – My Blog (humanityandearth.com)
Skull and Bones Society & Thule society!
Ron Hubbard, Founder, of the Church of Scientology. Posted in UncategorizedEdit
Pushing the reset button Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon. ‘The world’s gone mad!’ Slavery, Power/Greed!
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