Extra-terrestrial control of planet earth.

Humans & planet Earth

Our genes

The inability to produce a human linkage is not much published because of far reaching consequences. Because evolution as being claimed is very slow process, the human form/being would need at least 100 million years to develop and due to the violent nature of planet earth impossible. Currently the counter for humans stand at 6 million years. How about the last 40,000 years, humans appeared to undergo what we might call a transition to modern behavior. Having swept northwards, he expanded through most of the globe by 13,000 years ago. After another 1,000 years he discovered agriculture, 6,000 years later he formed great civilizations with advanced astronomical knowledge, and here we are after another 6,000 years probing the depths of the Solar System! How much would be know after continued development in 10 billion years time?

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Our genes / manipulation:

The first and main important discovery of the genome project was that our genes were manipulated and our capacity and knowledge reduced and embedded with our DNA at least 20 parts now being contributed to aliens.

Our genome bears the scars of heavy genetic engineering.
The genetic code which is identical in all animals, plants and bacteria within the visible world and have ever been studied. Almost all but not all having this practical and easily programable structuur.The story about the invisble word and spiritual incarnation in physical objects however differs.
The Human evolution underwent jumps so sudden as to be anomalous. In Sumerian myths speak they speak of the Anunnaki (Aliens)who created humans for slave labor, while in the Book of Genesis the same Elohim said, “Let us make man in our image.” The Annunaki or pyramid civilisation representing different civilasation being in charge on earth and I use to call or known under the old empire. There is the Eden expirement and the connection between the pyramid civilisation and the Orion star system.
To modern science the problem arround un-explained finding within the human solved by called it “Junk DNA” but others claim that these in fact the socalled “Junk DNA” contains the dormant genetics that separate us from being literal gods and goddesses.

Only 20 of the total of the 64 codons (genetic codes) in our DNA are “turned on”. “Hypothetically, if we can figure out how to turn on the latent codons in our DNA, we could do anything, such as heal every person on the planet instantaneously as well as healing Mother Earth, herself, from the poisoning of our water, air, and food supplies.

We humans have been genetically degraded into a slave race to service the Pyramide civilisation. Earth became a prison planet.Our gathered and collected knowledge between lifes erased and replaced, the main reason why we have no recollection of our past lives.

The reprogrammed part located within our subconsciousness we we are now on route to be able too make changes to it called neuroplastic programming using sound. As to expected; due to current fluidity of our environment and changes the old programming is failing.

In addition there has been Interbreeding; through interbreeding genes can be exchanged and entered our gene pool or vice versa and done. Therefore some human individuals and bloodlines would have more of their DNA than others, and their alien DNA would likely show under analysis to be basically human. Being used now for a long time on earth and special for domesticated animals and plants.

Frow what we where told by the wistleblowers in Dulce is that humans there are now involved in cros breeding there and in addition some genetic re-arrangements of DNA and genes but also that the Aliens present there has shown not much interest in this aspect but more concern with the reproduction of there own species what seems to be difficult and complicated.

As well documented in the Ilat plates and equal importance is cross breeding. As a result of these activities there are now five different types of advanced and survive on earth if we leave out the dolphyn and whales. They do have a soul and spirits like they do with humans incarnate. Much older than humanity because surviving in water less risky.

Both being mamals and there brains equal or a little bit more advanced as ours enclose picture of a human and the brains of an dolphin. Most Aliens living on earth who do have a very low reproduction rate, reduced or limited digestive system, and walking on the earth surface would not be without risks. The problems the Annunaki have in terms of reproduction are well documented in the the Ilat plates.
“Based on what is left on clay tablets and in the Ilat tablets shows that these Aliens or Annunaki where no gods nor the Creator Source. Enki is the one who according to the translations of the found clay tablets in Sumer responsible for limiting our DNA, his creation and demanding us to worship him for that. However he did fall in love with his creation and added some of his own DNA/genes.
Enough knowledge and skills to make changes but not enough to create new.

Our DNA was cut down to two strings instead of the twelfe we once had. Done to create and fix our slave status genetically. A downgrade, when they did come aware of it there where two wel documented attemps recorded in Sumer to eliminate the new human race (Sitchin)and did fail due to the very high and exceptional reproduction rate in humans. The univers is just like our earth over populated and the reproduction of the more advanced civilisation tretening the entire ecosystem. With the pending flood they did asume that it would solve that problem but did not either. As Airl did state in the interview with matilda there are none of the original creators left in this part of the universe able to create new life forms.
In addition Our gathered and collected knowledge during our life erased in the inbetween life fase and have to start all over again.

genetically degraded into a slave race to service there purposes on Earth.Earth became a prison planet.Our gathered and collected knowledge between lifes erased.
Reading the Ilat plates with the Annunaki history on it makes grim reading and no one knows why it was left on earth in Antarctica and why other than speculation. At least we are now able to read there 500000 year of history on earth. They went to great length in hidding there communication with th eones left behind using scalar waves. We know and can produce them and know as potential or standing type waves. Our brain also produces these type of waves but go normally undetected.
Water and Ice play an important role and seen as the building blocs of life.

As channeled by Robert Shapiro, some eighteen separate and consecutive civilizations have been living on Earth. We as humans have undergone and be summited to countless interactions with extraterrestrials and as a result subsequent genetic modifications and by now probably the dummest civilisation that did ever walk on the surface of planet earth. No advanced civilisation could develop her due to it violent character. Not only continentale plates rising or sinking, gigant waves consisting of water washing the surface and only hidout is deep in earth or leaving for space like the Annunaki did. Our DNA reduced from twelve too two strands. We are shadow of our former selves. Genetically reduced to a slave race with the intention for eternity. Easy to manipulate and control, respect for authority, copy cats and limited thinking, the pyramides left for us to keep wondering. A fake culture. The signature left behind by this fake civilisation being the Orion constellation taking into account the location of the stars during the construction at Giza.
The Annunaki were forced to leave Earth in a hurry prior due to the arrival of the big flood and change in projecties of the planets around our sun. They Left behind there documented history and future projection in the Ilat tablets found by the Germans in 1939 in Antarctica. After they left and did abandon Earth others here did grab power and made sure that we would not be free nor aware of what was going on, our past. Have done everything possible to keep us in the dark including fake science.

By Ansh Srivastava
October 20, 2017

That “extraterrestrials control the world” is something that has been commented on in the “conspiranoicos” circles for a long time. However, a person who worked in a major institution such as the World Bank, is something else. (Nonhuman Creatures Control the World)

Nonhuman Creatures Control the World
Karen Hudes studied Law at Yale University and Economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked for the export / Import Bank of the United States between 1980 and 1985. She also worked for the World Bank’s Legal department between 1986 and 2007. An impressive resume and no less impressive are the statements of this executive who has worked for more than twenty years for the World Bank.

In this interview, Hudes reveals that she was fired because of her attempts to denounce the huge, massive, according to her words, corruption that lies in the highest domes of the Bank and the world economy.

He claims that everything is controlled by a strange entity that they call “Black Pope” and that this entity
is not human. He states that there is another species on this planet that is not human and that governs us
from before the Ice Age. These entities are not extraterrestrials but another species of humans with a high
technological development, with a high intellectual coefficient and without any creative or emotional capa

These nonhuman Creatures Control the World

Or the 13 Families Who Rule the World:
Dark Forces behind the New World Order and these beings would have been in the positions of power for a long time. To illustrate, he spoke of the mitres used by some Egyptian pharaohs to cover his elongated head and the mysterious Peruvian skulls.(Nonhuman Creatures Control the World)
Citing a 2011 Swiss study published in Plos One magazine on the “global corporate control network,” Hudes noted that a small group of entities, mostly financial institutions and central banks, exert a huge influence on the international economy . “What is really happening is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” adding that “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well.
“They are allowed to do it.”(Nonhuman Creatures Control the World)

Hudes’s words, which to many may sound crazy, join those of former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyier, who at a UFO congress last year said there are aliens working in the US government.

What do you think of his incredible statements? We leave the entire interview divided into two parts:

The 13 Families That Rule the World: Dark Forces behind the New World Order

Ansh Srivastava
January 30, 2017

The shadowy forces behind the NWO are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet.
David Icke coined the “Totalitarian of Puntilla”, because “they” are making very small steps towards our
complete and definitive slavery. These are the families who rule the world from the shadows.

Families Who Rule the World
As a result, the masses remain relatively unconscious of the fact that their freedoms are being taken little by little, while the octopus power of NWO grows steadily.

The Dark Forces Behind The Agenda Of The New World Order: Families That Rule The World
Somewhere near the top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organization known as the 13 Families Council organizes all major world events. As its name implies, the Council is made up of the 13 most influential families on Earth.

More and more people are becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” of 1%, but the Council of 13 families consisting of less than 1% of 1% of The “elite” and no one on Earth can apply for membership.

In their opinion, they have the right to rule over the rest of us, since they are the direct descendants of
the ancient gods and are considered of royal lineage. These families are:

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (the Bank)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
(We suspect this may not be the complete list and some very powerful lineages are still unknown to us).
The Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most powerful lineage – which is visible – on Earth and its
estimated wealth is about $ 500 billion.

They exert their power through the world (private) banking empire, which is almost entirely owned by them.

The most important institutions that work hard to establish the New World Order and completely enslave
our species are:

1 . The City of London (finance, controlled by the Rothschilds) – is not part of the UK;

2 . The US Federal Reserve (finance – private bank owned by the Rothschilds) – is not part of the US;

3 . The Vatican City (indoctrination, deception, and tactics of fear) – NOT part of Italy;

4 . Washington DC (military, mental programming, brainwashing, and depopulation) – is not part of the US;

All the functioning of the institutions mentioned as individual states operate under their own laws,
therefore, there is no court of justice on Earth that could ever process them.
The multitude of secret societies in existence today operates as branches of a mega-corporation, which is
owned by the Council of 13 families. Although they have been generously rewarded for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of the “elite” lineage, they do not know who their masters are and they have no idea what the real agenda is.
Another tool for mass slavery that they are using against us, is the so-called educational system. Schools
are no longer what they used to be and children are learning to memorize without thinking and obeying without question.

In fact, this established educational system is very expensive to keep operational and obsolete in
the internet era. “Why obsolete?” You may ask.

Because the Internet gives us free access to almost infinite amounts of information. So why do we keep paying huge amounts of money for government education? Because the “elite” world requires our children to learn from conformity and thinking from within the box.

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The faith of mankind which now clearly hangs in the balance at this moment, as the octopus control of the New World Order proliferates. On the one hand, we are very close to our complete slavery, while on the other hand, we could easily crumble the soil of their power pyramid, simply uniting against its disappointment in a peaceful revolution of minds, hearts, and souls.

I have wondered for years what his greatest weapon of slavery is. Are bad manners combined with constant indoctrination? Is fear generated by religion? Is it the fear of being punished (imprisoned or killed) by the system, or is it the invisible slavery of the monetary system? In my opinion, all of the above combined had a great impact on our society and the way we think, but its biggest weapon is by far the financial system!

The financial system has enslaved our species and now we are being used as slaves of money. We work from 9 to 5 every day, in boring and depressing environments, not stimulated by anything creative or constructive.

In most cases, the only motivation to get to work is the next paycheck – and no matter how hard we work, it seems like we never have enough money. Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (reaping $ millions/year in profits) pay tens of millions to their CEOs and as close as possible to the minimum wage to the rest of the employees?

This has been carefully designed because a person who is constantly “on the edge” will never have time for self-education, introspection, and – finally – spiritual awakening. Is not this our main purpose on Earth?
To become spiritual beings (and by spiritual, obviously, I do not mean religious) and complete the cycle of
incarnation? “They” do not need educated people, who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals.
No, these types of people are dangerous to the establishment.

“They” want obedient “robots” just smart enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough to never ask questions.

Money is the eye of evil. All the world’s biggest problems are rooted deep in the financial plague: wars are profitable, diseases are profitable, plunder of the earth is profitable, human slavery and inhumane working conditions are profitable. Our leaders have been corrupted by money and the collective mission of humanity on Earth has been kidnapped by money. So why do we need the financial system in the first place?

In fact, we do not need it (at least, not more). The planet does not charge us a penny for the use of its
natural resources and we have the technology to extract them without working physically one day.
More to the point, there are brilliant minds “out there” discussing the concept of a resource-based economy or decades. An example is Mr. Jacque Fresco, an industrial designer and brilliant social engineer, who spent most of his life designing the future.

Other people are already discussing the transition plan for the future economy where money is no longer needed and all individuals will be offered the best conditions to reach their highest potentials – all for the
benefit of our species, as a all.
So the question is: Are we prepared to embrace the future and escape the control of the “elite” in a world
without money, or are we going to let the New World Order happen?

The ILAT-LITUM Tablets and the Return of the Anunnaki Gods

A Nazi expedition found the ILAT-LITUM plates/tablets in Antarctica, broken up into two pieces and they were hidden until ’41. Their is the German translation of by Tibetan monks made in Nazi Germany. The German version is then translated into English by someone who was fluent in German.

Problem; during translations something always gets lost, in this case it had first to be translated (Akkadian) to German and now to English. There are only a few people able to do that and the best known is Sitchin.

The Return of the Annunaki.

Genesis I. ANU’s ship landed on alien shores, far away from the home of the Gods, far away from Aldebaran. Aldebaran 4 is the planet of origan of the former rulers of the earth. A water planet in many way similar to earth but with a land surface of only 10%. Please google for Aldebaran. In the case of Airl referred to as the Old Empire.

The Thule doesn’t mind that this information comes out in the open for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. A Thule member sent me something they call Genesis , but is the German translation of ILAT-LITUM, translated into German by Tibetan monks during Nazi Germany. The German version is then translated into English.

This is a dangerous mission, as something always gets lost in a translation — in this case first from an
alien language (Akkadian) to German and now to English. Therefore, I have attached the original
German text at the end of this book, under Appendix. So forgive me if the English version is not
perfect, grammatically and otherwise, but also keep in mind that the German version is not perfect
either — it was interpreted by the monks who were not native Germans. It looks like the Nazis didn’t
want to mess with it too much for the same reason — alteration. According to the translator, it also
seems to be written in “old German”, which makes it even harder to translate. Also, unfortunately I
would say, it seems like the Thule member who sent me the files has added his interpretations of the
events on occasion to clarify. Although his interpretations sound right, it’s a very hazardous thing to do.
It should be up to each and everyone to interpret these plates, not be biased by someone else’s opinions,
no matter how correct they are. I had hoped to be able to present an unedited original version that we
could discuss afterward, but this is not the case. I am glad the Thule member did a good job though — it
could have been a disaster.

Anyway, here follows the ILAT-LITUM tablets, translated in full into English. If you know German, I
would suggest you read the German version in the Appendix or at least compare the two. Otherwise,
you need to stay with the English translation. After you ve finished reading all four parts, I am going to
discuss and clarify a few things that may be confusing and complicated to grasp for the reader:

Genesis I

ANU s ship landed on alien shores, far away from the home of the Gods, far away from
Aldebaran. He entered foreign banks, and heard noises, saw beings, Reptilians in all
colours of the rainbow, strange creatures with smart eyes and strong claw hands.
Versed in the fight they looked full of cunning and virtue towards the Sun, where ANU s
ship shone in the Sky.
The planet was already occupied, there was no place for the Gods, and they discussed for
nine moons until the council of the Gods accepted ANU s plan.
SEPT, the leader of the fire signs, landed on the planet, carrying terrible weapons, fire
sticks that could burst rocks and melt metals.
It rained ashes and embers, again for nine moons, neither the Sun nor the shimmering of the
Stars could be seen. The blaze was so big that only SEPT could be on the Planet, full of joy
the other Gods looked down from ANU s ship. At the end of this time the Reptoids
disappeared, only SEPT knew the way into their hiding places, the caves.
Great was the success of the Gods, but great was their fear for revenge from the Reptoids,
and TU s wisdom ordered the sealing of the entrance to the underworld. so the gods could
sleep peacefully.
Now the Gods could land, they spun the disc, (like in spin-the-bottle/rotated) and in the
land of the Acacias they built their first home.
Suns and moons passed in line with the heavens, but the fertility of the Gods started to fade.
Again the council met for nine moons, and the Gods made the decision to impregnate the
Royal MIRA with TU s seed to which was added thirty-six Reptoid DNA strands.
Therefore the seal to the underworld was broken and SEPT, the leader of the fire sign, had
to climb down and search for a male Reptoid. Only fine fighters could accompany him, and
every single one was carrying a fire stick and a silver battle disc.
After seven moons SEPT returned to the light of the upper world, he had lost almost all of
his warriors, and those who came back had lost their mind.
SEPT had brought one male Reptoid, it was sleeping (unconscious? Wes comment), on
every hand and foot it had six claws, a golden wreath around his neck and behind his small
ears it had two thick humps.
His seed was taken and from it thirty-six strains were mixed with TU s seed, to be planted
into the royal MIRA. Some time passed, which is recorded on the TABLET, and the royal
MIRA gave birth to twins: EA and MAGDI, a beautiful couple with shimmering green eyes
and shining golden nails on the feet and the hands. At this time none of the Gods could say
where the Reptoid male, whose seed was taken, remained, because he had disappeared

  • 134 -without a trace.
    But EA and MAGDI grew faster than normal God s children, they were smarter and
    stronger, their green shimmering eyes revealed their consanguinity, and their nails could not
    be cut with metal. After two suns the twins were as big as God s children would be after
    eighteen suns, and again the council of the Gods was summoned.
    ANU demanded the death of the twins, because they were a threat to the Gods, and the wise
    council agreed with him.
    SEPT should execute the deed, take their lives with a fire stick and melt the body parts with
    heat, so that absolute nothing would remain.
    But TU remained silent he quickly delivered the message to his Royal MIRA, and
    together they made the following plan:
    They had to make completely identical clones of EA and MAGDI, for this purpose there
    was a device, which also created the Lulu, who were digging the mines for gold. MIRA
    placed these clones in the royal bed-chamber and with an innocent gaze she waited for
    SEPT. At night the chamber was opened violently and SEPT entered with his warriors
    MIRA screamed loud to keep the appearance, and SEPT performed the deed according to
    the plan of the council.
    The fraud was undetected and no one could see the twinkle in her eyes. The Goddess, with
    her head hanging, entered the council the next morning, and all the Gods were comforting
    her in these difficult hours of departure from her offspring.
    They promised her a new trial soon, this time performed with a strongly modified strand
    from the Reptoid. MIRA looked down and did not say a word the Gods cheered for their
    success. But TU had a house with three golden Fireships which he could control at will.
    They took EA and MAGDI to one of the ships, and with a lot of supplies, seven golden
    tablets and a sparkling emerald tablet, they took off high above the heavens over the water
    to the land beyond, contrary to the land of the Acacians. The place of their choice was soon
    found and they called it PEN-TA-KIT. The house for EA and MAGDI was built under the
    lake, which they called BAN-TAN. The bold EA got the golden tablets, the beautiful
    MAGDI could keep the Emarald tablet to retain any protection from enemies and for other
    secret use. Soon however MIRA and TU had to return to the house of the Gods in the land
    of the Acacians, so they would not raise suspicion.
    They agreed on the following: For now and all time MAGDI and EA would receive
    messages from them, not through the waves of the sky, not through the flows of the water
    in the fire ship , but in a secret and totally unsuspected way. They agreed on the signs
    and within 72 hours the twins memorized them. During summer the signs would appear in
    the high grass or in the wild grain/corn, during winter in the ice of lake BAN-TAN. The
    twins also knew about their (DNA) strands, that had given them immortality, just like the
    Gods. Therefore they also agreed on the signs for the return of their God parents, there were
    several signs and one Final sign.
    Also each sign gave detailed information on the instructions of the God parents. So
    MAGDI and EA where armed for all times.
    Light-heartedly MIRA and TU returned to the land of the Acacians.
    They could not believe what they saw, in a hurry the other Gods had left the harbor GATABEN.
    ANU s ship no longer shone in the sun, the bright sky was covered with blood-red clouds
    and strange rocks with fiery tail fell to the ground. What happened?
    The first house in GATA-BEN was left hastily; the doors were open and were not sealed.
    Only the LULU harvested the juice of the Acacias as if nothing happened. The leader of the
    Lulu knew nothing, he could only laugh and said: ANU s ship steers the star.
    Hastily MIRA and TU returned to NI-BI-RU.
    The COUNCIL had already gathered and under ANU s leadership the Gods were trying to
    find a way out. MIRA and TU noted that the first time was ripe, so they sent MAGDI and
    EA the FIRST SIGN in order to warn them and to prepare them for what was coming.
    The FIRST SIGN had the following form and would also be a final sign that was sent both
    in the beginning and in the end:
    (NOTE: The Thule member I received the German version of the tablets wanted me to add
    that the words Mars Nibiru Earth and the annual figures were added by the Thule
    member, for better understanding.
    They are not included in the original).

Next: The true cause of the flood
The origination of LE-MU-RIA The last escape of the Gods Genesis II

The time of change had come. Gloomy shimmer where above the heavens of the gods.
Only ANU could imagine the full scope.
What happened?
NI-BI-RU had left its mandatory course.

What could the Gods do?
Again they asked the oracle like at the time of the exodus from Aldebaran, again they spun
the disc.
But the oracle remained blind ,there was no light sign as usual. Was the connection to
the ancestor Gods interrupted?
Now ERA rose, the wise one of the ANU-NAKI, he imparted his staff IR-MIN-SUL the
power of thought, and spoke truth and wisdom to the Gods.
NI-BI-RU drifted from its original course, this is why KI has to leave his prescribed orbit,
for a certain time the NUMBERS of the Gods have to be changed! Those with ears hear
and those with eyes to see the divine resolution that ERA with the power of his thoughts
and the power his staff announced: MUMMU as 1. Companion APSU stays on its
prescribed course at 36 Hunab. LAHAMU s virginity is not disturbed at 72 Hunab.
But KI s orbit has to move from 108 Hunab to 96 Hunab, he moves 12 lines/stripes from
LAHMU s face!
12 large returns must take place, before KI takes its old prescribed course again! Ages will
pass, and the stories of the Gods will only be found on Tablets but the truth remains and
will return!
A giant flood will destroy KI, later the Lulu will change history at their will, however you
shall know the truth and carry it for all future!

It was not the revenge of the Gods, for their interbreeding with the women of the Lulu,(humans) that
caused the flood, but because NI-BI-RU had left its prescribed path, and none of the Gods
could stop it. Read the numbers and become wise! You call it gravitation, the Gods call it
Hall of the golden kettle .
12 large returns means 12 times the passing of the twelve sings on the horizon (zodiac
signs), then the time will be completed and KI will return to its prescribed position!
These were ERA s words, the council heard it with displeasure, but there was nothing to
interpret or change.
Short time after it came as foretold: KI left its orbit and moved 12 lines/bars against the
virginity. KI was hit by severe floods, for a short time KI wobbled and lost its consciousness. Life on KI was washed away, the Acacias broken. Only the Lulu in the mines managed to escape! Why?
The entrances to the underworld were opened and Reptoids permitted the Lulu admission.
Weren’t the females of the Lulu beautiful to look at? Weren t the Reptoids particularly keen on beings of this species?
The NEW RACE was about to be born!
We call them LE-MU-RI-AN, because actually from the connection between the Reptoids and the Lulu the LEMURIANS originated!
The LEMURIANS should become stronger than the Reptoids, because they had the DNA of the Gods and the Reptoids!
They built a world that had never been seen before, and it was their task to not only frighten the Gods when they returned, but to chase them away.
But what happened to EA and MAGDI?
They were well aware of their divine immortality but where worried about their vulnerability- because divine DNA does not mean protection in battle against every enemy.
They built their city PEN-TA-KIT deeper in the earth under the lake BAN-TAN and from their bloodline another 711 Gods children where born. They taught the God s children all sciences, in virtues, and in the art of warfare. They also received the SECOND SIGN from MIRA and TU, it showed them KI s shift, the planet that from now on we call EARTH.
It showed them the start as well as the finish of the shift, and according to ERA s words this
age would last 12 times 12 signs in the firmament, 12 times 12 signs the shining herd
UL.ME would pass before Earth could take her hereditary orbit at 108 Hunab.
Through these signs all future calculations and prophecies were possible it showed them the the true path.
NI-BI-RU s in his wondrous EIGHT, the two paths, which they call ENLIL S PATH and
EA S PATH and ANU s PATH that corresponds the DUB, or as you call it, the eclipse. Thus
from the sign it is clearly recognisable, that the star NI-BI-RU doesn’t take 3,600 Earth
years to orbit , but 3,6 schar, that s 12,960 Earth years, and so the orbit equates half a
Precision. The presented events happened in the sign of GU, which you call Aquarius, and
its numerical value is 12.

Oumuamua & NI-BI-RU and the return of the Anunnaki?

(Finally the visitor from beyond our solar system? Possible because the James Webb Space Telescope just made an epic reveal. For the first time ever, we’ve got a real picture of Oumuamua an odd traveler and connection with another star system. It’s a moment that’s sending shockwaves through the world of astronomy.) Jan

Now you will wonder, what does this number tell us?
Think! In Aquarius the first ANU-NAKI settled on Earth, after they first won the war against the Reptoids, in Aquarius Earth tilted its course, lost hold and spun from 108 Hunab to 96 Hunab.
Now I am talking about an orbit of 3,6 schar, this means that the Gods would return in the
sign of Lion!
But didn’t ERA talk about 12 times 12 lines/stripes/bars/strokes?
12 lines means Aquarius again, because the shining herd, which you call Zodiac, has 12 signs. This is also the mystery of the Crop Circles ; not unwilling ordinary people should decipher the signs, they are solely for EA and MAGDI and their divine offspring, so they are able to correctly interpret the time of return! Because NI-BI-RU orbits 3,6 schar this is 12,960 Earth years, and 3,6 schar away from Aquarius indeed stands Lion! But this crossing does not cross the path of your Earth, it runs through the inner circle, that you call the asteroid belt. We will later address the events that happened at that time in detailed manner! After 3,6 schar the next encounter comes, because NI-BI-RU s orbit has a drawnout EIGHT. This EIGHT is turned in its self, indeed the point of crossing lies on one level but not at the same point in space!
Thus it happens that one time the encounter in Aquarius causes KI s orbit to shift, but the other time it orbits the asteroid belt without disruption for your planet.
Your children have a game, which is called spin-the-bottle , a bottle is spun in a circle, at
the point where the bottle stops a pledge is payable.
What pledge will be payable after the return of the ANU-NAKI?
Exactly this picture of spinning-the-bottle was what TU and MIRA had in mind, when
they send the sign of return to their divine children!
Of course they encrypted it as agreed, they drew the path of the shining herd which you
call ecliptic as a LINE, well aware that the descendants of the primitive Lulu or even the
Reptoid beings were not able to recognize this as a circle! But that was not enough, the
NUMBERS were also encrypted, because who would possibly recognize, that the first
sacred angel the crop circles , the DUB-SCHAH, the number 72, is equivalent to the
inclination of the ecliptic of exactly ONE DEGREE!? Who would be able to calculate the
time of the start and the time of return, if not the sons of the gods themselves??
Now here the time of return shall be pictured, the Planets have their equivalence exactly
like the position inside the shining herd , the calculations where sent by MIRA and TU
with the goal of awakening the children of the gods and to give them the corresponding
assignments. Each of the God s children will now become aware of their assignment and
will contribute their part to initiate the return.
The battle we lost, but still have won, will now be carried out on the level that is marked in
the book ILAT-LITUM, The Highest victory.

GENESIS III: The War Between Lemuria and the Land of EA.MAGDI

2 moons had past since EA and MAGDI built their house under the lake BAN-TAN, it
was big and magnificent, and had room for all 711 God s Children.
To honour their divine parents they called their land EA.MAGDI.
The first-born son of the twins was called IMMARU-IMTAHA, in your language this
would mean light warrior . The first-born girl was called ZU-SINNISNARTU, in your
language this means, Wise singer..
To simplify it, from now on we call the two God s children IMMA and SINNI.
IMMA trained the godsons in all martial laws, especially the throwing of the silver battle
disc and mastering the fire stick. The silver battle discs that were left by TU, had magical
powers, not only were they able to find the enemy through the mind power of the thrower,
they also had 45 openings to shoot fire waves .
The outer 18 openings carried TU s initials, the CORE of life going upwards in a curved
path, which represents both the divine race and the anscension of the gods themselves. 108
battle disc were fabricated, according to the sacred number of HUNAB, the distance
between KI (Earth) and APSU (Sun) in ancient holy times.
But SINNI, the wise singer, had the special task in training the children of the gods to
understand the signs, that TU and MIRA were sending to Earth within certain intervals.
She herself was in the possession of the emerald tablet that MAGDI received from MIRA
but she was not allowed to show it to the other god s children. Too much of wisdom, deceit
and spite/malice, too much of eternal truths and possibilities to see into the future, were
recorded on the emerald tablet. It required courage and determination and truly divine will,
to accept this tablet, then the next war with Lemuria was recorded on the tablet just as the
escape of the god s children to the planet LAHMU (Mars) and all destiny of the gods and
the people till the sky s last blink of the eye.
Even her own inevitable fate was recorded there, and Sinni had the strength to endure this!
But slowly Time became dark, the Reptoid beings interbred with the escaped Lulu and
formed a new race, the Lemurians. Of course they also had heard of the escape of the gods,
but they also knew of the land EA.MAGDI and the hideout of the abandoned god s
children. They didn t know the lake BAN-TAN, but their cunning and determination was
great to find this place and to destroy the sons of the gods.
Their leader called himself ETU-MARU, which means dark son .
The race of the Lemurians also had divine strands [of DNA] in their blood, because the
primitive Lulu were created by the gods from monkeys [allegedly Neanderthals, Wes’
comment] and 9 strands of the gods were connected.

Yes, there was rain and rainbows on LAHMU, and over time this world was loved by the
children of gods more than the partially inhospitable Earth.
So they built their first house on LAHMU and called it SHADU.E, which means
Mountain house [ Hillhouse ].
All this had SINNI known, for it was recorded in her emerald-tablet, but could she have
spoken the truth?
Even ANU would have been refused to do so, for something horrible would have happened,
the course of the heavens would collapse.
SHADU.E was built nobly and received a golden gleaming dome by which in the soft light
SINNI sang her songs and instructed the children in the arts of the gods.
IMMA however continued instructing in the martial arts for he would never accept the
dishonor of being defeated by the Lemurians!
One day he would lead the gods to their revenge against the Lemurians and wipe them out
SINNI too had to achieve something special, for by their escape from earth the children of
the gods had stripped themselves from the chance of reading and interpreting the SIGNS of
MIRA and TU.
This was irreversibly necessary, for from where else should they get the hints for their
further development?
Thus SINNI created an INU.ZU, a wise Eye , with which she could observe the forests,
the feral fields with corn and the sheets of ice of the northern seas of the planet Earth from
her house.
She had to be able to determine the Return of the gods, for it was up to her if the betrayal
was punished by MIRA and TU or if ANU could be pleased with a legend.
The FIRST encounter was 6 Signals ago, and SINNI knew that NI-BI-RU had completed
half a cycle after 6 Signals and would reach it s point of intersection of the eternal Eight .
NI-BI-RU started in the sign of GU (Aquarius) and threw KI (the Earth) from it s orbit; it
would return to the solar system in the sign of UR.GULA (Leo) and cross the system at 228
That was NOT one of the encounters of which ERA spoke, for ERA meant clearly the
encounters with Earth, and those take place every 12 signs!

So the FIRST encounter between NI-BI-RU and KI (the Earth) took place in the year
309,033 B.C. with your time calculation.
The following events should occur 12,960 years later, starting from the year 296,073 B.C.
Thus the complete cycle of NI-BI-RU (because of the years after Christ) is 311,040 earth
years, which are 86,4 SCHAR.
For this reason NI-BI-RU has the core number 648 and LAHMU; the new home of the
children of the gods has the numerical value 468.
311,040 earth years are 80 great cycles of the Destroyer (Satan).
For 80 multiplied with 3,888 (the true 666) is 311,040.
311,040 Earth years are 90 great creation cycles, for the number 3,456 (serpent bites it s
own tail symbol for chaos and creation) multiplied with 90 results in 311,040 Earth years.
Here the quotation from the book ILAT-LITUM finds it s true meaning:
Light and shadow are combined. Light (number 90) multiplied by shadow (number 80)
results in 7,200 or 7,2 Schar, which equals one cycle of NI-BI-RU, so it comes to one
(Light-ENLIL s Way) positive result and one (Shadow-EA s Way) negative result!
Not for nothing one way Enlil s and one way EA s are exactly 3,6 Schar.
When we retrace the happenings we will discover, that 3,6 Schar in the sign of Leo
(10.953 B.C.) the golden era ended through EA s way and today 2007 A.D. The golden
era begins through ENLIL S WAY!
However we will return to the to the events at the time:
The Shadow-Way fulfilled the first time and the children of the gods waited wishfully for
the beginning of the Light-Way.
SINNI had fulfilled great deeds, for her INU.ZU, her wise Eye could not only see the
signs of MIRA and TU from Earth, but could also see far into the heavens and follow NIBI-
RU s course eternally.
So she could calculate the exact date of the return of the gods.
MIRA and TU had also taken precautions, they let SINNI know by their signs in the corn
which plans ANU had.
The great Council decided to help the children on LAHMU, for ERA s wisdom told the
gods, that EA and MAGDI and all following children-generations should belong to the
tribes of the gods.
ERA s wisdom meant, that the gods under the leadership of ANU and with the power of
SEPT invade the land of the LEMURIANS and should force them with unimaginable
devastations back into the caves.
So it was recorded in the book ILAT-LITUM, the highest victory .
The sign for this was transmitted to SINNI as follows:

GENESIS IV: The Return Of The Gods

IMMA and SINNI, the children of the gods and leaders of the children on LAHMU had
fulfilled great deeds.
Through the wise eye INU.ZU they could follow NI-BI-RU s course and wait for the
prompt return of the gods.
SINNI was lecturing in the mountain house SHADU.E about the high signs, and that shall
be expressed here word by word, for it is the revelation of the secret of making the signs, or
crop circles, which the humans on KI will call them later.
Many children will ask themselves, where these high signs come from and how they are
The high signs are messages from our god-parents on our home-world NI-BI-RU.
So much you know already.
They send us these signs, so we can calculate their return and prepare us!
When signs originate in the corn, the WATER in the halm is informed!
High signs can only originate where specific minerals and iron is available in the ground, of
course water has to be there also.
This information is transmitted through waves we call these waves NA.LI.TAR they are waves in the metaphysical spectrum the humans call them REIKI Blue Light VRIL there are thousand names for it, but only we know it s purpose!
The NA.LI.TAR-waves are sent through space by MIRA and TU, on Earth they inform the Minos and iron containing water and at a specifically determined time the water presses the halm and the crop into the desired pattern!
The humans will know one day, that water is the medium of the gods our gods it is the
universal divinity!
You can talk to water, water has a memory for the period of eternity, and water fills the
space between the stars in its most precious form as ice! For that reason humans build
their temples and churches nearby water! [1]
The humans have some among themselves, whom they call druids; they can communicate
with water and understand the meaning of our messages!
But it will not help humans, for these druids will be laughed at and declared insane, for the
minds of most humans is clouded by a radiation out of the world of matter the humans
will build antennas and this dangerous radiation will contaminate the planet KI and its
species and take away their spiritual experience(s).
NA.LI.TAR-waves can produce ice-pictures the principle is very easy:
The waves inform the (ferreous) water and this will change the temperature at specific
points within a short time, these burn- and breakpoints in their wholeness result in a fine
We can see it through our wise eye INU.ZU on the lake BAN-TAN!
Humans aren t so familiar with ice-pictures as they are with high signs in the crop, but they
fulfill the same meaning our god-parents show us the way and prepare us for their return!
The humans will build a terrible facility which they call H.A.A.R.P., they want to produce
NA.LI.TAR-waves themselves and create false pictures!
But it will not work, for they have not the device for it and their sense is directed on the
world of form and appearance!
Form and appearance are only the expression of VRIL some will see, that VRIL and
GRAL are the same, for it is only meant for the communication with NI-BI-RU!
VRIL 4,636
GRAL 1,616
Sum 6,252 = 15X120 = 1,800 = SCHAR!!
VRIL is the power, and GRAL is the device to send out the force!
Every 12,960 years our courses cross, and so the NA.LI.TAR-waves rise.
The humans will notice!
They will cut the halms of the crops and analyse it, they will notice a strange short live
energy, which they can not measure!
For VRIL remains only very short in the world of form and appearance, for it changes into its spirit-form and carries the information on for all eternity!
So it is written in the TABULA SMARAGDINA:
She who was she who is she who will be –
Steersman of times, the chariotleader, Lord of the waters, Lord of the Light
From the horizon of EA to the horizon of ANU He, who leads the way, he, who is.
The star that was born from LAMUS light.
The child that was born out of TU s semen.
Concepted by the royal MIRA.
Guarded by SEPT, the leader of the firesigns.
He, who receives the words Who s way leads to ERA s secret
Recorded in the tablets of the grassgods From the beginning of light to beginning.
The TABULA SMARAGDINA turns on the sweeps, the waves of oceans, above the heads
of the children of gods, it transmits constantly NA.LI.TAR-waves into the Vigrid-plains, to
announce together with the high signs the return of NI-BI-RU.
SINNI had fulfilled something great:
Everywhere on LAHMU she placed the IR-MIN-SUL, and the children of gods were
delighted by the water of the light!
On LAHMU there were Ley-points too, where the Minos-Iron-Water sputtered.
12 pillars were placed on LAHMU by SINNI, 12 pillars it were 2 eras later on KI (the
IMMA had to achieve special work, for the pillars were made of a mixture of LADUR-rock
and SEMADIT-metal.

This unique mixture of precious rock and also precious metal gives the pillar its
conductibility in Minos-Iron-water.
When the 12 pillars were placed a great feast was celebrated, the children of gods flew on
the wings of the TAN.TAK, the gleaming flowers ; high up to the SHADU.E, they
celebrated the feast of the first placement of the IR-MIN-SUL, and noone could take it from
them in this moment of inner entrancement!
On the next morning the pillars started to rotate, the water sputtered from the openings in
the head and high above the red fields of LAHMU NI-BI-RU presented itself to the
children of gods for the very first time in all its glory and delightfulness.
In this time SINNI sent a final sign to Earth, to state it s inhabitans the return of the gods.
In Land of return in the Book of Change this time is exactly described:

Land Of Return

When HE stands above the top of the pyramid
When the lights falls in and breaks the top
The day will be shortened ten steps again
But only once, then the way of the goddess begins
Again in the west, like before the flood.
But one hundred forty for thousand who stand on the mountain ZION in the

Ascension movement

illuminatie eliminated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnpjJroTqOw
Wikipedia • The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany.
UPCOMING COLLAPSE OF ILLUMINATI, Why is it so important? (15)

Transcript, please click here for the original video/link please

Greetings my dear beloved

children today I will try to explain to you how you can finding yourself in the state of Here and Now nevertheless be at The Cutting Edge of the events and follow the things taking place in the world.

Total control pushed forward. The end of this year becomes the apy for a number of processes that during this year were developing swiftly and in a variety of directions.
As I have already mentioned a lot of times feeling their upcoming collapse the dragon reptiles decided to
speed up their long-term plan on total control of human conscience so as to make people generate the energies necessary for them being.

Perfectly aware of the fact that they will not be able to move to The Fifth Dimension with Earth due to low vibrations of people they try to keep the whole planet in former vibrations too therefore for you my dear who are in the Vanguard of the revived part of humanity it is essential to follow all the processes taking place on Earth.
Not only from the energy point of view but from the Practical one as well. Why is it so important first of all because a lot of light pure Souls far from esoteric knowledge need undeniable material evidence of the fact that the world they lived in has ultimately had its days and humanity is on the brink of death and secondly it is extremely important to show them who led earthlings way to the inevitable catastrophe.

Fortunately it is possible now to find valid in all respects sources of information based on real facts that are contrary to the so-called official mass media and many of you are likely to have already found such sources and the people you trust completely that is why my dear ones so as to avoid mental haste and waste of time follow the developments referring to such reliable sources of information.

But after that get entirely switched over to another sphere of your activity flow to another moment of here and now not getting stuck by your conscience in the events that you have just heard of.

It will help you not to get emotionally involved into it which will pull you in terms of energy to the third dimension World decreasing your vibrations nowadays it is essential to remain an onlooker every moment of your life.

life sliding on the surface in your timelessness sphere protecting your energy space from Alien intrusion and even discussing the latest news with your congenial Souls you should behave in a really cautious and Wade way with no aggression condemn or irritation mentally cutting off this discussion right after your talk is over as a matter of fact the things taking place on your planet now feature some comic element for some characters stand out in a very distinct way.

Those who are the main actors of the performance called it Ascension this time no one can hide one’s true face and for attentive people who can feel who is who by intuition a very interesting time has arrived.

You start to learn in practice all the things you have been moving towards for so long scan information about anyone see their Essence identify their vibrations and sometimes belonging to this or that form of life enjoy it my dear being every moment in the state of here and now and let it become the beginning of your new life in the unipolar world of the fifth Dimension.

Today we will go on talking about climate change on Earth but we’ll consider it from a different point of
view. I will tell you how Collective human conscience interacts with Collective conscience of each of the
natural elements the complexity of this interaction is in the fact that on your planet there is not one Collective conscience of all the inhabitants of Earth but a lot of collective consciences of the civilizations whose representatives are embodied as humans as you already know your planet is a unique place where genetic experiments on different races cross breeding are made.

Moreover a huge number of Earth’s inhabitants possess two souls and this experiment is as unique since only very strong and ancient Souls had the courage to choose such a destiny as coexistence in one physical body.

With other civilizations Souls that are often at a much lower level of development on the basis of this you can imagine the unbelievably huge number of collective consciences that exist on Earth and how greatly their energy profiles range among the owners of two Souls.

There are a lot of human reptiloid breads but there are quite a lot of human Orion’s breads too, it is these two races that long ago seized your planet and tried to hold their ground on Earth physically as well as possible literally.
Taking root in physical bodies you already know what it has resulted in and now we will talk about the energy processes those inhabitants of your planet are subjects to who have two Souls neighboring in their bodies since each of the souls belongs to its Collective conscience there is constant tug-of-war between them towards their own conscience.

It shows in an unceasing inner conflict that makes one worn out preventing from living in harmony with
oneself such conflict often causes psychic disorders that your medicine treats as a disease as a matter of fact any psychic disorder is based on energy processes taking place in one’s conscience that is torn apart by the contradictions of Two Souls each Race’s Collective conscience concentrating its specific features and typical energies makes a tremendous impact on each its particle being embodied as human.
It is very hard for an individual to understand the reasons of their suffering because it is an energy
conflict and consequently invisible one.
Everything taking place at the level of soul and thus at the subtle energy level remains for a material oriented person behind the scene as in the third dimension World one’s life is overwhelmed by mind and ego that are used to searching the reasons of their failures in the external world.

So now the time has come to reveal all the nuances of these subtle energy processes to you so as to lead a huge layer of your planet’s population to the path of Revival.

For this purpose such people should not just realize the presence of two souls in themselves but also learn to control them in terms of energy so as to block the influence of the one that is at a lower stage of development it will help one eventually free one’s energy space from the low vibration infiltrated lodger which was initially planned by one’s human soul that has chosen the task as complex for this Incarnation.

I would like to focus on the energy mechanism of the interaction between different Collective consciences.
It will help those of you who have two Souls neighboring to better understand the processes occurring in you and to learn to guide them the direction you need.

Let us consider it referring to the collective consciences most significant for earthlings human and reptiloid these two Collective consciences are in constant interaction and experience mutual influence at that.

Why does this happen before all because they have been interweaving for Millennia it happened unnoticeably since the crossbreeding of the human and reptile races has resulted in appearing of a huge number of not only mixed families on Earth with pure human Souls living side by side with reptiloids.

But even in the fact that these Souls have learned to cope exist even in one physical body and of course
such neighborhood could not but make an impact both on human and reptiloid Collective conscience yet their impact on each other was not equivalent.

While Collective reptiloid conscience by means of different manipulations successfully reduced pure human souls to its level Collective human conscience could not pull reptila to it spiritual level because of the curtailed energy
structure of these creatures.
Therefore time worked for reptiloids they forced Humanity into slavery more and more into their low vibration world where they could easily Rule people. Exercising total control over them and with the best will in the
world people could not cultivate their life principles of love and good in them.

Since reptiloids lacks subtle sense organs capable of catching and taking in these high vibration Divine energies.

This is exactly the main reason why until recent Collective reptiloid conscience has dominated over Collective conscience of people.

Why has the well-established order of things on earth failed now, how have people managed to get you of this Monster’s control that has been ruling the world for centuries.

There are two reasons for this one reason is your planet’s transition to a new era and the new high vibration energies assisting her that are showering her with full flowing streams and dissolving the low vibration energies that have held sway over her.

Until recently and the other reason is arrival of a huge number of most ancient and lightest Souls at Earth who have ever lived here with the mission of humanity rescue from reptiloid slavery and assistance of it during transition to a new level of its Evolution.

It is them who shook up Collective human conscience to such an extent that thousands of people be began to wake up and get out of reptiloid programs control that have already taken root in their conscience and subconscious on Earth. There has arrived the very apocalypse that was much spoken about in sacred books and that as a matter of fact is a revelation of the truth unveiling of the crime activity of the alien civilizations that seized Earth. So now there is a vigorous energy confrontation between Collective human conscience and Collective conscience of reptiloids and it is in the fact that high vibration energies generated by the people who revive from the centuries old dorcy force-out Collective reptiloid conscience from the planet of Earth the conscience now unable to exist in the new reality of Earth that slow but sure is entering the energy space of the for and later on of the fifth Dimensions.

Here here we will stop for today,

loving you endlessly father absolute spoke to you,

channeled by Marta

Links of electricity-from-space;

Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?

The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?

Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

Urgent: A message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started

Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.

Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.

Why this industry should be in public hands.

The Tesla World?

Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.

Owners of the empire

Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)

Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D

Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

The climate debate!

12 thoughts on “Extra-terrestrial control of planet earth.

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