Destruction of the EU now within sight?


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Demanding a better life demanding the right to drive where they like to say what they like to live as they see fit to have their voices and interest represented is not going away.

The bur crates in Brussels trying to force changes our lifes on made-up/false claims.
We demanding a better life demanding the right to drive where we like when we like, to say what we like to live as we see fit to have our voices and our interest represented not returning to the caves and dark ages whatsoever.

Again Carbon dioxide is not a climate changer nor raises our earth temperature but the result of solar activity/changes. Trying to make us suspectable to their madness and claims that it is our presence on earth. Climate change is as old as the world and universe itself because it is a dynamic process and not the result of the presence of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is chosen to be able to blame you and me and trying to lock us down and reduce.

Our job: explain what EU policies mean for people in real life these kind of high-minded sounding documents from the European commission and the European Parliament mean for the
lives of every day Europeans and I think that’s the reality gap between what their high-m minded principles they claim to be upholding sustainability or whatever and what it actually means in
terms of less food fewer cars lower standards of living is that reality Gap

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Europe’s elites welcome Trump with a massive new censorship package

MCC Brussels


63,879 views Jan 24, 2025 MCC Brussels Podcast
Trump’s has returned triumphantly to power, with a vision for a bold new era for America. In contrast, Europe’s failing elites huddled together in Davos. But the EU is ready with its response to Trump: a revamped censorship machine.

The first act of the EU has been to revamp the hated Digital Services Act, promising a new “democracy shield” to “protect” EU citizens from views the elites disagree with.
But more broadly, they seem set on a host of anti-growth measures.

The attack on freedom and growth, and the reign of environmental policies, is epitomised by their deliberate destruction of the car industry—targeting the mobility and autonomy the automobile symbolises.

While Trump’s vision signals prosperity, freedom, and renewal, Europe doubles down on policies that stifle innovation and crush economic potential. As America reclaims its pioneering spirit, Europe seems content with stagnation and control. Will Europe rise to meet the challenge of America’s resurgence, or will it remain mired in its elite-driven malaise? The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Jacob Reynolds is joined by Mick Hume, editor of and Agnieszka Kolek, MCC Brussels’ head of cultural engagement.

00:00 Welcome
00:20 Trump’s triumphant inauguration in contrast to backward EU elites
03:20 The vibe shift
05:30 US cultural dominance and EU reactions
08:00 Panic in the EU elite
10:00 What a re invigorated America means for Europe
12:15 Trump effect and the DSA – censorship
17:25 A new wave of censorship in Europe
19:10 An “economic censorship” of the car industry in Europe
23:00 The car as a symbol of freedom
24:50 Our job: explain what EU policies mean for people in real life


so hello and welcome back to the MCC Brussels podcast. I’m Jacob Reynolds and I’m delighted this week to be joined by the new editor of European conservative.

Comom Mick, you Mick welcome thank you very much for having me and also our colleague Ron podcast Agnes K our head of cultural engagement welcome.

Thank you well this week the first news certainly Trump’s triumphant inauguration in contrast to backward EU elites.
Is all around Trump’s inauguration he’s rolled into office with a slew of executive orders on everything from abolishing Dei and sending Dei employees across uh the federal government packing as well.

Resending orders on affirmative action but the inauguration itself was also very newsworthy
Trump promising uh nothing less than a new golden age we’ve got a video on that that you can check out but Mick I wanted to start with you because you wrote a brilliant piece for European

Comom the title of the piece was effectively saying that the the reaction to this among European
Elite shows how afraid they are not of trump especially of us, what did you make of his kind of stall this out in the inauguration and the reaction to out here in Europe.

Well I thought it was a quite extraordinary inauguration um these things obviously happened every four years so you kind of expect it in the cycle sometimes they’re they seem to
be something of real moment you know you think of Kennedy.

Asked not what you can what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country
in 1961 or the Obama inauguration how that was kind of seen as some kind of historic moment because of the African-American presidency sometimes times it’s just kind of a routine uh going through the motions.

I felt Trump’s inauguration was a real moment because it felt like although it was much smaller than usual because it was indoors because of the weather it felt much bigger than Biden’s
inauguration last time it felt like a real kind of drawing a Line in the Sand and saying we’re starting a new from here and if you looked at the Democrats and the Democrats reaction to it was like it felt that they recognized they hadn’t just lost an election they actually lost the war.

You know it wasn’t just a change of face at the top of the government it was really a regime change that was taking place in America and what Trump did was up and trashed everything that those sitting around you had stood for and implemented over the last four years.

Blow by blow you know just banging the drum for the populist policies that had got him elected um in a way that kind of sent a shudder through them uh but also kind of resignation on their part you know that we’ve lost and it’s uh it’s Trump’s world but I think
what I was forcing to my article was that that um kind of tremendous the stark contrast between that kind of populist moment in Washington and what was going on in Europe in Davos at the same time.
Where the kind of old Elites had all gathered including uh Von den leyden and the president of the European commission and kind of clicking together for warmth and reassurance and trying to in their um annual Elite conference at the top ski res, trying to reassure each other their
world wasn’t really coming to an end but you could feel the fear and the point I Meg My article was that fear is not just of Donald Trump or of Elon Musk who has now become the target of so many of their attacks but of what those people are representing?

Which is a movement of millions of people saying enough is enough we want change we want our voices heard.
The vibe shift to be heard and our interest to be represented and I think that sent a real
shock wave through the Western establishment yeah and yes gu I’ve me staying with the inauguration for a second the contrast between even the previous Trump inauguration is kind of
really Stark not just in terms of he seems ready right from the beginning to go over all these executive orders going in a mammoth signing session of all these executive orders but also a very different kind of uh a statement a sense that America is moving to a different place now.

What did you make of it actually I would refer to what we’ve been discussing in the office here at the MCC brussels that there is a Vibe shift you see it also on the cultural level so you see that there was no massive March not to mention that this women’s March was rebranded as people
march uh so also a bit of like social engineering on that.

But then looking at um at the major um musicians uh cultural people coming to stage and also the
masses of people being there being happy to be there and supporting and also masses watching online and joining in so I think there is a lot of excitement around.

That it’s one thing as Mike said is enough is enough so people are happy to see the dismantling of the censorship industrial complex um and of to DIY and so on but then also um this
kind of sense of positivity and the kind of attitude and that’s a message where a lot of people around the world and the populist movements that’s what people connect with.

We have enough of this doom mongering and censoring us we want to move in a positive way forward yeah and Nick I think it Bears repeating?

Doesn’t it the degree that this changes everything kind of Across the Western world because for so long the source of so much of not just the kind of kind of economic sorosis all so much of
that has emanated out from the United States of America and has been institutionalize right through the United States and so for that to receive kind of such a face on Blow as it does
in Trump changes everything absolutely.

I mean whatever America has lost in terms of its um economic Supremacy in the world in terms of the new kind of geopolitical map his cultural dominance US cultural dominance and EU reactions
of the West remains you know almost total and so if you think of the messages that have come out of America over the last four years about um die about wokeness and how that has infected the um academic campuses of Britain and Europe and how it’s taken hold of that the cultural Elite
here to have that suddenly Swept Away in this.

By the way these people are still there so the war is not W AR but in a very significant moment to have it officially swept off the board to have the president of the United States
in a statement which until 5 years ago would have sounded absurd and say there the official government policies there are only two genders I mean you know would have been an absurdity that any president would have had to say there are only men and women in the world but the fact that he has said it and that that goes counter to what has become the what was s on the floor of Congress of the last four years and what has become the norm in in every institution of
Western Society is tremendously significant.

I think and it open opens the door for everybody who wants to speak out on these issues to and that’s.

What musk’s done he’s not he didn’t invent Free Speech but he has opened the door for people who want to have their voices heard on issues like that.
Yeah and now gu that’s I mean a large part not the whole part why it is that European Elites are so scared of what Trump represents yes and I think you can see it in them scrambling um to
reinforce the DSA act and to force individualisations into enforcing this act into the national law we also see it in Poland uh where they issuing new regulations to almost um double down on
that. To even kind of try to be few steps forward and a lot of people now are invoking the times of the censorship where one person in charge of the digital uh Ministry in Poland could
decide what could be said and so on.

So it’s actually it’s against Polish Constitution it’s actually preventive censorship so it’s also interesting that the Coalition that is in power that was running such a strong ticket about uh protecting Polish Constitution now they actually going against it.

So this is a sign of the fear uh of the people uh trying to even describe the reality not
necessarily having the solution straight away but just describing what they experiencing in everyday life.

Yeah I want to come to the DSA in a minute but uh one of the kind of key narratives has
already come out from the Euro Elite is a kind of a slightly watered down Panic in the EU elite
rehashed uh version of the similar thing you saw around the time of the Iraq War where some European Meers oh we’ve got to finally have our independence from America.

We got to free ourselves from these American oligarchs and the American Empire and aside from that being very rich for GRE leaders who’ve been in lock step with everything that’s come out from America.

It also Rings it rings kind of hollow doesn’t it me yeah completely I mean if you it’s quite
interesting to see that most of them are have been um European leaders have been fighting well the show is saying what they think so far because they obviously realize they’re dealing with a very serious situation with Trump.

But if you look at Sanchez you know and this desperate attempt to distract from his domestic difficulties by becoming the leading force of a leftwing alliance against um Trump and uh and
um for democracy.

At the same time he’s is’s actually trashing Scottish de scottish Spanish democracy in and the
Spanish Constitution you know the richness of these people POS is the real voices of democracy and reasonable this after to the kind of um cancel culture anti-democratic policies that
they have been pursuing in their own countries is extraordinary.

I think that they actually afraid of the Free Speech because with free speech they are
exposed as um like wearing a democracy as a skin suit pretending that this is really democracy where actually this is like a managerial class trying to reinforce a system that benefits only
them uh and um doesn’t include the white Po and one of the thing I wanted to touch on was I mean there is this narrative that we’re kind of under attack from the new kind of right-wing
American Administration.

Europe needs to defend itself and we can rightly kind of point that out as ridiculous at the same time there are some kind of hard truths that we as Europeans need to face up to
in the kind of new Trump Le uh American order.

Not least the fact that the kind of some exceptions aside that we welcome but the kind of status of democratic involvement and of the strength of our economy here in Europe is in a kind of
really bad way and this it’s not going to be easy for us in the coming years?

What a re invigorated America means for Europe with a reinvigorated America now.

I think there are there are real questions of geopolitics to be discussed here economic relations between America and Europe the war in Ukraine how they’re going to advance and how
they’re going to agree some kind of politic between real hard um issues of old fashioned geopolitics but that’s been all been kind of almost covered up in this kind of culture War about you know who stands for what and is this fascism on the March.

Or is European democracy under being destroyed by Elon musk all of that nonsense so I think there re two separate things there really we’re talking about fighting a kind of cultural political war for the populist movement and I think that’s the that’s the primary thing.

There are other very important issues about the future of European American relations which have
not been discussed yet yeah and yes so what do we need to do.

I mean we talked before we need our own kind of Bank of artists intellectuals kind of we
could do with our own social media platforms for example. Like we just on when this happen in in in Europe to kind of address something?

I would go like to go back to Mike’s Point uh I find um I find it really puzzling how at the same time the European Elites can talk about trying to be independent of America especially
because we don’t like this Administration and they want to build European Army and they want to have a big defense spending while they actually destroying industry and economy?

How are you going to pay for this it’s all good you want to divorce yourself but how are
you going to pay for that and I think this is uh this is the issue that we would see in a very clear light that they are all full um of Lies this is all a pretend this is just a play because they cannot sustain that model right and then want I come on to the DSA is I said that it was almost the first out the gates response even before Von L started speaking in Davos was hoken S standing at the European Parliament announcing not just that they were kind of still
committed to the DSA even as Facebook have said that they’re going to be more skeptical about content moderation and stuff but actually doubling Down it.

They’ve come up with a whole slew of policies and new code of contact that they’ve supposedly signed up add people?

With why is the DSA such a central plank Trump effect and the DSA – censorship of the EU Machinery well I think it is very important to see that was the actual response from the
European Cal class behind the kind of thick Smiles in Davos.

The you know welcome tring Trump we hope to corporate everything the real feeling in the European political class was what came out in the European Parliament but than queuing up one after other to demand more and more censorship.

The Banning of musk and X from Euro and all of that I think as I thought about the fear of freedom of speech which is the fear of democracy.
Which is the fear of people unleashed the fear of the fear of a world of slipping out of
their control and um the only way they can hope to control it is by controlling what we’re allow to say.

Therefore as we’ve talked about many times over the recent years try and control what people
are allowed to think and do and so free speech becomes the absolute Cutting Edge in all of these uh political battles so their absolute first instinct is to try and control it.

And that’s what immediately talking about extending the Democratic uh the um the digital story
not Democratic, the digital surveillance act or as one of the Hungarian MEPS from the uh U Patriots for Europe uh characterize it rather brilliantly; the digital surveillance act which I think that we should all call it for um from now on that’s their cannier instinctive reaction is um we got to have more censorship more control uh because otherwise we feel things are
slipping away from us.

I me what they really object to about Elon Musk is not just what he says but what he allows
other people to say and that’s what they really would like to put a lid on and also there is an element where in a real time you can see a response and exposing their lies so with
Trump’s um inauguration there were lots of congratulations coming from different world leaders among them Donald Tusk to president Trump and straight away there were post screenshots of what he said about Trump in the past calling him a Russian spy and the proofs for that and it wasn’t just the common citizens doing that.

Also members of Trump’s incoming government H they pointed it out to him that oh it’s interesting what you’re saying now but and a screenshot of what he said in the past so in a real
time you get them exposed and that’s what they fear the most.

They are being ridiculed said forget it’s bit like also like you know like the in musk giving NY
salutes L the rally and everything in the old days you had a still of him doing that on the front page of a newspaper. It might have looked quite convincing now you can just run it frame
by frame on online and everyone just ridiculing the eye well unless they’re yeah predisposed not to but anybody with eyes to see can ridicule the idea yeah and also finding hundreds of clips of all kinds of making.

So is it’s much more difficult them to as we say control the narrative in those circumstances yes but that’s what they’re doubling down and one of the things I think is really noteworthy of
what they’re doing with the revamp DSA is so there’s now this question are companies like Facebook really going to sign up to enforcing this and that’s been the key way that it’s handling so far but what they’ve announced is that they’re expanding the role of NGS and
so-called Civil Society actors into the censorship process.

There’s always been part and parts of the DSA but they’re really doubling down on it so there’s
this attempt to kind of like coales of new kind of anti-democratic anti-p speech so it’s basically saying all right Facebook’s getting rid of their um gers fact choker truth belief.

The EU is going to have its own truth belief to try and control what’s what could be published T but in our borders they already had the uh the NGS around um a Polish organization called demagog PL they actually wrote an open letter to the government um highlighting why they
Ro so important in the upcoming presidential elections in Poland and the fact that Zuckerberg decided to leave the censorship behind doesn’t mean a thing.

They want to continue and people straight away pointed out that also this is their business model this is the way they work and even if there was this good intentions on checking the facts
and so on you look at the PES of people employed by these organizations and they are really from farce and left organizations and political magazines and so on.

So and all of them humanist so even when they fact check the science they know nothing about the science so the comment section that the community nodes on X would have more accuracy than them deciding on what is science what is not science there.

People already there but they’re expanding their role and they’re going to be rolling the what was what were voluntary measures into the compulsory ones under the act.

So everything becomes more and more under the control of the law and if the big Tech are not going to cooperate which remains to be seen but if they’re not going to cooperate in the way that they have done up till now there’s going to be more talk of big fines and bans for those who won’t do as they’re told.

Yeah and this is not just a kind of this is not just about people having post removed and things like this because we’ve got some big elections coming up we as you said there be a Polish election we’ve got a German election coming up at some point there may well be a big French election that that comes along and they’ve already signaled the willingness as they did
in Romania to use the kind of the impetus of the Digital Services acting as a general a kind of free speech Panic.

A new wave of censorship in Europe to not just kind of remove post but actually call question elections disinformation is going to be the the major the basic response the kind of
theme of every election discussion in Europe over the next God knows how many years everything that goes against the center is going to be down to disinformation Russian Bots fake news
hate speech and all of that.

And the uh asking the courts as they did in Romania in the most outrageous fashion to
basically erase an election result because it didn’t suit their purposes the polls in Romania by the way indicated the candidate they stopped winning is well ahead now because that’s what tends to happen if you ban parties and the courts say you can’t have the president you chose.

People tend to vote for them more rather than less so we still have democracy as to Hopeful but we can imagine see that the dis disinformation narrative is going to be the kind of cutting edge of the anti- anti democratic debate over the next few years right we mentioned earlier on in
the podcast Europe’s kind of precarious economic situation and uh writing to the rescue the European Commission has announced another series of measures that are no doubt going to throw this into even greater Peril so they’ve announced a strategic Dialogue on the future of the automobile industry.
This comes just after theft reported last week that European car makers could end
up having to buy uh green permits from Chinese car makers uh talk about geopolitical uh competition so in order to fulfill their kind of mandates under clean and green deal kind of policies.

But the aside from the of these strategic dialogues as we saw with the farmers one being completely nonsense I doubt that speak to any actual automakers or people who get their hands
dirty making cars but that we can’t kind of understate the importance of the An “economic censorship” of the car industry in Europe automotive industry.

In Europe we know that it’s been a huge kind of Lynch B of the German economy for many years but
this is a really worrying new development that they’re going to kind of Take Aim right at the heart of one of these big Industries is this another kind of green kind of green induced
economic catastrophe.

Absolutely it’s Europe committing economic suicide you know I mean and shooting yourself in the
foot as one of our correspondents from European conservative.

Comom describe you this week is almost understating the case you know that it’s a self these are
self-inflicted wounds that they said we’re Banning the sale of anything other than electrical cars more unless they use e fuels by 2035 and all of these other measures that they’re
bringing which are destroying that as you said a huge and vacant European uh industry which has got enough problems competing on the world stage anyway.

Throughout all this um you know the energy costs involved in a crippling um European industry
where you have a tax on carbon effectively a kind of carbon tax in Europe which our correspondent this week report is actually more than the the total price of natural gas is in
America right.

That’s how that is how you are removing the competitiveness from your own industry before you didn’t start talking about productivity and the cars that they’re producing so and yet it’s
all posed in the way this new initiative is in terms of defending the automobile industry and going forward to the future.

It’s all you know like the officer in Vietnam who said you know in order to defend this The Village to save the village we had to destroy it you know it’s um the it would be very
interesting to see how Trump’s total rejection at least rhetorical we’ll see of the green deal
of The Madness of Net Zero and how that plays out internationally and how that’s going because you would hope that’s going to embolden people in Europe as well.

To be saying uh I mean in the in the UK election reform UK became the first natural National Party to say they’re against net zero right.

I would very much hope to see that catch on in European politics because if European industry and the car industry going have any hope than that somebody’s going to start making a stand on this issue and reversing this nonsense of removing the B the basic means of Transport for them.

EUR European population taking it off.

Off the roads of Europe by 2035 I gu seems have this time mad idea that by having the most heavily regulated car industry in the world they’ll also have the most protective one or the most effective one but what have you made on these kind of this lat putting the car industry in the crosses.

To be honest with you this also links for me with the with the freedom of speech and expression uh because the most creative people innovators they need the free exchange of ideas and then
that also for me links with investors if you see a continents strangled by the the energy prices and then regulations you don’t even want to invest even there.

Might be a slightly interesting idea you think well is it worth the hustle maybe we can move this business to a different place that is more friendly and also safer for me to invest the money so that’s what I fear the most that all of the Young Bride Minds will leave Europe
go to America go to Asia. It’s not going to change on the least certain and I think it will only accelerate because when they will see these opportunities they would just run for them and the
only ones left behind would be the ones that they just get along with the program that they have no choice but just show the long yeah and it’s to me it’s kind of no accident that they’re
now going after. Although happened for a while but they’re going to accelerate going after cars the automobile because there’s something about the the car as a symbol of Freedom being able to get around be independent not reliant on public transport able to go where you want.
To go it’s kind of a natural Target for these people who hate this kind of freedom to live and choose and cons.

Absolutely I it was the symbol of 20th century Freedom which came out of The car as a symbol of freedom America you know and then spread across Europe and became and starting in the middle class and then become a symb of the Working Families ability to go where they wanted to and to and to travel the world.

And now what we see is the attempt to deliberately or otherwise to basically price working
people out of having a car to drive them off the road by making it such an unpleasant experience and to make sure the only cars which were available are those which will be on people the
pockets of o normal working people people anyway.

So it’s a real um you know turn the clock back a century really in terms of the people’s
ability and freedom to move around and live as they see thick.

Yeah we’ve got a colleague who has bought a new car and it beeps her every time she goes
over this speeding there’s no way of turning this off as one of cherry on my successful policies but I guess this is also broader than cars and it’s symbolic of the of the whole kind of industrial policy a whole industrial era if you like.

Has been seriously called into question by Green policies there’s this element that Trump’s movement connected really well with. Working people understanding they the issues that they have to face every day whether this is getting to work and if you live in rural areas or outside of town you need a car you can’t the public transport is not reliable and even you know I’ve seen in the news how the electric buses have been withdrawn in one of the Scandinavian countries because they are not reliable in these temperatures.

So that also falls apart and for me I see also Al an opportunity for the populist movements to also look into that into this everyday problems of working class uh real people dealing with real problems and how these fantasies affect them when they put into practice because this is delusion.

Now I think this is the clearest thing that we we seen one I think one of our most
important jobs is to is to decode that.

Our job: explain what EU policies mean for people in real life these kind of high-minded sounding documents from the European commission and the European Parliament mean for the
lives of every day Europeans and I think that’s the reality gap between what their high-m minded principles they claim to be upholding sustainability or whatever and what it actually means in
terms of less food fewer cars lower standards of living is that reality Gap.

It is becoming yawning obvious now and we can we’ve really got to point that out as much as possible because we either live in a world if the um green deal and um Net Zero means
less we either live in where we have less food and fewer Goods to enjoy our lives with or they’re made somewhere else right.

That’s the and probably in Europe we’re facing situation where both of those things
happen there are very influential Elites who would actually like us to eat less
and consume less and have a lower standard of living I think that’s great both for us and most importantly for the planet but at the same time we’re going to be importing food and
manufactured goods and everything else from places which remarkably and this is the eu’s kind of blind spot do not um apply any of the standards which the EU insists on.

Imposing on European Agriculture and Industry so we end up with completely as I say a suicide
mission a kind of self-defeating thing where you end up destroying European agriculture destroying European industry and doing nothing to contribute anyway to these targets that you’ve set yourself for the for the climate.

Yes and there is this point where the way it’s all presented is a bit like we’re just using the cars to go on holidays no people are using cars to go to work uh to get their shopping done they don’t order online because they cannot afford it uh so I think it will also as we face this uh these issues growing um and affecting more people then we will see more resistance and the pro protest from Farmers this is just the beginning.
Um there’s a protest in Berlin coming up from the Auto industry and more people will be coming
out into the street yeah and the really good thing to together is that popul moment which brought Trump to power this week is not going away.

Whenever Donald Trump does or doesn’t do the next four years if much change his mind again and disappears or whatever it’s not going to make any difference that movement of people demanding change.
Demanding a better life demanding the right to drive where we like to say what they like to live as they see fit to have their voices and interest represented is not going away.

That’s a right and movement that we are absolutely part of.

And it’s more power to over and we say from country to country across Europe but you can’t quell this populist rebellion and that whenever people are given a chance to object to it they have try and attempt to break through the kind of the strangle hold of the traditional Elite driven parties and demand something kind of better for themselves.

So much for stopping by for the MCC
process podcast we’ll see you on the next
edition of the podcast very soon?

After successful implementing the WEF agenda/economy (reset) the final power grab/consolidation.

Consolidation of power in combination with heavy fines for not obeying their dictates/destruction of the sovereign States.

Power grab please click on the link for the original video please.

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2:31 / 3:03

Leaked EU Agenda HORRIFIES Europe

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well I think it’s important to highlight the continuing direction of the European Union why we with brexit so lucky at to leave given the direction that things are heading in.
I mean you’ve seen uh National governments you’ve seen the Polish government the Hungarian
government suffer massive fines have massive fines imposed on them you’ve seen elected governments requesting opt outs from EU rules almost certain to be rejected talk that you could see Censorship.

Censorship that social media could get banned some elements of social media could get banned including X brexiteers proven absolutely correct when defense was highlighted.

A while back you’ve had various senior politicians in the EU calling for an EU Army there’s now an EU defense commissioner Emanuel macron talking about potentially EU nuclear weapons in the future.

So quite you can’t reform Power Grab, this the EU was set up to continually take powers from National governments and centralize it and now you’re seeing another big Power grab that many already
very upset by a further Push by the EU to centralize power and this is from a leaked agenda.

Leaked plan indicating the EU commission planning to centralize a EU Commission 1.2 trillion Euro budget merging National programs into a single fund.

You’ve seen many already come out across the EU and criticize this as a power grab and it is a power grab it is an EU commission power grab.

Politico seeing an informal document that shows effectively countries governments will have to jump
through even more Hoops to get money from the EU from 2028 to EU Power Grab 2034.

That there’ll be more conditions that countries will have to address for instance organic farming for
agricultural funding and countries will only receive the money if they carry out the wishes of Brussels and do as they are told.

And you’ve got an EU official there quot is saying you could expect this internal document to come from a think tank not from the EU commission so yet another Power grab there from the EU
clearer than ever.

You either put up with all of this or you leave as ever guys I will keep bringing you all the latest on this and much more.

So please do WP this video a quick thumbs up and of course as ever cheers for watching.

NEOCON’S in Brussels?

After managing to destroy the EU economically (with there one sided green agenda and with all consequences) and now pushing for WWIII to cover for it. Must be a lot of money stored in pension funds worldwide?

The US is going to recover in the future but will not be the case for Europe

Neocons & Brussels

US Neocons Attack Russia! All Downside, No Upside – Peak Prosperity

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Russia sends clear warnings to NATO, says “Don’t Do It,” and publicly changes its nuclear posture to include NATO countries as responsible agents if Ukraine uses their weapons to strike Russia. The neocons immediately attack Russia with US weapons anyway.

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Did World War II just get kicked off I don’t know but we’re a lot closer than we used to be.

Hello everyone Dr Chris Martinson here Peak Prosperity with your scattering report it looks like it’s
November 19th 2024 let’s go right into it, Russia has been warning of course of nuclear response we’ve been tracking this at Peak Prosperity for quite a while.
Actually I’ve been on this this since uh Putin issued his first warnings gosh over a year and a half ago and now it seems like we’re getting closer and closer to the endgame in this.

I don’t know what that’s going to be but they were attacked Anyway by neocons many of them housed in the United States but of course NATO is infested with neocons at this point in time.

Now we looked at this the other day but uh let’s review it in case you haven’t seen this I want to
cover this again this is Putin saying and I’ll read this out because uh I don’t speak Russian and I’ll read the subtitles for people who are just listening in.

This is Putin speaking and here he says we are not moving towards NATO but NATO is moving towards us
therefore saying that Russia is behaving aggressively is it odds with common sense.
Did we come to the Border somewhere NATO’s infrastructure is coming towards us that’s what he said so
that’s his point of view NATO is moving towards Russia and of course he is not wrong.
Here we can look at NATO’s expansion over time starting here in 1951 1952 turkey gets added so what
we’re looking at here is a map Russia in red with some other red satellite States because that of course is the USSR that includes Ukraine Belarus. Places like that dark blue is a NATO member slightly lighter blue is an individual partnership and a light blue is partnership for peace here we are in 1978 79 not a lot going on up there’s. Spain joining around in the early 80s and we still have places like Romania hungary Austria Poland white oh look Ukraine Belarus uh Lithuania Latvia all
turned blue here they are turning that light blue which means it’s a partnership for peace but they’re coming into the NATO expansion that was in the 1986 fall of the Berlin Wall now look
Poland comes part of NATO.

Now we are in 2003 Ukraine oh now Romania and Bulgaria Lithuania latvia Estonia now we see all
these other countries turning that lighter blue now darker blue it’s just an absolute unequivocal March towards Russia being just absolutely bordered up with NATO.

Now remember in 19 and here we can see the last bit and Ukraine would be the last piece to fall there um if NATO could get that now as we just remember this um in 1998 99 when Putin for was first taking
power he actually approached the West principally the United States and said that he wanted to actually join the economic partnership and you know thawing relations post garbage off all that stuff right. So he was actually looking to normalize relationships Jeffrey Baker does a great job
explaining that whole relationship if you haven’t seen the Tucker Carlson interview it’s well worth it. That context is important in the west the United States said nah you know why because the United States principally the military-industrial complex and its neocon Partners the neocons want might
makes right we force our will upon the world and kill the people who don’t agree with that.

And the defense contractors get stinking rick and doing that’s been the game for a long time.
If you Wonder in the United States why we can’t have nice things why we don’t have high-speed bullet trains and you know cheap uh health care and cheap say I don’t know college educations like other
countries do despite paying as much in taxes as these so-called socialist countries that do get those sorts of things. It’s because what we’re doing in the United States is spending a lot of money blowing stuff up that’s the game it’s been the game for a long time so Putin says hey I’d like to normalize relationships but the money train back in DC and all the swamp creators who wanted the power were like nah we prefer you as an adversary and then did everything they could to provoke uh that adversarial relationship by marching NATO Eastward. Remember James Baker 1989 famous memo Secretary of State at the time said we will not move one inch to the East and of course that was a lie which means that Putin and Russia consider the West to be nonagreement capable which is a very polite way of saying you can’t trust those people.

All right so that’s some of the backdrop that brings us to where we are now so here’s the preamble to this story for today. Just very recently uh just maybe about a week and a half ago Russia said
Putin said do you want to go to war with Russia ask Europeans whether they want because that is the way it’s going to be. European countries will be drawn into the conflict with Russia against their
will even before they blink an eye so people don’t want War I don’t want war the people of Europe
don’t want war a very small number of people who think they want war because they were sold that through their media arm well they’re just morons uh it’s not an actual position they hold it’s an
installed position that they received from their TV.

But the people who want the war feel like they benefit from it in some way they gain political power
they gain monetary power it’s incentives.
If you show me the incentive I will show you the outcome it’s a Charlie Munger quote and it’s absolutely brilliant what are the incentives well there are some people unfortunately at the top of the power structures of the West who think they stand to gain by going to war with Russia.

I don’t think they’ve thought this all the way through they don’t understand that our economy is a complex situ complex system they don’t understand that the energy flows that come from Russia are
necessary to maintain that complexity that without those the whole thing simplifies which is a euphemism for becomes really painfully unpleasant and hard.

And things that were easy are no longer easy to accomplish if even at all possible now just a couple days ago the New York Times I think this was on Saturday of this past week which would have been around the 17th uh 16th Biden allows Ukraine to strike Russia with long range us missiles well with two months left in office the president for the first time surprise authorized the Ukrainian
military air quotes. To use a system known as attacks atacms to help defend its forces in the Kirk region of Russia. Now remember Russia said don’t do that now this could get out of hand very quickly so for those of you watching uh now I just want to remind everybody that for Peak Prosperity subscribers we have a variety of ways of hoping hopefully staying in touch with you obviously at
the website we will send out email alerts and alert is a service I provide when I see something could be a market breaking suddenly could be some news a little piece of information that would cause myself and Eevee to change course run to the store. Grab some more things really get ready for something if I see something like that I will send out an alert well we’ve added another layer to
that just recently which would include SMS alerts meaning we can get you by phone get you by text sometimes those text systems will be up and running even if email isn’t getting through.

Phone calls aren’t getting through uh maybe you can’t get to the web site itself so be sure to sign up for those SMS alerts.

If you’re a Peak Prosperity subscribers because I may be using this in the coming days weeks months.

Now we know it wasn’t Biden himself who actually went ahead and here let me pull this volume
up real quick we know it wasn’t Biden who authorized this strike deep into Ukraine obviously we don’t know who it was but we know it wasn’t Biden.

We know that because this is Biden this past summer here’s the level of mental acuity on display now.
I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination ladies and gentlemen. President Putin President Putin he gonna be President Putin President Putin yeah that’s yeah.

Biden Biden’s making the decision actually the people making this decision is probably get my little laser point or it’s probably dudes that look like this hanging out in the back.

You know um they’re the ones who actually made these sets of decisions to in the final way
days of a lame duck presidency to authorize the use of us Hardware to strike deep into Russia now here’s where it gets a little goofy because um and scary because in response the response
here is that Russia is updated its nuclear the updated version of the document aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state but with the support of a nuclear state is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on Russia. Russia will also consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons
when receiving reliable information about a massive launch of means of Aerospace attack and their Crossing of our state border this includes strategic and tactical aircraft as well as cruise
missiles and drones Hypersonic and other delivery vehicles.

Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression ah no good so they’ve updated their nuclear posture it used to be that their nuclear posture was if attacked with nuclear weapons we will respond Bond and kind. Everybody’s had that mutually assured destruction Doctrine and the United States updated its Doctrine a while ago I don’t know 2016 or so to include things like if we
feel like it if we find our conventional means aren’t working as we wanted to um if it’s starting to look like we might lose a war uh our posture has been notably loosened for a while Russia just
loosened theirs up to include being attacked with Conventional Weapons
including things like crossb incursions with drones which of course has happening and then well they’ve said don’t do that but they updated their policy to say you know if it’s a non-nuclear nation like Ukraine using the hardware from a nuclear superpower.

Like the us we’ll consider a kind of attack by both okay it’s considered proposed to be considered a joint attack that’s what’s actually been said now the doctrine’s been updated there it is okay
so that’s the 29th of November 2024. I mean 19th of November 2024 ouch okay so this is where we’re at
and by the way there’s no real reason to do this besides to be provocative because it’s all downside no upside right. It’s noted that uh Ukraine the Armed Forces Ukraine they have a limited stock of these missiles right in addition analysts believe that and of course any analyst worth their salt will agree with this, that launching a small number of missiles at Targets in Russia is not going to really make any big difference in the overall War so no upside but lots and lots of downside.

So the question is why well the provocation happened yesterday right Ukraine attacked Russia for the first time six attack’s missiles launched at midnight and uh turns out yeah no big difference.

Indeed because five of them were shot down but again this is after Russia has said if we see big crossb things coming swarms of things inbound we reserve the right to respond with a new nuclear
option. So why would you do this no upside the only possible you know downside is you accidentally spark a nuclear war.

Look folks we have to consider this is how it is right now there are people in power who absolutely
want that outcome they think it’s in their best interest they don’t care if you die they don’t care how many people die they don’t care if oops we didn’t Factor this correctly and things got out
of control and the next thing you know the entire world economy is in the tank and we can’t figure out how to recover it again because the world is now broken fractured place but that’s okay we
launched six attacks into Russia that was worth it right this is how these people think they are damaged humans at best they’re demonic at worst.

And this is what I’ve been covering for the past number of weeks months at Peak Prosperity is to talk
about the psychology of this like what has happened to these people how did they get to be this damaged in their Outlook how do they have a worldviewthat is this absolutely broken.

That they would consider risking killing Millions if not billions of people for what and even they wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly for what in human terms that would make sense to you.

Right risks rewards Pros cons we balance them all out and this is an action that makes sense here’s how they can’t do that not a chance all right.

Well remember Michael Yan tells us that Wars do two things predictably rules of War are one they grow and two they grow unpredictably that’s what happens with war.

Now I’m going to take this over to uh Peak Prosperity at this point in time we’ve got to talk about this subscribers this is as close to an alert as I’m going to get without it actually being we close I’m a little nervous right now look they aren’t going to stop in this story they’re just not they they’re not going to stop if they can’t kick off World War III. They’ll do something else
if they have to crash the economy they’ll do that if they have to release disease X they’ll do that is it h5n1. I don’t know small pox vile breaks out of some lab that it shouldn’t have been sorted anyway who knows they won’t stop because here’s the one thing we know about their mental or
psychological architecture they have no reverse gears they have no off switches they are either winning or losing and for them losing is the same as death.

So before they’re going to willingly lose they’re going to do everything they can to win and I mean anything and everything I know it’s hard to get your heart around that and mind around that but that’s just how it is and we have Oodles of data and observations to support that this is what we’re up against folks it’s down to the wire right now.

Time for everybody to get prepared get ready because there’s consequences for these sorts of actions
and whether it’s this particular one or the next one I don’t know I might be wrong but I’m not confused they are going to keep going until they break something all right thanks for listening
and for Peak Prosperity subscribers come on back we got something important to
talk about today

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History repeating itself.

Climate change & solar activities and nothing to do with carbondioxide.

Ideology and stupidity

Debt trap & slavery

Transfer of power/reduction of real influence

Use of terror/fear and creation of guild? Media based manipulations, distortions and silicing from opposing views.

Trump’s Return Sparks PANIC In The EU As He Prepares To End The War In Ukraine

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70,784 views 9 Nov 2024
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Genocide enslavement and agenda 2030. Another scam perpetrated in full view. The hidden agenda behind the ‘So-called stainabilities goals’.

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

Donald Trump
President-elect of the United States


Thomas welcome to the show thank you so much for being here.
H thank you for having me Ken it’s a pleasure, so Europe vassalized to America?
I think a lot of people have um there’s been some this isn’t spoken about I think as readily and as boldly as you are right now. But I think there are there have been sentiments shared where
people feel like you know Europe is just going along with America much to Europe’s detriment and now you’re pointing this out that they have just been recklessly attaching themselves to the Biden Administration.
So tell us about this freakout that you think they’re having there in Europe now that Trump is going to come in as president of the United States again this January.

Yeah I really do think that this is uh the Trump’s election is the EU establishment’s worst nightmare as I as I write in the article because um yes for the past four years but in fact even going further back um you the most EU leaders have been uh just completely subordinating themselves to the Biden’s
Reckless strategy um foreign policy strategy to the complete detriment of um of their own interests and uh you know they they’ve been framing um every aspect of the eu’s foreign policy in terms of in American.
Terms basically uh that has included you know NATO expansion decoupling from Russia and even following
um the US lead on China and then on Israel and Gaza.

And um you know they’ve uh they now they’re on they’re suffering.
I would say you know big push back in term because a lot of these policies are not popular um especially when it comes to Ukraine there’s a strong popular opposition to uh the eu’s involvement in
the proxy war in Ukraine uh first and foremost because of the devastating effects that this has had on ordinary people in Europe in in economic terms.
But even beyond that it’s clearly been a completely suicidal strategy for Europe not just in economic terms but in geopolitical terms as well.
Europe has become the world’s laughing stock uh which is seen as poodles of America uh following America wherever it goes even if this goes completely against um our own interests and that is uh you know incredibly obvious to uh to everyone.

And um and you know it’s I would say it’s obvious to most of the global majority but also to a lot of
increasingly a lot of European citizens that um you know the benefits of the of the trans of the transatlantic relationship of our alliance of Friendship with uh America are wearing very thin.
In fact some would say have disappeared completely uh Europeans have been told for a very long time that um uh European that Europe and America natural allies that the transatlantic Alliance is the foundation of European prosperity.You know we sh a common Destiny and that our interests are naturally convergent uh now this has never been entirely true I mean America won a war uh in the second
world’s major power and since then has viewed Europe as uh essentially a province of the American EMP Empire to be subject to American control.
So this is not you know we have to go back if we want to understand how we got to this point um yeah we have to understand the structural conditions that were in place that allowed this hyper vasolization
that we’re witnessing now to take place and it is an 80 year an 80 year long uh history really.

And it dates back to you know um World War II after which America um you know started treating
Europe as I said as a province of its own Empire to be subject to its control and it has been exercising this control through a v means these are you know economic means all the way you know from
the Marshall Plan onwards uh through military means of course uh let’s not forget that 80 years after the end of World War II the US still um holds a massive military presence in Europe especially in the two countries that lost a war uh Germany and Italy of course you know.

It’s then been exercised it’s military control over Europe through NATO which again we are told is
an alliance among equals but everyone knows that’s not the case everyone knows that NATO is subject to um essentially us facto control and then of you know and then we have the various uh ways in which sort of the various entanglements between the US Security State and the various European security States, and you know that has played a very important role throughout all post-war history and uh that has
included America being involved in especially in the 70s and 80s in the number of for example false flag um terrorist attacks which were then blamed on you know socialist and communist U leftwing movements in order to marginalize them.
So you know for example if we fast forward to Nordstream uh you know uh the worst terrorist attack on a on a European infrastructure ever which we know the US was involved in in some way or another.
If not directly indirectly um again is not something new America has been involved in these kinds of um you know terrorist acts Europe um for you know for a very long time join say um so this was this was the first phase.
I would say of Us control of Europe the Cold War period and that was a time when you could justify it in some ways at least that was a time when the you the Europe benefited uh economically at least in material terms at least from a sort of capitalist development perspective from being a part of the us um dominated um hegemonic block.

Even though that was based of course on exploitative relations with the global South and all
that but you can clearly make the case that you know there were material benefits to being part of the of the US Empire even if in a very subordinate position um and yet at the time Europe was able to also assert a relative autonomy that was because we had very smart polic politicians and uh these politicians were anchored in Mass parties which had a very strong Mass base so the US couldn’t overplay its hands.

So this was the first phase I would say of American control over Europe and then then we have the end of the Cold War and that completely shifts the Dynamics because at this point um we see you know interests that were relatively convergent up until that point started to diverge because after
the Cold War clearly Europe had an interest normalizing relations with Russia in um in fact bringing Russia into the kind of Euro Atlantic um sphere.
That’s in fact what post Cold War what post Soviet Russia wanted um and this would have been clearly in in Europe’s interest it would have been in Europe’s interest from an economic standpoint and
from a security standpoint uh it would have been Europe’s interest to do away with NATO and to build a new security architecture with Russia respectful of Russia’s security concerns and of course
Europe’s security concerns.

Obviously America had other plans as we know you know with Russia no with the Soviet Union no longer in the way um America decided to go for full-on you know Global dominance uh you know the wealth of his
Doctrine and all that and uh it’s important to understand that this wasn’t just um directed at Russia um and you know for example China even though China back then wasn’t much of a big deal uh it was also directed against Europe so this whole of his doctrine of full spectrum dominance of preventing the
rise of any alternative power to America also included Europe uh this was very clear and that’s why you know it’s always been a geostrategic imperative for America to um sort of drive a wedge between Europe and Russia. To prevent the rise of a Eur sian geopolitical reality that would essentially render um the
American Security umbrella so-called security umbrella meaningless.

That would have really Consolidated uh a new Europian hegemonic block um that would have you know severely threatened America’s plans for you know hegemonic Global dominance and I think
this is.

This explains a lot for example, I think of the rationale behind NATO expansion I think uh it wasn’t just directed at Russia it was also directed at Europe to start to sort of you know drive a wedge between um Europe and Russia. Yet at that time we still saw Europe being able to relatively assert
its um its interests uh and its autonomy especially Germany uh so of course we know that you know in the throughout most of the 2000s you know Germany uh really asserted itself as the you know unquestioned political and economic haimon in Europe. Again that was something that uh didn’t completely uh be with America’s U fans uh because they started seeing Germany as a as a political competitor when it came to uh sort of political control of Europe.
But also we see Germany establishing growing ties with Russia and that’s also you know big red flag for America so Nordstream is the most obvious example and um and then of course we have the third critical turning point which is the Russia Ukraine war which completely revers this trend.
We see America um using that war to reestablish its complete economic uh political uh technological and Military control over Europe essentially you know as you mentioned completely resealing hyper
vassalizing Europe to a degree that it’s never been um before uh it’s been what’s happened over the past three years. Is really quite astonishing I think no European would have imagined that you
know uh we could have got to this point.
I mean as an Italian uh up until too not too long ago I mean I mean for me uh you know I remember looking up at Germany and even fearing Germany as this you know scary haimon which was imposing
its policies you know throughout Europe. And even uh you know under Merkel’s um lead standing up uh in ways to America. I mean we remember that you know the big economic tensions that Germany U had with you with us uh you know join Obama and then of course join Trump and um and so I think in this
sense the Ukraine war has to be understood from the US perspective not just as a war against Russia but also and perhaps first and foremost as a war against Europe.

But then again it doesn’t make sense to separate Europe and Russia uh because ultimately this war is about um you know once and for all driving uh you know as big a wedge as possible between Europe and especially Germany and Russia and so I think uh in in in in the current context uh you know continuing to remain beholden with the transatlantic Alliance from you know the perspective of uh Europe’s sort of
natural uh geostrategic interests uh makes no sense whatsoever.
Our interests today to the extent that they were ever were fully convergent are today fully Divergent and this is evident uh just from looking at the impact of the Ukraine war this is a
war that um America has at least in the short term hugely benefited from economically militarily uh and Europe has only lost out economically geopolitically.

And so we have a complete Divergence and yet at this time at a time when um the cost the benefits of
the um transatlantic Alliance have all but all but evaporated. We see you know as we’ve been saying Europe being more vassalized than ever so this is kind of what you could call the Paradox of vas ization and now um of course now we have the Trump factor which again kind of throws the
cards up in the air.
Because uh you know Europe’s Elites are so wedded the transatlantic Alliance uh so-called
Alliance that they um you know they really can’t they don’t they don’t know how to deal with them more as isolationist um America right um and so you I think this is the big problem from that perspective.

I mean that’re that they’re you know materially psychologically uh wedded to this um essentially to their subordination to America they want to be told what to do and the problem is that they’ve invested
so much in one strategy that if now the strategy changes uh that completely undermines the rationale for all the policies that they’ve implemented over the past three years.

So you can see why they’re why they’re freaking out uh you know they’ve acted against Europe’s
basic interests in the name of unquestioning unquestionably following America lead and now if the you know if America’s Direction changes then you know what do the what do the vassels do?
So I think the vassels are freaking out because you know of this uh change of leadership at the top and now I think you know partly there are waiting orders uh so to speak um but partly there afraid that um that you it’s kind of you know so a trump disengagement or relative disengagement from Europe will um leave them you know exposed to the consequences of the policies of the past few years exposed to the fact that they have no real strategy for Europe aside from just do you know going along with whatever
America tells them to do. And of course they’re left with you know the disastrous consequences of this um of this proxy war which also don’t know how to deal with um right you know autonomous um so I think this explains a lot of What’s um of the you know panic I think that’s swirling around uh Europe at the moment. This is in itself a consequence of vassalization you know if you’re if you’re used to
just taking orders then when there’s a change of guard at the top then of course you know you start
freaking out because right one of the one of the consequences of vassel States is um often times the financial consequence of it.

Right have being taxed by the larger and you say something like this in your piece you say you know
people let me just read this one paragraph you say Trump has suggested that he might unilaterally impose a ceasefire and peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine this is unlikely to happen which I agree. That it’s unlikely to happen even Putin says this is unlikely to happen uh Russia which is
winning on the battlefield will push for such a hard bargain that even Trump May struggle to accept a more likely outcome then is that the incoming Republican Administration will continue to deliver
weapons to Kev but ask Europe to foot the bill a situation that would allow the conflict to smolder on even as Europe gets poorer that’s despite the fact that even Western media Outlets are now conceding the war in Ukraine as lost. I think this is a very likely outcome I also think that same with NATO
you know in Trump’s first term there was a lot of chatter about get getting rid of NATO and a lot people like myself would like to see that happen, I mean I just don’t see the point of that sort
of um security Alliance anymore but um that’s not what happened right I mean NATO certainly under Biden expanded but under trump it was just telling Europe you’ve got to pay more.

I it was okay we’ll keep doing this but you guys have to pay for it I mean he’s fundamentally
a businessman so he’s kind of looking at everything from the okay let’s make a deal what’s the deal here like yeah we don’t really like this as America mainly because it’s a bad deal for us and
that’s what he frames out for China and the trade you know the trade war that he implements with China
It’s all about hey we don’t have an equal trade here so we got to we got to level this out and this is the way we’re going to do it we’re going to punish you with you know tariffs or something until we level this out um and that’s so Europe I think is in for it when it comes to footing the bill for NATO and for Ukraine paying for this war.

The question is do you think Europeans well right now, let’s go back to let me just ask you
some questions about what you just the what you’ve just said first of all how does the United States wield this kind of control over Europe like what is the weapon where is this power stemming from?
Do you think I mean I don’t think the United States is threatening dropping a nuke or anything
like follow us or else you’re gonna die right, what where what do you think how are they how is the US wielding this much power over Europe?

Thank you so much for watching this was just a clip from the longer larger show that you can
catch Monday through Friday 5:00 P p.m.

Pacific 8:00 p.m. Eastern at Kim Iverson

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Monday through Friday 5:00 P PM Pacific
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the full interview see you there
Trump’s Return Sparks PANIC In The EU As He Prepares To End The War In Ukraine

Kim Iversen

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

Big spenders

President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen© PAP, PAP/EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

According to a report published by the European Court of Auditors (ECA), EU controllers are concerned about irregular expenditures by the European Union, including from the recovery mechanism, and warn that this could threaten the Community’s budget.

The auditors reported that the estimated error rate in EU budget expenditures in 2023 amounted to as much as 5.6%, whereas the allowable rate is 2%. The biggest irregularities were noted in cohesion expenditures, where errors accounted for 9.3%, and in the post-COVID-19 recovery mechanism.

“Significant irregularities”

The report noted that 2023 was the recovery fund’s third year of operation, under which 23 grants were disbursed to 17 member states. However, the audit found that about one-third of these payments did not comply with regulations, and six had significant irregularities. In some cases, milestones, the conditions that countries had to meet to receive funds, were poorly designed, while expenditures were poorly estimated in others.

The Court warned as early as September that, for example, expenditures on climate actions under the fund could have been overstated by as much as 30 billion pounds. Some projects were supposedly overestimated, and, for instance, those implemented as ecological did not meet the criteria.

Moreover, as noted by the ECA, member states are under time pressure to spend both cohesion policy funds and recovery funds promptly, which could mean that the percentage of irregular EU expenditures could increase even further.Related video: Competitiveness is a Key Priority for the EU Agenda (Bloomberg)

We could pick up on a few of the themes

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Competitiveness is a Key Priority for the EU AgendaUnmute

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EU debt is growing

The audit showed that the EU debt for 2023 reached a record-high level of 410 billion pounds, representing an increase of 32% compared to the previous year.

This means the EU’s debt is twice as high as in 2021. In addition, the total value of EU commitments, which could turn into debt if not cancelled, reached 485 billion pounds by the end of 2023.

As indicated by the auditors, the EU budget is still burdened by high inflation and assistance to Ukraine; this assistance more than doubled just last year.

Considering all this, the auditors issued a negative opinion on EU expenditures for 2023 and warned of the financial risks facing the Community budget, mainly due to record debt, spending errors, and the war in Ukraine.

Read also:

EU tariffs on Chinese EVS spark brandy backlash from China

Protectionist policies from Trump and Harris risk US economic stability

Russian-EU trade turnover plummets to the lowest since 1999

Warmongers & EU


Please click on the above link for the original video, transcript is no good.
Scott Ritter Exposes: Nato’s DARK Plan To ESCALATE The Conflict! Ukraine Suffers CRUSHING Blow

123K subscribers


Wel the interesting thing about Vitoria Nuland is um her selective memory she may have.
Been the US ambassador to Nato at the time but you saw she said when he said oh that’s
when Putin said that.
You know if you’re going to be a member of NATO you’re gonna be a member of NATO without Crimea in the East.

Said oh no that wasn’t even discussed at the time well you know we had another Ambassador Victoria I think his name was William Burns you might know him today um he’s the director of the CIA but back in 2008 he was the ambassador to Russia and he wrote a memorandum in February of 2008 talking about this very issue. It was the net means net no means no memorandum um and in there he said if Ukraine this is the US ambassador to Russia writing a report about Russian attitudes and he said if Ukraine were to join NATO that would inevitably lead to a war between Ukraine and Russia and the consequences of that war would be that Ukraine would at a minimum lose Crimea and the Donbass.

So Victoria Nuland now is a liar a straight up liar to pretend that there wasn’t any discussion of that.
There was the discussion was between the American ambassador to Russia and the Russian government it was reflected in a memorandum that warned NATO that if youinvite Ukraine into your membership it will lead to a war and Ukraine will lose at a minimum Crimea and the East.
So that’s Victoria nulland’s selective memory and the other thing she doesn’t talk about because again she’s just a liar straight up liar.

She talks about Georgia bing ready well George at time was ruled by Mikel sakash and I’d like to ask Victoria nuland um you know about the second uh Georgian Brigade which was trained by nato in the
United States was deployed to Iraq as part of Georgia trying to suck up the United States and you know so that we would allow them into NATO.
But at same time that this was happening the Russians were in there talking.
To this is when Dimitri mvev was the president and mvv was sending delegations to talk to Mikel sakashi in the leadup in in the spring and in early summer saying hey um you know I know you guys are leaning
in that direction but um if you want to get abazia and South asaia back these are two Breakaway republics that uh that that uh after 1993 uh became you know de facto independent um if you want him back you know I’m willing to talk to you about it.
But one of the conditions of bringing abazi and South Asia back in is that you can’t be part of NATO you got to be neutral.

Sakashi was talking to him because remember there’s it’s not just again most Americans have no clue
they don’t even know where these places are but in 2008 you’re still a decade removed from having a quarter of a million people displaced from their homes 250,000 Georgians fled from abazi to save their lives in the fall of sukumi in October of 1993 and these internally displaced persons are a huge economic
drain on Georgia and a huge political problem because they’re in hotels they’re refugees inside their
own country saying we want to go home.
So sakashi is talking about how he can solve this problem again there’s tens of thousands that need to go to OAA as well um South oaia.
He’s having these conversations and um I think it wasC ndalisa rice flies in in uh Late July
early August and says um I think it’s late. Says you got to stop having these conversations knock it off we didn’t train the second Brigade so you can sit here and negotiate with the Russians you know what you need to do and is went.
It’s like you know one of those we built this Army what are you going to do about it you want abazia back don’t negotiate do it.

So sakash invaded South oia in violation of a treaty it had with Russia there were Russian peacekeepers inside South assaa who were attacked by the Georgian military as they closed in on S valy the capital city uh killing a number of them uh so the Russians responded this idea.

That Putin invaded Georgia Putin wasn’t the president Demetri mvad was the president and he was actively negotiating with the Georgians for the peaceful return of abazi and South OAA.
It was the United States that flew in and said scrap that, invade. And he did then the Russians sent
the 58th Army I guess it is down there and kicked the crap out of the Georgians some of the Georgian troops did well but the Georgian Army was destroyed in 5 days that second Brigade had to be flown
out of Iraq by the United States back to Georgia fortunately for them they got in too late for the fight or they would have died too.
And then what did Russia do it moved in recaptured the rest of abazi because there was this part called upper sanetti where the Georgians still had a presence uh they came and swept them out and seized it and that was the end of the discussions end of the discussions so NATO membership is a suicide pill and we knew it America knew it we knew it because Burns wrote a memorandum about it and we knew it because we sawwhat happened when we encouraged the Georgians to invade South o Asia.

This perception of Russian weakness is absurd I mean that’s what led to this we believe Russia’s always weak Russia’s going to back down we never thought Russia would do this, never thought Russia would do that now we’re in a situation where Russia is literally kicking our Collective ass in Ukraine literally kicking our Collective ass in Ukraine.

Europe is finished I mean they got nothing left I mean Sweden sitting there just bankrupting
themselves throwing you know their 17th latest tranch of uh of support send it all Sweden.

Russians will kill it all capture it all that’s just the reality of it. Baby there ain’t nothing left that Europe can do as Lloyd Austin said in the and I think it was the 24th iteration of the Ramstein contact group.

There is no single weapon out there that’s going to tip the scale and the balance of the Ukrainians. Ukraine has lost this war Ukraine will not win this war everybody knows it. Now the question
is how do we get on an offramp we’re in a political year so we can’t act too decisively or look too weak um so you know unfortunately between now and the the election 100,000 more ukrainians are going on to have to die.
God that’s a lot yeah it is isn’t it but that’s the reality of it we’re going to kill a 100,000 ukrainians to save political face and then after November 5th uh when whatever happened will happen we’ll make the decision because you Ukraine can’t survive this winter that’s just the reality of it.
I can’t survive this winter it’s going to get really cold soon there is no electricity it’ll
become unlivable in these uh in these Urban environments how do you live in a high-rise with no water and no gas and no electricity you can’t.

So you know it’s over it’s over um and you know what is the West going to do about it.
I don’t know but Victoria Nuland is the problem she is a war criminal you literally are watching a war criminal she’s a lyingn sack of manure uh but that she worked for the state department so we know that they’re incapable of telling the truth um you know she invents history talk to Jack Matlock he
was the ambassador to the Soviet Union U you know right up until the very end I think he left his post in August right before the coup that uh against Gorbachov but um no he was a participant either directly or indirectly in all of the negotiations regarding uh the you know the unification of Germany
Etc ask him about uh not one inch Eastward James Baker’s now Infamous statement um ask him if this was just all you know you know it wasn’t real.
No that was formal policy um stated to the Soviets that led to Soviet forces being withdrawn from East Germany led to the unification of Germany it was done on the premise that NATO would not expand and we lied we’ve been lying from day one.

That’s the reality this conflict is because of a succession of American lies to itself to the Germans to the Europeans to the Russians to everybody.
We can’t tell the truth we simply can’t tell the truth we’re not telling the truth today we didn’t tell the truth yesterday and we won’t tell the truth.

She’s talking about addressing why they couldn’t have a political settlement with Russia before this conflict.
Started first told by former Israeli Prime Minister nalet that both sides were really close to the end to
the successful end of the of the negotiations and then PR Minister Boris Johnson interfered and stopped uh Ukrainians.
Prevented ukra is from signing the deal and then uh Ukrainian representative arami kind of confirmed it that yes he said in in an interview that that there was some kind of advice from Boris Johnson to uh
to stop negotiating and to win this war militarily.
Where is the myth where is the truth relatively late in the game um the ukrainians began asking for
advice uh on where this thing was going and it became clear to us uh clear to the Brits clear to
others that Putin’s main condition was buried in an Annex uh to this document that they were working on and it included limits on the precise kinds of weapon systems that Ukraine could have after the deal such that Ukraine would basically be neutered as a military force.
And there were no similar constraints on Russia wasn’t required to pull back Russia wasn’t wasn’t required to have a buffer zone from the Ukrainian border wasn’t required to have the same constraints on
its military facing Ukraine um and so uh people inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point.

That it fell apart yeah it was at this point that it fell apart on its own volition it’s not like
the United States Germany U Great Britain France all jumped in and said don’t do it don’t do it we won’t Supply you with any weapons or support it’ll all be over we’re we’ll dump you don’t do it.

Uh and so Ukraine did it you know uh arestovich did an interview he said they’ already po the corks I mean it’s not like they stopped this first of all who is the annex secret to not the krainians they negotiated the damn thing they were aware of it what do you think demilitarization means.

I mean dn’t mean to be too mean to the ukrainians um you know they are at their heart uh you know the organization of Ukrainian nationalism drives their very essence um but having said that you know these are people that came to power because the CIA brought
them to power in 2014 um they engaged in um cultural genocide against the Russians outlawing the Russian language. Starting to ban out today Banning of the Orthodox faith of the Russian Orthodox
Faith um they committed you know literal murder mass murder against
the Russians in Mariupol in the dbas um the violence was such that the Russians had no choice but to rise up to defend them.
The Russians preempted them from being able to carry out similar acts of mass murder in Crimea um and then rapidly absorb Crimea into Russia but you know the ukrainians are their are literally their own worst enemies um they lied about men again people do your research.

You do know in 2014 that the Russians uh did intervene they don’t admit it but they did intervene decisively in the dbass and they surrounded the Ukrainian Army in a village um in the northern part of donet and they were going to slaughter them all. Thousands of ukrainians were going to die and that would be the end of Ukraine and Poroshenko was the president at the time uh begged France and um and uh and Germany to intervene and so Francois Holland the president Angela Merkel the chancellor of Germany um you
know went to Putin and said please please please please pretty please please please don’t kill all the
Ukrainian soldiers and Putin’s military going we got them let’s kill kill him and Putin went I’m a man of Peace okay I won’t kill him um we’ll do the mea culpa but you know we need you to put pressure on
Ukraine to you know stop this ethnic genocide against the uh in cultural genocide against the Russians and so conditions were set out what did Fran Holland say what did poreno say what did angle Miracle say afterwards it was a sham they weren’t serious about peace with Russia they just wanted to save the
Ukrainians ass.
But it was a sham to buy time for what for NATO to rebuild the Ukrainian Army uh so that it could
launch an effective attack and push the Russians and the pro-Russian separatists out of the dbas maybe even recapture Crimea that was the goal.
15-year training program um that’s the reality of it the West has never been serious about peace at all uh so this new Western Army that was training is US Army bragged about it you know 2015 they went in there and um they they said we trained 500 uh ukrainians every I forget what the interval was every 50 days or something like that um here and they pointed to the training base outside of lvo so and
then then Arrow went to the dbas so they can go here and kill Russians that was it.

Man that’s all, existed for it’s about killing Russians the Strategic defeat of Russia wearing the Russians down um that was that was it and Putin was aware of this but he kept saying I believe in Minsk I believe in Minsk I believe in Minsk I believe in Minsk I believe in Minsk until the way. In fact
in in June of two 2021 when uh Biden who still at that time apparently had his uh his mental faculties flew to u to Vienna.
I think it was or Geneva yeah Geneva to meet with um to meet with the uh with the Russians um
he Putin sat down and Putin said look a key aspect of this because at that time the Russians were deploying troops along the Ukrainian border maneuvering around America you can’t deploy your troops on your own soil and Russ sure we can but if you don’t want us to you know make threatening moves then Minsk has to be signed and so at that time um Biden promised Putin that blinking would turn and get Minsk get
men’s side so Putin believed him troops went back to their Barracks but come fall when Putin and in labro and everybody sitting down with uh with marle and uh and macron saying hey um Minsk I think it was in October when both France and Germany said no we’re not gonna we can’t pressure the ukrainians on this one. And that’s when the Russians went well okay that’s the end of Minsk we won’t talk about it
again and that’s why in December they came forward with something new which was the draft treaties for a new European security framework that um that said Ukraine must be neutral.

Um the West wouldn’t talk about that either so the only last thing that the only option that uh Russia had at that point in time was to preempt this Invasion. That Ukraine was train everybody’s like they were never what the hell do you think NATO was doing from 2015 up until 2022 guys training the Ukrainian Army. To do what play titly Winks why were they training them in NATO tactics why they reorganize him
train him for Rob why did Ukraine move 60% of its military up to the dbass and the lead up to the Russian preemptive atack because it was a preemptive strike a preemptive strike designed to disrupt Ukrainian plans to use this NATO train Army to kick the Russian separatist out of the dbass that’s what happened here but even then Russia went in saying the goal here is to compel Ukraine to the negotiating table the
negotiations that Ukraine and the West didn’t want to have leading up to the special military operation.

We now want six days later after the initiation Ukraine was at the negotiating table why everybody’s like oh the Ukraine yes did Russia make mistakes at the beginning of the thing absolutely did they send guys
forward too quickly. Absolutely were they surround and kill absolutely Ukrainians got their asses handed to them do you know how many ukrainians died in the first weeks of this war they were slaughtered the Russians went in at a three to one disadvantage and the Russians were slaughtering the Ukrainians slaughtering them they took losses too there’s no doubt about it those are the months where the Russians suffered the heaviest losses of the entire conflict but the idea that Ukraine was like oh no they
got wiped out their army that big old army that they were building taken to the cleaners and Russia did that to do what get Ukraine to go to the negotiating table and they did. Then what happened the lead up to uh to the to you know to the uh hopefully what would be the final signing ceremony after everything had been ink the secret annexes have been looked at and what was Russia saying you can’t have a NATO
trained Army on our soil that’s what is in the annex that Victoria nuland’s not talking about all Russia was saying is all those damn weapons that NATO’s been providing you get them the hell out because we don’t want any NATO connectivity to Ukraine that’s it.
Just get NATO the hell off your soil nope couldn’t have that um and but Russia did a couple things they had Kev nearly surrounded if you remember there was a period of time in the battle where you know they fought some very heavy battles um and they were positioned and then everything stopped everybody’s like oh that means the ukrainians were beating them. No the krainians were beaten beaten at that point in time the Russians had the military force there remember that big long Convoy that was everybody was
taking photographs of that was going to thrust in. Didn’t go didn’t pull the trigger why because part of the negotiation Russia said we will voluntarily as a good faith measure withdraw from Kiev from Sumi
from parts of COV withdraw to show you that we mean it and in carve itself they would Drew close to 40 50% of their troops in the areas that they still occupied. There they needed to maintain U sort of a continuity of defense that led to you know that Linked In with lugan you couldn’t just arbitrarily withdraw until the final uh peace treaty was signed but they were going to withdraw from there and they already withdrew many of their formations back.
How did the ukrainians respond well they dumped the peace treaty Russia was still negotiating with them then Ukraine said we need to get more we need to rebuild our army and so that’s when the United States in May uh did the new Len leas 48 billion dollars Europe signed up they started building this new Ukrainian Army.
But what happened between May and September the Russians went on the offensive they said we’ll go to phase two they went on the offensive in lugans and dobass where they destroyed the Ukrainian Army
was wiping them out ukrainians say the month of June was one of the worst months for them except for now is the worst month but the month of June 2022 is one of the worst months because the Russians were just killing everything that moved.
The Ukrainians couldn’t they lost everything they built up this new Army though with all this
NATO money and everything and in September they attacked in COV where the Russians had already evacuated over 50% of their forces compelling a precipitous Russian withdraw very embarrassing for the Russians they attacked in Kerson the Russians were in a very difficult position had to withdraw their troops off the right Bank of the Neer River but then the defensive lines uh held.

That’s what Victoria nuland got out of this all right and now what’s happened is the Russians have adjusted to this new reality they’ve gone into a war of attrition where they’ve ground NATO down.
They’ve ground the ukrainians down and we’re seeing it play out on the battlefield right now in the in the dbass it’s near total collapse.
The Russians the ukrainians have thrown in their last reserves they to stabilize the advance of prros okay Yay good job you stabilized it you know again for all you amateur military analysts out there the Russians have stopped advancing prros how many days were the Russians advancing to erros a lot right they made some big advances yeah you guys know about that right now when you have battalions in offensive operations um how difficult is it to sustain that.
Have any of you ever planned a battalion size Brigade size division size core size Army size offensive operation you know about sustainability right getting that ammunition pushed up to the front especially if you’re relying upon a 10 to1 artillery advantage to suppressed.

To Ukrainians how to get the fuel up there you know how to rotate your forces out so you don’t exhaust them they’ve been assaulting salting got to do the you know Passage through lines get the new forces up there so you do all that logistic planning and uh at some point in time got to pause for the cause.
We do it all the time look at our Advance everywhere we’ve advanced in World War II all the big arrows whether it be German big arrows or American big arrows or Russian big arrows eventually every offensive runs out of steam and you got to stop and you gotta pause and during that pause the enemy often
reinforces because they take advantage of the pause that’s what’s happening.
This isn’t the Ukraine stopping the Russian Advance it’s a pause for the meanwhile Russia’s advancing everywhere else and that’s just the reality of it and eventually what will happen is there’ll be a breakthrough at CH ofar break through a cupan and that 47th Madura Brigade that was sent down in
prros G have to be pulled out and sent up there and once they you know deplete their defenses the Russians go back on the offense of Perros and capture that City that’s just the reality of this war.

Ukraine can’t hold territory they’re being slaughtered they were pushed out all of the defenses they the Russians broke through the last of the 200 4 defensive lines um I mean that’s the reality.

K you know the ukrainians are pouring more troops op aladan said they you know the four brigades are being sent in all right Russians will kill them they’ll kill everything it’s the biggest killing field right now u in in this war.

The ukrainians are losing everybody send up there dies all the equipment that gets sent up there gets
destroyed that’s the reality of it.
Ukraine has lost this conflict so now let’s go back to Victoria nuland that little smirk on her
face do you know how disgusting that is your little human being smirking about lying and deceiving about continuing a conflict that should have ended in 2022. Had it ended hundreds of thousands Ukrainian lives would have been saved tens of millions of Ukrainian civilians would not have been displaced uh trillion dollars in economic damage wouldn’t have been done Ukraine would be a modern viable nation state today.
You know doing its business but because Victoria nuland you know there was a a Secret Annex that uh
you know wouldn’t allow the Ukrainians to have certain weapons do you understand what she’s saying there she’s defining the existence of Ukraine based upon an Annex that talk about Weaponry that’s the entire American approach to the world we can’t work with the world unless we’re talking about war. We can’t function unless we’re talking about providing weapons that’s it that’s our currency that’s our language that’s what diplomacy has become she’s a diplomat I just want to remind everybody she’s a diplomat she’s not a soldier. She’s not she’s a diplomat her job isn’t to be talking about weapons and annexes and all that her job is to talk about peace and economic prosperity and peace will coexistence she doesn’t know how to talk about that because American diplomats only speak the language of War.
Because America is a nation state that can only exist if there is a war the military-industrial complex has taken over the entire fabric of America today so that we are in constant search of enemies not in search of friends.

That’s the reality that’s Victoria Nuland yeah the other point Scott right now they’re talking about Ukrainian Army Ukrainian government is talking about the continuation of this conflict to up until 2029. They’re talking about do you think with the current situation with the current position of their army are
they capable of continuing this conflict even having everything coming from the West.
I think the answer to that question is Russia um you know Russia has shown a level of strategic patience that um has shocked me. You know I’ve been a proponent because I’m a marine so I believe in aggressive offensive military operations um you know.

I think Russia has been in a position where they could have ended this war a long time ago um but the damage that would have been done the number of dead um you was unsustainable for the Russians um and so they’ve chosen a form of attritional warfare where they are actually doing quite well.
There’s a you know the Ukrainians are very good at mirror Imaging their losses onto Russia you see this time and time and time again.
You know they don’t want to say we lost 2,000 guys today so they say the Russians lost 2,000 guys I don’t know the Russians are losing men there’s no doubt about it. Putin has said it’s a one to five ratio guys that’s a lot let’s just say for a second that the number of Ukrainian dead is 700,000 um a one to5 ratio that means that Russia has suffered 120,000 dead. Yeah I just let that sink in for a moment people so let’s stop pretending that Russia is not paying a price here they’re paying a horrible price a huge
price it’s a big price but it’s a price Russia’s willing to pay because this is a fight they believe in and they’re able to sustain. Ukraine can’t sustain this this this war of attrition um so you know the question is does Russia want to win this war in four months and lose another 120,000 dead because that’s what it’s going to take.

You know you got to steamroll through you got to roll through the Minefield you got to roll through the
defensive barriers you got to break into the rear you’ve got to aggressively pursue you know centers of logistics and command and control um and take the casualties. You’ve got to write off battalions write off brigades write off divisions and just wipe them off and send Reserve forces in that’s how you do
big Arrow operations Russia doesn’t want to do that nor should Russia do that.


Set up for nuclear annihilation.


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Lust for power and stupidity? Time to thank your recently chosen MEPs.

Setting Europe up for Nuclear distaster and as predicted.
What is gong on? Europe will be depopulated in 2025 and not recover of it by some forecasters. Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, commonly known as Baba Vanga, was a Bulgarian attributed mystic and healer who claimed to have foreseen the future/depopulation within Europe.. 


Were I personally differs substantially from most others. After WW II Europe was lucky and managed to rebuild and became rich again. With a strong social emphasis including introduction of pensions.
This money had to be invested using companies, investment companies/banks and because of the time it takes between paying an being eligible a long time. This money has become a treasure store and invested into the market. Wiping out considerable part of the European population and more specific part of the senior as well solves that problem. Naturally the West and our own governments and institutions have to do that without being caught and trying to provoke Russia into it. After that all hell wil break lose and we in Europe get decimated. ( Deep State and the cabal)

A specialists view?

Fitts as insider

In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government by the central banks.
Our retirement funds have been looted and will within just a few years be nonexistent
Historically, U.S. intelligence agencies have primarily worked on behalf of the central bankers
Central bankers are now putting into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without

The central bankers, most of whom are technocrats, have created a breakaway society, a parallel society, in which they are above all law and control everything.
To combat their control system, we must first be able to see it for what it is, and realize how it’s
being used by us, to our own detriment

The “Planet Lockdown Part 2” interview above features finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of
the Solari Report. (To get a taste of what you’ll find in the Solaris Report, you can download this
previous 2020 issue.) You many think you previously saw this but most likely it was Part 1.

Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government,
and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic as well. She got her start on Wall
Street, where she had a successful career for over a decade.

In 1989, she became the assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Bush administration.
After 18 months, she resigned, but while there, she discovered how technology could make the financing of neighborhoods more productive.

“Government money was destroying neighborhoods, not helping them,” she says, but private entrepreneurs could take this new technology and finance privately. To that end, Fitts started an investment bank and broker dealer named Hamilton Securities Group.

A couple of years later, they were hired by the federal housing administration to be the lead financial adviser, which gave Fitts access to “incredibly rich databases about how the real estate, land and a lot of the mortgage financing and home building works in America’s 3,100 counties.” Fitts continues:

“Then I entered a period where I litigated with the federal government for 11 years. The Department of Justice seized all the databases and all the software tools, and I litigated with the federal government.
That’s [what] forced me to really dive into how the control systems were working.

When I was in Wall Street, I saw how the financial control systems worked, but since so much is rigged
through the central bank and through government, it gave me a chance to really see how government worked on the covert side, and how that related to Wall Street and Washington.”

Our Retirement Funds Have Been Looted

In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government, Fitts says. In essence,
it was “a coup d’etat by financial means.” She realized then the extent to which our government was
siphoning — stealing — the money. “They were stealing everybody’s retirement,” Fitts says.

“Everybody’s going to retire in 20 or 30 years, but they were going to steal the money up front. So,
by the time we got to where we are now, the money would be gone and they could turn to everybody and say, ‘Well, we can’t really afford your retirement.’”

On Wall Street, you have markets and monetary policy run by the central banks, and then you have the
electorate, which influences fiscal policy and the government. So, it’s a dual pillar system. Markets
are managed centrally. So, central banks, which control monetary policy, can simply print money, and
the military then makes sure the money is taken up, which keeps everything liquid. Fitts explains:

“The economic equation is: Can you make more money from printing than you have to spend on the military and making the system go? I’ll give you an example. In the 1980s, we had a period of tremendous monetary expansion. In the last year of the decade, in ‘89, there was a huge fight in the Doolan partnership [Furey, Doolan & Abell LLP] about how much money should be paid to the traders for bonuses.

I had a wonderful partner who did a study, showing that … if instead of having traders in the seats,
we’d had chimpanzees, we would’ve made more money. It was very interesting because you’d go out to the Hamptons on the weekends and you’d … hear everybody talking about making fantastic amounts of money because they were brilliant and geniuses and smart and clever.

But it wasn’t [because of their smarts]. It was just simply the monetary policy floating the boats …
A lot of the money comes from economic warfare. So, [when] you pump up the dollar, you’re moving money out of the U.S. government. As we’re coming through this big change of globalization, you loan massive amounts of dollars.

And then all of a sudden you pull all the loans. You throw them into a dead-end trap. You pull the money
and then they get a crash. Now your dollar is high. So, you go and buy up everything on the cheap.

The governance structure that existed before the financial coup was basically: You have the central banks
running monetary policy, and then you have the sovereign government running fiscal policy. The citizens
pay taxes to the sovereign government, and they elect representatives who have something say about how that fiscal money gets [divided] up.

Then you have private central bankers and private interests who control monetary policy and are
relatively independent of the fiscal. What we’ve seen [is that] … the less the government has
information sovereignty and financial sovereignty, the more dependent it is on the central bankers.

So, as the government have levered up with debt and lost their informational and financial sovereignty —
part of this is what’s happened with digital technology — the central bankers have gotten more and more powerful.

Since fiscal [year] 1998, we’ve had what I call the financial coup d’etat. So, in the United States, up
to $100 trillion have been moved out. Dr. Skidmore and I did a study, and as of 2015, the number was
$21 trillion …

At that exact time, we had $20 trillion of debt. So, there was more money disappearing than there was
debt. [So, they were taking that] money out. That’s the financial coup. Now that the money is out, you
can collapse the government.”

Why Central Bankers Are Intentionally Collapsing Government
Importantly, Fitts stresses that government doesn’t have the power to make illegal transactions. The central banks — which are privately owned — must be involved in order for that to occur. The private banks “are doing it for them,” Fitts explains.

“So, we’ve now reached the point where the central banks are moving in and basically taking control of
fiscal policy as well,” she says. “And this is why there’s such a big debate about election fraud.

Essentially the computer systems are controls for the elections, and essentially, the citizens or taxpayers have lost any say. If you look at polls over the last 10 years, the citizens want the countryto go to the right, and Congress votes to go to the left. That’s because increasingly these people are
controlled and dependent on what the central bankers want.

There’s a great interview that Chuck Schumer, the senator from New York did at the beginning of the
Trump administration, where he basically said that if Trump thinks he’s going to contradict or defy the
CIA, he’s dreaming; they have 50 ways from Sunday to get you. And traditionally, if you look at the U.S.
intelligence agencies, they basically worked for the central bankers.

So, what’s happening is we’re watching a reengineering of this fiscal line. You’re basically looking at
the central bankers moving to put into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without
representation. That’s the trick, financially. How do you force the citizens to pay taxes with no

Of course, they’re using the pandemic to roll in the system that will make it possible for them to
achieve that. Naomi Wolf has done a very good job of describing this, and she said, ‘Vaccine passports
are the end of human liberty in the west.’

She’s right, because ultimately, what it’s going to evolve into is a financial transaction system where,
if you don’t behave, the central banks can take money right out of your account. They can stop you from

An example Fitts gives is, say the central bankers (read totalitarian rulers of the whole world) don’t
want you to be able to travel. They want you to stay put where you are. They can easily accomplish this,
in this planned system, by programming your electric car such that it cannot operate past that five-mile
boundary line.

They will also have full control over the function of money in this system, meaning they can decide what
you are allowed to spend your money on. They could decide they don’t want you to have fresh food, so you can only use the central bank digital currency for processed food.

We’ve Been Lured to Create Our Own Prison
The central bankers are nothing if not clever when it comes to prototyping. They don’t do anything without
first running many tests to see what will work best. But they don’t just hire top experts. No, instead,
they persuade the top developers that they can make a ton of money by developing these prototypes. They
make it fun and innovative, allowing skilled people to come up with the ideas.

Once a successful prototype has been identified, they then build their own version of that. In the case
of cryptocurrencies, their version is a central bank digital currency under centralized control. Another
part of the complete system is the smart grid, which was prototyped, developed and rolled out in recent
years. The smart grid is, of course, a requirement for the surveillance apparatus that is at the heart
of it all.

While all of these things, cryptocurrencies, the smart grid, artificial intelligence technologies and
the like, are marketed as a way to make us all freer, the intended result is a global prison system
where no one is free. The good news here is that they must get the general population to build their
own prisons. The answer then, is that once you see how it’s done, you can just stop. Stop building the
prison walls. Stop building and contributing to the surveillance grid.

This could mean quitting your job if you work for a company that is involved in developing and building
technologies intended for this control grid. But even if you don’t actually perform work that helps build
it, you are still participating in the control grid structure by using surveillance tools like Facebook
and Google.

By allowing smart meters to be installed in your home, by buying and using AI-based technologies and
“smart” technologies, by allowing GPS tracking on your phone and so on. If you don’t want to contribute
to building this global prison, you have to actually take action and change how and who you do business

“If you look at a lot of the financial fraud over the last 20 years in the United States, the leader of
that financial fraud in many cases was JP Morgan Chase. Yet statistics show that 50% of Americans bank or have credit cards or other relationships with JP Morgan Chase.

In 1998, when I first realized what was happening with the mortgage fraud and JP Morgan Chase was at the heart of it, I was writing a check on a JP Morgan Chase banking account. And I said, ‘Why am I banking [with JP Morgan]? Why am I allowing my funds to be used as deposits to engineer financial fraud? I’ve got to come clean.’

Forget about protesting. If tomorrow, everybody woke up and said, ‘You know, I’m not going to bank with
the New York fed member banks,’ the change would be dramatic, because if you look at where we’re banking and who we’re working for and who we’re associating with, we’re helping them do this.

Remember this is an all-digital system. One aspect of this is currency, but the other is a one-way mirror
where you have 24/7 surveillance and data. So not only can I watch you 24/7 and collect data from your
body, from your mind, from your activities, but then I can stop you from moving around spatially, or I
can turn off your ability to transact.”

The Control System and Transaction System Are One
As noted by Fitts, the system being built is both a control system and a transaction system.
The transaction system, however, is not based on what we consider a real currency. It’s actually the end
of currencies, because in this system, you can never take the currency out of the bank and put it in your
pocket. You can only conduct transactions that are validated and approved through and by the central bank.

Remember, the 24/7 surveillance system “can literally get the human race to be connected to the cloud, to the AI, the software and the robots,” Fitts says. “We’re talking about connecting the human race to a cloud where they teach the AI, the software and the robots, how to do their jobs.” In short, we are actively engineering a future where we, humans, have been largely eliminated from the workplace.

Those who remain will be integrated with robotics. “In other words, whether I have a human do that job, or whether I have a robot do that job, I can manage them in the same system if I can have them all hooked up to the cloud and communicating with each other.”

Basically, what we’re looking at is transhumanism, and we’re quite literally dehumanizing ourselves.
This system will also do away with markets, because what we think of as markets will be micromanaged
and optimized through artificial intelligence and software.

What Do You Want?

Knowing this, the options become rather simple. As noted by Fitts, we can have a human civilization,
or we can have an inhuman civilization. We can have a financial system where private monopoly controls
the printing of money, or we can have a decentralized system.

I agree with Fitts, who states that the world she wants to live in is where the financial printing press
has been decentralized, and where we are committed to human civilization — not a transhumanist one run by technocrats. As crazy as this transhuman technocratic future may sound to the everyday person, it’s clear the technocrats believe their system can work.

“I think they believe it can work because of the one-way mirror,” Fitts says. “[Let’s say] you have a
one-way year where you have 100% access to the data, 24/7, of all the people on this side of the mirror.

Remember, once you engineer all this secret money in taxation without representation, they [the people]
can’t see behind the mirror. The thing that punches a hole in the mirror is transparency about government money, and no taxation without representation.”

Creating a Breakaway Civilization

This is why the central bank takeover of the sovereign governments is so important, because this takeover
allows them to create a system in which the two sides of the mirror are two entirely separate
civilizations. Those behind the mirror — you and I — cannot see what the technocrats are doing on the
other side, while they can see every last thing we do and say. “You’re literally talking about a
parallel universe,” Fitts says.

Those behind the mirror, the technocratic rulers, do not obey any law that applies to those of us
on the other side of the mirror. They are not subject to the law. They have complete immunity from

“They can engage in systematic violation of what you and I think of as the law, with impunity,” Fitts
says. “And if you look at how much money has been moved out in the financial coup, they can literally
become a parallel civilization.”

They’re Trying to Sell You on Being a Serf.

The vaccine passport is clearly the tool of choice for the authoritarian globalists’ plan to deprive
you and your family of your freedom and personal liberties. This financial coup is 20 years in the making.
They voted on the “direct reset” plan (aka The Great Reset), they wrote the plan, and have been
implementing that plan, year by year, step by step.

We’re now in the end game, Fitts says, where they need to consolidate everything. Now, with their vote
for The Great Reset, the central bankers made the decision to put 500 million people out of work over
the next year alone.

“That’s the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world. That’s financial warfare,
and they made it intentionally,” Fitts says. “They made it knowingly. It was a plan. And what is very
important to understand, when you think about this pandemic, is people are not dying from magic viruses.

People are dying from tyranny, they’re dying from a great poisoning. That’s part of that tyranny, but our problem, and the thing we need to be afraid of, is tyranny. Because the tyranny needs, and is about to get much, much worse.

It’s the passports and that system of central bank digital control that will give them the ability to do that.

The world economic forum calls it The Great Reset, which is kind of the marketing …
The World Economic Forum guys make it interesting and fashionable [to say] ‘In 2030, you own nothing,
and you’re happy.’

Now, what I hear is ‘It’s 2030, the direct reset has stolen all your money, taken all your assets, and they’ve got your mind-controlled.’ The Great Reset is to sell people on a vision of a world where the average person has a much smaller command on resources and assets, and is subject to complete central control.

Part of what you’re dealing with is that human beings crave coherence. And so, if you can put them in
a state of incoherence, they will literally do anything they can to get back to coherence. It’s a
torture mechanism. If you study torture, it’s a typical torture tactic …

That’s why you see all these people saying, ‘If you just accept the passports, you’ll be free. Or
if you get the vaccination, you’ll be free. They have spent a fortune since World War II on figuring
out how to use digital technology, telecommunications and media to implement mind control much more
economically and much more broadly. And one of the things I think they’re very enthusiastic about
how well it has worked.”


late night day World War III update, recording in the greenhouse tonight that is nearly complete.
Won’t be green until next year I just hope it’s green and bustling with edible vegetables before
the hits the fan.

The European Parliament and the MEP passed a resolution today which effectively is nothing short of a
declaration of war against Russia perhaps not semantically but in terms of what it materially translates into.

Yes this is a declaration of war they have voted by a wide margin 425 to 131 with 63 abstaining to allow the removal of restrictions on Ukraine to do deep strikes into Russia.

Now this is a political organization not a military one the United States is not beholden to its vassals. Which means that NATO is not beholden to the EU who appears hellbent ont triggering nuclear Armageddon at
least in Europe my European.

Brothers and sisters I love you but we hope that you keep that over there but we know we’re
realists over here at least some of us the ones paying attention and we know that we will be impacted as well that’s how the game is played.

In fact Vladimir Putin has said as much that we’re not going to be able to sit this one up so they’ve effectively voted politically to remove restrictions on Ukraine this of course is the first step the first box that needs to be checked before you finalize it in real terms.

Which is already a decision that’s been made uh the Russians know it’s a decision that’s been made the Russian foreign minister has said as such the decision to use NATO Weaponry inside Russia has been
made and all of this uh you know Public Relation stuff that is going on right now is just to
Prime the population to test the waters to get everybody acquainted with the idea.

So when they finally do ultimately pull the trigger and that’s how we’re going to learn about it we’re going to learn about it as it happens and then it’s going to have been official.

Oh yeah we actually did Greenlight the Ukrainians to use Storm Shadow missiles and attack them.
Missiles deep inside Russia that’s how we’re going to learn about it when it happens because that’s
how we learned about storm shadows in the first place if you don’t recall over a year ago so this of course is a massive escalation but it’s also somewhat of a rose because Ukraine has the capability they have their new ballistic missiles which I’m certain that they’ve either used a more advanced
drone or some sort of Bunker penetrating drone or uh bunker busting missile ballistic missile on the
biggest Ammunition Depot in Russia that looked like a nuclear explosion the one we talked about the other day and the damage is catastrophic. Uh there’s some of the uh what would you call them silos
uh some of the bunkers I guess that were not uh affected by the blast but the majority of the place has been destroyed and this was a massive this was the biggest ammunition dump that I could find on Google Earth.
Now the other big ammunition dump is the one that’s in Transnistria that’s technically allegedly one of the biggest ones with Soviet era Munitions stored in it.

The Russians I don’t even know if they have access to that because of course they have to cross Ukraine in order to get it anyways what I’m trying to say is that it’s already a done deal.
Anybody you know who’s caught up in this oh are they are they going to do it?
Did NATO back down, NATO didn’t back down okay NATO didn’t back down the Russians know it the Russians know that unless they do something definitive NATO is not going to continue or not going to cease in its
uh transgressions. So they must they must respond but they are trying to postpone that for reasons unbeknownst to me.
Now it could have something to do with China and China could be the same reason why Nazari the leader of Hezbollah is sitting on his hands and just continues his bellicose ramblings every single time Israel punches him in the mouth. He talks a bunch of trash and they do absolutely nothing but fire a few
willy-nilly Rockets into some villages in the northern part of Israel that by some international law are currently being occupied by Israel illegally.

I should say well that depends on if you adhere to international law of course I mean it is international law as agreed to by the International Community but of course there’s exceptions uh that get made there’s a a a global affirmative action of sorts.
We’ll say anyways so the reason why Nazala is sitting on his hands and not punching back even though
we just witnessed the biggest ever kinetic Cyber attack in human history.
4 to 5,000 we don’t even know the true numbers of casualties Which is far worse than a death when it comes to war casualty is always worse than a death especially if it’s debilitating to the soldier and they can never go back and fight again this was a massive blow to the chain of command in Hezbollah.

They claim otherwise but the fact is the ambassador of Iran was blinded by one of these pagers which tells you that the people who had these pagers were probably pretty high up the only way that he would be blinded when you see the size of these explosions as if he was looking at the thing so that tells
you that he had one which means that probably a lot of their higher ranking commanders probably had them.

Now nazilla in his speech today denies this, he says None of our high ranking commanders uh were taken out by this that could just be a way to try to plate and uh keep people at ease in his own Community.

For the first time ever at least uh this go around the Lebanese prime minister has given the green light and has given the blessing to Hezbollah to fight on Lebanon’s behalf now.
As I don’t know much about the history of the region I’m not an expert on Lebanese history and
politics but I do know that there is a divide between the militaristic political wing of the
Lebanese government which is Hezbollah and the Lebanese government itself which has established embassies or at one point had functioning embassies up until a couple months ago.

Uh that did you know business with the International Community now they’ve finally given him the blessing and Nazra is just talking out of his ass doing absolutely nothing. Why there’s a reason he is having his hands tied it’s quite evident because as soon as Hezbollah responds in a significant manner which
is going to really deal a blow to Israel strategically and essentially threaten their existence.

Because Israel is a small country and they’re a very Tech dependent country if you take out a few
power stations it’s going to be panic and it’s a country with a lot of dual citizens who at will could leave if they so chose so. How bonded are they going to be to this terrain when you know they’ve
they’ve migrated there a lot of them whereas people who’ve been born there and uh have been lived there for many generations they’re going to fight to the death okay.

And the problem is tat if Hezbollah acts too drastically too soon it’s going to get nuclear and
I’m pretty sure this is why the Iranians I’m pretty sure this is why the Russians and the Chinese have been trying to re them in and restrain them from retaliating in the way.
That everybody knows they can so what you have happening right now is that Israel is lining tanks up along the border I think some have already passed into Southern Lebanon and they’ve been bombing the
out of the place 100 air strikes today by the time this video. By the time you watch it there’s probably going to be a lot more news and of course we had the biggest attack in history the biggest Cyber attack which is still ongoing.

Apparently so everybody’s like what’s going on is Hasa chickening out is uh did they get cold feet are they uh is this just a stalling tactic. I think it’s a stalling tactic because well nazarah has invited Israel in to their killing field which is a mountainous treacherous terrain which is also I think they’re going to have to contend with the weather I’m not sure what the weather looks like this time of year but
from what I’m told uh the weather is going to start to get nasty pretty soon.
And it’s also Laden with Subterranean fortifications that are far more advanced than what they face with Hamas you also I presume have a fairly exhausted IDF.
Uh which is why they’re flying in African conscripts 30,000 I believe and they’re flying in Indians to work in uh to fulfill the roles uh the Gap that’s been left I suppose.

So you know they’re pressed for Manpower uh and as soon as Hezbollah hits them hard in any significant way with their Precision guided cruise missiles. So they claim that our exceptional range that can effectively hit any part of Israel any part that matters anyways they are likely going to trigger a massive response and the Americans are going to be brought into to the war all of this is timed to reach
its Zenith right at the election you’ll notice that and it’s also perfectly timed with the escalation with Russia which tells you that all of these things are interconnected okay.

So it’s no coincidence that the Russian the former Russian defense minister shgey shyu has now with Vladimir Putin and the Iranian president in to deal for a strategic partnership.
I think the reason why the Russians the Iranians and the Chinese are stalling on getting Lebanon to do
the real response.
If they even can I’m not you know I at this point in time I don’t know maybe it’s all talk but I think one possible explanation is that they’re waiting for Iran to get some sort of security guarantees from Russia be they a new nuclear being under their nuclear umbrella and having those levels of protection.

We know that there’s been a hell of a lot of military equipment flying in to Iran as well as uh planes
that typically carry military personnel so that would mean that there could potentially already be nuclear weapons there Russian nuclear weapons and if that’s the case then that’s a game.
Cher because then if Hezbollah responds Israel can’t use nukes because there’s a balance of power
within the region now Israel can just shoot nukes in all directions but that’s going to be their own death right. Uh even if you use a nuke in Lebanon a lot of that radiation is going to blow back
into Israel just the way the jet stream you know North to cell or at least it could depending on the time of year okay.
So these are all things to consider it’s not just a matter of using nuk and that’s it they could do it uh a round based detonation which might contain the radioactive material to just the region that was hit but if they do like ground burst and they’re trying to take off bunkers and things like that then
that’s going to kick up all kinds of crazy dust and it’s going to get nasty for Israel as well.
And I don’t think they want to contaminate their own soil that would be stupid right it’s like
where you eat so they can’t do that.

So I think that this is all connected I think that increasingly more so the escalation that we seen with the massive detonation of one of Russia’s largest Russia’s largest in fact at least the largest I could find in my research online in terms of their most hardened facilities blown to smithin.
I would say at least 75% of it is destroyed we don’t know what was stored there but we do know that that is a part of their Northern military and that would be the conventional Munitions that they would use for if they went to war with the Baltics which seems increasingly more likely uh you have the aggressive bellicosity of the Baltic states I mean they’re just asking for it like they’re building fortifications on their borders they’re welcoming in the Germans they’re allowing you know NATO to use uh its airspace they’re storing NATO Weaponry they are they’re making evacuation plans to evacuate everybody.
I don’t know like across the Baltic or something so they’re getting ready for war right and they know that all of this tough talk like these calls for bombing Moscow and this crazy that they’re saying eventually they’re going to have to pay for that and now that Russia has had constant provocation
after provocation taking out The Radars taking out the nuke bombers taking out their biggest bad ass base which was supposed to be nuclear resistant but we start to see there’s probably a lot of corruption there. That prevented that from actually going the way it was supposed to so we know that uh the
Russians as much as they try to play this down and as much as a lot of the Russian Bots try to play this down this was a big blow and if we see another one of these big blows tomorrow and the next day and the next day which has pretty much been the pattern eventually that’s going to take its toll and you can make the claim like the Russia Bros will make the claim well you know Russia’s using 15,000 tons of ammunition a day and that this uh Warehouse stored maybe 30,000 tons at best so it was just 2 days and the
question is it’s like well you know maybe that’s true maybe that’s an exaggeration I’m guessing it’s a bit of an exaggeration everything has its limit okay.

And the Russians are already mobilizing more troops uh Vladimir Putin has said that this is a red line that there will be an appropriate response and because he stopped short of saying that we will Target NATO directly.

The decision has been made so don’t believe for a second any of these people who are saying that NATO has backed down they don’t know what they’re talking about because every single this is the same
pattern it’s like almost like they just never learn.
NATO always does this every single time they’re about to escalate first they propose something then it
gets rejected then they propose it again then they’re talking about it then they propose it again and everybody thinks that it’s been agreed to but it hasn’t quite yet and then they just do it.
And then we’re like oh they did it right so it’s exactly what they’re going to do here and they know that Vladimir Putin doesn’t want a nuclear war but it’s likely what’s going to have to be fought
in some hopefully limited capacity as crazy as that sounds we’ll save more on that for another day because that’s a very deep Rabbit Hole in terms of How It’s actually going to play out because
believe it or not NATO does have a very in-depth plan on how they want to initiate a nuclear war and do a first strike.
Ramam Kadyrov the chin guy who Elon Musk I guess he got a I don’t think Elon Musk gave him a cyber truck but I think he somehow was able to acquire a cyber truck and at the time I said this is the dumbest thing ever this thing is like a surveillance apparatus on Wheels why the hell would you drive around in
this. I mean all Teslas have a internet connection so information from that could be relayed back to anywhere to starlink to anywhere so apparently he claims that Elon Musk locked him out of it now I don’t know if he if he’s joking or if there was a software thing or maybe he did get them locked out but
this is this is just another reminder that you can’t rely on electronic devices when the hits the fan as
we’ve seen every electronic device that’s connected to the Internet of Things is a potential attack vector and it can actually.
Now we’ve shown that it could be a kinetic attack a physical attack you can even if it’s just
lighting your battery on fire that’s something that’s a phone that you can no longer use that’s an electronic device that you’re never going to be able to use again worst case of course it explodes.

Now in the cybertruck case and the reason why I CH I for initially I was all for it because all the specs
lined up you can charge it from the Sun requires very little maintenance it’s bulletproof from a 9mm all of these great things but then I started reading some of the fin print and as much as I’m not a technophobe.
I have a Tesla some of you guys know but I also have a tundra okay and I’m actually considering
trading in the tundra for uh something of the diesel sort but more on that in a future video I because again I’m not a technophobe it’s a tax right off.
Anyways so I’ve come to realize though that it is the absolute worst trojan horse that one could possibly expose themselves to especially in this very extreme political environment because not only can you not manually turn the wheels but they can just turn it off it has the power steering not the power what do
they call it the uh Power direct steering so you’re not actually turning the wheel like you would in a normal car. It’s sending a electric signal to the tires so if they want you to park and never move that sucker it’s going to get bricked okay they can hear everything they can watch everything you’re doing
uh now if this we’re talking about a hits the fan because a lot of the Hollywood people they’re buying these because they think that they’re going to use them in the apocalypse or something.
And as much as I think EVS play a role in that and EVS are an excellent preparedness vehicle concept if you could jailbreak it and strip it of all of the surveillance uh stuff that’s inside it.
Then yeah it would be very useful they’re way you know if you can power a car by solar indefinitely you don’t have to do much maintenance I’ve never had to do any maintenance to the Tesla a sides change of tires no brake fluid no oil change nothing zero zilch NADA okay.

So it is a superior technology once you drive one you’re just going to be like what the hell like you’re going to look at your combustion ve vehicle like it’s a dinosaur piece of like just to be brutally honest when I have to drive into the tundra in the tundra I just it’s like I’m going back in time or something but there still is a place for a good old gas guzzling vehicle don’t get me wrong about that but all I’m
saying is electronics nowadays I don’t care if it’s Elon Musk do not trust him do not stake your life on him and at this point. I think we’re going to keep things Beyond Arms Reach because you just never know.

I’m going to save the rest for later I promise we’re going to be doing another video this evening because there’s a lot of stuff to cover I apologize for not uh I said I was going to be back online yesterday I just got caught up doing other stuff we’re doing all kinds of filming of actual educational content on
the channel which eats away my time.
I’m on the homestead I’m trying to get this place on lock before the shizzy hits the fizzy.
Time is of the essence but I will be back with a more extensive report by the time you see this video 10 hours or so;
All right thanks for watching guys
take care see you soon


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EU Is On The Brink Of War After Latest Vote (

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7:20 / 14:06

EU Is On The Brink Of War After Latest Vote

Sebastian Sas
55.4K subscribers

19 Sept 2024
EU Is On The Brink Of War After Latest Vote

In this episode we discuss the implications and dangers of the latest EU vote on long range strikes deep into Russian territory. The EU voted in favor of Ukraine using western missiles in order to strike deep inside Russia.………

My friends, I hope you’re all doing well.
Today I was reminded of the fact that we live in an illusion.
An illusion about democracy.
You see, they’re telling you all the time that by casting your vote once every four years,
because that’s how often we get to be democratic around these parts of the world, you can change the world.
The fact is, you not only can’t change anything, you don’t even get to decide anything in the first place.
And today’s article is a perfect example of that.

This thing called the European Union.
It started as an economic alliance, which actually at the time, presented some features and benefits for
the European citizens.
Not anymore, because it transitioned from being a purely an economic alliance to something more.
A political organization that holds our individual governments to ransom whenever they feel like.
This is an example, and I want to show it to you guys.
This one comes from Politico and it’s been written just a few hours ago.
“Let Ukraine strike into the heart of Russia. MEPs urge EU countries.”
“European Parliament puts pressure on national governments with large vote in favor of letting
Kiev hit strategic Russian territory.”
Let’s unpack that, because it’s very dangerous what they’re saying.
The first thing I want to address is where they’re saying that the European Parliament puts pressure on
national governments.

That phrase alone, or that sentence alone, should send shivers down your spine.
What that means is that the people you elect to represent your interests matter not.
Because there’s an extra government body above them who can hold them to ransom every single time
your elected government decides to go astray.
Perfect example, case in point, Hungary, Viktor Orban.
Every single time he adopts a policy that’s in favor of the Hungarian people, because ultimately it’s the Hungarian people who matter to Viktor Orban, because he’s Hungarian, right?
Every single time he does something like that, well, he gets a lot of flak from the European Union, and then they find ways to actually push him, give him a nudge in the right direction. Luckily for Hungary and for all of us, he still puts up a very brave fight.
But let’s carry on with this article, because it’s not getting any better.
“European Parliament lawmakers want all capitals to allow Ukraine’s military to use long-range
missiles against targets on Russian territory, according to a non-binding resolution adopted on Thursday.”

Let’s get a few things straight. First one, the non-binding resolution.
If you’re familiar with the machinations going on in the West, you would not be surprised by that language, because everything here starts as being non-binding. But that’s just a figure of speech.
It’s only meant to keep the illusion in front of you to make you believe that actually you have a
choice. It’s not binding. That’s not true. That’s simply not the case, because even though the
resolution itself might not be binding, they will find ways to actually make you sign it, to actually make you do it.
The perfect example is they will withhold funds until you decide to do that.

Again, I refer you to the same scenario, Hungary. And also, Poland has had the same exact issues with them a couple of years ago, because of their judicial reform. It was simply against what the EU wanted. And of course, the Polish people don’t matter in Poland, because the EU says so, right?
That’s the logic. But the part that I found to be the most egregious is the fact that they want to put pressure on our governments to vote in favor of Ukraine using long-range strikes deep inside Russia.
This is very dangerous, because Russians will not just allow it. Vladimir Putin has made an extremely clear statement last week in which he said it, if the West allows this, NATO is at war with Russia.

What that means is if NATO is at war with Russia, Russia is at war with NATO, and then all bets are off. This is a scenario that should be avoided at all costs. There is nothing in it for the Europeans.

Nothing to win and everything to lose.
I’ve made the same exact case in my yesterday’s video when I talked about the United Kingdom.
Same exact situation. And these people in the EU, the governments that is, they’re not any better
than this one here either.

The text asks EU countries to “immediately lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons systems
delivered to Ukraine against legitimate military targets on Russian territory.”
Now, I think we’ve addressed what that means. But what I also want to say is, you know, in a couple of days Zelensky will present his victory plan to Joe Biden.

Well, I think it’s more than a couple of days, but it’s not long left. And, you know, I’ve been making fun of that victory plan because I don’t believe such a plan exists.
There is a plan, but it’s not for victory and it’s for but for escalation.
And my feeling is some people in the EU already know what this is about. Probably the Americans
know about it as well. And I think part of it, the biggest part of that plan is to actually get an
escalation going, especially before the November elections in the United States.

The Europeans and the British, they know that, which is why they keep supporting this notion of long range strikes deep inside Russia, which by the way, will not change the war whatsoever.

The only thing that these long range strikes would manage to do is to get the Russian population rallied around Vladimir Putin and put pressure on Putin to actually do something about the West.
That’s a position nobody here wants to be in.

Also, there’s been a couple of articles popping up today on Bloomberg and Forbes saying that Vladimir Putin is facing pressure from the Russian Ministry of Defense to do more.
We are escalating people. There is no off ramp whatsoever. It feels like we’ve hit the gas and we’re
heading off of a cliff.

And nobody even wants to stop for a minute and ask, is this even necessary? Why are we doing it? What’s in it for us? Is this for the benefit and the security of our citizens?
Well, clearly not. A failure by governments to agree to allow Kiev to deploy donated long range
missiles undermines efforts by Ukraine to protect its cities and infrastructures.
The MEPs agreed in a 425 to 131 vote with 63 abstentions. This is such a nonsensical statement because they’re making the case that by not allowing Ukraine to do this, basically, Ukraine cannot protect its

Ukraine would never be able to protect its cities if Russia really wanted to strike them.
There is no way to do that. Ukraine has been trying and the West has been supporting it in any
way, shapes and forms since this war began.
Has something worked? Has anything worked? Not so much. Which is why you see Zelensky all the time on TV asking for more. If it works, you don’t need more. That’s the logic.
If you, if whatever it is that you’re doing, if it works, you don’t need to be in front of a camera
all the time asking for more and telling people just how desperate the situation is.
So, if this is failing, why are we arguing in favor of more failure? But this time around it comes with a
Our own security is at risk. While Germany has so far refused to send its Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, France and Italy have both dispatched their Skelp missiles. As reported by Politico, the United States is working on a deal with the United Kingdom to approve the use of its Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia.
Well, speaking of Germany, the Germany has done far more than just not allowing their Taurus missiles to be part of the conversation.
I actually wanted to make a video about Germany specifically, but unfortunately, I just had some time challenges and I could not make it.
But basically, the gist of that video that I have never made was purely my observation is that Germany is distancing itself from all of these lunatics. And I think they finally come to the realization that
whatever the policy they’ve had for the last two and a half years, it’s not working.
Their country is on the brink. And we’ve had multiple evidence of that.
This is one of them. They’re saying absolutely not to this initiative. Also, Olaf Schulz was in
Kazakhstan just the other day trying to get a trade deal going between Kazakhstan and Germany.
Now, so he’s made the political statements that he had to make where we’re not here to circumvent
Russian sanctions. But my pushback would be, well, why Kazakhstan? Because apparently what they want
is minerals and lithium and oil.
But I think there’s a reason he went to Kazakhstan. And that’s because it cracks the door open just
ever so slightly with Russia.
I think Germany has realized they’re on the brink. Well, it’s either that or Olaf Schulz faces or feels the pressure that’s brewing inside of his country against him.
It’s one or the other. But regardless, it’s yielding the good result in the EU. However, well, apparently no such thing exists because France, well, Macron, this wonderful President Macron and Italy, well, they have absolutely no problem. Send the missiles in. Send the missiles in to do damage inside of Russia.
And also, can I just make a point? A lot of the people in Europe, especially the people in power or in
office, they’re saying, well, Russia will never use nuclear weapons against us.
That’s just Putin’s bluff. Well, there’s news for you. The Russians don’t necessarily have to use nuclear
weapons. They have conventional systems, quite a few of them, that actually have the power of a small
nuclear weapon. And those are perfectly non-nuclear.
I don’t see the point of this escalation. This is dangerous. And this should not even be
discussed. It shouldn’t even be on the table. The war in Ukraine should be contained in Ukraine.
And all of these efforts and all of this money should be going towards something else. As in,
let’s stop this war. Maybe let’s use this money to rebuild Ukraine, to help the Ukrainian people, not to help the Ukrainian government.
Okay, the resolution also demands that EU countries increase financing for Ukraine, boost humanitarian aid, and do more to protect airspace around the country’s borders.

Another problem, another subversion. That’s a subversion right there, what they’re saying, around the country’s borders. It’s either within the borders or if it’s outside of the borders, well, then you have a problem because it’s no longer about Ukraine.

It’s about the countries around it, which are Poland, Romania, and that’s a massive problem.
Because let’s not forget, it wasn’t too long ago when these Europeans, they were arguing in favor of an old fly zone around not just Ukraine, but sorry, not just in Ukraine, but around Ukraine.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine the level of madness that’s going through these people’s minds? Basically, they would be very willing to declare war on Russia with absolutely no regard for our own security.
Not a problem whatsoever. And this is why they’re pushing it in there, slipping it around the country’s borders.
I guess the only good part about that paragraph is the humanitarian aid, because those people need it. But beyond that, not much.
And then the last quote, or the last part of the article, Ukraine should have a right to use Western weapons against legitimate targets on Russian territories.

And one of the resolutions authors, German Green Sergei Lago-Dinsky, just like international law allows it to.
What they’re not telling you is that it’s not about Ukraine using long range weapons to strike
inside Russia, because yes, that is in accordance to international law. But you see, the problem is not that the problem is that Ukraine uses our weapons, the Western weapons, and that has different implications, because they’re not using their own weapons. If Ukraine would have had, say, for example,
their own attack on missiles, their own storm shadow missiles, their own versions of the S.C.A.L.P. missiles. Well, that’s a different story then, because they’re free to use them.
But they don’t have that. They don’t have that capability. And it’s not just about the missiles.
Let us not forget that those missiles, they don’t just fly by themselves. They need coordinates.
All of that is being supported since the war began by the Americans for the most part, but also by the rest of the Europeans.
About 90%, probably, if not more, by the Americans.
They’re the ones who actually see from the satellite what’s going on the ground in Russia, and then they transmit all those coordinates to the Ukrainians.
The only thing that the Ukrainians do is probably just push the button if they do that. Everything
else is done by NATO. And some people still argue that this is a war between Ukraine and Russia.
Well, it’s not. It never was. All I can say is I wish you a fantastic rest of the evening.
I’ll see you very
shortly. And until then, bye-bye.


“The safety profile is abysmal in adults (up to 2.1% serious cardiac events in clinical trials) and the vaccine has not been adequately tested for efficacy or safety in pediatric populations.

“In other words, the WHO has no idea whether it will work nor do they know how much damage it will do. The WHO has again abandoned good public health principles and waved their magic vaccine wand on the mpox outbreak.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) today approved the first mpox vaccine for use in adults — and also said it can be used for babies, children, teens and pregnant women if they are in “outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.”

WHO’s approval of Bavarian Nordic’s vaccine will help governments and international agencies such as the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and UNICEF, buy it, MedicalXpress reported.

The MVA-BN vaccine — short for “Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic” — is a smallpox/mpox vaccine. It is sold in the U.S. under the name Jynneos.

WHO Assistant Director-General Yukiko Nakatani said, “The decision can also help national regulatory authorities to fast-track approvals, ultimately increasing access to quality-assured mpox vaccine products.”

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker called the WHO’s approval of the shot for infants and children in Africa “a train wreck in the making.”

Hooker told The Defender:

“The safety profile is abysmal in adults (up to 2.1% serious cardiac events in clinical trials) and the vaccine has not been adequately tested for efficacy or safety in pediatric populations.

“In other words, the WHO has no idea whether it will work nor do they know how much damage it will do. The WHO has again abandoned good public health principles and waved their magic vaccine wand on the mpox outbreak.”

Dr. David Bell, a public health physician and biotech consultant, also criticized the WHO for overly focusing on mpox vaccines and neglecting to address broader public health issues in Africa.

“So far this year, about 40,000 children have died from malaria in the DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo] alone, and similar numbers of people from malnutrition, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDs,” Bell said.

Although these numbers “obviously dwarf” the number of mpox deaths, the WHO is allocating fewer resources to addressing them.

Bell — who formerly served as a medical officer and scientist at the WHO — explained what he sees occurring:

“We have become much better at detecting much rarer diseases such as mpox, and addressing these is certainly more lucrative for the growing industry feeding off the WHO’s misinformation regarding rapidly rising pandemic risk.

“However, it is clear that the people of DRC and Africa in general would benefit far more if WHO returned to impactful public health. There has been a move over recent years to a concentration on addressing the symptoms of diseases of poverty (which mpox is) with Western-developed commodities, rather than dealing with underlying causes.

“This signals a return to colonialist-era approaches rather than evidence-based public health. It presumably reflects the way WHO is now funded, with increasing control from the private sector and a few large Western nations with large Pharma industries.”

No clinical trials on kids

In its press release, the WHO said the MVA-BN vaccine can be administered to adults over 18 as a two-dose injection four weeks apart but can also be given as a single dose “in supply-constrained outbreak situations.”

“While MVA-BN is currently not licensed for persons under 18 years of age,” it said, “this vaccine may be used ‘off-label’ in infants, children and adolescents, and in pregnant and immunocompromised people.”

The WHO called for more data on the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in these situations.

The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization — which reviewed all available evidence and recommended the use of MVA-BN vaccine — noted in its Weekly Epidemiological Record report that “MVA-BN has not been specifically studied in clinical trials in children.”

However, they said:

“The same non-replicating MVA viral vector is used as a platform for other vaccines that include MVA-filo (Mvabea™) against Ebola virus disease (EVD).

“The EVD vaccine is approved by the EU for adults and children aged 1 year and older. Data from 5 published studies on MVA-BN as a viral vector platform for the prevention of EVD, with a total population of 52 229 children, support the favourable safety profile of the product.”

The authors of a new study — published Sept. 11 in The BMJ — presented results on MVA-BN’s effectiveness in adult males but said nothing about children or pregnant women.

In 2023, researchers funded by the UK Health Security Agency looked at the health outcomes of 87 children who received a single dose of MVA-BN.

They reported that the vaccine was “well tolerated” but that larger studies needed to be done to fully assess the shot’s safety and efficacy in kids.

The Defender asked Bavarian Nordic for information about its mpox vaccine in pediatric populations but did not receive a response by the deadline.

The WHO’s process for granting a drug “prequalification” approval for “emergency use listing” requires drugmakers to “commit to continue generating missing information to fulfill prequalification requirements.”

“Once this information becomes available,” the WHO said, “a PQ [prequalification] application should be submitted to complete the full process to achieve  recommendation for international procurement in both emergency and non-emergency settings.”

It is unclear how much pediatric safety and efficacy data Bavarian Nordic has collected so far and what it showed.

Mpox vaccine approved for U.S. kids and teens since 2022

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2022 granted emergency use authorization for the vaccine for “in individuals less than 18 years of age determined to be at high risk for monkeypox infection.”

Jynneos has been licensed for use in U.S. adults since 2019.

The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)’s mpox vaccination website states that while teens and children at risk for mpox can receive Jynneos, it is not recommended for babies under 6 months.

The CDC also says Jynneos can be given to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Although it remains unknown if Jynneos may pose risks to a developing fetus if taken during pregnancy, animal studies haven’t shown any harm to developing fetuses when the vaccine was given to pregnant animals, the agency said.


Being sold like cattle. NWO/WEF agenda being pushed by not elected officials like in the WHO..

World leaders will convene later this month in New York to discuss proposals that critics believe will enshrine global digital ID and online censorship and give the United Nations (U.N.) secretary-general unprecedented emergency powers.

Proposals to be discussed at the 79th U.N. General Assembly include the Pact for the Future, described by the U.N. as an “opportunity to create international mechanisms that better reflect the realities of the 21st century and can respond to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.”

The proposed Pact for the Future encompasses 11 policy proposals. These include proposals for the establishment of a U.N. “Emergency Platform” and a “Global Digital Compact,” and policy proposals on “Information Integrity” and “Transforming Education.”

Also among the U.N.’s proposals is the “Declaration on Future Generations.”

Under these proposals, the secretary-general would have “standing authority” to declare “an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

Discussions for the Pact for the Future will take place under the auspices of the Summit of the Future, described as “a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.”

The proposals are part of “Our Common Agenda,” an initiative described as “the Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation.”

‘Lack of checks and balances is very worrying’

Critics of the proposals warned The Defender that they threaten personal and health freedom, will grant the U.N. unprecedented powers and may lead to an internationally binding treaty.

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst said the U.N. is attempting to attain “more executive power.”

Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., professor of international law at the University of Illinois, told The Defender, “What the secretary-general is trying to do is an end run around the United Nations charter and delegate to himself all the powers he can possibly assume.”

“The lack of checks and balances is very worrying. The member states will have very little or no power,” Terhorst said, noting that these proposals are drawing increasing opposition as they threaten national sovereignty.

The emergency powers and other proposals contained in the pact may have ominous consequences for humanity, Boyle warned.

“The most pernicious [outcomes] would certainly be extremely dangerous vaccines that probably would violate the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, such as these mRNA vaccines, and then also censorship, outright censorship for anyone who dissents,” Boyle said.

Other experts warned the U.N. is not being fully transparent.

According to independent journalist James Roguski, “The U.N. is not being fully transparent about the process leading up to the Summit of the Future. At this time, a consensus agreement has not been reached and the status of the three documents has not been honestly presented to the general public.”

Roguski noted that a fourth revision of the Global Digital Compact was drafted Aug. 27 but “has not been made publicly available on the U.N. website.”

And according to Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, the pact “puts the U.N. ‘at the center’ of international affairs, giving the U.N. unspecified powers.” It contains no definitions for the terms used, “allowing it to be interpreted later in ways citizens may not like.”

A means of ‘turbocharging’ the ‘Great Reset’?

Critics also connected the U.N.’s proposals to the agendas of other international organizations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), which promoted the “Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

“In spirit, the Summit and Pact for the Future is a relaunch of the Great Reset,” said Tim Hinchliffe, publisher of The Sociable. “Both talk about reshaping our world, which includes a desire to transform the financial system and to implement global governance surrounding issues such as climate change, healthcare and all things related to the SDGs” (Sustainable Development Goals).

“While the WEF has no direct, authoritative or legislative power to carry out its agendas, the Pact for the Future would be signed by member states whose governments wield actual executive and legislative powers,” Hinchliffe said.

“What they are trying to do is to take the WEF agenda … and turn it into solid international law and from there into solid domestic law,” Boyle said.

According to Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda,” the U.N.’s proposals “have been written in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the ‘global governance’ regime that it aims to establish.”

Rectenwald said the proposals involve “accelerating the achievement of the SDGs” and represent the U.N.’s continued “attempt to establish a global socialist world system that is ‘inclusive’ and ‘equitable.’”

“‘Inclusion’ is achieved through such technological means as closing the ‘digital divide,’ which depends on the universal adoption of a digital identity system. Digital identity is the means by which one is ‘included’ and without which one essentially does not exist. Thus, there is to be nothing outside the system — i.e., totalitarian governance,” Rectenwald said.

Global Digital Compact calls for digital IDs, vaccine passports

Accompanying the Pact for the Future is a proposal for “A Global Digital Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All.”

Published May 2023, the proposed compact sets out “principles, objectives and actions for advancing an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future, one that is anchored in universal human rights and that enables the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

However, the compact contains proposals for the introduction of digital ID, “digital public goods” and “digital product passports,” and calls for “addressing disinformation” and preventing the “misuse” of online tools.

“With digital ID, it is easier for governments to censor and threaten voices with a different opinion,” Terhorst said. “In the U.N. proposals, suppressing ‘disinformation’ or ‘hateful speech’ is mentioned. Who is to decide what information is right and what is wrong?”

Information Integrity on Digital Platforms” policy brief goes further, specifically addressing “threats to information integrity,” such as so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation.” It also calls for “empirically-backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge,” but does not clarify how this “consensus” would be determined.

Similarly, a policy brief on “Transforming Education,” proposes “incorporating practices that strengthen the ability of learners and teachers to navigate the increasing flow of false and fake information.”

The compact also proposes “Novel platform-based vaccine technologies and smart vaccine manufacturing techniques … to produce greater numbers of higher-quality vaccines.”

Terhorst said the goal of digital ID is to introduce global vaccine passports that would “overrule the right of everyone to say no to a vaccination.”

Hinchliffe noted that the U.N. has “established principles for a ‘Code of Conduct‘ that calls on not just member states, but private groups such as stakeholders, digital platforms, advertisers, and news media to crush narratives that go against the U.N. and the SDGs.”

Secretary-general ‘trying to set himself up as the UN dictator’

According to Boyle, the U.N. secretary-general is “supposed to function as a secretary in charge of the secretariat,” but these proposals are trying to “set himself up as the U.N. dictator.” He noted that the U.N. is composed of six independent organs, but said these proposals may usurp their independence.

“He would have authority over them and arguably could exert authority over U.N. specialized agencies like the World Health Organization. That ties in with the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty,” Boyle said.

Boyle argued that by specifically referring to the Pact for the Future as a “pact,” the U.N. is intentionally “trying to turn this into an international treaty that is binding” under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

“If you call it a pact … that would clearly fall within the terms of the Vienna Convention,” Boyle said.

“We’re in the fight of our lives here. The world has to be alerted to the dangers of this pact.”


The big push into the digital prison and wealth transfer.

Please click here for the origanal video link. The transcript is less than perfect

“BlackRock Is Creating a Crisis to CONTROL You” Whitney Webb’s Last WARNING

Jamie Tree
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The government and private sectors want to monitor and control you. If we don’t do something, we are gonna fall into their corrupt hands.

In her recent interview, Investigative journalist Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the government and private sectors.

In June 2023, the World Economic Forum released a report on creating a global decentralized digital ID system. This system’s goal is to help people who lack traditional IDs by using cryptography and digital wallets.

The idea is to create a “trust triangle” between issuers, holders, and verifiers. Issuers provide digital attestations, holders manage their data, and verifiers, like social media platforms and banks, assess these attestations. However, there are concerns that the same tech companies known for misusing data will control this system.

Whitney Webb criticizes this digital ID push, suggesting it’s part of a broader effort by global elites to increase control and reduce individual rights.

Stay until the end of the video to hear Whitney Webb explain why you should be extremely aware of what the government and private sectors are selling you.

To watch the full un-edited interview featured (and subscribe to a great finance resource!) check out:


The idea that we need to like scan our face to be able to vote like why can’t we just use driver’s licenses or like other physical IDs like why does it have to be all of a sudden this biometric crap.

That is not just being rolled in the US rolled out in the US right now they’re rolling it out in the
EU in the UK it’s in Chile they’re rolling it out everywhere uh globally.

Aand it’s a I mean it’s clearly a global agenda it’s the Cornerstone of agenda 2030 the UN sustainable development goals so this is the way they’re selling it to the American public as a as a solution for uh voter ID issues and for illegal immigration issues.

Which again the illegal immigration situation was allowed to happen it was clearly intentional.

The government and private sectors want to Monitor and control you.

If we don’t do something we are going to fall into their corrupt hands in her recent interview investigative
journalist Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the government and private sectors in June 2023 the world economic Forum released a report on creating a global decentralized digital ID system.

This system’s goal is to help people who lack traditional IDs by using cryptography and digital wallets the
idea is to create a trust triangle between issuers holders and verifiers.

Issuers provide digital attestations holders manage their data and verifiers like social media platforms and Banks assess these attestations.

However there are concerns that the same tech companies known for misusing data will control this system/ Whitney web criticizes this digital ID push suggesting it’s part of a broader effort by global Elites to increase control and reduce individual rights. Stay until the end of the video to hear Whitney web
explain why you should be extremely aware of what the government and private sectors are selling you also guys only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed if you enjoy staying up to date with Finance content consider subscribing or liking the video it’s free and you can always change your mind.

Now here’s Whitney Webb as she explains how these people who swore to Serve and Protect are the ones who want to use and harm us. Wasn’t that the policy though of like Libertarians before it was like let’s dismantle all the stuff set up after 9/11 that’s like harmful to our freedoms like the TSA or like.

Let’s you know I mean but instead we’re getting like this privatized CIA connected version through you know companies like andil or you know Clear View AI and all of this other stuff that’s either tied to Peter theel or it’s tied to some other Silicon Valley oligarch and the idea that we need to like scan our face
to be able to vote like why can’t we just use driver’s licenses or like other physical IDs like.
Why does it have to be all of a sudden this biometric crap that is not just being rolled in the US
rolled out in the US right now they’re rolling it out in the EU in the UK it’s in Chile they’re rolling it out everywhere uh globally. It’s a I mean it’s clearly a global agenda it’s the Cornerstone of agenda 2030 the UN sustainable development goals um and a key part of the directly related to those global policing goals of Interpol which is like almost every country in the world is a member of.

Interpol so this is the way they’re selling it to the American public as a as a solution for uh voter ID issues and for uh illegal immigration issues.
Which again the illegal immigration situation was allowed to happen it was clearly intentional and considering that like this biometric stuff at the border and as far digital ID is a bipartisan agenda
both parties work together to make the conditions for that to happen.

One creates the problem in the other sweeps in with the solution uh that everyone’s clamoring for because the problem has been allowed to become so bad and I think it’s not just with biometric digital ID you’re going to see it with the programmable Sur available currency

Uh you’re going to see it with pretty much everything that’s going to be pitched to you as a solution to all of these problems.
We have but really the solutions are going to just give us you know increased surveillance and March us closer to this techno tyranny.

That’s being that that’s been built by the National Security State and close collaboration with the private sector and particularly Silicon Valley um even before 911 happened, but obviously after that it got supercharged um in very significant ways and you know I think cheerleading this kind of stuff I mean
people need to be a lot more Vigilant because um I mean they’re just looking for ways to sell it to people.

To manufacture consent for these systems uh ultimately if they can’t appeal to one you know um one set of talking points isn’t working they’re going to switch to the complete polar opposite talking
points but the solution’s the same.
Right um and you know again this is the public private partnership uh that we’re dealing with stakeholder capitalism um and all of that and actually if you look at the war on domestic Terror framework that was developed uh during the Biden Administration.

If you are a criticist of any form of capitalism including stakeholder capitalism you can be considered a domestic terrorist by the federal government now.

So you don’t like uh Larry Fink and CLA Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism uhoh and also anyone that doesn’t like perceived government overreach uh oh that’s not good.

And what we’ve seen againa molesting me yeah yeah but what we’ve seen time and again over the past like 20 plus years is that one Administration put stuff in and then the next administration of the opposing
party uses that as building blocks and we’ve gotten to this like extreme the infrastructure for an extremely
dystopian techno tyranny is practically here and I think uh what we’re seeing is a major effort to manufacture consent so that a large segment of the population cheers it on as the only possible solution and this really concerns me.

When you consider that Peter theel is a major funding source for most of the biggest voices an alternative media MH not to mention the fact that he dominates you know the Investments for rumble which is framed as the you know alternative to YouTube and stuff.

And I mean people should be really concerned about that I think considering the paler connection all
this data mining stuff uh in the CEO of palente like I don’t like Christian conservatives and they’ve all sort ofbeen hted on the rumble and so your Rumble account the videos you watch the videos you like what you say in the comments.

Can we trust that it doesn’t get sent off to paler considering the mutual Peter theal connection?
I don’t know I would like someone to ask the rumble people that question but either way um you know because of the extreme funding um of alternative media by Theo very few people talk about him and very few people talk about paler and it’s been that way for several years?

Hoping that will change um but the question is like you know obviously the government the US has now is terrible but I mean people need to think seriously about what the stakes are and how many election Cycles this country can go voting for the lesser of two evils.

You know um because I mean if you’re going to get the same bipartisan surveillance police state agenda regardless of who you vote for.

I mean is that really what we want to keep doing is that really how we fight and stop this.

You know I don’t think so but you know if I have any sort of reasonable criticism of this bip part
Artisan blob that has been you know uh destroying our society and implementing all of these like
Orwellian um Technologies and policies for decades.

You know people say I love Democrats and I have Trump derangement syndrome um no I don’t like any
politician I’ve never backed any of them um I don’t know I think they’re all organized crime.

I’ve been pretty explicit about that but apparently it’s you’re you know in some circles you can’t have the opinion that both are bad anymore they control truth X Rumble YouTube Facebook WhatsApp LinkedIn all the things that you are participating.

And taking in uh content from Instagram all these networks are are held by very similar people that are all in connection with each other and then especially when you look at the VC stuff behind it.

I mean there’s an insane amount of connections between all these people and all of these networks not to mention the internet service providers and you start to see that there is you know there’s there’s really honestly seriously a conspiracy against our perception.

The content algorithms that are manipulated and controlled by these data bearings uh and here we are and again it’s just I’ve seen the phas shift happen in real time.
I’ve seen the people coming out cheering about Malay uh as he dollariz the country and sells out the
minerals to Israel and brings in JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs and all these people to help his cabinet and dissolves the right to print money.

Why shouldn’t he be able to print money that that you’re actually taking away a tool from the people uh to be able to do something with. Yes it’s been manipulated by private sector goblins that have jumped into the public sector uh when it’s convenient for them.
But these are tools that citizens should have if we’re free market capitalists you should be able to make money you should be able to create money um but we’ve been so controlled um and our reaction so
simulated via stimulus um that I think we really have no idea what we’re just kind of passively letting happen.

So in the case of Malay though I just want to say that the there it seems to be if you look at influential people in the Argentinian fintech space um and also this broader Network that Mark and I have now a couple articles uh writing about the plan there is to use um is to develop stable coins back by Commodities specifically in the case of Argentina grain exports. So in that case um you know maybe he might get rid of the Central Bank even um or something like that at some point but instead you’re going to have these stable coins tied to Commodities and whoever owns those commodities.

Which in Argentina I can I can tell you they are all oligarchs a very small Conn just like in every other
Latin American country it’s a small uh group of oligarchs that have been in charge of those respective countries for a very long time you know they own the Commodities and they’re going to be basically your Central Bank replacement.

Is that necessarily a better system I mean some people might argue that it is but I think we should also you know look critically at this stuff and as far as what um Mark said on uh on the case of media goes.
You know as far as subbing out alternative media for mainstream media.

I think the most problematic aspect of that is that people didn’t change their relationship with media
when they made that switch from mainstream media to Alternative media. What do I mean by that whatever the talking head that you’re watching says you just believe them and don’t think critically.
And you just uh you know take what they say and believe it um because this person that you trust said it right and that’s what got us in a lot of trouble as a country with mainstream media.
And now we’ve gone you know a lot of these people have gone to Alternative Media or people that are seemingly independent and are you know but their same Rel that same relationship with media continues

You know there hasn’t been maybe there’s been a revolution and in viewership from mainstream to
Alternative but there has not been a revolution in um you know just believing whatever people say and critical thought and doing your own research following up checking their sources and I think that
really needs to happen as well.
Which is why you know in my articles and in Mark I you know we put hyperlinks everywhere so you can see the sources we had and um you know what we used.

You can look at the re you know at the sources uh for yourself and draw your own conclusions um and I think that is you know people need to be responsible media consumers.

And that shift hasn’t uh unfortunately hasn’t happened and I think it really needs to and I think
it’s useful to frame this sort of as the public private partnership which is you know directly related to what a lot of people have known about us.

Politics for a long time the revolving door um a lot of these people in interests are in public sector when
convenient then they move to the private sector when convenient and I think um you know what the setup here um is. And what it has been you know we’ve been talking about it probably for most of this year especially with like a lot of the Larry think stuff in in Bitcoin thathappened earlier um this year is the idea of sort of uh trying to move now. That you know the public sector uh is unpopular move it back to the private sector and frame.

You know that’s I’m I’m sure a big reason why Eric Prince is you know being considered for the
Pentagon because he’s been on a uh during Trump’s first Administration was pushing to essentially privatize the entire National Security State both the intelligence and military communities so is it you know better will all our problems go away if the official CIA is dissolved but we have a private CIA led
by former CIA assets like Eric Prince and stuff um you know I don’t necessarily think that’s true.

And is it really you know again it’s not free market you know private sector you know the US has essentially been a crony capitalist uh you know economy for a very long time and you know and people have argued too that a lot of famous American capitalists have direct relationships with you know the Chinese government.

And Rave about China everyone from you know the Rockefeller family uh to Larry think and if you honestly look at how China has developed as an economy um it’s focused on creating a you know using government control to have a centralized control economy and that’s why you have people like Larry saying markets love totalitarian governments because it like reduces risk for them right and makes it makes it easier to trade.

When you know what’s going to happen and that’s part of the utility of something like paler as well
that’s supposed to predict everything before it happens. You know there’s there’s a lot of you know they ey view that as sort of like a market intelligence thing I would assume anyway.

So I think we’re you sort of being pushed in that in that direction I think Malay is part of it as well and if you look at someone uh some of the recent policies Malay has floated it’s things like yeah we’re going to get rid of the education Ministry but we’re going to put Facebook in charge of educating the youth.

Facebook the same you know company that um is has been you know hated by conservatives for you know censoring them and censoring speech that’s the one.
You know that’s the company you want to put in charge of like molding young minds but I guess it makes sense if you look at it from like you know the Peter theel perspective and why he was interested in putting Facebook on the map and having it become you know what at least at one point was the dominant social network.
It may not be in the US anymore but it certainly is in Latin America and I’m sure a lot of other
places as well um so uh you know I would consider people to be kind of wary of what were being sold and I think also you know a lot of the arguments that have come around is like oh well you know the other choice is so bad.
Yes of course the Democrats are terrible they’re terrible on purpose in my opinion they’ve kept Biden there this whole time because he’s completely unsellable.

The only reason he would like a lot of Democrats even took him the first time is because he promised to be a one-term president.

Whitney Webb predicts that Global Elites will create a huge crisis likely a financial collapse to finalize their plans.

this created crisis will hurt everyday people while the richest 1% will take more power and money after the crisis.
Banks will offer digital money as compensation for losses but people will only get back a small part and will lose privacy and other rights to the elites.
She warns about controlled media and the dangerous public private partnership.

Anyway guys before we go if you want to stay most up to date on the crypto and Bitcoin World make sure to subscribe to my daily 5minute crypto newsletter it’s a concise resource for the latest expert predictions breaking news and top on chain analysis.
Trusted by over 50,000 subscribers for insightful crypto investment information don’t miss out on
the opportunity to stay informed in the crypto Market.

The link is in the description below I hope you all enjoyed today’s video and that it provided you
with some value.
I’ll see you all in the next one and as always all the best

EU & privacy

The EU has been reduced to a shadow of it’s former selves. ( Real power)

Despite this the assault continuing and the pions of the deep State busy to grab the little what the members posses/left other than large depts which have occurred over a relative short period of the existence of the EURO nor be paid back.

You will own nothing but be happy.

Build back better. NWO/WEF

EU preparing for the confiscate your Privat valuables.

EU Preparing To Steal Your Stuff?

Bitcoin University
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64,699 views 25 Jul 2024 #EU #UK #Bitcoin
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In this video, I discuss the proposed EU asset registry and problems that include:

1) Huge violation of privacy (shouldn’t private property be private?)

2) Creates a giant honey pot for hackers (cf. the massive Equifax hack and recent AT&T data hack). Centralized databases of personal information always eventually get hacked and leaked to the dark web.

3) EU is dropping the mask and making it quite clear that it views its people as sheep to be shorn and harvested.

As the EU attempts to deal with its massive debt/GDP levels, high taxes, money printing, and outright confiscation will all be used.

Bitcoin as an exit from the fiat system will also be highly monitored and discouraged.

A similar surveillance and confiscation state is also coming to the US and the UK.

Will Trump come out in favor of digital IDs too? It wouldn’t surprise me at all. All it would take is one big cyberattack or terrorist attack (real or false flag) to have every American sheeple begging for internet passports and a national digital ID.

Nietzsche was right:

“The government is the coldest of all cold monsters. . . Everything the government says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries:…

EU asset registry:………

US marginal income tax rates over time:…

Introduction of an EU-wide asset registry:…

Christine Lagarde: IMF chief convicted over payout:…

ECB’s Lagarde calls for regulating Bitcoin’s “funny business”:…

UK digital ID:……

Nietzsche sad about “nihil”:…

All Aboard The Bitcoin Trump Train?
• All Aboard The Bitcoin Trump Train?

I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


Neither Matthew Kratter’s Bitcoin University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video, on this YouTube channel, or at www.Trader.University or (henceforth, “the Sites”) should be construed as such by you. This video, channel, and the Sites should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. Trading or investing in new and volatile assets like Bitcoin can be risky.


This is Matthew crs’s Bitcoin University. Please click here for the original video link please.
Today I want to talk about the EU preparing to steal your stuff as well as the UK as well as the USA.
But I want to start with the philosopher Fred Nichi he was not a big fan of nation states or German or Prussian nationalism this is one of my favorite quotes from his book. Alo zarra this from chapter 11 called
the new Idol and the new Idol is the state of course this is what Nia has to say:
the government is the coldest of all cold monsters coldly it lith it tells a lie and this lie creepeth from its mouth. I the state am the people everything the government says is a lie and everything it has it is stolen I love that last phrase and today’s news story reminded me of it that everything the government
has it is taken from someone else.
We’ll begin here with what’s been called the most scary chart unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries most of them between 300 and 500% of GDP which means that the real economy is too small to service this amount of debt so what’s one way of getting out of a nasty debt situation the obvious way is lots of central bank money printing you make good on the debt but you end up massively devaluing the currency because the central banks in this case the ECB would print up a lot of money and a lot of new euros and buy the debt with it. So you make good on the debt but you end up massively devaluing the currency which causes a lot of inflation and societal crises every Bond holder gets paid back at par but their purchasing power gets decimated in the process. A secondary method is of course high taxes which much of Europe already has and other forms of theft and confiscation what’s the first step towards confiscation.

First step is make a list of everything that everyone owns and the Rumblings that this is already happening with the EU asset registry this is from Norbert register all your valuables and Central EU register or registry. I think would be the correct translation to help with financial transparency bank accounts shares cars precious medals Bitcoin works of art your tacky Rolex register it all so we can fight money laundering coming soon maybe what could the EU asset registry look like expected to be a comprehensive database that records various assets owned by citizens.

The aim is to increase transparency and better combat money laundering not money laundering done by EU politicians but other forms of money laundering and terrorist financing unless the terrorist happens to be the US government of course the exact Technical and bureaucratic details will be finalized in the coming months.
Once the EU publishes the results of the feasibility studies which assets are recorded in the register wide range of assets including real estate bank accounts. Securities Vehicles possibly works of art or precious metals the exact list of assets to be recorded will depend on the results of the feasibility study and the
subsequent legislative decisions the aim is to create a comprehensive overview of citizens assets this is the story.
That it comes from the original story the idea behind the registry assets with a value of more than €200,000 so this does start at a high level but this is how these government programs always start so for example in the US the bank secrecy act the original cash TR cash transaction limit was $10,000 which in 1970 was a small fortune. Today you can’t even get a car for that amount so what happens is because of inflation which is also caused by central banks and governments these laws begin to expand until they hurt everyone.

The same thing happened with the income tax in the US in 1913 it was just 1% plus a 6% Sur tax for the very rich. I think if you had $500,000 or more which in 1913 was an absolute fortune and then as we know
because of inflation everyone got pushed into higher and higher tax brackets over time.
Now the plan has been denied by an EU spokesman or spokeswoman European commission does not plan to create a central database on assets. My answer to that is never believe in any hypothesis too strongly until has been officially denied by government at that point you can be sure it’s true. And of course this is something that’s true because they’ve been working on it since 2021 this is from the European Parliament introduction of an eu-wide asset registry from August 30th 2021 and we can see here that the value they were targeting was 400 00,000 down here. That already moved down to 200,000 so we can see how the net will slowly be tightened until everyone in Europe will need to be on this registry.
Now this is just a study of course they’re going to say we’re just going to study how to create an asset registry but we promise that we have zero plans to actually build one we’re just going to spend a lot of time and money studying it. Don’t worry it’s not going to come we really promise if you’re enjoying this video so far I just ask you to help out the Channel with the algorithm, click the Subscribe button, leave a like leave a comment share this video with a friend or family member.

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helps because YouTube gets a percentage of this and then they promote my channel and increase my audience and get this message out. You can also click the join button which will allow you to join and get some Badges and get some emojis and also get access to uh more videos every month. If that button doesn’t work you can go down here to the first pin comment and you can click on that one.

So what are some problems with an EU asset registry obviously it’s huge violation of privacy shouldn’t something called private property be at least somewhat private?
You can almost understand registering real estate but why should people have to register their other
private possessions this in the process we’ll create a giant Honeypot for hackers.
This is what we see happens all the time for example the massive Equifax hack and the recent AT&T data hack in the US.
Centralized databases of personal information always end up getting eventually hacked and leaked to the dark web so this is really what this ends up hurting is just everyday.
Citizens and the terrorists and the money launderers find a way to do it anyway and many of them are EU and American politicians to.

Begin with the other problem here the EU really is dropping the mask and making it quite clear that it views its people as sheep to be Shor and harvested.
These same rules the same tightening of the news will also apply obviously to bitcoin crypto and cash the eu6 anti-money laundering directive was passed in the spring.
Managers of crypto assets such as Banks or asset managers are also subject to strict or due diligence or reporting obligation for example they’re no longer allowed to offer crypto accounts for anonymous
users. Also in the new legislative package stricter monitoring regulationsfor people with assets of more than 50 million EUR which is obviously a lot of money but then we have another one an EU wide upper limit of €10,000 for cash payments with a business background.
This is going to be a very tight law if it’s ever passed in the same article are there options to circumvent the possible asset registry. The registry will probably be designed in such a way that it’ll be difficult to circumvent it legally especially within the EU even moving to Switzerland is unlikely to offer any security as Switzerland is also planning a transparency register registry and is stepping up the fight
against money laundering.
The automatic exchange of information between countries would also make it more difficult to hide assets. Anyone who still wants to avoid such a registry would have to leave Europe.

What are the eu’s reasons for introducing the asset registry besides inflation debt loads and confiscation according to Vera’s vula the EU justifies the introduction of the asset registry primarily with the need to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Of course this won’t apply to politicians like Christine lagard who’s already beenconvicted of a form of money laundering like payouts. This is a quote from a similar article from Christine regard Bitcoin is a highly speculative asset which has conducted some funny business and some interesting and totally reprehensible money laundering activity.

Of course her money laundering as IMF Chief did not stop her from becoming head of the ECB.
Lagarde goes on to know there has to be regulation this has to be applied and agreed upon at a global
level because if there is an escape that Escape will be used and lard is obviously referring to bitcoin at this point.
Europe’s giant debt load build up in a relative short period almost means that it wants to try to close as many exits as possible possible even Bitcoin which is going to be very difficult to do. Try to close as many exits as possible before it hyper inflates and resorts to outright confiscation of assets.
You can see all these quotes in this article below as well as see how lagard is helping to flatten the curve
and save our grandparents which I’m very grateful for back in the UK.
We also have bad news UK’s digital ID plan Sparks Freedom debate the UK government has announced plans to introduce a government back digital ID system which would allow citizens rather than for Citizens is what the verb should be allow citizens to use a single digital identity for various activities including tax payments alcohol purchases and opening bank accounts and you can be sure that this will be expanded to eventually include everything. The UK is one of the most highly surveilled countries in the world probably second only to places like Israel.

This is the Times article that talks about it government back digital IDs to let people open bank accounts well thank goodness for digital IDs because we’d never be able to open bank accounts if we didn’t have that. People will be able again people will be forced to prove their identity for everything from paying tax to opening a bank account using a government back digital ID.
Ministers are promised a trust Mark for Approved verification products will be created under a data Bell that will make it easier for people to prove their identity as Min ministers seek alternatives to ID cards.

This is the digital prison being built in front of you the digital prison and walls are being built every day when is everyone going to wake up. Will trump come out in favor of digital IDs too given his high-tech backers.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all it would take is one big Cyber attack or terrorist attack real or F false flag to have every American sheeple begging for internet passports and a national digital ID that’s very
similar to what’s been happening in the EU and the UK as well. Last time Trump suspended our constitutional freedoms just because a lot of people caught a nasty cold that Chinese and American scientists created and then Biden came around and was 10 times worse.
As I said in this video about All Aboard the Trump train you can vote red or blue you can vote Republican or Democrat but in the US at this point in time I believe the results always be the same it will mean
endless Wars and endless expansion of the surveillance State as we’re seeing in the EU and as we’re seeing in the UK now.
I expect Trump to go along with this if he doesn’t I’ll be very plea sly surprised but given his vice president pick of JD Vance who has extensive Silicon Valley surveillance connections.
This is what I would expect to be rolled out in the US as well not without a fight but you can not count on the Republicans to fight against something like this either.
Now one nice thing about Bitcoin is that is if you hold it in self- custody on a hardware wallet like the cold card your Bitcoin cannot be confiscated without your permission without you basically turning it over.
To someone Bitcoin is also highly portable you can’t take your stocks or your house or your bonds or your bars of gold with you when you need to flee your oppressive government but you can take your Bitcoin with you in an emergency. You just need to be able to memorize 12 words your recovery seed which is your Bitcoin backup.
And we return to the quote from n the government is the coldest of all cold monsters everything the government says is a lie and everything it has it has stolen and you can be sure in the coming decade that
the EU the UK and the US will try to steal as much from citizens as possible.
What would n you think of our planet today which has been completely overrun by Cold monsters, it’ probably drive him mad all over again and if you know Latin if you know what neoism means you’ll get this joke n what’s the matter nothing if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the Subscribe and like buttons hit the notification Bell if you want to be notified when I publish my next video and let me know your questions and comments in the comment section below.
Thanks all for watching and I’ll see you
in the next video

Lying politicians, Germany

Germany’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was based on political objectives, and the government implemented countermeasures that often contradicted scientific evidence and the opinion of the government’s own scientists, according to documents leaked by a former employee of Germany’s public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

An unnamed whistleblower released the “RKI Files” to investigative journalist Aya Velázquez, who on July 23 published the unredacted files — totaling 3,865 pages — in their entirety on Substack.

The RKI is Germany’s equivalent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S.

According to the German newspaper Schwäbische Zeitung, the RKI Files “contain explosive details” about “child vaccinations and ‘resistance from the population,’” and show “that the RKI took a much more differentiated view of Corona policy than those responsible for politics and most of the media led the population to believe.”

“A whistleblower, a former employee of the RKI, approached me and passed on the data set to me” for reasons of “conscience,” Velázquez wrote on Substack.

According to the files, German regulators sought to skip Phase 3 trials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and “go straight into broad application.”

Other revelations include evidence of policymakers targeting and “nudging” children, and knowledge by policymakers and scientists that the COVID-19 vaccines were ineffective and led to severe adverse events.

Despite this knowledge — and for political reasons — government officials pursued measures rewarding the vaccinated and punishing the unvaccinated.

The RKI Files also reveal that policymakers and scientists sought to publicly ignore evidence of a “flattening curve” early in the pandemic, and evidence that masks and mass testing would not be useful in preventing infection.

Although some have questioned the legitimacy of documents contained within the RKI Files, the Robert Koch Institute, in an announcement carried by German news program Tagesschau addressing the publication of unredacted documents, did not confirm or deny the legitimacy of the documents themselves or their contents:

“The Robert Koch Institute has criticized the publication of unredacted minutes of the RKI crisis team on the COVID pandemic. The RKI expressly condemns the unlawful publication of personal data and trade and business secrets of third parties in these data sets and, in particular, any infringement of third-party rights.”

Other German mainstream news media outlets, including the mass-circulation Bild and Zeit newspapers, also reported on the release of the files.

‘Clear evidence that the general public was deliberately deceived’

The RKI Files mirror findings from the United Kingdom’s “Lockdown Files” and admissions last month by Dr. Anthony Fauci during congressional testimony that widespread masking and social distancing measures were enacted despite a lack of scientific evidence.

Widespread “vaccination of children” and policies barring the unvaccinated from many public spaces — for which the RKI “provided supposedly scientific legitimacy” — weren’t based on “rational, scientific considerations” but on “political decisions,” Velázquez wrote.

Stefan Homburg, Ph.D., professor of public finance at the University of Hannover in Germany, was part of a team that worked with the whistleblower to release the unredacted RKI Files. He told The Defender the documents show decisions were made “exclusively by politicians” and that “RKI did not support these measures.”

“We have now clear evidence that the general public was deliberately deceived,” Dutch lawyer Meike Terhorst told The Defender. “Politicians made the decisions, not health authorities.”

Dr. Christof Plothe, a member of the World Council for Health steering committee, told The Defender the files “show that it was never science that initiated ineffective and harmful masking, traumatizing social distancing and lockdowns, or that introduced a novel gene therapy labeled a ‘vaccine’ … It was politicians that demanded the measures.”

Germany’s pandemic-era Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach figures prominently in the documents. Plothe said Lauterbach has “never worked with patients and is a pure lobbyist of Pharma.”

In March 2023, Lauterbach admitted that COVID-19 vaccine adverse events are prevalent and victims are being ignored.

German toxicologist Helmut Sterz, previously a researcher for major pharmaceutical companies — including Pfizer — told The Defender the documents show that pandemic decisions “were made by those who are responsible for the creation of this ‘pandemic’” and that “Real experts ‘disappeared’ from the public debate.”

Germany enacted among the strictest set of COVID-19 restrictions in Europe, according to the Oxford University COVID-19 Government Response Tracker.

“The measures that the German people were subjected to, besides mask mandates and social distancing rules, [include] a ‘lockdown of the unvaccinated’ that banned people from [public places] … Compulsory vaccination was imposed on military members and all people working in the health sector,” Plothe said.

Documents reveal EU discussions to ‘skip the Phase 3 trials’ for Pfizer shot

Pfizer was in discussions with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to “skip the Phase III trials” for the COVID-19 vaccine “and go straight into widespread use,” documents from an April 15, 2020, RKI meeting show.

“Normally, you plan 12-18 months from the start of Phase I. EMA and Pfizer are considering whether to skip Phase III trials and go straight into broad use. If the regulators decide that, then it can go faster than 12-18 months,” the document says.

Minutes from an April 27, 2020, RKI meeting state, “There will be several vaccines that have been developed and tested in a fast-track process. Relevant data will only be collected post-marketing.”

According to German medical magazine Aertzeblatt, RKI documents from January and February 2021, after the first COVID-19 vaccines were introduced and administered, reveal discussions questioning the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, stating it was “less perfect” and its “Ecology needs to be discussed.”

A Jan. 29, 2021 document (page 135), for instance, states that “STIKO [RKI’s Standing Committee on Vaccination] recommends vaccine only for <65-year-olds, as there is a lack of evidence for >65-year-olds, very wide confidence intervals, too uncertain, as two highly effective RNA vaccines are available.”

According to German magazine Tichys Einblick, the documents show that as early as the beginning of 2021,” the RKI knew about serious side effects of vaccinations, for example from AstraZeneca. Nevertheless, shortly afterwards, practically all important top politicians were publicly vaccinated with precisely this shot.”

These admissions came despite public rhetoric at the time stating that the shots would protect against both the spread of and infection from COVID-19.

Problems post-vaccination soon began to pop up in the RKI documents. A Feb. 8, 2021, document references a political furor in Germany after 14 fully vaccinated residents of a nursing home tested positive for COVID-19. The same document admitted that vaccination does not prevent less severe cases of the virus.

RKI documents from March 12 and March 15, 2021, referenced the identification of severe adverse events following AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination in Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria, and an April 9, 2021, document discusses a high rate of thrombosis cases tied to the AstraZeneca vaccine, particularly in males.

In turn, an April 23, 2021, document references six cases of cerebral thrombosis connected to the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. but does not propose changes to Germany’s vaccination recommendations.

“It is particularly bad that the RKI recognized many vaccine injuries caused by AstraZeneca, but did not warn the public,” Homburg said. “The constant political pressure is also remarkable.”

‘It must be cool to get vaccinated’

The RKI Files also revealed efforts on the part of the German government and the country’s public health authorities to specifically target children with COVID-19 restrictions — efforts that were marked by political interference:

  • A May 19, 2021, RKI document states, “Even if STIKO does not recommend vaccination for children, [then-Health Minister Jens] Spahn is still planning a child vaccination program.”
  • A May 21, 2021, document states that while pediatric associations “are reluctant to vaccinate children … Politicians are already preparing vaccination campaigns to vaccinate the relevant age groups.”
  • A July 14, 2021, RKI document reveals discussions of an “influencer vaccination challenge on YouTube” and “developing material for younger target groups,” which would “be approached with more humor” — even vaccine reactions and side effects. “It must be cool to get vaccinated,” the document stated.
  • The minutes of a Dec. 15, 2021, RKI meeting reveal that Germany’s health ministry was “considering booster vaccination of children, although there is no recommendation and in some cases no approval for this.”

Such measures were promoted despite early knowledge that children were not significantly affected by COVID-19. A Feb. 26, 2020, RKI document referred to data from China finding that 2% of cases were in children, while a Nov. 30, 2020, document suggested that school settings were unlikely to contribute to the spread of the virus significantly, but that school closures would “exacerbate” the situation.

And a Dec. 4, 2020, RKI meeting examining data from several countries concluded that school reopenings did not lead to significantly greater spread of the virus.

‘The vaccinated must receive privileges of some kind’

Despite such findings, there was political pressure to reward the vaccinated and punish the unvaccinated, according to the RKI Files.

A Nov. 5, 2021, document said that media rhetoric regarding “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” was “not correct from a scientific point of view,” because “the entire population is contributing” to new waves of infection.

Yet, authorities decided to continue blaming the unvaccinated for the spread of COVID-19, because it would serve “as an appeal to all those who have not been vaccinated to get vaccinated,” according to the document.

The document also noted that Spahn “talks of the [pandemic of the unvaccinated] at every press conference … so it can’t be corrected.” The document contains an acknowledgment, though, that “one should be very careful with the statement that vaccinations protect against any (even asymptomatic) infection” because “as the time between vaccinations increases,” infection becomes more likely.

A May 10, 2021, RKI document contained a determination that telling the truth to the public would “cause great confusion,” while maintaining existing vaccination recommendations would serve “to save [the] vaccine.”

Instead, a Jan. 7, 2022, document stated that “the vaccinated must receive privileges of some kind,” including fewer travel restrictions, and that this was an objective that the German Health Ministry desired, while calling for further “testing of the unvaccinated after entry” into the country.

Similarly, a March 10, 2021, document suggested that COVID-19 vaccination should be promoted to the public as a means “to be able to participate in social life again,” for people who were tired of “bans and restrictions.”

Yet, a Dec. 4, 2020, RKI document suggested that the vaccinated should continue to comply with “hygiene measures,” while a Dec. 30, 2020, document suggested that the vaccinated should still wear masks, “as there is still a risk of transmission.”

German authorities wished to ‘avoid drawing attention’ to flattening curve

The RKI Files further reveal that, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, there was political pressure to maintain restrictions, despite the “flattening of the curve.”

A March 25, 2020, document admitted that “the curve is slowly leveling off,” but said, “We should avoid drawing attention to this in our external communications, to encourage compliance with measures.”

A Nov. 18, 2020, document contains an admission that respiratory illnesses were “well below” the previous year’s level, with a downward trend. Similarly, a Nov. 30, 2020, document states that general respiratory illnesses were “well below previous years.” A Jan. 27, 2021, document stated that a “no-COVID” policy is not feasible.

And according to a Feb. 25, 2022, document, RKI was prevented from downgrading its overall risk assessment of COVID-19 from “very high” to “high” even after the mostly mild symptoms of the Omicron wave were evident, due to intervention from Lauterbach and the German Health Ministry.

Use of masks by general public deemed ‘problematic’ — but imposed anyway 

The RKI Files also contain acknowledgments that masking and testing policies were ineffective in limiting the spread of COVID-19 but were pursued for political reasons:

  • A Jan. 27, 2020, document states that masking “does not make sense” for asymptomatic people, as there was no evidence that it would be a “useful preventive measure for the general population.”
  • An Oct. 23, 2020, document stated that FFP2 masks (similar to N95 masks) would be “misused” by the public and not offer protection, but instead might instill a false sense of security in people. “The harms of FFP2 masks may outweigh benefits,” the document states.
  • An Oct. 30, 2020, document says, “FFP2 masks have no added value if they are not fitted and used correctly” and are useless outside of “occupational health and safety.”
  • A Jan. 13, 2021, document states that FFP2 masks “can lead to health problems for people with preexisting conditions and should therefore remain an individual decision” and that “A general FFP2 mask requirement is not considered sensible.”
  • A Jan. 18, 2021, document found “No technical basis for recommending FFP2 masks for the population,” noting the risk of “undesirable side effects.”

Yet, by July 2, 2021, RKI documents contain suggestions, based on the American Academy of Pediatrics, for general mask wearing for children age 2 and older and that “The wearing of masks should be maintained … even at low incidences and should be understood as maintaining basic measures.”

RKI documents also questioned mass COVID-19 testing. A Feb. 3, 2020, document stated that positive PCR results after recovery “do not necessarily mean infectiousness,” while a July 29, 2020, document found that COVID-19 testing was ineffective, but a “political desire” for testing had to be “met.”

Similarly, a Dec. 16, 2020, RKI document suggested the suspension of elective procedures (planned operations), due to “pressure from the state governments.”

HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin’s Red Line with this Massive Attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris

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NATO just walked right past Putin’s red line with this attack on Russian territory.

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About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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The Deep State Agenda. Similar acters currently active in Europe/Brussels, different names but the same agenda.

Deep State Agenda

Who’s really running the executive branch of the United States government.

Our next guest says we are witnessing the subversion of the office of the US Presidency.
I’m not sure if you’re familiar but a number of executive orders have been signed over the past
few weeks and months is it President Biden actually signing these executive orders what are these executive orders doing other than subverting the power of the United States and taking away the power of the US voter?

In the hand of some deep State oligarchs also over the weekend we saw a major escalation between the United States NATO and Russia are we barreling towards nuclear war.

Our next guest is Colonel Douglas McGregor welcome back to the show Colonel great to see you thanks happy to be here clay well it’s my pleasure let’s start with the presidency right now.

We’ll get to Russia and the major uh pieces of news over the weekend there because that seems like it’s all part of this deep State agenda.

You’ve seen as you’ve called out a number of these executive orders that have been signed over the past few weeks.
We see VI we see President Biden of course now stepping aside at the at the will of President Obama calling for with the use of the 25th amendment that he would be pushed out of office.

In your experience being in Washington DC being inside the Pentagon serving president Trump who do
you think is running the show inside of The White House right now is it President Biden no I don’t think it is.
And there’s president for the this uh let me talk a little bit about what happened in the past and then talk specifically about President Biden’s condition.

President woodro Wilson suffered a stroke and was effectively incapable of exercising his powers as president and his wife literally stepped into the vacuum and ran the federal government ran the White House now of course she had a lot of help and she was a smart woman and she knew what her pres her husband wanted so it was not immediately uh obvious to everyone that that Wilson was out of it.
But he was effectively out of business as president of the United States this is after World War I so
we’ve been through this before.

The second time I would argue is when FDR was elected for his final term uh he was effectively a dead man and after he was inaugurated in 1945 in January he lasted 60 days before dying. So he was effectively dead for all intents and purposes when he was elected so there were people doing his business for him.

We now know in retrospect that included people like Harry Hopkins and Harry Dexter white uh Harry Dexter white was an nkvd agent working directly for Stalin uh and we think Harry Hopkins probably was at the very least a knowing accomplice for Harry Dexter white so they continued the destructive policies that led to the occupation of Eastern Europe and absolutely unconditional assistance to the Soviet Union which made Stalin the real Victor.

In the second world war so those are two examples we’ve been through before it appears right now that President Biden hasn’t really been in complete control of his faculties for some time.

I recall an incident two and a half years ago and this was clearly an accident and I don’t know what whether it was CNN or NBC or who was doing the filming at the time but he was sitting at his desk and he was making some statements and uh Kamala Harris stood immediately behind him and uh someone put a document for his signature in front of him I.
I can’t recall if that was an executive order or something else but he looked down and he said oh what is this and she leaned over and she said just sign it and so he said oh yes and he signed it.
I think he’s been signing away uh all sorts of things left and right uh effectively a puppet for the people who are in in Washington

I think that’s was a design from the very beginning this is an excessively old man who no longer had complete control of his faculties someone that could be manipulated and pushed in the direction that they wanted to go.
As little as I think of Biden and as flawed a person as he is I don’t think that a younger Biden 20 years ago would have willfully or voluntarily signed off on most of these executive orders because at least in his past he demonstrated some Devotion to the country and its Integrity as a state.

Th things that he’s been indulging in are things that are absolutely destructive to the United States whether it’s open borders uh effectively talking about.

You know allowing people to stay in this country in perpetuity by offering some form of amnesty uh
essentially dis disassembling our criminal justice system by releasing criminals onto the streets you’ve got to go through all these executive orders and look at the consequences of them.

I really don’t believe that the younger Biden would have done those things so I think this has been going on
for a long time and this is why I argued strongly that he should be removed and replaced by someone who’s actually competent.

Now we know that that means inevitably kamala Harris whether or not we want to discuss her competency is
another matter but she at least has the presence of mind to understand the gravity of the situation and we may eventually before the convention even or immediately after the convention face the situation that we did with Richard Nixon.

When Nixon first of all lost his vice president and because his vice president Spirro Agnu was accused of tax evasion or something he was removed and we got Jerry Ford Jerry Ford was picked because Jerry Ford threatened no one and hadn’t particularly offended anybody throughout his entire career he wasn’t an especially bright person but he filled the role as vice president then suddenly Nixon had to resign so he had to move Jerry Ford up to the top slot for which he really wasn’t suited and find a new vice president that turned out to be Nelson Rockefeller.

Ah all of these things all these nominees for vice president and president so forth had to be approved by the Senate and the house so we could see something like this unfold in the months ahead.

Because I really think that President Biden is non-c compass Menace he he’s beyond help right now so he should be removed I mean it’s elder abuse to keep him where he is oh it absolutely is elder abuse and a
new poll out this morning says that most Americans want Biden to resign right now.
Get out now I’ve long said I don’t think he’ll be president by November 5th. I think he’ll have t handed over the presidency to kamala Harris right now.
She’s already taking security briefings effectively she’s seems like she’s running the show.
But really in your experience you think it’s the Deep State it’s the permanent Washington that’s
running the show and question who is in.
Yeah who’s in the White House you know first of all you got Jake Sullivan Jake Sullivan seems to be the architect of a lot of things now he’s got a lot of people to help him people from outside the
administration a couple of years ago.

It was I was told that George Soros routinely called the White House and actually called Jake Sullivan as well as the president to express his views.
He’s not the only W I would love to get a hold of the White House phone log and see who’s been talking to whom I think that would be very Illuminating and it would be very frightening to most Americans.

So I think that Jake Sullivan Tony Blinken uh those two in particular and their supportive staffs.

You have to look at the makeup of those staffs the composition who are these people where do they come from and I think you’re going to discover that the these are committed frankly Marxists.
Who see a future for the United States that most Americans would never devise and they’re trying to use the executive order powers and the subservience of Congress.

Right now to whatever they want for reasons that have a lot to do with corruption on the hill.
To exploit uh President Biden and push us in directions from which it’s going to be difficult to recover and I think that’s what they’re doing.

You know the sort of irr reversible momentum we used to hear about years ago I think that’s what they’ve tried to create we’re on a downhill slide at high speed into the abyss of uh Marxism cultural Marxism and
all the values that go with it.

Yeah Opening Our borders continued moves to continue to allow illegal immigrants to pour across our borders uh funneling additional money to Ukraine um funneling additional money to Israel.
Today we have NATO States telling citizens to leave Lebanon over the weekend we’ve seen a major escalation in our proxy war against Russia and it seems like I know we talk about this and I think people say we’re never going to get to a direct hot war with Russia.

People can say this all they want but over the weekend I think we saw one of the one of the largest escalations we’ve seen thus far can you talk about where we’re heading with Russia while President Biden is really no longer president of the United States.

Well remember that Biden made a number of statements starting in March of uh 2022 about so-called red lines,
i i as president will never permit this because it would lead to a global conflict with Russia and that had to do with high-speed modernized aircraft strike missiles strike systems that would bring us inevitably into collision with Russia.

Because we would strike Russian soil all of those red lines have been crossed I don’t think he knows what he’s doing and I I begun to think that if the White House is a sanitarium then the hill is probably a mad house.
Because you’ve got vast numbers of people who don’t understand what war means because we’ve had conflicts with so many weak opponents over the last 253 years that we don’t understand that Russia and China and Iran and other states like them actually dispose over considerable military power that can threaten Us.

In other words that we’re no longer invulnerable invincible and immune to attack that that they can
reach us in the United States so what happened over the weekend is particularly worrisome because
historically the president who is the commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces.
Is de facto also the leading political figure in NATO and normally nothing would happen on the ground in
inside NATO in any NATO country militarily directed at anybody else that the president would not be aware
I mean that that certainly was my experience I was on the Czechoslovak and East German borders back in the late 1970s and at one point we actually thought that the Soviets were about to launch an offensive it turned out to be another faint where they move up towards the Border stop turn around and go back to their Barracks.
But I was on he border and we were reporting what we were seeing and those reports went all the way to Alexander heg who was the Supreme Commander at the time of Europe.
Sakur in other words the milit AR commanderin-chief of NATO and to the White House other words you had soldiers in at the time in the second armored Cavalry Regiment the 11th armed Cavalry Regiment standing on the border and I was in the first of the first Cavalry at that point.

All these Cavalry units performed border duty which is why we need to get them back on the Mexican
border that’s another subject but we were at the time defending the East German and Czechoslovak borders we
were reporting these things so I know that the command and control in NATO is eminently capable of controlling everything that happens from the Arctic Circle of the Finnish border all the way down to the Black Sea where NATO’s border with Romania and Bulgaria end in other words nothing can really happen there unless somebody knows about it in the white house.

So over the weekend we discovered that at least two or three drones I’m told were flown now where were they flown from We’re assuming Finnish soil because the target was about 200 kilometers east of Finland
up near the Arctic Circle on the cola peninsula where the Russi M of NATO yeah and cola Peninsula is important because the Russians have uh strategic bombers located on the cola Peninsula and they
you go a little further and they have their submarines their strategic submarine Arsenal it’s a very highly
militarized area all of a sudden these drones appear out of nowhere.

But think they were flown from Finland they managed to destroy a supersonic Tupelof bomber on the
ground now this is something that under normal circumstances the Ukrainians with what they’ve got could never reach.
You you’re talking about try to fly something like that from Ukraine all the way up to the Arctic Circle it would never make it.

So we think it probably came from Finland this now means that we have done something that the Russians
have told us is a red line we have actually permitted attacks to be launched from NATO soil ostensibly by
the Ukrainians.
Now how Ukrainians got to Finland is incomprehensible to me but again that sort of thing is not going to
happen without Washington knowing about it. Certainly not without the CIA in MI6 in London knowing about
it and if you were if you were president of the United States uh Clayton and you were somebody came to you and said this is our plan and this is what we want to do and you had any presence of mind you would say well that’s outrageous.
That means we’re at war with Russia I don’t want to do that and Biden has said that repeatedly yet this is exactly what we’ve done.

What do you think the response from from Russia’s side will be now this is something Putin has said this would be this would be World War II this is what something that Dimitri Medvedev has said this would be World War III an attack from NATO soil would be a bridge too far, that would be a red line now it seems like we’ve been hitting these bumping up against these red lines now for the past year or more I think President Putin knows that we are roughly 95 96 days from the anticipated election in November.

I think his preference would be to absorb the damage and wait to see whether or not there is a new
Administration in November that is likely to change policy.
I think that’s his preference Putin is not an impulsive man he’s also not a dangerous unbalanced Maniac by any stretch of the imagination this is a man who’s been over backwards to avoid war with the United States and NATO.
He’s taken a lot of abuse from us he’s put up with a lot of infractions uh a lot of crossing of his
red lines but he wants desperately to avoid that war we on the other hand have continually escalated and escalated and escalated and this is now a very serious escalation we’re not talking about drones flown from within Ukraine by say British intelligence or American

Intelligence Officers designed to strike Targets in Crimea that’s different we flying from within the Ukrainian airspace and soil this is now from a NATO country ostensibly Finland I don’t think the fins may be completely aware and this is another problem I think the fins and the swedes are now beginning to wake up slowly to the reality that they are now platforms for the projection of American military power against Russia.

I don’t think they necessarily signed up for that what they were signing up for was protection from Russian attack what they become.

Though is this uh Unsinkable aircraft carrier for US forces against Russia that’s very dangerous because
there is always the possibility that the uh Moscow decides well we’re not going to attack all of NATO on this on. This particular occasion because they can Target everything along this Thousand Mile front if you will uh We’ll just limit it to where we think this was flown from inside Finland and I’m sure by now the Russians know where it came from or where the drones came from they know what was used against them I mean this sort of thing you can’t conceal once it’s been done and they could easily say well we’re going to do this
now the reason for not doing it is as I said before Putin would prefer to wait for the outcome of the election and see whether or not it makes any difference but he has every right to respond the question is what do we do are we going to be dumb enough to respond to that with more acts of war against Russia or
are we going to step back and say well we we push too far because a war with Russia is not what we

I don’t know but you know when’s the last time anybody discussed this with the American electorate I haven’t heard yeah any discussion of this from KLA Harris I haven’t heard any discussion of this from President Biden um and I haven’t heard anything from the White House Podium on this and so I think if we ask the American people we can ask the American people right now do you want a hot war with Russia um do the Finnish
people want a hot war with Russia I’ll ask our Finnish viewers who watch us on a regular basis let us know uh if you’re up there in near the Arctic Circle do you want to be wiped off the map because of Washington DC and this and the NATO brass Colonel.
It’s a always before we leave this I just want to make one quick note that we also have information that a series of ambushes were conducted against Russians in central Africa these are Wagner people uh in other words Russian mercenaries that came in and replaced where replaced Us in countries where formerly we were
operating quote unquote against Isla mists.
All of a sudden uh with great success far beyond the normal capabilities of the islamists there were attacks killing 50 60 Russians uh in an ambush on the ground in central Africa.

Now we’ve also discovered that they were being advised and assisted by Ukrainian forces in other words advisers from the Ukrainian military this is a this is another example of how far this war has gone
and how dangerous it is become because now the Ukrainians went to Central Africa assisted the people that we previously were attacking because of their islamist agenda and they are now helping these islamist kill Russians in an area of no strategic importance to Ukraine whatsoever.

Again could this happen without us knowing it uh I rather doubt it I once again I think these
Ukrainians are operating as surrogates for us so if the Ukrainian can do that in central Africa in a place like Chad or Niger or any of these countries where we were formerly operating uh could they not also go to
Finland and launch drone strikes against the Russians at a Strategic Air Base and destroy a bomber and I guess the answer is yes.

All of this is very disturbing because it looks like an out of control uh operation it’s very
similar to Stanley Kubrick’s movie uh you know it doesn’t make any sense everything’s out of control who the hell is in charge, I don’t think Biden’s in charge of anything I’m not sure Kamala necessarily knows very much.

Kamala Harris again who’s behind these people and I hesitate to point to specific people and give you their names and say they’re doing something because I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on in the white house and now we know the hill is certifiable.

I mean they’re they’re ready to underwrite a war against Iran on behalf of Israel again is that something we Americans want to do when’s the last time that was debated openly and in public well it’s very hard
to do that when the media is entirely on the side of the of the government in terms of its interests in waging global war everywhere.
We can it, it’s insane and it’s dangerous and it’s out of control it is Doctor Strange Love you’re
absolutely right about that and yeah who is running who is running the shop right now Congress is on vacation President Biden is uh by all accounts you know brain dead.
It’s Weekend at Bernie’s um and uh is it isn’t President Obama President Obama who set up shop and
bought a house in Washington DC the only president in a 100 years to buy a house in Washington DC when you leave Washington you get out of Washington DC um so maybe it’s President Obama running the show there.
Unbelievable and uh I think you know everything is changing in 24hour spad right now and I think um I
would be really surprised if President Biden um remains president by November 5th of this year?
But we’ll see Colonel Douglas McGregor always the voice of reason and a sea of Madness right now.

Thank you so much for joining us, as always Colonel great to see you,
sure thank you appreciate Clayton

Five European Union (EU) countries in September will pilot the newly developed European Vaccination Card (EVC), which “aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location.

The pilot program marks a step toward the continent-wide rollout of the card, according to Vaccines Today.

Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones.

The program aims to “pave the way for other countries by harmonising vaccine terminology, developing a common syntax, ensuring adaptability across different healthcare settings, and refining EVC implementation plans,” Vaccines Today reported.

The plans will be made public in 2026, “extending the EVC system beyond the pilot phases and enabling broad adoption across all EU Member States.”

The European Vaccination Card
(to make life easier propaganda)

September 2024 in 5 pilot countries: Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal. The card aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location.

— Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) July 29, 2024

According to Vaccines Today, the EVC program seeks to leverage “the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic” and foster “innovation in vaccination management,” with the goal of “taking crucial steps toward a more resilient and health-secure future.”

The EVC is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). The EU and WHO co-launched the GDHCN in June 2023 to promote a global interoperable digital vaccine passport, based on the EU’s digital health certificate launched during the pandemic.

Vaccines Today described the GDHCN as a “citizen-centered method of storing and sharing data,” rather than a system that relies “solely on public health systems.”

Greece was the first European country to propose the implementation of a vaccination passport, which was eventually adopted as the EU’s “Green Pass.” Greece later became the first EU member state to adopt a digital “Covid passport.”

Greece’s University of Crete is coordinating the EVC project alongside 14 partners from nine countries — and with 6.75 million euros ($7.3 million) in funding from the European Commission’s (EC) EU4Health program. The EC is the EU’s executive branch.

‘Direct threat to our freedom’

Experts who spoke with The Defender said that plans for the EVC pose a direct threat to personal and health freedom and national sovereignty.

Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, biotech consultant and former director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, said:

“The proposed vaccination card reflects an increasing effort to utilize public health tools as a means to concentrate wealth and provide a means to control populations. It is very reminiscent of approaches in parts of Europe pre-World War II, and essentially serves a similar purpose: to exclude individuals who do not follow government instructions from society.

“The trial in Europe is an obvious next step after the recent widening of surveillance under the IHR [International Health Regulation] amendments, which greatly increase the likelihood of recurrent lockdowns to enable mandated vaccination as a way to force mass use, and profit-making, from vaccines.”

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst also criticized the pilot program, calling a digital vaccination passport a “direct threat to our freedom and also the sovereignty of any state.”

“All our powers are handed over to the globalists, the group of bankers and investors,” Terhorst said.

Catherine Austin Fitts, founder and publisher of the Solari Report and former U.S. assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said plans for the EVC represent “another step toward asserting control of labor and travel, with a goal to controlling resources and assets.”

Fitts said:

“The goal is financial control. There is no legitimate public health purpose. The central bankers are hiding behind a health narrative — policies like lockdown are a way to manage inflation and resource demand when monetary policy is highly inflationary.”

Experts also tied the rollout of the EVC to warnings from government and health officials about the “next pandemic,” potentially caused by the bird flu or a still-unknown “Disease X.”

According to Fitts:

“Many steps are underway to prepare for a bird flu pandemic. Chicken is the most significant source of meat protein.

“So far in response to the current bird flu claims, I am told by experts who follow bird flu claims that 99 million birds have been killed in the U.S. and 500 million worldwide. Bird flu vaccines have been shipped to Europe. A vaccine card can be used to try to pressure or force people to take another unnecessary injection.”

French science journalist and author Xavier Bazin told The Defender, “For the time being, a vaccination card in Europe is meant to ensure that most children get their vaccination.” However, he said he believes the next step is to try to mandate the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine across Europe.

“Even if they do not succeed with MMR, this kind of card will be perfect when the next ‘pandemic’ hits and they want to mandate an emergency vaccine, like they did with COVID,” Bazin said.

Similarly, Bell said:

WHO and other agencies are clear in their intent to link compliance with centralized health dictates with the ability of people to go about their daily life.

“Whilst directly against post-WWII conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the spirit of the Nuremberg Declaration, they have the backing of major international agencies and the corporate interests that have become enmeshed with them over the past two decades.”

Experts also pointed out that plans for the EVC have been in the works even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The digital vaccination passport is a technical means to override personal freedoms, such as the right to say no to a vaccination,” Terhorst said. “It is a means to turn free human beings into ‘slaves.’ This digital vaccination passport has been planned many years in advance by the globalists.”

Plans for EU vaccination card began in 2018

Development of the EVC began in 2018, according to official EU documents.

That year, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance announced at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), that it would become the first international nonprofit to partner with the WEF’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“In my opinion, [the EVC] is linked to Gavi’s project of mixing digital ID and vaccination proof,” Bazin said.

In 2019, the ID2020 Alliance, along with Gavi and the Government of Bangladesh, announced a new digital ID program, for which it was later announced that it aimed “to provide biometric-linked digital IDs to infants when they receive routine immunisations.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a partner of Gavi, which, in turn, closely collaborates with the ID2020 Alliance, which has promoted the development of digital ID.

According to Vaccines Today, the EVC is necessary because zoonotic diseases — those transmitted from animals to humans — “continue to pose a significant threat to global health.”

“As Europe transitions from emergency measures to long-term COVID-19 management, there is a critical opportunity to strengthen resilience and increase preparedness for future health threats,” Vaccines Today reported, citing the EVC as one such project.

Other EU-level projects in the works, according to Vaccines Today, include “a clinical decision system that provides vaccination recommendations, a screening tool to identify and invite vulnerable populations, an electronic Product Information Leaflet (e-PIL) to enable the transfer of vaccines across countries without having to repackage them, and a modeling and forecasting tool to assess the impact of public health interventions.”

But for Bazin, such efforts have little to do with protecting public health.

“For those who think vaccination is a medical procedure that should always remain a free choice, the European Vaccination Card is really chilling and should be opposed,” he said.

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In the same week that the European Commission had its hand slapped about Covid policies, the head of the organization Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected. Why????? Joining us to discuss it is Ralph Schoelhammer, a political analyst and host of the show Hammer Time.

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Europa is now in real trouble. The coupe!

Europe is in REAL TROUBLE this is the clearest sign yet | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

About Natali and Clayton Morris:

Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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Follow along using the transcript.


In the same week that the European commission had its hand slapped about their covid policies the head of the European commission Ursula Vanden was reelected.
Say right so those of us who watched her covid policies and her warmongering over the last few years.

Maybe despite this so we asked Ralph Schoelhammer host of the new show

Hammer on YouTube and one of my favorite European political analysts to come on the show.
I don’t know Ralph are we going to commiserate about this uh why is the question why her again why was she not punished for all of the corruption and How are Europeans stuck with her.
Well I think what we see in slightly different tracks we see a parallel development in the United States and in Europe but exactly as you pointed out so you have USA feline who apart from the fact she’s more or less on the brink of being a convicted criminal which should worry everyone as is by the way the head of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde so you could if you want to be factious you could say pretty much Europe is now run by criminals which I guess some of us always had an inkling that they’re run by corrupt people but now it’s actual criminals.

So that’s one point but the second point is which I think is almost the more important one is the people in Europe the people in the United States we have been gaslit we have been betrayed by the media to the extent in quote unquote free democracies is unimaginable.

Right so two cases one was USA ferine who supposedly and I cannot stress this enough is the candidate of the conservative Europeans
people’s party but if you look how she actually got to the second term it was with the support of the greens because she really was you know Europe black is kind of the color of the conservative parties so she was black on the outside and green on the inside.
Now I don’t know what kind of fruit that would be but pretty much that is her political agenda.
I you look at her career right she always endorsed and promoted green policies there were German journalists who said while she was still um active in National politics in Germany they said they never understood why she’s for the CDU the conservative party in Germany.Since her policies are all green policies but the media carried the lie along right they said oh this is a Conservative candidate this is you know a Centrist center right candidate.

I’s not it’s a left SL farle candidate that now got a second term but everything you described from Ukraine policy from Co but of course also in ities like the green deal deindustrialization these are all things that she endorses.
She opened the conference on degrowth just a couple of months back that was promoting basically the de-industrialization of
Europe and the same thing I would argue you saw in the United States recently with the cognitive decline of Joe Biden.
Well we have been told for three years no he’s fine he’s you know the sharpest tool in the shed he’s so smart he’s how did Joe gar say he’s the best.
Joe Biden that ever was the amount of lies that the mainstream at Legacy in media has served the people on both sides of the Atlantic.
I think is astounding and this is why I’m first of all grateful for your shout out to my new small podcast.
But I have to return their favor this is why I think redacted is so important because they lie to us and they will do exactly the same thing
now that felion is back in office in Europe and that now Kamala Harris is going to run for president in the United States right so.
Can you explain once again because European politics is a little confusing how the people of Europe have never voted in Earth Leander
lion it’s a representative government that votes for her in the same way now that the Democrats never voted for kamala Harris but will be forced to support her.
I see those parallels as quite shocking now no you you’re absolutely right the degree to which the those who are in power are no longer accountable to the people is astounding.
Like for a while they did it in secrecy right this was kind of the Outsourcing uh of all kind of obligations to unnamed bureaucracies and kind of taking them away from Democratic accountability.
But you’re right now it’s happening the same in the way in which offices are staffed with offices on mind you’re absolutely
right nobody really wants her in office like just as you said is the case in the United States.

Right the people feel increasingly that they really no longer have a say in who governs them and that is correct right we talked about this the last time I was on the show now you had have partially these weird electoral systems that no longer reflect the will
of the people now you have the bureaucracies that no longer reflect the will of the people and I truly believe maybe it takes five years maybe it takes five months but this is how you get into pre-revolutionary territory.
Because at some people at some point if people no longer feel the ability to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction at the
voting booth or as Joe Biden would say at the Battle box well then all you can do ultimately is of course a form of Uprising.
Now I’m not saying it’s going to be you know Mad Max on the on the sh l or something but of course you move closer and closer in this direction because you have people in power that pursue policies that people don’t want.
Yet the media tells them oh no you’re a mistake and don’t trust this this is basically what they tell us they say don’t trust your own eyes and I found this in Europe worrisome but I think in the United States we saw it being driven into hyper gear the last couple of months.
I mean if you just as a quick last point I mean if you look at all the videos and we talked about this right where they claimed oh it’s cheap fakes it’s out of context don’t take it seriously they then three weeks later use the very same videos to say look at those videos he has to go they like the Washington Post the New York Times CNN they all lied to us and there is no other way to put this.
They lied by the way of course also Kamala Harris lied to us because she must have known what was going on with Joe Biden and she
pretended that he’s fine and the same is true in Europe right when they say oh no don’t worry misf founded a conservative
a center right candidate no she isn’t and this is the war and there is there are kind of three types of parties.

I believe in the United States but even also in Europe there’s the far-left and then there is the center left and then there is the right and the right is what the media constantly depicts and smears as the far right.
But they are not and this I think the same in the United States with Donald Trump he is not far right Lan is not far right these people
are you know almost ridiculously boring center right politician it just seems as far right because the left has moved so far to the left these are common sense people and I think this must be emphasized again and again and again and again because otherwise we’re going to end up with more and more and more further to the left government and unfortunately their agendas are not good
for the people I don’t know how else to describe it.
Rright and you know that until recently we lived in Portugal and I was increasingly afraid to criticize the European government because it became increasingly unsafe to do so in in Germany in the UK which I know is not part of the EU but it it’s these are far-left policies that are terrifying.

Fine now in Ursula Von’ der Leyen speech she outright said that she would increase military spending so what the people of Europe get is an unelected leader that they did not vote for who has tanked their economy made their living expenses astronomically higher in order to support war in Ukraine first and foremost but I believe any War would satisfy her appetite and so they will get more of this.
I don’t understand how they’re not more upset about it because it will only get worse so why is she so toned deaf about Europeans appetite for War and what can any European do about it like you said besides a revolution.

Well I think there’s an explanation for this I know we kind of dive little bit into the psychology of politicians and that’s always a tricky issue so I try to be as respectful about this as I can but I think there’s a phenomenon and for me that’s the true Phenom phenomenon that distinguishes the right from the left is the left has this kind of absurd in inverse narcissism where they kind of show their own virtue how great they are by supporting anybody and any cause that is not connected to their own people their own Heritage their own country.
Eactly as you said I think we see this when you take the war policy right it is very absurd that the same politicians who cannot protect Europe’s borders the same politicians who say we can’t do anything about migration the same politicians that say that sovereignty is a farse right.

Concept apply all these Concepts that they hate when they applied to the Europeans they hate are going to defend them when they apply to Ukraine right so when the Germans say protect our borders limit migration Germany for the Germans If you excuse that expression I’m using a provocative then that’s a far right quasi Nazi fascist thing, but if you say the same thing in the case of Ukraine right you know Ukraine for the Ukrainians protect Ukrainian sovereignty protect Ukrainian border of course
that’s a sensible position and we have to defend this as much as we can in every way possible and the reason for this I think is we see this in all other areas as well.
I think the same is by the way too with environmentalism I think that there is this concept that the Europeans have and the Americans I think the American left makes the same case we have to sacrifice ourselves own civilization for somebody else right.

We have to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of immigration on the altar of endless Wars on the altar of you know you name it of environmentalism on the altar of transgenderism because this is how we atone for the sins of the past. ( Guilt driven JK )

W atone for the sins of Western civilization and most people don’t want this because they like Western Civilization right they like their own Heritage they like their own Traditions.
But even saying what I just said would make you far right or Neo-Nazi or fascist in 90% of the mainstream media in the United States and Europe right and that’s the biggest problem.
When you say common sensical things these days you are still depicted and painted as a fared individual so we have to recover we have to regain the ground kind of saying no this is not far right this is not a radical position this is a common sense position you know.

Defending Your Heritage your civilization your borders wanting to control migration want to wanting an economy that works for the people and not for somebody else not for a minorities some interests you know.

Offshore Manufacturing abroad like these are common sense politics that everybody would agree with you know 30 40 50 years ago and now all of a sudden all of this is quasi Hitler it’s very absurd.
So I think it’s very important as George O would say to State the obvious again and again and again and again because what you said is so important you’re terrified increasingly these days of stating the obvious.
It’s not that say oh you know I have such radical views I cannot say that in public it’s saying the obvious and this is what it reminds me I don’t want to mix up my American president so I think it was Jefferson.

I’m just I I plead that I’m an ignorant Foreigner here but it’s a famous saying right a government that fears its people is a democracy and the people that fear their government is a tyranny and I think on a scale right you’re kind of moving closer to the letter and away from the former and that is a problem.

Yes it is a problem, well uh I I appreciate your analysis very much because at least we’re on the level even if we are fed the same stuff.
Something that I was thinking about over the weekend as this kamala Harris news broke is okay I’m going to have to exercise my ability to not buy into the crap about like oh yay it’s a woman these leaders are women and I recall sometime a decade ago a 60 Minutes piece that was praising Christine Lagarde because she was a woman look at her she’s a leader she is an economist and oh she’s a woman isn’t that wonderful.

Ad now they’re going to warm up that crap around kamala Harris and it will be a distraction from the fact that these people fund Wars that they lead innocent civilians to their death and I cannot abide it and so what can you tell me as I warm up my opposition to this crap gender argument.
Well no as as a white middle-aged male who am I to tell you, so right I I guess what I’m asking you is that you’ve been fed this about these people like oh but Christine lard but she’s a woman that’s why you know we can’t go after her because she’s a woman.

Ursula yes but she’s strong woman right so I guess what I what I’m saying is uh it you know how have you seen that play out in Europe do you think Europeans are now tired of this we’re not going to have this anymore because Christine Lagarde used our money or not Christine Lagarde I’m sorry Ursula van der Leyen used our money for back Pfizer deals well it’s true for both of them right again I think you’re too generous here also to Christine Lagarde for example the EB did the same thing they all of a sudden started making claims that it’s within the mandate of the European Central Bank to support green policies which has nothing to do with easp policies.
I would make the one argument which is that contrary to what the left leaning media tells you the Western men or the Western mind is not very sexist and I think we have the best proof for this look at Georgia Maloney.
Whatever you think of a policies in Italy look at lean in in France people have voting for a woman if they feel that the position of the woman in question aligns with their own position so if you’re a Patriot and nationalist as I I consider myself and the candidate of the Nationalist Patriot party is a woman I vote for it just the same as I would if it’s a man.
I think this is again it’s an obsession of the left this is the thing the left always projects their own Obsession racism sexist all things they projected on others most of the rights don’t care.

They like you know they like Leen they like Margaret fetcher they admired Queen Elizabeth II they have absolutely no problem with women they have problem with women who stand against what they believe in like feline like Kamala Harris like Christine Lagarde but that’s actually an objection based on their positions not an objection based on their agenda.
It’s this is again I’m glad you brought this up because this is what the left always does they force us to play on their terms right and then all of a sudden we and I’m glad we have this conversation but then all of a sudden we need to have a conversation about well but what about the agenda isn’t that an issue shouldn’t we talk about this and yes we should and we should talk about it in a way to say it doesn’t matter and for most people on the right it does matter.

Fine is there a handful of people out there who might say I will never vote for a woman probably I don’t know but I don’t think that this would be a vote that really that really matters.
What really matters I think is and this is again kind of what where we are fed this kind of miss and this whatever information you want to call it to use a term that’s popular on the left I mean look at the biography of people that run for office these days now say whatever
you want about Donald Trump I have my issues with the man but generally I support him for a variety of reasons but this is a man right who built up a business uh both in real estate and then later on in uh you know as a show businessman who more or less was successful in everything he undertook including surviving an assassination attempt and becoming the American president yet some of we are told that this guy cannot be let anywhere near to power but lifelong bureaucrats who never did anything but you know run through the hierarchy of a party who never created a dime of wealth in their entire life who never did anything out side either the state or the party bureaucracy like feline like Kamala Harris they are the ones you want to have in charge and I find this so absurd it’s a form of decadence that has infected Us in the West.
Right what kind of we have our priorities mixed so much upside down that we honestly believe that somebody who never put in an Earnest day of work in their entire life is better suited for high office than somebody who actually demonstrated throughout his career that he did something.
Again I said I have my issues with Donald Trump there are things I’m not particularly happy with but overall this is an impressive man and he showed that he is I really want to make this point again.
Um in the in the five 10 minutes and the days after assassination attempt this was a man have and I I’m surprised at what this was the case I didn’t expect it but that showed character right that showed a certain degree of heroism I would almost say that we have not seen you know since the sinking of the Titanic.
You know what kind of people really put kind of their own selfish behavior behind a greater cause so I hope that the Americans do see this because I think he would be a better president and Europe for the moment is lost.
So it’s going to be up to you guys to you know to drag yourself and then us with you out of out of the mud so November is going to be a faithful that’s a lot of pressure you I don’t know if you know the Churchill quote that Americans will always do the right thing but only when they’ve exhausted all other options.
I’m paraphrasing and I think that is correct yes okay so I make no promises but I appreciate and I think you know I gave you a landmine to step in about gender and you handled it beautifully so uh I I appreciate your response very much.

So we’ll leave it there thank you so much Ralph for your time again check out his new show Hammertime on YouTube and you can also follow him on Twitter.

Thanks Natalie
The EV dream is OVER and now HEADS SHOULD ROLL says the Telegraph

Good morning happy Sunday. Here’s one for you from the newspaper head. Over electric car Fiasco policy makers have wasted billions chasing a net zero pipe dream it’s time they were held accountable and sensible newspaper article for a Sunday morning Sunday afternoon.
I’m in my perso 405 you’ll see this on the channel later on I’ve been messing around with it and I’ve taken it for a clean uh it’s only done 120,000 Mi it’s a diesel it will do 50 odd miles to gallon and if looked after this car will last forever.
It is everything a brand new electric car is not profits at the German Auto giant Mercedes plunged on
Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles went into free fall.
Did you know as well Mercedes have quietly dropped their electric SUVs hasn’t really been in the news but I’m pretty sure they stopped making them.
Porsche abandoned its sale targets for battery powered cars we know that cuz did a video on that last week amid waning demand from customers.
Ford is losing nearly $50,000 on every EV it SS while Tesla’s profits dropped 45% meanwhile bory
manufacturers such as Germany’s vaa are getting wiped out over the last few days it has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse.
Hundreds of billions of euros dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them.
And it’s surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted. Powerful words hold them accountable for wasting money on a pipe dream Net Zero basically.
Like if you picture the scene of some cavemen sitting around a fire except the fact that you’re not allowed the fire and you’re not allowed any meat that’s basically Net Zero.
So all these people that want to achieve net zero that’s where it ends up uh you and me sat in a cave cold with no food um so that’s good.

In the last few days alone it has been a steady stream of bad news from auto manufacturers Merced the company founded by got Le Daimler that pioneered petrol driven cars is struggling to replicate that success in the battery version. Group net profits were down 21% on Friday mostly on falling sales of its new range of EVS. Said the same thing about Audi when I did that video the other week isn’t it so tragic to see these fantastic that gave us cars like the Audi Quattro like the Mercedes I mean take your pick of great Mercedes from the past and now they’re all falling on their own sword because they’ve followed a dream that was laid
out by misguided politicians who were got to by the world economic Forum early.
This week the great rival Porsche watered down plans for electric modelsuh Ford’s profits are down 35% in the latest quarter.
I made losses in the EV unit Tesla slashed prices and offeredgenerous financing deal deals to try and
revive flagging demand so we’ve got a um there’s an image there which I can try and show you so that shows the buildup of if I can make that full screen.
This is Tesla sales right so you can see in 2019 things were looking pretty good and then we climbed 2020 2021 2022 2023 we have a big jump and then 2024 we’re back down um we’ve reached Peak.
Tesla every everybody who wants one has got one and um now they’re struggling to find new buyers for those cars so what does this mean then where does the article go next.
It was even worse for component manufacturers shares in Germany’s Vara the battery company are down 70% and there’s reports the company may have to be rescued from bankruptcy after making heavy losses for batteries.
On batteries for hybrid sports cars nobody wants. The thing is if you want a sports car you got a sunny day like today what you want is a minimal amount of technology and a maximum amount of mechanical engagement.

I want a manual gearbox I want some I love power steering but I’m not even bothered about that I don’t want all your driver assists I don’t want all your screens and I don’t want an automatic box.
Mark1 Mazda MX5 perfect car for a sunny day like today and all that was before the Chinese entered the market. Sorry there’s too much capacity in the industry companies have overinvestment too many factories and distribution centers demand for the end product has started to crumble with consumers increasingly nervous over what may become obsolete Technology Insurance and maintenance costs are proving far higher than expected.

For many once the vehicles are actually on the road so the electric dream is not the electric dream that we’ve been solved these vehicles are not necessarily reliable yes I know I have electric car people in the comments W my Tesla’s done 150,000 mil that’s great your company paid for it for you and you get paid 40 P A Mile by your business. That’s why the Tesla works for you for real people that spend real money that go on real Journeys generally we want a petrol or a diesel car I will be doing a video on sensible secondhand EVS because if you’ve got 15 10 to 15 grand to spend and you can charge at home and you don’t want to do massive road trips all them time probably a good time to buy an EV.
But there is an element of risk with that because if the battery goes wrong you’re absolutely knacked.
Case Point 900 Perse 405 diesel that will last forever, Outlast any EV and all of that the stuff
we just discussed was before the Chinese entered the market with a new range of slick cheap vehicles
The word bloodbath is used too often in business journalism but right now it may be the only one
appropriate to describe the state of the western EV industry.
The problem is Tesla were always about electric cars and they turned out a car that was actually quite
good at being an electric car hear that in the distance it’s not an EV.
The Tesla’s quite good at being an electric car and all the manufacturers went oh no we need something to compete with Tesla.
What have we got here Dave get some of that sticky back plastic from over there and some of them
Duracell batteries get China on the phone see if they’ve got some bits Chuck it all in Market it massive price the people will buy it.

You were wrong the people didn’t buy it that’s why they’re all knacked none of them make a very good EV.
Tesla make a good one and the Chinese well they just copy Tesla and they could do it cheaper so obviously there’s were going to sell cuz they look exactly like the expensive ones except they’re half the price they’re still made in China and they’re just as rubbish as all the German ones.
Cuz the German ones were all rubbish that’s the point surely it’s time that political heads started to roll for the catastrophe that is now unfolding.
Policy makers under pressure from industrial and climate change Lobby groups picked this winner and spent eye-watering amount of taxpayer money on it. We want our money back in 2019 France’s president macron grandly announced the Franco German plan to dominate battery production with 700 million EUR invested by France and another billion from Germany

The EU proudly boasts that 80 billion has been invested in the EV value chain as part of the green new
deal but when the books are finally opened it’s unlikely they will be good.
The situation is even worse in the US the Biden Administration old dementia patient that definitely isn’t in charge uh the Biden Administration recently awarded nearly 2 billion in Grants to help restart or expand EV manufacturing and assembly sites across eight states which feels like throwing good money after bad.
Has offered tens of billions in subsidies of more than $7,000 per vehicle sold and even more in building the infrastructure including one $7.5 billion doll scheme to install charges that ended up with only seven actually built which works out a billion dollars each for what is basically just a plug.
Wow they’ve done better than John DeLorean do you remember when John DeLorean took the British government for a ride on getting loads of money out of them to build cars in Ireland that never materialized and he’d go in for a meeting and they’d say John DeLorean we’ve given you all of these millions of pounds how you getting on with that sports car that you’re building Ireland.
You’ go well I’ve had a great idea for an SUV and I’m going to need more money and the British
would go we can’t give you more money for an SUV you’re supposed to be building the sports car you haven’t even done that yet and John DeLorean would go well then I’ll close the factory and the British government would go oh hang on the IRA the relationship with Ireland we can’t be seen to not be funding this guy we better give him more money and it went on for years.

It’s a fantastic story he got so much money just by riding the wave of popular opinion and that’s what
these companies are doing even in this country where our political class was largely too incompetent to back any projects.
Money was poured into the ill-fated British vault project and it remains to be seen how much is finally
given to India’s TARTA for its new EV battery Factory in Somerset. economists have long warned that Net Zero provides a golden opportunity for waste and rent seeking but some Elites chose not to listen.
We should start holding them accountable lobbyists argued for the subsidies civil servants supported them and finance ministers enthusiastically virtue signaled with other people’s money.
No words being minced today but too much investment creates overcapacity markets are better at deciding which Technologies work than politicians and if there is a genuine demand for a product then no one has to receive a grant to manufacture it since the potential profits to be made will be the incentive enough.
As I have kept saying I don’t have a problem with electrical Vehicles being made but let them compete
on their merits put an electric car next to a diesel car next to a petrol car remove all the subsidies put them at the same price and see what happens.
And I guarantee you the electric car will be the last one left on the four.
The Carnage of the EV industry is only just getting started and has already cost billions we are starting to see the collapse of the vehicle manufacturers and it’s all because of the Net Zero pipe dream.
I don’t NE well I’m happy to live as a caveman but I don’t want to be pushed into the cave by the government and have my fire and my meat taken from me on the basis that we’re saving the world whilst multiple other industrial Powers around the world are only just catching up with coal production and coal fired plants.
Net Zero is a scam thanks for watching it’s really hot in here today the weather’s actually nice
for once!

Please click on the above for the original link/video.

1:07 / 55:31

EU’s SUICIDAL: The US’s Handy Puppet, Loss of Sovereignty and Economic Decline. No end in sight!

By| Dr. Glenn Diesen

Lena Petrova
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All other parts of the world the Arabs the Turks uh Africans Latin Americans they’re all pursuing this path and this is why bricks is so attractive to them as well but it’s only the
Europeans now we are cutting our selfs off all other partners and we’re locking ourself in with the US which is more dependent which is we more dependent on them than they are on us. And when you have this asymmetrical interdependence uh this has always been able to be converted into political influence so it is very change because macron was warning for years.
Europe shouldn’t allow itself to be vessels and obviously we’re talking about the United States uh but now we have surrendered all our autonomy and there’s no rational thinking anymore it’s uh it’s uh yeah again cliches and hatred.

Hello everyone I’m very excited to welcome back Glenn dies Glenn is a International Institute for peace Glenn published a number of great books on Foreign Affairs and geopolitics his recent one is titled
the Ukraine war and the Eurasian world order which I cannot wait to discuss with Glenn in more detail very soon Glenn welcome back it’s great to see you again how are you oh very good thank you and uh yeah thanks again for being invited on the show one of your eager Watchers of your podcast.
So I appreciate it thank you for being here um so Glen you’re located in Europe and I’m very curious to get your thoughts on Europe’s relationship with the United States which many people would call quiet subordinate. In my opinion there is a widening gap between on one hand the true European interests such as I would assume peace prosperity development of trade especially in energy because Europe is so dependent on exports.
And then on the other hand we have the policies that the EU leadership has been pursuing for several years now so as the result of those policies Europe’s industrial base has been declining year after year.
I think Germany hasn’t even recovered um from the uh pandemic right uh economically speaking the latest S&P Global survey it came out earlier this week and it shows that the Euro Zone economy has slowed sharply due to two reasons due to weaker than uh forecasted growth so it was forecasted quite low and it turned out to be even worse than that and the second reason are steep declines in manufacturing which of course Germany um has a lot to do with that.
So in your opinion Glenn what are the reasons for this deepening economic decline in one of the most prosperous regions in the entire World well uh it’s uh well part of it as you mentioned is a changing relationship with the United States because uh that relationship was shaped throughout the Cold War and you had very unique uh unique partnership given that uh the economic statecraft or competition was always mitigated because of the priorities of the Cold War.

That we had this military standoff with the Soviet Union and also you America’s adversaries were mainly Comm so decoupled from economic statecraft now after the Cold War we attempted to establish well the United States wanted to have a more of a hedgemon while the Europeans aspired to have a collective hedgemon with the US so the EU and us being more or less equals.
And this is what we spoke about in Europe we wanted European sovereignty strategic autonomy uh but as we see now this has uh yeah disappeared and part of the reason is the Europeans they’re not really looking after their national interests if you want to look at all the political upheavals this shock polling and elections uh across Europe it’s largely because we haven’t defended any of our national interests.
And um so this is a bit of a puzzle especially for people like me who belongs to the category of political realism because for us the Point of Departure in any analysis is how States as a rational actor manages the security competition.
But how can you uh what’s wrong with this analysis now is we don’t seem to act anymore in accordance as a rational actor and we’re not pursuing our national interest and uh I think for a long time many people in Europe especially the Germans they thought they were transcending power politics and you know only folks of national interest and they were pursuing this Cosmopolitan Global Village and it turned out they weren’t uh you know transcending power politics.

They were ignoring it at their own peril so uh yeah if you look in Europe today uh look at what the consequences have been by not looking after your own National interest.
For example Russia is a key component here because we had a good agreement or deal with the Russians uh and again why if you would ask what’s the reason why is it rational to topple the government in Ukraine or you know to pull it into NATO even though only about 20% wanted to join NATO and knowing it would trigger a war with Russia it didn’t make much sense one that also makes us economically weaker and more dependent on the US so why would we cut our selffs off Russian energy especially uh when it was evident that the Russians could diversify their supply but uh to the east but we wouldn’t be able to diversifier our Imports and this is as you suggested as well especially problematic for Germany which is the economic train of Europe at least it was uh and its economic model was largely dependent on importing cheap energy from Russia for its energy intensive heavy industry and its manufactured goods can be exported to Russia these huge Russian markets and um again this whole era of importing cheap Russian energy and exporting manufacture Goods to Russia is largely over.
And look at Germany over several years Angela Merkel you know she was the one who initiated the Nord stream pipeline to get this reliable supply of cheap energy then most like the United States blew it up Germany does nothing.
Initially it was comfortable blaming Russia but after the US admitted it wasn’t Russia you know it was no good narrative left who are you going to blame the Germans now sorry the us or the Ukrainians none of this was a good option so they just stopped talking about it and uh now of course something I think yeah you have covered as well which is that Europe seizing The Sovereign funds of Russia by legalizing theft is just you know they use moral Arguments for it but it doesn’t make any sense.

I mean imagine if countries around the world will start seizing our funds for the countries we have invaded or you know the United States for Iraq it would make any sense at all it’s a complete collapse in trust so it’s self harm uh but it’s impossible to speak against it in Europe because if you’re loyal to Europe you will commit yourself to the suicide otherwise you’re a sto of Russian and uh and now we’re making matters much worth worse we’re now speaking openly about stealing Chinese assets and this is so ABD because for a long time we recognized if we want autonomy we have to diversify our economic Partnerships we can’t tie ourselves to only one but now we’re cutting our self off.
Any of everyone so you can’t really explain any of this under the rational act or assumption and I think that’s why propaganda is important because this is irrationality by definition absolutely.

And uh when we of course speak about propaganda I can’t help but think of uh yesterday’s uh address to Congress by uh prime minister Netanyahu on the standing ovations one after another and that certainly plays into this whole idea of creating this bubble that people need to believe in to support the policies that uh a select few are driving in in the United States and certainly in Europe.
When we sort of look at Europe and in strictly economic terms the war as mentioned has been an absolute disaster and yet Ursula von der Leyden following her re-election I think this was two weeks ago she posted an act that the top goal for the EU is now defense she said the EU doesn’t have any other major problems but it needs to create a single market for defense it needs to on top of that it needs to invest more in high-end defense capabilities.

She was talking about a European um airship I believe as well so she’s obviously pushing the war narrative as hard as she can you’re in Europe what do Europeans think about effectively shadowing America’s policies and America’s strategy do you see any support for this am average Europeans.

Well I would say there’s more uh common sense and pragmatism going on in the United States because you know when Stenberg goes to America to sell the war you know he’s focusing on that all the Europeans are sending weapons to Ukraine and they’re buying new American weapons so this is amazing for American weapons manufacturers and also they get to kill Russians so to weaken a strategic adversary so this is supposed to be something good so you know they have to sell it based on reason but we don’t need this arguments in Europe anymore.
All we need is a narrative of you know good versus evil democracy versus authoritarianism if we don’t do
this you know Russia will conquer all of Europe and restore the Soviet Union and Stalin will rule once again so this is uh it’s.
We have we’re no longer speaking in clear rational arguments so being calculative we’re we’re just uh you speaking in cliches and uh thinking in cliches and this is why I think it’s very dangerous
VL of course she’s uh been a horror and it’s quite a bit of an irony because when you see uh for example um Schultz which is the elected leader of Germany he goes to China what does he do well he’s bringing a team with him trying to get some economic deals with the Chinese then wonderl which is the unelected German leader she goes and she’s pushing for decoupling confrontation and this it.
Doesn’t make any sense so uh so that there is there are divisions some are still trying to you know pursue
something that resembles National interest but uh you know if Russia if Europe wants to be prosperous and competitive after this war we’re going to have to find a way of working with the Russians but we don’t uh look at the foreign policy Chief we chose in Europe.
Which is Kalos she has uh called for you know breaking up Russia into pieces that’s how she defined Victory breaking up Russia you know which is just under with other brilliant ideas like regime change and you know all this ideas that

Russia we can’t find compromises we have to defeat them and uh well same as look at how we treat him uh he’s going to Ukraine going to Russia going to China meeting Trump he’s uh trying to find a political settlement because they hold the rotating presidency of the EU.
So how does the EU respond to this you know just trying to set up diplomatic channels so we EU can be relevant we can try to pursue peace well they push sanctions against him they want to punish him they uh you know refused to allow him hold this strategic meeting.

So nothing in Europe really anymore makes any sense we are undermining our own economic interests our own relevance and it’s uh it’s very hard to explain why any of this would make any sense anymore.
Which is why I’m saying it’s becoming very irrational so Europe is clearly becoming more and more obviously It’s becoming essentially collateral damage in the United States geopolitical game against Russia and eventually against China um would you say that a weak European Union actually benefits the US foreign policy when it comes to uh the two biggest adversaries Russia and China uh yeah. Because uh well if the Europeans wants to have uh be a independent or autonomous entity it needs to have many partners it needs to be more uh flexible or pragmatic in his relationship such as India. India’s doing quite well because they’ll deal with they work with everyone you know even their adversaries and U and this allows them to avoid excessive dependence on any other one state or region and so they’re doing well the all other parts of the world the Arabs the Turks Africans Latin Americans they’re all pursuing this path and this is why bricks is so attractive to them as well.

But it’s only the Europeans now we are cutting ourselves off all other partners and we’re locking ourself in with the US which is more dependent which is we’re more dependent on them than they are on us and when you have this asymmetrical interdependence uh this is always been able to be converted into political influence so it is very strange because macron was warning for years Europe shouldn’t allow itself to be vassals and obviously we’re talking about the United States uh but now we have surrendered all our autonomy and there’s no rational thinking anymore it’s uh it’s uh yeah again sh and hatred.
I mean if you want to have an interesting case studies from this country Norway throughout the Cold War we you know we W original members of NATO but uh you know we were always careful that we wanted to be part of NATO to deter the Soviets but we didn’t want any foreign troops on our soil no activities in the far north because that would provoke the Soviets so in order to so the intensified security competition would not be in our interest so we tried to find this balance and the Russians understood this they said fair enough you want to deter us but you’re not provoking us and we were kind of NATO light uh not annoying the Russians and this was good for us. It was peace uh now nothing just speaking cliches everything is uh you know Russia wants to dominate the world America is freedom is good.
Authoritarian is bad so now we’re going to fill up our whole country with American military bases and uh all self-imposed restrictions are gone because that’s what Putin wants us you know to do so it’s just uh yeah childish it makes no sense whatsoever what we’re doing and there’s no debate only ideological slogans, how does the US influence the European leaders to act against their own self-interest because that’s clearly what they’ve been doing and I don’t think one needs to be like a u an expert or an economist or um a political analyst to really see that clearly the EU is acting against its best interest it’s declining economically and in addition to that there are so many other issues that will impact uh just Security.
In general immigration and so many different other things so what kind of what are the strings that the US is pulling in terms of uh its policy and its influence to get the European leaders to clearly do the opposite of what is in the best interest of the European population of the European um EU citizens.
Well I think it’s security cultural and economic dependence now uh obviously the main one has been security uh and this is why the Americans had such great influence over Europe throughout the Cold War.
Because of the security dependence that was one of the problems for Washington after the Cold War once the conflict Cold War was over there was less security dependence than uh the Europeans began to assert more political autonomy which is the manifestation of that was the European Union and uh but now that we revived conflicts with the Russians uh you know the dependencies are restored and subordination as well.
But I would also say Obviously the economic the more we link ourselve or subordinate ourselve to
American uh Finance uh the more politically dependent we become as well we for a while there was some rationality in the ’90s this is why they wanted their own currency the Euro this is why they wanted their own development um Banks is why you know B so they wouldn’t be to depend on us again pursuing this idea of collective hedge money that we would have some parity with the US.
But the last is also the cultural aspect which means uh we have envisioned kind of a that we’re the West is a political entity that somehow if you were allies you have had the exact same identical interest and uh
this is also problematic at times I made the comparisons to the uh late 18th or early 19th century you know at this point there was the French who was you know they representing a very Cosmopolitan Universal civilization especially became evident when Napoleon were invading they often they always found people who were willing to support him in all countries because um uh because they were pushing this idea of um universalism.
And you know based on all the volar ideas and uh we but always these International initiatives always served the French national cause but what was interesting back then was when Napoleon annexed you know the territories east of sorry west of the r uh you know many German princes they simply they welcomed it they s us an opportunity to get paid to give away territories and they were just you know fing over the French and uh this was known as The Shame of the princess in retrospect and part of the problem was the cultural sovereignty had diminished and that’s why that incentivized later more um yeah cultural Revival.

Anyways I think some of this problem has also revived now it’s um uh this idea that uh they don’t they don’t think anymore that they’re competing Nations and um I I I told you this once as well about this remarkable interview by Boris Johnson where he was giving the Russians a hard time he was explaining why Russia was hopeless because they didn’t have any technological sovereignty they didn’t have any Google or they didn’t have any Amazon or they you know.
And in the west we do but it was wrong on so many levels because for the first America does Europe has nothing we had some technological sovereignty before the digital Revolution we don’t have any digital or technological um ecosystem uh but we think we are the same entity as America because we’re the West.
So we think it’s ours as well meanwhile the Russians actually do have digital U technological sovereignty that is all the major digital Platforms in Russia are mainly Russian-owned uh they have Partnerships
with the Russians and others Nar with the Chinese and others but nonetheless they have technological sovereignty so uh so if from my perspective is a it’s a combination of these things the security
cultural and also the economic dependence because that was the main lesson in the throughout the 19th
century if you wanted political Independence you had to have economic independence as well.
That was the American system that’s what the Europeans were copying as well so they wouldn’t be vassals of the British and um yeah we forgotten all of this.

I think I agree with you I think it’s interesting how those old lessons are not even really brought up anymore and it’s just like everything is uh is as if there’s no history and no background to really fall back on to learn from and I know you wrote a really a really good book that has directly to do with the EU policies the war in Ukraine and you spoke about Russophobia whole Narrative of creating this imaginary monster through social uh media through uh of course uh political leadership.
Always saying we need to build bunkers we need to prepare for war we need more and more defense could you maybe talk to us a bit about the main points of that book and how you see the current situation in the EU where there’s no really no discussion about peace.

Orban is effectively being punished for his peace initiatives and the main goal is war and maybe a war
that that cannot be won but a war that would bring more damage to uh to Russia uh allow the US and European Union to perhaps build up its defense potential to take on China.
Eventually well in the past um the propaganda kind of always made sense because propaganda is uh has been
fundamental to bring Western countries together in unity against the Russians so it’s been building internal solidarity but this time I argue it’s quite different it’s not in our interest because uh now we are no longer a subject we’re an object of security so what happens in Europe that is divided where Europe is no longer the center of the world it simply means that we will have less security less economic Prosperity less stability and just become instruments of foreign powers.
Now but we always had this uh different um not initiatives but efforts to propagandize Russia as this uh yeah external uh Boogyman if you will a lot of this began in the late 18th century at that point you have the uh the Polish General um forgot his name but any he presented the French Foreign Ministry then with this you probably read about the fake Testament of Peter the Great it’s been proven to be a fake but nonetheless it was the idea that once the Russians they would always seek to expand so once they taken Poland then they would go for the rest of Europe the main idea is our security is linked to yours if this sounds very familiar because that’s what we’re saying now about Ukraine as well.
And this is kind of the stuff we always done so for example when Napoleon invaded Russia in 2000 sorry in 1812 uh they again refer to this Testament it was uh part of the anti-Russian propaganda it’s this big Russian monster at the gates of Europe.
It’s coming to get us and that’s how also the French got a lot of the other Europeans to join in on The Invasion. We saw again with the Crimean War uh from 1853 to 56 we saw uh that the British brought up this fake Testament of Peter the Great again that you know the Russians are coming for us that’s why we have to defeat them in Crimea and push them back into Asia otherwise again they’re at the doorsteps of Europe.

Adolf Hitler obviously did the same in the second world war he referred to the same Testament this is why we have to defeat the Russians uh during the Cold War was the Americans so Harry Truman as president he also referred to this fake or Testament of Peter the Great to explain why the Soviet policy was determined to try to swallow up Europe and why we needed unity and confrontation and uh yeah again we see the same stuff today and um so that Testament has been quite.
It it’s a good example of this huge um Russian Boogeyman which we always uh depended on because uh the this is quite important in political propaganda that you create stereotypes like who are we us as a political community and we Define ourselves in the other which is our Mirror Image.

Who are who the opposite is and uh Russia’s always played a very Central role in this because uh and that therefore also ensuring our Unity because uh we can only be good if the other is evil it’s like you can only Define yourself as white if there’s you know black and so uh so uh for so for the Russians you know we are West because the Russians have been East we always define ourselves as Europeans and the a the Russians kind of represented the Asiatic because uh you know living under the Mongol yoke for 2 250 years and we said we’re civilized and we mirrored ourselves in the Russians as the barbarians.
You know on our continent as well we recognize barbarians around the world but they were in Europe we defined ourselves as modern and the Russians went backward so backward mostly then going back to the economic development of Russia if you see since the collapse of K Rus you know they lost their connection to International Maritime corridors uh in order to prevent conflicts with external Powers they expanded mostly into the woods which is Moscow today where there’s poor Agriculture and also so little trade.

Poor agriculture so a lot of economic backwards because they weren’t connected to the European
Maritime powers and uh so yeah that was Modern backward and then all the way to World War II is mostly ethnic we always had the even church he refers to the Russians or the Bolsheviks as being combine dangerous combination of the Asiatic nature and the international Jew.
John Maynard KES uh as you care about economics he also referred to the what call the beastliness of the combination of the Russian and the Jewish nature so it’s always been um ethnic there except until we reach the Cold War which is has this huge ideological Dimension then this Us Versus Them definition changes now it’s capitalist versus communist Democratic versus authoritarian Christian versus atheist and then of course the Cold War comes to an end the Russians want to be Democratic and capitalist and this is when again we didn’t want to include them in Europe.
So we had to redivide the continent and we have to then also redivide US versus them and this is when we have liberal democracy versus authoritarianism and this is really the favorite uh framework of uh of anyone in the west because if you want to the beautiful thing about propaganda is it um takes advantage of the mental shortcuts which human beings need because the world is complex there’s so many things you have to interpret every day how you going to know about all the conflicts in the world all the different details it’s uh it’s very difficult to do.
Yet when you have conflicts from Ukraine to Yemen immediately from the first day people who can’t find it on the map they have this huge conviction they know exactly what this is about they know the good guy the bad guy and why the West is on the right side of history and it’s because everything can be filtered through this lens it’s liberal democracy versus authoritarianism if you’re able to do this facts no longer matter.
Because uh you know if we invade a country it’s because we want to bring freedom if the Russians invade it’s because they want to build an Empire so it’s the same act but it’s uh but we don’t look at the facts anymore it’s all about the constructed identities and um yeah this is why yeah propaganda developed as such a powerful science in the early 20th century and we just throw around the term these days to censor actually which is not what propaganda is about yeah I I really appreciate you bringing up constructed uh identities right because that is that is sort of the core of propaganda and the core of this narrative that uh it’s black and white US versus them and if you take a step to the right or to the left then immediately you’re uh either supporting uh Putin or you’re supporting uh like Hamas in the Middle East or something like you’re just this bad guy that should not even be you know uh spoken to or listen to what is your um I’m really curious to get your thoughts on um in the context of propaganda and in the context of um not allowing the public to really understand the details or to even know the details of what’s happening to form their own opinion instead people are sort of fed this narrative over and over again and like you mentioned it’s been going on for decades where it’s the same pattern the same uh bad guys versus good guys and there’s no in between the gray area doesn’t exist.

Sm so what is your take on uh the um in the context of propaganda of course uh what is your take on uh visit to Congress and him speaking to um to both parties and getting uh standing ovations I think
someone counted 55 I’m not sure I wasn’t the one who counted but I saw this on social media and I certainly saw multiple clips of people standing up and um just um you know being extremely excited um what are your thoughts on that. What your take on a liberal democracy effectively uh applauding Israel’s activities in Middle East yeah this is uh netan he actually in his speech had to ask the Congress to stop clapping for a second because they kept interrupting his speech.
They wouldn’t sit down no matter what it says it’s a standing ovation well Nan is a bit it’s an interesting thing because in the United States of course the Israeli Lobby has a huge uh influence but it’s also um it
very difficult to again it’s good versus evil it’s very difficult to have a rational discussion about what’s
actually what would be a good policy because either you’re supporting you know Israel’s right to Freedom uh right to protect themselves you know the only democracy in the Middle East.
Is you all these things we say as you know good guy and if you if you criticize them then you’re antisemitic and you are uh yeah the pretty much a the carrying on the legacy of the Nazis pretty much you’re you know the scum of the earth so it’s very difficult to take to go against Israel.
Now the problem is uh you know one of the key Scholars on propaganda which was Walter Lipman he made the argument that what was good about propaganda is by presenting everything as good versus evil the strength is you’re able to mobilize public support because you’re fighting evil but he made a point that the negative aspect is once you defined it as such you can’t find a workable peace because why would you make peace with evil it’s h that’s why whenever talk about you know Russia or anyone else it’s appeasement you don’t appease your enemies uh you peace comes through defeating them and it’s the same with Israel.
I think what we’re doing in Israel is not good for us it’s not good for Israel either because if what Israel really needed was a political settlement but they never needed to make any compromise no political settlement as all.
At all because well why would they uh they always had the protection of America so they didn’t have to make any compromises as all at all and this is why they were never pressured to accept a Palestinian State and you know the consequence of this is quite horrific because in the area we can referred to as greater Israel you know the Jews are about 50% I think it’s 7 and a half million so uh what what’s going to happen in the Democratic Jewish state if only if the Jews could be a minority well it’s not many ways to solve it either you can have apartheid as you do in the West Bank or you can have pure occupation or control whatever you want to call what’s happening in Gaza uh or you can have ethnic cleansing to push them all out.
Possible to Egypt as they been attempting or just genocide them all so it’s uh there there’s no good Solutions
unless and this is not good for Israel either a lot of uh people in Israel are quite upset about uh the radical Direction it’s taken and this is why it’s also difficult for many American Jews to allow Israel to speak in their name because many Jews in America are quite liberal more than others and it’s very hard for them to coincide this with genocide but um uh but you had an interesting comment sorry have tendency to go on but you said how is it possible that we don’t have rational discussions anymore but this is what propaganda is it’s uh the science about how to persuade people without uh appealing to reason.
Indeed you appeal to their instincts and this is uh this is the foundation of the science of propaganda that is that human beings where’re not solely rational creatures that uh assess information and form opinions based on them we also have very strong instincts that’s how actually most of our actions are instincts which we developed over the thousands of years and then we rationalize it afterwards and the strongest Instinct in human nature is to organize in groups this is where we find security meaning and uh if you want to see the or origin of propaganda as a science uh most of it actually came from sigmon Freud because he wrote a lot on the group psychology that this had nothing to do with reason how group psychology is formed and um and um and based on his findings uh his nephew carried on further his nephew was Edward bernes which many people probably heard of uh because you know he wanted to look at how can it be used for propaganda because uh if everything is group psychology in order to preserve internal cohesion we Define ourselves as good others as evil.
Then you can manipulate the group psychology to the extent that facts don’t matter anymore and uh so Edward bernes as an example he he started in marketing you know in you probably heard about the Torches a Freedom Campaign because they wanted to get women to smoke cigarettes so you don’t explain to them what is good about smoking a cigarette instead you associate with something they said this is emancipation this is freedom go smoke a cigarette and it works if you’re against it you know you don’t believe in the you know women should go back to the kitchen so obviously you’ll have a cigarette and he also applied this because propaganda is largely marketing for politics.
You do the same and he worked then for the Wilson government he worked that also thereafter uh so when
um you know Guatemala uh began to develop stronger work loss uh he helped to sell the idea that you know the president there was a communist in no shape or form was he a communist but again it doesn’t have to be Russ and this then opened up for an invasion so this is so Edward bernes is recognized as the main scholar on propaganda.
And this is also where gobblers or the German Nazi Machinery got most of its ideas inked he attributed most of his propaganda ideas to bernes not something bernes appreciated by the way given that he was Jewish but nonetheless this is where uh a lot of this came from.
Anyways it all goes back to this idea that you all you have to do is manipulate group identities good
versus evil and hammer on this way so you can uh create filters for people to interpret the complexity of the world uh through this uh yeah simplistic order where this one side is good one is evil.
And uh I think Israelis have been quite good at doing this as well but often to their own Peril of course absolutely the war propaganda has been very strong and uh since 2022
one could argue that the United States has benefited from the conflict in Ukraine because it led to the US
effectively uh reestablishing its power over uh its vessel States in Europe.
I will say and Europe relies on its LNG right now which it purchases I believe uh it’s 30 to 40% more expensive than the LNG it purchased from Russia. Also the US boosted its military-industrial complex which made it clear that um NATO is not really or may not be an alliance of states that are equal but more of a tool of the United States to uh push its own geopolitical strategy.
So to me it almost seems that the main goal was to uh weaken Russia as much as possible but also to weaken Europe um as you mentioned which could be used easily against the US Ultimate Enemy which now the US is openly saying that China is its main adversary so do you think that was kind of the plan to uh step by step that the United States and the West has taken to um take on its uh ultimate uh adversary or I don’t want to say enemy but adversary in uh in Asia.
Oh definitely and this is part of the good thing about creating security dependence by some states because
uh the Europeans uh being convinced that they were in a conflict with the new Hitler uh being Russia they willing to subordinate to a large extent to the Americans they cut their ties but now you see NATO being a key instrument to also uh extend this conflict to the Chinese.
I mean this is why NATO now also defines China as a rival and also an enemy and then uh um and the yes so the
United States would like to see Europe decouple from the Chinese stop using you know the 5G technology all of these rival Technologies because now there’s a tech competition between the Americans and the Chinese and uh you know look up
any European newspaper all the countries uh every day you’ll find one
article that yeah argues the Chinese are too powerful they’re too authoritarian we have to stick by democracy and um so again it always goes back to this uh idea that yeah we have to cut ourselves off the Chinese because they’re not Democratic enough so the Point of Departure is not our national interest whether or not uh our Industries will no longer be competitive uh if will be too excessively dependent on the US uh this is not the main discussion it’s always the dominant one is always this Freedom versus authoritarianism
And um yeah it’s uh it’s become quite effective but it’s uh it’s um it’s deluding us as well and this is the main this is the main problem uh countries start to believe their own propaganda.

Uh there’s many examples of this uh for example with uh in in the United States you know when on the eve of the invasion of Iraq you had 66% of Americans believing that Sadam Hussein was involved in September 11 which made no sense whatsoever but only 21% believed it was not the case so how is it possible that the obvious which no one no facts would suggest otherwise.
That U you know that they believe that Hussein was behind it even uh I used the example before of Nazi Germany as well they show these graphs you know every decade they have a poll and they show what countries most responsible for defeating Nazi Germany

And of course immediately after World War II everyone you know 85 90% recognize of course the Soviets they you
know 85 to 90% of the ver casualties on the Eastern front so this is just facts you’re not allowed to have your own opinions but if you look at the statistics now how many people in Britain think that the Soviets were
mainly responsible it’s 6% so you know all you need is a few movies and uh brainwashing and uh history facts don’t matter anymore.
you know give it a few more years they probably think Tom Hanks defeated Germany it’s just um yeah
it’s uh quite absurd and uh so you can do the same now with China.
I think it’s in the early stages that we have to revive or change the narrative because China was seen as a success story you know they brought hundreds of millions out of poverty there were this Tech Giant to the um you know who would be a driving force driving the economy forward um you know it would be a very different uh kind of world than we had before where we just uh have this merism where we where their gain is our loss and uh but yeah we were learning to hate them day by day so clearly there must be people in Europe who think why are we doing this we just need to go back to the policies.
We had we need to start trade again I.
I would think that there are people who think that way are there any um strong Progressive movements in Europe that want to stop this madness this insanity and uh have a Europe first policy instead of continuing to uh effectively just play on um the interest of others and uh obviously the US policies well there’s unhappiness in the population and this is why also you see this U uh a lot of the parties which been
dominating for decades now losing.
In the polls Germany is a great example uh but it’s not much you can do at The Ballot Box in this sense.
I mean the main opposition now who are actually calling for restoring some national interest is if there but
they’re now openly speaking in the German press and the politicians about banning the main opposition party uh you have the same in uh France they were able to you know overcome uh you.
They call it Alex election strategy it’s a long story but anyways leen’s party could not claim any victory in um I guess in the I think.

If any changes would have to come it would come from uh probably the United States and uh but we see in the
the arguments the first if you will how much resistance it has actually met but I think the main problem is uh it doesn’t matter if you have the arguments on your side or the facts it’s still the only thing they want to know is are you on our side or their side and that’s why it’s so toxic in these conflicts because everything is just uh you have to if you’re accused of being in cahoots with the other that is the enemy then that that that’s all that matters.

If you look at the conflict now with the Russians for example I people like myself at least have been warning
for you know 10 years now that this conflict would just bring us mystery it would uh it’s an existential threat for the Russians they would fight to the end including new if it was necessary because they can’t be defeated by NATO so you know the this will only bring Devastation to Ukraine and eventually defeat simply because the Russians want it more this is more important for them and of course they have the benefit of
the logistics uh within their own proximity uh but uh try to argue today.

Uh for me this would be a moral thing to do good for the Ukraine good for us good for Russia but you can’t say it then you’re carrying water for Putin or the sanctions how horrible have these sanctions been by every measure they have been a failure Russia’s growing very fast now much faster than the Europeans was 2.7% or something this year uh the World Bank increased them now to the fourth largest economy in the world the largest one in Europe they’re doing just fine uh the rest of us not doing well.
Uh as I mentioned before we can’t really decouple from Russia and still be economically competitive so
the sanctions have been a failure I warned from our own interest is it really in our interest to steal the
Russian Sovereign assets the rest of the world will not want to deal with us again of course not and now you see what’s happening with bricks.
They’re all decoupling even our friends from the India to Turkey none of them wants to be dependent on our financial system and this is what we do but it doesn’t matter you can have everything you say can play
out exactly the way you predict but it doesn’t matter.
If you this is what Putin wants to hear I’m always told if you really have to be loyal then you have to just uh you know push for the sanctions don’t ask for a stop to the war doesn’t matter if Ukraine will lose anyways and lose more territory men it’s just there can’t be an opposition and this the same in European politics anyone who stay sticks their heads out and saying let’s you know look at our own National interest.

Well it turns out that our national interest is not to have a conflict with the Russians but you know
this is Russian propaganda as well because if you’re loyal to our group then you go against out group so it’s uh uh yeah reason has departed.
I think the continent long time ago and maybe we can close with one last question uh obviously the United States is months away from the elections hopefully they do take place um how do you how do you see the outcome of the elections impact the uh peace talks and the time frame that would lead to those peace talks do you think there is a um a candidate that is more likely to uh bring peace to Europe which will inevitably lead to its uh hopefully Revival hopefully economic um you know upside or what is your sort of take on the upcoming elections and the possible outcome in the context of uh the war in Ukraine and European uh
security and stability economically.
Well sadly peace seems to depend uh solely on Trump it’s a strange place to be in but in in Europe there is no you can’t really call for peace as you see you don’t even have to call for peace you can’t even call for diplomacy like Orban without suffering great consequences.

Uh I think in the United States you see Trump he’s been from 2016 already he expressed some concerns about
the security architecture which we excluded Russia in the ’90s uh obviously talked to Kissinger as well who pointed out that it’s not a good idea to go after the Russians the Chinese and Iranians all at the same time that you would only push them together which is exactly what’s happened uh and now of course The Pick of his in VP uh JD Vance he’s been very vocal about what he thinks about the Ukraine war you know he sees it as being um is a loss America was losing uh tens of billions spending all this money or 100 and uh and uh it
is not even doing any huge difference they can’t win the war uh so it’s just becoming a huge cost no benefit and I guess from um I wouldn’t call Trump uh pacifist or necessarily pro peace or anything.

But he I think if you look at the when he withdrew from NAFTA or was critical of the um the Pacific partnership uh I thought uh the reason he pulled out of this was largely because yes it would help America write trade rules in those regions but it was too much uh resources going from the US to its allies or comp economic competitiveness.
So he wants more return on investment on Empire and I think they’re simply recognizing that the uh project Ukraine is a yes A it’s a lost cost so they’re not it’s costing and it’s not bringing in anything so I think they’re ready to let Ukraine go and instead focus more on Asia and possibly the Middle East as well.

So uh in contrast uh Harris I’m not really sure I don’t think she has much of a foreign policy experience I know there’s a political article out where the arguing that many people are very afraid among the Democrats in a debate if she’s going to ask be asked about foreign policy because yeah they as I said she will probably say something stupid and this is quite possible.
But overall I think she’s an empty vessel in this sense she was selected by the oligarchy to take over after Biden so she would probably continue along the same course um probably Biden light.

I would say because Biden has been so closely tied to project Ukraine uh for yeah more than 10 years now again he was there since U 2014 as uh vice president uh he um he uh was there during the coup he helped to run the Ukrainian Government after toppling them I mean this was uh the general prosecutor of Ukraine’s Victor Shin’s argument that the Americans have been running the Ukrainian government and Biden took credit for being one of the key organizer to run Ukraine and uh of course he’s had a central role now since Russia invaded so uh it’s more difficult for him to distance himself from this failed War but uh it could be easier for Kamala Harris but still I I don’t think she doesn’t only represent herself of course she represents the Democrats elite so I don’t see much of a change so and it’s quite fascinating because in most of America’s War there tends to be more consensus.
I mean everyone is anti-iran everyone is pro Israel everyone is anti-china everyone is pro Taiwan uh some of this has been locked in there’s a consensus but when it comes to Russia and Ukraine you see now I would say huge divisions so um yeah I
I think a lot will ride on this but of course I’m quite I would suspect that something huge could happen in Ukraine before the election uh as uh the Frontline cracking well across the entire front line and uh um Ukraine might not last that long and uh so yeah it remains to be seen um yeah

Glenn I would agree with you I think if you were to ask anybody here in the United States what has CA Harris
accomplished these past several years I think every single person would struggle to answer that question because I’m not sure that there’s anything to say about that.
But it’s still amazing that they’re trying to ramp up this excitement about U kamala Harris and uh
one often gets the that a lot of this is all well it’s all flare there’s very little substance because look at the last month in American politics how everything changed uh you know month ago
according to the Democrat Party they Biden was as sharp as ever he was great just like they’ve been saying for four years then you had the debate everything fell apart uh and it looked like yeah
Trump had virtually already won the election then he had an assassination attempt on Trump he you know had this great iconic photos uh looking defiant so now the election was definitely over.
You know Trump would win uh then you have the Democratic Elites uh in the New York Post they argue that Obama behind pushing Biden out anyways obviously there was a huge push Biden said that only you know the God Almighty would remove him he refused to be removed then Nancy Pelosi says you know no we’ll we can do this easy way or hard way and we’ll take care of it yeah we’ll take care of it and fascinating because only he wrote a tweet saying I’ll defeat Trump you know and then within hours of writing this he announced on Twitter he that he was leaving even uh you know even staff didn’t know so it happened in a great hurry so this is a very.
It’s all the scandals all this huge changes and now suddenly all of this is forgotten because it’s only it’s a week old already and now we’re the main story which the media is pushing hard is how wonderful Harris is you know she’s colored and woman and you know she’s very sharp and she can prevent the new Hitler coming to power.
So I’m not sure if have that much to do I think this is why in this regard as well I think political
propaganda will be quite be quite important it’s all about how you frame uh the candidates and uh so yeah this is not just something outside or own borders it’s uh this comes home as well uh Glenn thank you so much for this very interesting and insightful conversations for our viewers I would like to remind that Glenn has his own YouTube channel I will link his YouTube channel and his social Platforms in the video description below please give him a follow for frequent updates and Glenn I look forward to having you on again, thank you so much no thank you

PhD AI student explains how China already have won in AI..

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Search in video Artificial intelligence.

The race is heating up across the globe countries are running the marathon China too is part
of this race but looks like it’s running with shackles on its feet there is a faint second line on there somewhere if it focuses but yeah so I do apologize if I don’t sound too well in this video.

I was going to make a video earlier in the week about AI in China because my PhD is on AI but feeling really sick I was reading this article about Co in the UK as I was reading it I just come to the sudden
realization wow China is the best at AI in the world.

Sounds weird but I’ll explain shortly so if you’ve seen my other videos I’ve always said that America
they’re leading the way for AI and China are catching up and that’s why I decided to do my PhD in China because I feel eventually China will catch up but now I genuine believe China they ahead of the US.

And I just went to the AI the world AI conference in Shanghai a couple weeks ago and there were 300,000 people who attended it was a huge event with companies from China and around the world showcasing their AI.
But also there were Forums on how to collaborate so that’s one thing you don’t really see too much in other countries.

Much talk much cooperation so China they’re actively putting laws and safeguarding to make AI fit in society better.
But it’s a bit of a free for all in other places so I do feel it’s a lot more organized here in China and in the event they also made some really big announcements where they said that there will be 24 AI projects across multiple cities um which will be over 55 billion US in investment.

S China they are taking this extremely seriously and I was mind blown by the AI technology I this event too and if you’re not from China if you’re not living in China you might not really know about this technology because you’re not using it.

And also the US they’ve put a lot of sanctions on Chinese technology and the EU well they’re about to follow which is a bit of a shame um because I think this technology is really cool I I I’ve seen this firsthand how amazing it is it’s given you better accuracy than a lot of American and other foreign Technologies.

So for example with mobile phones electric vehicles large language models similar to chap GPT for example. Right they’ve all shown amazing progress in China in the past year so I think we can use three metrics to compare AI in China and the US number one modeling number.
Two data number three gpus and I think China beats the US on two out of three of those metrics okay so we’re now going to look at number one, modeling okay and I probably say this is the least important of the three it’s still important but a lot of companies they use pretty similar architectures but maybe if you’re looking at a very Niche area something new then this can be quite important okay.

And modeling this is when you have the data it means what do you want to do with the data what are
you trying to predict and this all comes down to Innovation how smart you can be when you’re looking at a whole country a whole population it does come down to money a little bit because it’s about how much funding you put into society, how much you put it into the education system.

You want a smarter Society right and so that means you’ve got more innovation in your society and we’ve
seen that in China there’s a lot of funding into the universities most people they do go to university in China and what we’ve seen is the number of tech graduates in China is just absolutely huge compared to any other country in the world.
China leads number one and not only that they also publish the most AI papers in the world and it’s not just the quantity but now it’s the quality.

In the past few years China you can see in terms of the seci index the the quality of the journals that they’re submitting to is higher on average than the US ones okay.
They’ve published in more higher seci papers okay and so what this means is that China they are publishing better research they have more Innovation.
So yeah China easily wins modeling okay and then the second one which I think the US are actually
winning in is the gpus okay. So these are the AI gpus I mean okay so you need to have gpus to handle all of this data so this is a really important.

One the US they’ve got these really big gpus AI gpus to the h100s the A1 100s they have an abundance of these and it’s not really through their own but it’s through Taiwan okay.
So they’ve taken uh Taiwan’s leading chip manufacturing company and they’ve put one of their bases in Phoenix Arizona yeah and then they are sanctioning China so they’re not letting China import them okay.
Which is just absolutely ridiculous it’s a bit of a shame because China they haven’t actually retaliated right. They’ve not actually done anything back to the US, they’ve continuously welcomed cooperation with the US they really want to do this and we’ve seen this. In this event right they want to welcome these
AI companies uh from the US and they want to work with them.

Imagine if AI gets into the wrong hands if it’s with the military or governments.
And they can use this we can easily get fooled right by these deep fakes.
Imagine what a government or military could do so this could be super dangerous for hacks or
Right recently the US have proposed this is not law yet but they proposed legislation which would stop
Chinese students coming to the US to do stem Majors. They want them to do Humanities and they know that because majority of Chinese students who go to the US they are stem Majors which is just absolutely ridiculous.
Why do you not allow them to go there. Lot of these Chinese graduates who go to the US they will then work for American companies and they actually help these American companies. They do so well in AI because of Chinese students. It is just mind blowing why they don’t want to have this cooperation and welcoming.

Because here in Shanghai in my University Shanghai gon University we have a joint school with Michigan right so every semester we have a lot of American students come in. There’s also New York University there is the jke Kunshan University just next to Shanghai so there is a lot of American always been welcomed to come to China come into Shanghai wherever and in America it seems that they don’t really want them there even though that they’ve helped with this technology and especially AI.
But anyway with all of these sanctions in place uh I think what we’ve seen in this conference is they’re not really working because China they have improved so much Leaps and Bounds right.
They have worked domestically instead of relying on foreign technology they can just focus on it themselves right there’s probably more pressure from the higher ups on these technology companies.

They need to make it much better and they’ve published it and they’ve shown that it’s much better in so many different fields okay.

Guys it is China W USA one we’re going into extra time China scores they win the world cup that is right because China beat the USA they beat the rest of the world on data and this is probably the most important
thing when it comes to AI.
Without the data the AI is nothing when I was working in the UK we had these data protection laws which were so annoying because we couldn’t access a lot of data because of security concerns and so without this data well the models were useless.

We need this data and China they have an abundance of it and so their models even if they’re basic models they are just so much better because of the data.

Let me give you an example okay. So you all know Amazon Maybe use it on a daily basis and do you ever notice I do anyway that when we have the recommendations on the website that a lot of the time they’re pretty useless they’re not really what I want to buy and so I often they just ignore it.

Whereas T about this is China’s version of um Amazon right they have so many good recommendations and whenever I’m using it I’m like oh my God I want to buy this I want to buy this, oh my God I never knew about this I want to buy this there’s so many good recommendations and that is because of the day I don’t want to go too technical on this but essentially tal Amazon they use something called a graph neural network okay.

So let’s say um person a and person B they both buy the same products okay uh and then person a they decide to buy a new product well person B because they probably got similar interest to person a they’ll get recommended that product as well so you can see the more people you have the more similarities you have then the better the recommendations will be.

And China they have a lot of Niche products and even for the niche products right they’ll have a lot of people they might have millions of people buying that so they got the data whereas maybe with Amazon they don’t have that.
So they might only have a few people who would buy that and so if they want to get recommended something these might not be too good and so I’ve got some uh statistics here which just are mind-blowing.

To show you why data is so important right so tbal uh they reported that it’s AI recommended actions they drove 26% of its sales.
Uh tbal they also processed 10 billion recommendations daily so they have so much data there was a study okay by Marketplace pulse and they found that only 35% of Amazon’s frequently bought together recommendations feature.

They were actually relevant and then ta about their clickthrough rates are 40% for some recommendation features meaning uh people are very interested in this whereas Amazon it’s only around 1 to 2% very low.

People they don’t really care about it and then finally AI recommendations drive over 26% of tww
Bell’s gross merchandise volume but it’s 15% for Amazon and so this is why data is so important doesn’t really matter too much how good your model is it’s about the data’

In China they just have so much of it and also such a large population in China they’re all using
the same apps as well they’re not really using these foreign apps.

Amazon exists in China but no one really uses it okay.
Especially for shopping you’ve got tbal you have pindor and you have a billion internet users using these apps so this brings us back to the beginning of the video Co yes okay.

So I was reading this paper about uh some big Research into the UK’s covid system all right and the
UK government they had this app where they recommend did everyone to install it uh during the peak of the pandemic and this would allow you to track covid so if you were nearby someone who had
covid it would ping up on your phone saying you high risk that you might have covid okay.
So researchers can use this okay they can use epidemiological models to find out the spread of the virus and so this is the first study I believe which looked at how Co has spread.

It’ll be even better if they had more data you see they had only 18 million people using at its very Peak which is a lot which is very good but it’s only 25% thereabouts of the UK population.
So maybe there are certain demographics maybe there are certain regions in the UK who might refuse it maybe young people they don’t care about Co they might not want to download this app and so we might not be able to get useful information with those people right whereas in China well we have one app and we have a a lot more people using it all across the country and that is WeChat.
Yes so you needed to use WeChat to basically enter any place you needed to scan it right you needed
to scan these QR codes to enter supermarkets shopping malls if you want to go grocery shopping whatever right you needed to go into any building you needed to scan a QR code with WeChat.

I don’t know the data it’s not there but I’d imagine it’s above 90% maybe close to 100% right because what everyone needed to register and if you had Co they’ll be able to know who your first Contact who your second contact was and they’ll be able to effectively uh trace it and China will be able to plan for the next pandemic way better than any other country because of the data.

Yeah and this is so much more useful than any other type of model that you could ever ask for right.
And it all comes down to the data okay so they will be able to know different populations different
demographics how the virus spreads how quickly it spreads and what can we do to avoid the next pandemic what can we do uh to stop the spread as much okay.

We don’t need to have this zero covid lockdown kind of thing we can do a different strategy okay
Because they’ll be better prepared for it they have this data all right.

Then guys thank you so much for watching the video I’ll be with you next time.
Hope you enjoyed that I will be doing a lot more traveling in the next month or so as I’ll be nearly graduating with my PhD so uh see you around for those videos,
bye-bye take care

Lust for power and corruption. Power grab in the EU?

Original video link above.

Destruction of the EU from the inside out. Pushing/forcing the NWO/WEF agenda.

Why because we are currently dealing with many unresolved corruption issues a dysfunctional banking system harmful green policies that are hurting the economy, de-industrialization and questionable actions against the sovereignty of individual EU member states. No end in sight, stopping at nothing. Madness.

The EU has been transformed from was once a wealthy and influencing construct to a beggar state union. No any real influence in the world as such anymore, bankrupt, isolated as result of many stupid decisions made and implemented in the past. And is getting worse and worse. There is a Chinese proverb that states: if you do sow winds you should prepare for harvesting a storm! In all this time that the EU has been going down and down nothing done to stop the real causes other than blindly adhere to the NWO and WEF and destroying it’s original fabric.

De damage is done. There will be no way back. Hard to believe! What stands out most to total lack of oversight/insight but I presume that is the result of the absence of room to manoeuvre when you must realise somebody else agenda.

From the good intentions and the creation of the EU what is left now is only a shadow of it’s original. Reduced to a dwarf in political/financial reality in our world. Look around are you blind? How about Asia?


Wisdom in Words
120K subscribers

36,253 views 23 Jul 2024 UNITED STATES
Hello, dear friends! Welcome back to another episode of Wisdom in Words. Ursula von der Leyen was recently reelected as President of the European Commission, sparking laughter and surprise in the European Parliament. During her speech, a Polish legislator sharply criticized her, leading the entire Parliament to burst into laughter within minutes. You really need to watch this video to believe what happened.

Imagine making a small mistake at a grocery store, like being off by twenty or thirty cents when submitting a receipt. Such a small error could cost you your job. But things seem to work differently at higher levels of power. If you’re the President of the European Commission and make deals worth 45 billion dollars with a company like Pfizer, even with weak evidence supporting those deals, you still get reelected. This is what’s so surprising about Ursula von der Leyen’s recent re-election.

Despite serious allegations and ongoing investigations into vaccine procurement and conflicts of interest, Ursula von der Leyen managed to secure enough votes for another term. Many admire her ability to gain support from different political groups, despite the controversies surrounding her actions. This situation is quite astonishing, as it highlights the significant differences in accountability between everyday people and those in high positions of power.

My friends, what do you think of all these accusations? Please share your thoughts in the comments if you’d like. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so you don’t miss any updates. Your support means a lot to us—thank you for watching!



hello dear friends welcome back to another episode of wisdom in words.
Ursula von der Leyen was recently reelected as president of the European commission and her reelection sparked a lot of laughter and surprise in the European Parliament. During her speech a Polish legislator sharply criticized her and within less than 2 minutes the entire Parliament burst into laughter.
You really need to watch this video to believe what happened now, imagine making a small mistake at a grocery store like being off by 20 or 30 cents when submitting a receipt such a small error could cost you your job but things seem to work differently at higher levels of power.
If you’re the president of the European commission and you make deals worth $45 billion with a company like Pfizer even with weak evidence supporting those deals you still get reelected, this is what’s so surprising about Ursula Von’s recent re-election.

Ursula von der Leyen has been elected again to lead the European commission for another 5 years in the
European Parliament there were 707 votes cast out of these she received 401 votes the remaining members either voted against her abstained or cast invalid votes.
Despite this she secured more than the required 360 votes needed to win this whole situation is quite
astonishing many admire Ursula von der Leyen for her ability to deceive people gain support from different political groups like The Greens and the People’s Party and continue her leadership in the EU for another term.
Here are some important events related to her actions on October 14th 2022. The European public
prosecutor’s office started investigating how the EU procured vaccines there were questions about the
transparency and fairness of these deals on April 4th 2024.
The European public prosecutor began looking into claims of conflicts of interest corruption and interference in public affairs involving Ursula von der Leyen.

These claims were related to the vaccine deals she was involved in on the same day April 4th 2024 due to the fer deals Ursula von der Leyen became a major Focus for European prosecutors despite these serious
allegations and ongoing investigations the inquiry into these claims has ended which allowed
Ursula von der Leyenfocus on her re-election as president of the European commission.
It’s remarkable how despite all these controversies and investigations she managed to get reelected and continue leading the European commission.
My friends you heard right some amazing and shocking things are happening in Germany right now.
I can hardly find the words to express my concerns without risking another video ban but I’m really curious about what you think of all these accusations.

Please share your thoughts in the comments if you’d like.
But that’s not all there’s a big debate happening in the European Union EU about whether to give a controversial figure Ursula von der Leyen another chance.
A Polish member of the EU Parliament recently spoke out against her she made it clear that Ursula has made many mistakes in the past and present and argued that reelecting her would be a huge error.
She believes that Ursula’s policies are harmful leading to increased poverty and a controlled economy focused on climate change which she thinks is going too far.

The parliamentarian said that Ursula’s first election was a serious mistake and urged other EU lawmakers to use their common sense and not repeat it.
She believes that Ursula’s actions have been unlawful and that she should be held accountable? What do you think of this parliamentarian bold statement do you agree with her share your thoughts in the comments. Personally I think she’s right re-electing Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the European commission
would be a disaster.
Why because we are currently dealing with many unresolved corruption issues a dysfunctional banking system harmful green policies that are hurting the economy, de-industrialization and questionable actions against the sovereignty of individual EU member states.
On top of that there have been dubious vaccine deals that cost billions of Euros given all these problems how can we expect Ursula von der Leyen to do a better job in another term.
This unfortunate decision highlights the urgent need for major reforms in the EU but it’s likely that
Ursula von der Leyen will now block these necessary changes.

This is why I believe that we need new leadership that can address these issues effectively.
Ursula von der Leyen reelection as the president of the European commission is expected to cost the EU and its people further years of lost productivity. What can we expect from her in the upcoming term.
We’ll hear from Thomas fruck an EU parliamentarian who has finding it difficult to believe the election results and is very shocked. He finds it absurd that Ursula von der Leyen has been reelected.

What does this mean for the EU we can anticipate more efforts to re-educate the populace increased
migration stricter environmental regulations and ongoing conflicts.

Naturally the afd alternative for Germany party voted against Ursula von der Leyen as she has already stated she will not attend the traditional visit to the Hungarian presidency.

This raises the question how much of a nuisance is she to Hungary. It’s clear what Ursula von der Leyen wants.
She appears to be trying to undermine Hungary’s government especially after Victor Orban’s peace negotiations in Washington Beijing Moscow and Kijve.
Besides Zelensky any peace Seeker must also talk to Putin that’s the essence of diplomacy it involves more than just meeting with people who share your views.

Critics argue that Orban lacks the legitimacy of authority to speak for Europeans in negotiations with leaders like Putin but what kind of legitimacy or authority does Ursula von der Leyen have?
Her name is not on any ballot for the EU election however Victor Orban has the Mandate of the Hungarian people. By effectively using this mandate to mediate issues between Ukraine Russia China and the United States Orban has made Europe appear as a sovereign actor in World politics.

A role that should have ideally been taken by Germany.
Victor Orban has taken on the challenging role of a Statesman acting as a mediator between conflicting
parties something that no other European leader seems willing to do.
This approach is not just bold but also represents a wise foreign policy strategy however despite these efforts he faces opposition and punitive actions from Ursula von der Leyen.
What does this reveal about the current state of the EU leadership. Instead of adopting a balanced and pragmatic approach that could serve the interests of all Ursula von der Leyen Europeans Ursula von der Leyen seems to prefer pushing the European Union towards oligarchizing her leadership.
Appears focused on anti-national and anti-European objectives intensifying divisions rather than fostering Unity.

For those of us who advocate for sovereignty and nationalism this situation makes it clear that having
more leaders like Orban could actually strengthen Europe’s position on the global stage.
If the serious alleged against Ursula von der Leyen are proven true that she has squandered billions of public funds and engaged in dubious vaccination deals she should be held accountable and face legal consequences.

Such actions not only undermine public trust but also suggest deep-seated corruption within the EU’s
highest ranks.

Ursula von der Leyen role as president has been marred by numerous controversies bringing disgrace
to the office. It’s surprising that she didn’t leave politics in 2016 when her PhD plagiarism was confirmed the University of Hanover officially stated that her degree was plagiarized.
Yet there were no repercussions this is a prime example of how often people in power can evade
accountability for their actions.

Additionally during her tenure as Germany’s defense minister Ursula von der Leyen was involved in a significant Scandal she paid millions in Consulting fees to external firms.

In 2017 it was revealed that her Ministry had allocated large sums of money to outside Consultants like McKenzie without a proper tender process this raised serious suspicions of corruption and favoritism
particularly because her son was working for McKenzie at the time.
Leading to accusations of conflicts of interest these incidents paint a troubling picture of Ursula von der Leyen leadership and integrity her reelection as the president of the European commission could mean more years of lost productivity and missed opportunities for the EU and its citizens.
Instead of fostering growth understanding and unity her policies may continue to deepen divisions and
hinder progress.

The reelection of Ursula von der Leyen signifies several troubling trends for/in the EU we can expect continued efforts to re-educate the populists according to specific ideological lines an increase in migration policies that may not align with all member states interests, stringent environmental regulations that could stifle economic growth and persistent conflicts within the union.

The alternative for Germany afd party naturally voted against her especially since she has openly refused
to attend the traditional visit to the Hungarian presidency.

This action alone raises questions about her intentions towards Hungary. It appears that Ursula von der Leyen is intent on undermining Hungary’s government particularly after Victor or ban’s peace negotiations in Washington Beijing Moscow and kiv.
Diplomacy requires engaging with all parties including those we may disagree with such as Putin to seek peace.
Critics often argue that Orban lacks the legitimacy of authority to speak for Europeans in negotiations with leaders like Putin however Ursula von der Leyen legitimacy is also questionable since she was not directly elected by the European populace.
In contrast Victor Orban has the Mandate of the Hungarian people and by effectively using this mandate he has positioned Europe as a sovereign actor in global politics a role that ideally should have been taken
by Germany.
An inquiry committee was established to determine whether the funds were used legally however during this investigation sensitive data from the defense Ministry was deleted many issues with the contracts remain unresolved.
My friends do you see the pattern here confirmed plagiarism yet she retained her title despite spending millions of tax dollars records were mysteriously deleted now another Scandal involves billions of dollars related to Pfizer.
Ursula von der Leyen well done people have fallen for your schemes and they’ve proven effective it’s astonishing my friends the more serious the fraud the lower the penalties and the longer the tenure for the government official let’s look at this in more detail after allegations of misuse of funds and Corruption surfaced.
Remember to share like And subscribe to show your support I’ll see you tomorrow back here on rumble or YouTube, Take Care.

Commissioners, Ireland intents to nominate only one:

“That’s not to be in any way disrespectful to the view of the President von der Leyen – it’s for two reasons. One, the treaties do allow member states to decide their Commissioner.

“Secondly, we’ve just asked our finance minister to not be the finance minister, he has stepped down from cabinet and he’s now preparing very intensively – it’s important to provide him with that certainty,” he added.

Asked during a press conference today, the European Commission said that they would not be discuss the legal basis of the request but said that the request of the Commission President was clear, two names


The WEF Predicts: THIS Will Happen! Global Economic Outlook 2024!


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► WEF Chief Economists Outlook:…

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when it comes to unelected and unaccountable organizations the world economic Forum or we is the most infamous of the lot.
That’s because the we appears to influence our daily lives more than our own governments this is
especially true when it comes to the economy.
It’s called the world economic Forum after all as it so happens the recently published a paper predicting what could come next for the global economy and given that many of the W’s predictions are effectively promises.
Summarizing this paper is of utmost importance and that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.
This is a video you do not want to miss.
The paper we’ll be summarizing Economy, quote Chief economists Outlook May 2024 as the title suggests this paper is penned by dozens of the world’s top economists and an updated one is
published every quarter I.E every 3 months we’ll leave the link to this most recent Edition below.

Now the paper begins with a summary it notes that most economists now expect the global economy to be stronger than they did in the previous paper to put things into perspective back in January 56% of economists believed the global economy would be weak as of last month only 177% believe this.

Not surprisingly Almost 100% of eon economists believe that geopolitics and politics will cause volatility.
If you watched our summary of the Ws Davos Summit you’ll know this is an understatement.

The elites seem to be absolutely terrified of the prospect of another Trump presidency for whatever
that’s worth. Now it’s also not surprising that most economists continue to believe that the US economy will remain strong while the EU economy will continue to weaken what is a bit surprising.

Is that they expect some central banks like the ECB to cut interest rates but others namely the FED
to keep rates where they are more on that later. It’s also surprising that economists expect the global economy to recover in the next few years this is surprising because GDP and energy production are almost perfectly correlated and let’s just say that many countries aren’t pursuing the best energy policies.
You can thank the we for that, as far as the W’s economists are concerned these substandard energy
policies will somehow result in more economic growth funnily enough they found that the reality on the ground is that many countries aren’t sure that these energy policies will help with economic growth.
Spoiler alert they won’t and by the way if you’re enjoying the video so far be sure to body slam that
like button to let us know and subscribe to the channel and ping that notification Bell so you don’t miss the next video.

I was trapped inside a cage a cage made out of The Daily Grind I was so unfulfilled I felt like a blank sheet of A4 paper something was missing from my life but I didn’t know what but then I found what I’ve been missing the coin Bureau deals page. Was the answer to my prayers it had everything I needed to make me complain Exchange sign up bonuses of up to $60,000 the biggest discount on the best hardware wallets trading fee discounts of up to 60% on the best crypto exchanges exclusive altcoin Alpha.
Thank you coin bubal for bringing me back to life.
Now the first part of the paper Politics, Geopolitics highlights the current consensus among we economists as quote a mood of cautious optimism as I mentioned a few moments ago.

Most economists now expect a strong economy but this seems to hinge on the assumption that geopolitics and politics in general won’t mess things up.
On the geopolitical front the Middle East and Eastern Europe are the two greatest areas of concern as we’ve seen any escalation in the war between Israel and Hamas plus its proxies could cause a spike in oil prices because oil is used in basically everything. This would result in more inflation across the board in turn this would force central banks to keep interest rates where they are or even raise them.
As a means of keeping this supply side inflation under control. The Practical effect of this would be that existing debts would become more expensive and it would become difficult to borrow.

Slowing down the economy news flash but the economy practically runs on debt now as for Eastern Europe the escalation is less economic in the sense that it’s unlikely to result in any more disruptions to supply chains and the like.

Rather the risk of the escalation in Eastern Europe is that it destabilizes the region by calling its various institutions into question and not just by Europeans for context the EU is currently considering giving the 300 billion dollars in assets it seized from Russia to Ukraine.

As a fun fact it’s believed that this would be a watershed moment for the Global Financial system in plain English it could cause other countries to de-risk from Europe and European assets this is why the EU has only given Ukraine the profits that these seized assets have earned not the underlying assets themselves.
Of course the US is reportedly pressuring the EU to follow through with using the underlying assets
to fund Ukraine and the EU is understandably hesitant.

It could backfire badly on that note the US has also been pressuring the EU to put more restrictions on China obviously Taiwan could be another geopolitical flasho that causes volatility.
For reference Taiwan produces most of the world’s microchips any disruptions to that production or export could be disastrous this is why it’s interesting that China has been increasing its hostilities towards Taiwan. China wouldn’t do this if it needed the advanced microchips that are only made in Taiwan the fact that China is doing this has led some geopolitical analysts to speculate that it can make its own Advanced chips now.
If this is true then a Taiwan related incident could be on the table it doesn’t even have to be a full-scale
Invasion a trade blockade of some kind would be sufficient to cause economic disruption.
The fact that the US and EU are rushing to build their own chip facilities suggests that such disruptions are perhaps inevitable

On the political front meanwhile nationalist parties have been on the rise around the world this is something we’ve been predicting for two years now. When times are tough people tend to blame the rich and immigrants this seems to be true regardless of the country and it spells trouble for the globalist focused economy.

That’s simply because nationalist parties will put the priority of their own people first For Better or For Worse as we mentioned in our video about why globalism is failing.

This will be painful in the short term as it will initially cause inflation to increase while asset prices remain high, wages will eventually follow speaking of which the economists surveyed by the we predict that inflation will stay sticky not because of nationalism but because of housing as many of you may have noticed housing prices continue to rise due to globalist policies that restrict construction and accelerate immigration.
Globalist policies around energy have also made everything more expensive and the W’s economists predict that prices could Rise by 30% if the situation in the Middle East escalates they also note that 20 to 40% of trade is happening between geopolitically unaligned countries.

Bad news for Europe and Asia. No Doubt let’s just hope that the W’s Economist prediction about the Middle East isn’t a promise. Now in the second Unpredictability, ESG part of the paper the W’s economists expand on the quote challenging Global landscape. We just reviewed they start by saying that International conflicts and high interest rates have created an unpredictable environment for well everyone.
For those unaware there is nothing investors hate more than uncertainty investors don’t mind World
War I so long as it’s certain because that means they can price it in and plan now.
So far the effects of this unpredictability have been muted likely because investors are expecting the
money printer to be turned back on from the perspective of the we and its economists unpredictability is not the problem though complexity is.
All those aforementioned factors make things more complex this makes it harder for Central planners at the W to make decisions and well good riddance they shouldn’t be making these decisions at all.

Anyways the we’s economists go on to Lament The Growing Divergence between official government data and people’s lived experiences in their own words quote the emergence of Divergence between modestly encouraging economic data and stubbornly gloomy public sentiment oh those damn PL now.

Naturally the we’s economists see this Divergence between their data and the reality on the ground as a quote Challenge and they stop short of calling for censorship in the name of misinformation disinformation Etc.
If this challenge continues though don’t be surprised to see such censorship.
Now to add insult to injury the we’s economists don’t even seem to understand why this Divergence exists they seem to believe it’s just inequality and uncertainty it goes without saying that this just scratches the surface of the problem.
Everyone is realizing that the system is rigged by the we for the we case in point this part of the paper
includes a section about what’s going to drive business decisions according to the we’s economists now to clarify they didn’t ask businesses they asked a group of academics what they think.

The businesses are thinking the answers are predictably out of touch for example the West’s economists think that the average business will Factor geopolitics into its everyday decision- making.
It’s safe to say that the average business isn’t thinking too much about this just the global corporations that the W interacts with.
The average business is worried about inflation and labor lo and behold the authors note labor as being one of the least important factors in business decisions and then the people in power wonder why the average person is pushing back against their policies anyhow.

What’s fascinating is that the we’s economists found that corporations are issuing as many bonds as they can The believe this is because these corporations are concerned about the future put differently they’re borrowing as much money as they can today to prepare for what tomorrow brings.

On a more positive note the we’s economists found that three quarters of executives are skeptical about ESG and that almost a quarter of them are outright abandoning it.
As most of you will know ESG is an investment ideology pioneered by asset managers like Black Rock and well it’s a rabbit hole.
All of its own more about ESG in the description moving on now after summarizing some other findings from surveys of Executives the W’s economists pivot to another Hot Topic and that’s fiscal and monetary policy.
As some of you will know fiscal policy involves government spending and Taxation whereas monetary policy involves central banks and interest rates. As I mentioned earlier the W’s economists expect interest rates to fall in the EU and stay roughly where they are in the US and elsewhere the reason why I noted it as being surprising is because the monetary policies of central banks had been synchronized up until now.

They all just followed the fed this is just because if central banks eased while the Fed was tightening they would risk ending up like Japan where the Yen lost over 40% of its value.

Mainly due to interest rate differentials. Unfortunately for the EU this could happen to the euro because the ECB can’t afford to keep rates higher for longer. Oddly enough the Ws economists expect more constrained fiscal policy because governments besides the US apparently can’t afford to spend anymore.
It’s even more odd that they’re projecting this for Europe given that the EU has been adamant about funding ESG aligned policies.
The oddest part of all is that even the authors who wrote the paper find it strange that the EU is
expected to re in its spending we suspect this could be due to the Divergence between monetary and fiscal policy in the Euro Zone.
This could cause the euro to collapse if they’re not careful. This is why the ECB is rushing to roll out a digital Euro so that it can control the European economy and you.

But that too is a topic for another video which you can also find in the description whatever the case.

In the WEF Predictions, Policies third part of the paper the W’s economists provide their long-term
predictions about the global economy if you’re wondering what long-term means it means 5 years.
By the way this makes sense given that the W is trying to get everything done by 2030 roughly 5 years
from now.

Regardless the W’s economists note that Global growth has been slowing since the start of the century the idea that this could in any way be due to the W’s own policies seems impossible to Fathom.
In all seriousness they seem to be seriously worried that this Global slowdown could get worse that’s because nearly a quarter of the W’s economists believe that the world won’t return to its pre-pandemic annual growth rate of 4%.

This pessimism seems to be due to differing opinions on just how much Technologies like AI will be able to boost productivity half of them believe it won’t do that much.
This is eye opening considering that the we has been bullish on Technologies like AI because of their implicit promise to replace the plebs and make the world’s wonders for the elites.
Only then again the we’s economists still believe that AI will be a force for growth just not as big as they’d hoped come to think of it this could be bearish for AI stocks.
But well let’s not get ahead of ourselves it’s not like the we is involved in these AI company oh right
yes Sam ultman was at Davos this year silly me.

Anyway Jokes Aside what’s striking is how differently the we’s economists view developed countries and
developing countries they seem to believe that things like AI will benefit developed countries the most while developing countries will only see marginal gains.
Almost as if it’s by Design we couldn’t help but be reminded of an unsettling headline from 2022 a we
survey which found that people in developing countries love the metaverse this seems intuitively false and it reveals a very Grim possibility the we wants to keep poor countries in their place.

This is evident in the paper as well consider the following quote, there was a lack of consensus on the role of other Industries including mining supply chain and transport services manufacturing fossil fuel energy and and materials retail and wholesale of consumer goods and financial professional and Real Estate Services in global growth.
Now consider that Industries like mining manufacturing and fossil fuels are the backbones of most
developing countries it’s strange that we Economist opinions are mixed on these industries given that they will be required for things that will create growth in developed countries.

AI runs on Hardware after all now at the end of the paper the W’s economists talk about the most important part policy priorities that will ensure economic growth over the next 5 years. By now you’ll have gathered that these policies are likely to be implemented in most countries given how much the we has infiltrated governments.

More about the young global leaders and Global Shapers in the description.

I digress now ironically enough the W’s economists start by saying that economic growth could have been 50% higher today had it not been for the misallocation of capital in recent years.

This is ironic because they yet again fail to realize that their very own policies are incentivizing this misallocation of capital. This begs the question of what backwards policies we can expect from the W and its political cronies.
The answer again depends on whether it’s a developing country or a developed country.
For developed countries the focus will be education infrastructure improved access to finance and more
institutions in theory this sounds great in practice however education means indoctrination infrastructure means dystopian Technologies like digital IDs access to finance means giving your money to Black Rock and more institutions means yet more unaccountable and unelected organizations getting involved in domestic affairs.

I’m not even joking about that black rock bit by the way check out our recent video link in the description. Anywh who as you might have guessed the policies that the W’s economists have in mind are identical for developing countries with one small difference Innovation which is apparently less effective in developing countries.
Now to the untrained eye this is just an anomaly but you’ll know it’s more than that and finally the Ws
economists note that any kind of trade protectionism would be bad regardless of the economic status of the country in question.
Translation don’t you dare put the well-being of your populations above our profits.
It’s going to be interesting to see what happens to the countries that try to do exactly that now.

Are They Lying?
Things up I want to underscore something we mentioned in a recent video and that’s that economists often lie to appease whoever it is they’re relaying information to.
As such we should take everything in this paper with a grain of salt particularly because economists
like to lie to the public that said though there’s no denying that there is quite a bit of Truth to what the W’s economists are saying.
The world is becomingly increasingly unstable due to geopolitical and political issues this again scratches the surface of the problem.
Again the real issue is centralization which is inherently unstable and this is something we’ve highlighted in multiple videos.
Imagine you’re stacking coins on top of each other at first the stack is stable but
becomes less if you keep adding

It’s easy to forget that the centralizing systems made by institutions like the we have been in the works for decades they’ve gotten ever more controlling as their centralized systems have become ever more unstable and people have had enough.
The good news is that more people are becoming aware of the fact that the problems they face are the products of the systems put in place by the likes of the we not immigrants or the rich or even the politicians per se. The bad news though is that the we knows that we know and they don’t like it. The result is that censorship has been increasing and while there are some places and spaces where you can speak freely and organize peacefully they are under threat from all sides.

Lawsuits regulations Market manipulation infiltration by we
Affiliated entities you know the usual totalitarian tactics the crazy thing is that people are starting to notice how these things are being weaponized too.
This could result in a total collapse of faith in institutions total Anarchy now. Make no mistake this is
something the we would take advantage of and some would argue it is trying to make all this happen.
Remember that the we has been pushing for a great reset since the pandemic so far it hasn’t succeeded but that doesn’t mean it’s not trying after all. The only way to have a reset is to shut off what currently exists.
We may be unknowingly contributing to a planned collapse that would be wild. Anyway speculation aside
the solution to this mess is to create a new system consisting of decentralized Institutions that is made for the average person by the average person as corny as it sounds this is the system that cryptocurrency is trying to create and that is why the we has been trying to infiltrate it.
Fortunately the kinds of people who are passionate about building decentralized institutions are
not the kind that would ever work for the we regardless of the price.
There are tens of thousands of people doing this work as you watch this video and if you
want to truly change the world you should join them.

Outro and that’s all for today’s video folks, so if you found it informative be sure
to smash that like button if you want to stay informed subscribe to the channel
and ping that notification Bell if you want to help inform others about what
the W is planning for the global economy.
Then share this video with them. As always thank you so much for watching
and I will see you next time.
This is guy over and out.

The Euro CRUMBLES After The EU faces a DEVASTATING problem


66,932 views 21 Jul 2024 #europeanunion #euro
Think about debt for a moment. Could you name a country or union that’s totally free of it? Hard to do, right? The same goes for the EU. The European Union has an outstanding tab of nearly fourteen trillion euros. That’s a whopping eighty-two percent of their total GDP! And guess what? This debt is on a potential hike.

But really, how on earth did the EU and its members rack up such a massive debt? And what’s their plan to settle all these debts? Which debt is from the EU itself, and which are from its countries? And which rules does the EU have against debt?

Watch the whole video for the answers to these questions
Follow along using the transcript.

Think about debt for a moment could you name a country or Union that’s totally free of it. Hard
to do right the same goes for the EU the European Union has an outstanding tab of nearly 14 trillion
EUR that’s a whopping 82% of their total GDP and guess what this debt is on a potential hike but
really how on Earth did the EU and its members rack up such a massive debt and what’s their
plan to settle all these debts.

Which debt is from the EU itself and which are from its countries and which roles does the EU have against debt. The fact that there is debt is extremely important as it can have a direct impact on the value of the Euro for example when there is an increase in debt in the EU it can lead to a decrease in the Euro’s value against other currencies. This is because higher levels of debt can make investors more hesitant to invest in the currency causing its value to depreciate on the other hand if the EU successfully manages its debt and reduces it over time it can have a positive impact on the Euro’s value since lower levels of debt make the currency more attractive to investors, increasing its demand and therefore its value and when the euro is strong it can lead to better trade and economic opportunities for all member states however if one Euro country Falls short every country is affected.

This happened for example during the European debt crisis or the Eurozone crisis basically this was a pretty big money problem that lasted for several years and affected lots of countries in the European Union between 2009 and the mid to late 2010s.
Now imagine you are a country using the Euro and your currency is losing value through the mistakes of other countries like Greece Portugal Ireland Spain or Cyprus something like this happened when investors got really spooked about the financial crisis and didn’t want to lend money to those countries anymore.
Because there was a higher risk so instead of lending the investors demanded higher interest rates for taking off that risk which made it even harder for these countries to pay off their existing debts it was so tough that these countries couldn’t even handle these issues alone or even under their national super Vision.

So they sought help from third parties like the Eurozone neighbors the European Central Bank ECB and the international monetary fund IMF.
This mess was basically created due to a balance of payments crisis this is when foreign money suddenly stops flowing into countries that heavily rely on it and are running High deficits uh but that’s not all actually the shared currency of the Euro worsened the problem because these states couldn’t lower the value of their National currency as a solution they couldn’t just devalue their money to make things easier yes that is right devaluing their money could have been the solution but imagine being a thriving country and having your currency devalued through the mistakes of somebody else it’s not fair and the EU was on a mission to reduce such risks.

And how did some Eurozone countries end up with such a heap of debt While others didn’t. Well
it goes back to when the Euro was first introduced there were already differences in the economies of
each Euro Zone country and these differences played a huge part in the mounting debt.

The European Central Bank decided on an attractive interest rate a golden opportunity some might
say this move was particularly beneficial for investors in the northern Eurozone countries sparking their interest in lending more to their southern counterparts and why wouldn’t the South take advantage of this the low interest rates.
Made borrowing almost too good to resist the thought was that this would make the South more prosperous however over time this system resulted in a growing deficit mostly from private players in the economy so in actual fact the low interest rates meant to stimulate the economy drove these Southern countries deeper into debt and maybe this was the problem even though 20 out of 20 27 EU countries utilize the same currency they don’t owe a collective debt.

There is no such thing as EU bonds each EU country issues its unique sovereign debt meaning it faces different financing costs which depend on how well it manages its public finances and growth potential even though it shares a currency with other member countries so strong economies like Germany and France with their stable public finances are classified as less risky for investors.

On the other hand countries like Italy and Greece have weaker economies and higher levels of debt making their bonds riskier.
Investments this difference in Risk is reflected in the interest rates that investors demand from
each country countries with lower risk such as Germany can borrow at lower rates because investors are more confident in their ability to repay the debt in contrast countries with higher risk such as Italy have to pay higher interest rates to attract investors.
But even though the EU countries don’t share a collective debt they do have measures in place to help each other out in times of Crisis the European stability mechanism esm was created as a safety net for Eurozone countries facing financial difficulties.

Essentially it serves as a bailout fund for member states that are unable to borrow from the market at reasonable rates for example when the covid-19 crisis hit the European Union took a bold step they launched the unique Next Generation EU program it’s a one-time joint debt insurance initiative projected to last until 2027 the aim was to financially support the recovery postco and make some significant
transformations to the European economy.

Now get this they funded it with a whopping 860 billion dolar.
Incredible but not everything went smoothly unfortunately the cost of borrowing has been creeping up which has made EU officials a bit wary about borrowing more additionally.
The EU has put rules in place and regulations regarding member States debt levels these rules are collectively known as the stability and growth pact SGP which was introduced in 1997 under the SGP member states expected to keep their budget deficits below 3% of GDP and maintain a public debt level no higher than 60% of GDP.
This is to ensure that countries are not accumulating excessive levels of debt which can lead to financial instability and risk for the entire Union.
However these rules have faced criticism and challenges in recent years some argue that
they have been ineffective in preventing financial crisis as seen with the Eurozone crisis in 2009 to

  1. Others argue that the rules are too strict and do not take into account external factors
    such as economic downturns or natural disasters in response the EU has made some changes to the
    SGP including implementing a more flexible approach during times of Crisis for example in 2020 due to the covid pandemic.
    Member states were allowed to temporarily exceed the 3% deficit limit and receive financial support through EU programs.
    Now some say the Future Path seems straightforward and that the only way to get in control is to issue euro-bonds however this has somewhat turned into a forbidden phrase among the corridors of power in Brussels and Berlin.
    The northern European nations the ones who have loaned money to others find it hard to believe that their southern counterparts will manage their finances responsibly.
    These countries have EXP expressed concerns over the idea of pooling their debt and are getting a bit jittery about the escalating costs of borrowing money.
    To add to this the eu’s plan called Next Generation EU which is financed by issuing debt and is due to be repaid by 2058 won’t be followed by more debt issuance this could lead to the eu’s debt markets not being as sizable deep and quick to trade as the large member nation’s markets because they simply won’t be enough Supply. This too could ramp up costs since a considerable amount of easily tradable secure assets is crucial for investors.
    So this leaves us in a complicated situation with no clear answer while pulling debt may seem
    like an ideal solution the fear and uncertainty surrounding it make it a tough sell to northern
    European nations and without those countries on board the eu’s borrowing costs could continue
    to rise making it challenging for them to finance essential projects and Investments.

This could have longterm effects not just on the eu’s economy but also on its Global standing and ability to compete with other major economies.

However one thing is for sure we will keep you updated so subscribe to our channel for more updates on the European Union and its economy thanks for watching

EU court sees Massive Breach of Law! Ursula’s Candidacy Over! Please click on the link for the original video.

Wisdom in Words
119K subscribers
Hello, dear friends! Welcome back to another episode of Wisdom in Words.

Did you hear the big news about Mrs. von der Leyen? She was found guilty by an EU court just in time to stop her re-election as the head of the European Union. What does this mean for the EU?

The European Parliament revealed that Mrs. von der Leyen’s secret actions violated EU law. Could this be a victory for democracy and the 450 million citizens of the EU?

With the court’s decision coming at the last minute, isn’t it dramatic how it changed the election outcome? Even the Greens have announced sanctions against her. Is her political career over?

What about the accusations of nepotism and corruption? How will this impact the EU’s future policies, especially in health and defense procurement?

Thank you so much for watching. What are your thoughts on this? Share, like, and subscribe to support our channel. I’ll see you tomorrow on Rumble or YouTube. Take care!

News, #EU, #VonDerLeyen, #Corruption, #EuropeanParliament, #Democracy, #EUPolitics, #BreakingNews, #Accountability, #Transparency, #WisdomInWords, #PoliticalDrama


Hello dear friends welcome back to another episode of wisdom in words.

Yesterday evening there was some big news involving Mrs von der leyen.
She was found guilty by an EU Court this decision came just in time to stop her from being reelected as the head of the European Union. Let’s explore this surprising turn of events last night.

The European Parliament shared some surprising information they revealed that Mrs von der Leyen and second term as head of the European Union was stopped because an EU Court found her guilty of corrupt activities.

The Berliner zeiting a major newspaper reported this news according to the EU Court Ursula von der
leyen broke a contract and her secret actions violated EU law this has led to many people asking her to drop out of the election race. This news is seen as a victory for the rule of law and democracy benefiting the 450 million citizens of the European Union. It’s significant because it shows that even high ranking officials can be held accountable for their actions.
The decision came at the last minute as Mrs von der leyen was scheduled to be reelected today.

This timing made the news even more dramatic in response to the Court’s ruling even the greens a political group announced sanctions this makes it very unlikely for Mrs Von Der Leyen to be reelected her previous efforts to collaborate with the greens to secure her reelection are now irrelevant.
On Wednesday during a press conference heldin Strasburg Manel Aubrey a French member of the European Parliament MEP from the left wing openly criticized the European commission for its lack of transparency.
Aubrey’s criticism was aimed at the way the commission handles and discloses information to the public and other governing bodies.
The greens another significant political group in the European Parliament had initially supported Ursula van der for the position of president of the European commission.

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This support was crucial for van der Leyen candidacy. In a related development the European court of
justice issued a statement emphasizing the need for strong and convincing arguments when making accusations that could damage corporate trust. Tilly Mets a spokesperson for the green party mentioned this in an interview with the magazine Ur. Active Mets explained that the election happening today could have significant long-term consequences especially because the EU commission is expected to increase its efforts in joint procurement for the health and defense Industries. Joint procurement refers to multiple countries or entities coming together to purchase goods and services as a single buyer which can increase efficiency and reduce costs. During the same press conference MEP Mets remarked well dear viewers that’s it for her and her career.
This statement was made in the context of a lawsuit that had been filed to obtain records from the commission. Mets suggested that once van der is eventually let go from her position she will have no fallback plan or alternative career options.

Earlier this year Von Der Leyen had applied for the position of Secretary General of NATO but was rejected the numerous allegations against her made it difficult for her to be considered a viable candidate for any significant role within the EU.

Von der Leyen facing various accusations of wrongdoing is now attempting to win favor to secure her income and position having lost much of her previous standing. These accusations include charges of nepotism where she is alleged to have favored friends and relatives in her professional dealings the revelation of these actions has sparked a contentious and heated debate within political circles one of the promises Von Der Leyen had made was that if she were reelected she would appoint Mets to a key position within the EU now that van der Leyen has been found guilty the situation appears to be reaching a conclusion with her career prospects significantly diminished this situation.

Highlights the complex interplay of political support legal challenges and ethical considerations within the European Union’s governing bodies. The outcomes of these events could influence the future direction of EU policies particularly in areas like health and defense procurement.
The newspaper article continues with an in-depth explanation of a recent Court ruling that has significant implications for Ursula van der Leyden and the European commission.
The Court ruling centers on controversial Clauses that attempt to exclude or limit liability known as
exclusion of guilt Clauses these Clauses are Provisions in contracts that aim to Shield parties from being held responsible for any harm caused by their actions or products.
The court declared its strong opposition to such Clauses emphasizing that they are not applicable to parties who have suffered harm under directive 8374298849 product.
The Court’s statement underscored that the producer is clearly accountable for any harm brought about
by a defect in their work. Additionally the court highlighted that the product in question is well known indicating its widespread use and significant impact. The ruling also clarified that EU law does not prevent a third party from compensating the losses sustained by the manufacturer due to a product flaw. This means that in the case of contracts involving defective products the EU commission or EU member states could be responsible for covering the losses depending on the specifics of the secret agreements made.
The court provided a clear line of action for affected parties, they can sue the producers for the harm caused by defective products the producers in turn would seek compensation from the EU commission or the relevant member involved in the secret agreements.
This ruling is particularly significant for Ursula van der who has been embroiled in various controversies
and allegations during her tenure one of the primary issues is her involvement in these secret agreements that aim to limit liability for harmful outcomes.
The Court’s rejection of the exclusion of guilt Clauses brings to light her controversial actions and raises
questions about the transparency and accountability of her leadership.

Has faced multiple allegations including nepotism which refers to the practice of favoring friends and family in professional decisions she has also been accused of mismanaging EU resources and making questionable decisions that have sparked heated debates within political circles.
Earlier this year von der leyen applied for the position of Secretary General of NATO but was rejected largely due to the numerous allegations against her which undermined her credibility as a candidate.
The Court’s ruling on the exclusion of guilt Clauses further complicates Von’s position it highlights
a broader issue of accountability within the EU particularly concerning how contracts are handled and how liability is managed for defective products.

The ruling implies that under van der leadership the EU commission may have attempted to Shield itself and manufacturers from being held responsible for harmful outcomes which is now being firmly rejected by the court.

The implications of this ruling are far-reaching it sets a precedent for how liability should be addressed in the EU and emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in the commission’s dealings.

For Van der leyen this adds another layer of legal and ethical challenges making her position increasingly
untenable as the Court ruling is implemented it could lead to further scrutiny of her actions and decisions
potentially resulting in more legal battles and political Fallout.

The court recently reprimanded the EU commission for failing to provide any explanation as to why granting universal access to compensatory measures would be detrimental to business commercial interests.

The court found that the commission under Ursula Von Der Leyen leadership neglected to offer any
reasoning for keeping these measures secret which has raised significant concerns the Court’s decision is a major blow to the group’s overall illegal activities.

It was revealed that Mrs Von der leyen signed confidential agreements with various companies these agreements were designed to either completely avoid or significantly reduce liability and compensation for any future problems. These companies might face these secret deals were made under the guise of protecting economic interests and involve shifting responsibilities in ways that were not disclosed to the public the EU commission and particularly VL has faced intense criticism for withholding this crucial information.

The Court’s ruling is clear all parties who have been denied compensation are now entitled to full
and unaltered disclosure of all relevant records additionally any secrecy regarding conflicts of interest is no longer valid.
This ruling lifts the veil of secrecy that has shrouded these dealings and brings to light the serious
ethical breaches involved this is significant because it appears that there were substantial conflicts of
interest bribery and corruption with all participants taking an oath of confidentiality.

The court has now modified these confidentiality agreements ensuring transparency and accountability as a result van der Leyen has been thoroughly defeated in this matter failing on all counts.

All documents must now be made public allowing everyone to see the exact offenses that were committed the article also highlights events just before the European parliament’s vote on granting commission president Ursula van der Leyen a second term. The day before the crucial vote the European Court made a significant ruling confirming that Von Der Leyen as a candidate for EU commission president had violated EU law in a specific matter.

This legal breach prompted immediate calls for consequences from politicians like Fabio
deasi a member of vagen who expressed his concerns on Twitter he urged van der Leyen to withdraw her application and release any encrypted correspondence related to the case without delay.
MEP Martin sorn also weighed in stating in the journal that the EU commission does not owe secrecy to Big corporations but owes transparency to the public this statement underscores the growing demand for openness and accountability within the EU commission’s operations.
Reflecting on the situation the article emphasizes that this could potentially be Von der Leyen final day in office.
The accusations against her have stirred controversy with suggestions that her reelection by the EU Parliament could lead to one of the worst scandals in EU history.

Implicating every MEP involved in the decision. The Court’s ruling has sparked significant public interest and debate it raises critical questions about ethics transparency and the Integrity of EU leadership.

The outcome of this case could have profound implications for how Future Leaders are scrutinized and elected within the EU.
Thank you so much for watching I, appreciate your time and support.
Remember to share like And subscribe to show your support I’ll see you tomorrow .
Back here on rumble or YouTube. Take Care

China stopping trading with US and EU ??? Please click on the video link for the original.

China Stops Exports to the US and the EU: What Impact on Global Commerce?

Wisdom in Words
117K subscribers

42,659 views 5 Jul 2024 UNITED STATES
Welcome to Wisdom in Words! 🌍📈 How is China navigating its evolving trade landscape? Are strategic shifts and initiatives like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) reshaping global economic dynamics? By achieving a substantial $1.8 trillion in trade volume with its 14 RCEP partners in 2023, is China reducing dependency on traditional Western economies and pivoting towards emerging markets?

In sectors like automotive manufacturing, how has China’s market strategies solidified its global leadership? 🚗 With significant exports of automobiles, particularly to markets like Russia, is China showcasing its adaptability and dominance in diverse global markets? How do these developments underscore China’s proactive stance in leveraging global trade opportunities and contributing to robust economic growth and influence worldwide?

What do China’s strategic alliances with nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia reveal about its commitment to expanding international trade? Despite global geopolitical challenges, how do these partnerships thrive in sectors crucial for energy security and economic development? As China navigates evolving global trade dynamics, how is its role as a pivotal player in shaping the future of international commerce becoming increasingly evident?

ChinaTrade #RCEP #BeltAndRoad #GlobalEconomy #AutomotiveIndustry #TradePartnerships #Geopolitics #EconomicDevelopment #EmergingMarkets #BRICS #TradePolicy #InternationalTrade #EconomicGrowth #SupplyChain #EnergyPartnership #TechnologicalAdvancement #MotivateMindfulness #MarketExpansion #GlobalValueChains #TradeRelationships #EnergySecurity #InternationalCommerce

China stopping trading with US and EU ???

China Stops Exports to the US and the EU: What Impact on Global Commerce?

Germany cancels China Deal, EU introduces War Economy, China punishes Electric Vehicles


14,223 views 11 Jul 2024 UNITED STATES
Hello, dear friends! Welcome back to another episode of Wisdom in Words. Today, we’re diving into a very important and intricate subject: Germany’s economic development. Are you curious about how Germany’s economic strategies are unfolding post-Nord Stream pipeline explosion? What are the real-world obstacles Germany faces in reducing reliance on Russian gas and improving relations with China? How does the decline in factory orders reflect the broader challenges in German industry?

How do you think Germany’s shift away from cheap energy sources will impact its long-term economic competitiveness? What role does international competition, particularly from Japan and China, play in Germany’s economic struggles? Are Germany’s current policies sufficient to address these growing economic pressures, or do they need to pivot in a new direction? As Germany navigates the complexities of deindustrialization, how will this affect its position in the global market?

Looking at Germany’s recent energy strategy shifts and demographic challenges, what strategic decisions do you think will be crucial in the coming months? How do geopolitical tensions influence Germany’s economic policies and international trade relations? How significant are the demographic shifts in shaping Germany’s economic future? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more insights on global economic trends. Your support means the world to us—thank you!

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Politics, #EnergyPolicy, #TradeWar, #GermanIndustry, #EconomicAnalysis,


Hello dear friends welcome back to another episode of wisdom in words.
Today we’re diving into a very important and intricate subject Germany’s Economic Development as always we’re here to dissect crucial problems and offer Lucid perceptive analysis.
Let’s get started today we’re discussing Germany’s economic challenges unfortunately Germany doesn’t seem to have learned from recent incidents since the Nordstream pipeline explosion. The nation is facing severe economic difficulties with no clear path forward. The supply of inexpensive Russian gas Germany’s biggest industrial Advantage has been disrupted by this catastrophe.

To understand Germany’s current situation we need to consider the new paradigm of its present government the country has shifted away from cheap energy sources in an effort to reduce dependency on authoritarian Nations like China and Russia.

Key politicians have consistently emphasize this strategic shift however there are many real-world obstacles to achieving the idealistic goal of reducing Reliance on Russian gas and improving commercial relations with China.
German industry requires two essential components to remain competitive low-cost inputs and strong
International demand for their goods unfortunately both foundations are currently under strain.
Recent sources indicate a 1.6% decline in demand in May leading to a decrease in Factory orders for Germany this decline starkly contrasts with wall Street’s optimistic forecast of a 0.5% increase.
It’s crucial to note that this drop is compared to a very low base from May of the previous year
Germany’s de-industrialization process is far from over even after 2 years taking a broader view of the macroeconomic landscape it’s evident that Germany has suffered from the intersection of its economic and foreign policy strategies. It appears increasingly likely that Germany may not retain its status as a manufacturing Powerhouse in the future.

Let’s examine International competition firstly Japan has surged ahead due to the weakening Yen making Japanese exports significantly cheaper than German products. Other G7 Nations prefer Japanese goods due to their affordability another major player is China. Western countries have imposed tariffs on Chinese goods for valid reasons it’s challenging for Western producers to compete with their extremely low prices.
Germany can only maintain competitiveness by drastically reducing production costs but current policies are moving in the opposite direction.
Germany faces numerous challenges in its current economic policy and the Outlook is Bleak navigating this challenging scenario.
Resulting from the interplay between economic necessities and foreign policy decisions is crucial.
The disruption of reasonably priced energy sources and the economic pressure stemming from reduced
dependence on authoritarian regimes are evident as input costs rise and Global demand fluctuates.
Industries are feeling the strain recent statistics on Factory orders indicate that demand continues to
decline which is concerning the manufacturing sector is grappling with a widening gap between policy goals and economic realities.

Germany’s position in the global market further complicates matters.
German businesses face intensified pressure from competition with countries like China and Japan
where exports are cheaper and production costs are lower Germany. Struggles to navigate this competitive environment as policies seem to be moving in the wrong direction. After 2 years there are no signs that the trend of de-industrialization is slowing down.
Germany’s economy is experiencing significant impacts affecting trade balances and employment, these economic
challenges have far-reaching implications for the entire European Union not just Germany.
From our ongoing observation it’s clear that Germany stands at a critical juncture the decisions made in the coming months will profoundly influence the country’s economic future. Balancing the preservation of a competitive advantage in the global market with reduced Reliance on authoritarian governments requires careful strategic planning.
Germany’s recent energy strategy shift led by economics Minister hbec marks a significant departure from Reliance on Russian energy supplies.
The decision to cut the final 20% of Russia’s energy exports to Europe underscores Germany’s commitment to enhancing energy security and sovereignty. This move isn’t just about diversifying energy sources it’s a strategic response to geopolitical tensions and uncertainties in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Reducing dependence on Russian oil gas and uranium Imports aligns with broader geopolitical objectives but presents formidable challenges.Transitioning to Alternative suppliers like the USA or Qatar involves
substantial Financial costs these expenses could potentially drive up Energy prices for German Industries and consumers, impacting domestic economic stability moreover diverting excess gas away from Europe might inadvertently strengthen China’s industrial sector conflicting with European strategic goals.
Germany’s diplomatic engagements with China add another dimension to its economic strategy Beyond energy geopolitics following Minister hc’s diplomatic Mission Germany blocked a significant Chinese investment in a Volkswagen subsidiary citing concerns about Advanced gas turbine technology and National Security.
This decision reflects a delicate balance between safeguarding critical Technologies and maintaining
economic openness amid evolving international relations.

However these strategic shifts are not without consequences, Germany risks alienating Chinese investors who are crucial allies in global trade and Technology Investments
This underscores broader challenges in navigating international relations amidst escalating geopolitical tensions. While protecting vital Technologies essential for economic growth amidst these economic and geopolitical Maneuvers.
Germany faces a daunting demographic challenge as one of the G7 countries experiencing significant population decline Germany confronts plummeting birth rates and an aging population the international monetary fund projects a steep decline in the working age population by 2030,straining welfare programs and economic output the demographic shift poses multifaceted challenges with more retirees than active workers.
Germany faces escalating costs in maintaining health care and pension systems aging workforces
typically lead to slower productivity growth necessitating increased Automation and technological
advancements to sustain competitiveness.

This presents a critical risk falling behind Global counterparts like the United States Japan and China.
In key Industries crucial for maintaining economic leadership Germany stands at a pivotal juncture in addressing these interconnected issues. Strategic policymaking and forward-looking initiatives are imperative to navigate complex International Dynamics amidst geopolitical volatility balance energy security imperatives with economic realities and address demographic constraints. The choices made today will shape Germany’s economic future and international standing influencing its ability to sustain prosperity and tackle the challenges of a rapidly evolving global economy in the current economic landscape.

There exists a striking Paradox as Berlin seeks to reduce dependency on Chinese trade while
simultaneously witnessing a significant pivot of German corporations towards China this trend is exemplified by Volkswagen’s recent strategic Maneuvers.
In an ambitious move to cut domestic costs by E 10 billion Volkswagen plans extensive job Cuts exceeding 6,000 positions in Germany concur.

Currently Volkswagen is channeling Ur 2.4 billion into expanding its operations in China particularly focusing on advancements in electric vehicle Technologies and autonomous Driving Systems. This dual strategy underscores a profound shift where German industrial giants like Mercedes-benz BMW and bf also prioritize substantial Investments and growth initiatives in the r rapidly expanding Chinese market. Often surpassing their commitments to domestic operations amidst the backdrop of economic uncertainty in Europe.

One Resolute Trend emerges an unprecedented surge in defense expenditures this trajectory Heralds the ascendency of a robust European military industrial complex. European leaders are vocal about
the urgent need to fortify defense capabilities over the next 5 years. This strategic imperative is centered on revitalizing Europe’s defense industry not only to bolster military Readiness but also to strengthen solidarity with allies such as Ukraine at its core.

This strategy entails the development of cutting-edge military Technologies and equipment with a concerted effort to enhance domestic production capabilities this initiative aims to diminish Reliance on external suppliers thereby reinforcing strategic autonomy in defense procurement. The urgency of this strategic pivot is underscored by global economic Dynamics where European exports contend with escalating competition except in pivotal markets like Ukraine which remains resilient amidst geopolitical tensions a calculated approach reminiscent of American geopolitical strategies. The imperative to reinvest European Capital into defense infrastructure underscores its potential to sustain and Revitalize the eu’s industrial base in the face of economic pressures. This strategic realignment marks a transformative juncture for European and German Industries alike the Resurgence of a defense-oriented economy emerges as a critical Lifeline amidst stringent fiscal policies and economic uncertainties.
While civilians sectors may experience downturns the surge in defense contracts across Europe provides
a substantial economic stimulus. Germany’s recent commitment of e 6 billion for defense spending
exemplifies this shift with significant Investments directed towards acquiring Advanced military hardware including the procurement of 105 leopard two tanks
from kww a prominent German arms manufacturer CER this strategic pivot towards defense draws historical parallels observed in countries like Russia and the United States in the short term bolstering
military production not only meets strategic imperatives but also acts as a potent economic Catalyst akin to the unity sought by Nations like France. Advocating comprehensive rearmament policies to enhance National Security and Industrial resilience.

The recent classification of Russia as a high income country by the World Bank has stirred both admiration and concern in global economic circles. Russia’s impressive 3.6% growth in Real GDP stands out starkly against the backdrop of sluggish economic performance in many European Union EU countries. This growth surge fueled by advantageous factors such as abundant natural resources like copper and nickel and comparatively low energy costs underscores Russia’s potential for industrial expansion.
However beneath this economic achievement lies a complex geopolitical landscape marked by implications for military versus civil production capacities. Russia’s ability to leverage its energy abundance and raw material wealth towards sustaining high levels of production particularly in military sectors poses a formidable challenge to European economic strategies.
Europe which faces significant dependency on external sources for crucial industrial inputs Russia’s
internal capabilities allow it to maneuver with greater autonomy in production decisions albeit with
heightened implications for military focused economic activities.
In contrast Europe’s recent imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles marks a significant shift in its Economic Policy tariffs ranging from 10% to nearly 50% on specific Brands. Such as byd and
saic highlight Europe’s growing concern over the competitive threat posed by Chinese manufacturers.
Despite these protective measures Chinese electric vehicles continue to maintain a substantial 9%
market share in Europe reflecting sustained consumer demand driven by factors like competitive pricing and Innovative product offerings.
China’s ability to sustain its Market presence amidst escalating trade tensions can be attributed to its robust economic fundamentals. The country benefits from efficient internal production capabilities supported by cost effective energy resources and vertically integrated Supply chains.

This internal strength enables Chinese manufacturers to navigate external trade barriers more effectively thereby posing continued challenges to European Automotive Industries striving to compete on price and scale. Consequently European manufacturers face an uphill battle in maintaining competitiveness within the global electric vehicle Market.

The imposition of tariffs sign the beginning of what could evolve into a protracted industrial trade dispute
between Europe and China with far reaching implications for global economic Dynamics. The outcome of this conflict May well determine which nations emerge as leaders in the increasingly pivotal electric vehicle sector reshaping the geopolitical landscape and economic power balances on a global scale.

Imagine a scenario where China decides to impose stringent restrictions on German exports specifically targeting renowned Brands like Volkswagen and Mercedesbenz, such a move would not merely Dent their bottom lines it could potentially dismantle their entire business models reduced exports mean diminished revenues which directly impact funds allocated to crucial research and development initiatives.

This in turn would erode their Competitive Edge allowing Nimble Chinese Brands led by stalwarts like byd to gain significant market share. Already Chinese automakers have surpassed their American counterparts in global sales signaling a Monumental shift in the automotive landscape. Looking ahead Europe faces multifaceted challenges despite currently holding a strong position there are growing concerns about its future economic trajectory.
The European Union’s unwavering commitment to external Endeavors such as the Ukraine project diverts substantial financial and political Capital away from bolstering its own industrial base and economic resilience to understand beijing’s strategic prowess.
We need to delve into their approach to economic planning when China identified electric vehicles EVS as the next Frontier they didn’t just dip their toes in they dive in head first. Since 2009 China has invested a staggering $230 billion doll into the EV sector this substantial investment. Spans the development of
robust local infrastructure the establishment of resilient Supply chains and the implementation of generous tax incentives, the result a vertically integrated ecosystem that minimizes dependence on foreign resources and maximizes domestic control.
Today China stands at the Forefront of the global EV Market gradually phasing out subsidies that peaked at 25% in 2020 down to 11.4% last year signaling their confidence in Market maturity and technological self-sufficiency.
Contrastingly Europe struggles with effective Capital allocation the disproportionate emphasis on geopolitical strategies exemplified by substantial commitments to
International conflicts like the Ukraine crisis. Often Sidelines crucial investments in domestic economic drivers this misalignment becomes apparent When comparing Germany’s modest public investment levels around 2.6% of GDP to Nations like Japan and the USA where infrastructure Investments hover closer to 4%.
This disparity not only hampers immediate economic growth but also risks widening the Gap in industrial
competitiveness. As counterparts in Japan and China Forge ahead with robust reinvestment strategies Europe now finds itself at a critical juncture torn between geopolitical imperatives and economic imperatives while Beijing remains steadfast in its pursuit of economic Supremacy.
Europe’s strategic Focus appears fragmented potentially exacerbating the economic Divergence as we navigate these complexities the question arises will Europe continue along its current path or face imminent trade retaliations.

Thank you for joining me as we explore Germany’s economic challenges today.
From the impact of the Nord-stream incident to shifts in energy policy and international trade Dynamics. Germany faces critical decisions ahead;
Share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe for more insights on global economic Trends stay informed and engaged we’ll see you next time

Wisdom in Words


42,659 views 5 Jul 2024 UNITED STATES
Welcome to Wisdom in Words! 🌍📈 How is China navigating its evolving trade landscape? Are strategic shifts and initiatives like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) reshaping global economic dynamics? By achieving a substantial $1.8 trillion in trade volume with its 14 RCEP partners in 2023, is China reducing dependency on traditional Western economies and pivoting towards emerging markets?

In sectors like automotive manufacturing, how has China’s market strategies solidified its global leadership? 🚗 With significant exports of automobiles, particularly to markets like Russia, is China showcasing its adaptability and dominance in diverse global markets? How do these developments underscore China’s proactive stance in leveraging global trade opportunities and contributing to robust economic growth and influence worldwide?

What do China’s strategic alliances with nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia reveal about its commitment to expanding international trade? Despite global geopolitical challenges, how do these partnerships thrive in sectors crucial for energy security and economic development? As China navigates evolving global trade dynamics, how is its role as a pivotal player in shaping the future of international commerce becoming increasingly evident?

ChinaTrade #RCEP #BeltAndRoad #GlobalEconomy #AutomotiveIndustry #TradePartnerships #Geopolitics #EconomicDevelopment #EmergingMarkets #BRICS #TradePolicy #InternationalTrade #EconomicGrowth #SupplyChain #EnergyPartnership #TechnologicalAdvancement #MotivateMindfulness #MarketExpansion #GlobalValueChains #TradeRelationships #EnergySecurity #InternationalCommerce

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Hello dear friends welcome back to another episode of wisdom in words today we delve into China’s evolving trade landscape witnessing a Monumental shift as emerging markets and developing nations now dominate its trade volume surpassing long-standing Partners like the US and Europe.

In recent years China’s trade policy has undergone a remarkable transformation driven by strategic realignments and proactive economic initiatives.

This shift is exemplified by the country’s participation in the regional comprehensive economic partnership a landmark agreement that has bolstered trade relations across the asia-pacific region since its establishment in 2021.
RCP has facilitated a robust Trade Network with China and its 14 RCP Partners achieving a trade volume of 1.8 trillion by 2023 marking a 5.3% increase from the previous year.

Moreover China’s ambitious belt and Road initiative has significantly expanded its trade footprint reaching 154 countries across Asia Africa and South America.

This initiative has not only enhanced infrastructure connectivity but also catalyzed economic integration covering approximately 40% % of China’s total exports valued at $1.3 trillion by strategically engaging with diverse markets.

China has reduced dependence on any single economy positioning itself as a pivotal player in global trade Dynamics in sectors such as Automotive manufacturing.

China’s proactive Market strategies have yielded substantial dividends emerging as theworld’s leading exporter of automob bals.
China has witnessed significant export growth particularly to burgeoning markets like Russia in 20123 amidst geopolitical shifts.

Impacting European and Japanese automakers China capitalized on opportunities by exporting 840,000 cars to Russia reinforcing its dominance in the Global Automotive Market China’s evolving trade strategy underscores its adaptive Approach to Global economic Dynamics emphasizing diversification and strategic engagement with Emerging Markets through initiatives like rce and BR.

China not only fortifies its economic foothold but also navigates geopolitical uncertainties adeptly unlocking new avenues for growth and influence worldwide.

The integration of G20 Rising Nations into Global value chains has been a transformative force in the recent evolution of the global economy since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Its participation in international trade and foreign direct investment has doubled marking a significant shift in global economic Dynamics, this integration has not only enhanced China’s influence in international economic forums but also bolstered its economic output reshaping global trade patterns in the process.

China’s strategic engagement with the brics countries Brazil Russia India China and South Africa highlights this transformative Trend these nations have become pivotal Partners in China’s trade strategy.

For instance in the first quarter of 2024 China’s trade with the brics Nations amounted to 1.5 trillion un approximately 9.7 billion USD marking an 11% increase from the previous year and accounting for 14.7% of China’s total International Trade over the first 7 months of 2023.

Trade between China and the brics Nations grew by 19% reaching 2.4 trillion UN about 326 billion USD with Chinese exports to these countries Rising by 24% % to 1.3 trillion un and imports increasing by
14.3% to 1.2 trillion un an these developments underscore China’s strategic imperative to diversify its
trade Partnerships and expand its global economic footprint.

They also emphasize the deepening economic interdependence between China and other major Emerging Markets this strategic realignment in trade Dynamics carries significant implications for global trade patterns and the economic strategies of participating Nations China and Iran have cultivated a strong trade Alliance primarily centered on energy resources.

This partnership is exemplified by China’s substantial Imports of Iranian crude oil which are crucial to satisfy China’s ever growing energy demands despite facing International sanctions Iran remains a significant supplier of energy to China.

Underscoring the resilience and strategic importance of their economic relationship China not only Imports oil but also serves as a vital market for Iranian exports showcasing the deepening economic ties between the two Nations amidst Global geopolitical challenges in the Middle East.

China plays a pivotal economic role through strategic Partnerships with key countries like the United Arab Emirates. China’s trade with the UAE is multifaceted where China supplies a diverse range of consumer goods in
exchange for imports of petroleum and petrochemical products.

This trade Dynamic not only supports China’s consumer Market but also strengthens its energy security through reliable Partnerships with major oil producing Nations like the UAE.

Saudi Arabia holds critical importance as an energy partner for China due to its prominent role in global oil production.

China heavily relies on Saudi crude oil imports to meet its energy needs highlighting the Strategic significance of energy cooperation in their bilateral relations.

The potential inclusion of Saudi Arabia in the bck group could formalize and expand economic ties providing a structured framework for deeper collaboration across various sectors.

Beyond energy China views Egypt as a crucial gateway to African markets strategically positioning itself through substantial investments in Egyptian infrastructure projects these Investments include the development of ports and transportation networks aimed at enhancing Regional connectivity and facilitating economic flows between China and Africa.

The bilateral trade between China and Egypt spans a wide spectrum encompassing manufactured goods
machinery and electronics reflecting the depth and breadth of their economic partnership.

Similarly China has made substantial infrastructure investments in Ethiopia focusing on industrial parks
and Railway systems to support Economic Development.

Ethiopia in turn Imports a variety of goods from China including textiles electronics and Machinery while
exporting agricultural products this mutually beneficial trade relationship not only promotes economic growth in Ethiopia but also strengthens diplomatic ties between the two Nations.

The bricks framework initially comprising Brazil Russia India China and later South Africa has expanded to
include other members aiming to enhance Collective economic influence and G geopolitical clout.

China has significantly increased its exports of electromechanical products to other bricks countries particularly in advanced sectors such as electric vehicles and lithium batteries.

Chinese businesses have capitalized on opportunities within the brics markets leading to substantial growth in trade volumes in recent years within the bricks block.

A diverse array of goods and services are traded including lab labor intensive products energy resources metal ores mechanical and electronic equipment and agricultural Commodities.
This diversity highlights how China’s economic interactions within bricks contribute to Regional stability
and prosperity by fostering trade diversification and economic resilience among member countries.

In conclusion China’s strategic alliances with Iran Middle Eastern countries Egypt Ethiopia and within the brics organization illustrate its commitment to expanding International Trade cultivating mutually beneficial Partnerships and advancing economic cooperation across diverse regions and sectors.

In the first quarter of 2024 the trade Dynamics between China and the European Union revealed significant shifts compared to previous periods notably China’s exports to the EU declined by 18% in 2023 indicating a notable reduction in bilateral trade volume despite this decrease China Remains the eu’s largest trading partneroutside of the block.

Accounting for a substantial 20% share of All Imports China’s exports to the EU Encompass a diverse range of products including automatic data processing devices electrical equipment and Telecommunications gear these categories underscore China’s robust presence in the European consumer and high-tech markets reflecting its capacity to supply essential Goods that support Europe’s technological infrastructure and consumer demands.
Conversely EU exports to China experienced a marginal downturn in early 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 nonetheless China continues to hold its position as the eu’s principal export destination particularly for Machinery automobiles chemicals and other manufactured goods.

Despite the slight decrease in overall exports the automotive sector remains crucial in EU China trade relations with cars constituting a significant portion of exports to China in terms of trade balance.

The eu’s def it with China showed significant Improvement in 2023 narrowing to 291 billion E from 397
billion EUR in 2022. This reduction signals a trend towards greater balance in bilateral trade relations although China continues to maintain a trade surplus with the EU.

Beyond traditional trade flows China plays a pivotal role in supplying raw materials and critical Tech technologies to the EU. China stands out as a primary supplier of rare Earth elements essential for Advanced Technologies like electric vehicles renewable energy sources and Telecommunications equipment.

The EU relies heavily on China for these Resources with China supplying nearly all of the eu’s heavy rare Earths and other essential minerals such as tantalum bismuth and germanium.
Furthermore China’s dominance in the global solar panel Market underscores its influence in Renewable Energy Technologies with control over more than 90% of the production process.
China serves as a Cornerstone in supplying solar panels globally shaping International markets and supporting Global efforts toward sustainability in the realm of advanced technology.

China’s role extends to providing critical components like semi conductors solar cells and batteries which are indispensable for EU Industries such as Automotive manufacturing and electronics.

Despite geopolitical tensions and Global Supply Chain challenges China’s integral role in these sectors highlights its significant impact on global manufacturing and Innovation. Despite fluctuations observed in early 2024 China remains an indispensable and multi-actor faceted partner for the EU.

Their economic relationship spans diverse sectors illustrating a complex interdependence that shapes global economic Dynamics as both entities navigate geopolitical uncertainties and economic shifts the EU China trade relationship continues to evolve influencing global trade patterns and driving advancements in technology and sustainability.

China serves as a critical supplier to the West providing essential Goods such as Pharmaceuticals medical equipment and cutting-edge Technologies like 5G infrastructure the covid-19 pandemic underscored the world’s dependence on China particularly evident in the supply chains for personal protective equipment and crucial pharmaceutical ingredients.

China holds a dominant position in global manufacturing producing over 40% of active pharmaceutical ingredients this significant share raises concerns about the stability and security of global pharmaceutical Supply chains.
The Reliance on a single source for such vital components highlights the urgent need for diversification in sourcing strategies to ensure resilience during International Health emergencies.

Despite security concerns raised by Western countries Huawei a leading Chinese telecommunications
company remains a global leader in 5G technology many developing nations continue to rely on huawei’s
infrastructure and expertise for their telecommunications needs illustrating China’s enduring influence in this critical sector.

China has also emerged as a Powerhouse in artificial intelligence making substantial strategic Investments.
That position it as a global leader in AI development Western companies and governments increasingly recognize the Strategic importance of developing their own AI capabilities to maintain competitiveness across sectors such as Finance healthc care and Beyond technology and pharmaceuticals.
China plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain for essential Metals crucial for the transition to clean
energy this includes metals like nickel Cobalt and lithium essential for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage.
China’s strategic advantage in these sectors underscores its influence in shaping Global Clean Energy
Technologies in response to these dependencies Western countries are actively pursuing strategies to bolster local manufacturing capabilities and diversify Supply networks initiatives.

Such as friend Shoring aim to relocate production from China to Allied Nations enhancing supply chain resilience and reducing Reliance on a single supplier.
There is also a growing emphasis on reshoring critical Industries back to domestic Shores and ramping up
investments in research and development recognizing the pivotal role of semiconductors in modern Technologies.
Initiatives like the European chips act and similar efforts in the US aim to strengthen domestic semiconductor Manufacturing additionally collaborative efforts between the US and EU to secure vital minerals highlight the Strategic imperative of reducing dependency on Imports and enhancing self-sufficiency in critical Industries.

Promoting a circular economy is another strategy gaining traction among Western Nations to reduce Reliance on foreign resources emphasizing Recycling and reusing key materials not only enhances economic sustainability but also reduces the environmental impact of resource extraction and production.
In conclusion Western countries are proactively diversifying their supply chains enhancing local capabilities and fostering International collaboration despite China’s dominant role in global manufacturing and technology.

These efforts are crucial for achieving sustainable development goals driving technological innovation
and safeguarding strategic autonomy in key Industries ensuring economic resilience in an increasingly
interconnected World.
There are significant barriers hindering these efforts China has established a formidable economic Advantage by leveraging economies of scale a highly skilled Workforce and a sophisticated industrial ecosystem that has developed over several decades. This makes it challenging and expensive for other countries to diversify away from their dependence on Chinese Supply networks.
Furthermore China is actively reducing its Reliance on Western Technologies particularly in critical sectors like semiconductors and advanced software the ongoing trend of economic decoupling where Nations gradually reduce their economic interdependence could have profound implications for international relations and the global economy.
This trend has the potential to reshape economic and geopolitical Dynamics, impacting how countries interact with each other.
Western leaders face a delicate Balancing Act maintaining mutually beneficial economic ties with China while mitigating strategic vulnerabilities how they navigate these challenges in the coming years will significantly influence the future landscape of international economic cooperation and competition.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of China’s Dynamic trade landscape if you found this video
insightful don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more in-depth analyses.
Like this we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below how do you see China’s evolving role in global trade shaping the future.
And if you enjoyed this content please share it with others who might find it valuable.
Your support means a lot to us as we continue to delve into topics that matter until next time stay informed and stay curious

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