Solace Owl
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For as long as humanity has existed, we have gazed at the stars, walked among forests, and stared into the vastness of oceans, all seeking answers to the same question: What lies beyond this world we see? Deep within, we’ve always felt it—a connection to something greater, something infinite. It’s a truth whispered by every tradition, etched into every culture, and carried through centuries: the spark of the divine isn’t outside us. It is within.
The recognition of thought is not a thought the recognition of thought comes through awareness or presence and awareness or presence is the higher Consciousness for as long as Humanity has existed.
We have gazed at the stars walked among forests and stared into the vastness of oceans all seeking answers to the same question what lies Beyond this world.
We see deep within we’ve always felt it a connection to something greater something infinite it’s a truth whispered by every tradition etched into every culture and carried through centuries the spark of the Divine isn’t outside us it is within the search for meaning.
The truth is both simple and profound what we seek has never been far from us it has all always
been within we are not separate from the Divine we are the Divine fractals of an Infinite Source Sparks of a radiant light that permeates all things but here’s the challenge the Paradox that keeps so many trapped in cycles of suffering and yearning the divine within’s is like a sun obscured by thick clouds these clouds are not real in the truest sense they are Illusions formed by fear attachment and the stories we’ve told ourselves about who we are.
Liberation the ultimate Freedom does not come from acquiring more knowledge wealth or power it comes from stripping away the falsehoods peeling back the layers until what remains is pure and unshakable Truth.
At the core of our existence lies a tension between two aspects of being the lower self and the higher self the lower self is tied to the physical the fleeting the part of us that clings to material things seeks validation and fears loss it is ruled by the ego which thrives on the illusion of control and separateness.
The ego tells us you are what you own you are what people think of you your achievements your failures your past but the higher self knows the truth. The higher self Whispers you are Eternal you are love you are one with all things.
This aspect of you is infinite and unshaken rooted in a reality far beyond the physical. It is the part of you that sees Beauty in a sunset feels compassion for a stranger and knows deep peace in Silence.
The path of Spiritual Awakening is the process of aligning with the higher self the Buddhists speak of Nirvana a state Beyond craving and aversion where the flame of Illusion is extinguished.
Jesus in his Timeless Parables invited us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven not as an external realm but as an experience of Oneness and love that begins in the heart.
The Sufi Mystics wrote of annihilation of dissolving the ego so completely that only Divine Love Remains these aren’t abstract concepts for Saints and sages they are road maps for you the first step and perhaps the hardest is to realize that everything you think you know about yourself might not be true.
You’ve been told that you are your name your job your successes and your failures but are you really?
Close your eyes and sit with this question for a moment who is the you that watches your thoughts who is the you that feels joy and sorrow who is the you who seeks something more beneath the noise of the mind? There is a silent witness that is where your Journey Begins fear often guards the gates to
transformation. It Whispers that without your labels and attachments you will be nothing but the irony is that by clinging to these Illusions you already feel a deep emptiness a sense that
something essential is missing the courage to confront this fear is what sets The Seekers apart from the sleepers.
In the Bhagavad Gita Arjuna stands paralyzed on the battlefield overwhelmed by doubt and fear Krishna’s guidance to him is the same message given to all of us act from the soul not the ego the battle is not outside you it is within.
When you begin to strip away the Illusions something miraculous happens you start to feel lighter and Freer as though you’ve been carrying a heavy backpack your whole life and only now realized you can set it down you discover that the love peace and Clarity you’ve been chasing in the external world have always been your natural state.
They were simply buried beneath layers of conditioning and pain this is why the Mystic speak of Awakening not as a process of becoming something new but of remembering who you’ve always been
this path is not about perfection you will stumble you will fall back into Old patterns that’s part of the process.
The Lotus a symbol of Spiritual Awakening grows in Muddy Waters it doesn’t avoid the mud it uses it as nourishment in the same way your struggles and wounds are not obstacles they are the raw material
from which your transformation is shaped, the poet roomy wrote the wound is the place where the light enters you trust that even your pain serves a purpose one of the greatest obstacles on this path is attachment we cling to.
People possessions and identities believing they will complete us but as the Buddha taught attachment is the root of suffering this doesn’t mean you must renounce the world or stop loving others it means loving without grasping, living without needing things to be a certain way imagine holding water in your hands if you try to clutch it tightly it slips through your fingers but if you hold it gently it remains.
As you begin to let go you will notice that life flows more easily the synchronicities that once seemed like coincidences will become daily occurrences you’ll start to feel a connection to everything around you the rustling leaves the laughter of a child even the challenges you face
this is the Divine reminding you that you are not separate that you are part of a vast and intricate play.
The ego’s Veil; The ego is not your enemy it’s a creation of the Mind born from the need to survive in a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable it begins forming in childhood when you first
learn to label yourself as good or bad worthy or unworthy based on the reactions of those around you over time it solidified into a narrative I am this but not that the ego thrives on separation defining itself in opposition to others and clinging to the illusion of control the ego is like a mask useful for navigating the world but not reflective of your true self the problem arises when you forget you’re wearing the mask.
You begin to believe the roles you play parent partner professional are the sum total of your identity this is why life often feels empty or unfulfilled no matter how much you achieve.
The mask can never satisfy the Soul’s longing for wholeness because the mask is an illusion and the Soul craves truth one of the most powerful Parables that speaks to the nature of the ego comes from ancient Indian philosophy imagine a rope lying on the ground in a dimly lit room in the half-light.
You mistake the Rope for a snake and recoil in fear the snake never existed it was only a projection of your mind the ego works in the same way it projects fears desires and insecurities 8:05
convincing you they are real but when you shine the light of awareness on these projections you see them for what they are just a rope to unravel the ego’s grip. You must first become aware
of it this awareness is not about judgment or resistance it’s about observation.
The next time you feel anger jealousy or fear pause and ask s who is feeling this is it the infinite being within me or is it the ego reacting to a perceived threat you’ll begin to notice that most
of your emotional turmoil stems from the ego’s need to defend its identity or control the uncontrollable.
A key aspect of the ego is its attachment to the past and the Future, IT replays Old Wounds and imagined scenarios keeping you trapped in cycles of regret and anxiety but the past is gone and the future is not yet here the only reality is the present.
Moment where the ego has no power this is why mindfulness is such a transformative practice when you anchor yourself in the now you step out of the ego’s narrative and into the vast peaceful awareness that is your true self.
Another tactic of the ego is comparison it constantly measures itself against others Whispering you’re better than them or you’ll never be good enough but this comparison is a trap designed
to keep you locked in the illusion of Separation in truth there is no other.
Just as the waves are not separate from the ocean you are not separate from anyone or anything recognizing this dissolves the ego’s need to compete or prove itself you might wonder if the ego
is an illusion why does it feel so real the answer lies in attention the ego feeds on your focus much like a fire feeds on oxygen when you believe its stories react to its fears or seek validation for its identity you fuel it.
But when you withdraw your attention and observe the ego without attachment it begins to lose its power over time its grip loosens and you start to experience life from the perspective of your higher self this process of disidentification can feel disorienting at first the ego May resist fearing its death but remember the ego doesn’t truly die it simply takes its rightful place as a tool rather than a master. You don’t need to destroy it only transcend it in the words of the TA Ching when I let go of what I am I become what I might be. As you begin to unmask the ego you will notice a profound shift your reactions become responses your judgments give way to compassion the incessant chatter of
the Mind quiets revealing a deep unshakable Stillness this is the space where the divine within you emerges not as a concept but as a living breathing reality.
The path to unraveling the ego is not linear there will be days when you feel free and expansive and others when the ego reasserts itself with a Vengeance be gentle with yourself during these moments every step even the challenging ones is part of the process remember the story of the butterfly
before it can fly it must struggle to break free from its cocoon this struggle is not a setback it is what strengthens its wings you are in the midst of a profound transformation shedding the layers of Illusion. To reveal your true Essence trust that the Universe supports you in this process even when it feels messy or uncertain.
The art of surrender imagine standing on the shore of a vast power powerful River the current flows with effortless Grace carving paths through mountains and valleys nourishing everything in its wake now imagine fighting that current swimming against it with all your might convinced that your resistance will bring you to some distant shore of Happiness.
Exhausting isn’t it this is how most of us live our lives gripping grasping and resisting the flow of life but true Freedom lies in surrender, is not about giving up or becoming passive it is not a sign of weakness but a profound Act of courage. Trust to surrender is to release the need to control to let go of the ego’s ceaseless demands and to align yourself with the natural flow of existence when you surrender you stop swimming against the current and allow the river to carry you this is the path
to peace the way of the Divine all spiritual Traditions have celebrated the power of surrender.
In the bagavat Gita Krishna tells Arjuna to relinquish the fruits of his actions and Trust in the divine plan in Christianity Jesus’s words thy will be done Echo the same sentiment the taist Masters teach us to live in harmony with the tow the ever present flow of life’s energy these teachings Are Not Mere philosophy they are instructions for Liberation the first step towards surrender is recognizing that control is an illusion we spend so much of our lives trying to manipulate circumstances people and outcomes believing that if we can just get everything right we’ll finally be happy but think about it?
How often have your attempts at control truly brought you peace more often than not they lead
to frustration and suffering because life is far too vast and complex to be contained by the mind’s limited perspective surrender begins with acceptance this doesn’t mean you have to like everything that happens but it does mean you stop resisting reality. Resistance is what creates suffering when you fight against what is you create a barrier between yourself and the present moment acceptance on the other hand allows you to flow with life rather than against it.
This is the essence of the Zen teaching let go or be dragged in moments of difficulty ask yourself can I let this be? Not forever not even for an hour but just for now can you release the need to fix change or resist and simply allow the moment to unfold as it is this practice of allowing is the gateway to surrender it. Softens the edges of your experience creating space for Grace to enter one of the greatest obstacles to surrender is fear the ego fears losing control because it equates surrender with Annihilation but here’s the Paradox what you’re surrendering is not your true self but the false self the part of you that clings to Illusions and Separation by letting go you are not losing anything real on the contrary you are gaining everything imagine holding on to a handful of sand the tighter you grip the more it slips through your fingers but when you open your hand the sand rests effortlessly in your palm.
Life works the same way when you let go you create space for a abundance love and Clarity to flow into your experience. The universe cannot fill a closed fist one of the greatest fears we carry is the fear of death but what if death is not an end but a doorway?
Across Traditions the cycle of birth death and rebirth is seen not as punishment but as opportunity. In Buddhist philosophy it is called a samsara the endless cycle of suffering caused by attachment yet
within this cycle lies the promise of Liberation Nirvana the state of ultimate Freedom think of the parable of the caterpillar and the Butterfly to the caterpillar the end of its life seems like a tragedy a finality but in surrendering to the unknown it transforms into something Beyond its
wildest imagining death whether literal or metaphorical is not an end but a transformation a shedding of the old so the new can emerge so too must we die to our old selves to be reborn into the truth of who we are.
Every fear we face every attachment we release is a small death that brings us closer to Liberation
Enlightenment is not about escaping life but about transcending the illusions that keep us bound the ultimate test of Detachment comes in facing death not just the death of the body but the small deaths we experience every day the end of a relationship the loss of a job The Fading of Youth all are forms of death yet each is also an opportunity for rebirth in the Tibetan Book of the Dead death is described as a passage not an end it is a transition from one state of being to another the same is true for the smaller deaths in life each loss each ending is a chance to let go of what no longer serves you and step into a new version of yourself to embrace death is to embrace life to its fullest.
It is to trust the flow of existence knowing that every ending is a beginning in Disguise to deepen your practice of surrender it helps to cultivate trust in yourself trust in life and Trust in the Divine this trust is not Blind Faith but an inner knowing that life is inherently intelligent and benevolent just as the seasons turn in their natural Rhythm life unfolds over time often beyond our control even the challenges you face are not random they are precisely what you need for your growth and Awakening.
One way to build this trust is through prayer or intention you don’t have to follow a specific religion to pray it’s simply a way of connecting with the divine within and around you in moments of Doubt or struggle try saying I don’t have all the answers but I trust that life is guiding me speak from your heart and then let go trust that the answer will come not always in the way you expect but in the way that deserves your highest good.
Surrender also requires patience the ego wants instant results but the soul understands that transformation takes time like a seed buried in the soil your.
Awakening is unfolding beneath the surface even when it feels like nothing is happening trust the process the universe is never in a hurry yet everything is accomplished consider the story of the
Chinese farmer when his horse ran away his neighbors said such bad luck the farmer replied maybe the next day the horse returned with three Wild Horses.
The Neighbors exclaimed how wonderful the farmer said maybe later his son broke his leg while trying to tame one of the wild horses again the neighbors lamented and the farmer simply said maybe soon after the Army came to recruit young men for war but left the farmer’s son because of his injury the
lesson here is that we never know the full picture what seems like Misfortune today might be a blessing in disguise tomorrow. Surrender is not a one-time event it is a daily practice it is the art of saying yes to life even when it doesn’t look the way you expected.
It is the courage to let go of your plans and Trust the Divine flow as you surrender more deeply you will notice a profound shift, life becomes less of a struggle and more of a dance you stop striving and start living not from Fear or desire but from a place of love and presence.
The power of Stillness close your eyes for a moment and imagine a calm lake at dawn the surface is so still it reflects the sky perfectly as if there were no separation between Heaven and Earth now imagine a pebble being tossed into that Lake creating ripples that distort the reflection this is how the mind works in its natural state it is a mirror for the Divine but the endless of thoughts worries and distractions disrupt its Stillness to hear the whisper of the Divine you must first return to Stillness. Stillness is not just the absence of noise or activity it is a state of being where the mind quiets the heart opens and the Soul remembers its infinite nature in Stillness you are no longer chasing the future or replaying the past you are fully present awake and alive in the now this is where the sacred resides not in some distant place or future moment but here in the silence between breaths.
The world we live in is a storm of noise from the moment we wake we are bombarded with notifications obligations and endless streams of information it’s no wonder we feel disconnected and overwhelmed but Stillness is always available waiting patiently beneath the surface of the storm.
It is your anchor your sanctuary and your Doorway to the Divine. According to Buddhist tradition the story of the Buddha’s Enlightenment illustrates the power of Stillness after years of aesthetic practices and searching for truth outside himself sidara gouta finally sat beneath the Bodi tree and made a vow I will not move from this spot until I find the truth. He didn’t strive or struggle he became still and in that Stillness the truth Revealed itself the same truth is available to you not through effort or seeking but through surrender to the present moment.
To cultivate Stillness Begin by creating space for it in your daily life this doesn’t mean you need to retreat to a monastery or spend hours in meditation. Stillness can be found in the simplest moments sitting quietly with your morning coffee walking in nature without your phone or even pausing for a single deep breath in the middle of a busy day the key is to be fully present in these moments allowing them to expand and deepen.
Contemplative presence is one of the most powerful tools for cultivating Stillness but it doesn’t
have to be complicated you don’t need to clear your mind completely or sit in a specific posture simply find a quiet place close your eyes and focus on your breath notice the sensation of the air
entering and leaving your body when your mind wanders gently bring it back to your breath this practice of returning is not a failure it is the essence of meditation.
As you practice Stillness you may encounter resistance the mind will Rebel throwing up thoughts doubts and distractions this is natural.
The mind has been in control for so long that it fears the silence but remember you are not your mind you are the awareness. Observing it instead of fighting the resistance welcome it treat each thought
as a guest acknowledging its presence without letting it take over time the mind will settle and the Stillness will deepen in Stillness you may begin to notice a subtle almost imperceptible presence a sense of something vast and infinite yet intimate and familiar this is the divine within you the essence of who you truly are it is not something you need to achieve or attain it is already here waiting to be remembered.
In the words of the Sufi poet roomi the soul has been given its own ears to hear things the Mind does not understand Stillness also reveals the interconnectedness of all things when the noise of the Mind quiets the illusion of Separation dissolves you begin to see yourself not as a separate being but as a wave in the ocean of existence Inseparable from the whole this realization brings a profound
sense of peace because you no longer feel the need to control or defend your place in the world you are already home.
Another gift of Stillness is Clarity in the midst of noise and Chaos it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters but in Stillness the fog lifts and you can see clearly answers to questions that
have plagued you may arise effortlessly not from the mind but from the deep well of wisdom within this is the voice of your higher self guiding you with love.
And wisdom Stillness isn’t something you achieve permanently it’s a practice you revisit continuously there will be times when the ripples on the lake seem endless and when the storms of life feel
overwhelming but even then remember that the Stillness is always there beneath the surface waiting for you to return the more you cultivate Stillness the more it permeates every aspect of your life it transforms the way you experience the world shifting your focus from doing to being from striving to
allowing relationships become deeper because you are truly present with others challenges become opportunities because you see them through the lens of wisdom rather than fear.
Life itself becomes a meditation a dance with the Divine living as the true self becoming
the light what happens after the storm has passed and the Stillness takes root what unfolds when the layers of Illusion fall away leaving nothing but the essence of who you are?
The final stage of Spiritual Awakening is not an ending but a beginning it is the dawn of living
as your true self fully awake and aligned with the Divine flow of existence to live as your true self
means to embody the realization that you are not a separate being struggling against the world you are the world you are the ocean not the wave you are the light not the shadow.
It casts this understanding is not intellectual it is experiential it transforms the way you see feel and move through life when you live as the true self you no longer cling to false identities the roles labels and stories that once defined you these were never who you truly were only masks worn by the ego to feel safe in an unpredictable world.
The realization that you are beyond all these masks is Liberation itself you do not need to prove your worth or seek validation because your very existence is the proof of your divine nature consider the story of the prodigal son from the Bible after wandering far from home lost in Illusions and desires the son finally returns to his father who welcomes him with open arms this Parable is not just about returning to God but about returning to yourself the home you’ve been searching for is not somewhere out outside of you it is within.
Living as the true self means embracing each moment fully without resistance or judgment the present moment is no longer something to escape or endure it is the stage on which the Divine unfolds every
breath becomes a prayer every action a meditation and every interaction an opportunity to express love when you are aligned with your true self. Fear loses its grip this does not mean you will never feel fear but you will no longer be ruled by it, fear arises when the ego feels threatened but when you know you are Eternal and infinite what is there to fear death loss and change are no longer enemies but natural parts of life’s dance you will find that love becomes your guiding force not the conditional love that depends on others.
Meeting your needs or expectations but the boundless love that flows from your very being this love is not something you give or receive it is who you are when you live from this place of love
you become a beacon of light in the world as you live as the true self you will notice that life becomes effortless this does not mean challenges disappear but your relationship with them changes instead of resisting or fighting you flow with what is trusting. That every experience serves your growth this is the essence of the Tower concept of woo way or effortless action you are no longer acting from the ego’s desires but responding to the wisdom of the moment one of the most profound aspects of living as the true self is the realization that you are not separate from others the boundaries that once divided you from the world dissolve revealing the interconnectedness of all life when you look into another’s eyes you see yourself when you give to another you are giving to yourself. This is the foundation of compassion the great Hindu Sage Raman mahashi said your
own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world your perspective on the world is often shaped by your inner State when you awaken to your true self you awaken the world your
presence becomes a living reminder that peace love and freedom are not distant goals but present real realities living as the true self does not mean withdrawing from the world on the contrary it means engaging with life more fully bringing the light of your being into every corner of existence whether you are cooking a meal comforting a friend or working at your job you do so with the awareness that these moments are sacred.
Life itself becomes your spiritual practice this path will not always be easy there will be times when old patterns resurface when the ego tries to reclaim its Throne when the noise of the world threatens to drown out the whisper of the Divine but even in these moments remember that you
are never truly lost The Light Within you cannot be extinguished only momentarily obscured as you continue to live as your true self you will inspire others not by preaching or persuading but by embodying the truth your presence will remind them of their own light their own divine nature this is the ripple effect of Awakening a single spark can ignite an entire forest and your light can illuminate countless lives.
The Soul’s ultimate purpose is not wealth fame or even happiness it is evolution it is the Awakening to our true nature and the realization that we are not separate from the Divine but a part of it like a wave is part of the ocean so too are we part of the infinite the Journey of Spiritual Awakening is
not about becoming something new it is about remembering who you have always been.
The Divine is not separate from you it is you the light you have been seeking has been within you all along now as you step forward into the rest of your life carry this truth with you are the river and the ocean the drop and the wave the spark and the flame you are infinite Eternal and whole live from the place of knowing and let your life become the only thing anyone will ever need a testament to the power of Awakening the beauty of presence and the boundless love of the true self.
The journey does not end here it continues in every breath every moment and every step you are home you have always been home I hope you enjoyed this video if you did feel free to subscribe to the channel thanks for watching

“IMPLOSION OF OLD DARK TIMELINES” by The Arcturians – LAAYTI. Please click on the link/video for the original.


Transcript of the channeled message.

Dearest star seeds I am lAAYTI and I am very pleased to be with all of you today.

We hold immense respect for Humanity because you have chosen a path filled with more obstacles than many of us in he higher Realms would ever Dare To Face.

We see you as Brave explorers delving into the depths of darkness and despair to gain new experiences that contribute to the expansion of the universe you have noticed some blackout areas on your Schuman scale and we can confirm that you have indeed collapsed a number of Darker old timelines the black areas on your chart.
Don’t mean this specifically but this is the overall meaning so this is good news yes indeed.
Remember you are a manifestation of the divine Source the divine is an Essence that dwells within you just as everything else does.
We understand it’s challenging to accept that even those you oppose and the beliefs you reject are part of you this understanding requires Great humility a vital step in your Evolution towards higher Consciousness.

You cannot stay detached looking down from a place of perceived superiority avoid thinking you have all
the answers and that your beliefs are the only correct ones such an attitude halts your growth and prevents your expansion growth and becoming more f your true self are continuous.

Processes, so with this new dark timeline collapse will come some changes while we cannot directly tell you what they are there are some big ticket items coming our way.

Disclosure well let’s just say that this is one of the hottest items in the oven so to speak.
You are growing into the highest versions of yourselves now and we are pleased to see this.
To achieve this growth you needed to experience the extremes farthest from the Divine Light
and love that are your true nature.
What is more Divine than being able to love the darkness and those who operate within.
(We can’t get rid of the negativity unless we look at it.( Warning by Jung)
It the true shift in Consciousness is about your transformation into beings more like the universe itself this
involves acknowledging that everything even those you wish to condemn and the beliefs you cannot understand exists within you.
We deeply respect and admire you because we understand the Monumental task before you especially when those representing true Darkness have caused harm to you or your loved ones.

It may seem unfair but it is part of your journey to experience such hardships as dictated by your karmic Cycles many of you endured these painful experiences in past lives and in this lifetime you are meant to heal those traumas.
This is not an easy task and it is difficult for us to Fathom making such a choice but you did and we know
this because you are living it being there, also means you will experience the incredible shift back into the light this upcoming transformation will carry you and Humanity to your true Place more magnificent than you can imagine my dear friends.

You are becoming your fifth dimensional selves you knew what you were doing when you chose this
journey in your current incarnation. Embrace and cherish it for you will miss it when it is gone.
Trust us for we have walked the path you are now on

Hello friends of the truth;
first of all we wish to clarify what Ascension is not at your present state of evolution.
Ascension of the physical body along with your soul self will only be possible for a few very Advanced avatars that have opened the path for Humanity’s Ascension into the next level of higher Consciousness.
The Beloved jeshua along with many great avatars in the Angelic realm set the stage and planted the cosmic seeds of Creator light in preparation for this extraordinary process in order to ascend in the physical vessel at this time.

You would have to almost complete the transformation of your physical body into frequencies of Divine Light and raise the harmonics of your soul song to those of the highest Plains of The Fifth Dimension and above.
It is wishful thinking to assume that it is possible to transmute the density of a third fourth dimensional physical body into a fifth dimensional vessel of light in one lifetime.
You the Vanguard the star seed are supplying the fuel adamantine particles of light to activate the seeds of Ascension which were planted on Earth over 2,000 years years ago.

Humanity is in a purification stage in preparation for a much greater expansion of consciousness which is affecting more and more souls as it sweeps the Earth and accelerates exponentially.
As a result at the present stage of evolutionary change the physical bodies of the aspirants disciples on the path are in the process of being being infused with the transforming power of Creator light the cells of higher Consciousness are Awakening and bursting forth with the alchemical formula of transformation.

You are in the process of cleansing your auric field of a major portion of the negative re key distorted
vibrational frequency patterns which have dimmed your auric light and have resulted in the manifestation of all the misc Creations within the physical vessel.
Locked in the cellular body are toxins which must be released or refined so that you may integrate the harmonious
frequencies of your multi-level bodily structure once more the light body cells have been dimmed just as the oric field has become foggy and congested with negative energy.
The god cells are still present and functioning within you however they have just diminished and dimmed over time from a lack of nourishment it is as if you have constantly been fed contaminated food which over a long period of time will destroy the bodily vessel.

The ego desire body is cunning and persistent and it will constantly nudge you towards seeking more and more bodily Sensations and self Indulgence often with disastrous results. You must understand the different parts of your body resonate to a great variety of frequency patterns depending on the spin and purity of your chakra system.

You should always strive for maximum Harmony within each level of your higher self that you integrate do not forget that Ascension is a Never Ending process for all levels of creation have an inborn desire to seek and attain the next higher level of Consciousness.
Consider the notion that humanity is experiencing four realities at once, physical mental emotional and
astral in the physical material world where your body and physical senses are the major Focus.
Your state of health determines how interactive you are in the world of physicality and how much you will enjoy the experience. Your progression into the higher Realms of Consciousness is a gradual Awakening process where be you awaken to the nuding wisdom of your soul and immediate higher self over Soul.
As you step onto the path of Enlightenment you initiate the process of developing a conscious mindful awareness you must first focus on the physical aspects of your being your physical vessel the chakra system your emotional nature and your mental capabilities.

Gradually over time as you balance harmonize and integrate a certain degree of unity Consciousness within your physical state of being you, are ready to access the vibrational patterns the wisdom attributes and abilities of the higher fourth and lower fifth dimensional realities.
This is the basic process that we sometimes call Ascension in Consciousness.
You have an etheric body which contains a complete authentic replica of your physical mental and emotional bodies when you transcend or leave your body the silver cord as it is sometimes called is severed at that time.
You told totally vacate the physical vessel which immediately begins to disintegrate what will remain is the shell of the subtle body which is composed of Astral emotional and mental substance which must be dissolved before the soul can proceed to the next level of conscious awareness.
We have explained before how the unawakened souls are taken to special places which could be called intensive care units whereby via the beautiful angels of Mercy The Love Light of the Creator is continuously radiated to and through each Soul’s oric field until the negative shell of Miss qualified energy is completely transmuted however it is important that you understand that the death transition afterlife process has changed radically no long longer does any Soul go into the densy astral Plains to await their turn to reincarnate on the earth if you are a self-conscious person whose soul song resonates to the higher fourth lower fifth Dimensions or higher you are automatically taken to the appropriate plane where everything seems much like the reality you left behind only much grander more beautiful and more joyful loving and peaceful you will go through the gates of the Heavenly Realms totally aware you will review your past life as an observer and you say say farewell to those near and dear
to you however they will slowly Fade Into the background unless they are members of your immediate Soul family.

Again the frequencies you project or resonate to will determine which dimension or sub-plane dimensional level you will be taken to and also which levels of cosmic information you will be able to access.

Your AIC field is like a cloak that surrounds your ether astral bodies and it is either a cloak of light or a shrewd of negative in harmonious energy that you have accumulated over your many past lifetime experiences you are composed of units of energy mental emotional physical astral and spiritual.
You must learn and accept the fact that you are a creation of forceful energy an original spark of divine Consciousness as a self-conscious co-creator you are also a director of energy via your own forceful thoughts actions and intentions.
You exist in a a whirlwind of energy energy forces comprising either Primal life force substance the half spectrum light of the lower Dimensions or the wondrous all-encompassing adamantine particles of Creator light from the higher Realms of Consciousness.
Your mental state of mind and the quality or Resonance of your emotional nature determine the outcome
of your creative endeavors as a co-creator you will mold and manifest your creative ideas thoughts
and then you must experience the resulting manifested expression of your thoughts and actions so state the universal laws. You are to become an efficient director of cosmic energy forces so become a conscious Observer as you practice Detachment from within your Sacred Heart Center. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a Vortex of negative energy created by others learn to stand firm and in control.

As you gradually become the director of all of your sacred energy do not allow anyone to disturb your
Serenity and harmonious nature.
However please remember if you do occasionally have a human moment stop and take a deep breath and return to Center as you send forth a burst a violet flame to transmute and dissolve any discordant energy.
You are sometimes too harsh in your judgment of self Perfection is not expected dear Hearts.
The radiance of your higher overs Soul self gradually penetrates and permeates your physical and emotional bodies thereby gradually releasing any accumulated negative astral debris.
The combined light of the overs soul of all humanity is gradually dissolving the contaminated distorted vibrational patterns of the astral Plains in the past. They have been called the collective Consciousness the
negative thought patterns of humanity love Serenity and Joy are the primary qualities of the oversoul most.
People’s thoughts are generally random and without Focus. Lowering the frequencies of your brain waves or learning to maintain an alpha State of Consciousness provides a sharp focus of your ongoing thought processes and gives clear direction to the subconscious mind.
The alpha Mastery techniques are a profound and Powerful tool your conscious thinking mind comprehends but it is your subconscious mind that processes the incoming information and takes action becoming an alpha master and maintaining the appropriate Alpha level of Consciousness.
Will allow you to speak to and interact with your subconscious mind it goes beyond willpower as you develop the ability to communicate directly with your deep instinctive inner mind and your sacred mind you will find yourself naturally making the best decisions and taking the right action to achieve your goals.
The Ascension process begins when your soul self has resumed its proper position as director of the physical mental and emotional self it is as if an ignition switch has been turned on. Within your DNA which contains the blueprint for your perfect atomy of cadmon light body a series of latent encodings are activated via the higher frequencies of light that you have begun to integrate.
These light vibrational patterns contain specific encodings of color and harmonics which will affect
all the cells and organs within the bodily form. Gradually the cells will begin to absorb and metabolize the light and these light bearing cells will begin to permeate and affect the entire physical vessel.
The transmutation process is then initiated whereby toxins emotional trauma painful memories and experiences stored throughout the body will begin to surface thereby creating a multitude of uncomfortable physical symptoms aches and pain in various parts of the body, flu like symptoms headaches confusion and temporary memory loss to name only a few.
The next level of oric field reconstruction involves the emotional body and the astral planes of Consciousness.
As your physical body evolves it becomes capable of integrating more and more refined frequency cells of light.
Your fourth-dimensional reality becomes more fluid as it shifts and changes frequencies.
Therefore your illusional world becomes distorted and confusing your religious belief structure May Begin to Fall Apart.
Leaving you feeling vulnerable and without guidance or Direction there is a higher self- merge at this point whereby the oversoul facet of your higher self which has resided within your soul star.
The eighth chakra begins to send impulses o beams of higher frequency light packets into your sacred mind Sacred Heart and the entire chakra system these beams activate your intuitive abilities they also contain Vital Information for your greater understanding of who you truly are and they may also activate a Divine discontent within your Diamond core. God cell is now integrating more and more God light which activates and increases the power of the Rays of God Consciousness within your Sacred Heart core.
This process is programmed within your Divine blueprint and it is also encoded within your DNA by this time your cells have begun to respond to the light as it becomes the main source of life-giving energy.
This is the major reason aspirant on the path often radically change their diets to less dense food for for their physical and emotional bodies are being saturated with adamantine particles of light the food of the Gods.
As you move deeper and deeper into the Realms of refined light the physical senses may become enhanced and your awareness of colors and sound will increase the magnification of the physical senses means the cells within your oric field are beginning the task of clearing the dense restrictive energy that has built up over many thousands of years. The doggy prison that has dulled the senses and has kept Humanity in bondage is gradually being bathed in light cells this will result in the oric field becoming more radiant as more and more souls awaken to the Divine potential within. The physical body must gradually be reintroduced uced to the transformative effects of the living light in order to reclaim the original light body form that was designed for all Humanity.

Beloveds cast not your eyes on the chaos and destruction that are rampant on the earth at this time live
each day centered within your Sacred Heart so that you may integrate into your physical vessel.
The maximum amount of Creator light and you then joyfully send forth that precious gift down into the core of the earth and out into the world of form. Know that the joint efforts of the world servers around the planet are making a difference we are a force for the greater good that cannot be denied.
I am forever your faithful guardian and protector.
I am Archangel Michael
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.
Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.
Urgent: The rearrangement of our solar system is now underway!