The name Federal Reserve Bank was designed to deceive, and it still does. It is not federal, nor is it owned by the government. It is privately owned. The known owners and as such listed in the beginning being the Morgans(chase) Rockefeller and the Rothschilds.
It pays its own postage like any other corporation. Its employees are not in civil service. Its physical property is held under private deeds, and is subject to local taxation. Government property, as you know, is not.
Proven to be an engine that has created private wealth that is unimaginable, even to the most financially sophisticated.
Created an imperial elite that manipulate the economy for its own agenda and enlisted the US government as its enforcer. It controls the times, dictates business, affects our homes and practically everything important and effecting and important to humans.
It takes powerful force to build and maintain an empire, and these ones are no different. The concerns of the leadership of the Federal Reserve and its secretive international benefactors goes well beyond currency and interest rates.
Rumors has it that it included assignations of US presidents and not just JFK.
There is also strong evidence involving Lyndon B. Johnson (The next USA President after JFK) in the assassination conspiracy.
Afterward, Lincoln warned the American people:
The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed.
Lincoln continued to fight against the central bank, and some now believe that it was his anticipated success in influencing Congress to limit the life of the Bank of the United States to just the war years that was the motivating factor behind his assassination. JFK did something simular, on June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Rothschild Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. He was shortly afterwards assissinated.
The are linked or the missing link behind the new world order, a tyrannic institution and the condition for the public involvement of the Anunnaki in world affairs. Paying for the removal of earth resources which are sold through this part of the universe for hard galactic credits paying her on earth with worthless Fed printed dollars who will not last over time.
Behind the extensive control world wide used to influencing public opinion, opportunities for associated business, ventures and takeovers. Trying to create a world united government, would have been and proven to the most tyrannic organisation ever created on earth.
Every body chipt, controlled and checked.( The mark of the Beast)The early version Exposed by Snowdon and also the reason why worldwide, Snowdon did not get praised for exposing but had to run and invent ally found some protection in Russia.
Makes you wonder why the international banksters that own the money printing press and can literally print what they want, never will have enough time to spend it are in there. For them it is not about money; it’s about power and it’s about human energy. The so-callled food of the gods.
You could read Stefan Molyneux’s great eBook The Handbook of Human Ownership for the precise history and more insight.
Will leave it here because of space.
Slaves & gaming!
The Philosophy of Scientology
Life is basically a Game (Hologram)
This is an attempt to cover the basic philosophy very briefly.
Scientology is best comprehensible if one takes the viewpoint that life is basically a game.
A game consists of “freedoms”, “barriers” and “purposes” . (LRH)
(Already in 1934 the name “Scientology” appears as the title of a work by the German philosopher Dr. A. Nordenholz. His “Science of Knowledge” has quite some similarity to the philosophy of L. Ron Hubbard.)
A person playing a game is involved in it to a greater or lesser degree. He loses control over the game the more it becomes compulsive for him. He gets involved with interferences from others, agreements and non-agreements, with creation and destruction, he gets entangled in games not of his own, and in the end he winds up rather being a piece or a broken piece than a player.
One of the most important targets of Scientology is the rehabilitation of the person as “Player” and the rehabilitation of his “Spirit of Play”.
In 1952 on a lecture series in Philadelphia, Hubbard said that
“there is a caste-system of games”:
There is the “Maker of Games”: He has no rules and he runs by no rules.
Then there are “Players of Games”: Rules are known and obeyed.
There are “Assistant Players” who merely obey the players.
Then there are “Pieces”: They obey the rules dictated by the players. However, they don’t know the rules.
And then there are “Broken Pieces”: They don’t even know they are in a game and that there is a game at all.
Hubbard continues (quote):
“How to make a piece…
First, deny there is a game.
Second, hide the rules from them.
Third, give them all penalties and no wins.
Fourth, remove all goals.
Enforce their playing.
Inhibit their enjoying.
Make them look like but forbid their being players – look like God but can’t be God.”
To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players. Never let the pieces find out that there are players.” (Philadelphie Doctorate Course, 1952, Lecture 39 “Game Processing”, Page 51 of the lecture transcript)
Capt. Bill Robertson covered the rehabilitation of players under this aspect and the current situation in which especially the people on earth are involved, in his Tech and Admin Briefings as well as in his lectures about the “New Civilization” which are highly recommended reading.
About the current situation on earth he says:
“Imagine a cell. Six walls. A cell, no door, no window. A being inside that cell. However the cell is 20 feet across and 20 feet high and 20 feet wide. But the being, his diameter is only 19 feet. His awareness is only 19 feet. Does he see the walls? No! Now, if you are suppressive what you do is you give the guy in the middle some drugs and you give him some ‘bumpf’ on the TV and you make him think he is a one lifetimer and his awareness finally goes down to 18 feet. And when it goes down to 18 feet you move the walls in to 19 feet.
Am I tracking with you? Have you ever experienced this? On this planet? And finally when you get him down to about this size (size of a fist) the walls are about this size (stretched out arms) and everyone is nuts and really compartmented and conforming nicely all over the whole planet – one lifetime bodies and they got this whole planet. And if anybody jumps out of the line, anybody non-conforms – well, we got the methods of lobotomy, shock treatment, implanting, Siberia – whatever you want baby, it’s there.
That is the mechanism by which this planet is being controlled right now, and the thing they fear most is people who can only see the walls. But they even fear something else more because the person who can only see the walls is still a piece in the game. And it can be controlled as a piece by cutting his 2D, by cutting his economic security, whatever you have to do, you can try and get his awareness back down to where he can’t see the walls anymore. Right. Yes! Ok.
But the thing they fear the most is a guy that sees the walls and goes right through them. Because right outside the walls is freedom. And there is no fear. But not only that – the guy has now graduated from a piece to a player. And when he is a player he can handle other players who are playing the negative game.” … etc. (The full text is in his lecture at Crown Hotel East Grinstead, where you also see him on video).
In the development of Dianetics and later Scientology, Hubbard found out that there must be a life unit which on the one hand is involved in “life” and a “universe”, but on the other hand is also capable of “creating a universe” . This life unit can be separated from the universe and it is able to exist without any universe.
He named it a “Static” and defined it as something which has no motion, no wavelength, no position in time and space, so to say a pure “Potential”.
In the Scientology Axioms and Factors he develops a whole system, a whole series of statements about the involvement of this Static in a game. His early lectures of the fifties about Scientology as a Philosophy and Science, the Philadelphia Doctorate Course (PDC), the Hubbard Clinical Lectures (HCL), to name only a few, cover life as a game.
By entering a game a person, being or spirit, subjects himself to an “action cycle” of starting, changing and stopping .
By entering an action cycle a person is subjected to so-called conditions in the game which simply show how much he is winning or losing. Hubbard covered this in his writings about Ethics.
The more a person is able to carry through with such an action cycle or with action cycles in general he is “operating”. He is self-determined then.
The more he is unable to carry out action cycles the more he is “other-determined”.
This “other determinism” can be, for instance, the sickness of his own body which prohibits what he wants to do. It can be difficulties with the job, down to not knowing who he is at all. And it can also be some kind of force which deliberately is keeping him on a level of “piece”.
The “bridge”, as the Scientologist calls the technical application of Scientology, has the purpose to pick a person up at a certain level and rehabilitate and also increase his abilities and his awareness.
If you want to get an understanding of what Scientology is all about you have to differentiate in:
The Philosophy,
it’s technical application (auditing, the bridge, etc.),
Hubbard’s own opinion,
and the Scientology management (RTC etc.).
Conceptual understanding is of importance here. Not everything Hubbard said is of equal value. He had his own opinion and he, too, has his right to his own opinion.
In a lecture in Philadelphia he said in 1952:
“Now, I’m not asking you to look at this subject through my eyes.
There are two subjects here that I’m going to be talking to you about, just two, and one is “Scientology, a precise science of universes and beings therein or beings who make universes.” Now, that’s one subject. And then there’s “Hubbard’s opinion of this subject.” And boy, I got some wild opinions. You ought to hear them sometime. But that’s a different thing.. that’s a different thing.. and you can tell very easily when I swing over into my opinion, when I start talking about some field of healing or when I start to talk about this or that, it’s obviously a big slant and merely is my selection of randomity. Take it as amusing or evaluate by it or throw it away or anything. It doesn’t have anything really to do with Scientology. But the subject itself is actually a lot cleaner than a wolf’s tooth. I’ve examined a lot of wolve’s teeth and I’ve found out that they’re not too clean. And this subject is very clean though.”(PDC 1, pg 14/15 of the lecture transcripts)
Also, about religion he said (freely quoted):
A religion is something else than a religious philosophy. Totally different. Religion is the thing which is given to people as a pack about which they shouldn’t think with reason… it is used to control people. Honestly. (HCL 27)
Interesting, isn’t it?
It’s easy to take a certain statement of a man who said some million words and even recorded them or wrote them down and blame him for something. Sure…
However, by differentiating a little bit, one can get the true intention of what Hubbard tried to accomplish with Scientology.
He didn’t want to make new slaves or create another instrument of controlling people. He really wanted to help mankind and, at least, we in the Free Zone owe him a great respect for that.
The hologram:
The universe may be a giant broken hologram
For decades, scientists have been toying with the idea that our Universe is — or once was — a giant hologram, where the laws of physics require just two dimensions, but everything appears three-dimensional to us.
As you can imagine, it’s not an easy hypothesis to prove, but physicists say they now have observational evidence from the early Universe that fits just as neatly into the so-called hologram principle as it does with the standard Big Bang model.
“We are proposing using this holographic Universe, which is a very different model of the Big Bang than the popularly accepted one that relies on gravity and inflation,” says one of the team, Niayesh Afshordi from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
“Each of these models makes distinct predictions that we can test as we refine our data and improve our theoretical understanding — all within the next five years.”
To be clear, the researchers aren’t saying we’re living in a hologram right now. They’re suggesting that in the very early stages of the Universe — a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang — everything was being projected into three dimensions from a two-dimensional boundary.
If you’re not familiar with the whole ‘Our Universe is a hologram’ saga, back in the 1990s, physicist Leonard Susskind popularised the idea that the laws of physics as we understand them don’t technically require three dimensions.
So how could the Universe appear three-dimensional, but in reality, is only two-dimensional?
The basic idea is that the volume of space is “encoded” on a boundary — or an observer-dependent gravitational horizon — which means it requires one less dimension than it appears.
So like a 3D hologram projected from a two-dimensional screen, the hypothesis states that the three dimensions of our Universe were projected from a two-dimensional boundary.
Since 1997, more than 10,000 papers have been published supporting the idea, so it’s a lot less crazy than it sounds.
Now Afshordi and his team report that after investigating irregularities in the cosmic microwave background — the “afterglow” of the Big Bang — they’ve found strong evidence to support a holographic explanation of the early Universe.
“Imagine that everything you see, feel, and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field,” says one of the team, Kostas Skenderis from the University of Southampton in the UK.
“The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms, where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire Universe is encoded.”
holographic universe big bang expansion paul mcfadden
An illustration of the holographic start of the universe and its emergence into the cosmos we know today.Paul McFadden (via ScienceAlert)
The reason physicists even entertained the hologram principle in the first place is because, while the standard model of the Big Bang sounds a whole lot more sensible, there are some gaps in it that are so fundamental, they hold our entire understanding of the laws of physics at bay.
According to the Big Bang scenario, chemical reactions caused a massive expansion that seeded the formation of our Universe, and at the very early stages, it inflated at break-neck speed.
While most physicists accept the reality of cosmic inflation, no one’s been able to figure out the exact mechanism responsible for making the Universe expand faster than the speed of light, going from subatomic-sized to golf-ball-sized almost instantaneously.
In fact, just as our current theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics don’t add up when we try to explain the behaviour of enormous things down to their very atoms, these fundamental laws of physics can’t explain how all the ingredients of the Universe could be balled up into a mind-bogglingly small package.
“One [hypothesis] trying to reconcile the two, quantum gravity, says that if you ditch a spatial dimension, you can also ditch gravity in your calculations to make things easier,” Ryan F. Mandelbaum explains for Gizmodo.
Enter the hologram principle.
“It’s holographic in the sense that there’s a description of the Universe based on a lower dimensional system consistent with everything we see from the Big Bang,” Afshordi told Mandelbaum.
To test how well the hologram principle could explain the happenings of the Big Bang and its aftermath, the team built a model with one time and two space dimensions.
When they inputted actual data from the Universe, including observations from the cosmic microwave background — thermal radiation emitted a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang — they found that the two fit perfectly.
CMBR city
What the sky would look like if humans could see the cosmic microwave background.NatureVideo
But there’s a catch — it only fits perfectly when the model Universe is no more than 10 degrees wide.
The researchers say they’re far from proving that our early Universe was actually a holographic projection, but the fact that observational evidence from the real world could explain missing parts of the laws of physics in two dimensions means we can’t reasonably rule it out.
So does that mean there’s a chance we’re all living in a hologram right now? Not quite, says Afshordi — their model only applies to the Universe at its very early stages.
The question of how things transitioned from two dimensions to three is now anyone’s guess.
“I would say you don’t live in a hologram, but you could have come out of a hologram,” Afshordi told Gizmodo. “[In 2017], there are definitely three dimensions.”
The research has been published in Physical Review Letters.
Destruction of the economy in the West.
Use of food for compliance/control. Suggestion that it is the result of overpopulation and climate change. Click here for the original video/link please
In this eye-opening video, Whitney Webb delves into the unsettling future of the global economy, underscored by the potential for economic turmoil triggered by cyber-attacks or other crises. Webb sheds light on the controversial World Coin model for humanitarian aid, which leverages biometric identification for ration distribution, echoing the flaws and dangers seen in India’s Aadhaar system. As geopolitical tensions simmer, Webb reveals a unified push towards digital IDs, CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), and a surveilled economy across global powers, despite surface-level divisions.
“This Is WHAT They Are TRYING To Hide From YOU” – Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction
57,664 views 10 Feb 2024
From the financial technologies bridging CBDC models to the strategic maneuvers of cryptocurrency giants aiming to align with regulatory frameworks, this video explores the underlying agendas aimed at consolidating control and surveillance. Join us on Unscripted Crypto as we uncover the concealed mechanisms that could shape our digital future and what they mean for personal freedom and privacy.
Something crazy is obviously going to happen with the economy whether it’s provoked by a Cyber attack or whatever the way the UN UNICEF world food program has set up all of their stuff for humanitarian Aid is the world-coin model which is scan your eyeball and we give you a digital ID and that tells us whether or not you eat or not you know if you want to get your rations you have to go to the wherever the rations are and have your eyeball scanned and if there’s a mistake in the system and it decides you’re not you no food for you and this has happened in India’s digital
ID system Adar to like a significant degree and they haven’t fixed it and they don’t do anything about it and they Justified it by saying that like people’s data will be safer and more secure it’s the most easily hackable thing in the world there was like a a big big- time like Indian CEO guy that was like I’m publicly gonna like put up my ad horror ID number and like look how safe it is and it was like hacked in like 10 minutes and people like trolled the crud out of him you know I mean it’s a joke um but they need to manufacture consent for all of this stuff and the way they’re going to do that as fear and panic there’s obviously going to be some sort of National Security crisis.
They have to create to bring in that fear and panic but they’re creating the base issues on purpose I mean it’s an intentional decision to have the Border in that state and it’s not just happening in the US it’s like a broader thing just like digital ID is like a global thing today we’re diving deep into the insights of Whitney web discussing the intricate dance of Economics technology and control in our modern era as we stand on the precipice of a year filled with uncertainties web warns of potential economic turmoil possibly provoked by cyber attacks or other crises the introduction of a world coin model for humanitarian Aid mandating biometric IDs for food rations is a stark reminder of the digital ID systems flaws as seen in India’s odar program.
This system not only compromises data security but also threatens personal freedom highlighting the global push for digital IDs and programmable money under the guise of security and convenience remember if you find this content insightful don’t forget to hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell for notifications on our latest uploads let’s prepare to navigate through these turbulent Waters together.
Talking about the geopolitical stuff you know the Divide here of you know bricks versus the West specifically like us UK Israel Europe the EU um they all agree on digital ID so like yeah there’s this geopolitical tension stuff at one level but go another level up they all agree about some sort of surveill programmable money maybe in the US it’s synthetic dbd.
cbdcs in China and the bricks countries it’s direct issue cbdc they all agree about digital IDs that are biometric they all agree on agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals yeah and what’s interesting about that well to take it back to the article in fluent Finance the United Arab Emirates what are they setting up financially what is fluent Finance after Farmington gets shut down specifically doing in the United Arab Emirates they’re the
connective tissue between the cbdcs direct issue cbdcs of brics land and the synthetic cbdcs of the West and the deposit tokens that’s what they’re setting up that’s what Finance is doing.
In the UAE right now uh with R3 that’s partnered with the dtcc for the Securities stuff and doing the Central Bank digital currency for the UAE uh and a host of other countries that are interoperable with a lot of other ones.
Specifically being overseen by the bis these mcbd projects for like multi-b cbdc projects about interoperability uh the goal is to have you know Corda the R3 DLT right have that as much run on that as possible but what doesn’t run on that will be interoperable with that so interoperability is like a key thing to watch out for and a lot of these companies like like fluent Finance for example are developing this stuff and like no one has noticed which I I think is kind of interesting like a lot of people that are so focused on cbdcs and they’re a threat to human freedom and all of this are just pointing the finger at like bricks and not paying attention to any of these other countries really.
They’re just like bis bad but like yeah um you know Wall Street has plans for this too and like they’re not good either like Jamie Diamond and Jerome pal are not coming to the rescue guys they’re creating the same system under a different name Jamie Diamond programming my dollars to expire.
Tying it to my carbon credits or whatever is not any better than Jerome Powell or uh I don’t know Janet Yellen doing it I mean it’s all the same garbage.
You know what I think is interesting too to take this back to FTX too you know in light of their team up with fluent finance and what fluent Finance has gone on to do I really am curious and I I don’t really know if there’s any way to know now but you know all those donations and cozying up to like you know Elizabeth Warren and all these other like lawmakers by FTX Executives or Ryan Salam cozying up with the Republicans and stuff like was this to uh have them favor the stable coin.
FTX was going to team up with which she seems to have been fluent finances us plus like to favor them as like you know the stable coin issuer of choice for the synthetic cbdc pretty interesting uh possibility there because a lot of it thought it was just like oh crypto reg you know regulation to favor FTX and S SPF and stuff.
But I think there’s a lot of bigger plays that have been going on here for some time and I think people
ignoring these kind of actors we’re doing ourselves a disservice. If you look at the people who created fluent Finance the main guy Bradley Algood used to work for like NATO and like Military Intelligence stuff and then immediately starts making special economic zones out of a building on this Indian reservation in South Carolina.
To like replace Delaware as a place where like companies register to like get tax advantages and stuff and that I mean and then goes on to team up with uh this guy Oliver Gail who is a failed reggae artist uh who claim s to be the in inventor of cbdcs and the other guy was with him in that first cbdc project in Barbados so the inventors of cbdc team up with like NATO spook guy uh to create the S SPF stable coin that’s what was going on before FTX uh collapsed and so yeah maybe SBF is like out of the picture and whatever but this isn’t going away like fluent Finance okay.
Yeah we can’t do the thing with Moonstone and with chalpin and Deltech and FTX but we can do it with R3 which was partnered with you know fluent Finance like pretty much from the very beginning because R3 started off as a Consortium of like some of the biggest banks in the world and their backers are still the biggest banks in the world and there’s a lot of overlap between how fluent Finance started and those same banks that back R3 specifically City Bank uh HSBC and Barclays which uh if you know the history of any of those Banks not good and then you have Bradley all good this the fluent Finance guy like publishing op-eds and and coin Telegraph and stuff being like cbdcs would be great if they put Wall Street in charge.
Literally what it says I mean it’s just they’re telling you but no one’s paying attention because they’re
like oh well look these fed chairs are saying we’re not going to do a digital dollar and that means freedom wins in the good old USA.
No what happens in the USA is is that uh Wall Street steals from everyone and funnels the money to the oligarch class and leaves everyone dirt poor that’s what they’re going to do as we delve deeper into the narrative the geopolitical chessboard reveals its pieces with major Global Powers seemingly divided yet United in their agenda for digital IDs and programmable money despite superficial tensions there is a unanimous push towards a digital surveilled economy underpinned by cbdcs and biometric IDs this convergence on digital control mechanisms transcends borders aligning closely with agenda 2030 and sustainable development goals.
The intricate web of financial technology as seen through initiatives like fluent Finance in the UAE serves as a bridge between different models of cbdcs ensuring interoperability and control at a global scale however this digital convergence is not without its critics as many fear the loss of freedom and privacy in the face of omnipresent surveillance and control it’s crucial to remain Vigilant and informed about these developments as the implications for personal freedom and Global sovereignty are profound.
I think tether’s recent overtures to like you know onboarding the Secret Service and the FBI and all
of this stuff freezing all of these Wallets on behalf of the US government this is them trying to Curry favor so they don’t get totally nuked by regulations and they can be like a de facto synthetic cbdc and I’m sure usdc is looking to do the same you know and that’s why I I mentioned earlier like what were these SP SPF political donations potentially really about to be like who you know.
The people that develop the regulations and and enforce them are going to be the king makers of like which stable coins are the de facto cbdc or cbdcs right and uh you know I think that’s something to to look for here I mean which one is it going to be I mean like like um Mark brought up in talking to the the paxos guy saying like he didn’t think like tether and usdc was going to make it past regulation like obviously in my opinion and that’s what s SPF and chalow pine thought because you know F FTX Deltech very tied up with tether for a very long time like very connected so why are they moving from one one dollar Peg stable coin to another well the big difference between tether and US plus is that us plus like overemphasizes regulation and cbdc compatibility and trust and reserves and all of this stuff.
It’s a trusted tether it’s a trustworthy tether right I mean I wouldn’t really say it’s actually trustworthy because it’s working with the same Shady people right so I mean uh but but they want that public perception to be there and obviously I think the Gambit was to sell that to regulators and be like look this city group backed uh us plus stable coin and whatever uh is compliant and compatible with CBD.
It can be used for trade crossb Finance all over the world and look R3 in the UAE and they’re going to be the bridge between bricks and the Western countries and all this stuff.
I mean I’m sure those conversations have been had behind closed doors you know and then one thing
I think we didn’t mention really quick on why it’s GNA the digital dollar is going to be this and not like a direct issue cbdc like if the if the Fed was going to do a direct issue cbdc they’re really behind like that would take them multiple years to roll out and they need this stuff a lot sooner yeah so as uh CIA Spooks literal CIA veterans focused on this kind of stuff have said in publication in from think tanks like csis is like we have to use the digital dollars that are already here we can’t make a cbdc and what does that mean it means like they’re close to structural insolvency and systemic collapse yeah exactly exactly in the shadow of these advancements the maneuvers of cryptocurrency giants like tether and the political minations of figures like SPF hint at a broader strategy to align closely with regulatory expectations.
Potentially shaping the future of digital currency in the west the push for a synthetic cbdc facilitated by
compliant stable coins underscores a strategic move to integrate digital currencies into the Global Financial system seamlessly however this transition raises significant concerns about trust PR pracy and the concentration of power in the hands of a few as we stand at the crossroads of a digital Revolution.
It’s imperative to critically examine the motives and implications of these developments the future of digital currency and identity May well Define The Contours of Freedom privacy and control in the 21st century.
thank you for joining us on this exploratory Journey Through The Complex landscape of digital economy and control for more insights and analyses make sure to subscribe to unscripted crypto and
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