The coming Chaos


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It is through channelings and reports from “white hat” intelligence sources that the Cabal is telegraphing the solution phase of the problem/reaction/solution scenario they’re using to usher in their One World Financial System. And yesterday, the people behind the “Poof” information made an interesting admission about the “free money” that’ll be spread around after the financial reset…


In this passage, they are clearly admitting that they will be monitoring how you spend your money, and your access to it will be blocked if they don’t approve of what you’re doing. Of course, they give a good reason why this must be so: because it is essential to stop “terrorism,” but we all know by now that a terrorist is anyone who believes in freedom and opposes the rule of the few over the many. They always give a good public reason for increased control, don’t they?…

> “We must control the internet to stop child pornography (when they are the ones who produce it on an industrial scale).” But the real reason they want to control the internet is to neutralize dissent.

> “We must set up roadblocks to stop those terrible drunk drivers.” But the real reason for the roadblocks was to set a precedent they could expand upon, thus giving rise to roadblocks for whatever reason they choose (such as the recent roadblock by off-duty cops to collect DNA for a private organization).

> “We must molest people at the airport because they might be hiding bombs in their shoes and undies (when they are the ones who put the shoe bombers and underwear bombers on the planes in the first place).” But the real reason for such practices is to acclimatize people to being searched on demand for any reason.

I’ve longed warned of the dangers of transitioning to an all-electronic currency (with no cash or coins) because it would place control of our money into the hands of whoever controls the computers, but a new thought crossed my mind this morning: what if they imbed RFID chips in the cash and coins? With that thought in mind, I googled “rfid coins” and “rfid currency notes” and found out they’ve already been doing it.

Now think about it for a moment…

> With most of your cash in electronic form at a Basel III-compliant bank (implemented to supposedly stop financial fraud), they can track and control it.

> With RFID chips embedded in your cash and coins (implemented to supposedly stop counterfeiting), it all becomes trackable and controllable.

> With RFID chips embedded in your consumer products (implemented to supposedly stop shoplifting), they all become trackable and controllable.

So this is how it will go down (if they are able to pull it off)…

> They will collapse the old system.

> They will launch the new system by handing out lots of money so people will gleefully accept it. (At this initial stage, they’ll probably block financial access to very few people, such as those trying to buy weapons.)

> Once everyone is dependent on the new system, they will start blocking money from more and more people for more and more reasons until all who remain are locked into a very small box of “elite”-approved behavior.

How will they lock out dissidents, you ask? By using RFID readers at cash registers, intersections, roadblocks, cell towers, etc., as well as in smart meters, cell phones, wireless portals, etc., they will track the movement and destination of all currency and goods. And if you are designated a persona non grata, your digital and physical cash, as well as your consumer products, will be seized for whatever reason they choose to invent. You will be unable to buy, sell, or barter in the mainstream economy.

Make no mistake: the new financial system being sold to the undiscerning elements of the awake and aware community is not of the True Light. It is just the new, improved version of Cabal control covered with a candy coating.

So what should one do? When the old system collapses, I sense the need to GO LOCAL, because any global system being offered will be a trap. Back in the early days of the American colonies, they produced their own scrip (cash), and they did just fine. Going back to community self-sufficiency seems the key to freedom. If the System comes after those who do so, we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get there (with God’s help). Resistance might look futile, but it is a requirement.
PATH OF ASCENSION (13) click here for the video link or copy/past the above link into the browser please.

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Hello friends of the truth;
first of all we wish to clarify what Ascension is not at your present state of evolution.

Ascension of the physical body along with your soul self will only be possible for a few very Advanced avatars that have opened the path for Humanity’s Ascension into the next level of higher Consciousness.

The Beloved jeshua along with many great avatars in the Angelic realm set the stage and planted the cosmic seeds of Creator light in preparation for this extraordinary process in order to ascend in the physical vessel at this time.

You would have to almost complete the transformation of your physical body into frequencies of Divine Light and
raise the harmonics of your soul song to those of the highest Plains of The Fifth Dimension and above.
It is wishful thinking to assume that it is possible to transmute the density of a third fourth dimensional physical body into a fifth dimensional vessel of light in one lifetime.

You the Vanguard the star seed are supplying the fuel adamantine particles of light to activate the seeds
of Ascension which were planted on Earth over 2,000 years years ago.

Humanity is in a purification stage in preparation for a much greater expansion of consciousness which is affecting more and more souls as it sweeps the Earth and accelerates exponentially.
As a result at the present stage of evolutionary change the physical bodies of the aspirants disciples on the path are in the process of being being infused with the transforming power of Creator light the cells of higher Consciousness are Awakening and bursting forth with the alchemical formula of transformation.

You are in the process of cleansing your auric field of a major portion of the negative re key distorted
vibrational frequency patterns which have dimmed your auric light and have resulted in the manifestation of all the misc Creations within the physical vessel.

Locked in the cellular body are toxins which must be released or refined so that you may integrate the harmonious frequencies of your multi-level bodily structure once more the light body cells have been dimmed just as the oric field has become foggy and congested with negative energy.

The god cells are still present and functioning within you however they have just diminished and dimmed over time from a lack of nourishment it is as if you have constantly been fed contaminated food which over a long period of time will destroy the bodily vessel.

The ego desire body is cunning and persistent and it will constantly nudge you towards seeking more and more bodily Sensations and self Indulgence often with disastrous results. You must understand the different parts of your body resonate to a great variety of frequency patterns depending on the spin and purity of your chakra system.

You should always strive for maximum Harmony within each level of your higher self that you integrate do not forget that Ascension is a Never Ending process for all levels of creation have an inborn desire to seek and attain the next higher level of Consciousness.

Consider the notion that humanity is experiencing four realities at once, physical mental emotional and
astral in the physical material world where your body and physical senses are the major Focus.

Your state of health determines how interactive you are in the world of physicality and how much you will enjoy the experience. Your progression into the higher Realms of Consciousness is a gradual Awakening process where be you awaken to the nuding wisdom of your soul and immediate higher self over Soul.

As you step onto the path of Enlightenment you initiate the process of developing a conscious mindful awareness you must first focus on the physical aspects of your being your physical vessel the chakra system your emotional nature and your mental capabilities.

Gradually over time as you balance harmonize and integrate a certain degree of unity Consciousness within your physical state of being you, are ready to access the vibrational patterns the wisdom attributes and abilities of the higher fourth and lower fifth dimensional realities.

This is the basic process that we sometimes call Ascension in Consciousness.

You have an etheric body which contains a complete authentic replica of your physical mental and emotional bodies when you transcend or leave your body the silver cord as it is sometimes called is severed at that time.

You told totally vacate the physical vessel which immediately begins to disintegrate what will remain is the shell of the subtle body which is composed of Astral emotional and mental substance which must be dissolved before the soul can proceed to the next level of conscious awareness.

We have explained before how the unawaken souls are taken to special places which could be called intensive care units whereby via the beautiful angels of Mercy The Love Light of the Creator is continuously radiated to and through each Soul’s auric field until the negative shell of Miss qualified energy is completely transmuted however it is important that you understand that the death transition afterlife process has changed radically.

No long longer does any Soul go into the densy astral Plains to await their turn to reincarnate on the earth if you are a self-conscious person whose soul song resonates to the higher fourth lower fifth Dimensions or higher.
You are automatically taken to the appropriate plane where everything seems much like the reality you left behind only much grander more beautiful and more joyful loving and peaceful you will go through the gates of the Heavenly Realms totally aware you will review your past life as an observer and you say say farewell to those near and dear to you however they will slowly Fade Into the background unless they are members of your immediate Soul family.

Again the frequencies you project or resonate to will determine which dimension or subplane dimensional level you will be taken to and also which levels of cosmic information you will be able to access.

Your AIC field is like a cloak that surrounds your ether astral bodies and it is either a cloak of light
or a shrewd of negative in harmonious energy that you have accumulated over your many past lifetime experiences you are composed of units of energy mental emotional physical astral and spiritual.

You must learn and accept the fact that you are a creation of forceful energy an original spark of divine
Consciousness as a self-conscious co-creator you are also a director of energy via your own forceful thoughts actions and intentions.

You exist in a a whirlwind of energy energy forces comprising either Primal life force substance the half spectrum light of the lower Dimensions or the wondrous all-encompassing adamantine particles of Creator light from the higher Realms of Consciousness.

Your mental state of mind and the quality or Resonance of your emotional nature determine the outcome
of your creative endeavors as a co-creator you will mold and manifest your creative ideas thoughts
and then you must experience the resulting manifested expression of your thoughts and actions so state the universal laws.

You are to become an efficient director of cosmic energy forces so become a conscious Observer as
you practice Detachment from within your Sacred Heart Center. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a Vortex of negative energy created by others learn to stand firm and in control.

As you gradually become the director of all of your sacred energy do not allow anyone to disturb your
Serenity and harmonious nature.

However please remember if you do occasionally have a human moment stop and take a deep breath and return to Center as you send forth a burst a violet flame to transmute and dissolve any discordant energy.

You are sometimes too harsh in your judgment of self Perfection is not expected dear Hearts.
The radiance of your higher overs Soul self gradually penetrates and permeates your physical and emotional bodies thereby gradually releasing any accumulated negative astral debris.
The combined light of the overs soul of all humanity is gradually dissolving the contaminated distorted vibrational patterns of the astral Plains in the past. They have been called the collective Consciousness the
negative thought patterns of humanity love Serenity and Joy are the primary qualities of the oversoul most.

People’s thoughts are generally random and without Focus. Lowering the frequencies of your brain waves or learning to maintain an alpha State of Consciousness provides a sharp focus of your ongoing thought processes and gives clear direction to the subconscious mind.

The alpha Mastery techniques are a profound and Powerful tool your conscious thinking mind comprehends but it is your subconscious mind that processes the incoming information and takes action becoming an alpha master and maintaining the appropriate Alpha level of Consciousness.
Will allow you to speak to and interact with your subconscious mind it goes beyond willpower as you develop the ability to communicate directly with your deep instinctive inner mind and your sacred mind you will find yourself naturally making the best decisions and taking the right action to achieve your goals.

The Ascension process begins when your soul self has resumed its proper position as director of the physical mental and emotional self it is as if an ignition switch has been turned on. Within your DNA which contains the blueprint for your perfect atomy of cadmon light body a series of latent encodings are activated via the higher frequencies of light that you have begun to integrate.
These light vibrational patterns contain specific encodings of color and harmonics which will affect
all the cells and organs within the bodily form. Gradually the cells will begin to absorb and metabolize the light and these light bearing cells will begin to permeate and affect the entire physical vessel.
The transmutation process is then initiated whereby toxins emotional trauma painful memories and experiences stored throughout the body will begin to surface thereby creating a multitude of uncomfortable physical symptoms aches and pain in various parts of the body, flu like symptoms headaches confusion and temporary memory loss to name only a few.
The next level of oric field reconstruction involves the emotional body and the astral planes of Consciousness.

As your physical body evolves it becomes capable of integrating more and more refined frequency cells of light.

Your fourth-dimensional reality becomes more fluid as it shifts and changes frequencies.

Therefore your illusional world becomes distorted and confusing your religious belief structure May Begin to Fall Apart.

Leaving you feeling vulnerable and without guidance or Direction there is a higher self- merge at this point whereby the oversoul facet of your higher self which has resided within your soul star.

The eighth chakra begins to send impulses o beams of higher frequency light packets into your sacred mind Sacred Heart and the entire chakra system these beams activate your intuitive abilities they also contain Vital Information for your greater understanding of who you truly are and they may also activate a Divine discontent within your Diamond core.

God cell is now integrating more and more God light which activates and increases the power of the Rays of God Consciousness within your Sacred Heart core.
This process is programmed within your Divine blueprint and it is also encoded within your DNA by this time your cells have begun to respond to the light as it becomes the main source of life-giving energy.

This is the major reason aspirant on the path often radically change their diets to less dense food for for their physical and emotional bodies are being saturated with adamantine particles of light the food of the Gods.

As you move deeper and deeper into the Realms of refined light the physical senses may become enhanced and your awareness of colors and sound will increase the magnification of the physical senses means the cells within your oric field are beginning the task of clearing the dense restrictive energy that has built up over many thousands of years. The doggy prison that has dulled the senses and has kept Humanity in bondage is gradually being bathed in light cells this will result in the oric field becoming more radiant as more and more souls awaken to the Divine potential within. The physical body must gradually be reintroduced uced to the transformative effects of the living light in order to reclaim the original light body form that was designed for all Humanity.

Beloveds cast not your eyes on the chaos and destruction that are rampant on the earth at this time live
each day centered within your Sacred Heart so that you may integrate into your physical vessel.

The maximum amount of Creator light and you then joyfully send forth that precious gift down into the core of the earth and out into the world of form. Know that the joint efforts of the world servers around the planet are making a difference we are a force for the greater good that cannot be denied.

I am forever your faithful guardian and protector.
I am Archangel Michael

By altering our consciousness modify our external reality. Click here for the video/link please.

It is getting freaking bad.

The economic crises and role of the fed in it. Click on link for the video/link discussing alternatives/effect.


How is the best way to travel to a climate change conference? Click on link for the video

Death and destruction, depopulation and for the ones left/survive slavery.

The existence of non-humans being involved/taking control/destroy. The so-called Great reset. Collectivist and the opposite of individualist/ individuality /creativity.

The collectivist or hive mind set are centrally controlled by a super intelligent being/hive and basically like our Bees.

It are human predators and ongoing for millions of years.

Planet earth is a big human far and produces life based substances/products being very valuable/need by many of the reptilian races. As drug life elixir.

We are being conned by our so-called elected leader but the system rigged.

Every one we can choose of or elect is already pre-selected. Making sure that who-ever wins under their control. NWO/WEF/Illuminati & alien connect. The so-called puppet Masters. Media/propaganda play an important role as such/owners.

Most of the substances they are after get secreted in our blood during strong emotions.

Unfortunately for us humans it are negative beings and feed on us and use the secretions produced as a result of low frequencies like fear, anger, suffering, illness and preferable a slow death increases the accumulation of residue in our blood.

Our environment has to be toxic to produce it.

Living in under stress, duress and fear. Being drugged adding substances to food, water, soil, air/environment.


Cell towers,

They love kids the younger the better for most uses.

Printing money

The south pursuing their own sovereignty despite the Cabal/West.

Kissinger’s assertion that “Nothing important can come from the South” has been relegated to the proverbial dustbin of history, as a new era, defined by nations standing up for their sovereign economic right to development, has arrived. Will governments of nations of the Global North come to their senses, and recognize that it is in their interests to accept this change? Or will they commit suicide, by launching new destabilizations and wars to keep the Unipolar Order alive?

This was a central theme of my weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which you can view at this link:

If you have questions or comments for the Friday Question segment tomorrow, send them to me at

Money controls the world and most, almost all problems start their and the US is not going to let that happen if they can.

Click here for video/information.

Pirola panic

Pirola, BA.2.86. An asteroid that hangs out by Jupiter click for the video please.

World Health Organization, BA.2.86 a “variant under monitoring”…/sars-cov-2-genome-sequence…

First monitoring 14 August 2023, (horizon scanning)

34 amino acid differences compared with BA.2

All in spike protein…/whats-new/covid-19-variant.html

36 amino acid changes compared with the 2023 circulating XBB.1.5

The outcome is already decided and the Bric’s countries will become win and stronger stronger just a matter of numbers and as planned by the Rockefellers/élite some time ago but well documented.

Before a war start they the governments need the OK from the central banks. In this case they are the owners of the West but also the Bric’s and the winner take all.( Hedge against losses and a steep profit doing so). The banks can create money from air and payee an interest over it.

It is called wealth transfer and in the end the banks take most.

The players are not in control but lackies and have to do what they are told. Everything is planned and controlled and we the West/Europe going to be stripped of all assets/value, any rights not even our own life, children, freewill. Our situation will be soon comparable too that of Germany after WW2.

Young Global leader or the future Master race

Please click on the link here for the video please

Well we will fight. We have to fight. Many will fight and the Almighty God will fight for His people . Bring in the Armageddon.

It will be booked as Victory over colonialism/us and worldwide celebrated. We the people did not do anything really, it is the cabal ( international Banks) media including google, security services cabal/element within some of our organizations. Have a close look on the diagram below.

Not do we have any influence nor asked about all just pushed upon us. What they will try to do however make us all feel guilty and easy to manipulate. The same media who have been blinding us from what was happening in other world parts.

It is not really difficult because all of the decision making positions and members of the Government do know most of each others being members of the WEF/Illuminati and standard praxis.

WEF warning; click here for the video. First they create the problems and than offer to solve it and signed on to become a slave. WEF just issued their biggest CRISIS warning yet – Redacted with Clayton Morris.mp4

If you look at 2020/21 and 2022 you can see the degrading of the EU/US and Russia going from red to black.

We humans have a individualized soul structure and free will others working here on earth a collective structure and hive mind which is controlled by a centralized type of intelligence and no free will. The so-called master puppies or WEF puppies.

Using telepathic communication and need approval/agreement from this central organized structure.

Bit like the Bees do have with the queen.

The detail however is in the tail. The end objective is and has been a one world government that legally control and owns the total world our planet earth. In its united form has value and part or in totally can be sold to aliens/civilizations. The new king being Marduk an Alien ET who wants Africa for themselves and his family.

When the celebration about the unexpected victories in Africa and be very happy and full of joy but do not realize that the next set-up has already be in preponement.

91 world leaders attended Nelson Mandela’s so-called “Funeral” were their to crown and pledge allegiance to the new King of Africa being Marduk. Leader of the NWO & alien connect.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was notably absent. At the time this seemed somewhat strange, since almost every other nation was represented by their top leader. In addition and also absent were the top leaders of China and Israel.

This article will present what are perhaps were the actual reasons for these peculiar absences. First however there is a Secret Space War now occurring over Planet Earth and battles fought.

Why because Mandela died many months earlier than the date of his Funeral and it has been alleged by insiders that his so-called funeral was cover for the secret crowning ceremony of Marduk, the Alien ET leader, believed to be the head Draco a Reptilians race and have positioned themselves in Space and her on earth underground.

It is believed by some that Marduk was perhaps driven away from Planet Earth during earlier times by a major earth catastrophe or as a direct judgment of ‘God.’ Others believe that another alien ET leader from the Tall White Nordics forced him to leave in some kind of major cosmic warfare victory.

It is very difficult to get a handle on Marduk, why he suddenly appeared in Africa, why he was crowned King of Africa and what he is trying to accomplish if these claims are true. Obviously the average person on the street is never supposed to find out about the Alien ET connection, Marduk and what he represents which is believed to be the Third Force.

It is believed by some that the Dracos are shape shifting inter-dimensional lizard-beings, evil to the core and thrive on promoting human suffering, and mass painful deaths of humans.

Thus they have been labeled negative energy vampires that induce their servants, the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) to induce as much human suffering and mass painful death as possible to keep their energy status high.

Yes, I know this sounds ridiculous and impossible, but good and credible Intel sources from deep inside the American Space War System have provided this information so it is not that easy to simply discount.


Example: How would you use a digital card in a power outage or during a catastrophic disaster .. no power no money..

US, We will keep our Banks. Take the digital crap and cram in in the Brits backsides. As long as we have our Banks and our FDIC we have people to hold responsible. D.C. will be losing funding and businesses that have been unlawfully diverted. Watch Video please.

Bric’s going to win this now world wide war as planned and set-up by the Rockefellers and published previously including theme’s slogans and outcome ( Cabal) and the demise of the West. All planned and executed

Artificial meat.

WEF- This is E.V.I.L – New World Economic Forum Plans Revealed Under Great Reset

Artificial meat using gene technology:

UK climate rapport Net zero, click here for video.

  • The Govt don’t care. They gave the go ahead to expand Bristol airport….. but what about carbon foot prints and climate change? Anyone seen the battery electric plane yet? A lot of double standards when it comes to policy eh. Part of the great reset or economic ( destruction)

Declaration of Independence make sure you have the real

Sharon Watkins
  · 11 augustus om 23:17  · 

Click here to start video/explanation please

Use of brainwaves to control/set them against each others.

Meer video’s in Video

Video opnieuw afspelen


Dan Smith31 juli om 06:16  · Dr Pierre Gilbert Warns In 1995 About Magnetic Vaccines.RWANDA Mind Control ~ Operation Crimson Mist

One they are all in our Libraries with their Unions now too . They were never suppose to be allowed to do that too .

Subterranean Bases


The Coming Chaos

POSTED ONAuthoradmin

group consensus
group consensus (Photo credit: Will Lion)

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be the protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain.

All these refinements we’ve developed – democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy – come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the government will fall because it is not performing the more important, elementary functions.

Interfering with our food supply / production

The higher the CO2 the higher the yield, please click on link for video.


This subject is an enormous one which I could not begin to describe in such a short piece as this. The reader will have to fill in the blanks left by the following examples:

DISEASE: The Group developed the AIDS virus principally at Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg in Brisgau. It seems that Dr. Strecker and the London Times [5/11/87] were correct in suspecting that the epidemic was man-made and connected with the World Health Organization’s smallpox eradication program in Africa [My source identified the names of a senior member of the Global Commission in 1979, who handled at least Ethiopia and Somalia, and W.H.O. representatives for Central Africa, where the AIDS virus is taking the largest toll, and for Western Africa] and the 1978-79 hepatitis B vaccine experiments among homosexuals in the U.S. [My source identified the name of one member of the NY City team.

I could not obtain the names of the team members for S.F.] They chose homosexuals because they believed that few would care what happened to them and hoped the disease would spread throughout the country before anyone realized that it would kill ANYONE — not just gays. During the “incubation period” [1995-2000] the Group plans to introduce new diseases that will be “far more aggressive, far more vicious” than AIDS. (Apparently, we must assume that if they release a disease, they will already have developed an antidote in case one of ‘them’ gets infected – Branton)

English: Network diagram showing interlocks be...
English: Network diagram showing interlocks between various U.S. corporations and institutions and the Council on Foreign Relations, in 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

CRIME AND DRUGS: …Crime and illegal drugs go hand-in-hand. Drug traffic has been fostered under the covert aegis of the Group’s massive apparatus within the CIA since at least Vietnam. My informant states that “Mr. Halloran” as a “contract” CIA operative in Saigon was running hard drugs from Laos and Cambodia to Bien Hoa to the US aboard military aircraft for use on American streets. It went on for years and is probably still going on, but now from other points of origin. There are alliances between the Group’s agents in the CIA and the military and drug lords in South America. My informant identified the names of most DEA agent-in-charge of major US offices & many US Coast Guard and Navy officers ON drug interdiction duty.

Link to video about economic collapse?

Well we will fight. We have to fight. Many will fight and the Almighty God will fight for His people . Bring in the Armageddon.

Related: Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

ECONOMIC DEPRESSION: The plan is for there to be a disastrous [but short-lived] depression, precipitated by a stock crash. The Group’s members in the financial community certainly have the muscle to do it. My informant has identified [current=1994] either the presidents or chairmen of five of the six largest banks in NYC, many of the key officials in the NY Federal Reserve, most of the major London merchant banks, four of the largest GERMAN banks, and five of the 11 largest US stock brokerage firms.


CIVIL/RACE WAR; THE MILITARY; THE ASSASSINATION LIST: The Group’s plan is to covertly foster and finance a civil war on race lines through their agents in black and Hispanic ghettoes in major cities. Once they are successful in gun control legislation the Group will ARM the minority insurgents with attack weapons to be used against essentially weapon-less minority and non-minority individuals. The local police departments will be out-gunned. The military will be called in, but will be unable to control the situation due to an artificial “breakdown in the chain of command.”

[The percentage of senior US Army, Navy and Air Force general officers — brigadier general through general, rear admiral through admiral — identified by my informant has been astoundingly high. The rate of identification among generals and admirals in the military is equaled in only two other organizations: the State Department and the Council on Foreign Relations.]

European Council on Foreign Relations
European Council on Foreign Relations (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the midst of the societal chaos, after the war begins, the Group will conduct systematic assassinations of key American civilian and military leaders who have not supported the Group’s policies or its key agents.

That list is referred to by my main informant and by the woman I first interviewed in 1983-84 as “all the king’s men.” The civil war fostered covertly by the Group will frighten “middle America” into the adoption of the Group’s government.

After the year 2000, the civil war will be used by the Group as the excuse for genocide against the Black and Hispanic races. The genocide of the black races will be global. There are also large-scale genocide plans for Hispanics and Chinese. Literally hundreds of smaller races also targeted. This will take place over a much longer period than [the] German experiment in WWII.

Related: Chapter 34 – The Federal Emergency Management Agency

(Remember that the ‘root‘ of the ‘New World Order‘ agenda can be traced back to the secret occulted societies connected to Bavaria, Germany — the Illuminati, Thule, Nazis, Vril, Rosicrucian, Black Gnostics, Skull & Bones, Cult of the Serpent, Templars, Babylon Mystery Cult, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Jesuits, and all of the many lesser-known inter-locking secret societies which grew out of the occult-military core of the early Roman Empire and the later Holy Roman Empire‘ [HO.R.E.] — a core that had its center of power not only in Rome but also in Germany. – Branton)

Covid after mat

A systematic review of autopsy-related literature following COVID-19 vaccination found that 73.9% of the 325 deaths were linked to the shots, suggesting “a high likelihood of a causal link” between the shots and death.

The review, published on June 21 in the peer-reviewed journal Forensic Science International, was first posted on July 5, 2023, on The Lancet preprint server, SSRN, an open access research platform.

However, Preprints with The Lancet removed the study from the server within 24 hours, “because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology,” according to a statement on the SSRN page, The Daily Sceptic reported.

The paper had been viewed over 100,000 times.

Authors submitting papers to Lancet journals for review post their work to the SSRN to make it publicly available while it undergoes peer review.

University of Michigan researcher Nicolas Hulscher authored the study, along with Dr. William Makis, Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH, and several of their colleagues at The Wellness Company.

The authors said autopsies should be performed on all deceased people who have received one or more COVID-19 vaccines and that vaccinated people should be clinically monitored for at least one year following vaccination. They called for further research into the issue.

McCullough told The Defender:

“Our study faced unprecedented censorship from the Lancet SSRN preprint server and was taken down after massive downloads by concerned physicians and scientists across the globe.

“Lancet did not want the world to know that among deaths that were autopsied after COVID-19 vaccination, independent adjudication found that the vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9% of cases.

“The most common fatal vaccine syndromes were myocarditis and blood clots. Investigative journalists should probe Lancet to uncover who was behind unethical suppression of critical clinical information to the public.”

Makis announced the publication of the “Lancet censored” paper on X last week:

BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online!

“A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination”

“325 autopsy cases”

“We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by…

— William Makis MD (@MakisMD) June 21, 2024

McCullough also noted the project was approved through the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health and used a standard scientific methodology to evaluate the studies for inclusion in the review.

The authors subsequently posted on the Zenodo preprint server, while the review underwent peer review at Forensic Science International. It was downloaded over 125,000 times.

Preprint servers were established to address inefficiencies in academic publishing. The peer-review process typically takes months or more, delaying the real-time sharing of scientific findings with the public.

Also, many journals are proprietary and can only be accessed through expensive personal or institutional subscriptions.

Preprint servers offer a location for scientific reports and papers to be available to the public while the paper goes through peer review — making scientific findings available immediately and for free and opening them up to broader public debate.

There is no peer-review process for preprints, although there is a vetting process.

Preprint servers are intended to be neutral and to post all research conducted with a clearly explained and reproducible methodology, according to Vinay Prasad, M.D., MPH, who reported last year that his COVID-19-related work was subject to similar censorship.

Thirty-eight percent of Prasad’s own lab’s submissions to preprint servers were rejected or removed — even though those same articles eventually were published in journals and extensively downloaded.

Preprint servers have become “gatekeepers” for what science gets published, Prasad said.

When The Lancet took down the paper, The Daily Sceptic’s Will Jones wrote that given the credentials of the authors, “It is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line.”

The Lancet Preprints did not respond to The Defender’s request for comment.

Findings have wide-ranging implications

The authors searched the published literature archived in PubMed and ScienceDirect for all autopsy and necropsy — another word for autopsy — reports related to COVID-19 vaccination, where the death occurred after vaccination.

They screened out 562 duplicate studies among the 678 studies initially identified in their search. Other papers were removed because, for example, they lacked information about vaccination status.

Ultimately 44 papers containing 325 autopsies and one necropsy case were evaluated. Three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not the COVID-19 shot was the direct cause or contributed significantly to the death reported.

They found 240 of the deaths (73.9%) were found to be “directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination” and the mean age for death was 70.4 years old.

Primary causes of death included sudden cardiac death, which happened in 35% of cases, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction, which occurred in 12.5% and 12% of the cases respectively.

Other causes included vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, myocarditis, multisystem inflammatory syndrome and cerebral hemorrhage.

Most deaths occurred within a week of the last shot.

The authors concluded that because the deaths were highly consistent with the known mechanisms for COVID-19 vaccine injury, it was highly likely the deaths were causally linked to the vaccine.

They said the findings “amplify” existing concerns about the vaccines, including those related to vaccine-induced myocarditis and myocardial infarction and the effects of the spike protein more broadly.

They also said the studies have implications for unanticipated deaths among vaccinated people with no previous illness. “We can infer that in such cases, death may have been caused by COVID-19 vaccination,” they wrote.

The authors acknowledged some potential biases in the article.

First, they said, their conclusions from the autopsy findings are based on an evolving understanding of the vaccines, which are currently different from when the studies evaluated were published.

They also noted that systematic reviews have bias potential in general because of biases that may exist at the level of the individual papers and their acceptance into the peer-reviewed literature.

They said publication bias could have affected their results because the global push for mass vaccination has made investigators hesitant to report adverse events.

They also said their research did not account for confounding variables like concomitant illnesses, drug interactions and other factors that may have had a causal role in the reported deaths.

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