The soft Kill

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Us government trying to get the people angry Please click on the link for the original video/link.


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It looks like the US federal government is trying to make people angry this is some sort of purposeful division that is being done. Let me be the first one to warn you that this will if it doesn’t stop end in violence in your city your streets run over with chaos Janet Yellen you know part of the US government’s uh federal government and what we do with all of our money the treasury secretary has said that people in the USA are generally better off right now despite outrageous inflation those are my words her her words are price increases despite outrageous inflation they have the audacity to say that you are better off right now better off than what what?

Are they comparing against with what they look at the average American today there might be some kind of high rank coverup going on.

This is happening primarily in Texas a bird flu outbreak is suspected In humans at a Texas Farm Dr Barbara Peterson a dairy veterinarian in Amarillo says that workers at the farm where cattle have tested positive are now suffering Telltale symptoms classic flu like symptoms high fever sweating at night chills lower back pain stomach upset vomiting and diarrhea they have pretty severe conjunctivitis and swelling of their eyelids possibly even into their uh Cranium.

Physicians say that this is exactly what they would expect from an influenza crossover of h5n one. In many mammals it is a deadly virus it’s killing 99% of all the cats that get it. Any attempt to minimize this
threat they say is irresponsible the virus can change easily it can spread swiftly it could cause great harm there has never been so much widespread of this virus among animals and we are confident now that we will see this spread in humans Now. Isn’t it nice that they are so confident that this is going to pass over move over into humans and become person to person spreadable.
If it does and if it was by chance modified or released on purpose or maybe accidentally and you do see a 30% fatality rate it’s game over. Your whole world changes now,they’re afraid of that they’re they’re supposed to be gathering up all sorts of new military lockdown measures they’re going to come down way harder than they did during covid.
That’s going to look like recess when you compare it to the detention that’s coming we will see mandated absolutely China style. Weld you in your home kind of lockdowns for a 30% case fatality rate in a virus they will do absolutely nothing but move to their Banker uh bunkers and the bankers and the bunkers isn’t that convenient and let the military and the police sort things out.

A rapid spread of a uh in India is taking place two doctors six people in quarantine according to officials then they saw government buildings being converted into a blue uh bird flew Ward.

Now I haven’t seen enough of the data to say that this is worrisome but I am keeping an eye on it and that’s what you do right you see a crackhead walking down the street and he’s far away and you go hey that’s a crackhead is he worrisome to you no he’s down the street he’s far away but if he gets close and he starts running at you and he’s got that edged piece that knife that the shank coming towards you then it becomes a concern of yours.

That’s what I think of when I look at something like this this is just the crackhead down the street I’m just going look over every once in a while and say hey bird flu what you doing oh he’s just tweaking today so we’ll see what’s happening tomorrow now I do think they are doing this on purpose.

In Poland and other countries they say that they are next Russia will sweep over all of Ukraine and then come for them then we have countries that have grown tired of sending endless supplies of your taxpaying money your weapons to Ukraine so it seems tactical that they’re going to let Russia gather Steam and gather gains inside of Ukraine then they’re going to really send the fear and the Doom rushing over the people of NATO.

That will then call to arm Ukraine to the teeth send all the money and the children you want to this war Ukrainian. Army commanders are saying the situation is worsening and that Russia is gaining grounds the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces said that the front lines are deteriorating Russia is making a number of recent Battlefield gains the troops have gone back on the offensive this year capitalizing on advantages of Manpower and arms capabilities the situation has worsened says the commander.

He said Ukrainian troops are now retreating or in retreating mode new defensive lines further to the West are being set up the enemy has concentrated its main efforts in several sectors including the creation of significant advantages in forces and means Russia has secured according to these reports tactical successes in some of these sectors.

The defense Ministry of Russia says that it’s troops are capturing Village after Village in which Ukraine can hold no ground they’re struggling to uh recruit enough soldiers to replace those that have been lost to this war now entering its third year Ukraine is awaiting the arrival of billions of US Dollars tons of Us weapons this isn’t going to stop guys.

We do see a fear of GMO crop spreading now GMO stands for genetically modified organism what they’re doing is making in a laboratory making something that in many cases could have never made its way there on purpose you know if you do any sort of splicing between uh you know an apple and a pear tree and you do it naturally and you do it physically that is a uh a modification of that organism but now they’re adding things like pig liver into it or the skin of certain Salmons or uh you know all sorts of different things into our food products because they think it’ll help keep off bugs but then they find that bugs at adapt to it and then they have to have a specialized chemical poison spray to put on to it it becomes a patented ordeal because it’s not found in nature.

Now they have a spread a risk of spread according to scientists of GMO products taking over the world when news of a new purple flesh tomato entered the circulation of social media tomato uh tomato scientists were not sure one says. I had a discussion he’s a professor of horiculture now he works at the crop science at Ohio State University he says I had a discussion with colleagues and all of us joked and looked at it and said well that’s a GMO tomato he says according to the specialization in tomato breeding and genetics plant breeders cannot create a purple fleshed tomato purple skin they can do it.

Purple flesh they cannot but using recombinant DNA technology which is sounds great it’s very appetizing scientists in the United Kingdom developed a purple flesh tomato that’s high in antioxidant it was recently approved for sale and consumption not in the UK where it’s made.

Isn’t that nice they can make it there and ship it over to those dumb a Americans let’s ship it over to the dumb a amans they’re going to eat it their government won’t ban it they won’t make it illegal they’ll spray whatever kind of poisons they want on it we just have to slip them slip them a little cash little little Ruble there a little Yen let’s slip them slip them a little won and see what happens the Americans will do it so so a general manager at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds now you know what an heirloom seed that’s supposed to mean that it is from the same genetic pool that it has seen for hundreds thousands of years never has been uh modified it’s supposed to be as close as we can get to the food that our great grandparents ate.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds says their uh seeds were developed by a hobby breeder in France where
GMO seeds are banned uh he says that they tested it for a common marker of GMOs but they couldn’t specifically test for Snapdragon or the purple genes the seed company refus to say whether or not the seeds were GMO.

They wrote in a statement isn’t that nice an heirloom seed company refuses to say whether these seeds are heirloom or not they did write in a statement saying after repeated testing we are unable to conclusively establish that the purple Galaxy does Nota contain genes that have been genetically modified.

The next mystery is harder to answer how could seeds from a closed lab get to a hobby Gardener now let me tell you they have no shortage of screwing up anytime.

You’re messing with nature there is a chance that you’re going to get found out so you know you you freak around you mess around you find out right that’s what the saying is this is what’s happening now we’re playing that long F round and find out game.

Where we’re just throwing some let’s do some uh you know let’s do some virus modification let’s throw that a 100 years and see how that happens let’s do some animal and some food modification let’s throw that a 30-y year let’s I’ll bet on a 30y year let’s throw that and see what happens.

Because things don’t happen overnight people don’t eat these purple tomatoes and choke out and die no it’s a long-term thing that’s why they let things like titanium dioxide in your food that’s why Dupont is still allowed to through corruption put non-stick Teflon on the market because they said you know what yeah it does cause cancer and no people can’t help but scrape off a little bit on their te on their food when they’re making something in a nonstick pant but in order to not interrupt the market the US government said well let’s give them like 25 30 years to phase it out.

Corruption so I don’t think it’s a runaway train you can easily argue they say that’s someone misappropriated it or the same reason that regular Tomatoes don’t become weeds they don’t have the characteristics in uh to compete in these Arenas so what’s going to happen next well who knows guys we know that the end of everything that you knew the end of the world as you knew it already happened that was like 2020.

The end of the world as you knew it now we have a new age a new world one without so much rule of law one uh at least as it applies to the halves the div dividing factor between the halves and the have knots has already happened.

Now we kind of have to find our place as Preppers survivalists homesteaders whatever you want to call it our place is being ready for anything I hope that you’re trying good luck everyone we’ll see you back here tomorrow Full Spectrum

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The 🔔 ends have been saying it for years Boris Johnson stated in the Daily Telegraph in 2007 something must be done about population control. All of a sudden he became PM then the plandemic happened. His father wrote a few book in the 80s about life without birth, the virus, United Nation population control.


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