The globalist and Media are very active currently and worldwide which you can see because of the similarity of almost all articles, publication and actions worldwide like it was with covid.
Currently we are in a kind of game were ‘problem’s/ reaction’s / and the solution/goal being the submission of the total human population,’ where the Cabal creates the problem and then presents a ‘solution’ that takes away even more of our freedoms.” and now worldwide.
It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance. How have they approached this, you ask?
> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another).
They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).
They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) is where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.
Fear mongering as weapon, first climate change, followed by covid, an new climate change push again and than war. That is what all of the talk is about nuclear and that will happen. A few smaller so-called tactical devices wil probably do and get the current populations terrified and go for some bogus security. Followed by martial law and picking up te opposition and putting tem in concentration camps as was the case after the collectivists in Russia and C did grab power. A bit like the Gulags in Russia.
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5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness# Dark forces.
Using fear to push the populations on earth.
Greetings my dear beloved children for my previous message to be continued I would like to focus on one more important aspect of the current events on Earth and it has to do with the actions of those who embody the forces of dark on your planet. Besides it concerns both manipulators the hidden government and those being manipulated executors of their Masters a will at all the levels of power holding structure.
Now they have United in a joint attempt to withstand the impending danger and this danger is not only in a powerful flow of high vibration energy heading for Earth but a whole series of crimes against humanity being disclosed now and that has already involved the higher echelons of society.
Consequently undermining the basis of the deep State these beings mostly Inhumans are perfectly aware of the imminent danger and inconsistence with the Habit ingrained in their subconscious. They are trying to assert themselves at the expense of common people making proves of their omnipotence to people and themselves and reveling in their control over crowd.
They are still hoping to to run the campaign on General injections and chipping of the population taking advantage of the panic and fear for one’s life of the lowest vibration segment of the planet’s population they are hitting below the belt not allowing people to travel around the world without this devil Mark but I know that those of you my dear who have completely awoken will never never come to terms with your conscience and see quite well through the subterfuge of the dark Forces designed for total enslavement of people.
So now there is in progress not only vibrations stratification but that one according to the attitude to the current events which is also a part of plan conceived by the dark Forces Representatives both embodied as humans and disembodied dark beings at the subtle level of Earth. Thus the being Guided by their main principle divide and Rule they encourage animosity between authorities and population among friends and colleagues.
They are on their toes to makeaggression between these groups escalate with every single day therefore decreasing vibrations of people and Earth in general and you see the heated discussions reigning Society right now.
The aggression people are persisting in their rightness with and contacts of many years and family relationship being ruined.
The forces of dark have managed not only to split Society but make it generate the energies of low vibrations.
They are in such need of now so please my beloved during these crucial for Earth last days of this month month make all the efforts imaginable to put out the fire of the passions flared up.
For this purpose as often as possible cleanse your planet and Collective human conscience from all the alien negative energies and alien programs burning them with the flame of universe love.
Well as you already know from my previous messages the Energy Corridor of human conscience influence has been created and maintained for Centuries by the beings who seized power on your planet it can be compared with a long endless Corridor literally teeming with low vibration energies all sorts of them.
Imaginable these energies Collide mix merge together repulse each other in a word they live a full life of powerful passions of their own as well as the people generating and absorbing them but there are emergency exists through which one who has realized all the senselessness of such existence can break loose.
This is exactly what is happening to many of you you are withdrawing from the running in circles.
Races of the third dimension world and Advancing to a new level of your existence in spite of the fact that the world government horse and foot is trying to Breck up these exists ascending to Freedom out of the gloomy tunnel of the third dimension world.
The bit more modernised component the introduction of the so-called digital ID ( lure of universal income) or the mark of the beast and without it you can nothing even not be able to get food.
All of the warm and fuzzy false-light stuff has been dished out to us with endless repetition for many years now, and during that time, there were very few offering a counterbalance.
The energy produced by your mitochondria is virtually identical to the energy that created the universe and undergirds physical reality. So, once you optimize your mitochondrial energy production, you also swing the door wide open to your higher spiritual faculties where intuition, inner guidance and pure knowing resides.
Undermining hippocampal neurogenesis is the perfect strategy if you want to reprogram a population to accept the unacceptable and usher in an otherwise unwelcome world, Nehls notes.
Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program
In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination
Your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time
Two thinking systems exist: nonthinking (System 1) and critical thinking (System 2). Stress and poor mitochondrial health impair activation of System 2
Lifestyle factors like having a purpose, making sure you’re getting all essential micronutrients, especially vitamin D and iodine, social connections, exercise and sleep support hippocampal neurogenesis, which is essential for lifelong neurological health
Essential dietary factors for mitochondrial health and energy production include limiting linoleic acid intake, eating the right carbs in optimal amounts and limiting fats, and keeping your serotonin and estrogen levels low. Certain dietary supplements are also helpful
The video above features an interview with Dr. Michael Nehls,1,2 author of “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” which describes, from a neuroscientific point of view, how certain brain changes make us more susceptible to indoctrination, and how many of the factors that cause those changes in the first place have been implemented worldwide over the past four years.
Media and global leaders have created a perfect vicious cycle, beginning with fearmongering, goal post switching and bad health advice that create chronic stress and key nutritional deficiencies, which drives chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, which causes chronically inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis, which results in chronically reduced mental resilience, which feeds chronic stress.
The result of this loop is a steady deterioration of autobiographical memory, which facilitates indoctrination.
As the title of his book makes clear, the whole world has been placed under a sort of indoctrination protocol — and a very successful one at that — which has led to many being seemingly unable to think for themselves anymore or to logically assess information.
Rates of depression and Alzheimer’s are also spiking around the world, and the age of onset for both are rapidly falling. Yet the causes behind the rises in mental and neurological problems are not being eliminated. On the contrary, the causes are being promoted further. “Can this just be coincidence?” Nehls asks in his book.
The Two Thinking Systems
As explained by Nehls, we have two types of thinking systems. System 1 is nonthinking and System 2 is thinking. To consciously change your behavior, you must first recognize that a change is necessary or at least would be beneficial, and this requires the willingness to invest mental energy into thinking.
Our brains by default operate in System 1 most of the time. System 2 is only activated through conscious choice when you recognize that “Hey, I better stop and think this through.” However, if you don’t have the mental energy, activation of System 2 is unlikely, even if your very life might depend on it. As Nehls points out in his book, when you’re mentally exhausted, “it is almost impossible to find the best solution to a problem.”
If you don’t have the energy to think, then you remain stuck in System 1, which is a habitual state of not thinking and simply acting on autopilot. System 1 also makes us follow mass thought or mass movements, because there’s a perceived safety in the majority. Standing alone is risky and is basically inconceivable if you don’t have a logical basis or rationale for doing so in the first place.
So, the bad news is that your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time.
Your autobiographical memory is what allows you to form a unique individuality. The four keys to autobiographical memory are: where something happened, when it happened, what happened, and how it felt. In the video clip above, Nehls reviews how the autobiographical memory works.
Of these four memory factors, the emotional association (how you felt) is paramount. If something is exciting or frightening, the memory of where, when and what are cemented into memory, and can easily be dredged back up simply by being reminded of the same feeling.
Short-term memory is stored in the frontal lobe of your brain. Nothing is recorded here, so no long-term memories are created. Autobiographical memories are stored in your hippocampi, located in the temporal lobes of your brain. While there are two, one on each side, most simply refer to these as a singular hippocampus.
Without your hippocampus, you’d be incapable of remembering anything for more than a few seconds. But even with fully functional hippocampus, you cannot store the memory of every moment of your life. Your hippocampus is constantly making choices about what to remember and what to forget, and the primary selection is based on the amount of emotional charge involved.
Fear is a proven means of making sure someone will remember something. The hippocampus stores the emotional responses to the time and place (when and where) that the emotionally charged event took place in the dentate gyrus, an area inside the hippocampi, while the details of the event and how you felt (what and how) are stored in the cornu ammonis, another area inside the hippocampi.
Your Mitochondrial Function Will Have Direct Impact on Your Ability to Activate System 2 Thinking
The reason you feel mentally exhausted at the end of a busy day is because your hippocampus has reached max capacity and doesn’t have the energy to handle any more information.
Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills.
This is just one reason why it’s so crucial to optimize your mitochondrial health. Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills. In a later section, I’ll review the most important factor for optimizing your mitochondrial energy production.
To be receptive for more information, your hippocampus must transfer the day’s impressions into permanent storage in the neocortex, and that occurs during deep sleep. Interestingly, the only pieces of your memory that get transferred into the neocortical “hard drive” for long-term storage is the emotionally charged “what” and “how” portions of the memory.
The “where” and “when” remains in the gyrus dentatus for life. If something happens to these index neurons (so called because they act like a register of memory fragments), then the matching “what” and “how” in the neocortex cannot be found. Now, here’s the important part.
Your gyrus dentatus can produce thousands of new neurons every day, for as long as you live. This ensures that you can build your autobiographical memory stores until the day you die.
If your ability to create new index neurons is impaired or inhibited, old index neurons must be used, and in doing so, old time and place fragments are overwritten. So, over time, you effectively end up with memory loss. As noted by Nehls, chronic long-term inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis results in Alzheimer’s.
Curiosity as a Gauge of Neurological and Mitochondrial Health
Additionally, since new index neurons are “hungry” for information, when you have fewer of them being generated, your sense of curiosity is also diminished. In essence, your curiosity can act as a gauge for your neurological health. I would argue that since mental energy is required to act on curiosity, it can also act as a gauge of your mitochondrial energy production.
In short, if you’re a critical thinker with a great sense of childlike curiosity, your mitochondrial energy production is likely high. If you’re too exhausted to think critically or creatively, your metabolism is likely low.
It’s important to understand that curiosity is essential for your ability to make choices in life. The more choices you make, the higher the likelihood that you will increase your experience of Joy. When you don’t have enough cellular energy, your curiosity decreases along with your ability to make choices. The strong recommendation to you is to do everything you can to increase your curiosity so you can experience the maximum amount of Joy in your life.
Ashley Armstrong, cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative, is a perfect example of this. In the video above, she discusses her journey in regaining the ability to create cellular energy and how it changed her life, as she did not have enough energy to properly think.
Your brain makes up approximately 2% of your bodyweight yet consumes 20% of the energy your body produces. This is why a surplus of cellular energy creation is necessary to have the ability to allow your brain to work optimally.
Ashley simply would not have had enough cellular energy to make the decisions she did unless she improved her health. Factors like excess linoleic acid, estrogen and endotoxins were depleting her cellular energy, which is crucial for making energy-intensive decisions.
Her transformation underscores the power of nurturing your health to gain the energy necessary for making significant life changes. Avoiding dietary pitfalls like seed oils played a key role in this journey, enabling her to tap into a newfound capacity for brave decisions — a testament to the profound impact of regaining cellular energy on her ability to navigate life’s choices.
It is my sincere desire and hope that you consider her journey to inspire and empower you to make similar choices in your own life and reclaim the Joy that you deserve. Imagine experiencing the nearly limitless Joy that Ashley has with her 1,000 chickens and four livestock guard dogs below.
What Supports and Destroys Autobiographical Index Neurons?
To ensure lifelong production of healthy new index neurons, the following factors need to be addressed. Conversely, a lack of any of these factors will undermine your production of hippocampal neurons.
Having a purpose in life — According to Nehls, the risk of developing hippocampal dementia, i.e., Alzheimer’s, exponentially increases if you do not have a sense of purpose.
Nutrition — For optimal hippocampal growth, none of the essential micronutrients can be deficient. That said, among the most important are iodine and vitamin D. According to Nehls, a vitamin D level of 40 to 60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L) is required for immunological and neurological health.
Social life — Loving, intimate relationships encourage the release of oxytocin, which is one of the most potent hippocampal growth factors currently known. Conversely, isolation and loneliness have a marked detrimental effect on hippocampal performance.Another reason why companionship is so important is because it provides emotional experiences and conversations required for the survival of hippocampal neurons. Whatever neurons are produced will die off if there are no new experiences to record, and production will decline when lack of experiences is chronic.
Exercise — Exercise has been shown to be highly effective in stimulating hippocampal growth (neurogenesis). In his book, Nehls cites research showing that seniors who take a one-hour brisk walk every day can grow their hippocampus by 2% in a single year. For comparison, Alzheimer’s patients lose about 5% of their hippocampal volume per year once the disease process is underway.3
Sleep — Your hippocampus can only make new neurons during sleep, when it’s not busy collecting new experiences. Melatonin is also known to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis, and this is likely why. According to Nehls, it takes about two weeks to restart neurogenesis after chronic sleep deprivation.
Time — Wanting or needing to do more than is feasible creates stress, and stress hormones not only inhibit neurogenesis but also drive neurodegeneration. That said, boredom (having too much time on your hands) is not good either, as the growth impulses for new neurons are missing. The ideal state, Nehls says in his book, is eustress — “positive stress caused by challenging yet doable tasks.”
The Global Assault on the Human Soul
In his book, Nehls wonders whether the indoctrination efforts of the past four years might be part of an even greater agenda. Quoting from his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain”:4
“In order for society to adopt the operating system of the technocrats, contradictions to its own history must no longer be perceptible. There must be no dissonance between one’s own experiences from earlier times and the new expectations, promises and demands of the technocrats or the everyday reality of a future AI-controlled existence …
To function properly, the [social operating system] SOS must be not only a part of the autobiographical memory but also the unrivaled foundation upon which all other autobiographical memory content is based
Only by overwriting the old index neurons will discrepancies be prevented and will the reprogrammed people not be unsettled by more attractive alternative life plans …
The former self, consisting of all autobiographical memories and the associated feelings, hopes, and values, would then be erased and deliberately replaced by a technocratically constructed foundation of identity …”
How to Successfully Destroy Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Undermining hippocampal neurogenesis is the perfect strategy if you want to reprogram a population to accept the unacceptable and usher in an otherwise unwelcome world, Nehls notes. To do so with any degree of success requires a two-pronged attack:
New production of index neurons must be radically suppressed, while existing neurons must simultaneously be decimated through neurodegenerative measures.
Remaining index neurons used to access autobiographical memories must be successively overwritten with the technocratic narrative.
How the World Was Successfully Indoctrinated
As noted by Nehls, both attack strategies were implemented worldwide at the start of the COVID pandemic.
New index neurons are decimated by oxygen deprivation (think masks), vitamin D deficiency (recall the relentless “debunking” of vitamin D claims?), alcohol toxicity (just why were liquor stores kept open while everything else had to close?), and other toxins, including the COVID-19 spike protein, whether from the virus or the mRNA shots.
Meanwhile, existing neurons are decimated by the chronic release of stress hormones, such as what happens when you fear you might catch a virus and die every time you go to the grocery store or pass an unmasked person on the street.
The second part — overwriting autobiographical memories with a technocratic narrative — becomes easy when people are in a state of mental and emotional exhaustion. Why? Because when you force yourself to think when you’re mentally exhausted, you’re overwriting old neurons — the old memories that make up your identity.
Add anxiety and fear into the mix, and you have a perfect recipe for indoctrination as the old memories are not only being overwritten, but the anxiety-filled new narrative is also being efficiently stored in your long-term memory. As noted in Nehls’ book:5
“Fomenting anxiety, especially on the nightly news … is a highly effective means of forcing the hippocampus to activate System 2, even in a state of ego-depletion. Propagated content of the technocratic narrative is implanted in memory and, in the absence of new unused index neurons, access to earlier memories is simultaneously erased.”
Lockdowns, social distancing, masking, the closing of gyms, playgrounds, beaches and outdoor parks, the COVID shots, the ever-changing goal posts, the successive contradictory narratives, the fearmongering, and health-harming advice such as avoiding vitamin D all work toward the same outcomes.
First, they facilitate indoctrination by destroying and causing neurons involved in autobiographical memory to be overwritten. The result is people who, quite literally, cannot fully remember their own autobiographical past. It’s been overwritten with technocratic consensus statements, and when asked to engage in logical reasoning, they can’t.
They simply parrot the propaganda narratives because the very center of their individuality (their autobiographical memory) has been replaced by these narratives. What’s more, whey you question the narrative, they perceive it as a direct attack on them personally, as the narrative is who they now are. It’s become part of their personality.
The COVID measures also speed neurodegeneration and cognitive loss, resulting in dementia. And indeed, recent research shows memory and executive function in older adults dropped by 50% during the first year of the pandemic.6
How to Successfully Fend Off the Attack on Your Mental Freedom
The good news is, you can reverse the effects of these attacks on your neurology and regain your mental freedom. To reiterate, to protect your mental immune system and inoculate yourself against indoctrination, you need to:
Find a purpose and go after it
Make sure you’re getting all the essential micronutrients, especially iodine and vitamin D
Pursue an active social life
Get plenty of exercise
Optimize your sleep
Ditch unrealistic expectations and embrace challenging but doable tasks
Optimize Your Energy Production to Facilitate System 2 Thinking
To Nehls’ list, I would add the following advice:
•Limit your linoleic acid (LA) intake — LA decimates your mitochondrial function resulting in decreased ability to create cellular energy, and without energy, your brain simply won’t have the energy to switch into System 2 thinking. Optimizing your mitochondrial energy production is the crux not only to a healthy body and mind but also your intuition.
The energy produced by your mitochondria is virtually identical to the energy that created the universe and undergirds physical reality. So, once you optimize your mitochondrial energy production, you also swing the door wide open to your higher spiritual faculties where intuition, inner guidance and pure knowing resides.
I dare say, once you’re connected to your inner knowing, no indoctrination attempt can succeed because you can “see” clearly, even when truth is being hidden.
•Eat healthy carbs, in optimal amounts, and limit fats — This will optimize your mitochondrial glucose metabolism resulting in higher energy production. Fat metabolism (which you enter when your fat content is too high, likely above 35% of daily calories) reduces mitochondrial efficiency by 25% to 50%. Healthy carbs include ripe fruits, raw honey, and starches like white rice.
Glucose metabolism also increases structured water (mitochondria-produced water), also known as deuterium-depleted water, and reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the mitochondria.
•Keep your serotonin level low — Serotonin, often misconstrued as the “happy hormone,” acts as an antimetabolite, hindering energy production in your mitochondria, resulting in fatigue and slowed metabolism. Recent research has also linked high serotonin levels to dementia.
One way to lower your serotonin is to increase GABA, which is available as a supplement, as GABA increases the degradation rate of serotonin. People who have high GABA levels usually have low serotonin, and vice-versa.
People with high GABA/low serotonin are typically calm and gregarious, whereas GABA deficiency and elevated serotonin is associated with anxiety, fear, depression, short temper, phobias, impulsiveness and disorganization.
Another important strategy is to address your gut health. When complex carbs that aren’t digested in your stomach travel down to your intestine, they end up feeding gram-negative bacteria that produce endotoxin, also known as LPS (lipopolysaccharide).
Endotoxin catalyzes a series of metabolic reactions that converts tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. So, to inhibit serotonin production in your gut (which is where most of the serotonin in your body is produced), you want to prevent endotoxin production, which means you need to balance your gut microbiome.
•Keep your estrogen level low — Like serotonin, estrogen is also antimetabolic and will inhibit energy production. Tips on how to lower your estrogen load can be found here.
Diplomatic immunity for the Bill Gates Foundation.
Kenya last week granted diplomatic immunity to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees, or “servants,” Tim Schwab reported on Substack.
Under the new status, the foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed as part of their official foundation duties. They also are exempt from paying taxes on their salaries, and they now have the right to own property in Kenya.
“While nations around the world have long treated Bill Gates as a head of state, it’s now been practically codified into law in Kenya,” wrote Schwab, author of “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire.”
Schwab said the decision has raised “alarm bells” within the country and across the world. One public advocate, through a Freedom of Information Act request, has already petitioned the government for documents related to the decision
Others worry the decision to grant immunity may set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists.
Concerns also have arisen that other nations will be pressured to follow Kenya’s lead and offer immunity to the Gates Foundation in exchange for continued access to the massive resources the foundation pours into other African countries.
The Government of Kenya’s announcement, Schwab wrote, comes just a week after farmer organizations and religious leaders across the continent called for reparations for the damage the foundation has inflicted on African agriculture through its so-called “green revolution” program.
They say the foundation promotes corporate, industrial agriculture at the expense of local practices and African ecosystems.
Much of the Gates Foundation’s investment in African agriculture happens through the Nairobi-based AGRA, previously known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. The foundation is AGRA’s co-founder and biggest donor. It has given at least $872 million to the organization, Schwab reported.
AGRA says it “exists to fulfil a vision where Africa can feed itself,” yet it directs its funding to support input-intensive and resource-intensive agriculture.
The alliance promotes the use of synthetic fertilizers and commercial seeds controlled by Big Ag, the restructuring of seed laws to criminalize trading of seeds not certified by Big Ag, and supports seed dealers who promote corporate products.
Daniel Maingi, coordinator for the Kenya Food Rights Alliance, told Schwab that with Gates’ diplomatic immunity, “Kenya becomes the testing ground … That is a big, big concern. It’s a big red flag.”
“In terms of food sovereignty, as we give Gates these privileges and immunities, Africa is going to be — not food sovereign, not seed sovereign — we’re going to be slaves and masters of the big corporations,” he added.
“Our agreement to operate in Kenya was made in alignment with the Kenyan government’s Privileges and Immunities Act. We operate according to the typical agreements Kenya makes with other foundations and nonprofits,” Buhle Makamanzi, deputy director of Global Communications for the Gates Foundation in Africa, said in the statement.
Schwab said the move by the Kenyan government and the concerns raised by critics, “get to the heart of Gates’s anti-democratic influence and power, which, at least in Kenya, appears to be reaching new levels.”
“No one ever elected or appointed Gates to lead the world — on any topic,” Schwab said. “Yet through his great wealth and his money-in-politics brand of philanthropy, he is able to buy a seat at the democratic decision-making table — and, apparently, also buy diplomatic immunity.”
Not just Big Ag — Gates investments include vaccines, digital IDs, GMO mosquitoes
Gates’ massive investment in Africa extends beyond agriculture into public health, and more recently, digital IDs in Kenya.
It also includes the “Target Malaria” project, which proposed to end malaria by introducing genetically modified or GMO mosquitoes. Critics say the program is based on “flawed ecological thinking” and “backed by the same agri-business interests that have devastated agroecological farming systems.”
For example, the Gates Foundation is the topmost funder of polio initiatives worldwide. In April 2013, Gates said that eradicating polio was his “top priority,” — even though there had only been 19 cases worldwide that entire year.
Since then, there has been a global explosion in polio cases, which in 2017 the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted were caused predominantly by a strain that comes from the vaccine itself.
Critics, including many scientists working in low-income settings, have noted that as money is lavished on polio, millions of children are left vulnerable to a slew of often deadly, preventable diseases.
Gates also promoted the use of a dangerous version of the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, or DPT, vaccine in Africa after it was banned in the U.S. In a video shared widely on X, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained Gates’ work in Africa on the DPT vaccines, other vaccines and in agriculture.
Bill Gates is behind moves to reduce Africa’s population 💔.
In 2009, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines on 23,000 girls in rural India. At least 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders and seven died.
Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms and refusing medical care to the injured girls.
The Gates Foundation is also one of the biggest donors to the WHO, UNICEF, PATH, and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, which work in lock-step to distribute vaccines as the primary public health intervention across the global south.
Despite Gates’ troubled history with the HPV vaccine in India, Gavi, with Gates funding, announced it is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls against HPV in low- and middle-income countries — including India — by 2025.
Gates also funded GSK’s trials for its experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects, including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions, in 1,048 of the 5,949 children. And it supported a MenAfriVac campaign to forcibly vaccinate thousands of African children against meningitis, causing paralysis in many of the children.
COVAX, an effort to scale up the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the global south —- which ultimately failed — was co-led by the WHO, Gavi, CEPI and UNICEF, which are all backed by Gates.
And these are just a few examples.
Earlier this year, Gavi unveiled an ambitious $11.9 billion plan — including $9 billion in new funding — to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030, with existing and new vaccines.
To date, Gavi has allocated roughly $23 billion to increasing global immunizations, with funding from Gates and major governments, including the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
Plans to assign every newborn a digital ID
Earlier this month, Business Daily Africa reported that the Gates Foundation will advise Kenya on the rollout of a new digital ID system called Maisha Namba.
According to Reclaim the Net, “The plan envisages every newborn being assigned a Maisha Namba, which stays with them throughout their life.”
Nyandarua County Deputy Commissioner Rukia Chitechi said, “The system shall be run through schools by ensuring every child born is assigned a maisha namba.”
Given the long history of controversial, and often failed, interventions in agriculture, public health and vaccination — and now digital IDs — and also given that Gates is facing at least one lawsuit over his involvement with the COVID-19 vaccine, critics said the immunity granted to Gates raises serious questions.
Dr. Mumbi Seraki, host of a popular YouTube show, asked on X, “If they meant us well, would they need immunity? It looks like we are being sold to the highest bidder,” she added.
While the Netherlands, Japan and Germany are getting ready to sue bill gates, Kenya is busy giving the gates foundation immunity to finish us off! Moving forward Moses kuria
The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. Mr. Kennedy, an independent candidate for president of the U.S., is on leave from CHD. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy or his support for President Donald Trump’s campaign.
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