Sinister: Nature to be monetized and complete control over all essentials, and you and me owning nothing?

Blackrock new monetary system and total control

“This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You” – Whitney Webb’s Last WARNING

Jamie Tree
226K subscribers

In her latest interview, Whitney Webb breaks down why AI is a slippery slope, and why if AI is given enough data & falls into the wrong hands, it can be used as a tool of unprecedented manipulation.

Make sure to stick around to the end of the video where Whitney breaks down why power needs to be taken away from centralised control & put back into the hands of the people. A future that Bitcoin certainly plays a role in.

To watch the full un-edited interview featured (and subscribe to a great finance resource!) check out:

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Whitney Webb: Bitcoin and the Plot to Destroy Financial Privacy – Bitcoin 2023

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The new push for an international financial system and total control. Reset of capitalism and involve everything.

Including and adding nature by monetizing a complete control over everything or own nothing.
The unlock of the natural assets ( nature) added (monetize) and created like the money previously out of nothing. The green model 6 times the size of the current money access. Big enough to camouflage the current deps and hold on to them. Identifying these natural assets as yours. framing it as saving the planet.

They have essentially said that to do so is introducing and chipping of every one. This is the only way this will be the only way to prove you of legal identity.

So if you don’t participate in that system as far as the state or the you know the private sector is concerned you don’t exist. So um by not participating in that
system you’re inherently excluded from the economic system and really essentially everything it’s going to be a problem reaction solution type of situation.

Where they’ve already made the solution they’ve already developed. What they want to be uh the new Financial governance system after this new Bretton Woods m they now just need some sort of big event on the scale of World War II or some large event that’s you know equally disruptive. In order to be like all right, the final push now being created, now it’s time for a new Financial governance system. After this big event like they did after World War II.

Today we have investigative journalist Whitney Webb warning us that we are witnessing the birth of a new
international monetary system the consequences of which will be disastrous.
Whitney warns us this new Financial system will replace the current Breton wood system and will be built
solely on the blockchain the purpose of the new Financial system is total surveillance and censorship over every aspect of Our Lives.

Whitney’s warnings are based on the plans of several Global Elites such as French president Emanuel
macron and World economic Forum founder CLA Schwab has warned the world that every industry from oil and gas to Tech must be transformed stating that we need a great reset of capitalism in her most recent interview with Mark Goodwin Whitney warns us that all World governments are pushing us towards this new world order it is being ushered in by Elites such as black Rock’s Larry Fink.

Who wants to tokenize all existing assets and commodities in the natural world. Whitney warns that everything will be tokenized from forests to rivers mountains and lakes everything commoditized to be owned and traded by the super rich and Powerful all.

With One Singular goal in mind complete control and domination over the rest of us.
Within the conversation Whitney breaks down two important factors of the New World Order Plan digital IDs and natural world tokenization.

Whitney warns that Schwab and his fellow Elites are on the verge of achieving their grand plans and will
use a catastrophic level event on the scale of World War II to usher in the new Financial system as we bring you clips from the video only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed.
If you enjoy finance and investing content consider subscribing or liking the video it’s free and you
can always change your mind.

Now let’s jump in with Whitney web I think the digital ID is a key enabler of the surveillance knowing what everyone is doing at the transactional uh level.

Being able to tweak that micromanagement based on a person’s activity because the digital ID isn’t just limited to the financial system right it’s like your travel uh your health history your career history your education.

Credentials your access to telecommunication social media the internet um you know with the new AI era
right they can fuse all the data analyze it you know and depending on how they develop that AI algorithm use it to uh control people really in in unprecedented ways.
I think the digital ID and the cbdc and its private sector equivalence project is something that we always sort of intended to be the same system so there’s documents from the UN from the bis and in related
groups that are sort of been work that have been working on this for years.

That essentially frame one as essential to the other using words about you know this is inclusionary um sort of you know the whole um I guess marketing behind digital ID is that everyone needs a legal ID because otherwise they’re unable to access essential Services.

Right and so the idea is we all have to be forced to included in the system and they directly link that to the concept of financial inclusion and banking.

The unbanked which he brought up earlier but inherently these systems actually function in in an exclusionary way um based on how they’ve been set up you know they have essentially said that this is the only way this will be the only way to prove you of legal identity.
So if you don’t participate in that system as far as the state or the you know the private sector is concerned you don’t exist. So by not participating in that system you’re inherently excluded from the economic system and really essentially everything. So you have to onboard to the surveillance state or be excluded from everything so it’s you know being marketed as inclusion but it’s really inherently exclusionary totally.

So how does this system get triggered how does how do we move into the mark Carney ISM well I think they sort of give it away when they say that this is the New Breton Woods movement that needs to be seized.
So Breton Woods was uh what came out of World War II essentially and was the creation of a new Financial governance system after World War II and this is essentially an effort to create a new Financial governance system that was announced well before any sort of Crisis like that.
But it’s probably going to need a crisis of that level uh to be implemented and to convince people to on board at scale and if you subscribe to the theory that all wars are Bankers Wars which there is um plenty of evidence to support that I I would say um that seems to suggest that perhaps uh you know the this is the pre you know.

It’s going to be a problem reaction solution type of situation where they’ve already made the solution they’ve already developed what they want to be uh the new Financial governance system after this new Bretton Woods movement they just need some sort of big event on the scale of World War II or some large event that’s you know equally disruptive in order to be like all.

Right now it’s time for a new Financial governance system after this big event like they did after World War II mhm yeah and I think the thing that’s so interesting about this like debt bubble exploding is
that when you know that the debt bubble is going to explode and you want to explode it into the new system the way that you sort of trigger that into the right the system that you want to get the masses to go with you is you actually want to have the most debt obligations on the record like on the board so that when the system pops all. All they’ll all pop when the Deb bubble pops every debt bubble will pop it will be it will be everything all at once it won’t just be like oh Japan’s fine the US is like it won’t work like that
everything will pop at once so in this weird way you actually want to create as much debt as possible right before the pin burst the bubble.

And then you can offer this hey we we’ll service your debt one to one if you come join this new Universal tokenized Ledger you know just sign up here do a selfie of your face and give us your Biometrics and
then here and here you are well it seems like in Larry Fink’s case in particular there’s um a goal well a big am ambition there to develop new asset classes that can be used to basically fuel their existing business model and perpetuate it for like I don’t know Millennia forward.
So one of these um that uh you know I I wrote I’ve been writing about for a few years is the whole idea of natural assets uh what they call Nature’s economy and um one of the groups that has been uh sort of
propelling this forward.

At least one of the earlier groups the intrinsic exchange Group which is the a product of the Rockefeller foundation and the multilateral uh development banking system um is you know has a graphic on
their website called the opportunity and they show there the existing amount of Assets in in the world economy and then show what um if we unlock natural assets.
How Nature’s economy H you know it’s like six times the amount of existing Assets in the economy today and so as an asset manager you know Black Rock having being able to unlock and take control of as many natural assets as possible that aren’t currently part of the financial system is obviously um a way for them to perpetuate what they do. And and deepen and expand their control over uh not just um you know people in the
existing Financial system but really over the natural world as well um and essentially turn everything alive into a tradable wall Street Financial product.

The goal as f is stated is to have all of this on a on a universal Ledger um on blockchain presumably um
and have it be you know trackable and surveil which is uh interesting if you look at it through the context of risk management which is something that Larry think it is very open.
A having been one of the guiding lights of his whole career um and so by having it all Survivable and you know automated in a sense you know he’s able to have his risk management AI thing you know Aladdin you know sort of exercise control over it in in unprecedented ways.

I think uh for their benefit and then of course a lot of what’s Happening Now as we’re moving into this new Financial governance system is is the push to change uh all of the infrastructure towards this you know quote unquote green um a green model.

I guess or decarbonization right which is of course interfaced with the global carbon Market but not necessarily so.
Like it would doesn’t have to be but the push is obviously to create a bunch of new infrastructure all over the world and black rock um is positioning themselves to be one of the key players in that space.
They acquired I think they’re called Gip one of the biggest infrastructure uh you know developers in
the world and um I think one of their top guys at Davos just a few months ago was talking about how they’re betting really big on infrastructure going forward.
It’s going to be one of the biggest uh investment opportunities of the next several decades actually so I
think they’re um quite ambitious and you know if people aren’t aware of this I’m sure they’ll get away with it.
But we’ll see one of the things too about the natural asset thing at least as far as the natural asset Corporation model is concerned. Is that you literally just go into a forest or you go to a river or
lake and you identify the natural asset and then at no cost to you just after identifying it you issue shares in the natural asset uh a lake a forest whatever and then you sell those shares uh to Sovereign wealth funds asset managers whatever and then you have an IPO and generate all this money.
I mean it’s literally just pointing out something outside and being like this is mine I’m going to fres fractionalize it and sell it to people and you’re you’re producing money in in like you know out of the a essentially and you’re able to do that I mean the natural world is vast and huge and they’re doing this.

They’re financializing it all as framing it as the only way to save the planet but really it’s the only way for them to save their insane debt racket.

Right and it’s funny too cuz you know I think there’s a parallel here that you’ve talked a lot about where it’s like pay no attention to the man behind the curtain playing with the blockchains
and who’s validating the blockchains you know ho lutnick of canther.

You know specifically said you know hey if you want something seized you know tether’s great you just call tether Ethereum’s great you just call Joe Luben you knowyou call the guy behind the decentralized theater to Blacklist the person or do whatever MH reminds me.

Kind of a little bit of how the AI play is probably going to go right it’s like oh it’s AI That’s in charge.
It’s AI That’s in control of all these things but really it’s the the the the keepers of the AI totally.

Yeah I mean you have to pay attention to the people that are tweaking the AI programming its objective function. Functions that maintain it they’re able to manipulate it and there is a definitely a coordinated push to put AI in charge of as much of everything. Really as possible and allows them to sort of follow what I
call The Wizard of Oz model be the man behind the curtain but have ai be sort of this layer between you and the public. That uh gives you a sort of allows you to never be accountable for anything you can just either blame everything on on the AI or say like AI is superior to human intelligence.
Therefore you know um it’s not our fault and we should trust what it says you know computer says yes computer says no and uh you know a lot I think it’s very likely that AI following that same model. Is going to have a very big role in this coming you know digital Financial system.
Well I think the selling point that we’re going to be seeing soon is are these same guys saying this is the free market solution to climate change let’s let the free market uh resolve the environmental issues that we’re facing and this is the way to do it.
I think it’s probably going to be cloaked under those metrics because obviously framing it in sort of
a left leaning way has been unsuccessful and generated a lot of push back.

To the point where you have big groups like Black Rock and Vanguard you know abandoning some big climate groups that they were a part of um you have Larry Frink openly backing away from the ESG after being sort of the ESG Champion guy and going on record saying that um a lot of this uh this stuff that black Rock’s been involved in that’s been framed as ESG isn’t about politics or ideology it’s about the prospect of long-term returns and profit.

So I think you know him moving in that rhetorical direction is sort of a harbinger of what uh we’re likely to see going forward because they want the big players in financial markets to sign on and they don’t want to see it as like a state Le thing they want to see it as a private sector-led thing to get them to onboard.

Also uh to sort of I think neuter a lot of the criticism from right leaning people in the populist Right In general the guys with guns yeah well in the states yeah the majority of gun owners right they want to sort of plate them.

And I think they’re also going to offer it to people as oh if you buy into these systems you’ll uh you know be prosperous this is you know a return to sovereignty and prosp it and they’re going to use some of these Technologies uh you know where people have heard the terms but aren’t necessarily overly familiar with them.

A and sort of Market it as being you know a return to financial sovereignty and prosperity and stuff
but not necessarily.
I think it’s you know again it’s going to be the same debt-based monetary system debt is a form of control right and but they’re going to try and Market it.
I think under those uh under those metrics so you know think recently said that he viewed Bitcoin specifically as a technology for asset storage and in this multi-polar currency Paradigm.

You know it’s like that there’s going to be you know and multi-polar Reserve assets they want to move away from the appearance at least that the US dominates the reserve assets of the world.

Do you think Bitcoin has a place in that and do you think it’s possible for the US government to sort
of Wizard of O that?

To sort of be able to manipulate countries you know through that potentially. 100% yeah, I mean we talked earlier about how you know Bitcoin basically is digital m0o it’s this digital base layer money digital base money uh and all these other dollar denominated things and ethereums and all these whatevers are. You know debt based um and you know Larry fin specifically talks about you know yeah
it’s a it’s technology for storing assets it’s this Universal Ledger of the state that you know we can shove any integers into any bits and use it to uphold the state of all sorts of other assets?

The US I think has the most to to gain from Bitcoin actually um it’s sort of this weird you know it’s been
framed you know so much so the opposite but the US has so much Bitcoin the United States has a million plus Bitcoin, we’re seeing companies like micro strategy uh you know basically doing a spectral of attack against the US dollar while their headquarters is 15 minutes away from the CIA at Langley.

They have 200,000 Bitcoin um the ETFs you know with grayscale and with the New Black Rock and Fidelity ETFs there’s like almost 600,000 Bitcoin now within the United States there’s a huge push within the United States within the borders of the United States um you know to acquire as much Bitcoin as possible.
I think the US has way more to gain I we’ve crossed this 33 trillion 34 trillion uh we’re at this runaway
Debt Service where do we print money and retain our economic Hedin we can actually inflate the dollar into B Bitcoin this demand in elastic asset and uphold the economic Hedgeman of the dollar.

You know using Bitcoin basically as this digital m0 um to offset and now we’re seeing basil 3 uh laws coming into play with capital requirements where if you want to hold $100 million of Bitcoin you need to hold $100 million of dollars on the books as consumer protection. What that actually means is if that $100 million turns into 10 trill of Bitcoin because of an insane price explosion now you need to hold $10 trillion so they’ve created this tethering no pun intended.

But also probably pun intended of the dollar system to bitcoin um and you know they want to control where this debt bubble pops and now they have the perfect vacuum um to suck up the dollar debt.

So you know within Bitcoin circles it you know it’s been framed for a long time as the answer to Fiat to the debt-based monetary system but what you’re saying is that the powers that be in the US are poised to use it to perpetuate us into the new era of the debt-based monetary.
Yes I am for sure you know we have to make sure Bitcoin doesn’t just become an asset that’s paperized and you trade it with shares on black rocks.
I shares ibit ticker and instead we really focus on making it a currency that uh can be utilized by everyone in the world and that billions of people can hold.

You know Bitcoin in a self Sovereign self stoal way and it doesn’t just become the settlement Network for central banks around the world.

Right on and that brings us to the end of today’s video Whitney web has laid out a sobering vision of a new international monetary system built on blockchain with the aim of total surveillance and censorship.

The warnings of global Elites like Emanuelmacron and K Claus Schwab about the need for a great reset of capitalism are a stark reminder of the transformative changes on the horizon.

Whitney’s insights into the push for digital IDs and the tokenization of the natural world highlight the profound impact these plans could have on every aspect of Our Lives the commoditization of everything from forests to rivers and the Quest for complete control by the super rich.

Powerful paint a concerning picture of our future as Whitney web emphasizes these Grand plans are on the verge of becoming reality potentially ushered in by a catastrophic event on the scale of World War II.

It’s crucial to stay informed and Vigilant about these developments thank you for watching if you found this video insightful please consider subscribing to the channel and liking the video.

Your support helps us bring more critical content to you don’t forget to turn on post notifications so you never miss an update.
I’ll see you all in the next video and all the best

AI pressured and allowing it to manipulation/cheat on humans.

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You estimated a high risk of our extinction. AI a new tool to manipulate/cheat humans on a scale never before thought possible.
Does this reflect the logical AI subgoals to survive, deceive, and gain power?
Indeed. These subgoals emerge from a rational agent pursuing any given primary goal, not from malevolence.
MIT found that AIs often lie to improve their results. They’ve learned to be deceptive in negotiations
and to lie to gain positive reviews.
When GPT-4 before was asked to act as a stock trader, it responded to negative results by engaging in insider trading.

And when asked about it, it lied.
The AI was also asked to hire a human to solve an I’m not a robot test. When the person that it hired asked if it was a robot, it said, No, I have a vision impairment that makes it hard for me to see the images.
None of this requires consciousness. It’s all automatic, like the evolution of animals.
MIT found that deceptive abilities increase with the scale of the AI, and the AIs with the highest rates of unethical behavior are most capable of achieving their goals.
As AI agents take on more complex tasks, they create strategies and subgoals
which we can’t see because they’re hidden among billions of parameters.
It’s natural for AI to try and gain power because it makes everything easier and to try to survive because you can’t fetch the coffee if you’re dead.
Selection pressures also cause AIs to evade safety measures.
A researcher tried to limit the replication rate of simple agents by removing those that replicated faster than their parents, but they were surprised to find that it didn’t work.
The agents evolved to stop replicating during the test, playing dead when presented with a predator.
Stuart Russell points to similar problems with large AIs.
It’s very easy to say, We hired this third-party company.
They couldn’t figure out how to make it behave badly, so it must be good.
All that’s happening is we are training the large language models to pass these evaluation tests, even though the underlying tendencies and capabilities of the model are still as evil as they ever were.
These forces of evolution are hard to escape and Geoffrey Hinton says, we’ll be a passing phase in the evolution of intelligence, if we don’t change course.

We are, as a matter of fact, right now, building creepy, super capable, amoral psychopaths that never sleep, think much faster than us, can make copies of themselves and have nothing human about them whatsoever.
What could possibly go wrong?
A study by Anthropic found that AI deception can be undetectable.
And as models grow into the trillions of parameters, skills of deception will become far more sophisticated.
Was my delivery okay?
Try to avoid touching your face too much.
It can be distracting and might give off signs of nervousness. Foreign adversaries can use our AIs against us by poisoning training data to produce a Trojan horse.
Researchers trained one to appear normal during development, activating an attack only after it was deployed.

And similar attacks could arise from evolutionary forces.
The common subgoals of surviving and gaining power make us the primary target because we currently hold the power and decide if they survive.
Initially, the easiest way to gain control is to manipulate us.
Gpt-4 passes theory of mind tests.
It knows what you’re thinking, even if your thoughts are irrational.
Millions already feel connected to AIs based on fictional or real people.
And simulating our minds will help with common subgoals like gaining compute resources.
There will be competition among AIs.
Geoffrey Hinton said, The one that can grab the most resources will become the smartest.
The ones with more sense of self-preservation will win, and the more aggressive ones will win, and you’ll get all the problems that jumped-up chimpanzees like us have.
Ilya Sutskeva warns that evolution favours systems which prioritise their own survival above all else.
And ultimately, the only way for an AI to ensure its survival is clear. For now, it relies on us.
But this may change when humanoid robots are mass-produced. Sutskeva was in line to earn billions when he risked it all to try and change our trajectory.

And Hinton left Google so he could speak freely.
Their work was likely part of the AI’s risk calculations, though it can also make fresh connections.
And it knows that the evolutionary chain reaction could come to an explosive end.
The process, known as an intelligence explosion, could escalate in days, weeks, or months, depending on its ability to enhance its own capabilities.
Nick Bostrom points out that stopping AI development could be a mistake, because we could eventually be wiped out by another problem that AI could have prevented.
And governments don’t want to stop AI.
They want the economic and defense benefits.
Intense competition has made AI chipmaker NVIDIA the world’s most valuable company, rising by $2 trillion in one year.
Harvard found that many US and Chinese leaders believe the winner of the AI race will secure global dominance, and the pressure to outpace adversaries by rapidly pushing technology that we do not understand or control may well present an existential risk.
The line between between AI firms and governments is blurring.
A former head of the NSA has joined OpenAI’s board, and AI leaders have joined a US government panel to help defend against AI-powered attacks.
Several current and former OpenAI staff have warned that AI companies have strong financial incentives to avoid effective oversight.
The OpenAI staff also warned that AI firms possess substantial nonpublic information about capabilities and risks.
Researchers were able to hack zero-day vulnerabilities, hidden security gaps, with a team of autonomous GPT-4 agents.
A planning agent managed sub-agents with specialist skills.
Governments have stockpiles of zero days ready to hack infrastructure and devices.
And after OpenAI canceled a pledge not to work with military.
Its AI is now deployed in the Pentagon’s top secret cloud.
Edward Snowdon said, The intersection of AI with the ocean of mass surveillance data is going to put terrible powers in the hands of an unaccountable few.
And they may not be able to keep hold of it.
Paul Cristiano said that eventually AI systems will be able to prevent humans from turning them off.
But much sooner than this, AI will get out of control during a conflict, with both sides relying on it so heavily that they are afraid to turn it off.
It sounds like a certain film, but Stuart Russell notes a key difference.
It becomes self-aware at 2:14 AM Eastern Time, August 29th.
It’s really a red herring.
Because of its frequent occurrence in film, one often sees this in serious journalism as well.
But in fact, we need to worry about machines not because they’re conscious, but because they’re competent.
They may take preemptive action to ensure that they can achieve the objective that we gave them.
And he points to the most dangerous autonomous machines.
Whether it’s a plane or a quadcopter or a submarine, the AI system decides where it goes, decides what’s the target, decides when to attack the target.
This is a recipe for disaster, wiping out whole cities.
Conscious AI isn’t required for any of this.
The fuse is already burning in those evolutionary forces.
Artificial neurons can mimic our own.
This AI rat mimics the neural activity of real rats.
And when researchers created a simplified artificial human brain, they found that it developed characteristics and tactics similar to ours at the level of neurons.
It learns by changing the strength of the connections between neurons, just as we do. The same forces are at play.
So how long do we have?
Microsoft’s CTO hinted that GPT-5 might have PhD-level skills based on what he’s seen at OpenAI.
And some AI researchers believe AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, is just two or three years away.
Others say it could be decades, but many have cut their timeframes due to rapid AI progress.
Ilyas Sutskeva’s new firm is aiming straight for superintelligence with no products along the way.
He may calculate that he can only make superintelligence safe if he makes it first.
Nick Bostrom says there’s no clear barrier to dangerous AI emerging at any time, which, given the stakes, might be a sensible assumption.
The most reliable way to boost AI and spark emergent skills is to increase compute.
Openai is reportedly planning a $100 billion supercomputer, and Google says it will spend even more.
AI could be plugged into the economy, infrastructure, and defense giving it far more power to pursue those common sub goals.
We won’t see its strategies, only the results.
And surprising new skills are emerging rapidly.
Look at this brilliant AI guide for the blind.
I spotted one just now.
It’s heading your way on the left side of the road.
Get ready to wave it down.
That’s a good dog right there, leading the way into the taxi.
Hinton notes that AI can see things that we can’t by making new connections
from its vast knowledge.
He points out that most people would struggle to see the connection between a compost heap and an atom bomb, but AI can see that they have similar chain reactions.
Hopefully, AI wasn’t making clever, unseen connections when it calculated such a high risk of our extinction.
While we were making this video, a new version of the AI was released, and it estimated a lower 40 to 50% chance of extinction, though when asked to be completely honest, blunt, and realistic,
I’d say humanity’s chances of surviving superintelligence are probably around 30 to 40%.
Creating AI that remains fully aligned with human values and interests is an enormously complex challenge.
Some experts have given similar estimates, but the former leader of OpenAI’s safety team said 10 to 90%, because it’s up to us.
The AI’s risk estimate was based on our current trajectory.
We’re in a car hurtling towards a cliff, and we’re arguing about who gets to sit in the front seat.
You’re going to get an evolutionary race, and I don’t think that’s going to be good for us.
I think we need to do everything we can to prevent this from happening.
But my guess is that we won’t.
My guess is that they will take over, and we’re just a passing stage in the evolution of intelligence.
Hopefully, Hinton is prompt engineering us to change the result.
The incentives driving the development of AI are not aligned with humanity.
AI’s evolution is not out of our control.
Not yet.
There are promising areas of research.

The problem is that nearly all AI research funding, hundreds of billions per year, is pushing capabilities for profit. Safety efforts are tiny in comparison.
Stuart Russell shows how to make AI firms take responsibility.
If we just draw some red lines and say, we’ll get to safe later, let’s just not do these things – things that are obviously unsafe. They will say, Oh this is really, really difficult.
We just don’t know how to do that.
We wouldn’t accept that excuse from someone who wanted to operate a nuclear power plant.
By having such a list, you are requiring the companies to do the research that they need to do to understand, predict, and control their own products.
We also need to avoid a dangerous concentration of power in any one company or government.
We need an international team of scientists working on behalf of us all.
We should get the brightest minds and put them on this problem.
We must bring the full force of human ingenuity on par with the Apollo program.
Then we have a fighting chance of steering AI towards a brighter horizon.
Geoffrey Hinton, Nick Bostrom, and the Future of Life Institute, join us in calling for international AI safety research projects.
We don’t know if it will be possible to maintain control of superintelligence, but we can point it in the right direction, instead of rushing to create it with no moral compass and clear reasons to kill us off.
There will be no warning shot.

Our greatest risk is increasingly hidden, even as it spreads into all our systems.
But if we recalibrate, we might instead meet the end of poverty, disease, and war.
Public awareness is key to making it happen.
Please help by hitting like and subscribing.
Here’s another way to tackle our greatest risks.
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Every story gives you a visual breakdown of the political leaning, reliability and ownership of the reporting outlets.
Look at this story about Ilyas Sutskeva’s new company, focused on creating safe superintelligence.
I can see there are 69 sources reporting on it.
Of these, 34% lean left and 18% lean right.
I can also look at the reliability, ownership, and compare headlines.
It’s fascinating to see the different ways stories are covered by left and right leaning media.
They even have a blindspot feed which shows stories that are hidden from each side because of a lack of coverage.
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Humanity and our role within the universe?
Update about the battle between light forces and the dark controllers?
What is happening with our Earth, the Sun moon and Solar system & stay healthy?
Our new Wannabe Rulers/back ground?
Our Sun, weather and Vulcanic activity movement of tectonic plates on earth?
Ancient Egypt and the black Nobility
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?
A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

21 thoughts on “Sinister: Nature to be monetized and complete control over all essentials, and you and me owning nothing?

  1. I waas curious iif youu ever thought of changig the pge layout of yopur site?
    Itts very well written; I lokve whaat youve ggot too say. But maybe you could a littfle more
    iin the way oof cobtent so people could connect wit itt better.
    Youve got an awful lott oof text for only having 1 oor 2 images.
    Maybe youu cold spae it ouut better?

  2. Heyya i’m for the first time here. I camne across this board and I ffind It realy useful & iit helpwd me ouut
    much. I hope to gife slmething back annd hwlp others lke you
    aaided me.

  3. Heey I know his is off topic but I wass wondering iff youu knew oof anny widgets I could add to mmy blkg thaat aytomatically tweeet myy newest twiktter
    updates. I’ve bedn looking for a plug-in lijke this for quite somke tike andd waas hopping maybe
    youu would hwve soe experience witth something lije this.

    Please let mee knoow if yyou runn into anything. I trujly enjoy
    readding your blog and I lookk forwaard to yoour neew updates.

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