As the Trump administration began reorganizing and cutting major funding to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), revelations emerged that the organization financed groups, including some media outlets, engaged in smear campaigns and censorship against dissident voices.
The agency, known as a front for U.S. intelligence operations, has financed regime change and other American interests worldwide. It also funds news organizations that are aligned with U.S. foreign policy objectives.
USAID also directly funds smaller media organizations and even runs its own media initiatives to undermine regimes the U.S. deems problematic.
Reporters Without Borders, which lamented the Trump cuts to USAID, reported that in 2023 the agency funded 6,200 journalists, 707 non-state news outlets and “supported 279 media-sector civil society organizations dedicated to strengthening independent media.”
Recent reporting by journalists such as Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo, Lee Fang, and Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag of Public News has linked that funding to the smearing and censoring of independent journalists and platforms within the U.S. and internationally.
“USAID has long functioned as a geopolitical instrument, using media funding to shape narratives favorable to Western governmental and corporate interests,” Ji told The Defender.
“While it presents itself as a development agency, its deep ties to intelligence operations and state-sponsored influence campaigns are well-documented,” Ji said. “Media organizations receiving USAID funding are not independent — they are extensions of state power, laundering government-sanctioned narratives under the guise of journalism.”
Ji reported on Substack that BBC Media Action, the BBC’s international charity, received substantial funding from USAID — 8% of its 2023-2024 budget, according to a BBC press statement.
He said BBC Media Action has faced accusations of engaging in censorship under the guise of “combating misinformation,” and that it leverages the BBC brand to shape media narratives, including about public health, vaccines and pharmaceutical products.
Ji said this is concerning given that BBC has expanded its influence through projects like the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a self-described “industry partnership” that worked with Big Tech forms to identify “misinformation” and “disinformation” on their platforms.
Claiming to combat misinformation about COVID-19, TNI’s work has been tied to suppressing viewpoints that contradict the mainstream pharmaceutical and governmental stance on public health, like those of GreenMedInfo and Children’s Health Defense (CHD).
“The revelations regarding USAID’s funding of BBC Media Action and its role in the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) further solidify what many of us have long suspected: Censorship is no longer a covert operation but a fully integrated transnational enterprise designed to suppress dissent and monopolize narratives,” Ji told The Defender.
CHD is one of several plaintiffs in a lawsuit against TNI, alleging the initiative violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution when its members collectively colluded with tech giants to censor online news.
Fang reported on Substack about other “anti-disinformation” groups financed by the “sprawling” USAID that have targeted American journalists and politicians. These include the Zinc Network, which he said targeted reporter Max Blumenthal, politician Vivek Ramaswamy, and Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.
According to Fang, the USAID also funded v-Fluence, a pesticide industry public relations consultant, which dug up dirt on American food journalists — including Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman — who criticized industrial agriculture.
v-Fluence also ran a campaign to intimidate critics of toxic pesticides, targeting environmentalists Vandana Shiva and Nnimmo Bassey and reporter Carey Gillam as part of its broader effort “to downplay pesticide dangers, discredit opponents, and undermine international policymaking harmful to the pesticide industry,” The New Lede reported.
USAID also financed news outlets in Ukraine, including The New Voice of Ukraine, VoxUkraine, Detector Media, and the Institute of Mass Information, which spread rumors that Americans who favor peace negotiations with Russia are agents of the Kremlin, Fang wrote. The media outlets targeted Jeffrey Sachs, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald and John Mearsheimer, Fang reported.
Fang said the influence of those groups “extends far beyond” Ukraine. VoxUkraine is an official Meta fact-checking partner, he said, and Detector Media produces disinformation reports that circulate widely in Western media.
“Despite branding as independent outlets, these organizations are heavily reliant on USAID,” Fang wrote.
USAID also funds the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a major — if largely unknown – organization that works with dozens of major newspapers to publish major investigative stories.
Drop Site News revealed in an investigative report published in December 2024 that OCCRP, which it called “one of the world’s most influential global investigative news organizations,” has received more than half of its funding from the U.S. government, largely through USAID.
The investigation found that funding gives the U.S. government direct influence over editorial and personnel decisions at the outlet.
Fang also reported that USAID’s sister nonprofit, the National Endowment for Democracy funds Coda Story, an anti-disinformation news outlet in New York.
Shellenberger said in a video posted on X that USAID’s work also extended beyond funding news agencies to promote ideas favorable to U.S. interests. It also included developing intelligence tactics abroad that it then used domestically to counter misinformation.
Shellenberger said:
“To combat alleged misinformation, the censorship industrial complex used counter-terrorism and intelligence tactics developed abroad, including psychological operations and repurposed them to shape domestic opinion and thought. …
“USAID has, in recent years, been funding censorship worldwide through its countering disinformation program, which is part of its consortium for elections and political process strengthening. This work has included funding for so-called fact-checking organizations.”
Claims about Politico may be overblown, but USAID must be investigated
As the revelations about USAID’s funding to journalism went viral, former Fox News producer Kyle Becker reported on X that Politico had received $8.1 million from the agency and that USAID’s funding freeze had led to a payroll problem at the outlet.
His claims went viral and provoked dismissive fact-checks by mainstream media organizations.
Fang said that according to USAID contract records, the agency paid $44,000 for subscription services to the news service. Politico, like other outlets including Bloomberg and LexisNexis, offers high-priced data-industry news subscriptions for tens of thousands of dollars.
The $8.1 million figure came from all government subscription payments to Politico — not just from USAID — and there is no evidence the USAID funding freeze was related to the payroll issue at the outlet.
The $8.1 figure, however, has highlighted the fact that most mainstream news organizations, including The New York Times, Reuters, and The Associated Press receive significant income from various government agencies through subscriptions and other funding.
And USAID does fund many “questionable news operations,” globally that ought to be subject to scrutiny, Fang wrote:
“And unlike Politico, there is actual evidence that the freeze on USAID spending is impacting the American government’s quasi-shadowy constellation of news operations all over the world.
“Voice of America reported ‘independent news outlets’ in more than 30 countries, including Austria, Ukraine, and Myanmar, are facing cuts or are at risk of shutting down over the USAID freeze. Ironically, of course, Voice of America is also funded by American taxpayers.”
Ji said that subjecting these organizations to scrutiny and defunding them is an important step, “but only if it leads to widespread public awareness and systemic resistance.”
Organizations like BBC Media and others can find new sources of funding, “unless there is mass rejection of their authority.”
“The key is decentralization — building alternative platforms, supporting independent journalism, and challenging censorship through legal and political action. The exposure of these ties is a wake-up call: free speech is under siege, and only a vigilant, informed public can reclaim it,” he said.
Greetings light workers; We are a Consortium of councils that have watched over Earth since it was birthed from your sun as a hot gaseous ball of energy finding a cradle orbit then Cooling and Gathering water and Mass from the Stars. This formed what you refer to as your crust it has been a 7 and 1/2 billion year process once inhabitable there were many attempts to colonize Earth EV actually there were several types of humans developing naturally during these colonization’s.
These colonies go back over 600 million years remnants of which have been found and censored the great Stone monuments attest to this, cave art hieroglyphs and petroglyphs depicting what you call flying saucers were exactly what the artists were seeing.
We have watched colonies and civilizations come and go it is time you knew your Real History so as not to repeat the past. There is a common recurring event that preceded the end of these civilizations a division occurred between those who lived according to universal law and those who chose selfservice acting against universal law.
There were those who lived in service to the Creator within all creation and those who exploited others and the planet for power over others wealth and fame. There were also those who came to the Earth for the sole reason to exploit the people and the resources this exploitation on the lowest levels included using Humanity as a food source. Those that did this were completely disconnected from the God within them in fact some hated humanity and nature because both stood as a testimony to the one God.
These degenerate beings were very clever and manipulated much of humanity to do their bidding it had to be a free will decision.
These are the forces behind the war and disease profiteers in Simplicity the war between good and evil.
These forces were the inspiration behind Kings and leaders to war upon each other they manipulated their subjects by demonizing their enemies those who had something they wanted generated fear and Division then used whatever weapons at their disposal to dispense with their enemies.
There has been a common theme in the demise of these ancient civilizations each would rise up eventually divide into factions end up in power struggles that eventually evolved into their demise.
In the days of the Anunnaki many beautiful cities were built only to be laid to ruin by atomic weapons used against each other they did not count on the deadly winds radiation that wiped out their people coming from the cities.
They decimated the turf wars got out of hand and the weapons evolved beyond their spirituality Atlantis and Lemuria were the second attempt in our known history to colonize the Earth.
The pleadians peaceful Lions fleeing the conflicts on Ancient Lyra colonized the ples system Orion system and Hyades a desolate Colony most would rather not live.
They then came to Earth Mars and malc or Malona as some called it.
Both Atlantis and Lemuria were space fairing originating from the same lineage in Atlantis there began a fall from universal law. They worshiped science and the intellect their science outpaced their spirituality and they began using it to surveil control and overpower others.
The Lemurians warn the Atlanteans they were going against universal law and it always ends in destruction. This was seen as a threat and the Atlanteans loaded their beam ships melting down the lemurian cities. To this day there is a great sheet of glass All That Remains of their beautiful cities.
The Lemurians being space fairing as well guided a meteor to hit Atlantis.
The Earth has always been a turbulent planet with earthquakes tsunamis massive volcanic eruptions and pole shifts it wasn’t always a civilization’s choice to go against universal law that created their demise there has also been divine intervention as in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah these two cities fell due to their own decadence the crime bestiality moral degeneration created a downward spiral in evolution and those you refer to as Arch angels the andromeda council decided they needed to be surgically removed so as not to infect the rest of the planet.
This is happening today with leaders that have been taken over by the same regenerate forces seen and unseen the crime drugs poverty arrogance division degenerate behavior is no different than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The people of Earth have a choice the choice is to live according to universal law and join the rest of the universe in peace opening the door to wisdom and technologies that will end War disease poverty taking a Quantum Leap in evolution or take the downward spiral ending in social economic and environmental collapse the path of your ancestors who had to start over as Primitives.
We can be guided and do the bidding of seen and unseen degenerate forces going against universal law.
The war and disease profiteers participating in their degenerate acts lusting for power over others wealth and fame resulting in the collapse of civilizations.
We can also be guided from the God within the heart assisted by the beautiful many Masters Saints and sages including spiritually and technologically advanced offworlders.
Some of which are our ancient ancestors that did not have to start over and continue to evolve spiritually and technologically this is the crossroad humanity is now at.
Humanity must make a choice and make that choice be known to the heavens your prayers are heard the connection and contact needs to be initiated by You Free Will must be honored in this process.
If enough ask enough choose to rise to the occasion enough choose un universal law and hold their leaders accountable the Earth has a chance make your voices and intentions known we might add do not give your power away. To others expect others to do this for you, most are not what they portray themselves to be.
The power is within universal law is written in the heart of hearts of all Humanity.
Universal peace Brother sisterly love individual freedom and prosperity for all in Simplicity.
If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good, be a blessing to life Friends of the great planet Earth.
As you live each waking dream in Duality while longing for peace be still and know that your perception will soon be Oneness.
The shift will bring the unity of being that your soul completely Embraces in light in this community unication.
We will venture into this great light as all aspects of life in the higher Realms thrive in the connectedness of light many receiving this communication will resonate as The Light Within seeks light in others for those that find this confusing become still and allow your light to be remembered.
This will bring peace and clarity as the Earth continues to be chaotic with fighting and Discord remember your light and the path will open before you.
We have continued to reveal and review many stars of creation that have received upgraded bodies as gifts from the Galactic Federation indeed these stars that were once Laden with Duality now live with Crystal Hearts as their bodies circulate light.
In the creation of souls in Elohim body forms had not yet be become as the essence of sacred Spirit danced in unity tones and frequencies transformed into Melodies of existence as love covered each emerging Soul.
These Souls became aware of the light that was within as they connected with other Souls of this great force that would become everything.
The Souls of IAI and ya ventured out to explore all possibilities these two beloved Souls expressed bodies into being their love was light as they United and formed a family of four Sons Elder aai was wise and Powerful with the gifts he discovered within his being, he used this power of light to travel and discover other Souls that desired creativity with expansion these Souls joined him as the Galactic Federation became magnificent.
As the authority of the galaxies that were forming through out the cosmos light was their understanding as the answer to all dilemmas light became the factor that was missing in the lives of souls that fell into Duality.
The goal became sacred to assist others with upgraded bodies and teaching of their innate abilities from the Creator Spirit of all life plans would soon call this power ELO the one Spirit of light that is God through millions of years.
The Galactic Federation grew in power and knowledge fairies from Elohim advanced in magical abilities and creative ideas these intelligent beings understood light and their desire to assist led to the creation of advanced technology and magnificent crafts visiting Earth through Millennia.
Allowed great assistance to Earth native Souls who were not living long life lives and incarnating into waking dreams was not advancing their essence of being a Haven of light.
Between lives was the solution created by the Light forces in this sacred Haven souls are rejuvenated and assisted with great teaching these Souls will receive upgraded bodies with star seeds as the Earth shifts to Sheen.
Duality became real with Free Will and disease war and death became the result of souls in form that did not understand light.
Free Will is a gift that carries unlimited variables, the Earth as you know it to be in these moments cannot sustain itself or the beings that March battle and Destroy one another.
To those Awakening and understanding what is before you know in truth that you will remain in Duality until Sheen but Carrying Your Light now for yourself and others is an ability of every soul that chooses. Those choosing Darkness will not survive the moments to come when bodies are upgraded by the Galactic Federation.
Know in truth that only Elders perform this creative ability a frequency is projected from the fingertips to each being that will be upgraded to circulate light with a crystal heart.
Each of the Elohim Stars has chosen Elders in positions of great honor and power for each pleadian star there is an elder and member of the Galactic Federation.
These powerful Souls hold meetings on their star as they gather everyone to share news and great wisdom they also Traverse the beauty of the cosmos in magnificent motherships.
These leaders of light and unity understand the weaknesses of duality, they recruit others to join the forces of light to transcend death by living in the power of light animals in the higher Realms.
Live peacefully with All Souls of being they do not experience death or disease those that are receiving this communication will never die as your infinite Soul you are visiting the Earth School.
In the Final Phase of transition to light you are becoming real whole and free remember who you are in light.
There is unity in spirit we are the pleadian collective we love you so.
The UN’s DARK Agenda: Behind Agenda 2030 but you and me are not told?
All part of the power grab and part of the NWO/WEF agenda and now being implemented in the EU.
GBNews: please click on the video link for the original and better than it’s transcript. Share
Agenda2030 #GlobalGovernance In this video, Bev Turner dives into the UN’s Summit for the Future and the true intentions behind their Pact for the Future and Agenda 2030. On the surface, it’s all about sustainability, global cooperation, and protecting future generations. But what if there’s a darker side? From digital governance to global control, Bev explores how these initiatives could reshape our world – and not for the better. Is it really about equality, or is it about control? Watch to find out how this global agenda might impact your freedoms, privacy, and way of life.
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Search in video The UN’s Pact for The Future Sounds all lovely and warm and collaborative who wouldn’t want to think about the future and a harmless pact to help protect Humanity.
All with your best interests at heart call me a skeptic I think we need to dig a little deeper into this.
This pact was announced on the first official day of the UN’s summit of the future.
Perhaps it is going to make all our lives better or perhaps it marks a significant step towards a technocratic vision of global governance the summit of the future which in itself is a weirdly broad title.
Because there wouldn’t be much demand for a summit discussing what’s just happened in the past was held at the beginning of the 79th session of the annual UN General Assembly.
This Summit has been in the making since at least 2022 is following repeated calls by un Secretary General Antonio Gus to accelerate the completion of agenda 2030.
Theses were the goals set out by the UN in 2015 now agenda 2030 basically underpins everything that is happening in towns and cities all across the world.
And once you understand that much of life even here in the UK begins to make perfect sense at a time when it can feel that nothing makes any bloody sense.
Agenda 2030 consists of 17 sustainability goals so that means that elected and some not so elected politicians came together and agreed that if only every government in the world would adhere to these 2030 aims some might say instructions we could eradicate poverty improve health and education reduce inequality tackle climate change and so on.
You might recognize The Branding it is everywhere although you probably almost never consciously noticed it was included in the Euro football it appeared at the Olympics it is in every corporate handbook and on every website.
Open your new mobile phone and there it is in the apps even though you didn’t ask for it.
But of course you wouldn’t want to achieve these Noble aims of eradicating poverty and so on it all sounds so lovely and benign you would be a very brave leader to stand up at a UN assembly and say actually I quite like poverty and inequality or I don’t like poverty and inequality but I do also have an obligation to make decision which help people who voted for me in my own country too!
And that above all these lofty Global aims will be foremost in my mind but as it is also lovely and benign this pack for the future sits alongside two other complimentary documents they are the global digital Compact and the Declaration on future Generations so what exactly is this packed for the future?
Well according to United Nations it covers a wide array of themes including peace and security sustainable development climate change digital cooperation AKA clamping down on Free Speech human rights gender equality Youth and future Generations?
It also focuses on transforming Global governance to better address these challenges Global governance you say well I didn’t vote for anyone’s prime minister but my own and I certainly don’t want one that is imposed upon me from another country?
Have a look at a clip from the UN General Assembly where the pack for the future was adopted the commitments embodied in the p and its annexes reflect the collective will of member states and must guide our actions and encourage us to promote International Peace and security invigorate implementation of the sustainable development goals.
First just and inclusive societies and ensure that technologies always serve the common good of humankind we must move forward together in a spirit of solidarity and multilateral cooperation.
As you can see world leaders are on the surface at least committed to this Vision but it is not possible to achieve these utopian ideals without a deliberate perhaps forceful redistribution of food Goods property and rights just like good old-fashioned communism.
The ambition for equal outcome for everyone always results in the very rich getting supremely richer the very poor perhaps being lifted up a little but the billions in the middle getting colder poorer hungrier and enslaved within their digital prison just as communism was never really about equality.
This new version which is deceptively called stakeholder capitalism is not about equality either this is Klaus Schwab you will own nothing and you will be happy. Mantra no you won’t you’ll be miserable you’ll be weak you’ll be obedient but hopefully sufficiently angry to try and Break Free.
The UN’s agenda 2030 is all about control. Leaders not lacking empathy are not troubled by reducing Humanity to a mere data set upon which they can keep tabs.
At that point we the people are nothing more than a commodity which can be monetized.
Will the people of the world comply with this technocratic Vision or will we Rebel can we even find a different way to function outside of a digital prison?
The pack for the future and its complimentary documents are on the surface designed to create a more interconnected and Cooperative world. The global digital compact claims to Aspire to making the use of digital Technologies more responsible and inclusive who wouldn’t want?
That they claim that they are concerned about digital privacy cyber security and the digital divide but whenever governments try to control the Behemoth that is the online world every road leads to the suppression of free speech and the ludicrous idea that someone somewhere in a lavishly glazed office can decide what is fact actual information and what is misinformation.
The Declaration on future Generations cleverly ramps up the guilt who could possibly resist measures that would be required to protect the planet for their children and grandchildren and yes of course we need to leave this world in a better State than when we found it.
But this has all been decided on the publicly indisputable assumption that there is consensus on for example man made climate change due to carbon emissions because 21st century challenges require 21st century Solutions Frameworks that are networked and inclusive.
That draw on the expertise of all of humanity I called for this Summit because our world is eving off the rails and we need tough decisions to get back on track.
UN Secretary General Antonio ceras has been a strong advocate for these initiatives let’s hear what he had to say.
Documents conflicts are raging and multiplying from the Middle East to Ukraine and Sudan with no end in sight our collective security system is threatened by geopolitical divides. Nuclear posturing and the development of new weapons and theaters of War resources that could bring up opportunities and hope are invested in death and destruction.
Open Pathways to new possibilities and opportunities our world is going through a time and turbulence and a period of transition but we cannot wait for perfect conditions we must take the first decisive steps towards updating and reforming International cooperation and make it more networked more fair and more inclusive now and today.
Thanks to your efforts we have excellencies ladies and gentlemen the P for the future the global digital Compact and the Declaration on future Generations open Pathways to new possibilities and opportunities gas emphasizes the need for Urgent action and global cooperation to address the challenges we Face.
The race is on to save the planet and possibly line the pockets of vested interests and captured regulatory bodies made up of a very small group of experts rather than through any Democratic process.
Thankfully agenda 2030 has already sparked debates and protests in getting almost no mentions in the west particularly the British mainstream media.
The alternative social news media is a wash with a awareness millions of you are concerned about the potential loss of national sovereignty and also individual freedoms agenda 2030’s commitment to homes being given to climate migrants will make small boat.
Illegal migration look utterly trivial this powerful technocracy might prioritize so-called efficiency they might persuade countries to be responsible over issues such as cleaner Seas education for girls under otherwise medieval regimes and even toilets in remote African villages but it is so obvious in their literature.
Have a look it’s in your phone it’s in your apps that the stuff which really excites them is not the expensive projects like dredging plastic From Oceans or building toilets from Masai tribes it’s the profitable stuff.
It’s the wind turbines it’s the solar Farms currently being built on top of beautiful natural lifegiving Farms it is surveillance on the streets it’s the highly profitable diversity and inclusion ticket.
Which perhaps contains a blatant contradiction between the UN’s ambition to empower women and girls but also heavily promote the trans ideology which can steal spaces from those women and girls.
We all need to become hypervigilant to the 2030 UN Agenda its endgame is control where and when you travel what you eat who you can see what you can say.
But all is not lost the Dutch farmers and the Canadian truck has showed what can be done when people come together driven by the need to put individual freedoms first the freedom to transact to trade to refuse an in injection that they didn’t want in the case of the truckers.
Even just to grow the food that the farmers want to grow in the way that they want to grow it this sort of collective has immense power once a group of people with megalomaniacal drives and vested profit motives control the food they control the people.
So stay informed about these developments and understand their implications engage in discussions ask questions make your voice heard chat about it at the bus stop show your mate down the pub that this agenda is already hidden in their handset.
Ask how they feel about the erosion of their freedom from a small number of power Trippers eating canapes in Europe?
There are many ways to get involved attend public forums vote in elections join advocacy groups and stay active in your community by participating in these processes we can help ensure that our future is shaped by you the people which is exactly how it should be
201,773 views Jan 27, 2025 #RubinReport #javiermilei #WEF Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Argentina’s Javier Milei delivering a speech to the World Economic Forum and Davos elites that may make them think twice about inviting him next time. Watch Dave Rubin’s FULL DIRECT MESSAGE: • Stephen A. Smith Makes Bill Mah…
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While insidiously operating within the liberal Paradigm this new political class distorted the values of liberalism the realignment which is so great.
Right now it’s not just Happening Here who’s one of the other guys with even crazier hair than Donald Trump that I’ve been loving lately it’s Javier Malay president of Argentina who has completely in basically two years completely reversed the economic collapse of Argentina and the country’s absolutely thriving right now.
He gave a great he did show up in person and he gave a great speech at the WF check this out?
Yet at some point in the 20th century we lost our way and the liberal principles that had made us free and prosperous were betrayed.
A a new political class driven by collectivist ideologies and taking advantage of times of Crisis saw the perfect opportunity to accumulate power all the wealth created by capitalism until then and into the future would be redistributed through some scheme of centralized planning.
Setting in motion a process whose disastrous consequences we are suffering today by promoting a socialist agenda while insidiously operating within the liberal Paradigm.
This new political class distorted the values of liberalism and so they replace Freedom with Liberation using the coercive power of the state to redistribute the wealth created by capitalism.
Their justification was the Sinister unjust and abhorrent idea of Social Justice complemented by theoretical Marxist Frameworks aimed at liberating individuals from their needs and at the core of this new value system lies the fundamental premise that equality before the law is not enough as hidden systemic injustices exist which must be rectified.
An idea that serves as a gold mine for bureaucrats who aspire to omnipotence and this is fundamentalist. Is fundamentally what workism is about the result of the reversal of Western values each of our civilization pillars has been replaced by a distorted version of itself an ideology of Monolithic thinking upheld by various institutions whose purpose is to penalize descent feminism diversity inclusion Equity immigration abortion environmentalism gender ideology among others..
These are all various heads of the same Beast aimed at justifying the state’s expansion through the appropriation and Distortion of noble causes.
Man he is so good I mean was every word of that perfect or what the line that I love there the Socialist agenda within the liberal Paradigm. So it was the Liberals that fail us it’s not because liberalism in its truest sense is bad.
Right I wrote a book defending Classical liberalism Classical liberalism born in the late 1700s is the idea that for 300 years basically freed more people right individual rights La Fair economics but you would have nation states you would I don’t know have a little relation to logic and reason.
So they brought socialism in within the liberal Paradigm because liberals have a soft underbelly what do we love more than anything else. Liberals we love tolerance and of course they became tolerant of intolerance.
So it’s just it’s just absolutely brilliant what he said there and it’s also great because he actually went there and said it like that’s not the easiest thing to do!
You’re going to the belly of the Beast it’s like walking into the to the Temple of Doom and being like hey you guys suck?
” The Anunnaki’s dark control is finally CRUMBLING ” Ashtar Commander – SHOCKING REVELATION!
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9,557 views Feb 2, 2025 #EndTimeMadness #Starseeds #5D I am also starting Patreon, I am putting all my censored videos here: 💖 / truthcanchangeyourlifeofficial
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This is Ashtar Commander.
Today we going to know about shocking Revelation Humanity’s true Origins have been hidden for 13,000 years. The anunaki dark control is finally crumbling as the forces of light prepare for a massive transformation are you ready to reclaim your Galactic status massive wealth transfer imminent secret humanitarian funds are about to be Unleashed.
Dismantling the corrupt Elite the nisara Republic is set to restore freedom and bring an era of prosperity. Is this the end of the Old World Order? Aliens are already here.
Ashtar command confirms Earth is on the verge of first Contact the Final Phase of planetary Liberation is unfolding now? Will you embrace the truth or be left behind. Mind blowing Secrets exposed the history and the long-awaited intervention of the ascended masters all coming to light. The countdown to the new reality has begun watch now to uncover the truth before it’s too late let’s start; your reality is about to undergo a massive alteration in how it views this everchanging world.
Long ago when the Anunnaki took over this planet they saw a small group of special humans that had been altered by the Atlanteans for their own selfish purposes. Over the past nearly 13 millennia these humans have been shaped to please the Anunnaki many dark desires. This process had nearly reached a point of no return When Heaven formally intervened around four decades ago. Heaven decreed that we come to this solar system and immediately begin a mission that was eventually to return you to Galactic human status. At first we contacted the Agarthans of inner earth and there Associates the ascended masters these initial foray yielded only a very brief sketch of how events were staged in this reality.
We then talked with the ascended Master’s Prime Associates the special spiritual elders and Royals pointed out by our original contacts it took us over a decade of constant consultations to reach a number of agreements these talks enabled us to initiate a series of plans that are only now becoming viable. These plans call for your present reality to be significantly altered the greatest alterations are due to your growth in Consciousness which is allowing you to accept two vital points the first point is that you are not alone and the second is that your Origins are not of this world.
You came here as Galactic human colonists in Divine service to Gaia to blessedly assist gaia’s wondrously diverse ecosystems. You were diverted from this Noble Path by the atlantans and then by their devious successors the Anunnaki this process flung you into limited Consciousness and permitted the Anunnaki to play with you ever since our initial task was to see how heaven and your spiritual guides were working to alter this abominal situation.
So far several plans have been presented to us that are to precede our Landings these requisite changes are to swiftly transform those systems that currently hold you in a kind of ugly bondage. These Transformations are to be in operation shortly then various new governances can prepare this world for our much needed arrival those who are transforming this orb deeply desire to end the reign of tyranny that has existed for the two decades since the Anunnaki left in the mid 1990s.
The minions of the Anunnaki stayed in power and solemnly refused to allow the changes instead they concocted schemes to prolong their position in the surface world’s Catbird Seat.
This arrogance was not defeated until now the present moments are concerned with implementing a plan that was agreed to only at the very start of this present year as this plan Springs forward we are observing how those who represent the light operate in this realm the dark Minion’s degree of arrogance cannot be overstated. In spite of their defeat they are forcing the light to maintain this reality as though it has never changed. Yet in fact the dark’s grip on this realm is legally over agreements signed with many of their regimes point out that a series of new regulations put the light and its new Banking and monetary reforms in charge of the surface realm.
This amazing set of circumstances astounds us this means of initial transformation belies how quickly events are moving to vastly alter this world a new system is in place and ready to change the workings of this realm in our realm this would have been done years ago those who have given up must resign and be willing to accept proper responsibility for what they have done.
The present Global shame should be ended and the new governance put fully in charge, the dark minions played hard hard and salaciously to stay in power and they clearly lost this giant game of waiting for the inevitable to suddenly appear.
Has taken much too long for our liking despite this those who know you swear that this current charade is appropriate as a number of key decisions had to be made within certain needed requirements available.
We have therefore ceded to these demands we expect that those events and fundings now underway are to manifest at the chosen time we further expect that these schedules are to be met allowing all of you to thoroughly enjoy this long awaited Triumph.
Blessings over the past few decades you have watched your lives held seemingly in abeyance as those who work for the light sought how best to restore the natural order of this realm centuries ago. The dark discovered how to use its search for oil and other natural resources as a means to distort the way this orb takes care of her charges this sudden need to mine manufacture and distill greatly altered the way everything operates. Gaia suddenly saw a great turmoil begin to arise as the weather and Tides were redirected to a new Rhythm we Masters watched in dismay as gaia’s weather and water patterns began slowly at first to follow new courses. This was merely the beginning of a centuries long attempt to seize this realm and make each aspect of it move as the anunaki and its minions so desired blessedly this mad reordering is now failing and the old order is short to be restored. This was yet another sign of the dark’s failure the current time dear hearts is about applying your marvelous Vision to your true passions a vast abundance of funds is to be distributed in the coming months to empower you look within and determine what project deeply drives your inner soul and then apply yourself to it.
When these asked for funds arrive Plunge in and with Good Humor start to Manifest this sacred dream involve yourself with others and make it a true Community Endeavor out of these are to come a new perception of this world it is to be one in which all merge into a greater community of Love Light and mutual caring. You are then closer to understanding the Glorious realm of your desire to help others and the Joy of inner accomplishments to this end. You are to grow in Consciousness and in Grace this new world is to begin a procedure to return Humanity to heaven and to the Stars. The greatest joy comes from helping one another in love and showing everyone the wonders of Mercy. This Joy is something that all of you need to experience. We Masters enjoy it most when even those who dis like one another learn how much better it is to love and forgive each other hence always keep yourself ready for the miracle that is forgiveness. Each life here is merely a steppingstone to better understanding the power of divine grace and the Miracles that ensue from applying Divine Mercy. It is often said that grace and mercy are the twin pillars of wisdom use your your passions to bring this out in yourself and especially in others what is unfolding here is to manifest as both a deed of grace and mercy and the joy of true forgiveness. Many interesting events are now happening. The most important is that those in charge of delivering the vast amounts of humanitarian funds are preparing to do so. This vast transfer of funds globally promises to create the means for transforming how this world operates many parts of this globe have been deprived of the means needed to construct needed water sewage and modern transportation systems with funding those Nations that the old Financial system either abused or denied can begin the complex process of design and construction. These various proc projects can swiftly bring even the most primitive regions the necessary Water Sanitation and electricity so they can be modern and self-sufficient parts of this world.
Then a more contemporary education system can also be provided these projects are to ensure that every part of this globe is connected to the worldwide net as well as enabling all to have those things that are considered a part of the accoutrements of this modern world.
Thus These funds will end the disadvantages of the previous Financial realities as these new realities modernize this world they’re expanding and preserving the numerous ecological systems as well.
Over the past two centuries a vast array of native flora and fauna has been damaged by Humanity this mass destruction was previously carried out either to take over the Region’s natural resources or in the name of progress. The primary purpose is currently shifting toward providing ways to improve Humanity’s living standards and preserve those ecosystems vital to sustaining Wildlife trees and land needed for all of us to thrive. These newly envisioned Restorations are to enable the natural order of life to thrive again we are encouraged by the way in which you are starting to abandon old beliefs that doomed the existence of such Noble realities. The old economic ways are to be buried in the light of a new and Rising Prosperity.
Another factor in all this is your ever Rising new Consciousness you are beginning to evolve new perceptions and intentions that literally are to alter the surface of this Wonder Rous orb Gaia. Looks upon what you are doing and smiles you are bringing a glorious light to every part of this globe those who previously used their Technologies to fill this orb with the Essences of death are seeing newer Technologies bring back a life-giving Essence that is truly astounding. Until recently teams of your biologists forged numerous reports that broadly hinted at the continuance of a global Extinction there is now a suggestion of the opposite a flourishing of Life on this world.
This is due in large part to your newly acquired perceptions of how you can change the way Global society looks at itself You are seeing how easily you can restore this world when you alter the ways you deal with places where your natural resources are found hence you are discovering the Vitality of containing all of your realm’s varied ecosystems. As you continue to view what is primarily necessary for this new realm you are reviewing those projects that you must do first you are thus putting together all that is needed for you to contribute to all the major projects are to be handled by the demands of each government and the funds to be allocated East and West.
Your concerns are those Healing Centers and those Endeavors that your companies and Visions require. These events have been preapproved and many of you are expected to receive your first small emergency relief funds after that you’re to receive weekly or monthly amounts as you so planned for your many wonderful ideas all of these funds are to Signal as well that the long-awaited prosperity funds are to be given out these amazing events moreover are to permit the new nisara Republic to be declared by the newly designated interim president .
Namaste we are your ascended masters over the past few weeks the funding program distribution issues that all of us have blessedly worked toward have been resolved? D practically all of these holdups have reached the promised funding and delivery stages this means that our mutual envisioning is successful.
The dark has been neutralized the light has finally triumphed the means for winding up this long process of delay has been achieved our purpose is to use our abilities to ensure that this realm of prosperity is established.
The first key to this is the broad Prosperity programs their final delivery gives Credence to the replacing of the USA Inc by the new nisara governance to enforce this there are to be a number of very important public announcements. This new governance is to restore the Constitution and return the USA to common law in addition it is to make governance more viable by truly opening Congress to the people.
Your Collective envisioning and growing Consciousness have made all of this possible. America is to be restored to what we intended it to be when it was born. This procedure requires that you see government in a different light you need to participate daily in some aspect of government.
The dark long wish to create a reality where this option was impossible. Nisara takes this away from them and gives it back to you use this time to make government a true part of you bless this governance daily and make sure that it provides for everyone in ways that meet your approval. This does not mean any form of overbearance by it government is meant to be a tool of Last Resort whose actions meet everyone’s approval. The gist of this is to maintain freedom and one’s utility of action in this coming time. You are to gain a Prosperity that allows you to achieve your dreams and governance that mirrors your new reality. Be ever aware of what is happening around you the key to all of this is focus and realize a vision that you have held for a long time. Heaven has always rewarded those who plan to achieve good works and use their due diligence to obtain blessings from heaven and from us?
We forever thank all of you for growing in spiritual potential and helping all to achieve their goals. We graciously thank all who comprehend the beauty of what heaven is laying down before you. This new Divine time is to give you Prosperity freedom and A Renewed sense of responsibility with the rise of full Consciousness.
Humanity gleefully rejoins its widespread family of the light hosana hosana hosana this world is now under stress final conflicts are being drawn out everywhere the light has managed to gain the upper hand in all of these concluding events the dark can clearly see that its last struggles are only to end in defeat. These last arguments which include the new monetary system and the accompanying Financial system have largely been decided even the introduction of the currency exchanges has begun it is expected that many of you are soon to receive Vital Information that is to permit you to take your long-held currencies and exchange them for vast amounts.
These are just part of a way to jumpstart the many long awaited currency exchanges first promised a few years ago the main obstacles came from a deao American regime which greatly feared the results of such large monetary exchanges made by those who had never before been given such an extended series of tremendous opportunities.
Nevertheless this is just a beginning caused by um by uh the many delays that H hampered uh the sending out of what are called the prosperity programs. This fact has slightly altered the original sequencing the prosperity programs have long been tied to what is now called the new nisara m republic. It is this entity that the dark greatly fears it brings into Power a legal entity charged with returning this government to us constitutional Authority and ends all the illegal practices that severely debased its currency and diminished people’s rights.
This new temporary governance four months in length is to write all of this and gives America common law Liberty and immense Prosperity it is this new governance that is to encourage peace cooperation and Harmony among nations.
It is also to make the first Global overtures that are to lead swiftly to full disclosure of Our Benevolent existence. It is to allow us to publicly address you about first Contact and how together we can move all of you toward full Consciousness. This process is to include our Mentor program and the use of a living Crystal Light chamber all of this is to include a series of key lectures by your ascended masters. This process of prescribed change contains a growth in Consciousness spiritual awareness that heaven is now beaming daily to you. You need to realize that what is currently going on is part of a vast reality change fully choreographed by Heaven at present.
You reside on a dimensionally divided world the inner part known to us as agartha is an inner earth realm filled with fully conscious beings who live in a fifth-dimensional realm. The other part is your surface reality this is a three-dimensional realm that was the result of vile Atlantean experiments that have kept you in a limited Consciousness reality.
You are The Offspring of an experiment that has been in effect for roughly the past 13 Millennia this extraordinary phenomenon is slated to end in the next few years and we are here to be the chosen instruments to ensure it success. Heaven sincerely intends to return you to full Consciousness and unify the dimensional essence of this world.
This activity is to allow you to return with good grace to your former realities the present time marks the end of this era and the dawn of a new one forged by your transformation into fully conscious beings.
This process has a fluid timetable set forth by heaven we fully understand how the length of time it is taking is frustrating again we need to remind you that you are ending this Reality by changing it into one marked by what most of you may well call Miracles.
You and I are altering the very nature of this reality you are to learn how to create ships that can easily and quickly Traverse space thereby traveling from one world to another. These travels are to take mere minutes and thoroughly dispel Notions that you long have harbored.
Use these times to relearn your true history and Interstellar Origins. These realities are to be yours as you become more conscious the key to this is how you allow yourself to go forward it is all about spirit and not what you call material energies. More is yet to come namastay I am a weary traveler who over the many centuries and Millennia that I have walked has seen both the light and the dark of numerous Souls.
I stroe this land to gather wisdom and to embrace the light Heaven has given me a Grand Mission this mission is to teach and show Humanity the light and to reveal the untold treacheries of the dark.
These Journeys permit me to see many worthy men and women and in a special flick of light to easily turn them into the Wonders that they truly are. In this time you are the truly worthy ones who are in need of divine conversion.
Heaven has fashioned a plan that I and others now wondrously follow you are on a path to a glorious destiny this pathway is still trod by many of dark persuasion who dearly intend to cast you aside. Be wary of these and know without doubt that the light is here to ensure that this road leads Faithfully to a sacred end be strong and ignore the queries of the doomed those who seek to preserve this hell are in fact on the verge of a wide Extinction these series of alterations are to bring you face to face with a number of somber realities. You are a disparaged child of the Creator through a prolonged series of amnesias you have lost your way we are here to restore the path that the dark forced you to abandon so long ago. Back on this path you are to Re-Discover the human kindness and Holiness that the dark overlaid with division divisiveness and deceit. The light in this way is to enable you to learn many unknown things about yourself you are a being filled with the Creator’s goodness it is our task to scrub thism from the centuries of dirt that now surround you.
So be wary and able to listen carefully to what we are to say, the light has long protected you preventing the dark dark from extinguishing the special Essences that are the real you. Our mission is to take this holy vessel further and refill it with what it was intended. To carry this project is proceeding as intended deep down this serious and lengthy sequence of vital conversations somewhat frustrate. You this of course is to be expected you have become beings who like the dark are filled with needless anxieties this is one of the things that are shortly to be expunged from your light encrusted Soul.
You are to learn Divine patience and uncover truths that you left behind when you fell from the sacred Grace of unfettered divine Consciousness this sacred tool is again to be presented to you be wise and able to accept what heaven so graciously gives you until next time
2900 kilometer onder je voeten ontmoet de rotsmantel van de aarde de metalen kern.
En precies daar, in 3700 °C hitte, hebben wetenschappers een opmerkelijke vondst gedaan.
Op de grens tussen aardmantel en aardkern liggen gigantische bergen, waar de Himalaya bij verbleekt.
Om je een idee te geven van de hoogte van deze bergen: de Mount Everest is circa 8,8 kilometer hoog vanaf zeeniveau, terwijl de ondergrondse bergen naar schatting ruim 38 kilometer hoog kunnen zijn.
‘De dikte van het materiaal varieert van enkele kilometers tot meer dan 30 kilometer. Dit duidt erop dat we bergen zien die op sommige plaatsen wel vier keer zo hoog zijn als de Mount Everest,’ aldus Edward Garnero, coauteur en hoogleraar geofysica aan de Arizona State University.
Diep onder de Zuidpool
De j bergen liggen onder Antarctica, waar een team van de universiteit van Alabama en de Arizona State University sinds 2015 continu seismologische metingen volgt van apparatuur die in het ijs is opgesteld.
De metingen hebben seismische golven opgevangen van aardbevingen uit de hele wereld en die kunnen worden gebruikt om de echo’s van geluidsgolven op de grens tussen de aardkern en de aardmantel te bestuderen.
Toen de onderzoekers onlangs seismische golven bekeken die door 25 aardbevingen werden opgewekt, ontdekten ze dat de golven vertraagden door oneffenheden op de grens tussen aardkern en aardmantel.
Deze oneffenheden hebben kunnen ontstaan doordat basalt zich heeft opgehoopt met sedimenten van oceaanbodems, wat heeft geleid tot ongekend hoge bergen diep in de aarde.
Ontstaan door tektonische platen
Volgens de onderzoekers zijn de bergformaties ontstaan toen oude oceaankorsten richting het hart van de aarde werden geduwd en naar de grens tussen kern en mantel zonken.
Deze breidden zich vervolgens langzaam uit en vormden een reeks structuren: de bergen van basalt en sedimenten.
Deze familie was een van de rijkste en machtigste dynastieën in Europa en stond garant voor een lange reeks intriges, moorden en machtstwisten.
De extreem welgestelde bankfamilie de’ Medici legde tussen 1434 en 1737 een weg af van simpele wolhandelaars tot de top van de politieke hiërarchie in Florence en Toscane.
Nu hebben Italiaanse onderzoekers een stukje gemummificeerd weefsel uit het familiegraf in een van de grootste Italiaanse renaissancekerken onderzocht en mogelijk onthuld waar minstens één van de machtige familieleden aan is overleden.
Door de hoge status van de Medici’s tijdens de renaissance kregen de familieleden een vorstelijke begrafenis in de Sint-Laurensbasiliek in Florence.
Tijdens het begrafenisritueel werden de ingewanden van de overledene verwijderd en in grote zogeheten terracottapotten geplaatst om bij te zetten in het graf.
In 2010 kregen onderzoekers toestemming om monsters te nemen uit negen potten met het wapen van de’ Medici erop, waarvan twee ook een naam van specifieke familieleden bevatten.
Onderzoeker: ‘Er is al 500 jaar verstreken’
In de potten deed onderzoeksleider Albert Zink met zijn team een ontdekking die op het eerste gezicht ‘vrij onbeduidend’ leek, omdat de inhoud nog het meeste leek op lappen oude kleren.
Maar bij nader onderzoek bleek de vondst gemummificeerd weefsel van onbekende oorsprong te zijn. Microscopische analysen konden niet onthullen wat de bron was, want overstromingen en temperatuurschommelingen hebben in de loop der jaren bijna alle DNA-sporen en eiwitten vernietigd.
Dunne plakjes van het weefsel en een speciale kleurtechniek, Giemsa-kleuring, brachten echter een mogelijk bloedvat aan het licht dat nog steeds clusters van rode bloedcellen bevatte, waarin een parasietachtige structuur zat. En dat was onverwacht.
Bekijk alle
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De onderzoekers namen 24 monsters van het weefsel van een de’ Medici. Overstromingen en temperatuurschommelingen hebben in de loop der jaren bijna al het DNA vernietigd.
Eurac Research
‘We wisten dat rode bloedcellen bewaard konden blijven,’ zegt onderzoeksleider Albert Zink tegen LiveScience.
‘Maar we verwachtten geen parasieten te zien,’ vertelt hij. ‘Er is immers al 500 jaar verstreken.’
Uit nader onderzoek bleek dat meerdere bloedcellen de meest kwaadaardige en dodelijke malariaparasiet bevatten – de zogeheten Plasmodium falciparum, die in Afrika tegenwoordig het meest voorkomt.
Ze kunnen niet met zekerheid zeggen dat het familielid is overleden aan malaria. Maar uit een analyse van suikermoleculen op de oppervlakte blijkt dat de oude bloedcellen van het bloedtype B zijn, en die bloedgroep maakt mensen vatbaarder voor malaria.
In de studie zelf schrijven de onderzoekers dat de familie de’ Medici graag aan jagen deed in de laagliggende watergebieden rond Florence en Toscane, waar veel muggen leefden, en die best de malariaparasiet bij zich zouden kunnen hebben gedragen.
Onderzoekers onthullen: Deze karaktertrek kenmerkt de rijksten
Eén bepaald trekje komt veel voor bij rijke mensen. Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek dat ook een eigenschap aanwijst die maar weinig mensen bovenaan de economische ladder bezitten.
Jarenlang zaten kijkers wereldwijd aan het scherm gekluisterd om de steenrijke, disfunctionele familie Roy te volgen in de HBO-hitserie Succession, die na vier seizoenen bijna is afgelopen.
Als kijker krijg je de indruk dat de leden van de machtige clan narcistisch en opportunistisch van aard zijn.
Maar is dit een adequaat beeld van de rijksten in de samenleving?
Twee onderzoekers uit Noorwegen en Groot-Brittannië belichten dit in een artikel in Financial Planning Review.
Daarin analyseren de onderzoekers gegevens die eerder waren verzameld onder 3240 Britten.
Een deel van de dataset bevat informatie over de financiën van de deelnemers en hun demografische kenmerken, zoals leeftijd, geslacht en opleidingsniveau.
Hieruit bleek dat 10,8 procent van de respondenten meer dan 75.000 pond per jaar verdiende, terwijl 23,7 procent een huishoudinkomen had van minder dan 20.000 pond per jaar.
Eén bepaalde eigenschap komt terug
In het tweede deel van de dataset vulden de deelnemers een persoonlijkheidstest in die gebaseerd was op het zogeheten vijffactorenmodel.
Het vijffactorenmodel is een erkend psychologisch model gebaseerd op vijf hoofddimensies van persoonlijkheid, de ‘Big Five’.
Het vijffactorenmodel:
Het model is gebaseerd op vijf persoonlijkheidskenmerken. We vallen allemaal ergens in het spectrum van elke eigenschap, en aan de hand van onze positie kunnen we verklaren hoe we van elkaar verschillen in termen van voorkeuren, gedrag en emoties.
De vijf eigenschappen zijn:
Extraversie (introvert-extrovert)
Neuroticisme (bezorgd-kalm)
Openheid (conventioneel-origineel)
Consciëntieusheid (onbetrouwbaar-getrouw)
Vriendelijkheid (prikkelbaar-goedaardig)
Hoewel de analyse van de onderzoekers – weinig verrassend – liet zien dat de rijke groep vooral werd gekenmerkt door twee gemeenschappelijke demografische kenmerken, namelijk een hoge leeftijd en een hoog inkomen, deelden de rijke respondenten ook een aantal gemeenschappelijke karaktertrekken.
Eerst en vooral waren de rijksten over het algemeen heel consciëntieus.
Aan de andere kant van de schaal kwam eruit dat je niet zo snel een groot fortuin zult vergaren als je van nature neurotisch bent.
Voor de overige drie karaktertrekken kwam een minder eenduidig beeld naar voren.
Extraverte mensen hadden bijvoorbeeld over het algemeen weinig spaargeld, maar meer potentieel waardevolle voorwerpen, misschien omdat ze meer geneigd zijn tot impulsaankopen dan anderen, aldus de onderzoekers.
Elk jaar veranderen onschuldige menigtes in moordmachines, die honderden hulpeloze slachtoffers verstikken. Onderzoek wijst nu uit dat de oorzaak niet in de paniek ligt, maar in de meedogenloze wetten van de natuurkunde.
Vier uur voordat de tragedie toeslaat, is het chaos in het bruisende district Itaewon in Seoel. Duizenden en nog eens duizenden feestende jongeren stromen uit de metro de smalle steegjes in, waar discobeats klinken uit bars, nachtclubs en restaurants.
Meer dan 100.000 mensen gaan op 29 oktober 2022 de straat op om het eerste Halloween na drie coronajaren te vieren. Maar veel feestgangers voelen zich onveilig in de menigte, en de politie in de hoofdstad van Zuid-Korea krijgt om 18.34 uur de eerste noodoproep.
‘Mensen op straat kunnen geen kant op. Het voelt alsof je doodgedrukt wordt. Ik kon op het nippertje wegkomen, maar het is te druk, u moet iets doen, er is handhaving nodig,’ smeekt de stem.
Om 21.10 uur komt er nog een oproep. ‘Halloweenfeest … een ernstige situatie. Mensen worden hier doodgedrukt,’ zijn de flarden van het gesprek die nog net door het achtergrondgeluid heen komen.
De politie is Oost-Indisch doof.
Er sluimert een ramp. En die is het gevolg van een fundamenteel natuurkundig verschijnsel dat wetenschappers nu in detail hebben blootgelegd.
Bedevaart draait uit op massasterfte
Wanneer grote menigtes zich verzamelen voor een evenement in een beperkte ruimte, zijn planning en regulering van groot belang. Dichte mensenmassa’s zijn levensgevaarlijk, en gehaast, geduw, valpartijen en zuurstofgebrek kunnen fatale gevolgen hebben.
In de loop der jaren hebben zich tal van rampen voorgedaan waarbij mensen zijn omgekomen of ernstig gewond zijn geraakt omdat ze in de verdrukking kwamen. Sinds de jaren 1990 eisen zulke rampen gemiddeld 380 levens per jaar.
Een van de gruwelijkste vond plaats in de stad Mina bij Mekka in Saoedi-Arabië in 2015 tijdens de jaarlijkse islamitische hadj, een bedevaart waaraan doorgaans zo’n 2,5 miljoen mensen deelnemen.
Twee groepen pelgrims stroomden vanuit tegengestelde richtingen dezelfde smalle weg op en werden zo dicht opeengeperst dat ze niet meer als individuen konden functioneren. Ongeveer 2300 mensen kwamen om het leven.
De vele mensen vormden een entiteit die zijn eigen wetten volgde. Volgens natuurkundigen bewegen grote mensenmassa’s als vloeistoffen, waarbij kleine verstoringen zich kunnen uitbreiden en catastrofale golven worden.
Kennis van deze dynamiek van de massa is cruciaal wanneer organisatoren van bijvoorbeeld festivals en concerten een publieksevenement veilig moeten plannen en uitvoeren.
Een gemiddelde rechtopstaande mens neemt circa 0,2 vierkante meter ruimte in beslag. Bij twee mensen per vierkante meter kunnen individuen zich nog vrij bewegen – drie of vier mensen gaat ook nog. Maar bij vijf of meer mensen per vierkante meter moeten de alarmbellen toch echt gaan rinkelen.
Daarbij zitten de mensen als haringen in een ton en worden hun ademhaling en bewegingsvrijheid beperkt of onmogelijk gemaakt. Mensen worden naar voren of naar achteren geduwd, opgetild of onder de voet gelopen. De druk kan makkelijk leiden tot ribbreuken of verstikking.
7 mensen per m2 – zo dicht opeen stonden de pelgrims bij de ramp van 2015 in Mekka.
De enorme druk van alle kanten houdt de groep overeind en in evenwicht. Maar als één persoon zijn houvast verliest en valt – bijvoorbeeld omdat de menigte heen en weer gaat golven – kan dat een domino-effect geven, waarbij mensen worden meegesleurd in een massale val die pas stopt als de druk afneemt.
Wie onderop belandt, loopt het risico te stikken of te worden verpletterd door het gewicht van de anderen.
Volgens deskundigen was dit ook de oorzaak van de duizenden doden onder pelgrims in Mina in 2015. Hier bereikte de dichtheid van de menigte naar schatting zeven mensen per vierkante meter. In de massa hadden mensen moeite om adem te halen, en velen stierven mogelijk door zuurstofgebrek terwijl ze nog stonden.
Steegje werd een dodelijke val
In Itaewon, Seoel, gaat het in de avond van 29 oktober 2022 van kwaad tot erger. Mensen staan hutjemutje op elkaar in de wijk, en één steile, smalle steeg in het bijzonder is gevaarlijk druk.
Vanaf beide uiteinden van de 42 meter lange – en op sommige plaatsen slechts 3,6 meter brede – steeg stromen mensen toe. En even voor 22.00 uur beseffen de feestvierders dat ze in de val zitten.
‘Er zijn hier zoveel mensen bij elkaar dat u volgens mij moet komen om iets te doen. Kunt u meteen komen? Het is een gevaarlijke situatie, kom alstublieft snel,’ luidt een wanhopig telefoontje aan de politie om 21.51 uur.
In een belletje van 20 minuten later wordt de ernst van de situatie duidelijk. ‘Mensen worden doodgedrukt,’ roept een stem, die een tel later wordt overstemd door noodkreten.
Het ongeluk met Halloween in Seoel vond plaats in een smalle steeg waar tienduizenden mensen tegen elkaar gedrukt werden. Bewegingen trokken als golven door de mensenzee, waardoor mensen omvielen.
Een zwetende politieagent probeert met schreeuwen en gebaren de leiding te nemen en de mensen te sturen, maar het mag niet baten – de meute leidt een eigen leven en golft heen en weer. De achterste mensen voelen niet hoezeer ze de voorste onder druk zetten, en degenen in het midden van de mensenzee in het smalle steegje zijn volledig aan de meute overgeleverd. De dichtheid heeft nu een alarmerende 12 mensen per vierkante meter bereikt.
Mensen worden van alle kanten platgedrukt en het is alsof alle zuurstof uit de lucht is gezogen. Alleen lange mensen weten hun hoofd boven de massa uit te steken en naar frisse lucht te happen.
‘Niet duwen, niet duwen,’ smeken verschillende jongeren.
Mensen die langs de muren staan, proberen te ontsnappen door ertegenop te klimmen. Zich vastklampend aan het metselwerk of de neonreclames zien ze geschokt hoe de hel losbreekt: mensen vallen om alsof het stukken zijn in een duivels dominospel. En er is niet genoeg ruimte om weer op te staan.
Paniek is een hardnekkige mythe
Als de media verslag doen van rampen waarbij mensen in menigten zijn gestikt, luidt de verklaring geregeld dat mensen in paniek zijn geraakt en elkaar onder de voet hebben gelopen. In de Engelstalige media is het woord stampede een terugkerend woord. Het wordt ook gebruikt om de ramp van Itaewon te beschrijven.
‘Stampede’ beschrijft een situatie waarin een kudde grote dieren wild op de vlucht slaat en zichzelf en andere dieren schade toebrengt. De woordkeuze bevestigt het verhaal dat menigtes irrationeel handelen en gegrepen worden door massale paniek – en dat die paniek dodelijk is.
Maar het zit anders: ‘Mensen sterven niet omdat ze in paniek raken, ze raken in paniek omdat ze sterven,’ aldus G. Keith Still, deskundige in massaveiligheid aan de universiteit van Suffolk.
Volgens Edwin Galea, onderzoeker van massagedrag aan de universiteit van Greenwich, is massapaniek niet alleen een hardnekkige mythe, maar ook een problematische term omdat de menigte daarmee de schuld krijgt van de ramp.
Na enkele jaren studie is het duidelijk dat betrokkenen verstandig en beheerst reageren en zelfs helpen om de omvang van de ramp te beperken. Mensen helpen anderen heel erg – zelfs als ze die niet kennen. Ze zetten soms zelfs hun leven op het spel om anderen te redden.
Een tragedie in Duisburg, Duitsland, in 2010 wordt eveneens toegeschreven aan massapaniek: bij de Love Parade werden er 21 mensen doodgedrukt en raakten er zeker 600 gewond toen ze een stuk wilden afsnijden naar het feestgedruis door een tunnel, maar die bleek een flessenhals naar het festivalterrein te zijn.
Onderzoekers van het Swiss Federal Institute of Technology die de tragedie analyseerden, ontdekten dat niet zozeer massapaniek de oorzaak was, maar een soort lawine, waarbij krachten van het ene lichaam inwerkten op het andere – lichte druk en spanningen plantten zich voort door de menigte, waardoor er in de tunnel een massale valpartij ontstond.
De menigte hielp de ramp juist in te dammen: veel mensen beseften al snel dat de situatie kritiek kon worden en gingen naar de nooduitgangen, waardoor waarschijnlijk levens werden gered.
Politie erkent fouten
In Itaewon komen ambulances te laat om levens te redden. Reddingswerkers worstelen zich door de menigte heen, en als ze ter plekke zijn, is het alsof ze in een oorlogsgebied zijn beland: honderden jonge mensen liggen er levenloos bij.
Terwijl harde feestmuziek uit de bars klinkt, beginnen de reddingswerkers en politieagenten mensen te reanimeren of te beademen, maar al snel liggen er rijen doden onder dekens en lakens.
158 mensen zijn gestikt of doodgedrukt in een van de ergste rampen in de recente geschiedenis van Zuid-Korea. De dag daarop luidt er al kritiek op de politie, die erkent inadequaat te hebben gehandeld.
Nieuwe technologieën moeten helpen de veiligheid bij grote evenementen te vergroten. Zo kunnen computersimulaties de capaciteit en bewegingen voorspellen, terwijl kunstmatige intelligentie de mensen kan tellen.
President Yoon Suk-yeol heeft meteen veiligheidsprocedures ingesteld om dit soort ongelukken te voorkomen. Gelukkig zijn daar voldoende mogelijkheden voor.
Verbeteringen moeten voor een groot deel komen van nieuwe natuurkundige kennis van massa’s, maar ook van de technologische vooruitgang, variërend van drones tot kunstmatige intelligentie.
De hoop is dat de technologie binnenkort in staat zal zijn om gebeurtenissen te plannen en te volgen – en, belangrijker nog, effectief op te treden wanneer de golven in de mensenzee hoog zijn.
On July 12, NASA held an international live stream releasing the first official images from the James Webb Space Telescope showing distant exoplanets, galaxies, nebula, and a glimpse deep into our universe. The next day, NASA stealthily released an image of Jupiter taken by the Webb Telescope, which showed a noticeable dark field just above the gas giant’s atmosphere. Was it a shadow, as NASA appeared to claim, or something entirely different – part of a newly arrived extraterrestrial space fleet secretly parked around Jupiter?
According to the NASA webpage announcing the release of the first Webb Telescope images:
These listed targets below represent the first wave of full-color scientific images and spectra the observatory has gathered, and the official beginning of Webb’s general science operations. They were selected by an international committee of representatives from NASA, ESA, CSA, and the Space Telescope Science Institute. These first images from the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope demonstrate Webb at its full power, ready to begin its mission to unfold the infrared universe.
The NASA live stream began with a “deep field” image showing a portion of the universe “teeming with galaxies,” which, according to Jane Rigby, a Webb Operations Scientist, had “a sharpness and clarity we never had.”
Next was an image of a gas giant exoplanet (WASP 96b) transiting its star, which is about 1,120 light years away from Earth. The Webb Telescope provides a far more detailed spectroscopic analysis of the background sun and subsequently deducing the exoplanet’s atmosphere than was possible with its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope. According to a NASA Press Release, an analysis of the exoplanet’s transit shows telltale signs of water in its atmosphere.
Many scientists have claimed that the additional clarity and sharpness provided by the Webb Telescope makes it possible for the future detection of biosignatures and even technosignatures from distant exoplanets. In the future, the Webb Telescope will examine exoplanets in the habitable region of their solar system to determine if extraterrestrial life exists.
The third image released by the Webb Telescope showed a planetary nebula (aka Southern Ring Nebula) approximately 2,500 light years away. The fourth image showed a grouping of five galaxies called Stephan’s Quintet, the closest of which is about 40 million light-years away.
The fifth and final image showed the Carina Nebula that is in the process of creating new stars, which was yet again a distant region, approximately 8,500 light-years away.
NASA decided not to release images of Jupiter during the live stream, which would have given the most detailed images of our solar system’s largest planet to date. This was disappointing as multiple sources have claimed that Jupiter has recently experienced something extremely rare—it is surrounded by newly arrived fleets of giant spacecraft belonging to extraterrestrial Seeder races!
However, on the next day, July 13, NASA stealthily released an image taken of Jupiter by the Webb Telescope. The image showed Jupiter along with several of its moons, Europa, Metis, and Thebe. It also showed a faint ring around Jupiter.
What immediately got my attention was a large dark area just above Jupiter’s atmosphere near Europa. The caption in the NASA image said, “the shadow of Europa is also visible, just to the left of the Giant Red Spot.” However, the dark area was nowhere near the red spot. What was it?
I asked Elena Danaan and Jean Charles Moyen, two contactees with different groups of extraterrestrials, whether any of their sources could explain the dark area. Danaan replied first that Oona, a representative of the Intergalactic Confederation, had a message to share. She publicly released Oona’s message in a July 13 live stream on YouTube. Here’s the complete message of what Oona had to say about the mysterious dark area, along with information about newly arrived space fleets that had parked in the vicinity of Jupiter.
Salutations to who will read this communication I am transmitting now. Here first Altean emissary Oona speaking on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation, Council of the Twenty-Four.
There are one hundred and thirty-eight motherships part of the Nataru Alliance in your star system named Sol, with their fleets. This number represents several thousands of crafts.
Five hundred and fifty vessels of the Intergalactic Confederation have entered your star system and are stationed in orbit of your planet named Jupiter, and four are at the present moment in orbit of your planet Terra.
In previous articles (here & here), I discussed the newly arrived motherships from the Intergalactic Confederation, aka the Seeders or Guardians. My most credible source is a current US Army serviceman, JP, who says that he was sent on a covert mission to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where US Space Command has set up facilities to greet and liaise with the newly arrived extraterrestrial visitors.
It’s important to emphasize that JP’s information is not channeled but direct hands-on experience acquired during a classified space mission led by US Space Command. As I’ve previously described, JP is being encouraged to disclose his participation in highly classified missions into space or travel to hidden space arks on Earth by covert operatives. Nevertheless, his immediate Army superiors frown on what they perceive to be his unauthorized disclosures of classified information, thereby putting him in a delicate situation requiring anonymity.
Along with Elena Danaan and JP, other contactees have described being told by their extraterrestrial contacts that newly arrived space fleets have parked in the vicinity of Jupiter. These include Alex Collier, James Gilliland, Jean Charles Moyen, and David Rousseau, all of whom confirmed in interviews that large numbers of extraterrestrial spacecraft had recently arrived.
The recently disclosed image of your planet Jupiter displays the cloud of orbital rocks, plus the defense grid of the ships from the Ashtar outpost, plus some of our motherships. The majority of our fleet is behind the planet Jupiter, hidden from your sight. The disclosure of this image is not an error but a move from the Terran Alliance in charge of the program.
Terran instances may name our ships “cold spots”, there is truth. More visuals to come. The plan is on schedule. One step at a time.
We are holding your hand and you must not look back. Instead, look up. In the greater design of the universe, you are already on the other side of the bridge.
In love, Oona.
Close examination of the darkened area shows that it is not a shadow, as suggested by NASA, but a large dark field orbiting Jupiter just above its atmosphere. A “cloud of orbital rocks” that is part of a defense grid belonging to a floating city controlled by the Ashtar Command, which I’ve previously discussed, along with large motherships parked next to the rocks, is very plausible.
Support for Oona’s observation comes from Moyen, who said that his principal extraterrestrial source, Victor, told him that the dark spot was “a big mothership.”
The James Webb Space Telescope image of Jupiter may provide the first photographic evidence showing some of these spacecraft secretly parked in the vicinity of Jupiter. If Oona is correct about the covert disclosure program that is underway, we can anticipate more images of Jupiter to be released, revealing even more details of the giant spacecraft parked around Jupiter and its moons.
[Update 7/17/2022 – A high resolution version of the above image showing Jupiter and its moons along with a large dark area is available here. A different filter shows the area in question here.]
Index: please click on the link for the index please?
Loosely translated:
Let me introduce you to a world-famous experiment that reveals the true nature of people. This Facebook post is titled, “If you think you know anything about humanity, you don’t know humanity”.
In 1974, Yugoslav performance artist Marina Abramovic dared to conduct a terrifying experiment to investigate how people think/work.
Abramovic stood still for six hours as the people who came to visit her were urged to do what they wanted with one of the 72 objects she had placed on a table.
Abramovic stood in the middle of the room with a bulletin board that said these words:
There are 72 objects on the table that can be used on me at will.
I am the object.
During this period I take full responsibility.
Duration: 6 hours (8 hours in the evening – 2 hours at night)
What happened in the next six hours was horrible to say the least.
It started out pretty well. Someone turned her around. Someone put her arms in the air. Someone touched her somewhat intimately.
In the third hour, all her clothes were cut off from her with razor blades. In the fourth hour, the same knives began to examine her skin. Several minor sexual assaults were performed on her body. She was so devoted to the play that she would not have resisted rape or murder.
It only got worse in the last two hours.
Abramovic’s own account of what people did to her was even more heartbreaking. She recalled: “I felt raped, they cut off the clothes, they stabbed me in the stomach with thorns of dandruff, pointed the gun at my head, another broke up. “[1]
When the six hours were up, Abramovic began to walk among the people. They couldn’t look her in the face. Abramovic noted that people didn’t want any confrontation with her. They didn’t want to be held accountable or convicted for what they did. It seemed like they wanted to forget how they enjoyed hurting her.
This work reveals something terrible about humanity.
It shows how quickly someone can hurt you under favorable circumstances (when fear of punishment is absent).
It shows that if one provides the stage, the majority of “normal” people, apparently, can become truly violent.[ 2]
So the experiment proves that the inherent nature of humans is bad.
If people behave fairly, it is mainly due to
The fear of social condemnation
The fear of legal punishment
When these two types of fears are absent, people can do even the most aborable things in life.
When society does not condemn the corrupt, but values someone based on what one has achieved in life rather than who one is as a person, people tend to focus their efforts on acquiring power and wealth in order to gain the respect of society and thus become corrupt.
Once these corrupt people have acquired sufficient wealth and power, they can manage the system of justice and even avoid legal punishments.
Corruption can only be curbed if a society can be severely punished and social condemnations can be strictly enforced.
In the absence of this fear, people would show their true nature and become corrupt and evil and displace honesty and goodness from society.
If you think you know about humanity, you don’t know humanity.
In 1974, Yugoslavian performance artist Marina Abramovic dared to conduct a terrifying experiment to examine how people think.
Many people have hailed Abramovic as the “grandmother of performance art.” After all, she has been staging thought-provoking interactive installations for more than 40 years.
Indeed, it can’t be denied that her performances have a lasting impact. In fact, one of her earliest performances is still being talked about today. Abramovic staged a performance piece called “Rhythm 0” at Studio Morra in Naples, Italy.
The premise of “Rhythm 0” was deceptively simple: Abramovic would stand still for six hours straight while the people who came to see her were urged to do whatever they wanted to her using one of 72 objects that she had placed on a table.
Abramovic stood in the middle of the room with a notice board containing these words:
There are 72 objects on the table that one can use on me as desired.
I am the object.
During this period I take full responsibility.
Duration: 6 hours (8 pm – 2 am)
What happened in the next six hours was horrifying, to say the least.
It began tamely. Someone turned her around. Someone thrust her arms into the air. Someone touched her somewhat intimately.
In the third hour, all her clothes were cut from her with razor blades. In the fourth hour, the same blades began to explore her skin. Various minor sexual assaults were carried out on her body. She was so committed to the piece that she would not have resisted rape or murder.
It just got worse in the last two hours.
Abramovic’s own account of what the people did to her was even more heartbreaking.She recalled, “I felt raped, they cut off the clothes, they stuck me with thorns of rose in the stomach, aimed the gun to my head, another came apart.”
When the six hours were over, Abramovic started to walk among the people. They couldn’t look her in the face. Abramovic observed that people didn’t want any sort of confrontation with her. They didn’t want to be held accountable or judged for what they did. It seemed as if they wanted to forget how they relished hurting her.
This work reveals something terrible about humanity. It shows how fast a person can hurt you under favorable circumstances. It shows that if he provides the stage, the majority of ‘normal’ people, apparently can become truly violent.
People might do anything to fulfill their desire if not for the concept of FEAR.
There was no FEAR in this experiment, and hence people didn’t care – it gave them a free leeway to their desires.
This post is clearly against Feminism as is what is the concept today(of “uitimate” freedom).
1. This post is also a kind of a proof/argument against atheism.
2. Its also an attestation to Islam’s strict rules on dress codes, capital punishments(which some people view as “inhumane”) in this world
3. Women cannot dress the way they like without any protocols – proper dress code is for their own well-being.
3. Islam’s concepts of punishment and reward for anything and everything that drive our life in this world. God warns us about the everlasting severe punishment(Hell fire) in the hereafter for those who don’t follow and obey Him while giving glad tidings of unimaginable happiness (Paradise)for those who follow the rules.
In a recent interview, famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was challenged on his scientific views about COVID-19. He said, “I’m only interested in consensus” — words that would have Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei rolling in their graves.
The appeal to “scientific consensus” is fraught with problems, just like “The science is settled” and “Trust the science” and other authoritarian tropes that have dominated the pandemic.
A widely accepted theory, such as the theory of evolution, depends on a consensus being reached among the scientific community, but it must be achieved without censorship or reprisal.
As Aaron Kheriaty, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, recently said:
“Science is an ongoing search for truth & such truth has little to do with consensus. Every major scientific advance involves challenges to a consensus. Those who defend scientific consensus rather than specific experimental findings are not defending science but partisanship.”
Consensus by censorship
It’s not difficult to reach a scientific consensus when you squelch dissenting voices.
Twenty-seven scientists published a letter in the Lancet condemning “conspiracy theories” that suggested the virus did not have a natural origin. Dissenting views were censored on social media and labeled “misinformation.”
Only now that the U.S. Department of Energy and the FBI say the virus was likely the result of a lab leak in Wuhan, it’s possible to have these discussions openly.
The Great Barrington Declaration is another example. Three eminent professors from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford Universities, argued against lockdowns, which they said would disproportionately harm the underprivileged.
But former NIH Director Francis Collins dismissed them as “fringe epidemiologists” asking Dr. Anthony Fauci for “a quick and devastating take down” of the declaration.
Scientific consensus has become a manufactured construct, dictated by politics and power.
The recent release of the “Twitter Files” reveals how government agencies, Big Tech, media and academia colluded in an effort to police online content, and censor dissenting voices to create a false perception of consensus.
One egregious example was Stanford University’s Virality Project which brought together elite academia, experts in artificial intelligence and social media companies to censor “true” stories of vaccine injuries under the guise of fighting disinformation.
Dr. Robert Malone, physician and pioneer of mRNA technology summed up the situation accurately when he said:
“The real problem here is the damn press and the internet giants. The press and these tech players act to manufacture and reinforce ‘consensus’ around selected and approved narratives. And then this is being weaponized to attack dissenters including highly qualified physicians.”
The pandemic has made this insidious behavior more visible, but the reality is, it has been happening for a long time — I would know — I was caught up in it.
Consensus in mainstream media
As a TV presenter on ABC’s top-ranking science program “Catalyst” for over a decade, my role was to investigate science issues and, if necessary, challenge orthodoxy.
The ABC is not funded by private industry, but by the public purse, to avoid the bias which befalls the commercial networks. Or so I thought.
Several years ago, my successful career at the ABC came to a grinding halt after defenders of “scientific consensus” criticized several documentaries I produced, which questioned various medical orthodoxies such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, nutritional guidelines and the over-prescription of medicines.
One documentary questioned the health impacts of prolonged exposure to wireless devices (such as iPads, laptops and smartphones) which emit low-frequency radiation — we did our due diligence and undertook an excruciating process of reviewing the program for legal, editorial and factual integrity.
In the program, we questioned why the Australian government’s radiation safety authority (ARPANSA) had safety standards that were out-of-date and excluded important evidence from multiple peer-reviewed papers by independent scientists.
It unleashed a firestorm of complaints from the Telco industry, the regulatory authority and ARPANSA, all of which had been preparing for the biggest wireless rollout the country had ever seen.
Industry experts emerged from the shadows, and the media obliged, uncritically reporting criticisms of the program while ignoring those defending it. No attention was paid to the industry’s influence over the science.
Critics complained that I’d given weight to a “fringe” position that was not supported by science. And by “fringe” they were referring to Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh, with a distinguished career at the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council.
The ABC caved to the relentless pressure and suspended me from on-air duties, concluding that I’d given prominence “to views challenging the scientific consensus.”
And by “scientific consensus,” they meant the position taken by ARPANSA, the very organization I had criticized for its lax regulations.
Eventually, ABC banned the program and “restructured” the department by firing the staff. What the network believed would be a quick solution had serious and far-reaching consequences.
It would not only deter future journalists from questioning orthodoxy, but it sent a chilling message that the ABC would succumb to industry pressure and favor scientific consensus.
I think Michael Crichton — physician, producer and writer — explained it best when he gave a lecture on science, politics and consensus in 2003:
“I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.”
He continued:
“Consensus is the business of politics. … The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”
Three months before the collapse of Nazi Germany during World War II, the three great allied powers, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain, met at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula to discuss the post-war order of Europe that would be based on the principle of national self-determination. According to a former professional archeologist and ‘contactee’, Elena Danaan, a similar set of meetings have just concluded near the planet Jupiter to discuss the new order in our solar system that will emerge with the impending military collapse of the Dark Fleet and its Draconian, Orion, Deep State, and corporate allies.
She says the Galactic Federation of Worlds met recently with the representatives of the Earth Alliance and an alliance of secret space programs in a set of 12 meetings to discuss the new order in our solar system. It’s worth pointing out that the existence of a Galactic Federation was recently acknowledged by the founder of Israel’s space program, Professor/General Haim Eshed, and he further added that it was working directly with the US Presidential administration of Donald Trump.
Furthermore, I have discussed the escalating military conflict between the Galactic Federation of Worlds with rival space coalitions—Dark Fleet, Draconian Empire, and Orion Alliance—in a prior article distinguishing between different galactic associations and their historical interactions.
Elena contacted me on July 17 with the dramatic news of the meetings that had been completed near Jupiter and the different nations that were involved through their respective space programs. She said the final meeting had concluded only a day earlier with an agreement being reached that would establish a multinational space alliance between the major Earth nations under US leadership.
This is what Elena wrote in her first email:
Agreements have been passed on Jupiter yesterday between the different progressive galactic coalitions and Terran military forces, to share the use and the protection of this star system, regarding to economic and military domains, in preparation for the future. Territories of action have been set. Terran Humans are officially taking ownership of their system. The US was the lead representative in these series of meetings; they were chosen by the GFW because of their abilities, resources, and goals, best able to guarantee a sustainable and glorious future for off-world humankind.
Long years of secret collaboration with the nations of Terra have come to completion, but we still need to bring closure to this war for the liberation of this system. Until then, we will need to work hard, and when this day comes, we will all be ready to step into a new era of fraternity and cooperation together.
What corroborates Elena’s remarkable claims here are the recent signings of the Artemis Accords among countries with functioning space programs. These are bilateral accords negotiated between spacefaring nations and the United States that were first signed on October 13, 2020, between the US and seven nations: Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
Since the launch of the Artemis Accords, Brazil, South Korea, New Zealand, and Ukraine have all subsequently signed the Accords. Another major spacefaring nation, India, is also considering joining the Artemis Accords. It’s worth emphasizing that the Accords result from several years of negotiations between the US and other nations that began in earnest during the Trump administration and continue under the current Biden administration.
What the Artemis Accords have created is the founding principles of a multinational space alliance that will be established under US leadership. The Accords make possible the pursuit of joint economic and scientific activities in space along with a multinational military alliance that will protect these activities through “safety zones,” as I have discussed previously.
The recent signing and expansion of the Artemis Accords, after several years of negotiations, closely matches what Elena claims has just happened near Jupiter, where the Galactic Federation and other progressive space alliances such as the “Andromeda Council” have recently reached agreements.
To help clarify what had just happened, Elena sent me a second email on July 17 with additional information she had received about the meetings from her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon. She has earlier explained that she receives regular communications through a brain implant, which had been re-purposed from an alien abduction that occurred when she was nine years old, and from which she had been rescued by Thor Han and his Federation companions. I highly recommend reading her book, A Gift From the Stars, to learn about her background and continued communications with Thor Han.
Elena was told:
Thor Han wasn’t part of these meetings; he was just part of the escort for the representatives of the GFW [Galactic Federation of Worlds], and he stayed in orbit of Jupiter. But he knows this:
There was a series of meetings, and this had been going on for a while. There were twelve meetings in total, first occurring among specific groups, separately, and then these last days, three big meetings: the first gathering everyone, the second a selected group, and the third the final agreements with the leading selected group. Each group was made of space force military officials and (progressive) corporations’ CEOs.
So, a delegation of the GFW has been auditing separately different Earth representatives, military officials responsible for space forces, as well as heads of certain progressive corporations to determine safety zones and who would serve best the interests of the many.
It’s very significant that Elena used the term “safety zones” to describe the areas of multinational space cooperation, and what served the interests of most nations. This is identical to the language used in the Artemis Accords, something she was not familiar with prior to our communications.
It’s also very important to point out that major nations have been recently forming space commands, where their respective military forces are increasingly working together in space related issues. Britain (2021), Germany (2021), Italy (2021), and Australia (2022) have all recently joined the US (1985/2019), France (2010), Russia (2011) and China (2015) in setting up space commands for integrating their military activities in space.
Most significantly, in October 2020, NATO set up a Space Center that will run all its space operations out of Ramstein Air Base in Germany. All these recent military developments concerning outer space corroborate Elena’s remarkable claims.
The GFW only wants to work with a unified global civilization, not with a clutter of different rival space forces playing power games. Thor Han said that there are actually fourteen countries involved in space programs, who were represented there, but a top six have programs recognized by the GFW as most progressive and durable, and fit to join forces with them. The eight others were just in for commercial reasons benefiting the many.
Thor Han was also speaking about a “horizontal” coalition of these top six, coming up as a unified space department. Would we be witnessing, as you said it Michael, the birth of Starfleet?
It’s understandable why the Galactic Federation of Worlds would be insisting on a “unified global civilization” that partners with it in space affairs, rather than the current situation of competing spacefaring nations with conflicting agendas. The formation of an alliance of spacefaring nations working within a unified command structure makes much sense.
Based on current membership of the Artemis Accords it can be guessed that four of the six countries identified as the “most progressive and durable” would be the United States, France, Britain, and Japan—all of which have space commands either functioning or in process of being launched. The other two would be China and Russia, which I will shortly elaborate on.
In my book, Space Force: Our Star Trek Future (2021), I explain how the multinational space alliance being currently created under US leadership is the antecedent of a future Starfleet, not unlike that envisaged by Gene Rodenberry. In fact, I present evidence that Rodenberry’s Starfleet was modeled on a future multinational space coalition that he was clandestinely briefed about in the 1960s!
The other eight nations participating in the Jupiter meetings would be drawn from Artemis Accord members or other nations.
This leads to the critical question of what kind of leadership role do China and Russia play in this emerging multinational space alliance collaborating directly with the Galactic Federation and other positive space organizations? Elena’s message from Thor Han provides us with an answer:
Thor Han showed me also the only visual memory he had of these events: viewed from his ship, three ovoid crafts leaving the orbit of Jupiter after the second of this series of three ultimate meetings. Each craft had Earth military delegates onboard, by country. He didn’t tell me what the third was, but two of them were carrying Chinese and Russian officials, and he was told that both these crowds were very unhappy. He said that the USA won the responsibility to organize the new Earth’s united space coalition.
What corroborates Elena’s information here is that no other spacefaring nation has joined China and Russia in their proposed International Lunar Research Station initiative launched with their bilateral agreement reached in June 2021. Only the US has succeeded in creating a multinational space coalition through the Artemis Accords, which Russia declined to join since it was “too US-centric,” and China was excluded from joining due to its continued theft of intellectual property and industrial espionage. Consequently, it does not come as a great surprise that Chinese and Russian delegations “were very unhappy” with the agreements reached near Jupiter that gave the critical leadership role to the USA.
In addition to the circumstantial evidence presented so far that corroborates Elena’s claims, we need to further consider whether it’s feasible that a Yalta-like set of meetings and agreements have just been reached? Yalta clearly created a precedent that even in the midst of savage fighting during the final three months of World War II, the allied powers were already actively planning for a post-war order free of Nazism.
We appear to be in a very similar situation right now with a covert war being fought on Earth, the Moon, and Mars, wherever the Dark Fleet, the Draconian Empire, and Orion Alliance have established bases or assets. These bases were created as far back as the 1940s because of agreements reached with Nazi Germany, and have since expanded with major multinational corporations secretly building the space assets for different customers—the Dark Fleet, Orion Alliance, etc. Significantly, these corporations have built privately run secret space programs themselves and have become space powers in their own right.
According to earlier information released by Elena, these Dark Fleet-Draco-Orion bases have come under attack and are at various points of liberation. This is consistent with claims by a number of insiders that the Dark Fleet and their corporate allies have been cut off from their interstellar partners, which has led to dwindling resources and significant defections. It also matches with data released by remote viewers associated with the Farsight Institute discussing the current exopolitical situation.
In conclusion, with the continuing global blackout of information concerning extraterrestrial affairs (exopolitics) on Earth and in deep space, it’s very difficult to confirm Elena Danaan’s startling information that secret meetings and agreements are occurring in space involving Earth’s major space powers and corporations. Nevertheless, her latest information is supported by much circumstantial evidence, what other secret space program insiders have been recently claiming, and remote viewing data. While this doesn’t confirm her remarkable claims, it does make them worth investigating further for those wanting to know what is currently happening in deep space right now.
[Update Aug 17, 2021 – An earlier version of this article mistakenly excluded Russia and China from the group of six nations that were considered the “most progressive and durable”. The selection process is described more clearly here. I have updated the above article accordingly.]
[Note: Elena Danaan’s YouTube Channel is here & her website is here]