Full Spectrum Survival
21 Jul 2024
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Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice.
What just happened with Israel and Yemen and what’s going on with Israel and Lebanon is a complete Game. We have the entire United States of America pivoting for what will become a very long duration War a conflict in the Middle East we saw lots of people race and scramble to go fill up their gas tanks. Lots of people are making Reserve calls to their gas and Diesel corporations the ones that come in deliver gas to individual sites and in fact a lot of Preppers around the community are getting ready for a mid East War this is going to be a game changer.
At something that is definitely going to show us moving away from the Russian and Ukrainian War toward solely a indo-pacific that is against China and a war that supports Israel now inside the United States of America we have a basic war against the economy a war against the people in the first half of previous years when you consider the cost for rent Shelter Insurance and other items consumers have been forced to prioritize their payments and we’re seeing them drop their Cars and Cars getting repossessed.
Some very violent videos out there show just how on edge people are and we’re seeing a lot of more violent videos come up on social media from even streaming these people have the balls to stream their criminal acts as they go up and assault people now if you see individuals you need to keep your watch in public you need to watch what they’re doing watch their behaviors watch their mannerism see what’s going on and try to get a little glimpse into what they’re about to do.
Walmart is cutting the number of sheets we talked about this recently in their Great Value paper towel rolls and we’re starting to see people say it’s not just there it’s all great value products are seeing a reduction in quality and quantity. Now we do have some Market analysts out there saying that this is going to go on for quite some time and we’re going to come to a point in the near future where people pull back and only then will Walmart uh Nestle uh Nabisco all these other corporations they’re never going to bring it back
you’re never going to see bigger and better boxes or better quality they’re just going to stop right there. They’re going to stop at the point right before Revolution. NATO officials are saying that China will be the next infrastructural attack. US authorities are on high alert now for retaliatory attacks across the country the US has accused China of uh different actions in the South China Sea now.
I’ve got a Texas Rancher right here coming forward to blow the whistle he says he’s exposing efforts by the federal government to spike the US food supply chain now. These there’s lots of these comments coming out about what’s happening what they’re giving to through inoculations the food supply chain your chickens your cows your cattle uh your goats everything that’s making its way into the supply chain.

I just saw a very disturbing video by Bill Gates and he was in some sort of a excuse me some sort of
interview during this interview he became elated he was very excited about saying that they were putting
genetically modified organisms through inoculations into US children and I just watched this video and I H I hit replay and I hit replay again and I hit replay again and I just can’t get it through my head how anybody can either say this, is a good thing or watch it and be like you know what this guy’s just smarter than me it must be a good thing because that’s shows you an entire population that cannot see that there is a forest that lays be beyond the trees when that happens we have dangerous times.

Harry Dent he’s the founder of HS Dent Investment Management he’s out here predicting right now that we will see a massive Market turn down he suggested that N Video will crash by as much as 90 some perc the entire NASDAQ will go down 90% he said that in his predictions a financial crash of a lifetime is on the way and we will see this in the United States of America not within years but within months from today.
The S&P 500 will drop despite a bullish Market trajectory he has warned that there is a major correction coming and that the bubble of all bubbles has arrived the last one lasted 14 years uh longer than
typical bubbles do and they’ve anticipated now that prolonged growth will mean that we see a harder crash than we did in the 2007 financial event.

Moving forward if Trump becomes president, this is one advisor to Klaus Schwab if Trump becomes president again in 2024 it will be the final death blow to the global order that’s according to the WF.
Now we have playing before our eyes very real movie like villains it’s, almost like if you wrote these things
down and just change the names you remember that draget show right maybe you’re not old enough to remember draget but in that draget show they told you how uh you know some of the names have been uh changed to protect the innocent it’s a very good line now.
If we took the events of today from the things that are happening with the US Military and the fact that we have uh you know Dei everywhere uh if you took the events that are happening in Russia and Ukraine and the assassination attempt on Trump and uh all these other things going on from the laboratory leaks and what they’re actually doing the infrastructural sabotage the train derailments the warehouses on fire the ammunition Depots on fire if you took all these things and just switched names into a fictional world you could make a movie out of it that would hit Blockbuster like nothing ever before.
Everybody would be like geez that was that was a wild movie I sure am glad life isn’t like that and they fail
to realize they are living through a life like that. Uh we’ve got Genevie RoRock CEO posting an announcement saying that there are recent layoffs that are about to be compounding Salesforce cutting 300 rolls solar Edge 88.5% Inuit 10% Dyson a th000 Rolls uip path 10% your kg 14% now the corporation layoffs are about to start rolling in. We have the US uh Labor Statistics which will always be skewed in the favor of growth they will never tell you how bad things actually are and only in retrospect when you actually see that maybe the victors did rewrite history will you be able to go back and say hm was it really how.
They said I’ve got a message here from the Peng gas says Brad we recently went out of town with our group and Community to go see fireworks one of our friends called us up the road to let us know that there was a Tracker placed on their car it was one of the iPhone trackers this is a common tactic that is used to make robbery and theft easier. You know you do have to watch out for these types of things you remember the old movies where the guy at the uh prison would go with the uh the under the carriage under the car mirror to see if anything was placed under there that might be something that you have to add into. To your soap now there’s always a borderline right are you borderline paranoid or do you really know that these things are happening to people around the world now. How many of you I’m going to ask you a good question when you go up to the ATM now the ATM has that mirror right there right so that you can see behind you is that because you’re paranoid do they put that there just to suffice the paranoid people or is that because ATM robberies are a thing and they happen all the time?
Well what about if you go to the grocery store so maybe it’s not paranoid to be taking out of money out of your ATM but what about if you go to the grocery store and you’re loading a lot of goods into your buggy or into into your trunk somebody follows you home is it paranoid to look in that rearview mirror?
Why would it be more paranoid to look in the reverse mirror of an ATM while you’re taking money out than it would be to watch for a car to be following you home while you’re going to the grocery store and so we enter a very thin area very thin line of smoke and mirror. Between what Society depend uh determines to be paranoid and then what is actually a standard operating way to live your life. Now for me I’m watching the ATM just as closely in fact going to the ATM is one of those times that Kelly and I will take a sort of Buddy watch system where nobody’s just sitting there looking at their phone oblivious to what else is happening in the world.
You’re actually ready to act if acting is needed but you don’t skew and you don’t vary too much farther from that when you do go to the grocery store or when you do go to the uh The Big Box store and maybe you’re loading some Electronics piece into your vehicle. Well what about at your house when you’re taking things from the trunk up to the front door. Anytime that you can see You’re vulnerable you need to recognize that You’re vulnerable and you need to increase your situational awareness it’s not paranoid folks paranoid is uh you know you’re you’re inside your house and you have an alarm system that can only go off when you uh you know when you enter your code in there and you’re inside your house and you’re going to the bathroom and you take apart your Plumbing because you’re afraid that somebody put some sort of radiotransistor inside of your plumbing. Could it happen sure the likeliness of that thing happening very very very very unlikely but hey if you’re uh Trump maybe it is maybe uh something else will come your way so you do just have to walk that line I hope that you and your family will really take note of that.
Don’t be afraid to be a little bit just a little bit cautious we’re not even going to say paranoid don’t be afraid to be cautious.
John Deere sent an email out to their Global Workforce warning that more mass firings are on the way they say that all employees don’t need to who do not need to be on site should begin working from home so that they can hear and digest the coming news in private. The CEO made $26 million this year they said that declining customer bases are the reason for these layoffs.

Now here’s something right Netflix keeps raising their price oh we need to raise our price oh the cost of our servers are going up. This this and that they’re just lying you oh got to raise our price got to raise our price you can’t have these two things happen at the same time. You can’t have a company who gets more
money than ever who their profit their net profit right their net profit means after expenses you can’t have net profit increasing and need to raise prices at the same time.
Have a legitimate need that means you are only doing it to make more money you’re selling the same Bull and you’re making more money let me tell you Netflix they are garbage doesn’t mean that we
don’t have it doesn’t mean that you don’t have it doesn’t mean that we don’t understand they are garbage but they’re doing this to ruin everyone else for the sake of their own gain and that’s where
we have a very selfish culture that is coming into line with corporations and the capitalist Marketplace that used to be founded in in goodness and now it is just deeply rooted in a very severe form of corruption so guys watch out. All these companies are going to start layoffs you’re going to start to see some very hard Economic Times here in the USA make do with less.
That’s if I had to have one takeaway it would be begin to make do with less thank you guys for
being here with us Full Spectrum Survival only on YouTube.
Check back tomorrow for more headlines from America and from around the world.
From my family to yours please stay safe and keep watch.
This week’s full spectrum news has brought to us by you all of our members on patreon.
unit itself guys Please keep watching what’s happening around our world and please keep your family safe.

Click for the video link here please.
As always, we appreciate your views and comments, please subscribe and send us mail if you have any questions!
Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thanks each one of our Patreon members for making our outreach possible. We often work with outreaches and organizations to share information, both positive and negative, about items that fit within the genre of our community. Videos and information, text and website driven, may include the sponsorship of our Patreon members who request reviews of specific items and the discussion of topics or outreaches and organizations. At no time do we ever sway our judgement for an item or topic based on these requests. Integrity and our community are the first and utmost priority for our entire team and family. We thank you for being here with us and being a part of this amazing community.
Why do I draw attention to this US Prepper.

It looks that the final push to grab total control in the US/EU under pretend of a climate change emergency is being close to be launched and eventually partial/full martial law will declared to solidate their power in the US.

Our planet is in a bad chape. However it has nothing to do with carbon dioxide but all with the release of large amounts of all kind of toxins in our water, air and land. Trying to manipulate the wetter and in addition the weaponizing of micro organisms.

All planned, organised and executed on governmental levels and support of the deep State/Elite. The construction of the digital prison and trying to force the people/electorate to enter/called sign-up by using fear/money. ( Basic income)

Earth is changing now both in frequencies and location and going it’s own way. Nothing we or the Governments can do about it, only trying to midigate the changes and adapt and nothing to do with carbondioxide. Carbon di-oxide is a vital nutriënt which plants need to live/grow. Almost as old as the planet earth itself. Not the a climate changer they are trying to sell/push upon us. Not now, not in the past nor the future.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxgMOOfuj14 mass exodus of parts

Planet earth and a channeled message.

The Truth Can Change Your Life
524K subscribers

Please clique here for the original video link please.
2,693 views Premiered 3 hours ago #5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
Meditation as an answer?

Greetings my dearest children today I am bringing you a message of extreme importance and it is due to the fact that there will be great changes on Earth in the near future how are they going to happen,
First because of polar shifts some irreversible processes in the Earth’s crust will start and nothing we can do about it.

Please click here for info on the above video? 25-04-2024
which will change its structure and as a result it might initiate the process of redistribution of the continents as a consequence of these changes a significant part of the land on some continents will be flooded which will lead to a mass Exodus of the population from these areas in fact this process has already started and this explains the numerous floods around the world.
2:56 / 25:33 Beyond Discovery 231K subscribers
19,959 views 22 Apr 2024
India is Splitting into Two Continents and Most People Are Not Aware
Just a few years ago, Africa was torn apart by massive ground fissures, and now, the Indian subcontinent is on the brink of a split! Middle East same story!
In a recent jaw-dropping revelation, a research paper has shaken things up by claiming that the Indian subcontinent is on the verge of a split. States like Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, and a few UP-like states might just vanish from the map of India.
But the scary part is, people seem to be taking this news lightly, even though there are already cracks in the road big enough for a hand to fit through.
In today’s video, we’re going to uncover the shocking truth about the potential split of the Indian subcontinent.
Secondly because the movement of the Earth’s crust will also affect the core of the planet that is the plasma core the fire mass will start to escape through the active volcanoes existing on Earth many of which have started to show activity recently that is why it’s necessary to evacuate the population living in close proximity to such volcanoes.
A good example is here Yellowstone park. Click here for a video link with information. Jan
Yellow stone park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cSOEfUaKZ4
Yellowstone System Alert Announced The Massive Dome Shaped Uplift Is Still Increasing In Size

Space Voyager
9,177 views 25 Apr 2024
Deep within the serene beauty of Yellowstone National Park, a silent and unseen force is stirring. Hidden from the naked eye, a massive dome-shaped uplift is expanding at an alarming rate. This unexpected geological activity, combined with recent bizarre animal behaviors, paints a picture of a landscape on the brink of profound change. As experts scramble to decode the implications, one thing is clear: Yellowstone is hiding a secret of monumental proportions, and preparedness and planning are now more crucial than ever. The question remains: Is Yellowstone’s super-volcano about to awaken? 🌋
In this video, we delve into the heart of Yellowstone, where nature’s fury simmers beneath the surface. We explore the recent data that shows the dome-shaped uplift beneath Yellowstone, which some people think is a sign of magma movement and a possible eruption. We also discuss the increased activity of geysers, earthquakes, and gas outlets around the park, along with the lack of an official explanation from the USGS. Comparisons are drawn to the uplift that occurred on Mount St. Helens before its eruption, and we share photographs of the changes in the landscape.
Thirdly these processes will also affect air masses the air in the areas affected by the pole shifts will
become compressed and as a consequence the Earth’s rocks will become compressed too in other words the air will be sucked into the forming funnels and will then be pushed out by force from them which can cause storms and hurricane winds

Fourthly if the powerful processes of the Earth’s deformation happen underwater they may provoke
tsunamis with their devastating consequences as you can see dear ones as a result of the coming changes on your planet the all four elements Earth fire air and water May Rebel.
A good example here might be China.
China is Sinking, 270 Million People are in danger. Here’s why | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Firstpost 4.47M subscribers
Please click here for the original video-post with information?
And nowhere do you find a connection with the Carbon di-oxide and being the cause.

Share1,301,253 views 19 Apr 2024 #palkisharma#vantageonfirstpost#sinkingChina is Sinking, 270 Million People are in danger. Here’s why | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Nearly half of urban cities in China are sinking and 270 million people are in danger. 45% Chinese cities are sinking faster than 3 mm per year. While 16% of China’s urban areas are sinking faster than 10 mm per year. The figures seem small but in 100 years, a quarter of China’s coastal land will sit below sea level. This decline in elevation is increasing the risk of natural disasters and land collapse. Why is this happening? Mainly because China is sinking under the weight of infrastructure. And rampant groundwater pumping is simply increasing the speed of the process. What can be done about it? What has President Xi Jinping done so far? Which other nations are sinking? Palki Sharma tells you. ( Jan)

Why am I telling you about this today of course not to frighten you and provoke the low energies of fear, I am addressing you as conscious and mature light workers and my assistants on Earth who learn how to live by the universal laws and create your reality with the power of your thoughts.
I am asking you immediately after reading this message to start working with the natural elements of which I have already told you recently. It will help harmonize them and minimize the devastating consequences which will save many human lives as well as the animal and plant world.
How should you do this work of course by using The Fifth Element love in your meditations you need to learn how to resonate with each of the natural elements to completely merge with them feel their

vibrations and by activating your Crystal of love send the most powerful stream of this Divine energy into the energy body of each of these elements to make your work easier.

You can imagine the elements in any form close to your Consciousness even in the form of a human silhouette believe me you are so powerful

that with the power of your thought and intention you can concentrate all the power of the element even in the palm of your hand prove dear ones that you have already become God.

Men who are able to create miracles in in the name of saving your planet and bright human Souls everyone who is ready for the Ascension will leave anyway but you can safe those whose souls are able to go through a quick spiritual growth spurt and transfer together with the renewed Earth into The Fifth Dimension and the time has come to act upon that dear ones.
And I bless you for that in today’s today’s message I’d like to tell you about the planet which plays a very important role in your life even though you are completely unaware of that I am talking about the planet Gloria which is located on the other side of the Sun and therefore is unseen for you .
It is a remarkable Planet which combines in itself all the best things which has been created on Earth by different civilizations from the time of the very beginning and it is populated by the most pure Souls who had ever lived on earth.
Why have I decided to speak about it today because Gloria is a prototype of of the earth of the future it is already in the 5D and there Reigns the same atmosphere which would be on your planet after Ascension and intense work is carried out there now because many of the inhabitants of Gloria have voluntarily decided to become your helpers and now develop the new ways of communication with you in order to teach you how to live in the new conditions and utilize New Opportunities.
This is a planet of great workers because it attracts only those Souls who have chosen service for the
people it is characterized by a very active and creative atmosphere everyone is busy working in
their field of work the one his soul has chosen this planet is open for visitors from all civilizations that are friendly to earthlings who wish to contribute to the remarkable project the shift of Earth into the 5D many scientists actors singers those whose Talent beatified the Earth by their presence have moved over to this wonderful planet after their exit from Earth and now they observe with great interest what’s happening on
Earth trying with all their means to bring the valuable information to people communication with citizens of Gloria would allow you to become quickly accustomed to the new life because when you see the familiar faces and those who have been loved and respected person on Earth.
It would warm up your soul and it would seem that you returned home after a long business trip difficult and exhausting and now at last you are welcomed by your real home where there is an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding where you see familiar kin faces where you could rest with your soul and could do what you’ve dreamed dreamed about for a long time but could not do for the reasons not depending on you.
Planet Gloria is the mirror image of Earth but only in its ideal variety where Duality does not exist which means any expression of negative energies and emotions is absent.

The nature of Gloria is similar to the natury of Earth but pristine and pure and therefore it seems that the colors are brighter and more intense for a long time Gloria have remained outside of your vision field and now the time has come for you to find out about your sister which is waiting for you impatiently and dreams to have you as peaceful happy and harmonious inhabitants of this beautiful planet.
As soon as Earth would move into the 5D you would be able to easily and freely to visit each other to learn how to live in the magical world to create your world and surrounding you reality with the power of your thoughts and intentions and all of that is very close dear ones.
Today I want to tell you what’s happening with all of us myself and all the living beings on Earth together we
are one whole not only only energetically but physically You Are My Flesh and Blood my children because you are born and you die in my energy space.
Our mutual connection is so close that each of your inhalations becomes my own and vice versa and that is how it happens my energy structure consists of myriads of cells like bee Honeycombs Each of which is an individual code for each living being including plants and animals.

The Souls of natural elements also exist in this energy space they are also living beings with their own
consciousnesses who interact with all other inhabitants of the planet and all this energy and physical diversity exists in constant motion flowing from one state to another reacting to every thought emotion and action of each other thus my body feels each of you when you send me your love.
I Blossom and feel blessed when you are sad I feel sad as well when you spill out your anger and aggression I even feel physical pain now imagine how many billions of people live on earth now and each of them is unique those of you who have many children could remotely feel what I feel for I love each of you regardless of your character your way of thinking or your actions.

I rejoice when my children grow spiritually and I am sad when they fall into the abyss of the third dimension I understand that each of you has your own path your own destiny and your own lessons I know who you are where you came from and why you came here in the first place but unlike the higher forces of the Universe I cannot help you much I can only communicate with you through the elements of nature.

My main assistance which can be called indicators of your spiritual State and many of you have already been able to see how responsive they are to your emotional messages.
You have learned how to control them calm them talk to them but the majority of people on Earth stay in complete spiritual emotional and mental ignorance not realizing what pain they inflict on me it is not only that they don’t control their thoughts and emotions but they deliberately create hot beds of grief pain and despair and our creator seeing my unbearable suffering that doesn’t end allowed me to move into another dimension thereby energetically releasing my body.
Body from the energies of low vibrations he allowed me to take with me into this new Divine space those great Souls of light who have come to earth now to help themselves and me to accomplish this great transition we are destined to start a new happy life together having purified ourselves from the low energies of Duality having dissolved all alien programs with the energies of light and love the programs that have been embedded in your consciousness by civilizations hostile to humanity that have enslaved not only you but myself also.
And I believe dear ones that together we will accomplish this father absolute and your mother earth GAA who loves you, me sure spoky with you today Channel LED be Mara
Back to the first video link. This one placed in-between because it gives a possible explanation for what is going to happen on planet earth and way’s to mediate.

The deep state/cabal & illuminatie knows it but trying to use it to force you, me and our children into slavery. Manipulation what we see and they known for scaremongering. For them it is all of nothing and we have no say and maximise fear.

The final push to implement the climate change program under false pretend. They have cornered themselves and moving forward. Have no illusion they will stopping at nothing. Climate change is choisen because Who is not willing to save the planet, life of their children and their own.

This climate change has nothing to do with Carbon dioxide but sanctioned and allowed release of all kind of toxics in water, air and on the land and allowed by the powers which be and Blaming you and me..
Transcript off the Video today. 24-04-2024
Follow along using the transcript https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN6pb7NHif4
Introduction or description.
We actually have people out there with the United Nations telling global leaders that we only have two years until catastrophic events start to unfold across the entire world now remember they want you to make changes to your everyday way of life they don’t want you to know that they are burning tires and burning refuges all across the world in other countries they think it’s your footprint it’s absolutely your fault that we are in the position that we are in I want to remind you that right now we have a smoldering fire pit of garbage India hosts the largest landfill across the entire world engulfed in flames we are talking about massive acres and Acres maybe even hectares of garbage on fire but no remember it’s your generator for when your power goes out that’s the problem.

Now the White House has just renewed internal talks on invoking what they call a catastrophic climate emergency officials are potentially declaring a nationwide emergency an unprecedented step that unlocks federal powers to not only get into your involvement in what you do every day but also to tax you even more the adviser to the current administrator has recently resumed talks about such a move they say.

This will curtail any bit of crude exchange it will suspend offshore drilling it will curb greenhouse gas gas emissions everywhere across the country according to people who are familiar with what’s happening here they asked not to be named because they don’t want the pitchforks and the Torches coming for them.

They say that they are divided over the idea of declaring this a climate emergency some say it’s not going to provide the administration with enough power so something bigger has to be done. Others argue that such an Ann an announcement galvanizes uh certain individuals now the UN’s out here saying that you have 2 years left before catastrophic things start to happen across the world now.

Let me tell you I do believe that we are maybe it at an end of a resource Empire we lived a lot of years folks with abundance we have in some cases screwed that Pooch we have gotten rid of too much uh forestry without bringing it back I mean think about your grandparents your great-grandparents the images everything that you have seen we have look at China China has demolished forestry built things that no one will ever step foot in just to keep their economic model going that’s a lot of things like that are happening in the USA.

We have screwed the pooch there we’re at an end of a resource uh Empire now what that means is they want to take from you and give back to them it will only ever be about power it will only ever be about Taxation and money they want to have resources while you have few resources they wanted to do this at the beginning of the internet they wanted to lock it down put it under key and make you pay and in many ways they did think about the exorbitant prices they made you pay for a gigabyte of data and how they classified your ability to access information based on your ability to pay for it.

Now moving forward China is preparing right now for something, major now this Falls right in line with
what we just talked about China is increasing an obvious movement to stockpile important resources they are preparing for a major devaluation or a major world war now I’m talking gold and copper and uh precious metals across the board they’re also hoarding and I mean hoarding the raw materials that it takes to make your Grandma’s medicine to make maybe even your own medicine they hold on to 90% with India of the world’s resources to making common current modern chemical Pharmaceuticals.
No cholesterol drugs are getting out with China’s help no heart and beta blockers are getting out nothing’s getting out to help you and your family stay alive to fight off the poison that the USDA and maybe the FDA allows into the food chain.

Nobody’s helping they’re hoarding them why because they know something’s coming we are seeing train
derailments across the country that recent one in Wyoming is one a particular attention liquid was uh
leaking from the train people nearby were told to stay indoors do remain clear of the area.
Now Bots right now a bot is basically a program they account for almost 60% of the world’s internet traffic some of them a majority are called bad Bots reporting agencies say that they chalk this up to further evidence of an impending demise of civilization. They also say that L large language models and more that’s going on in our world is leading to this it’s being reported that nearly half of all internet traffic is accounted for by these programs the bad bot report by cyber security specialist in perva shows that headline figures might be even under counting now.
This is going to be a lot of uh Russia it’s going to be a lot of China and of course the USA Bank of America has said that copper Supply crisis is here why is China hoarding resources they’re telling you without telling you.

Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island they reported new cases of H5 N5 that’s not h5n1 H5 N5 a different
variation of Aven flu this time in raccoons according to the report uh this is affecting mammals in large scales across the world shocking images show.
Bridges collapsing homes underwater as we saw once in a century once per 100 years now I seem to remember we just had a once in 100 years uh flood in China recently now they’re calling it another once in 100 years because maybe you forget every year this has threatened 13 30 million people first we saw Dubai now we see China now.

What does Dubai and China have in common they both openly televis different environmental engineering impacts that mankind has done. They both show videos of the missiles and the planes that are launching chemicals into the atmosphere to create rain to create clouds to create hail storms now they’re suffering a little bit of their own PL
God the IRS commissioner has indicated that AI has begun to play a role in future taxation the commissioner is open now about the use of AI just days after the April 15th deadline in these remarks they say that the IRS is exploring virtual chat Bots but also artificial intelligence that will be used to identify tax cheats across the entire country right now.

I believe there are AI Solutions he says these will benefit the tax payers now let me tell you they want
to take everything from you they want to do you remember do you even know that the Boston Tea Party that we have gone to war with tyranny before for 2% tax 2% and now they take 20 to 40% out of your daily life and everybody just understands.
This is normal guys they play the long game here they’re not playing the short game the short game is
they take a little bit of your money and people Revolt no they take a little and then next year a little more and then a little more look at your insurance your car insurance look at your house insurance look at your cost of food look at the cost of life insurance look at everything else across the board they take a little more and a little more and a little more because every year humans normalize.
What a shite storm reality this is they know how to play the long game the one that lets them get the
furthest without Revolution.

But let me tell you there’s a cycle here it happens to every Empire you have freedom or relative Freedom which we have experienced up until this point and then you have tyranny or some form of tyranny which we are beginning to experience now and then an imaginary threshold exists and once that is reached you have Revolution.

Once enough revolution has taken place that people are tired of the Bloodshed you have freedom again and that cycle that three time cycle just goes around and around look as far back as you want in history.
This has happened every single time you have an empirical power every time there’s major Authority look at the Greeks look at the Romans look at the uh the different religions across the world.
Look at the Egyptians look at every Revolution and it had that cycle we’re no different and we’re getting close to Revolution I don’t want that because that means that we have chaos in the streets uh so they say that advanced AI tools will be like night vision goggles for the IRS they will unlock and see and spot issues most complicated they will unlock issues with the taxpayers he says I think of a chess analogy where we are going to be assessing complexity of how money is moved across different subsidiaries into tax shelters and holding companies. What they really mean is if you didn’t claim that $25 you got for selling soap at the flea mark Market the tax man he’s going to come for you there are already French and US soldiers that are fighting inside of Ukraine according to reports these are fighting soldiers against Russia they are there under mercenary labels they’re being labeled as part of the Ukrainian military in one deadly report we see the discussion of French troops who arrived 72 hours prior to being obliterated by the Russians in a contested Ukrainian territory. Russian Armed Forces attack The Mercenaries of France controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces they cited a coordinated effort of an underground movement this is the second largest attack on French troops and mercenaries in the war so far according to the reports. The Source flew to the place that’s the French where the Ukrainian Gunners and the French were at the Russians flew there excuse me they brought the Caesar self-propelled guns to the region everything there was destroyed to the ground.

Absolutely leveled the arrivals came fast in the French lost their lives fast now Russia
is saying this is going to keep happening over and over again until they claim Ukrainian territory as their own
Is it going to stop there the Polish don’t say so NATO doesn’t say so they want this to continue forever remember I told you this is a small encroachment thing tax you hold power gain wealth they are dividing everybody else in the world from themselves and so what you to do is you have to take a little bit of Independence and self- sustainability. ( Start your victory garden to day still early Spring, do not wait?) jan
When and where you can grow your own food in any amount that you can one tomato you grow is one less pesti pesticide filled one that you buy from the supermarket one egg that you have at your homestead or in a backyard chicken uh concern or from Quail in your garage or wherever is One Less Egg that they’ve painted to make it look like it’s not just a white egg in the grocery store.
Everything you can do does something let’s get started together from my family to yours please stay safe remain Vigilant and keep watch,
we’ll see you tomorrow everyone good luck
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