Consciousness & Quanta and the New Science!

Quanta is energy

Post author:Bonnie Baumgartner
Post published:October 4, 2023

The speed of the quantum particle spin, resonance or vibration is based on the amount or percentage of compassion/light a quantum particle has. Quantum particles create a filmy image of any thought and intent, a consciousness or human has for as long as they hold their focus on that thought. The image will carry the resonance and clarity that the THINKER HAS. Sloppy thinker, sloppy images.

The image is solid enough to be moved by another consciousness.

The quantum field and quantum particles have no time or space and are in a continuous flow of unconditional compassion and love. When the THOUGHT is NOT compassionate the quantum spin of the quantum particles slows and collects matter, dropping the consciousness OUT of the quantum field into the quarantined toxic dark bandwidth of 3D/lower 4D resonance reflecting back to the thinker, their thought, it’s vibration and intent.

Quantum LAW of RESONANCE or VIBRATION says each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes with unique sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells. Vibrations are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood. You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns electromagnetically match, attract and entrain with.

Repeated motions are called “oscillations” or “cycles.”

“What goes around comes around” or “as you sow, so shall you reap” is the basic understanding of how karma, the law of cause and effect, works. YOUR actions will eventually have consequences, even though it may be a great many incarnations later.

Each dimension, parallel universe and alternate reality involves exploring its key principles, beliefs, behavior and the wisdom. Currently on Gaia there is an ever increasing oscillation of energy for the individual and planet to transform their slower lower and darker vibrating beliefs into higher consciousness of compassion.

About death and rebirth, to consciously realize that there is NO separation, only a physical transformation of the biology. You can be continuously connected with your soul essence and anyone else’s soul. Soul is infinite and you reconnect with that instantly with your focused intent and thought on it.

We transform our ancestral energy OR become aware that our soul keeps reincarnating into different biology’s generally into the same groups. Generally we skipped a generation only to reincarnate again with the same group. Grandparent and the new infant may well be the same soul essence over and over again.

In a great many incarnations and for millennia humans as individuals and in groups violated the Principle of FREEWILL and The Law of ALLOWING, activating The Law of ATTRACTION that pulls LIKE resonating or vibrating consciousness together electromagnetically. The Law of ENTRAINMENT holds LIKE resonating consciousness together, AND homogenizes their customs, ideas, values and consciousness.

The Quantum, Universal or Cosmic Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark bandwidth and illusion of 3D/4D dimensional frequency. Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights.

Humans have decided they have a basic RIGHT to force, control, use and abuse each other including the self. These behaviors were crystallized in childhood to the biology or form that was too small, weak and powerless to resist or have any control or boundaries. Lifetime after lifetime the child is forced, growing up to be an adult that forces and controls the self and others physically, emotionally, psychologically and/or financially. Reinforcing these patterns in society, religion and our traditions. Humans do not live as equals, most every system has a hierarchy, slavery, suppression and oppression that violates the laws of freewill and allowing.

To withstand our traumas and abuses we suppressed, numbed and separated out from our consciousness, how we FELT and what we sensed during those times and experiences of abuse or trauma. To move into higher frequencies we need to reunite how we FELT during our traumas and abuses with the memory of them.

As a group and individually.

Then consciously remember and realize the cause and effect cycle YOU put into motion when YOU forced and controlled. Know that your current wounds and traumas are the same wounds and traumas you gave to others many incarnations ago.

You gave as good as you got!

NOW, are you ready to transmute your thinking into compassion?

Consciously compassionate puts you into higher frequencies being balanced and peaceful, tuned into the present moment or now moment of experiences.

IF you believe a grander or superior being needs to punish or bless or forgive or create for you. You are NOT being responsible for yourself or equal or compassionate with you. How can you be equal IF there is a hierarchy? The lowest level of awareness or consciousness is FEAR and the FALSE belief or illusion of being victimized instead of being a conscious compassionate creator.

“REAL” is a perceptual decision you make and CAN change continuously. We scan our electromagnetic environment for frequencies matching our beliefs, which change our DNA to match and resonate with what you perceive to be real.

Dimension’s 1,2,3,4 are quarantined dimensions of toxic consciousness residing out of the higher frequency of the quantum field of compassion. Dimensions 1-4 have width, depth, height, space, time carrying low percentages of compassion or unconditional love.

Realities, illusions or holographs of FEAR, anxiety, negativity, depression, anger, apathy, worry, doubt, guilt shame, denial and confusion of the Dark One’s that feel entitled to judge, blame, compete with and punish each other. All mantras, rituals, prayer, affirmations, ceremonies and traditions are unconscious mindless dissociation found only in lower vibrations, illusions and realities.

Moving into higher resonances, frequencies or vibrations is NOT delving further into external events. It’s about going within and remaining conscious about what you sense, think and intend INSIDE of you.

DIMENSION’S 5 and beyond are a soup of continuous motion and carry ONLY give and receive compassion frequencies. Quantum Field’s outer circles carry the fastest electromagnetic energy with the fastest quanta spin. The outer circle surround lower vibrating realities, illusions, holographs, planets, universes, galaxies, people and portals which are ALL sentient beings that choose to experience living in the form they currently have adopted NOW.

Quanta are sentient, think, evolve, are self-directed, know what each other know and always work cooperatively and constructively, there are no secrets or hidden agendas. Quanta transfer information from one end of the universe to the other end, in “subspace” 10,000 times faster than light without diminishing or altering the information.

Consciousness does NOT occupy space or time.

Traveling or shifting your consciousness, focus and vibration is accomplished with YOUR imagination and KNOWINGNESS or senses. This may feel like gentle confusion or “fuzziness” of the senses, as you catch glimpses and snippets of other energies around you. A flow or a swirl of energy, doesn’t have limits or boundaries unless they are structured that way by the human belief system or some other consciousness.

In 5D and beyond we are one mind with many thinkers, feelings and senses entangled in the quantum field together. These are warm compassionate sensations of close bonding support, trust and clear constructive purpose. Law of attraction and entrainment bring you matching resonances or answers or experiences, in the form of ideas, people, events or information.

We can only create a loving life when we love ourselves knowing there is NOTHING wrong with us.

Light Ones only manifest or create for themselves! Light Ones serve as an example or template and offer information ONLY when asked. Answers need to be tailored to the frequency and pace of the one seeking guidance or support.


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