The Pleiadeans Living Life In Your New Normal While Madness Cavorts All Around You!! (10)–nL2m5U?si=tEF-2vevrnSugiFB
The Truth Can Change Your Life
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Voice-over Recording , Audio & Video Production by Truth Can Change Your Life Youtube Channel
Greetings blue star the Pleiadeans living life in your new normal while Madness courts all around you.
I have decided to do something different with this current transmission due to the needed explanations.
You should have to better understand the information I will be sharing with you.
I am making this transmission a two-parter there is too much to tell you ones about that does need to be
explained, too much you need to be aware of.
So today we meet again to begin to discuss what you do not know as well as what you think you know so very much has happened since my last message to all of you.
That it would be difficult to try to find a beginning for this Transmission in other words it matters
not where I begin this day every day for the remainder of your lives will continue to be altered as shall you yourself.
Humanity has become a very mixed bag of diverse Minds struggling to make sense out of no sense.
Next month is the month of contiguous changes you will find that to be true in all facets of your lives next month people have wittingly as well as unwittingly place an indelible cast distinction over the entirety of the human races.
They did so thereby further separating cultures from other cultures and beliefs from others beliefs thinking that this was what they were supposed to do.
Why did they do so because they always have for many peoples it was always the way they had been raised that birthed cast distinction however for millions and millions of other peoples they were used to taking whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to.
Strange thing about cast only the most dimwitted people were and still are unaware that it depicts them as true racists bigots self-righteous but not truly righteous peoples and The Walking Dead they are all the groups I am speaking of still yearning and craving their former normal no none of them are realize they were and still are addicted to their former normal.
Now everyone I welcome you all to The New Normal not everything is as it should be yet but each day brings all of you a day closer to living in The New Normal in totality.
You are now each Living Without A Time Governor strapped to your back it does indeed require periods of adjustment to still work within the confines of the illusion of time while adapting to the knowledge and actions required to live outside of the time Illusions.
And to do so while knowing this is the right thing to do. Professions require you to adhere to Time created actions as do schools etc those who have leapt and have true reality in front of them instead of the long ago created illusions that have blinded them . Are only sorry that it took so long and at a terrible cost to this world for them to awaken and leave Illusions behind. No more rose-colored glasses for them that is the strange result of tasting the nectar of the Gods once.
It has been tasted regardless of how it came to be that nectar which is freedom can never be forgotten clearer head heads Minds.
The abilities of all your claes to start or restart in more expansive ways will Aid each of you whether it is CLA sensient, CLA audience or any of the other Claire’s they will do so with your innate realizations that your own power of mind has picked you up and placed you on the spiral staircase and will not fail you in your pursuit of freedom for all good souls and it will never let you down.
Now you have to play the game that Illusions have mastered but you have to play.
It Better planetizen You Must ALL remember that Illusions are superficial Creations they cannot see within your minds so if you feel sense that you are being looked at too closely by those who are not like minded Souls keep what you know as well as other information information you are gathering inside
your minds for they will not look there.
They never do they lack that expertise they look for all the superficial Illusions they believe you still
have keep your eyes wide open and your mouth shut yes it is possible and welcomed to look at life now from the inside of your minds.
Practice makes perfect your physical Vehicles will work with you your bodily functions will begin
altering to align with its new environment and its very new weather conditions your own chakra systems will lead the way for them it is what they do all those who have now co-joined with you all your Maji groupings and all the Travelers who too are now all over anastasis are watching the signal your bodies minds and Spirits are sending them.
These groupings are leaping in to assist you in all ways and always most of you ones have been out of touch with the true reality that your bodies know more about you than you know about yourselves.
Face this truth now Advocates living in The New Normal is not merely essential to you and for you only those who do so shall survive it is.
What it is in the new normal you can and are encouraged to create great cyclical changes here while you are still in Mortal form.
Do not just think about change become change you see Advocates it really is much simpler now that so
many millions of you ones are no longer carrying an albatross on your backs the dark ones never wanted any of humanity.
To understand and then act upon creation of change they knew how simple it is to make changes happen so in the former normal they made sure that all but the really wealthy peoples would ultimately give up any Notions of altering vicissitudes because the peoples were programmed to believe it was too hard to do.
Thus the peoples succumbed by just following in the footsteps of others who capitulated do you see now use a handheld voice recorder or have an abundance of notebooks handy and begin your list of changes.
No I intentionally did not teach you about this before because too many of you were not ready.
Argo yet another reason for this two-parter you to had believed for a long time in that dreaded belief of no pain no gain yet it was part of the former normal whether you want to believe it or not does not matter.
In the former normal so many millions of once good personalities worked with the tainted souls and those tainted personalities and as part of their Unholy unaware Alliance did all they could to keep good peoples in the dark.
It was work harder and harder to try to get what was dangled in front of yuson’s any spirituality they dangled a carrot and Bang everybody Dove for it many became Used To The Ends justify the mean. Belief in playtime had become synonymous with demoralized almost sociopathic Behavior living in the bars and clubs and yes especially the coffee clicks I will not even bother to bring up all the adulterous actions or the dressing for sex normal Lifestyles that is just too degrading.
So now using your recorder or notebook begin to write a serious dood drama in simply language give your note a tile one that you like a title that appeals to you write it your name on the heading to’
Then carefully think about what you want to see change and how you can contribute to the changes be
realistic no pipe dreams no fantasies.
When you begin writing write about what you are going to do to achieve your goals take your time and allow power of mind and your soul voice to guide you. If you are out of practice doing anything like this then be patient you are adapting to your new normal life once you feel you have had a breakthrough start relaxing more when. Working on this after your initial breakthrough things will become easier for you to do this do.
Not be hard on yourself and do not try to make it perfect.
Millions and millions of you all across anastasis either already have begun to have missing Time episodes or will be very shortly those incidents are occurring naturally of course it may not seem that way for you when they happen time and all that time represents to you is changing just as it should.
Missing time is simply certain elements of time being erased you were never meant to remember everything yes it can be frustrating for you especially if you have a reason for wanting to remember it but if it is simply taking up space in your mind then it is not that important.
However most of the time what is missing returns to you just long enough for you to piece that information together when it is important enough for you to do that.
It returns unfortunately many peoples start to think there is something wrong with them but in fact
there is not also though there is the missing time factor that can happen when you may find yourself on a trip or a long drive and suddenly do not know how you got to where you landed. You may have no memory of that incident or logical reason why or how it happened.Yes those missing time incidents can happen even if you have another person in the car with you neither of you will have any ideas or memories of it.
Happening those periods are when for some important reasons you need to be taken aboard ship and given information then returned somewhere not too far from where you were obviously.
I am not going to explain what any of those reasons were or are in due time you will be told now in your new normal you will experience them more often now advocates in this new life force you are experiencing it is making it easier for you to recognize peoples whose lives revolve around mind ruts.
It is true that the more a person obsesses over certain situations or certain people the deeper the rut
becomes well how you tolerated them before the new normal arrived just shows how hard you tried to deal with them now. However when you encounter the Mind rut people your body will feel very uncomfortable and your mind will try to pull you away from them your CLA. Sentience will push you rather hard to put much distance between them and yourself do not wait. Just get away from them and put as much distance between yourselves as possible the roots are controlling their lives and the people they control are rapidly loosing the last vestiges of humanity.
They have become even more dangerous than they were your new normal will not sit idly by and allow you to become one of those other people. Walk away quickly while you can. Part two will take you deep into the throws of Revelation you will learn how to look Beyond face value and see what is really going on and how I can teach you to learn from separating Illusions from truth. Be prepared I am taking my time in order to teach you all so that you may teach others correctly and you may spend the rest of your mortality seeing everything you need to see and disposing of. All those things that you miss believed for almost your whole life standing back to back shoulder to shoulder is in the previous battle on the homefront transmission should you need to review this memorize the words in that particular part of the transmission you will need to rely on them in order to survive. Three words you must memorize and put into practice at all times.
Escape regroup stand this is how you defeat the beast in this order this is how you leave everything behind that is not relevant to your new life. This is how you save yourself and all those who you love so be prepared you have lots of homework to do on the next transmission.
What you have been tasked with on this transmission will prepare you for that.
For now I am asking each of you to be vigilant for your life may depend on it. I am off to check final exams from those who have preceded.
You Blue Star the pleadian there is a valley where the spiritual stands on one side and the religious stands on the other side in the middle walks the cre Creator and the creation in time all shall be as one.
I shall meet you there.
“THE FINAL CHAPTER OF YOUR ASCENSION HAS BEGUN…” – Message from Merlia There Is Good News
The Truth Can Change Your Life
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Voice-over Recording , Audio & Video Production by Truth Can Change Your Life Youtube Channel
5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
Greetings dear friends of the truth I am Merlia.
There is good news I join you with such Joy this day.
The portal is remaining open and that is a really big thing from our side of the veil we applaud you for holding this open although we know this was difficult for many of you. Yet you stretched out and opened in many different ways.
We know that many of you cannot see the portal, is open or understand how you held it open but you will.
The reality is that there’s much help coming. Now basically you’ve given permission for that help to enter your game and it will arrive in many different ways.
The very first step is to assist the planet which is in a spire spiral right at the moment.
The Earth’s circulation system was spinning like a top very tightly at one point. Now she’s whirling and wobbling all over the place which is creating massive weather changes.
This is the redistribution of water and the wildfires that have become commonplace on the planet.
All of these things are related to the jet stream. If the jet stream begins to break up everything will start
changing very rapidly there’s quite a bit of movement. But it’s not only with the jet stream it
is also the Gulf Stream which flows in the Pacific Ocean and if it breaks down then water will rise very quickly. Fear not you are on a good path the Earth herself has decided to make certain changes and these will become evident to you as you go forward.
The reality is that she has the capabilities of supporting all 8 billion Souls at this moment.
But that is not yet happening, sometimes you are actually using so many more resources then she can produce and you’ve even calculated this to determine which countries use most of the energy.
The reality is you’ve changed a lot and she is also getting help from some of The Originators of the game on planet Earth.
There is good news your entire game moved here you brought all of your energies to Earth and started incarnating on this incredible Planet.
You’ve had 10,000 years of an undisturbed energy field to grow evolve and do all the things that you wanted to.
The holocene was 10,000 years of steady temperatures that varied less than one degree in either direction.
But you skyrocketed from the very beginning of the Industrial Revolution which changed everything and yet with the Earth adjusting and shifting it is entirely possible that she can still host the game of Humanity on planet Earth. She is doing everything in her power to reset her energy and now she also has help.
That’s why we had 2 days of a focus energy on planet Earth to open up our hearts and try to connect with her.
A living sentient breathing, Earth has decided to evolve and she’s trying to do it very quickly to catch up to the weight of the planet the weight of humanity anything you can do to ease your weight on the planet to open your heart and connect with her.
Openly makes a difference even simply enjoying the beauty of nature or opening your heart to become a Vortex Master. Take charge and guard these beautiful vortices that are opening up in so many different places.
This is good news dear ones and a beautiful opportunity to see this next level of humanity flourishing
on this planet. So hold that Vision yes we know you’re seeing all the problems right now you’re seeing the storms wildfires flooding and all the ways that Nature’s overwhelming Humanity.
Although that is happening this can slow down and there are actually several things that can happen at this point keep an eye on the jet stream and the Gulf Stream for as long as they are still in motion there is great hope.
It’s incredibly important that the streams continue moving and circulating the energy of Earth to the North and South Poles. If that slows down the planet will start to move into a mini Ice Age rather quickly.
Even though it’s changing a lot of your weather patterns bringing cold to places that should be hot and wet to places that should be dry these changes are now starting to be harnessed in a positive way.
So dear ones there are good things that are taking place right now your part is about celebrating Mother Earth and connecting with her in whatever way you can. Maybe it’s taking a walk in the woods to pick up trash or planting a tree in your backyard do whatever you can do to honor her little green men. Some have considered inhabiting Mars even though that would work for some it’s not truly the future of humanity because with your current technology it is simply too far away.
But you were actually on Mars before Earth in fact that’s where you first began the Journey of what you now call Humanity. There are many exoplanets being discovered right now and your search is filled with new ones.
When you find these exoplanets you will also eventually find life and it will be quite different than what you are expecting. There are so many life- supporting planets and of course many variations of beings you are not familiar with. We Define it as many of the same things that you already have on Earth which you don’t actually refer to as life.
Many of you are sitting standing or being supported by concrete at this very moment you think of it as an
inanimate object however the stones and cement that make it possibly came from the earth and are still very much a part of her. Those stones inside the concrete still carry the heart of the sentient being you call Mother Earth.
It may surprise you to hear that the Earth loves being reshaped into Humanity’s reality. She loves that you have used her branches for shelter and your sacred spaces for in this way she integrates more fully with you now.
That you know that there are all those stones in the concrete slab you are standing on what would it be like to talk to them. What could they tell you Observer talks to them all of the time the same way he can talk to the microbiome in your intestinal tract. They are a form of life that you are just beginning to understand and they inhabit many places throughout the Universe.
You also have other places that affect evolution in different ways for example planets closer to their Suns have significant amounts of gravity because of their size.
So those different factors provide a slightly different experience the same is true with your energetics multi-dimensionality. There are beings who can move multi-dimensionally you’ve seen them as your space Brothers in many different ways.
The open portal has now welcomed them especially the eight original races that helped form planet Earth, six of these are the parental races of humanity and they’re dealing directly with the planet at this point.
You’re still waiting for them to make official contact it’s as if you’re waiting for them to hold a live press conference announcing their arrival and intentions while they’re standing next to their spaceships that just landed. Well that’s probably not going to happen it would take way too much energy to do that. Besides there is so much fear on planet Earth right now with this portal you have held open the heart of planet Earth.
That’s why we ask you how much love can you hold in holding. That love you’ve opened up all the opportunities for these beings to start assisting the planet with her adjustments at first you’ll see that Earth is experiencing fewer and less intense difficulties. You’ll notice that some of the places that have been extremely hot are no longer quite as hot as they once were although you’ll see the overall temperature of planet Earth continue to rise if it slows down that would be a very good sign.
The idea is to keep the pendulum from swinging so violently between extremes. Claim your power connect work with your heart to connect with who you truly are then claim that power with planet Earth.
That can have a significant effect on planet Earth and on all of humanity. These are wonderful times to be
here and your place on this planet has been carefully reserved for a very long time.
Welcome home dear ones you are the highest of angels here to make this transition and we’re speaking to many of them right now and with that I’ll leave you for the time being.
The keeper of time will tell you more about the open portal and some of its properties.
Enjoy the journey dear ones we watch as the feminine continues to rise on this planet.
It’s rising slowly which is actually a good thing for that is how it moves throughout all of humanity very
cleanly. Welcome it bring it in know that the feminine carries tremendous strength for everything that you’re doing.
It’s with the greatest of Honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together. As you create this beautiful new game.
Dear ones I am Merlia the feminine form of Merlin come up and see me sometime!
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Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.
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Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.
Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)
Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D
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