Under “corporatism”, monolithic predator corporations run around sucking up as much wealth and economic power as they possibly can.

by Michael Snyder
March 6, 2013

from TheEconomicCollapseBlog Website

The Dow is at a record high and so are corporate profits – so why does it feel like most of the country is deeply suffering right now? 

Real household income is the lowest that it has been in a decade, poverty is absolutely soaring, 47 million Americans are on food stamps and the middle class is being systematically destroyed.

How can big corporations be doing so well while most American families are having such a hard time?  Isn’t their wealth supposed to “trickle down” to the rest of us? 

Unfortunately, that is not how the real world works.

Today, most big corporations are trying to minimize the number of “expensive” American workers on their payrolls as much as they can. If the big corporation that is employing you can figure out a way to replace you with a worker in China or with a robot, it will probably do it. Corporations are in existence to maximize wealth for their shareholders, and most of the time the largest corporations are dominated by the monopoly men of the global elite.

Over the decades, the politicians that have their campaigns funded by these monopoly men have rigged the game so that the big corporations are able to easily dominate everything. But this was never what those that founded this country intended.

America was supposed to be a place where the power of collectivist institutions would be greatly limited, and individuals and small businesses would be free to compete in a capitalist system that would reward anyone that had a good idea and that was willing to work hard.

But today, our economy is completely and totally dominated by a massively bloated federal government and by absolutely gigantic predator corporations that are greatly favored by our massively bloated federal government.

Our founders tried to warn us about the dangers of allowing government, banks and corporations to accumulate too much power, but we didn’t listen. Now they dominate everything, and the rest of us are fighting for table scraps.

In early America, most states had strict laws governing the size and scope of corporations. Individuals and small businesses thrived in such an environment, and the United States experienced a period of explosive economic growth. We showed the rest of the world that capitalism really works, and we eventually built the largest middle class that the world had ever seen.

But now we have replaced capitalism with something that I like to call “corporatism”. In many ways, it shares a lot of characteristics with communism, and that is why nations such as communist China have embraced it so readily.

Under “corporatism”, monolithic predator corporations run around sucking up as much wealth and economic power as they possibly can. Most individuals and small businesses cannot compete and end up getting absorbed by the corporations.

These mammoth collectivist institutions are in private hands rather than in government hands (as would be the case under a pure form of communism), but the results are pretty much the same either way. A tiny elite at the top gets almost all of the economic rewards.

There are some out there that would suggest that the answer to our problems is to move more in the direction of “socialism”, but to be honest that wouldn’t be the solution to anything. It would just change how the table scraps that the rest of us are getting are distributed.

If we truly wanted a return to prosperity, we need to dramatically shift the rules of the game so that they are tilted back in favor of individuals and small businesses. A much more pure form of capitalism would mean more wealth, less poverty and a more equitable distribution of the economic rewards in this country.

But it will never happen. Most of our politicians are married to the big corporations and the wealthy elitists that fund their campaigns. And most Americans are so uneducated that they believe that what we actually have today is “capitalism” and that the only alternative is to go “to the left” toward socialism.

Very few people out there are suggesting that we need to greatly reduce the power of the federal government and greatly reduce the power of the big corporations, but that is exactly what we need to do. We need to give individuals and small businesses room to breathe once again.

With each passing year, things get even worse. In fact, the founder of Subway Restaurants recently said that the environment for small businesses is so toxic in America today that he never would have been able to start Subway if he had to do it today.

For much more on how small business is being strangled to death in the United States, please see my previous article entitled “We Are Witnessing The Death of Small Business in America“.

What I want to do now is to discuss some of the results that “corporatism” is producing in America.

First of all, we continue to see incomes go down even though we live in an inflationary economy.

As Time Magazine recently reported, personal incomes took a huge nosedive during the month of January…

Data released by the Commerce Department last week showed that personal income fell 3.6% in January, the biggest decline in 20 years. The drop was even bigger when taxes and inflation are taken into account. Real personal disposable income fell by 4%, the biggest monthly drop in half a century.

But this is part of a longer term trend.

Median household income in the U.S. has declined for four consecutive years, and it is now significantly lower than it was all the way back in 2001

Real median US household income – that’s “real,” as in “adjusted for inflation” – was $50,054 in 2011, the most recent data available from the US Census Bureau. That’s 8% lower than the 2007 peak of $54,489.

Meanwhile, big corporations are absolutely raking in the cash.

The following is from a recent New York Times article

“So far in this recovery, corporations have captured an unusually high share of the income gains,” said Ethan Harris, co-head of global economics at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

“The U.S. corporate sector is in a lot better health than the overall economy. And until we get a full recovery in the labor market, this will persist.”

Story at a glance:

  • Ozempic, a diabetes drug now used for weight loss, is part of a massive fraud that could harm millions, especially children, by treating obesity without addressing its root causes.
  • The obesity epidemic is driven in part by ultra-processed foods designed to override natural satiety mechanisms, not by a lack of weight loss drugs like Ozempic.
  • The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act could mandate government coverage for obesity medications for 74% of Americans, costing over $3 trillion annually without addressing underlying health issues.
  • Ozempic’s maker, Novo Nordisk, has become a top lobbying spender in the U.S., pushing for expanded drug coverage while downplaying significant side effects like muscle loss, suicidal thoughts and increased cancer risk.
  • Naturally increasing GLP-1 levels through gut bacteria like Akkermansia muciniphila offers an alternative to Ozempic, promoting overall gut health without the risks associated with long-term pharmaceutical use.

The rise of Ozempic and similar drugs for weight loss involves fraud of unprecedented scale that could have devastating consequences for millions of Americans, especially children.

Ozempic, a drug initially developed for diabetes, has become a sensation for weight loss. Its popularity has skyrocketed, with everyone from celebrities to college students clamoring for prescriptions — but at what cost?

The active ingredient in Ozempic is part of a class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists.

These drugs stimulate hormones in your digestive system that signal fullness. While this makes it easier for people to eat less and lose weight, the reality is far more complex and concerning.

The toxic food environment — and profit motives — driving obesity

To understand why drugs like Ozempic are not the answer, we need to look at the root cause of our obesity epidemic. As Dr. Casey Means, a surgeon who graduated from Stanford Medical School says on “The Tucker Carlson Show”:

“We are … the only species in the world that has a chronic disease and obesity epidemic because of ultra-processed food. You think about every other animal in the wild.

“They’re eating real natural foods except for domesticated animals, which are also getting chronic diseases just like humans because they’re eating our food. But every other animal, they’re able to regulate their satiety. They’re not eating themselves to death like we are.

“We’re literally eating ourselves to death. The reason is because these foods … with the cigarette companies and the scientists moving to create addictive processed foods, they are designed to subvert our satiety mechanisms like GLP-1 secretion so that we never know that we’re full.

“But if we were eating whole real food, we would cue the exquisite satiety mechanisms in our bodies and we would not overeat. If you’re eating real, whole, unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods, we have receptors in our gut that make us feel full.”

This is an important point. Our bodies have natural mechanisms to regulate hunger and fullness. However, the ultra-processed foods that dominate the U.S. diet are specifically designed to override these systems. They’re engineered to be addictive, just like cigarettes were.

So, why push drugs instead of addressing our toxic food environment? Follow the money. Means says:

“This could be on track to be the most profitable medication ever in human history. It will be if the powers that be let it. And the unfortunate part is that it doesn’t take our bodies out of the toxic stew that’s crushing our biology.

“Yes, we may melt some fat, but we’re essentially creating starvation to melt fat and muscle … So, this is not the public health solution.”


The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act: A Trojan horse for Big Pharma?

In the video above, Means mentions a crucial piece of legislation: H.R.4818, which is the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act.

This bill, on the surface, appears to be a well-intentioned effort to address America’s obesity epidemic. However, Means reveals a more concerning reality:

“There’s one line that’s all that matters in that, which is that they want to expand Medicare access to include coverage for these obesity medications … for people who are overweight and obese. That is 74% of the American population.”

The implications of this bill are staggering. If passed, it would essentially mandate government coverage for obesity medications like Ozempic for nearly three-quarters of Americans.

Means warns of the potential financial impact:

“If this bill goes through and everyone who is eligible for this drug gets it paid by taxpayers, that will represent over $3 trillion per year in drugs to the American people, without changing any of the root causes of what is making us sick.”

The scale of this potential profit is hard to overstate. Medicaid spending on metabolic disorders is already enormous:

“Medicaid is spending more on mitochondrial dysfunction than the entire U.S. defense budget and growing much faster.”

This spending is primarily driven by “preventable metabolic chronic conditions,” showing that pharmaceutical companies are exploiting a health crisis that could be addressed through other means.

This legislation could funnel an enormous amount of taxpayer money to pharmaceutical companies, particularly benefiting the Scandinavian company, Novo Nordisk, which produces Ozempic and Wegovy.

Ozempic’s maker is a top lobbying spender in the U.S.

Already, Novo Nordisk has become one of the largest lobbying spenders in the U.S. It spent $3.2 million on lobbying in the first six months of 2024 alone. Their stock price has soared, making them one of the most valuable companies in the world. And they’re pushing hard for government coverage of these drugs.

According to Open Secrets:

“In 2023, Novo Nordisk and its U.S. subsidiary, Novozymes North America, spent over $5 million on lobbying, hiring a whopping 77 lobbyists across 13 firms. This marked a 51% increase from the number of lobbyists hired in 2022.

“Of those, 54 previously held government jobs, bringing insider knowledge and industry connections to each role.”

Calley Means, author and a former food and pharmaceutical consultant, states on “The Tucker Carlson Show”:

“Why is this company in Scandinavia one of the five largest lobbying spenders in America and pushing so hard for this? And why is their stock so high, and it’s the 12th most valuable company in the world?

“They’re expecting 80% to 90% of the profits from the United States, from the government, by rigging institution. What institution are pharma companies rigging? They’re actually rigging Medicaid.

“They’re actually profiting off poor people. Medicaid is spending more on mitochondrial dysfunction than the entire U.S. defense budget and growing much faster.”

Perhaps most alarmingly, they’re pushing to prescribe these drugs to children. The American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending weight loss drugs for kids as young as 12, with efforts to lower that to age 6.

“This is a lifelong medication at the cost about $1,500 a month, with many side effects that does not change any of the root causes,” Means says.

Imagine putting a 6-year-old on a weekly injection for life, instead of addressing their diet and environment. It’s unconscionable.

Ozempic’s significant side effects

Like all drugs, Ozempic has side effects. But these are being downplayed in a dangerous way. Some of the risks include:

  • Disproportionate loss of muscle mass, leading to frailty.
  • Higher rates of thyroid cancer.
  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Pancreatitis.

Studies also show a 45% increased risk of suicidal ideation in patients taking semaglutide (Ozempic/Wegovy) compared to other medications, with even higher risks for those with preexisting mental health conditions.

Analysis of adverse event reports reveals higher rates of psychiatric issues, including depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts, associated with these GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs used for weight loss.

These drugs also carry a risk of delayed gastric emptying, also known as gastroparesis or stomach paralysis.

Gastroparesis slows or stops the movement of food from your stomach to your small intestine; this results in feeling full longer, which is one mechanism by which semaglutide results in weight loss.

Ozempic also increases the risk of intestinal obstruction, in part by increasing intestinal length and villus height; villi are the hairlike projections inside the small intestine that help absorb nutrients.

Writing in Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, researchers explained how this could seriously affect intestinal function, increasing obstruction risk:

“Because GLP-1RAs could cause continuous increases in the intestinal length and villus height, the small intestine may become as inelastic and fibrotic as a loose spring, leading to long-term upper intestinal obstruction.”

And remember, these are just the effects we know about. We don’t know what long-term use could do, especially in children whose bodies are still developing.

A natural alternative to Ozempic

Instead of using Ozempic, you can naturally elevate your GLP-1 levels by increasing the presence of Akkermansia muciniphila in your gut. This beneficial bacterium plays a crucial role in your digestive health by producing a protein that stimulates GLP-1 production.

A study published in Nature Microbiology demonstrated that A. muciniphila not only enhances thermogenesis but also boosts GLP-1 secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet.

Akkermansia should ideally constitute around 10% of your gut microbiome to maintain optimal intestinal health.

Unfortunately, many individuals have insufficient levels of this bacteria due to issues like impaired mitochondrial function and oxygen leakage within the gut, which disrupt the balance of the microbiome.

One of the essential functions of Akkermansia is the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as butyrate. These SCFAs serve as fuel for colonocytes, the cells lining your colon, which are responsible for producing mucin — a protective, gel-like substance that coats and protects the gut lining.

The SCFAs also help reduce oxygen levels in the colon, fostering an environment conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Mucin, in turn, forms a protective barrier that shields intestinal cells from damage, harmful microbes and irritants present in the digestive system.

Beyond protecting the gut lining, mucin also contributes to immune function. It contains antibodies and antimicrobial peptides that help defend against infections, and it traps potential pathogens, facilitating their elimination through the digestive process.

By supporting a healthy level of Akkermansia muciniphila, you can enhance your GLP-1 levels while also promoting overall gut and immune health.

In my interview with Colleen Cutcliffe, Ph.D., a molecular biology scientist and the CEO and co-founder of Pendulum, a company that creates microbiome products, she explains:

“So, what’s been found is that if you are low or missing Akkermansia, your body is not naturally producing as much GLP-1 as it’s supposed to be. By giving people back Akkermansia, you can now have these physiological benefits of reducing A1C and lowering blood glucose spikes.

“To be clear, the natural GLP-1 you produce is different from the drug. The drug is a mimic. It’s an analog. It looks like GLP-1. It gets injected into the bloodstream directly, which means that rather than the natural spike after you eat [followed by a decline], the [drug] is keeping those levels really high all the time.

“So, this signaling of ‘we got to metabolize sugar in the blood and we’re full, we just ate’ is going on constantly. That’s why people experience these incredible, amazing overnight effects because that’s how those drugs are working.

“But if you actually have the right microbes, you can generate your body’s natural GLP-1 and get back into this natural cycle.”

Make sure live Akkermansia probiotics reach your colon

When selecting Akkermansia probiotics, opt for products with bacterial counts in the billions rather than millions. Generally, a higher bacterial count is beneficial, but there’s an important caveat: the delivery method is crucial.

Look for probiotics in delayed-release capsules. This feature is essential because it ensures the beneficial bacteria have a higher likelihood of reaching your colon alive. Without this protective mechanism, most of the bacteria may not survive the journey through your digestive system.

Akkermansia are very sensitive to oxygen. This makes their journey through your digestive system very challenging. These beneficial microbes thrive in an oxygen-free environment, and even a brief exposure to oxygen can be fatal for them.

This trait makes the delivery method of Akkermansia supplements crucial to their effectiveness.

In fact, a lower-dose probiotic (in the hundreds of thousands of bacteria) that successfully reaches your colon can be more effective than a high-dose product (with hundreds of billions of bacteria) that doesn’t make it to its intended destination.

Remember, when it comes to probiotics, successful delivery to the colon is just as important as the initial dosage.

Understanding this helps you choose the most effective supplement. You want to nurture your gut microbiome with live, active Akkermansia, as dead or inactive ones won’t do you as much good as they don’t reproduce.

If you want to use Akkermansia supplements, look for ones with advanced, dual-timed release capsules or microencapsulation. These technologies keep Akkermansia dormant and protected until it reaches your colon, usually in two to four hours.

To maximize its effectiveness, take it on an empty stomach, ideally first thing in the morning after an overnight fast.

Wait at least one to two hours before eating to reduce transit time, allowing the bacteria to reach your colon faster — usually within two hours.

This will greatly increase the number of live bacteria that make it to your colon.

Avoid taking probiotics with food, as this can extend your transit time to over eight hours, likely killing the bacteria long before they reach your colon.

Being mindful of when and how you take your Akkermansia probiotic will maximize the benefits of this powerful probiotic.

A crossroads for American health: empowerment or dependence?

The push for mass Ozempic prescriptions represents a critical moment in the U.S. healthcare system.

We’re at a crossroads where we can either address the root causes of our health crisis or commit to a future of widespread pharmaceutical dependence.

The tragedy is that we know how to solve this problem. As Means notes, for a fraction of what we’d spend on Ozempic, we could revolutionize our food system:

“How are we so delusional that we think it is easier to inject a child weekly for life than find a way to get that child healthy food? That is the track that we’re on right now …

“We could feed every single American family with organic food for $3 trillion a year, but instead we’re taking those health care dollars and steering them toward drugs, which doesn’t fix the root cause issue.”

We have the knowledge and the resources to solve our obesity and chronic disease epidemics. What we need now is the will to do it. Let’s choose health, not pharmaceuticals.

Let’s choose real food, not processed junk. Let’s choose to empower people, not make them dependent on drugs. The health of our nation, and especially our children, hangs in the balance.

Originally published by Mercola.

The result has been a golden age for corporate profits, especially among multinational giants that are also benefiting from faster growth in emerging economies like China and India.

Today, corporate profits as a percentage of U.S. GDP are at an all-time high, but wages as a percentage of U.S. GDP are near an all-time low.

Just check out the following chart. Corporate profits have absolutely exploded over the past decade…

Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of GDP continue to fall rapidly…

Most of the jobs being created in America today are “low wage” jobs.

Tens of millions of Americans are working as hard as they can only to find that they can barely put food on the table and provide a roof over the heads of their children. The ranks of the “working poor” are exploding and the middle class continues to shrink.

Many of you that are reading this article are members of the working poor. You know what it is like to stare up at your ceiling at night wondering how you are going to pay the bills next month.

Today, most Americans are living very close to the edge financially. A recent article by NBC News staff writer Allison Linn shared some of their stories.

The following is one example…

Crystal Dupont knows what it’s like to try to live on the federal minimum wage.

Dupont has no health insurance, so she hasn’t seen a doctor in two years. She’s behind on her car payments and has taken out pawn shop and payday loans to cover other monthly expenses. She eats beans and oatmeal when her food budget gets low.

When she got her tax refund recently, she used the money to get ahead on her light bill.

“I try to live within my means, but sometimes you just can’t,” said Dupont, 25.

The Houston resident works 30 to 40 hours a week taking customer service calls, earning between $7.25 and $8 an hour. That came to about $15,000 last year.

It’s a wage she’s lived on for a while now, but just barely.

Sadly, the number of Americans that are “just barely” surviving continues to grow.

But if corporate profits are soaring to unprecedented heights, then who is getting all of those rewards?

The monopoly men of the global elite are.

Just check out the following video which does a great job of illustrating how corporatism has systematically funneled all of the economic rewards in our system to the very top…

Once again, I want to make it very clear that I am not advocating socialism as the answer in any way, shape or form.

Socialism takes away the incentive to create wealth and it almost always results in almost all of the economic rewards going to a very tiny elite anyway.

tech .

N.S.A. soft Kill technology explained  . 

This is more information on Radiation / C.I.A. N.S.A. remote soft killing / mind control and magnetic field infiltration systems and how it is used to kill and alter your magnetic field and Earths .
This is the core of satanic Masonic satellite terrorism and geo engineering .


The bodies sacred magnetic field

This is a link to a ancient Chines tone I made based of the Pythagoras healing tone method ti heal  DNA and realign the body and the chakras.

As I said earlier, what we need is a return to a much more pure form of capitalism, but this is so foreign to the way that most people think that most people will not be able to grasp this.

It certainly would be possible to greatly reduce the power of the federal government and greatly reduce the power of the big corporations at the same time, but this is so “outside the box” for most people that they cannot even conceive of doing such a thing.

We need to create an environment where individuals and small businesses can thrive once again. But instead, most of us are content to continue “playing the game” and getting enslaved in even more debt.

For example, according to CNBC, auto loans just continue to get larger and continue to get stretched out for longer periods of time…

American car buyers, attracted by new models and cheap financing, are taking out bigger auto loans and stretching out the terms of those loans to a new record length.

New analysis from Experian Automotive shows the average new car loan in the fourth quarter of last year was $26,691 and stretched out over an average of 65 months. The length of the average loan is one month longer than the previous record set in the third quarter of last year.

What will they think of next?

Will we eventually have auto loans that get paid off over 10 years?

By the way, that is another way that the monopoly men of the global elite get all of our money. They enslave us to debt, and we spend year after year of our lives slaving away to make them even wealthier.

They are very smart. There is a reason why they have 32 TRILLION dollars stashed away in offshore tax havens. They know how to play the game, and they are very happy that most of the rest of us are asleep.

Fortunately, it appears that an increasing number of Americans are waking up.

For example, I wanted to share with you all an excerpt from a comment that one of my readers left on one of my recent articles

In the past year, I’ve been slowly but surely waking up to the nonsense happening around me. There’s so many things I need to simply get off my chest, so excuse the length of this post.

Recently in the past two years, I’ve gotten married and have been medically discharged from the Marines after being injured in Afghanistan. Being 23 years old and married, my goal is secure a secure a future for my family, but with the way things are going, I’m not exactly sure how much of a future we’re going to have in 50 years.

I can’t explain it, but I’ve felt this need to change my attitude and motivations lately.

I started by turning off the garbage music, television and other mindless entertainment that seems to plague my generation. It was easier than it looked – I don’t miss most of it really. The next order of business was to educate myself on world news, so that’s what I did.

Every day, like clockwork, I check all major mainstream news feeds (NBC, Fox, Abc, CNN, Reuters, BBC, etc.) as well as not-so-mainstream news sites – yours being one of them. It’s incredible how fast our world changes and the manner in which it changes.

The local 10 o’clock doesn’t show anything but local news, sports, weather, lottery #’s and whatever else they decide to throw in.

It’s a night and day difference once you start to actually research and see what’s happening all over the world. Look at the number of comments about a news story on the economy and then look at a celebrity story on the “news”… People are so blind, it truly amazes me. My friends, family and classmates at college seem to be under a spell of some sort. They’re distracted – and it’s contagious.

Nobody I know gives a damn about global affairs/economics. They’re more interested in the newest iPhone, cars, shows, movies, and just about anything else you can think of. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with these things, but my friends/family/peers are CONSUMED by these distractions.

When the election was taking place in 2012, every Tom, Dick and Harry on Facebook had an opinion and rant. After the circus ended however, everyone simply went back to posting about parties, kittens, Farmville etc. It’s a huge joke.

For me, it’s little terrifying and exciting to see history unfolding in front of our eyes. This country of ours is going through big changes now that will most certainly affect our future, so I strive to adapt and prepare myself and my family. I’m looking at buying my first home this summer. Right now I live in an apartment right outside Philly and spend more money on rent than most pay for a mortgage.

I need a house with a little land to raise chickens, grow fruits/vegetables, store canned food – and to be as independent from the system as I can.

For my job, I wanted a skill/trade that people would always need, so I picked the funeral business. On the side, I work in construction and have been learning everything there is to know about building with my own two hands.

I feel as though these old forgotten skills are going to be handy in a short while.

Hopefully we can get a lot more people to wake up and start breaking out of “the matrix” of control that is all around us.

Breaking News ! The C.I.A. N.S.A. Darpa N.A.S.A. Nazi Secret Exposed .

Breaking news to take down the shadow government . Exclusive !!!!

Hey does any one want the highest C.I.A. N.S.A. Darpa Blue beam highest passwords to the highest order of the occult . The highest in the C.I.A ext do not even know this . Here they are . Pumpkin ( it is the pass word to activate Stephen Benion’s sexual intrusion alga rhythm that is linked to smart meters and cells ext . It is a sexually activated brain mapping pup. A C.I.A. Nazi A.I. information thief pup is short for , potentially unwanted program / Virus ) . Pumpkin , Benion , Parson minions . Nasa O.T.O. Darpa blue beam pass words used in a number of ways along with other satanic key passes names ext . Jack Parson and Stephen Benion are the same person and a genetic hybrid clone of Parson of the Nasa O.T.O. satanic cult based here in Houston Tx . The home of never tell the truth Nazi Nasa .Houston is were Parsons remains were buried before they were burned ( burned by satanic occult hunters ) . Stephen Benion is the satanic orders top / drug dealer / breeder / rapist / pedophile for genetic abomination and experimentation . He was also called satan him self among the occult for many many years before he was cloned and reemerged as Stephen Benion . His V.R. ( vertical reality , blue beam ext ) name is Jack O Lantern ( meaning the Lantern / light of satan and the Saturn Nazi Bell ) in short Pumpkin , idolizing Hallows eve pumpkin worship of October . October is all about worshiping Benion / the Lantern light of the Looser , satan and Lucifer . Pumpkin patch is how they fix breaks in the pup / programs ext . This is what the occult call Parson Benion in the synthetic telepathy world and is the most coveted name / and program and pass keys I just put in the public domain . Have fun stopping this chain reaction NWO . You have no chance in stopping the truth . They all meet in a synthetic telepathy induced place that is called the Taj mahal when they congregate or sleep ext and perform evil magic and sayaunces ext . . This is the major spirit gate meeting place for all the heads of the occult and remote assassins ext . . I just hung you head out to dry again .Yeah C.I.A. I took your Taj mahal and ended it so you know what that means for you synthetic telepathy ..  lol .

I am so sick of these hacks . The pass words are to bedded C.I.A and Nazi Nasa and they are to old so you can not change them . Good luck occult . This is going to mess you up for good !!!!.

Cobalt ,The Alien Reversed Engineered Stolen System .

Cobalt stands for Concurrent Broadcast Array Logic Technology . Cobalt is the American shadow governments interface and adapter to alien technology . They use cobalt for reverse engineering stolen or alien technology and patent it and use the new applications in computers and the internet ext .   Cobalt was first made to interface Americas electrical grid .

This was the first world wide introduction to this evil technology that was made shortly after area 51 Nazi Cern Bell crash in new Mexico . They upgraded the American grid with Cobalt and then used Operation Paper Clip to take place to protect the satanic Nazi order and the Nazi scum invaded America secretly with the help of the KKK , C.I.A. and Skull and Bones who created the C.I.A. shortly after Cobalt went online . This system is hooked up to all electrical grids and used to hack into peoples magnetic fields / body to soft kill ,gang stalk , idea theft , remote mind control for assassin operations , satellite recording ,targeting and tracking . This is one of , if not the most evil system ever created to digitally enslave humanity and the our Galaxies .

The N.S.A. body battery systems that you know as the nazi war criminals company IBM’s R.D.I.F. chip . I.B.M. created the nazi hole punch system to help the nazi satanist to keep track of all nazi prisoners and victims ext . Is also based on Cobalt technology along with Tempest , Echelon , drone and M.A.V ( Mini / Micro Assault vehicle ) systems . Cobalt is the base running system for these spy / soft kill super computer systems . This is Cobalt and I have some inside info that it is over and the N.W.O. are trying to fix it . You can not fix what you stole stupid degenerates Free masonic occult nazi Bolshevik Khazar Kanan satanist . Just letting more of your so called unstoppable unbreakable unbeatable bs systems in the public domain .

I.B.M. Nazi R.F.I.D. Vera Chip

This is a Alien ship ” crashed ” on the the dark side of the moon  . Also Stolen alien reversed engineered alien tech that started the internet and Earths technology revolution came from this ship .

This is the Ship on the Dark Side of the Moon that everyone in the shadow government knows exist but kill to silence the truth about it . Even Pink Floyd made a album about the dark side of the moon and the Transformers film has a entire film about a crashed ship on the moon that had ancient technology . The C.I.A. occult run and operate Hollywood and use heavy mind control on the actors /assets and in film . Is it fact being turned into fictional films with half or full truths . Many many people have claimed this to be true but few listen to them because of the occult strong hold on you and the government and truth and fiction and what is really going on  .

This is what the N.S.A. use to steal every ones thoughts and to soft kill the general public while spying on them internally . The E.B.L. system interacts with Chem trails ( Chem Trails have Metal nano particles you breath in ) and G.M.O. ( Genetically modified organism ) are the living micro organic builder that interacts with microwaves and the N.S.A. ( R.F.I.D.) source and base ,source codes ext . They build nano particle micro bots in the system of the victim and attack the body and brain and keep you linked up the the N.S.A. brain hacking mind control network and the E.B.L. system . This system turns you into a human battery that the nano bots get there ever lasting power from by attaching to you and your adrenaline in your spine to take over the strongest energy point and part of you while your at your weakest , when you sleep . They do this for spying , remote monitoring and mind control , induced sickness and soft kill nano tech .

Right now, the system is designed to continually funnel more money and more power to the very top of the pyramid. The global elite are becoming more dominant with each passing day.

Unless something dramatic happens, at some point the American people will become so powerless that they won’t be able to do anything about it even if they wanted to.

The idea of a very tiny elite completely dominating all the rest of us goes against everything that America is supposed to stand for. In the end, it will result in absolute tyranny if it is not stopped.

Return to The Global Elite – The Transnational Capitalist Class
Return to The Global Banking System

Links of electricity-from-space;

Humanity and our role within the universe?
Update about the battle between light forces and the dark controllers?
What is happening with our Earth, the Sun moon and Solar system & stay healthy?
Our new Wannabe Rulers/back ground?
Our Sun, weather and Vulcanic activity movement of tectonic plates on earth?
Ancient Egypt and the black Nobility
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?

The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?

Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

Urgent: A message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started

Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.

Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.

Why this industry should be in public hands.

The Tesla World?

Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.

Owners of the empire

Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)

Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D

Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

The climate debate!

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