Behind the current coup & alien intervention!

SECOND BRIEFING: Why the Intervention is Occurring

You may well ask at the outset, “Why is our world being visited? Why is there an Intervention?” There are several answers to these fundamental questions, some of which are obvious, and some are not.

Obviously, you live in a beautiful world with great biological diversity. It is a world that has not been destroyed through exploitation, though it is in danger of being so. It is a world that contains immense biological resources, life-giving resources, resources that are rare and difficult to find in a Greater Community of barren worlds. You, of course, do not yet realize the value of your own world. Having never lived abroad, you cannot yet appreciate the marvel of the world that you live in and why it is so valuable to others. But consider this: You live in a world with a remarkably temperate environment and tremendous biological beauty and diversity. You live in a world that has enormous water resources. You live in a world that has large tracts of habitable land for those races that can breathe your atmosphere. You have a world now that has a human presence and infrastructure that can be incorporated into foreign technologies. You belong to a race of people which is intelligent, although superstitious and ignorant of life in the universe, thus making you malleable and susceptible to persuasion and inducement. You live in a virtual paradise. This is how your world is perceived.

When we first came to your world and observed it from a close proximity, we were amazed. It is far more beautiful and rich than we had imagined. Though we have never been on the surface of your world, we can see even from our vantage point what a glorious place it must be. We have seen interventions such as the one occurring in your world happening in worlds of far less value and merit. So, certainly your world is like a prize. The question is whether you will defend it, protect it and maintain it. If you do not, others will surely take it from you. Have you not already seen this in the history of your own world when tribes and indigenous peoples were overcome by foreign powers seeking advantage, and how the great wealth that these indigenous peoples possessed, even unknown to them, made their land and their world so valuable to others? Have you not seen this? Has this not been demonstrated in your world countless times? It is being so demonstrated even at this moment.

Now you are the indigenous peoples. And powerful, intervening forces are coming into your world seeking to establish themselves through subtle means, seeking to unite with humanity in spirit and in flesh, seeking to gain a foundation here from which they can establish their own authority and pre-eminence. Your world is so attractive, surely you can see that such an Intervention can occur if you think about it.

To the Collectives, who live mostly in technological environments, such a world is grand, spectacular and useful. Yet they are not driven by an artistic appreciation of your world. They are driven by the need for your world’s resources. They see it as a prize, the best amongst many. They are surveying it even at this moment.

The advent of nuclear weapons in your world triggered the Intervention to go into its mature phase, for they realize that should you become stronger and have greater technological power, then the Intervention would be more difficult to achieve. They would have you believe that they are intervening to save you from your own self-destruction, but really they are seeking to intervene before the situation becomes too difficult. You have become powerful, but not yet powerful enough. They see your world’s environment being destroyed, and they feel they cannot wait.

These are perhaps the obvious reasons why your world is undergoing an Intervention. But what about the reasons that are not so obvious? Let us speak of these now.

Unknown to all but a few individuals in the world today, there are important secret depositories in your world, for your world has been used by even gracious societies to hide things of value deep within it. For millennia your world has been a safe haven for the storage of sacred and powerful items. There are some in the hierarchy of the Collectives who know of this. And that is why they give your world special importance. That is why they seek to use individuals in your world who have psychic abilities in order to gain access to those individuals who have an intrinsic knowledge of these important hidden treasures.

After all, your world, with its vast biological resources, is an exquisite place to hide things, small things, things that can be buried deep underground in places that would be very difficult to discover. And because native peoples were superstitious and have sparsely populated the earth for so long, many things of value have been stored here.

If you were to discover these things, well, perhaps they would seem of little value or use to you, for you have not the skill or the Knowledge to use them. But should they be discovered by you, this would make you extremely vulnerable in the Greater Community, for in one moment, you would have something that so many others would want. You would not have the skill or the means to protect what you had just discovered, and it would bring tremendous attention to your world, attention that you would not want.

This is why the wise remain hidden in the universe. This is why objects of power, even wisdom itself, must be protected and guarded. It is the same in your world, surely. The wisest are the most hidden. Those who have the greatest Knowledge are the hardest to find, except by those who are meant to find them.

Some of these depositories have been destroyed through the natural cycles of your earth’s evolution. They have been destroyed through natural events. But some still exist. And because the Intervention is under way, those who have stored these things long ago cannot return for their own safety.

This is why it is true that humanity has been visited for a very long time. But there has never been an Intervention of this magnitude or this nature before. This may be confusing to some people, for they think that the Intervention is but another expression of an ongoing visitation and an ongoing alien presence in the world, but it is not really true. You do not yet have the skill to discern friend from foe, your allies from your adversaries, except through demonstration, and even here it would take a deeper insight to make this determination. Some people will think that we are humanity’s adversaries and that those intervening are humanity’s allies. This is so obviously untrue, but it is not obvious to you. For you are without wisdom and awareness in these matters, and that is why we have come.

Your world contains, then, great treasures—great treasures in its biological diversity, in its water resources, in its temperate environment and in its hidden treasures. Yet there is another reason that the world is valuable. This would not be obvious to you, for you could not recognize this from your vantage point. And that is that the world is in a strategic position that is valuable to other races.

To understand this, you would have to have an overview of competition between Collectives and the economic and political establishments in the region in which you live. There are many participants. There are conflicts, though war rarely exerts itself. Competition is carried out in more subtle and ingenious means, for technology can be shared, copied and purchased. It is power in the Mental Environment, the power of persuasion and the power of insight, that holds the greatest advantage here. Humanity does not yet realize this, for it is still brutish in the exertion of its powers. But your education about the Greater Community must begin at some time. And surely this is the time!

Your world’s strategic position adds to its importance. There are several Collectives competing for pre-eminence in your world. They are competing with one another, though they are not at war. We are certain that you can think of examples of this within your own world. For example, many nations in your world could compete for the riches of a poorer country. Such competition is occurring now, and that is why the Intervention has many faces. That is why you will see many different kinds of craft hovering above your lands. You will encounter different races of beings, and it will be very confusing, and you will think, “Some are good, and some are bad. Some are here to help, and some maybe are not here to help.” But you are only guessing. And it is only your hopeful expectations that would encourage you to think that anyone who is on the surface of your world is here for your good.

Your allies will not intrude. Your allies will not seek to manipulate you or give you power that you cannot yet assume or give you technologies that you cannot yet use constructively. Your allies do not seek to conquer you or to make you part of their associations.

Before you can advance in the Greater Community, first you must survive. And to survive, you must unite and protect your world from interventions such as is occurring here now. If you can secure your freedom, then Intervention will be very difficult to achieve, by legal means, at least. And you will have to become a power to be reckoned with, rather than a feeble race that is stewarding a beautiful planet.

We believe in the great truth and power that exist in the human heart, or we would not have made the long journey to come here, or placed ourselves at such great risk to spend these years observing the Intervention and its activities. Your allies believe in the promise of humanity.

However, such respect you will find rare in the Greater Community. For as is true in so many places, your value and your worth will be determined by what you own, what you can trade, what you can sell, what you can surrender. This is life. This is nature. Technology does not change this. You must learn this. If you believe that technology is your salvation, you will be saved for another race who is technologically superior to you.

Please hear our words here. We speak from great experience. We cannot prove these things to you until you can see them yourself. And when you see them yourself, it will be so obvious! The Intervention is so obvious! But who can see it? From your vantage point, it is far more difficult to recognize. And until you can have a Greater Community education and perspective, until you learn about the realities of the Greater Community, how can you possibly understand? Your heart will know, but can you listen?

People want a happy outcome. People want to avoid conflict and challenge. People do not want to change, necessarily. Yet that is not what life brings.

Humanity must become far stronger than it is today. Human freedom must be the rallying cry. So when you ask, “Why our world?” you must recognize these things that we have mentioned. What is obvious you will be able to see. What is not obvious you will not be able to see, but you can still understand. You may choose, of course, to distrust our words. You may believe that it is impossible that we could communicate to you in this way. You may doubt the whole process by which we communicate. You may cast away our counsel. We understand. But you must follow the Wisdom that lives within you to really know and if you really know, then you will know that we are being true with you.

This is where the real proof will occur. If you seek a proof in demonstration only, well, you can be persuaded of many things. But only Knowledge within you can be persuaded by the truth itself. It cannot be deceived. This is your strongest and greatest hope. This is the greatest power in the universe, and your visitors do not use it. This is the key. Learn The Way of Knowledge and you will have the key. If you want things to be shown to you, well, you will be led astray. You will be persuaded by other powers. You will follow what you want instead of what you truly know. The world will be given away. And the occupation will become complete.

You live at a critical moment, perhaps the greatest moment in your world’s history. You have come at a great time. Is this an accident? Is it a mistake? Or was it meant to be this way? You who may be unsettled in your life, seeking a greater reality and a greater meaning, surely you must consider this. You are the indigenous peoples of a world that is being visited for the purpose of conquest and domination. How will you respond?

The choice is yours. We can only advise. No one in the Greater Community is going to come and rescue you. The wise do not do that. Perhaps you question this and say, “Why not?” You must trust us in this matter because should we intervene in a military fashion, should we gather the strength to do that, our worlds would be jeopardized. We would be functioning outside our jurisdiction, violating the rules of conduct of that jurisdiction. Can you see this?

Even so, if humanity is to become strong and independent in the universe, it must establish its own strength and independence. It cannot be rescued. What is confronting you is the reality of life in the universe. It is not an evil power. It is not a sinister force. It is just the strong taking advantage of the weak, if it can. That is nature. That is life. Until you reach a greater spiritual understanding, an understanding of Knowledge, then that is the life that is real. Knowledge is as rare in the universe as it is within your own world.

Many people place all their hope on being saved by a greater race. How will they know their allies from their adversaries? They are but ripe for the Intervention. They will seek to unite with the Intervention, believing it will save humanity from itself, believing what your visitors themselves believe, for they are convinced that humanity is far too unruly, disorganized and unworthy even to live in such a valuable place.

You cannot have a fanciful, romantic view of life in the universe if you are to understand it and prepare for it accordingly. You must have wisdom and sobriety. You must be without self-deception in this matter. You are living in an environment of tremendous persuasion, not only persuasion between people but persuasion from forces in the Greater Community that are in your midst. How will you overcome and offset this influence in your life? We must be emphatic and repetitive in what we are emphasizing because we want to assist you in overcoming these influences that would keep you in a state of confusion or ambivalence regarding the very forces that are threatening your well-being at this time.

You have never been in a situation like this before. Certainly you have never faced an Intervention of this magnitude. People will deny its existence. They will laugh at it. They will scorn it. They do not want it to be true. They do not want it to be real. But that does not change the reality.

Since our first set of briefings, we understand that many people have asked about our names and our identities, where we have come from, and so forth, as if they must know these things in order to trust our words. But we cannot impart them, for we must remain hidden or we will be in great danger, and your allies who have sent us to be near the world will be in great danger as well.

The trust must come from a deeper understanding. It is not information you need as much as perspective. If you cannot see the situation clearly, what good is having more information? If you cannot know the truth in your own heart, what will the information provide for you? You need a little information. You need a lot of perspective. And you need a lot of courage.

Why is your world being visited? Why is there an Intervention? Think of these things, and you will see clearly. It is so obvious.

First Briefing: The Universe into Which You Are Emerging

Third Briefing: The Influence Upon Humanity

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 Read Protecting Yourself from the Intervention
Why the Intervention is Occurring
“Your world contains, then, great treasures—great treasures in its biological diversity, in its water resources, in its temperate environment and in its hidden treasures. Yet there is another reason that the world is valuable. This would not be obvious to you, for you could not recognize this from your vantage point. And that is that the world is in a strategic position that is valuable to other races.”To understand this, you would have to have an overview of competition between Collectives and the economic and political establishments in the region in which you live. There are many participants. There are conflicts, though war rarely exerts itself. Competition is carried out in more subtle and ingenious means, for technology can be shared, copied and purchased. It is power in the Mental Environment, the power of persuasion and the power of insight, that holds the greatest advantage here. Humanity does not yet realize this, for it is still brutish in the exertion of its powers. But your education about the Greater Community must begin at some time. And surely this is the time!”Your world’s strategic position adds to its importance. There are several Collectives competing for pre-eminence in your world. They are competing with one another, though they are not at war. We are certain that you can think of examples of this within your own world. For example, many nations in your world could compete for the riches of a poorer country. Such competition is occurring now, and that is why the Intervention has many faces… 
 Read the full Briefing hereAre You Curious about Life in the Universe?
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Struggle between dark and light on planet Earth.

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We return dear hearts with much more to discuss with you the ongoing struggle between light
and dark in this realm is approaching a crucial Point.
Many events in the past few weeks have created an opening for the light indeed the comprehensive strategy is to provide our Earth allies much needed benefits.

The Inevitable Defeat of the dark Forces continues one dark Forces strategy after the other is falling
away as the dark Forces weakens its membership diminishes meanwhile the light straightens as the puzzle pieces fall into place that will ensure your freedom peace prosperity and new government mental order are growing closer each day and every day as you know.

Your mainstream media ignores most of the good works achieved by the BR I countries and our Earth
allies this moment in history is a Transcendent turning point for you.

The dark has controlled the reality for nearly 13 Millennia the reality in which you live is transforming
gradually. Our Earth allies are working with extreme diligence to ensure that the wealth of your world is distributed to those who are deeply dedicated to the proper allocation of those funds for humanitarian
Global peace is about the creation of a better reality it is based on an organic network of Consciousness created by an Ever enlarging sense of self and initiated by the inner workings of the life.
The result of this boning awareness is a multi- tiate system designed to energize cooperation peace and cultural reciprocity.

Each nation has an enduring obligation to provide its people with food shelter clothing health care and a sustainable pollution free environment most importantly they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of each citizen

These are every person’s an assess liable rights as we have discussed in previous messages you are being prepared for the activation of three new chakras.
The Well of Dreams in the back of your head the thymus located in the upper chest about the heart and the dim just above the solar plexus these new chakras May begin with mild discomfort and the potential for flu like symptoms as well as headaches periodic loss of balance and body temperature fluctuations integration of your physical mental emotional and spiritual bodies is entering in your face,

the continue flow of higher frequencies bombarding the Earth at this time is accelerating the refinement and integration of your new 13 chakra system.
These alterations to your physical body which prepare you for our arrival are to switch on your natural telepathic abilities.
Make it much easier for us to streamline our interactions with you.

Greetings we are your ascended masters we come this week to talk to you about communion which we Define as the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings especially when that exchange is on a spiritual
Communion creates a sacred community of believers who maintain a common Consciousness about themselves
and their lives it allows you to build a collaborative Dynamic field designed to nurture each individual and the collective whole communion allows every participant in the group dynamic to nurture the potential of each member members of this ever growing Community come together and discuss what their inner beliefs truly imply to the society as a whole.

This spiritual accur frees you to renew who and what you are and how you carry out your daily affairs with each other together as your shared Consciousness grows it produces an inner Aura of support and spiritual relaxation this shared energy Dynamic further enlarges the Consciousness field allowing it to achieve its own full and unique potential.

You can understand why communion is such a significant step in the creation of your new Galactic Society this Dynamic field enables an organic system to develop enhancing innovative ways of community problem solving communion involves a daily renewal of the many spiritual perceptions.
The individual and the collective graciously share with one another one way to implement this is through
ritual. However communion is more than simply a spiritual ritual while for many communion may seem slightly out of place to us it is a practice that keeps the community in an ever expanding and spiritually fulfilling practice.

It is a holistic means of expanding your consciousness of watching each member grow in New and Powerful ways when you intend the best for yourself and others only.
The most positive events can inevitably manifest in your reality today we discuss some of the situations that affect you momentous. Events are settling into place that will transfigure your world and in doing so turn it away from the horrors of the dog toward the joys and graciousness of the light.
No dear ones that the countless supplies and NeverEnding prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours.
So be it, be one and be in joy!

Aliens, two side of a coin.

The illuminatie and the Deep State in the US have been in contact and dealing with other alien since 1938 including the existence of secrete contacts and agreements but have been supressed and not without reason. We and planet earth being sold to the highest bidder in our galaxy.

This type of alien intervention hidden behind special interest groups. This in order to avoid a public backlash.

The intention subjugating the masses to their rule, that we humans are experience a spontaneous uprising/authority and all for the greater good being the creation of a collective /hive mind/controlled State. Main trick the creating/casting spells of doom and gloom upon the world to keep people locked in a state of fear and paranoia using tech media/AI.

The alien intervention showing the high quality planning /execution of last 70 years starting with end of WW2

As master magicians and sly Svengalis controlling the digital security/media and economy/money source.

Using divergent names to hid behind and target different sections of our community from left/collective to NWO/WEF but also still older versions like “unipolarism”, “democratic globalism”, “neo-Manifest Destinarianism”, “neo-imperialism”, “Pax Americanism”, “neo-Reaganism”, and “liberal imperialism” but all the same.

Be not mistaken under this cover and being integral part of the current US administration a war is being fought. A war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity as race.
Multipronged, relentless, and taking place simultaneously in every sphere of life.

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force and force the desired stages and enslaving of the almost total population /electorate.”

Some now wonder, realise and believe that NAFTA, GATT, and Kyoto were set in place for this very purpose its selves by the NWO/WEF-Globalists. ( Alien intervention )
In addition netting over $2 trillion a year in transfer over the next 20 years, on the backs of these impoverished laborers. In addition a similar amount to be saved by avoiding the costly pollution control measures need to continue in the West, but to most it appear accidental that Kyoto removed just all these environmental cost demanded by the government there the end result a big increased pollution of land, water and air/biosphere on never imagined grand scale.

The scam is based on dragging carbon dioxide into it because is is used worldwide by humans and animals and part of a natural equations for control/tax and excuse removal of existing freedom based on individuality/freewill and hard fought for.

To be used in the future to restrict all movement and electronic/digital isolation of the individua

including all personal contacts/info using AI in Super ghettos. All for the greater good.

To surfe that point Turning the pushed climate change age into a kind of religion to keep push/intimidation going and cover the devastation. ( greater good)

China’s part?

This time, Tucker is questioning why such a large number of former U.S. and even foreign intelligence spies, including Chinese, have been employed by Twitter.

This is really big, creepy stuff. Bigger than most Tom Clancy novels, of which I have read many.

Is Twitter really a gigantic intelligence operation pretending to be an Internet social media company? Not an unreasonable question that some are publicly asking now as a result of what Elon Musk has shockingly discovered, although Elon is understandably laying low on this worrisome reality about his newly acquired business. Pray for Tucker Carlson and Elon.

Speaking of creepy, there are too many creepy developments that we have had to report on recently.
One is that U.S. federal Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta has admitted that the overturning of Roe v. Wade made it more “urgent” for the government to target pro-lifers. That’s why they are using the all-powerful Department of Justice and FBI, and a new “reproductive rights task force,” to go after pro-lifers and lay heavy charges under the FACE Act. We are somehow responsible for “insidious” challenges to “civil and constitutional rights.” Um, that would be the pot calling the kettle black. Right?

Creepy 2 is White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre calling Elon Musk’s criticism of Anthony Fauci
“incredibly dangerous.” Again, who is really the dangerous one here? How many lies have been told about the jabs, and how many millions have died or been maimed by these “safe and effective” “vaccines” that Anthony Fauci has strongly promoted and is still doing so as many more are dying every day – now including young children?

The creepiest person in today’s articles has to be Dr. Peter Hotez, who in a video on the World Health
Organization Twitter page states, “Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression,
has now become a major killing force globally.” Whoa! This professor from the Baylor College of Medicine
is obviously a genuine, five-star hater. Does the WHO not have a policy against hate-mongering?
Hotez should be charged for inciting violence against a massive class of people, including tens of thousands of physicians and scientists, simply for their views that contradict his on the Covid “vaccines.”

The most appropriate way to view neoconservatism is as a “special interest” or “faction”. Special interests are associations “representing the interests of their members to secure for themselves a privileged seat at the national decision-making table”. MIT professor Gene Grossman defines them as “any minority group of voters that shares identifiable characteristics and similar concerns”.[3] The neoconservative faction consists of intellectuals and elitists who tend to be of Jewish or Catholic background, many of whom seem to have lapsed to secular humanism.

Its thrust is anti-human, anti-science, anti-nature, anti-truth, anti-freedom, and decidedly anti-Christ.
Its methods employ every weapon and technique available including sophisticated forms of propaganda and psyops.
Its objective is to crush the human spirit and make it bend the knee to a superclass of elitist, authoritarian
overlords who genuinely believe they are better than the rest of us.

It is widely believed that a specific group of influence known as neoconservatism has had an enormous influence on the war on terror. Even self-proclaimed conservatives, such as Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke judge that the current brand of US policy against terrorism that allowed the war on Iraq “closely reflected the established neo-conservative position and neo-conservative interventions in the policy process.”


Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


73 thoughts on “Behind the current coup & alien intervention!

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