Illuminatie, NWO or Alien connect and The Deep State Accra CABAL finely The EU.

Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?
A clue to their motivations and strategy can be found in this article, titled “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati.” In it, the author states…
“The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.”

The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:
1 – They set up a China-centred alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance. This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance. How have they approached this, you ask?
They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers…
…while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies…

its allies…

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The five whores
…thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another.

They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).

They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) are where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behaviour.
It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.<<<See the source image.

Clearly, the globalists took into account “the aspirations of peoples all over the globe… to emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism” in their planning of the NWO. It is for this reason that the BRICS alliance was formed and the NWO was designed in a multipolar fashion. They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati’s multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.

Winner takes all ( Jan)

With the Rockefeller plan for the BRICS New World Order laid out before us, let’s take a look at how it was implemented.

China: Building up the False Saviour

Major moves towards building the New World Order outlined in Prospect for America began in the late sixties…

1969 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduces the Special Drawing Right, the planned replacement for the US dollar as the global reserve currency…

July 1971 – former Special Studies Project director Henry Kissinger held secret meetings in China to lay the groundwork for their introduction onto the global stage. Here he is with Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai (a.k.a. Zhou Enlai) during the visit…

August 1971 – President Richard Nixon takes America off of the gold standard…
…This was the first major explosion in the dollar’s demolition as the global reserve currency (to make way for its replacement by the globalists’ SDR sometime around 2018).

February 1972 – Nixon visits (and “opens”) China. Here he is with Chairman Mao…
June 1973 – David Rockefeller Sr. visits China to start working out implementation details for what is to come. Meeting with Premier Chou En-Lai…
So what was set in motion by these events? By 1978, Deng Xiaoping took power and “developed ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’ and Chinese economic reform, also known as the ‘socialist market economy,’ and opened China to the global market.” An interesting view on the hidden dynamics behind this development is offered in the above-linked “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati” article…

“Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
‘When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.’
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan ‘to get rich is glorious.’
However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.
The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.”
(For Fritz Springmeier’s writeup on the Illuminati Li family, click here.)

This helped put in place a Chinese elite that “is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.”
Needless to say, globalist coordination with China…

…and their BRICS partner Russia…

…has continued unabated to this day.

In closing, I’d simply say that any global solution offered to us in the coming years is, in fact, a globalist solution. If you do not get together with your neighbors to start exercising self-sufficiency and control over your life, you will fall into globalist dependency and control by default. And if you do not get together with those in your local community to devise a currency (or other method of trade/barter) of your own, you will end up using bankster currency by default. Power that is not taken into your own hands is left to the predators who grasp for it.

[Update 1 – 11 November 2014]
In response to this comment from a suspected webtroll…

“How do you know that Putin isn’t telling Kissinger, ‘Buddy, your days are numbered.’”
…I looked up an old New York Times article I ran across a while ago…

So while the front page news has blaring headlines about the supposed conflict between West and East, you’ll find the truth a little deeper in the paper: that all these political types work for the same bosses and are actually buddies behind the scenes. Don’t be distracted by the public puppet theatre/drama.

A Preppers few and political Madness

Robbery is what they call it. Please click on the link for the original below.

One of the most important things that I have heard in the last 24-hour period is that you are not in the middle of a recession you are in the middle of a robbery that’s exactly what’s happening.

We see wealth transfers take place between the lower 90th percentile in the top maybe 1 to 3% of the people on the planet this is a robbery type inflation; since 2021 we’ve seen eggs go up 49.3% gasoline up 50% airfare up 33 % electricity up 30% natural gas up 30% chicken up 25% transportation in the public sector 25 used cars up 21% milk up 15 to 17% clothes cost 20% more over the last couple of years the purchasing power of the United States of America’s dollar our only currency has declined by 16%

Then we saw over the 5 year period a declination or a decline of over 23% it means that any money that you
have held on to is now 23 to 25% worthless soon it’s going to be worthless Iran in the uh geopolitical
sector is right now believed to be developing chemical weapons this is decades after they publicly said that
they had given them up.
British news websites and other reporting agencies citing internal documents say in an
exclusive report that Iran maintains their chemical IC weapons program this includes incapacitating agents that will be used for offensive purposes.
We saw the US ambassadors speak out on this they say this is an area of significant concern now what I have seen from military strategists is that they expect Iran to be right now delivering these weapon uh components to people who will use them either inside the USA or inside other countries.
American engineering, arms of our Armed Forces they just became the laughing stock of the Middle East recently after a taxpayer funded $320 million floating Pier broke apart in the sea less than two weeks after it
was installed this delayed the flow of humanitarian Aid to the Israeli Gaza War.

The Pentagon announced using satellite images that were taken and provided to different reporting uh agencies and
websites that the section of the pier is missing. The landing area where the vessels drop off the goods and they’re transported by trucks along the causeway is missing it broke free centcom has said that this has been a failure.

Thailand just announced that they are planning to join the bricks putting another notch in the uh problems that
the US dollar is going to have.

I did just watch a branded video of what media calls activists they cut the internet cables of Leonardo who’s Leonardo they are a company that manufactures the targeting systems of fighter jet Jets, the F-35 fighter jets this happened in Scotland was it actually activist probably not was it some sort of agent from another country most likely.

Japan reports the first sighting of its new uh China’s new pla combat drone over the East China Sea.

The ministry of Defense has said that it has monitored the area of Okinawa in the air defense Zone this
news comes on the same day that Tokyo said that Chinese ships had been sailing near the disputed diu islands for a
record 158 consecutive days now.

There’s a general understanding here inside of our own military in the USA that we are going to war with China that it isn’t going to be a you wake up tomorrow and you’re at War unless you’re completely blinded by what the mainstream tells you.

For everybody else you can see that we are just inching closer and closer and closer now it’s not like the olden days where you know you would see the armies coming and so there was no othero but to say hey that Army is coming to lay Siege upon us now it’s completely different and we can get to these areas overnight.

Sso instead they set up their assets they set up your boys your girls your children in war they get them ready they put the heavy machinery there and then they let something happen and as soon as that does happen that’s when we start to see War.

We are watching cases of the bird flu it was recently in uh detected in alpacas on the US Farm authorities said on Tuesday that the disease is spreading widely among cattle among poultry among Fox among wild animals and now among alpacas.

The national Veterinary Service Laboratories confirm the pathogenic variant now what has happened is
h5n1 does go through some mammals and it absolutely kills them off we see them uh take out Penguins taking out seals taking out cats poor cats they get like a 98% death rate they catch it they die.

Now luckily the people who have been infected in the human ch have not been that sick yet but that
doesn’t mean tomorrow is not going to be sick that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to see a massive illness in a couple of days anybody who says bird flu is no big deal I want you to remind be reminded of what Russia said that they discovered the USA and other Western NATO driven countries laboratory uh inside the laboratory they were making changes to the bird flu to make it very lethal up to a 80 to 100% death right and those Laboratories were also developing the vaccines that would only be held by those NATO and American countries.

So what we have circulating right now out in the open probably just a run-of-the-mill maybe even a sniffles
respiratory illness you might even see a couple of people catch their last breath because of it.

Because any virus can take someone out if given the right mixing bowl mixing dish but will this be used
as a release Catalyst for that big bad one it very well maybe so. This variation h5n1 detected on an Idaho Farm also infected ptry that were removed this month. The agricultural Department said in recent weeks this has been detected in more than 50 different wild animal species and captive animal species last week.
We saw a risk assessment saying that the general public risk remained low there is a suggestion that more
cases are coming and that the growing number of mammals that are being infected will begin to be severely sick.

Moving back to the economy we see the Federal Reserves cash Cari has said that commercial real estate is a risk right now and there is an expectation that big losses are coming soon. Now if you hold money if you if you’re one of the what 10% 5% and you still have money to spend you’ll want to wait till after the crash.

Because guys that crash is coming soon I’m not a Trader I’m not giving you Financial advice just my opinion on what I would do.

Walmart’s Insider trading alert we just saw Samuel Robson Walton former chairman also the heir to the
Walmart Fortune he just took off and got rid of 137 Million worth of Walmart shares in the last couple of days he has sold a total of a quarter billion dollars even more actually almost a third almost uh 400 million doar we’re almost looking at half a billion dollars by the time this is over.

That they’re getting rid of the ready rid of this stock because they know that an equalization is coming the
equilibrium between the Hales and the have knots and it won’t be pretty for the people who hold retail space.

The Belarusian president recently signed a law that suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe that means they are getting ready for war our better nature uh we just saw these people out here guys they are saying that honeybees this is this is what the media has to tell you. They have to tell you that honeybees are now destroying the world they want you to get rid of everything good. Remember when they told you the garbage that Sugar itself white cane sugar was bad so eat corn syrup instead and then they said oh no corn syrup’s bad eat Stevia instead oh no stevia’s bad eat this instead they want you to eat anything but what’s natural
and out of this Earth. Anything else they don’t want you to be flavor they don’t want you to put raisins inside of your food they don’t want you to put anything in there they’re going to mess up your food so much that they spray so much glyphosate on the stuff that is good for you what they’re doing is telling you everything that is good is bad and they’re telling you that everything that is bad is actually good so here we have them saying that we need to put the brakes on honey bees our future depends on it.

They say honey bees are causing grave irreversible harm to our environment I just saw this propaganda
article saying that honeybees are causing this harm it’s imp narrative they say that beekeepers understand the threat that honeybees pose to our world they say that they must mitigate the damage as much as possible this isn’t satire guys this is people who actually believe this garbage. We know the main reason they say that every native pollinator is in Decline and that’s because of honeybees to increase competition and they try to give you that’s what usual that’s what real good propaganda does right they tell you something that seems outlandish and then they give you a little tidbit of information they sprinkle on some salt information and they go hey well maybe that would make sense.

Let me tell you something we are in an age of warfare this Warfare is for your thoughts they want you to think having honeybees is bad they want you to think growing your own garden is bad they’ve already put out that information that says you’re causing more damage to the environment irreparable damage if you have your own garden.

Let the big farmers do it they can do it more uh Net Zero they can do it a little bit greener than you can
bullshite this is absolute hysteria and we need to overcome it. So they say that the honeybees are the reason that we have a lack of wild FL wild flowers in the countryside and in urban areas they say that we need to get rid of them absolutely ridiculous.

Moving forward one last thing you want a side of vaccine with your eggs new reports show that bird flu vaccines for laying hens were a huge success 1,800 chicks vaccinated positive result eight weeks later bird
flu decimating poultry and Hiking egg prices around the country.

Officials say that these vaccines are coming to save the day now um you know vaccines have been used
in chickens for a long time right but they’ve been using the old school Tech and that old school Tech was a way of more naturally introducing immunity into an immune response from from a mammal from a human.

Now they’re like let’s sprinkle on some go God’s salt in there let’s mess with some DNA let’s put a
little bit of uh Mnra inside of there and see what happens with no understanding of how bad it’s going to be next month next year Next Century remember the Teflon non-stick pans I’m sure a lot of people watching still have nonstick in their house non-stick pans are illegal they know that it causes cancer they gave three M and these other agencies decades to phase them out of the economy and then they prolong that.

They don’t care that you’re sick they don’t care that you can’t eat good food they don’t care about you they need to maximize maximize The Profit minimize your whining and complaining we need to make change around here and that’s exactly what we’re doing I hope that you guys are planting at least one tomato plant one cucumber one squash one her.

Anything the change starts with us from my family to yours please stay safe and keep watching don’t forget we put out a video yesterday about uh learning how to identify some wild edibles we put out a video on how to uh look for when Fring plants are actually going to produce fruit so that you know.

Here I see the flower I need to come back I need to geomark geolocate this place I need to come back to it in this many weeks to come get my Harvest especially in Wild areas where no one has the rights to.

You can just walk through a hiking area you see a good wild edible you see it flowering you come back there and get that in a couple of weeks check out that video it’s here on the Channel.

With with my wife from my family to yours please stay safe and keep watch

EV and Germany

Please click on the above link for the original video

Europe being lost.

0:48 / 2:47

China EV Giants Ditching Germany, EU Dangerous Seizure Law, India Shifts Gold Back From London

Sean Foo
143K subscribers

111,070 views 2 Jun 2024
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/ seanfoogold thank you!

As the trade war spreads further, Chinese EV giants are calling it quits in Germany. Demand is crashing and punishments are coming so companies are leaving. This isn’t good for Germany’s economy. Meanwhile, Estonia has enacted a new law to confiscate Russia’s frozen reserves as the EU inches closer and closer to total seizure. Countries

Transcript of the mentioned link/video above.

China Companies Exit Germany.

Europe is a garden we have built a garden the rest of the world and you know very well Federica is not exactly a garden. The rest of the world most of the rest of the world is a jungle and the jungle could invade the garden and the gardeners should take care of it the jungle has a strong growth capacity and the worldall will never be high enough in order to protect the Garden.

All right guys so let’s talk about the coupling today it seems that the garden of the world isn’t as
attractive anymore people aren’t trying to go in they are trying to get out a lot of bizarre things are happening in Europe that’s scaring companies and countries as a result we are witnessing Industries money and Trust leave the Euro Zone.

China who’s doing massive business in the EU they’re packing up their bags and they’re Hing home investing and doing business there is become coming painful and risky.

The EU is considering imposing tariffs on Chinese EVS now is the same Playbook as the US import taxes to prevent the cars from coming in a 20% tariff would damage $4 billion worth of trade.

It would mean 125,000 fewer Chinese Eves in the Euro Zone and it looks like Germany is fully on board the idea.

Just listen to the foreign minister Bok I don’t want to be brutally confronted as second time with others taking advantage of our naiveness.

So it looks like a wave of tariffs is coming for China indeed while this would hurt companies back in Beijing it would backfire badly on Berlin when you decide to cut away Chinese EVS you also attack the rest of the supply chain in your country the situation is already very bad.

The German government is taking away subsidies for Ev which is going to crush demand EES are very expensive in the country without all the government incentives sales are expected to drop by 14% in 2024.

Germany is beginning to regress back to gas powered cars and hybrids the signals are very clear to Chinese firms here the EV demand in Germany is going to collapse on a cost basis consumers simply can’t afford it.

In addition taxes will be slapped onto electric cars imported from China so the cheaper options are out as well and if organic demand is collapsing and punishments are coming there isn’t a need to establish an industrial base in Germany manufacturers of Key Parts in a supply chain like batteries aren needed anymore.

Chinese companies like asvalt and catl are holding their growth plans in Germany they are calling it quits
because big contracts are being cancelled and the need for Batteries is going to plummet and this is tragic because the original plan was to build over $3 billion worth of production facilities.

China wanted to use Germany as a base to serve the entire European market and when Chinese companies leave they basically take away everything batteries are going to cost much more to make and a supply chain within Germany, is going to break down if you in Germany.

As Germany Loses, Hungary Wins Big the price of EVS is going to S even further Chinese companies are relocating elsewhere because the environment is simply hostile. Great Wall motos another Chinese eveve company is exiting the country and this news just came in a few days ago they have shut down their headquarters in Munich Germany as a result 100 employees all their staff have been fired so jobs on German soil have been lost.

The objective of Germany’s strategy is of course to protect their local Industries but if Chinese Investments leave this triggers a deeper problem the EV sector in Berlin is just going to stagnate car makers like Volkswagen have no choice but to relocate elsewhere.

A month ago Volkswagen announced plans to invest heavily in China $2.7 billion is being paed into the Chinese city of her and the reason is very simple even though the cars will be shipped back to Europe Manufacturing in China is very necessary the labor cost is lower energy is cheaper and the value chain integration is simply Superior.

Now building an EV requires a lot of complex Parts including batteries especially batteries.

In Germany you need to import them mostly from Beijing but in China the battery Factory is simply next door you can simply drive down the street to get a components manufacturing is fully integrated into one single ecosystem.

While China’s exiting Germany they are entering other markets that’s far friendlier and their loss is someone else’s gain Hungary is a perfect example they have all the incentives for Chinese companies to move there.

Hungary still has access to Russian gas so their cost of production is far lower than places like Germany but more importantly the environment there is very friendly.

Hungary welcomes Beijing while Germany might be joining America’s trade war on China real soon Hungary has always been a front runner when it comes to automotive industry and now five of the top 10 global electric battery manufacturing companies have been present as well three of them Chinese.

We do believe that um the changes uh in global economy and global trade ahead of us require a much um tighter cooperation between east and west.
From our perspective um the tighter the cooperation between EU and China is the better uh we can take a lot of benefit out of it.
The decision has been made that they would invest in Hungary uh you know they contribute a lot to the growth
path of our national economy with this investment so we are super happy uh with these um uh with the state-of-the-art uh type of technological Investments of Chinese companies to Hungary with Chinese Investments.

Hungary can build up their EV industry they are leveraging on Chinese factories and expertise and the proof is in the pudding comparing the global cost of EV batteries hungary’s prices are extremely competitive they produce the cheapest batteries in the Western World just slightly more expensive than China.

Right at the top we have the US and Germany their batteries are 20% more expensive at least which makes the final sticker price of the car much higher and this is the consequence of decoupling with the world leader in renewable technology is another reason why the US needs trade tariffs if not they domestic EV simply can’t compete with Chinese Brands.

Estonia New Confiscation Law
China is exiting Germany another decoupling is coming Russia is one step closer to losing their money and this
update is brought to you from Estonia.

It’s all about the Frozen reserves and what the country is about to do or what they have done they have enacted a law to allow the use of Russian assets for ukraine in other words asset confiscation and this is the first EU
country that has passed such a law and is basically Financial escalation.

Europe is inching step by step towards total seizure and usage of the money now on first observation this sounds like nothing Estonia holds only 38 million e of the money comp compared to the total sum of 300 billion this is just a tiny Drop in the Ocean confiscating this won’t even move the needle but it does open up new dangerous possibilities.

It opens up a whole new can of worms it gives the West additional options and avenues to utilize the Frozen reserves now if Estonia can confiscate the assets by law what if the assets in Belgium are transferred to the country is there now legal precedent to send the assets to Ukraine and these are very serious questions the West is trying every trick in the book. That’s the windfall text idea of using the profits that’s the yelling plan to issue bonds backed by the assets. We can’t forget right the INF famous Freedom bonds idea the only stumbling block left is to find legal cover to find a way to convince the world or at least themselves. That confiscation is perfectly fine estonia’s new law might just do the trick at the very least we know Estonia is fully against Russia at all costs Ukraine has to win the war and Russia must understand they lost.

This is our plan a b and c words and sanctions are important but not enough Ukraine needs weapons ammunition training it also needs financial and economic support and it needs it now it is our role and Duty not
only to continue but increase our support to Ukraine on all fronts.

It goes without saying that this is a bad idea it would almost certainly torpedo the Western Financial system but
as we have seen from the military side is escalation after escalation the US has officially allowed Ukraine to use
their weapons to hit targets within Russia.

Germany has done the same a few days ago as well there’s now more or less Western consensus to take the war
to Russia itself and if that’s the case on the front line it’s safe to say that the frozen assets are finished as well. It’s just a matter of time it’s critical India Brings Home Gold From The UK we pay attention because the moment this happens. Everything Will Change they’ll be Panic across the world especially in the global South because anything can happen now and this fear is already starting to manifest.

India out of nowhere has repatriated 100 tons of gold back home the gold was sitting in UK vaults and now they’re back home in India itself this is the first since 1991 and is truly a historic moment.

This is another clear sign that the Global Financial system is decoupling East and West they simply breaking apart and that’s why freezing Russia’s assets was a boned bad idea and trying to confiscate them now is only going to
make things even worse. India bringing gold back home is not really a surprise a lot of countries still keep their gold in the west.

68% keeps their gold reserves at home obviously Russia and China are part of this group they vot their own Boolean bars but 32% still keeps their Holdings in either the Federal Reserve in the US or the bank of
England in the UK and this is extremely risky because it goes against the very reason to hold gold and to really drive home the point if you don’t physically hold the metal you don’t own it all.

You have is a paper claim but the goal the goal gold is in a custody of a foreign government and they have Frozen gold Holdings before. Venezuela still has their gold trapped in the UK and this is not a small amount we are talking about $2 billion worth and probably more at today’s prices Afghanistan has their gold Frozen as well it’s trapped in New York so we have to look at the trend:

Here China has been buying gold for 18 straight months Russia’s wealth fund is staring gold besides the Chinese Yan India has brought their Boolean back home from the West more countries they just losing their trust in the west as custodians of their money they see a lot of trouble Brewing between the US and China over Taiwan today.

If things escalate and we get into a hot War history will repeat itself and Chinese assets will most definitely get Frozen the bank of England’s gold Holdings have been dropping Like a Rock. Since 2022 after the sanctions we can see a continuous withdrawal nearly 20 million ounces or 600 tons of gold have been taken out and this is a foreshadowing of things to come.

The whole world is watching what happens during the G7 Summit what will the West do and if the decision is made to confiscate the assets guess what we can expect more countries to get their gold out they will repatriate their wealth back home.

Financial Escalation Coming.

So we are essentially on the bring of a big change whatever comes out of this has the potential to destabilize the
world if even further Us weapons can now strike Targets in Russia Ukraine can now do that and if that doesn’t work the next step could be to seize the assets completely to restore Ukraine. The gloves are coming off and I think we have to prepare for more economic shocks in 2024.

Will Ukraine strike even more refineries and this time using missiles not drones. Bbut missiles and how will this affect the oil markets and inflation a lot of questions that need answers and if we consider what Kaja from Estonia said the West doesn’t have a plan B and their plan a is to fight all the way until The Bitter End.

So it’s really time to prise for impact but as always let me know what you think will more Chinese
companies leave Germany and will more gold start leaving the West let me know in the comments below.

Stay safe be sure to smash the like button and subscribe as we navigate through these crazy times

Links of electricity-from-space;

Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?

The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?

Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

Urgent: A message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started

Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.

Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.

Why this industry should be in public hands.

The Tesla World?

Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.

Owners of the empire

Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)

Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D

Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

The climate debate!

5 thoughts on “Illuminatie, NWO or Alien connect and The Deep State Accra CABAL finely The EU.

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