How to control anyone at anytime

This is how directed mind/media control is managed.
Best known is “The Hegelian Dialectic” it is the most commonly used technique used to bring about a desired in three basic step.

Process; A problem is intentionally created.
Opposition to the problem is created

The desired result is brought in as a solution.
Best known example is Hitler: this was in Germany when Adolph Hitler wanted to pass ‘anti-
terrorist’ legislation. Hitler wanted the power to detain people without question and hold them in custody without a court hearing. The people did not wanted no such thing. So Hitler had the Reichtag building burned to the ground. He then blamed terrorists for this terrible crime.

The media portrayed the event as a danger to society and people’s welfare. The people demanded something be done so Hitler introduced his new anti-terrorist legislation with the people’s consent.

More complex one: Digitalisation of the money by the banks. Sold as safe and easy. Not safe at all and an explosion of theft and malpractice. Additional security needed and resulting in lost of privacy. That date is than used to create a profile and advantaged advertising/censorship. Lost of control/protection of the people too the big operators (banks associates) in the market. The two sites of a coin or controlled oppositions. The use of spontaneous uprising or grass root activism which is controlled by the elite and payed for being tax deductable.
I hope this method sounds familiar to you because it is used in all aspects and at all levels of society.
Invisible rule/deep State.
Matilda McElroy was involved with the alien AIRL captured in Roswell in 1947.
She got a new identity and forced to remain silent for the rest of het life. Reading papers and following the news confronted day in and day out with the government and their officials lying. Initially she felt great because of the trust placed on her. At the end she because frustrated and felt guilty for not speaking out about what did really happen. Finally she decided to post the information to Mark Spences a journalist in the US prior to her passing.
The involvement/rule by appointed alien forces and affecting human life on earth or now better known as the conspiracy theory.
“Elites, not masses, govern America,” concluded academics Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler in their book The Irony of Democracy.
“In an industrial, scientific, and nuclear age, life in a democracy, just as in a totalitarian society, is shaped by a handful of men. #
In spite of differences in their approach to the study of power in America, scholars political scientists,
sociologists alike agree that ‘the key political, economic, and social decisions are made by tiny minorities.'” The idea that a small, wealthy ruling elite an oligarchy controls America appears to be well supported by the facts. A disproportionate amount of America’s resources is controlled by a handful of its 265 million population.
According to a 1983 study by the Federal Reserve Board, a mere 2 percent of U.S. families control 54 percent of the nation’s wealth, and only 10 percent of the people own 86 percent of the net financial assets. The majority of American families 55 percent have zero or negative net worth.
Not taken into account the net worth of institutions, most of which are owned or controlled by the above-mentioned 2 percent like the big private banks like the Federal. “They” also maintain over energy, medicine, armaments, and Manufacturing by suppressing new technologies. “They” wield undue influence over the news media and world governments with their control of multinational corporations as well as private organizations.
Why do they act in secrecy and why are they attracted to secret organizations? What secrets do they possess that allow them to assume the role of a ruling elite? Even more important, what are their
goals and agendas and use of stepping tactics to hide the final outcome or goals

They assist alien civilisation existing, and exploiting earth resources and these Aliens do know what would happen if that would be known.

Earth has a reputation for violent classes between races and as such regarded as a very dangerous place to live. Despite there advance knowledge in weaponry and science. Stay out of side as such and work in secrecy is not that difficult because “there are many forces at work in U.S. society, but the most powerful by now far are the interlocking directorates of the major banks, corporations, and insurance companies, with the backing of the leaders of the military: In the words of former president Dwight Eisenhower, ‘the military-industrial complex.'”

U.S. Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter once revealed, “The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a
financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

“The real menace of the US Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation.” The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses.

The US is now in deep trouble. The deep State/elite control both the democrats and republicans. There might be differences in accents but not ownership/loyalty. Theatre/drama.
“… All true members of the Team remain in the power center whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hardcore set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant Haven of academe.”
It is big business, big government, big money, big pressure …all operating in self-centered, utterly self-serving security and secrecy.”
Unfortunately, deals struck with the secrets of government, hidden history, and clandestine religion; the secrets of wealth, power, and control; the secrets rarely recorded in the history books and never mentioned in the mass media.

Conspiracy, and activity long decried by the major media despite the fact that the American judicial system regularly convicts people for criminal conspiracy.
Yet despite the length and breadth of the Information Highway, the average American remains woefully ignorant. That is not to imply they are stupid or mentally challenged. They have simply not been exposed to the information now available. Many thoughtful, educated people in a variety of fields physicians,
lawyers, computer experts, stock brokers, accountants, bankers, merchants, scientists, teachers, etc. are totally in the dark about a wide variety of issues and the connections between them concerning who truly rules the United States.

Primary causes for such ignorance are the lack of time, our educate us and to much reliance on corporate-owned mass media, which do not present the information in all its broadest implications.
As A. J. Liebling once said, freedom of the pressis for those who own the presses … or the radio and TV
A simplistic worldview, encouraged by a media devoted to maintaining a squeaky-clean image of the status quo, fails to take into account human history or the subtleties of the word Conspiracy.
Secrecy is the connecting tissue found throughout man’s past and nothing news There are secrets between individuals and groups as well as secrets to be kept by both church and government authorities.
There are political secrets, even secrets of finance and commerce. The key to an evil conspiracy is the intent of the secrecy.
While some secrets may be benign why spoil the surprise birthday party by telling? other secrets, such as suppressing cures for cancer or AIDS, or creating conflict and fomenting war, would be considered despicable by people of conscience.

Those secrets that lost or ruin lives, that prevent people from living together in harmony, and are used for control or undue profit are not acceptable to most people. Elected and semi official therefore,
whoever conspires to keep such secrets should be removed of office and they holding office must be carefully scrutinized by everyone concerned with individual freedom.
Knowledge is power, and power is the most valuable commodity in government. So whoever knows the secrets controls the knowledge and therefore holds power.
So why haven’t we heard more about such secret planning?
According to conspiracy researchers Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen the American publics attitudes are shaped by a sanitized “Disney” view of both history and current events.
“The ‘Disney version’ of history could just as easily be called the “New York Times version” or the ‘TV news version’ or the ‘college textbook version’ they wrote.
“The main-resistance to conspiracy theories comes not from people on the street but from the media academia, and government people who manage the national and global economy of information.”
“Establishment history” dominates textbooks, publishing, the media, and library shelves.
During her stay outside or hiding for knowledge or experiences as result of Orwell she became very critical of the US government in time being a period of almost 60 years.
The involvement/rule by appointed alien forces and affecting human life on earth or conspiracy theory. “Elites, not masses, govern America,” concluded academics Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler in their book The Irony of Democracy.
“In an industrial, scientific, and nuclear age, life in a democracy, just as in a totalitarian society, is shaped by a handful of men. In spite of differences in their approach to the study of power in America, scholars political scientists And sociologists alike agree that ‘the key political, economic, and social decisions are made by tiny minorities.'” The idea that a small, wealthy ruling elite an oligarchy controls America
appears to be well supported by the facts. A disproportionate amount of America’s resources is controlled by a handful of its 265 million population. According to a 1983 study by the Federal Reserve Board, a mere 2 percent of U.S. families control 54 percent of the nation’s wealth, and only 10 percent of the people own 86 percent of the net financial assets.

The majority of American families 55 Percent have zero or negative net worth. This study excluded the
net worth of institutions, most of which are owned or controlled by the above-mentioned 2 percent. “They” also maintain over energy, medicine, armaments, and Manufacturing by suppressing new technologies. “They” wield undue influence over the news media and world governments with
their control of multinational corporations as well as private organizations.
Why do they act in secrecy and why are they attracted to secret organizations? What secrets do they possess that allow them to assume the role of a ruling elite? More important, what are their goals and agendas?

They being alien and de control the earth and population who do Known that if they would reveal themselves it would mean the end.
Earth has a reputation for violent between races and regarded as very dangerous. Have to stay out of side as such and work in secrecy. Easy to stay out of sight because “there are many forces at work in U.S. society, but the most powerful by far are the interlocking directorates of the major banks, Corporations, and insurance companies, with the backing of the leaders of the military: In the words of former president Dwight Eisenhower, ‘the military-industrial complex.'”
U.S. Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter once revealed, “The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centres has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation.”
The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct
relationship with great private industries, mutual Funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses.
“… All true members of the Team remain in the power centre whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hardcore set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant Haven of academe.”
It is big business, big government, big money, big pressure … all operating in self-centred, utterly self-serving security and secrecy.”
Unfortunately, deals struck with the secrets of government, hidden history, and clandestine religion; the secrets of wealth, power, and control; the secrets rarely recorded in the history books and never mentioned in the mass media. Conspiracy, an activity long decried by the major media despite the fact that the American judicial system regularly convicts people for criminal conspiracy.
Yet despite the length and breadth of the Information Highway, the average American remains woefully ignorant. That is not to imply they are stupid or mentally challenged. They have simply not been exposed to the information now available.
Many thoughtful, educated people in a variety of fields physicians, lawyers, computer experts, stock brokers, accountants, bankers, merchants, scientists, teachers, etc. are totally in the dark about a wide variety of issues and the connections between them concerning who truly rules the United States.
Primary causes for such ignorance are the lack of time to educate us and our reliance on a corporate-owned mass media, which does not present the information in all its broadest implications.

As A. J. Liebling once said, freedom of the press is for those who own the presses … or the radio and TV stations.
This simplistic view, encouraged by a media devoted to maintaining a squeaky-clean image of the status quo, fails to take into account human history or the subtleties of the word.
Secrecy is the connecting tissue found throughout man’s past.
There are secrets between individuals and groups as well as secrets to be kept by both church and government authorities.
There are political secrets, even secrets of finance and commerce. The key to an evil conspiracy is the intent of the secrecy.
While some secrets may be benign why spoil the surprise birthday party by telling? People of conscience would consider other secrets, such as suppressing cures for cancer or AIDS or fomenting war, despicable.
Those secrets that cost or ruin lives, that prevent people from living together in harmony, and are used for control or undue profit are Unacceptable to most people. Elected and semi official therefore, whoever conspires to keep such secrets should be removed of office and they holding office must be carefully scrutinized by everyone concerned with individual freedom.
Knowledge is power, and power is the most valuable commodity in government.
So whoever knows the secrets controls the knowledge and therefore holds power.
So why haven’t we heard more about such secret planning?
According to conspiracy researchers Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen the American publics attitudes are shaped by a sanitized “Disney” view of both history and current events.
“The ‘Disney version’ of history could just as easily be called the “New York Times version” or the ‘TV news version’ or the ‘college textbook version’ they wrote.
“The main-resistance to conspiracy theories comes not from people on the street but from the media academia, and government people who manage the national and global economy of information.”
“Establishment history” dominates textbooks, publishing, the media, and library shelves.

It is widely reported that the United States uses the world’s natural resources far out of Proportion to its percentage of the planet’s population. It is also an uncontested fact that as the new millennium dawns, the United States stands alone as the world’s pre-eminent power.
Everyone’s heard how “they” own the vast majority of resources, manipulate stocks, control prices, and avoid taxes.
President Woodrow Wilson, who, as will be seen, was intimately connected with Conspiratorial power, wrote, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and Manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.

They know There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so Interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above Their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Many people today feel that a mere handful of persons and organizations control much of the Global knowledge. This knowledge is jealously guarded by secrecy.
It turns the old adage “What you don’t know can’t hurt you” right on its head. What you
don’t know can hurt you!
“The ‘Disney version’ of history could just as easily be called the “New York Times version” or
The ‘TV news version’ or the ‘college textbook version’ they wrote.
“The main-resistance to conspiracy theories comes not from people on the Street but from the media academia, and government people who manage The national and global economy of information.”
Anthony C. Sutton, a London-born economics professor who was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, agreed that an “Establishment history” dominates
textbooks, publishing, the media, and library shelves.

“During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a pattern established by the American Historical Association and the major foundations with their grant-making
power has been attacked or rejected not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the acceptability of the arguments to the so-called Eastern Liberal Establishment, and its official historical line.”
They charge that the mass media is controlled by corporate America, which has prevented any meaningful exposure of their material. Another claim “It is not possible to trace ownership of corporations and the power structure in the United States.
‘It would not be permit it. The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined
by those who are not behind the scenes.

Pushing the pandemic treatment.
How We Can Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty
Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor

- May 08, 2024

Avoid Food and Supplements With This Common Filler

- “Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivized “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge
- COVID-19 was handled so egregiously that it woke much of the public up to this grift and the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential threat to its business model
- To address this “threat” the WHO (World Health Organization) has covertly created a treaty behind the scenes which usurps national sovereignty and gives international health agencies terrifying control during “health emergencies”
- A grassroots activist movement advocating for health freedoms has accomplished something remarkable in their fight to derail the WHO treaty and they need your help
Throughout COVID-19, the more money countries spent complying with the WHO’s guidelines for mitigating COVID-19, the more people died.1 Because of this, many countries in Africa had a COVID-19 death rate which was less than 1%2 of that seen throughout the Western World.

Rather than admit this, the WHO is using those deaths to justify a horrific treaty that dramatically increases its power to control each nation’s pandemic response. Since its most evil provisions (e.g., complete censorship of dissenting voices and the promotion of dangerous bioweapons research that inevitably leads to catastrophic lab leaks) have been effectively concealed by the WHO, it is necessary to understand exactly what is in it so that we can stop it.
History of the Pandemic Treaty
Since the WHO aims to dictate how individual nations’ doctors practice medicine, this has required bypassing the normal democratic process (as the growing populist movements of many nations would reject the WHO’s edicts). As treaties may supercede national law, the WHO chose to push each nation into adopting a treaty that grants vast powers to the WHO.
This campaign began in November of 2020,3 at G20 (the annual gathering for the 20 leading economic powers) where a proposal was put forward for a “pandemic treaty” to ensure the nations of the world would handle future pandemics in an “appropriate” manner. A few months later, in March of 2021, citing the statements made at the G20 meeting, the World Economic Forum (WEF) echoed this call.4

Since that time, a series of policies and regulations has gradually been put together by the WHO, the UN, the World Bank, the US, the EU and other multinational organizations (with the assistance of the other globalist organizations like the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation) to remedy the “deficiencies” in our pandemic response.

Those policies and regulations in turn are part of a “pandemic treaty” and amendments to existing International Health Regulations. By virtue of both documents being international treaties, they must then be obeyed by each signatory country.
The pandemic treaty hence contains a wish-list of each thing the globalists have been working for decades to attain.
Climate Change and Pandemics
Since the “war on climate change” and the “war on pandemics” represent two of the greatest sources of wealth and power for the global elite, a lot of work has been put into conditioning the public to be terrified of the existential risk each allegedly poses.

The pandemic treaty seeks to link both of these together by arguing that “climate change” is the root cause of the disastrous pandemics,5 and that this “problem” thus necessitates giving the globalists control over how we interact with the environment. For example, they argue habitat loss brings humans in contact with deadly diseases.
However, while this is a huge ecological issue, there is very little evidence tying it to pandemics,6 as outside of biolab leaks, consequential animal to human disease transmissions are quite rare.

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One Health
One Health began in 2004,7 at an international (globalist) conference where the idea was put forward that public health needed to be expanded into an umbrella which could control (and profit off) every aspect of our lives.

For example, “climate change” was folded into public health under the rationale that the dire environmental threats we faced necessitated making “ecological health” a core facet of public health. “One Health,” in turn, was merged with the notion that the problems we now faced were so complex that they should be decided by (corrupt) panels of multidisciplinary “experts.”
One Health is now embedded within governments and international organizations on every continent. The CDC has a One Health office8 (as do many other US agencies such as the USDA,9 the Fish and Wildlife Service, the FDA and the NIH). Many other large international organizations (e.g., the UN, FAO, OIE, and UNICEF) and globalist groups (e.g., the Rockefeller Foundation10 and the WEF11) are also aggressively promoting the One Health message.12
Many billions in grants have been given globally to establish “One Health” as a pillar of public health throughout the world, despite the fact it has not yet done anything that benefited health.

Rather, everyone who made a lot of money off COVID-19 (even Pfizer13) is promoting One Health because enshrining this incredibly vague declaration within the legal and public health system provides them with the means to enact whatever policies benefit them. Advancing “One Health” is thus a key theme throughout the WHO’s pandemic treaty.
Protecting Pandemic Products
Since the pandemic racket’s primary source of revenue is selling proprietary products to “mitigate” the next pandemic, the treaty protects that market.
This is done by reaffirming the use of (incredibly profitable) emergency use pharmaceuticals, which, as we saw throughout COVID-19, were a disaster. Since an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) can be issued with minimal or no testing of a drug or vaccine, that eliminates the lion’s share of the costs in bringing a new pharmaceutical to market.

Rather, with an EUA, the manufacturer can roll out the pharmaceutical product absent a demonstration of its safety and effectiveness — but only if the manufacturer, government, WHO and everyone else involved is shielded from liability for injuries that result.
The WHO’s pandemic treaty in turn makes it very clear14 each signatory nation is expected to push such EUA products onto the market and has stipulated that immunity from liability be given to the manufacturers.
Likewise, since the bioweapons industry stands to lose a great deal of money if public protests outlaw their reckless research, the treaty also protects that business. Similarly, the WHO’s new Biohub initiative15 does as well:

Combating ‘Misinformation’
One of the biggest problems the pandemic cartel now faces is that because of the audacity of their vaccine lies, much of the population no longer trusts them. Because of this (and their unwillingness to admit their mistakes and reform their actions), the only remaining option available to them is to outlaw all dissenting voices.
A recent UNESCO report16 outlines global measures to curb speech, creating an “Internet of Trust” focusing on “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.” The pandemic treaty in turn emphasizes countering false information during health events (e.g., it defines an “infodemic” as excessive misleading information during disease outbreaks).
Note: Ironically, much of what our authorities told us throughout the pandemic was later proven to be deadly misinformation, while at the same time, they suppressed the critical scientific evidence which, had it not been censored, would have saved millions of lives. Orwellian doublespeak in turn permeates the pandemic treaty (e.g., it frames censorship as “protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms”).
Usurping National Sovereignty
One of the major debates in international law is the question of when exactly an international treaty supersedes national (or state) law.

Since the underlying purpose of the WHO’s pandemic treaty is to provide a mechanism to bypass populist resistance to the WHO’s abhorrent edicts, the treaty is attempting to supersede local law, and to do so in secret so local legislators don’t realize what has been agreed to until the treaty’s “emergency” pandemic provisions kick in. For example, to quote an international lawyer and a former WHO physician scientist:17
“A rational examination of the texts in question shows that:
- The documents propose a transfer of decision-making power to the WHO regarding basic aspects of societal function, which countries undertake to enact.
- The WHO DG (Director General) will have sole authority to decide when and where they are applied [remember that they apply to both ‘pandemics’ and ‘other health hazards’].
- The proposals are intended to be binding under international law.”
These powers include controlling where people can travel, forcing them to quarantine, implementing contact tracing, mandating treatment or vaccination and prohibiting competing treatments.
Furthermore, many of the treaty’s provisions also violate existing laws (e.g., mass surveillance which violates basic medical privacy protections, taking away intellectual property rights18 from members of signatory nations, and requiring nations to share potential pandemic pathogens with other nations and the WHO).
Meryl Nass the WHO Treaty Wrecking Ball
Meryl Nass MD is a quiet and unassuming country doctor19 who lives in an inconspicuous house in rural Maine and loves to garden. That’s fitting since she has been a fierce thorn in the medical-industrial complex’s side for decades (e.g., she was one of the leading activists who opposed the military’s devastating anthrax vaccine).

During the COVID era, Meryl began treating many of her COVID patients with repurposed drug protocols (e.g., hydroxychloroquine) and continued to do so even after her state moved to protect business interests by cracking down on anyone using off-patent therapies to treat COVID-19. Meryl spoke out both against this and later against the experimental vaccines.
The medical industry in turn decided they needed to make an example out of her, and chose to do so by suspending her medical license. The charges and justification for doing so were so ridiculous that thirteen members of Maine’s legislature (shortly joined by nine more) formally protested the medical board’s conduct. The license suspension ended up backfiring because losing the ability to practice medicine freed up a lot of Meryl’s time.
Door to Freedom
On June 2nd 2023,20 while she was fighting to protect her medical license, Meryl decided that she needed to do something about the WHO’s pending power grab and started the WHO pushback project, which she initially funded with $25,000 of her savings,21 along with the money she has received from Substack subscriptions.22 Since that time, her fledgling nonprofit became known as “Door to Freedom” and has gradually received more and more outside support.

Meryl, in turn has done dozens of podcasts and numerous grueling tours to address parliaments around the world about the pandemic treaty (e.g., on a recent trip she briefed 5 different parliaments23). These efforts have resulted in numerous countries’ parliamentarians being convinced their countries should resist the pandemic treaty and the amended International Health Regulations.
In turn, many political parties are now vocally opposed to it (e.g., Germany, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Estonia).24,25,26,27 Furthermore, some countries are even beginning to pursue charges against those who were complicit in the COVID-19 disaster (e.g., Italy investigated the former health minister for homicide28 because he covered up vaccine deaths, and Slovakia’s Prime Minister is investigating the entire COVID response29).
Meryl has also spoken to our elected officials and at Congressional symposia such as the one hosted by Senator Ron Johnson,30 while Door to Freedom has provided legal support31 to elected officials who wish to use their position to oppose the pandemic treaty. These are monumental political shifts and it is unbelievable this organization was able to pull this off in a matter of months.
What You Can Do to Help

There are three major things each of you can do to help stop this abomination in its tracks. First and foremost, we need to spread awareness about this issue so that it doesn’t stay hidden in the shadows. Discuss it whenever you can with those close to you and share articles about it within your network. Very few people would support the pandemic treaty if they actually understood what was in it, so let them know!
Second, Senator Ron Johnson’s bill S444 and Rep. Tom Tiffany’s bill HR1425 would require that the Senate review the WHO treaties and would prevent their ratification unless 2/3 of the Senate approved.
Because 49 Republican Senators are already cosponsors, the treaties are almost guaranteed to be stopped by the Senate if we can pass these bills. There are many elected officials who are willing to listen to public complaints about the WHO. It is critical to contact your elected representatives to make them aware of what is happening.
Most recently, those senators sent a formal letter to Joe Biden stipulating he must withdraw from the treaty or send it to the senate for ratification (where it cannot be passed).

States are rejecting the WHO as well because the US Constitution reserves healthcare as a state authority. At least one house has passed a bill rejecting the WHO’s jurisdiction in Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Louisiana. Ask your state legislators, attorney general or governor to reject the WHO’s authority in your state as well. Like our senators, they need your voice and support.
Third, please consider supporting their work either by directly donating to Door to Freedom like I have or by supporting Meryl’s Substack. They are operating on a shoestring budget but nonetheless getting a lot done (something you rarely see in the nonprofit world).
Time is of the essence. The amended International Health Regulations and pandemic treaty will be voted on32 at the World Health Assembly in May 2024.33 Because of this, we have about one month left to hit the critical mass to stop this (and have that vote fail).
We are at a moment in history where we could easily go down two different paths with profound implications for generations to come — our society may end up becoming enslaved to the pandemic-industrial complex, but we also have a once in a lifetime opportunity to break up a predatory industry which has victimized generations of human beings around the world in its relentless pursuit of power and profit.
It’s the grassroots efforts of activists like Meryl Nass alongside independent outlets like this one that light a spark that makes it possible to transform the world. Let’s all do what we can to raise our voices and fight for health freedoms.
Author’s note: This is an abridged article. For those of you who want additional information, links, and a more detailed analysis please view the full article here.
A Note From Dr. Mercola About the Author

A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of I appreciate his exceptional insight on a wide range of topics and I’m grateful to share them. I also respect his desire to remain anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients. To find more of AMD’s work, be sure to check out The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack.
– Sources and References
- 1 The Forgotten Side of Medicine, February 7, 2024
- 2 Johns Hopkins, March 10, 2023
- 3, 4, 23, 26, 27, 28 Meryl Nass Substack, December 20, 2023
- 5 The Rockefeller Foundation, May 23, 2023
- 6, 7, 14, 29, 31 Meryl Nass Substack, January 28, 2024
- 8 CDC
- 9 USDA
- 10 One Health Commission
- 11 World Economic Forum August 18, 2022 (Archived)
- 12 Tropical Medical Infectious Diseases, June 2019; 4(2): 88
- 13 Pfizer, January 27, 2023 (PDF)
- 15, 32, 33 WHO
- 16 The Epoch Times, November 28, 2023
- 17 Brownstone Institute, December 11, 2023
- 18 James Risch, March 14, 2023
- 19 Meryl Nass Substack, August 25, 2023
- 20, 21 Meryl Nass Substack, June 2, 2023
- 22 Meryl Nass Substack, September 20, 2023
- 24, 25 Meryl Nass Substack, November 30, 2023
- 30 Senator Ron Johnson, November 8, 2023
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