0:27 / 13:22
Ashtar: “Urgent Update” Solar flash right now lot of people leave earth instantly! (10)
The Truth Can Change Your Life
Update; 25 Sept 2024 #5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
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My dearest brothers and sisters this is ashtar speaking:
I greet you in peace and love my message from last week was we will likely intervene in next 2 years.
I shared that if we intervened then things may turn out fine but there was a small chance of there being for example a 100 Years of instability afterwards.
People had questions about that so I’ll share my perspective on this in more detail now.
Few people are as outright evil as the dark controllers are, however many people on Earth at this time prioritize either the strength of their own Nation or the strength of what they perceive as their group or some supposed greater good over the well-being and freedom of others.
If we remove the dark controllers and their institutions then Humanity will be much strengthened you will recover the technology that the dark controllers suppressed and you will have less of your money and productivity stolen by them. however then it’s possible that whoever comes into Power next won’t conclude.
Great let’s now all live in peace it’s entirely possible that they will then conclude great now let’s establish hegemony for my country or great now let’s quickly weaponize this new technology and destroy my rival before they figure out how to weaponize it or great now we’re able to force socialism on everyone whether they want to or not for the greater good of course.
There could also be a movement by some people to seek to make Nations much less powerful and establish a one world government and that could genuinely have good intentions but that could become corrupted and while I know that many people are very much against a One World Government many others would support such an initiative so basically if we remove the dark controllers we’re removing a heavy load from the shoulders of your countries as well as giving your country is a big hammer.
The suppressed technology now fundamentally we do wish to empower you and if you use that
hammer to build something that helps the people then that would be great however at your current state of consciousness it’s entirely possible that your countries will use their new Hammer to attack rival countries or to build an even strict system of authoritarianism.
As an illustration for this near the end of World War II the British seriously considered surprise attacking the Soviet Union this was
called operation Unthinkable this illustrates that even during times when the people desire relief and peace and when peace is possible it was the end of World War II there are always real politic people and ideologues around who will use any opportunity to launch a new war yes there will be many people who will genuinely wish to live in Freedom and peace and to let others live in Freedom and peace however those people don’t tend to actively seek power and don’t tend to play ruthless power games to get power.
So even if we remove the dark controllers it’s entirely possible that they would be replaced with other dark gray people who would seek to for example quickly weaponize the new technology and attack their neighbors.
Also most people tend to naively assume that whoever their leaders are those leaders can be blindly trusted to work in the interest of the people.
Again I’m not saying that if we intervene then this is guaranteed to happen but yes there is a small probability that if we intervene and there’s no solar flash or splitting of timelines we can’t teach you to Value Freedom by forcing you down the road to Freedom you going to have to learn to live together with other humans without trying to exploit each other or try to force each other to comply for the supposed greater good.
If the currently relatively powerful people people have to go through the painful process of freeing Earth themselves then we think they come out of this process valuing freedom and transparency more whereas we think that if we intervene and solve Humanity’s problem ourselves then if those relatively powerful people get into full power they will be more likely to want to engage in imperialism or Force the people to comply for the supposed greater good.
ISM note that we’re not quite making the same argument as the gray hats. Here the gray hats often make
the argument that it’s okay to let average people suffer in order to wake them up we don’t agree we think Humanity
should free itself as quickly as possible which means that the gray hats should make a move as quickly as possible.
We don’t want this period to stretch on instead our perspective is that Earth humans should free themselves so that people in positions of relative power clean out their own house and learn the lesson of freedom in the process.
So we’re not saying average people should suffer so that they wake up we’re saying the moderately powerful people should ideally solve Earth’s problems themselves so that they then don’t turn around and immediately start trying to attack other countries or try to force citizens to comply.
We think that many average people are in an emotional survival State however many of the people in positions of relative
power aren’t in such a state because they typically have more access to money and health care and information.
Hence these people in positions of relative power who might run your countries in the future often are in an emotional state where they still are able to take action and learn lessons and process information.
So these people in positions of relative power could benefit from learning the lesson of Freedom gained by going through the process of actually freeing Humanity themselves.
Though of course there’s a balance there on one hand we think it’s not wise for us to intervene in this year so that Earth humans have a bit more time to free themselves and learn their lessons but on the other hand we’re not going to let you suffer forever which is why in the previous message we shared that if there was no big gray hat move or solar flash then likely we would intervene in next 2 years.
I understand that the picture I’m painting here isn’t as neat and pretty as there’s a galactic intervention or solar Flash and then everyone lives in peace and Harmony and freedom with each other forever.
If it was that easy then there would have been a Galactic intervention or a solar flash years ago the reality is that many people are still eager to attack or exploit others for their own or for their country’s gain. There are still many people eager to force others to comply for the supposed greater good and if we intervene those people could get into Power which could lead to what we’ve been calling instability.
It’s entirely possible that if we land openly and we talk to you all face to face we can help motivate and uplift enough people so that Humanity will start living together in Peace and Freedom and Harmony but it’s also possible that we will not be able to
convince enough of you because after all you have free will.
You would be surprised how resistant ambitious and powerful people are to suggestions along the lines of everyone should live in Peace and Freedom will give you the support you need to accomplish that.
Often people with an unintegrated ego have the mindset of it is not sufficient that I succeed everyone else must fail because only then when they live in luxury and other people are struggling does their ego truly feels Superior to everyone else.
Whereas if everyone lives in Peace and Freedom then they are no longer one of the few powerful and successful people in a sea of people who are suffering and struggling if everyone lives in Peace and Freedom then they are just another person and their unintegrated ego doesn’t like that.
It’s a strange mindset for me to wrap my head around but many Earth humans genuinely are like this including dark gray people who aren’t part of the dark controllers and again those people are much more likely to seek power and play the dirty power games necessary to get power. so basically we’re not just looking at freeing you from the dark controllers we’re also thinking about what happens after that.
Because if we intervene and remove the dark controllers then we are creating a huge power vacuum and there may very well be dark gray people looking to exploit that power vacuum slightly delaying our intervention makes it less likely that there will be instability After the Dark controllers are removed. And yes there can still be a solar flash that shoves everyone into 5D but as discussed in last week’s message right now that lot of people leave Earth instantly.
We’re hoping that that won’t be necessary hopefully you will free yourselves or failing that we will intervene in probably next 2 years. Hopefully through face-to-face contact we can then help motivate and uplift enough of you that Humanity will choose Peace and Freedom .
I hope this clarifies things, thanks for all your comments and questions finally this is a period where you light workers the people who we feel the most Affinity with are getting squeezed from all sides you are the ones who have done the most truth seeking and self-development and going inwards.
Work you are incredibly Brave and hardworking yet as a result it’s quite likely that people treat you worse than they treat
sleepers and worse than they treat people who are letting their unintegrated ego run wild.
It’s completely unfair to you I’m sorry the fact that despite this most of you keep going on is incredibly impressive and
inspiring to us you’re doing amazingly well you are the way showers the lighthouses in the darkness.
The energy workers the Consciousness Pioneers on Earth and we are very grateful to you.
When we finally land you will have a place of honor Among Us and be more than welcome to
live among us we cannot wait to meet you with love and respect your star brother Ashtar
What is it all about in pictures.
Please click on the video/link for the original video. The transcript is not great.
Is Humanity going to free itself?
Ashtar was quite upset and somewhat angry that the situation on Earth just keeps dragging on.
My dear Earth friends this is Ashtar speaking.
I know the situation on Earth is very tough and so I hope that you are doing relatively okay.
There are probably about 10,000 good-hearted beings who would like to be channeled for every one reliable Channeler on Earth.
Hence I am grateful for the opportunity that I can once again talk to you.
This led to some questions Fair enough. I would like to give some clarifications and share some context
first of all if a random Joe breaks their oath we’re not going to arrest him and drag him in front of a galactic Court.
The situation with the higher up gray hats specifically was that they usually swore an oath to defend either the Constitution or the people. And after their oath they were given power or command over other people if they then break their oath they’re effectively controlling other people without consent or justification.
At that point they’re yet another controller violating the Free Will of other people.
So if you prefer, instead of dragging oath breaking higher up gray hats in front of a galactic Court you can also think of it as dragging those people in front of a galactic Court who have controlled or commanded people without justification and the moment they broke their oath to protect the people or the Constitution.
Is probably the moment they became a controller who violated free will a gray hat General might try to
defend themselves by saying yes I failed to uphold my oath to defend the Constitution however the people who I continued to command chose willingly to serve under me.
This doesn’t really work in our eyes because the people under them had a reasonable expectation that their Superior was in fact upholding his oath.
Also in the Army you can’t really ask your Superior if he is actually upholding his oath or disobey him just
because you suspect he might not be upholding his oath.
It’s not like a commanding officer ever tells the people under him I’ve decided to break my oath to
protect the Constitution, do you wish to continue obeying my orders if not no problem you won’t get in trouble if you now stop following my orders.
So yes if a gray hat general or gray hat president breaks their oath but then continues to command people or write laws that control people then effectively they’re being a controller who violates Free Will and that is certainly something that we can drag them in front of a galactic court for.
Of course we’re not saying that these people are automatically guilty we’re just saying that this is sufficient basis for a court case.
Second as I’ll explain later in this message in more detail we’re either going to not intervene directly and also not arrest the higher up gray hats or we are going to intervene directly and are also going to arrest
the higher up gray hats as well as black hats.
Intervene we mean now we mean something like us taking over your mainstream media and or us arresting certain Earth humans.
So what we’re not going to do is arrest the higher up gray hats while leaving the black hats in place.
Next up some people have asked what right do you have to intervene like this at all well good question on Earth.
The way it’s theoretically supposed to work is that the law determines what does and doesn’t happen now this isn’t actually true. What determines what happens on Earth is power and money and the will to act in practice, the law is more a tool that the dark controllers use to control the population.
With the dark controllers themselves breaking the law whenever that’s convenient for them but theoretically the law determines what does and doesn’t happen.
How it works for us positive galactics is that first and foremost we serve source and this isn’t theoretical lip service. Many of us can literally talk to source and ask it what it wants.
Now usually source is very hands-off and doesn’t give any instructions however if Source requests that we do something then that’s what we’re going to do.
If Source doesn’t have any requests then secondarily we have a very few Galactic laws we find that if
you structure Society well and everyone has what they need and if everyone can live in Freedom then you don’t need many laws.
Still one example of a galactic law is you are not allowed to directly harm another unless you have a very good reason for example self-defense or defending the innocent. Also we know that Source likes certain things such as people having much opportunity to exercise their Free Will.
Us galactics try to promote those things that Source likes there is a misconception that Source doesn’t have any preferences whatsoever this isn’t true. If that was the case Source would never have created anything in the first place.
Now yes source is usually hands-off however source does for example like it when people have much opportunity to exercise their free will. Someone who has much opportunity to exercise their Free Will is someone who you would think of as free.
Conversely an example of someone with little opportunity to exercise their Free Will is a slave a slave can
disobey their Master but then they are punished or killed.
Technically no one can take your free will away from you but people certainly can restrict the opportunities you have to exercise your free will.
Source prefers people being free to being enslaved or in other words Source likes it when people have much
opportunity to exercise their Free Will. Why because source is the poor person who is enslaved.
Moreover both the individual person as well as the Universe At Large experience more metaphorical growth when people have much opportunity to exercise their free will.
The universe is more interesting when everyone has much opportunity to make Free Will choices. A universe where only a few Masters have much ability to choose and everyone else is a slave isn’t very interesting and doesn’t lead to a lot of metaphorical growth.
Source isn’t opposed to there being some amount of suffering in a certain place for a certain period of
time that too leads to growth but it certainly can also be the case that Source thinks that a certain place has had too much suffering for too long.
Earth is one such example so we’ve discussed direct requests by Source Galactic law and US galactics generally trying to promote things that Source likes
Fourth of course us positive galactics like it when people are free and people aren’t suffering Taxation and
censorship on Earth both look like Free Will violations to us.
Not to mention that dark controller sometimes intentionally poison your food and water and sometimes just straight up murder people who become inconvenient.
So there are clear Free Will violations. People also don’t have a real ability to not consent or to get Justice
when their Free Will is violated hence many Earth humans have directly asked us galactics to intervene and indeed that is what many of us would very much like to do.
We want to end your suffering and to physically meet our Earth brothers and sisters we know that every
day that passes billions of people suffer and some children literally get tortured or killed.
We want to end this so to recap; us galactics are in service to Source if Source directly requests
that we do something then we do it if Source doesn’t make a direct request which is usually the case then we follow Galactic law.
We also try to do things that we know Source will like such as making sure that people have much opportunity to exercise their Free Will and of course we like it when people are free and aren’t suffering.
Let’s look at Earth through this lens has Source made a direct request yes,
Source has asked us to help make sure that the people of Earth will be free in the near future that by itself gives us enough justification to intervene on Earth and to do what we think needs to be done in order to ensure that the people on Earth are indeed free.
Following or serving a deity has gotten a bad reputation on Earth because frankly a lot of your deities are either gray or dark beings and on top of that certain people falsely claim to speak for certain deities.
However following or serving source is actually fine and works well because Source isn’t evil and doesn’t
lead people down dark paths.
Also once you have a substantial group of people who can talk to Source like we have people can no longer falsely claim to speak for source so Source has requested that we help Earth humans and so we shall and this overrides Galactic law.
Still let’s look at Galactic law anyway is there a galactic law that says that we can’t intervene no there’s not.
We don’t actually have a non-interference law we don’t have something like the prime directive from Star Trek.
Why would we make make a law that says we can’t intervene to help other people at all in any circumstance it’s easy to think of examples where intervention is clearly necessary and thus this law would lead to other people suffering for no reason.
Therefore why would we make such a law that said we do want to do things that Source likes and in this category.
It is true that if the people on a certain planet have a reasonable amount of Freedom then us intervening may very well limit their opportunities to exercise their own free will. Namely even if we hand a moderately Free People technology or knowledge that reduces their daily chores and that should theoretically give them more opportunity to exercise their free will then in practice this can lead to an eventual collapse which actually reduces their opportunity to exercise their Free Will.
Atlantis is an example we handed you too much technology and knowledge too quickly and we solved too many of your problems for you and the resulting Society wasn’t stable and it collapsed.
Whereas we have observed that if a group of people solves their own problems then they’ll build a society that is stable because of this. We tend to be hesitant about directly intervening it’s easy to point to people suffering and say therefore we must intervene.
Many galactics have made this argument over the Millennia however can you even comprehend the amount of suffering that was caused by us galactics over intervening during the times of Atlantis and contributing to that fall.
If we hadn’t over intervened back then today you would likely be living in a sort of paradise. Already us over intervening in Atlantis led to Millennia of suffering because of this.
We are very careful to not over intervene so with regards to Earth our primary objective is to make sure that you are free because that’s what source has decreed.
There is no Galactic law that stops us from intervening directly and even if there was we prioritize requests by Source over Galactic law.
However we are aware that us intervening directly can lead to a situation that isn’t stable which in
turn can lead to a lot of suffering.
Us intervening doesn’t always lead to instability but it can lead to it.
Whereas if Earth people solve their own problems they will build a society that is stable.
With us intervening directly we re talking about something like us taking over your mainstream media and or us arresting certain Earth humans. We are not talking about the solar flash because we can’t trigger the solar flash by ourselves.
Source can do that by itself or us galactics can do that in combination with angels and certain celestial bodies but so far neither Source nor the angels and the celestial bodies have given their thumbs up for triggering the solar flash. Hence at this specific point in time we don’t have the option to trigger the solar flash although this can change quickly if other beings change their mind.
Hence the choice that we have is do we intervene or not if you had talked to us 10 years ago we would have explained this and concluded that we should support Earth humans and solve hard to address problems for them such as dealing with hostile galactics.
However back then there was a good probability that Earth humans would free themselves therefore 10 years ago it seemed clear to us that we shouldn’t intervene ourselves Beyond support and solving hard to address problems instead.
We should let Earth humans liberate Earth humans and let Earth humans build a new society which would then be guaranteed to be stable.
Today today the possibility that you will free yourselves is substantially lower while you light workers have
performed very well and have done your part the gray hats really haven’t been doing their share of the work.
While we are in favor of peaceful citizen protest we are not expecting a sudden huge wave of that moreover even at times and in places where that did happen it’s not like the people got their freedom back the dark controllers aren’t going to give up just because of protests or just because some people make certain legal or lawfulness arguments.
At the end of the day the situation on Earth won’t end until some people simply arrest the dark
controllers there is still a probability that the gray hats will finally arrest the dark controllers but currently that probability is low in fact the current probability of Earth humans freeing themselves is low enough that it’s
actually close to the point that would lead us to conclude that we have to intervene ourselves which would mean us taking over your media and or us arresting certain bad guys and risking possible instability that might result from that. There are several reasons for why we have become more pessimistic about Earth humans freeing themselves one of them is Laha and the corresponding lack of action disclosure and help from the gray hats.
You may also recall that in years past there was some amount of optimism among light workers that bad guys would be arrested soonish and disclosure would happen but this optimism has diminished over time.
Well our optimism has diminished over time too now to be sure it has always been true that you will be free and that is still true today that is not in question there is no future scenario under which you are not going to be free.
It’s just a matter of will Humanity free itself or do we have to intervene and risk possible instability.
From that we have already stepped up our behind the scenes operations even more also hakan’s message from last week was an attempt to encourage Humanity to free itself and some higher up gray hats have indeed seen hakan’s message although they haven’t taken the action yet.
That we were hoping for again gray hats if you feel that you need help with the mass arrests and disclosure then talk to us and we’ll happily give you all the support you need still we may have to intervene at some point an intervention by us could happen from 2026 although there is a small probability that it will be later than 2026.
Then most likely that is going to te in 2026. I understand that many of you are suffering every day so we do understand understand that intervening sooner rather than later would be a very good thing.
Every cycle hakan spends time with his family and when he resumes work the first thing he checks is if there’s any sign of Earth humans having made a substantial move towards freeing themselves.
We are still hoping that you will free yourselves and if you do free yourselves we don’t need to drag any of the higher up gray hats in front of a galactic Court either for regular crimes or for oath breaking.
In this case we would just be hands off and we would happily let Humanity make its own choices. But if I’m being blunt the probability of you freeing yourself at this point is pretty low and it’s also dropping over time meanwhile the situation on Earth can’t even be described as awful but stable.
As you know better than I do things are getting worse on Earth not better. The dark controllers are ramping up their attacks on the human population so we’re seeing things deteriorate while we’re not seeing the gray hats ramp up their own efforts to anywhere near a sufficient extent.
Don’t get me wrong the gray hats are doing some things but not nearly to the level that we think is required.
If the choice is between directly intervening ourselves versus watching you get genocides and enslaved well I think the choice is obvious.
So if the probability of you freeing yourself drops below a certain point or if too much time passes then we will intervene. Source has decreed that you will be free and if that requires our direct intervention then so shall it be.
If we intervene we are likely going to arrest most or all of the higher up gray hats either for conventional crimes or for oath breaking and will drag them in front of a galactic court and of course will arrest the black hats too and will work to give you freedom and disclosure.
Because frankly from our point of view it’s starting to look like both gray hats and black hats are standing in the way of your freedom.
I would love to be proven Wrong by the gray hats remembering their Oaths and actually defending the people or the Constitution but so far I’m not seeing it.
Finally I would like to ask you a question obviously we have our own data and methods of gathering
information and ways of predicting the future but we are still curious about your perspective.
The question is; suppose there is no direct Galactic intervention or solar flash in the next 3 years then
do you think that in the next 3 years Earth humans are going to free themselves through Mass arrests and mass disclosure.
You are invited to respond in the comment section meanwhile I will keep making arguments in favor of us actually intervening on earth.
Now I’m just a military adviser and I don’t have a big red intervene Now button that I can press still I promise that I will do what I can to work for your freedom,
with love your Galactic brother Ashtar
Central Banks
Evil comes in many guises – such as the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or the Grinch who stole
Christmas. But evil has scored its greatest success with our generation in persuading us that it doesn’t
exist, through something called “moral relativism”.
I believe that moral relativism is a parasite on the false notion of objectivity being the only lens
through which to seek truth. By ignoring subjective reality, the subject (you and me) is led into a
sort of mushy Slough of Despond where no-one is ever right and no-one is ever wrong, therefore anything goes. (Apologies to the good people of Slough!).
However, when you combine both objectivity and subjectivity, you have gnosis, which to me is the only
reliable foundation for any kind of useful thought. From here, the magic of the English language comes
alive and we realise that “evil” is “live” backwards. It is the reverse and opposite of live … which
is death. It is the complete opposite of what is required for fertility, a joyful and free life and a
thriving future.
So if we don’t believe in evil, we will always be a sucker for the colourful ribbons and lollipops of
those who really want to steal our life and that of our progeny, and put us in digital cages where they
can track and trace our every movement, our every word and our every thought to keep us in line with with their tyrannical agendas.
In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government by the central banks.
Our retirement funds have been looted and will within just a few years be nonexistent
Historically, U.S. intelligence agencies have primarily worked on behalf of the central bankers
Central bankers are now putting into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without
The central bankers, most of whom are technocrats, have created a breakaway society, a parallel society,
in which they are above all law and control everything.
To combat their control system, we must first be able to see it for what it is, and realize how it’s
being used by us, to our own detriment.
The “Planet Lockdown Part 2” interview above features finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of
the Solari Report. (To get a taste of what you’ll find in the Solaris Report, you can download this
previous 2020 issue.) You many think you previously saw this but most likely it was Part 1.
Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government,
and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic as well. She got her start on Wall
Street, where she had a successful career for over a decade.
In 1989, she became the assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Bush administration.
After 18 months, she resigned, but while there, she discovered how technology could make the financing of neighborhoods more productive.
“Government money was destroying neighborhoods, not helping them,” she says, but private entrepreneurs could take this new technology and finance privately. To that end, Fitts started an investment bank and broker dealer named Hamilton Securities Group.
A couple of years later, they were hired by the federal housing administration to be the lead financial
adviser, which gave Fitts access to “incredibly rich databases about how the real estate, land and a lot
of the mortgage financing and home building works in America’s 3,100 counties.” Fitts continues:
“Then I entered a period where I litigated with the federal government for 11 years. The Department of
Justice seized all the databases and all the software tools, and I litigated with the federal government.
That’s [what] forced me to really dive into how the control systems were working.
When I was in Wall Street, I saw how the financial control systems worked, but since so much is rigged
through the central bank and through government, it gave me a chance to really see how government worked
on the covert side, and how that related to Wall Street and Washington.”
Our Retirement Funds Have Been Looted
In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government, Fitts says. In essence,
it was “a coup d’etat by financial means.” She realized then the extent to which our government was
siphoning — stealing — the money. “They were stealing everybody’s retirement,” Fitts says.
“Everybody’s going to retire in 20 or 30 years, but they were going to steal the money up front. So,
by the time we got to where we are now, the money would be gone and they could turn to everybody and say,
‘Well, we can’t really afford your retirement.’”
On Wall Street, you have markets and monetary policy run by the central banks, and then you have the
electorate, which influences fiscal policy and the government. So, it’s a dual pillar system. Markets
are managed centrally. So, central banks, which control monetary policy, can simply print money, and
the military then makes sure the money is taken up, which keeps everything liquid. Fitts explains:
“The economic equation is: Can you make more money from printing than you have to spend on the military
and making the system go? I’ll give you an example. In the 1980s, we had a period of tremendous monetary
expansion. In the last year of the decade, in ‘89, there was a huge fight in the Doolan partnership
[Furey, Doolan & Abell LLP] about how much money should be paid to the traders for bonuses.
I had a wonderful partner who did a study, showing that … if instead of having traders in the seats,
we’d had chimpanzees, we would’ve made more money. It was very interesting because you’d go out to the
Hamptons on the weekends and you’d … hear everybody talking about making fantastic amounts of money
because they were brilliant and geniuses and smart and clever.
But it wasn’t [because of their smarts]. It was just simply the monetary policy floating the boats …
A lot of the money comes from economic warfare. So, [when] you pump up the dollar, you’re moving money
out of the U.S. government. As we’re coming through this big change of globalization, you loan massive
amounts of dollars.
And then all of a sudden you pull all the loans. You throw them into a dead-end trap. You pull the money
and then they get a crash. Now your dollar is high. So, you go and buy up everything on the cheap.
The governance structure that existed before the financial coup was basically: You have the central banks
running monetary policy, and then you have the sovereign government running fiscal policy. The citizens
pay taxes to the sovereign government, and they elect representatives who have something say about how
that fiscal money gets [divided] up.
Then you have private central bankers and private interests who control monetary policy and are
relatively independent of the fiscal. What we’ve seen [is that] … the less the government has
information sovereignty and financial sovereignty, the more dependent it is on the central bankers.
So, as the government have levered up with debt and lost their informational and financial sovereignty —
part of this is what’s happened with digital technology — the central bankers have gotten more and more
Since fiscal [year] 1998, we’ve had what I call the financial coup d’etat. So, in the United States, up
to $100 trillion have been moved out. Dr. Skidmore and I did a study, and as of 2015, the number was
$21 trillion …
At that exact time, we had $20 trillion of debt. So, there was more money disappearing than there was
debt. [So, they were taking that] money out. That’s the financial coup. Now that the money is out, you
can collapse the government.”
Why Central Bankers Are Intentionally Collapsing Government
Importantly, Fitts stresses that government doesn’t have the power to make illegal transactions. The
central banks — which are privately owned — must be involved in order for that to occur. The private
banks “are doing it for them,” Fitts explains.
“So, we’ve now reached the point where the central banks are moving in and basically taking control of
fiscal policy as well,” she says. “And this is why there’s such a big debate about election fraud.
Essentially the computer systems are controls for the elections, and essentially, the citizens or
taxpayers have lost any say. If you look at polls over the last 10 years, the citizens want the country
to go to the right, and Congress votes to go to the left. That’s because increasingly these people are
controlled and dependent on what the central bankers want.
There’s a great interview that Chuck Schumer, the senator from New York did at the beginning of the
Trump administration, where he basically said that if Trump thinks he’s going to contradict or defy the
CIA, he’s dreaming; they have 50 ways from Sunday to get you. And traditionally, if you look at the U.S.
intelligence agencies, they basically worked for the central bankers.
So, what’s happening is we’re watching a reengineering of this fiscal line. You’re basically looking at
the central bankers moving to put into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without
representation. That’s the trick, financially. How do you force the citizens to pay taxes with no
Of course, they’re using the pandemic to roll in the system that will make it possible for them to
achieve that. Naomi Wolf has done a very good job of describing this, and she said, ‘Vaccine passports
are the end of human liberty in the west.’
She’s right, because ultimately, what it’s going to evolve into is a financial transaction system where,
if you don’t behave, the central banks can take money right out of your account. They can stop you from
An example Fitts gives is, say the central bankers (read totalitarian rulers of the whole world) don’t
want you to be able to travel. They want you to stay put where you are. They can easily accomplish this,
in this planned system, by programming your electric car such that it cannot operate past that five-mile
boundary line.
They will also have full control over the function of money in this system, meaning they can decide what
you are allowed to spend your money on. They could decide they don’t want you to have fresh food, so you
can only use the central bank digital currency for processed food.
We’ve Been Lured to Create Our Own Prison
The central bankers are nothing if not clever when it comes to prototyping. They don’t do anything without
first running many tests to see what will work best. But they don’t just hire top experts. No, instead,
they persuade the top developers that they can make a ton of money by developing these prototypes. They
make it fun and innovative, allowing skilled people to come up with the ideas.
Once a successful prototype has been identified, they then build their own version of that. In the case
of cryptocurrencies, their version is a central bank digital currency under centralized control. Another
part of the complete system is the smart grid, which was prototyped, developed and rolled out in recent
years. The smart grid is, of course, a requirement for the surveillance apparatus that is at the heart
of it all.
While all of these things, cryptocurrencies, the smart grid, artificial intelligence technologies and
the like, are marketed as a way to make us all freer, the intended result is a global prison system
where no one is free. The good news here is that they must get the general population to build their
own prisons. The answer then, is that once you see how it’s done, you can just stop. Stop building the
prison walls. Stop building and contributing to the surveillance grid.
This could mean quitting your job if you work for a company that is involved in developing and building
technologies intended for this control grid. But even if you don’t actually perform work that helps build
it, you are still participating in the control grid structure by using surveillance tools like Facebook
and Google.
By allowing smart meters to be installed in your home, by buying and using AI-based technologies and
“smart” technologies, by allowing GPS tracking on your phone and so on. If you don’t want to contribute
to building this global prison, you have to actually take action and change how and who you do business
“If you look at a lot of the financial fraud over the last 20 years in the United States, the leader of
that financial fraud in many cases was JP Morgan Chase. Yet statistics show that 50% of Americans bank or
have credit cards or other relationships with JP Morgan Chase.
In 1998, when I first realized what was happening with the mortgage fraud and JP Morgan Chase was at the
heart of it, I was writing a check on a JP Morgan Chase banking account. And I said, ‘Why am I banking
[with JP Morgan]? Why am I allowing my funds to be used as deposits to engineer financial fraud? I’ve
got to come clean.’
Forget about protesting. If tomorrow, everybody woke up and said, ‘You know, I’m not going to bank with
the New York fed member banks,’ the change would be dramatic, because if you look at where we’re banking
and who we’re working for and who we’re associating with, we’re helping them do this.
Remember this is an all-digital system. One aspect of this is currency, but the other is a one-way mirror
where you have 24/7 surveillance and data. So not only can I watch you 24/7 and collect data from your
body, from your mind, from your activities, but then I can stop you from moving around spatially, or I
can turn off your ability to transact.”
The Control System and Transaction System Are One
As noted by Fitts, the system being built is both a control system and a transaction system.
The transaction system, however, is not based on what we consider a real currency. It’s actually the end
of currencies, because in this system, you can never take the currency out of the bank and put it in your
pocket. You can only conduct transactions that are validated and approved through and by the central bank.
Remember, the 24/7 surveillance system “can literally get the human race to be connected to the cloud,
to the AI, the software and the robots,” Fitts says. “We’re talking about connecting the human race to
a cloud where they teach the AI, the software and the robots, how to do their jobs.” In short, we are
actively engineering a future where we, humans, have been largely eliminated from the workplace.
Those who remain will be integrated with robotics. “In other words, whether I have a human do that job,
or whether I have a robot do that job, I can manage them in the same system if I can have them all
hooked up to the cloud and communicating with each other.”
Basically, what we’re looking at is transhumanism, and we’re quite literally dehumanizing ourselves.
This system will also do away with markets, because what we think of as markets will be micromanaged
and optimized through artificial intelligence and software.
What Do You Want?
Knowing this, the options become rather simple. As noted by Fitts, we can have a human civilization,
or we can have an inhuman civilization. We can have a financial system where private monopoly controls
the printing of money, or we can have a decentralized system.
I agree with Fitts, who states that the world she wants to live in is where the financial printing press
has been decentralized, and where we are committed to human civilization — not a transhumanist one run by
technocrats. As crazy as this transhuman technocratic future may sound to the everyday person, it’s clear
the technocrats believe their system can work.
“I think they believe it can work because of the one-way mirror,” Fitts says. “[Let’s say] you have a
one-way year where you have 100% access to the data, 24/7, of all the people on this side of the mirror.
Remember, once you engineer all this secret money in taxation without representation, they [the people]
can’t see behind the mirror. The thing that punches a hole in the mirror is transparency about government
money, and no taxation without representation.”
Creating a Breakaway Civilization
This is why the central bank takeover of the sovereign governments is so important, because this takeover
allows them to create a system in which the two sides of the mirror are two entirely separate
civilizations. Those behind the mirror — you and I — cannot see what the technocrats are doing on the
other side, while they can see every last thing we do and say. “You’re literally talking about a
parallel universe,” Fitts says.
Those behind the mirror, the technocratic rulers, do not obey any law that applies to those of us
on the other side of the mirror. They are not subject to the law. They have complete immunity from
“They can engage in systematic violation of what you and I think of as the law, with impunity,” Fitts
says. “And if you look at how much money has been moved out in the financial coup, they can literally
become a parallel civilization.”
They’re Trying to Sell You on Being a Serf
The vaccine passport is clearly the tool of choice for the authoritarian globalists’ plan to deprive
you and your family of your freedom and personal liberties. This financial coup is 20 years in the making.
They voted on the “direct reset” plan (aka The Great Reset), they wrote the plan, and have been
implementing that plan, year by year, step by step.
We’re now in the end game, Fitts says, where they need to consolidate everything. Now, with their vote
for The Great Reset, the central bankers made the decision to put 500 million people out of work over
the next year alone.
“That’s the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world. That’s financial warfare,
and they made it intentionally,” Fitts says. “They made it knowingly. It was a plan. And what is very
important to understand, when you think about this pandemic, is people are not dying from magic viruses.
People are dying from tyranny, they’re dying from a great poisoning. That’s part of that tyranny,
but our problem, and the thing we need to be afraid of, is tyranny. Because the tyranny needs, and
is about to get much, much worse.
It’s the passports and that system of central bank digital control that will give them the ability
to do that. The world economic forum calls it The Great Reset, which is kind of the marketing …
The World Economic Forum guys make it interesting and fashionable [to say] ‘In 2030, you own nothing,
and you’re happy.’
Now, what I hear is ‘It’s 2030, the direct reset has stolen all your money, taken all your assets,
and they’ve got your mind-controlled.’ The Great Reset is to sell people on a vision of a world where
the average person has a much smaller command on resources and assets, and is subject to complete
central control.
Part of what you’re dealing with is that human beings crave coherence. And so, if you can put them in
a state of incoherence, they will literally do anything they can to get back to coherence. It’s a
torture mechanism. If you study torture, it’s a typical torture tactic …
That’s why you see all these people saying, ‘If you just accept the passports, you’ll be free. Or
if you get the vaccination, you’ll be free. They have spent a fortune since World War II on figuring
out how to use digital technology, telecommunications and media to implement mind control much more
economically and much more broadly. And one of the things I think they’re very enthusiastic about
how well it has worked.”
Watch the Financial Transactions
When will it stop working? When enough of us can see what they’re doing. For example, it’s important to
realize that, during this pandemic, people have been bought out of the labor market with federal
assistance that pays them more than they were making while working.
This strategy has severely impeded small businesses from getting the labor they need to keep going,
and according to Fitts, this is all part of the plan to bankrupt all small businesses.
Of course, the next step will be to require the COVID jab for anyone who wants to collect unemployment
or other financial assistance, as the vaccine passport is combined and integrated with the new
all-digital central bank transaction system. Step by step, everyone is being herded into the new
control system. But remember, we can stop it, because we’re doing it to ourselves.
The problem is, ending tyranny almost always requires some kind of sacrifice. End tyranny is rarely
a comfortable or profitable venture. That said, there are countless ways to fight back.
Prayer War Room and Other Suggestions
Fitts tells the story of a woman fighting corruption in her hometown. She was scared because taking
it to the next level would require her to go public, and she was a very private person. Fitts
suggested she watch the film “War Room,” a Christian movie about prayer. “Start a war room and
just fight them through prayer,” Fitts told her. Apparently, it worked wonders.
“So, there are many different ways to fight, and you could fight in a way that’s comfortable.
Some people organize, some people are bringing lawsuits. Some people are lobbying. Some people
are moving and going to another jurisdiction. Some people are pulling their money out of JP Morgan Chase.
There are many different ways to do it. If you’re working for a big bank or big corporation,
start working on building the skills and the resources and the wherewithal you need to start
something yourself. Start learning. It’s called DIY — do it yourself.
Start looking at your financial picture and figuring out … how you can collapse your income
statement and your balance sheet to something which is much more resilient, locally, and doing
it yourself.
We don’t need to get mortgaged up and get dependent on the system. The third thing is, for God’s
sakes, go out and get yourself a great bank. Particularly if you’re in the United States, there
are lots of great banks and great bankers … who also don’t want the central bankers controlling
I know a lot of community bank presidents who don’t want to be controlled by the New York Fed …
So, the first thing you need to do is swing your money out of — if you’re invested in the New
York fed member banks, or in the big corporations that are running government this way —
swing your money out of those stocks and start investing in building a local food system.
Who’s your farmer, who’s your rancher? Where are you going to get high-quality fresh food? There is
tremendous opportunity to build out the local, fresh food systems. If you take the time and have
patience, there are very good investments to be had there.
[Next, know] who’s your sheriff. The entire enforcement within a county area is controlled by the
sheriff [in the U.S.], and in most counties, the sheriff is elected. Not all but most. The feds
cannot come in and do an enforcement action unless the sheriff allows it to occur.
[Why should you] care about who your state legislators are? Because the state legislators have the
power to say no to the federal government, particularly if you’re not willing to escrow your taxes
and get into this taxation without representation.
So, go through your financial statement and your balance sheet and get the bad guys out of your
money and start supporting the local guys who are willing to support the rule of law …
I had a former client who called me and said, ‘I just sold a house, and I want to know, should
I put the money into real estate or precious metals?’ And I said, what’s the point of having assets?
If you don’t have an army to protect them, meaning if you don’t have litigators, state legislators
and sheriffs who are willing to go protect your assets, your assets are worthless; you’ll lose them.
So, she took the money and gave it to a group of litigators who were litigating some of what’s
going on right now. Anytime you can make an investment that permanently reduces your expenses,
you’re better off to do it yourself. So instead of paying your water bill, build a well. In other words,
get your money out of financing the guys who are doing this to you, and get your money into financing
yourself, your friends or people you know.
Trust me, if tyranny controls everything, and tyranny can operate above the law, then nothing’s
going to work. This is a war. And if we don’t stand up and fight it, now, there will be no way to
wiggle around this. There’s no way to outplay it. There’s no place to run. There’s no place to go.
So, you’ve got to stand and fight back …
We have a choice. Everybody has a choice. So, stop building the prison, stop helping these guys and
start creating friction. We don’t have to go along. And we’re the ones who are building the prison.
So, you have to bring transparency to what’s going on, and then you have to take action.
We’re not all going to make it out of this process alive. It’s war. That’s what happens in a war,
but human liberty is worth fighting for. We’re living in a world where there are two visions, and
the top 1% have a vision of us as a natural resource, [while] we have a vision of us as individuals
with sovereign rights that come to us by divine authority.”
As noted by Fitts, these are two extraordinarily different visions. One option is a society where all
people have the ability to exercise our potential. In the other, only a few get to exercise their
potential, while the rest have no opportunity at all. We’re in the end game. It’s all or nothing at
this point. There’s no middle ground.
In the end, Fitts and I both believe the plan will fail, but ONLY if we all do our part to prevent it.
What’s more, we also need to prepare for what comes after their plan fails. This too could be just as
challenging. Fitts notes in conclusion:
“I tell people, while the Titanic is sinking, grab some planks and deck chairs and start building your
ark, because these guys are going to make a huge mess. This is a mess. And if you look at what they’re
trying to do, it’s very hard, it’s very complicated. I think it’s going to fail.”
Joopy • 20 hours ago
It’s all scripted as part of a globally coordinated conspiracy by the world’s ruling classes, including
those of US, UK, Europe, Russia, and China. All of it was/is planned in advance and only afterward
did/do they manufacture the “pandemic”, “cases”, “variants”, and “waves” to fit the agenda. It has
nothing to do with a virus because there is no virus outside of their computer programs and fake
test results. It’s about killing off large swathes of “useless eaters” and enslaving the survivors.
Each new “booster” and new round of restrictions will kill off more people. Those who received the
real bullet (poison) rather than the blanks (placebo, which was necessary to give – initially at least –
to a large portion in order to limit the damage and therefore the awareness and subsequent outrage)
in this real life “game” of Russian roulette-via-syringe have had their health irreparably destroyed
and their lives probably drastically shortened, as no one even knows what the long-term effects are.
They’ve been stringing us along with fear and relief and carrots and sticks, and at every stage
tightening the screws and accelerating the push toward the new financial/social-credit slave system,
the infrastructure of which is being prepared and built up all around us. They have deliberately created
a situation of hyperinflation and currency debasement and a super bubble by printing trillions out of
thin air and are going to pull the plug when they’re good and ready and all the insiders and cronies
have cashed their chips and have their money stashed away safely while the rest, including the middle
class with some investments and pensions will be obliterated. Millions will lose their homes, more than
even during the great recession. Then they’ll introduce the CBDC and conditional UBI/housing/benefits/
workfare to the devastated and desperate masses. They’ll also offer debt relief in exchange for any
assets still held by anyone but the billionaires and banks. Then the wealth transfer and total
dispossession will be nearly complete, whereby the warning from the WEF will come true: we will own
nothing and…well, that part will be true.
We’re in the middle of a world war, class war, for all the marbles. We have no choice but to fight
back now, all together, or lose everything and our children will inherent the most nightmarish future
imaginable and grow up never know anything of innocence, freedom, or joy. Don’t underestimate the enemy.
The are capable and willing of the darkest evil in order to achieve their goals. And don’t fall for
the cover story or distractions of attempted divisions. It’s all lies. And know that if we want to
win it’s going to take billions of us, many of us sacrificing everything in the process. And that it’s
going to get much worse, and soon.
Links of electricity-from-space;
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.
A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?
The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?
Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.
5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.
Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.
Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.
Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.
Why this industry should be in public hands.
Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.
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Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D
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