Tucker Carlson Warns Oumuamua is Suddenly Speeding Towards Earth! It is NOT ALONE
Oumuamua & Nibiru
Are you sure it’s a rock maybe there’s somebody inside this thing maybe they’ve come to visit what is the last thing you would do if you found out that a large piece of rock the size of a football stadium was headed to Earth well you may want to give some extra thought to that question.

Because the possibility of that happening keeps increasing as the days go by initially dismissed as a mundane space rock it quickly Drew massive attention due to its peculiar characteristics irregular shape and unusual acceleration however what Tucker Carlson has brought to light is nothing short of astonishing.
A claim that um mua is not a solitary Wanderer but has an accompanying entity hidden from conventional observation in today’s exploration we delve deep into the extraordinary claims made by taka Carlson and the implications they carry for our understanding of umam mua Interstellar disc discoveries and the potential consequences of this unexpected Celestial display of the century as we embark on this journey of Discovery we will unravel the Mysteries surrounding umw mua’s sudden trajectory change and the questions it raises about the nature of our universe the strange and mysterious visitor from beyond our solar system began in our history pages.
When it had its first encounter with Earth on the fateful day of October 19th 2017 it began with a scientist named Robert werck Robert wasn’t just any scientist he was an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at monoa little did he know that what he would see that particular night would change the way Humanity looked at the universe.
As robert peered through the telescope’s lens he spotted something out of the ordinary it was a brand new object in the sky and it instantly caught his attention but this wasn’t just any object it was incred incredibly extraordinary it didn’t follow the usual patterns of other space objects it had a strange orbit moved at an unusual speed and possessed properties that would later leave scientists scratching their heads you see this object was no ordinary space rock it was umam mua a name derived from the Hawaiian language which roughly meant Scout this object first got the name one i207 U1 from a group called The International astronomical Union these are the ones who give special names to objects in space even those far from our solar system.
But the pan Stars team gave it the unique name umam mua which means a messenger from a far arriving first in Hawaiian umam mua was like an Interstellar Explorer sent from a far away and mysterious star system it had been on an incredible journey through the vast and dark depths of our Milky Way galaxy for possibly hundreds of millions or even billions of years before it finally crossed paths with our son.
The discovery of umam mua sent shock waves throughout the world of astronomy scientists from all corners of the earth couldn’t resist the urge to study this mysterious visitor hoping to unlock the secrets of its origin and purpose what they didn’t know was that their quest for knowledge would lead them to uncover astonishing story hidden within the stars.
As we’ll later find out it may shock you to know that umam mua isn’t really massive when you measure it in scientific terms it’s about the size of a football field which is between 10 and 100 m wide that might sound big but in the vastness of space it’s relatively small.
Now let’s Journey back to 2017 a year when the most extraordinary event happened in our solar system umam mua made a surprise appearance and scientists were at a crossroad on what this big rock was and what intentions it had at first they thought it was just an ordinary asteroid but as they studied it more closely they realized it might actually be a comet and some even wondered if it could be an alien spaceship a theory proposed by a professor who plays a key role in our narrative today.
This peculiar 650 ft long object umam mua sped through our solar system system headed to our planet
like a bullet it came within 15 million mil or 24 million km of Earth which is about 62 times the distance between the Earth and the moon if you take a moment to imagine the impact of a rocky looking object the size of a football field headed towards Earth at bullet speed the truth is there isn’t much else to see other than chaos however thankfully that was not to be the case at least not yet in a relatively short span of time scientists realized that umam mua was on a journey like nothing they had ever seen before it was cruising along what they called a hyperbolic orbit like a boomerang flying through the sky.
This unusual path told them that um muamua was not a local resident of our solar system it was just passing through our neighborhood and would never return but what kind of impact did it leave before It sped off was it even alone.
To answer some of these questions let’s start with what umam mua looked like it had an odd shape like a long skinny cigar and it had a bit of a reddish color imagine a huge Rock that’s up to 1/4 Mile about 400 m long NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes were on the case too tracking this Speedy visitor as it raced through space at a mind boggling 85,00 mph or 38.3 km/s relative to the Sun.
To get a hold of umam would have been like trying to catch a shooting star as it continued its Journey the comet looking object traveled on an upward path about 20° above the plane where our planets orbit the sun it sailed past Mars then beyond Jupiter’s orbit and even further than Saturn’s behind and heading toward a particular destination the constellation Pegasus a distant part of the cosmic neighborhood as though its ability to travel on a peculiar path to a determined destination was not enough mystery.
Scientists crunched the numbers to figure out where umam mua might have come from this calculation pointed their telescopes toward the bright star Vega located in the northern constellation of Lyra but here’s the catch umam mua’s journey was so incredibly long even though it was zooming through space at an astonishing 59,000 mph or 26 4 km/s that by the time it arrived here about 300,000 years ago Vega had moved from its original spot considering how unique this space phenomenon is you’d think it’s the only one of its kind however astronomers think that a space object from another star like umu mua comes near our solar system about once a year.
These objects are not very bright so they’re tricky to see and we haven’t noticed them until now only recently telescop like panars one have become strong enough to possibly find them and this has sparked quite a number of controversies and debates about the unique Space Rock theories surrounding it the discussions surrounding umam mua are primarily centered on its unfamiliar characteristics acceleration and the ongoing discourse concerning its potential origin notably one of the most significant points of contention arises from umam mua’s acceleration as it traveled through our solar system unlike typical celestial objects whose movements are primarily governed by gravitational interactions with the sun and known planets.
Umu mua displayed a non prominent astrophysicist Avi loab and others proposed an intriguing notion that umu mua might be of artificial origin potentially representing a light sail or a probe dispatched by an extraterrestrial civilization however this proposition invited more debate as attributing unexplained phenomena to intelligent extraterrestrial beings remains a present continuous controversy.
Moreover an additional facet of interest in this discourse stems from previous research conducted by Harvard University astronomers and others coupled with calculations by sigard sigon suggesting that approximately 100 umu mua like objects may have impacted Earth over the course of our planet’s nearly four 6 billion year history this supposition operates under the assumption that such celestial bodies follow random trajectories rather than being deliberately propelled toward Earth by Advanced extraterrestrial entities a concept known as directed panspermia this Revelation adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing investigation into umam mua’s Origins and raises further questions about the potential role of such objects in the evolution of life on Earth.
Predict ever lb and his colleague Amir SJ a Harvard undergraduate contend that this is implausible because pure nitrogen is exceptionally rare on Pluto and in the broader Universe their calculations reveal that the exop Pluto masses required to produce a pure nitrogen umam mua would be astronomically High other researchers propose that umamu could be a solid hydrogen block formed on the outskirts of a massive molecular cloud during the formation of solar systems some maintain that the strange rock is indeed a comet possibly an extraterrestrial one that was expelled from its original solar system due to gravitational interactions or one that originated within our own solar system subsequently journeying far into the outer reaches before making its Final Approach.
Various theories have been submitted that umam mua might be a comet with minimal outgassing which could account for its obser OB ered acceleration alternatively researchers have explored the possibility of non-gravitational forces acting on umu mua due to the outgassing of hydrogen ice nevertheless these explanations pose significant challenges and uncertainties the large Rock speeding through space with a seeming determination did not display the typical cometry characteristics such as developing a visible coma which is a cloud of gas and dust or a visible taale as it neared the sun this confused astronomers and contributed to the ongoing debate surrounding its true nature umam muua remained observable for only a limited time as it traversed the solar system posing a challenge for the collection of comprehensive data and the formulation of definitive conclusions many questions still persist due to this restricted observation period one of those points of questioning is centered on its Interstellar origin.
Although umoa mua marked the first confirmed detection of an Interstellar object passing through our solar system it left scientists pondering the presence of such objects and whether there were more to come it is worth noting that since the initial Discovery only one other Interstellar visitor
named 2i slash borisov has been identified 2i SL borisoff exhibited conventional comet-like characteristics in both appearance and behavior um’s distinct features have not been observed in any other celestial object before or since its passage since it’s an unnerving reveal in our solar system.
Some scientists and space fans have explored the thought of whether it would be a good idea to send a special mission to study umoa mua more closely because it was so different but that would be really hard to do because umam mua quickly moved through our solar system and as such send a mission would cost a lot of money and be really tough to plan speaking of speed umu mua’s unsettling acceleration As It sped in the direction of the Earth was one thing the entire scientific Community was concerned about.
This was a puzzling question for scientists especially because it seemed to go faster as it got closer to the Sun usually big things like planets and stars can push smaller things like comets and asteroids with their gravity making them speed up but umam mua was going three times faster than an average comet in our solar system and the usual gravity explanation.
In a new study Jennifer bergner a scientist at the University of California Berkeley and Daryl Seligman from Cornell University came up with a new idea that they thought might finally solve the mystery first I thought that perhaps there just wasn’t too much dust in the outgasing to form a coma later we thought that perhaps it was made of some more volatile material than what we see in usual comets such as hydrogen nitrogen or carbon monoxide but there were theoretical issues with each of these explanations Seligman commented hydrogen for example would require extremely cold temperatures to freeze into objects the size of umam muua and scientists don’t expect such temperatures inside the dense molecular clouds where these objects form he continued nitrogen is not very common in the Milky way which means there might not be enough of it to explain how many similar objects like um muamua should be in our galaxy as further explained by Seligman and bergner these two professors have different ideas about umam mua’s chemistry they think maybe umam mua went through some processes outside our solar system that we haven’t seen before when studying comets from our own solar system.
However not all scientists agree with this explanation AI lobe an astrophysics professor at Harvard University responded to Seligman and Berner study by saying they made a mistake in calculating umam mua’s surface temperature that this mistake led to an incorrect estimate of how much hydrogen was in the iceberg.
Lb who previously suggested umam mua might be an alien spaceship believes that the outgasing of the hydrogen they calculated couldn’t have caused The observed acceleration unable to find out what may have been speeding up the massive Space Rock the odds that scientists could find a way to stop it if another such Rock headed our way is very low umu amua is a mysterious space object that scientists continue to study over the duration of its appearance some experts have come to think it might be a piece broken off from a bigger space object or maybe even a flat round piece of rock or metal others have even suggested it could be part of a bigger object that got stretched and torn apart by gravity but the most unfortunate part in all this is that from its Discovery astronomers eager to learn more about this Interstellar traveler kept a close eye on it for about 11 days using all sorts of fancy telescopes both on the ground and in space but that was as many days as we had to gather all the information we could on it umam mua is now so far away and so faint that even our most powerful instruments can’t spot it anymore.
It’s like trying to find a needle in a hay stack in the vastness of space no rocket could ever hope to catch
up with it conclusion now with the little data gathered on um mua there is much to be answered could there be more objects like it out there that we haven’t seen yet even though Earth’s telescopes and tools for looking into space have highly developed over the years they can’t catch everything as technology gets better though we might find more of these strange space objects.
Scientists have since set to work on building better equipment and telescopes for any such future events one of these tools is the James web Space Telescope which is going to be quite the build when it’s launched by NASA this improved version of the Hubble Space Telescope will be the tool that allows us to peer into space to discover Clues and grasp things we didn’t know before.
I think we’re going to see Trump’s emergence as as the most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years years all I can say at this point is I’m so grateful that he has that position he’s right and everyone in Washington’s wrong everyone in the midst of uncertainty Tucker Carlson’s voice reverberates with dramatic anticipation asking the burning question is everything that Donald Trump said true.
I don’t know what bar said about it either I have no idea what he said what did he say he killed himself probably he said he killed himself and that they were going to do this investig they never did the investigation it’s never been public and they hit it and like why are they doing that and clearly bar knew but why would Bill bar be covering up the of Jeffrey Epstein Bill bar didn’t do an investigation on the election fraud either okay he said he did and he pretended he did.
But he didn’t even if you don’t plan to vote for Donald Trump even if you would before voting for Donald Trump which is you’re right and a lot of good people feel that way even still the destruction of our democracy which is is the right of Voters to support any candidate they want even candidates who don’t want war with Russia the destruction of that should keep you up at night.
I don’t think Trump has changed politics in Washington I think the parties both have been very resistant to any kind of Reform and that’s very foolish that’s a chesu move you see things changing around you and you just you can’t metabolize it you can’t sort of change with the moment and then you you know you meet a bad end when you become that rigid.
That’s a war that should end immediately not because of one side or the other because hundreds of thousands of people are being can you imagine you’re in an apartment house and Rockets are going into that building and blowing it up and knocking it down and who who can why why should anything why should anybody human beings is a human whether they’re Russian or whatever they are.
With Relentless curiosity Carlson dives into the uncharted waters of presidential statements daring to scrutinize the veracity of every utterance whatever else you say about him Trump is the one guy with an actual becoming president who descents from Washington’s longstanding pointless War agenda and for that that one fact they’re trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him and that should upset you more than anything that’s happened in American politics in your lifetime it was a spasm of Rage that Trump definitely helped Inspire.
That’s true and um at the election results okay you know I I’m not actually for that I don’t think leaders should be making people more pissed in general do you have a preference in assuming you’re the Republican nominee and all goes as you plan it to go do you have a preference in who you run against uh in many ways I’d love to run against him because his record’s so bad you know it’s still horrible when you look at inflation everything else but others also have very bad records I mean California’s a bad record so you know should it be Gavin or should it be somebody else.
When I look at San Francisco what’s happened to that incredible city that was one of the greatest cities in the world just a short while ago and now it’s very sad when you look at it Los Angeles every city practically all the Democrat run cities you know Republican run cities are doing very nicely because they arrest people when you have and they don’t go after political candidates because they think it’s good you know I mean it’s like been amazing my poll numbers are the highest I’ve ever had but because people understand it can I ask you that gets back to my original question so if the protest didn’t work you got elected anyway impeachment didn’t work twice obviously um indictment is not working your poll numbers go up when they rated maralago in August of last year your numbers went up um they can indict you 20 times and it’s not going to you’re not going to lose the Republican primary because of that well it makes it look even more ridiculous I mean the forward indictments and maybe there’ll be more I don’t know these people are crazy but they’re counterproductive so if you chart it out it’s an escalation is what I’m saying.
So what’s next after you know try to put you in prison for the rest of your life that’s not working so like
don’t they have to kill you now I I think the people of our country uh don’t get enough credit for how smart there and I I’m not sure I would have said this 10 years ago but they get it you know they really get it when somebody gets indicted your poll numbers go down when somebody gets indicted you announce uh ladies and gentlemen I’ll be leaving to spend time with my family and to fight for the rest of my life on this stuff amidst the political Labyrinth his piercing inquiry becomes a litmus test for truth challenging us to separate fact from fiction I I think that Bobby Kennedy and Trump will both have a very tough time getting the nomination.
I’m hoping that both of them will of course I guess uh I’m hoping that their message will be heard I don’t know I don’t even know what I hope for in the process itself but I want them to be heard and they can now be heard because there are channels of information that people can tune into and listen I mean I would just I would just I would amend one thing you said when you said that you know these huge multinationals control our politics well they also control our media yeah they do I mean Pharma as you well know and often say on your shows the biggest Advertiser on American television probably true in the UK as well and so you know there’s no incentive whatsoever to question their products and now we have because of the social media companies Twitter and Rumble and probably others we have less filtered sources of information.
With fewer Gatekeepers and a and a higher probability you’ll hear something true I think that’s a huge change I mean how can you and this is like s dot this is like you know this is like information that the people in charge don’t want you to see and now you can see it it really is the promise of the internet finally fulfilled.
That’s My Hope anyway despite what you may remember it wasn’t anything that Trump had said about immigration or trade with China or from Mexico those are the stories that dominated the headlines that year Trump’s a racist they scream stop him.
But inside Washington that was just noise none of it really rid identity politics doesn’t mean much to permanent Washington what matters then and now is foreign policy the invasions and occupations and proxy wars the decisions that determine which global populations will Thrive and which will the policies that come with trillion doll price tags.
The ones that over time have made the counties around DC the richest suburbs in the world in Washington that’s what actually matters and it’s obvious when you look carefully when there’s a debate about anything else for example the debt ceiling both sides take their assigned positions and they start yelling but when Congress decides to start a war no matter how foolish or counterproductive or obviously disconnected from America’s core interests that war may be when that happens the leaders of both parties automatically jump behind it like circus clowns and then they stay there.
Carlson embodies the collective need for clarity giving voice to those who seek truth in the midst of political rhetoric you know leaving aside whether Trump’s going to get the nomination or get elected president or would be a good president you know I can’t even assess that all.
I can say at this point is I’m so grateful that he has that position he’s right and everyone in Washington’s wrong everyone MH and Trump is right on that question and it’s a big question that war is reshaping the world it’s reshaping the economy of the world it’s reshaping populations the ref I mean I was just in Romania last week you know which is of course shares a border with the the refugees in that region.
The number of people in that War I mean Europe will never be the same because of this war and it really matters and Trump alone among popular figures in both parties understands that and I’m grateful for it whether he gets the nomination or gets elected it you know words really matter saying something true out loud matters.
And he is saying true things about and God bless him that’s how I feel why is China allowed to to conduct imperialism in our hemisphere well yeah and it’s far beyond Cuba it’s all over South America yeah and the Caribbean so we built a thing called the Panama Canal we lost 35,000 people to the mosquito you know malaria we lost 35,000 people building we lost 355,000 people because of the mosquito vicious they had to build under Nets it was one of the true great wonders of the world as he said one of the nine wonders of the world no no it was one of the seven it happened a little while ago you know F nine wonders of the world you could make nine wonders he would have been better off of be stuck with the nine and just said yeah I think it’s nine but this is one of the true seven wonders of the world and you take a look at the Panama.
Can it was such such an incredible engineering Marvel we sold it under Jimmy Carter we sold it to Panama for $1 the following day they quadrupled the amount of money the ships had to pay to get across they didn’t lose one ship and now they’ve made it much bigger and now they’ve widened it they’ve doubled it right they more than doubled it and it’s one of the most profitable things any time it it’s it’s just incredible right.
We gave it away for $1 China Now controls it they actually control the Panama Canal they run it they control it and we shouldn’t let that happen and we can’t let China
be in Cuba and they’ll get out if I’m president they’ll get out cuz I had a very good relationship with President she but he respected this country he respected me and he’ll get out and we can’t let them run the Panama Canal we built the Panama Canal should have never been given to Panama we should have had it.
But we gave it for $1 think of it they quadrupled in one day they lifted the fees which are you know pretty big for these massive ships to go through right rather than going around the cape and hold tremendous storms such beauty such you know when you it’s beautiful stuff each assertion he examines carries the weight of a nation seeking Clarity struggling to decipher the authenticity of presidential proclamations his Relentless Pursuit serves as a Clarion call.
Hillary Clinton was guilty of it but so was Paul Ryan all of them were guilty they all knew they all lied and
to a person they hated Donald Trump for exposing them after that it was pretty clear that even if he did get elected president Trump was going to have a very hard time controlling the federal government he was supposed to be in charge of most of permanent Washington decided that thwarting Trump was the single most important mission in their lives.
Everything depended on it many of them said so publicly but others didn’t say so publicly in fact the stealthier ones took another path they ran toward Trump not away from him they sucked up to him they ingratiated themselves the man they intuitively understood was susceptible to flattery which Trump is.
And they did this in order to subvert his new Administration from the inside there were a number of these and you could spot them immediately they were flatterers invariably the ones who flattered Trump the most hated him the most and disagreed the most strongly with his views you saw them in the hallways at the White House and at press conferences they were there slobbering over their boss with elaborate self-abasement as if they were addressing a monarch or a God.
It was a scene from the ottoman Court it was Y and decadent and it was false Mike Pence Nikki Haley Mike Pompeo Lindsey Graham in the Congress they all called Trump a Visionary genius up until the moment he lost power you know.
I think looking back on this 10 years from now assuming we’re still around uh I think we’re going to see Trump’s emergence as as the most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years because he reoriented the Republican Party um against the wishes of Republican leaders reminding us all that in The Quest For Truth skepticism is a vital tool as the dramatic Narrative of presidential statements unfolds we go through the Panama Canal we built it and we gave it away for $1 think of that how stupid are we we have done the stupidest things in this country uh and now we have a president that can’t put two sentences together can’t speak can’t walk can’t talk.
I don’t think he gets to the Starting Gate but these people do Miracles I mean he he ran out of his
basement and you got away with that one because so he sort of got away with it they cheated on the election but you have people that are very smart but they’re fascists and they’re radical left lunatics and they’re destroying our country with the oil electric cars and the windmills all over the place which by the way don’t work and they’re all most of them made in China for the most part they’re made in China.
Germany a little bit but China but you look at what’s happening to our country even no voter ID I mean why don’t they want voter ID there’s only one reason they don’t want voter ID because they want to cheat who doesn’t want you know the Democrat convention the last one they had voter ID that was this big it looked like a prison card this big on their chest you walked in they had your picture you this your fingerprint they he everything the most incredible voter ID I’ve ever seen that was to get into the Democrat National Convention but to get into vote if you buy groceries if you buy any practically anything now you have ID on a card credit cards are otherwise and but that don’t you think it’s racist to have to show your ID.
Well they probably say that they they use anything not to show ID because so do ID is pretty simple and we could go back and we should go back to all paper ballots voter ID same day voting you know France did it France had mail in ballots and it was terrible anytime you have mail in ballots you’re going to have massive cheating on your elections anytime not just the presidential election.
Carlson’s resonating voice remains a beacon urging us to demand honesty and accountability from our leaders regardless of their affiliations but when I think about Trump right now so it’s July of 2023 you know I’m struck by his foreign policy views you know Trump is the only person um with Stater and the Republican Party really who’s saying wait a second you know why are we supporting an endless war you
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English section => General UFO Discussions => Subiect creat de: Siberia din 18 Decembrie 2011, 16:26:59
Titlu: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Siberia din 18 Decembrie 2011, 16:26:59
It is said that a Nazi expedition in 1939 found the ILAT-LITUM plates/tablets in Antarctica.
As we are approaching 2012, it seems that Thule doesn’t mind that this information comes out in the open for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
A Thule member sent Wes Penre something they call “Genesis”, but is the German translation of ILAT-LITUM, translated into German by Tibetan monks during Nazi Germany. The German version is then translated into English by someone who was helping Wes, and who is fluent in German. Let’s take a look to the stories written in these tablets: Genesis I
ANU’s ship landed on alien shores, far away from the home of the Gods, far away from Aldebaran. He entered foreign banks, and heard noises, saw beings, Reptilians in all colours of the rainbow, strange creatures with smart eyes and strong claw hands.
Versed in the fight they looked full of cunning and virtue towards the Sun, where ANU’s ship shone in the Sky.
The planet was already occupied, there was no place for the Gods, and they discussed for nine moons until the council of the Gods accepted ANU’s plan.
SEPT, the leader of the fire signs, landed on the planet, carrying terrible weapons, fire sticks that could burst rocks and melt metals.
It rained ashes and embers, again for nine moons, neither the Sun nor the shimmering of the Stars could be seen. The blaze was so big that only SEPT could be on the Planet, full of joy the other Gods looked down from ANU’s ship. At the end of this time the Reptoids disappeared, only SEPT knew the way into their hiding places, the caves.
Great was the success of the Gods, but great was their fear for revenge from the Reptoids, and TU’s wisdom ordered the sealing of the entrance to the underworld. so the gods could sleep peacefully.
Now the Gods could land, they spun the disc, (like in spin-the-bottle/rotated) and in the land of the Acacias they built their first home.
Suns and moons passed in line with the heavens, but the fertility of the Gods started to fade.
Again the council met for nine moons, and the Gods made the decision to impregnate the Royal MIRA with TU’s seed to which was added thirty-six Reptoid DNA strands.
Therefore the seal to the underworld was broken and SEPT, the leader of the fire sign, had to climb down and search for a male Reptoid. Only fine fighters could accompany him, and every single one was carrying a fire stick and a silver battle disc.
After seven moons SEPT returned to the light of the upper world, he had lost almost all of his warriors, and those who came back had lost their mind.
SEPT had brought one male Reptoid, it was sleeping (unconscious? Wes’ comment), on every hand and foot it had six claws, a golden wreath around his neck and behind his small ears it had two thick humps.
His seed was taken and from it thirty-six strains were mixed with TU’s seed, to be planted into the royal MIRA. Some time passed, which is recorded on the TABLET, and the royal MIRA gave birth to twins: EA and MAGDI, a beautiful couple with shimmering green eyes and shining golden nails on the feet and the hands. At this time none of the Gods could say where the Reptoid male, whose seed was taken, remained, because he had disappeared without a trace.
But EA and MAGDI grew faster than normal God’s children, they were smarter and stronger, their green shimmering eyes revealed their consanguinity, and their nails could not be cut with metal. After two suns the twins were as big as God’s children would be after eighteen suns, and again the council of the Gods was summoned.
ANU demanded the death of the twins, because they were a threat to the Gods, and the wise council agreed with him.
SEPT should execute the deed, take their lives with a fire stick and melt the body parts with heat, so that absolute nothing would remain.
But TU remained silent – he quickly delivered the message to his Royal MIRA, and together they made the following plan:
– They had to make completely identical clones of EA and MAGDI, for this purpose there was a device, which also created the Lulu, who were digging the mines for gold. MIRA placed these clones in the royal bed-chamber and with an innocent gaze she waited for SEPT. At night the chamber was opened violently and SEPT entered with his warriors – MIRA screamed loud – to keep the appearance, and SEPT performed the deed according to the plan of the council.
The fraud was undetected and no one could see the twinkle in her eyes. The Goddess, with her head hanging, entered the council the next morning, and all the Gods were comforting her in these difficult hours of departure from her offspring.
They promised her a new trial soon, this time performed with a strongly modified strand from the Reptoid. MIRA looked down and did not say a word – the Gods cheered for their success. But TU had a house with three golden “Fireships” which he could control at will. They took EA and MAGDI to one of the ships, and with a lot of supplies, seven golden tablets and a sparkling emerald tablet, they took off high above the heavens over the water to the land beyond, contrary to the land of the Acacians. The place of their choice was soon found and they called it PEN-TA-KIT. The “house” for EA and MAGDI was built under the lake, which they called BAN-TAN. The bold EA got the golden tablets, the beautiful MAGDI could keep the emarald tablet to retain any protection from enemies and for other secret use. Soon however MIRA and TU had to return to the house of the Gods in the land of the Acacians, so they would not raise suspision.
They agreed on the following: For now and all time MAGDI and EA would receive messages from them, not through the waves of the sky, not through the flows of the water in the “fire ship”, but in a secret and totally unsuspected way. They agreed on the “signs” and within 72 hours the twins memorized them. During summer the signs would appear in the high grass or in the wild grain/corn, during winter in the ice of lake BAN-TAN. The twins also knew about their (DNA) strands, that had given them immortality, just like the Gods. Therefore they also agreed on the signs for the return of their God parents, there were several signs and one Final sign.
Also each sign gave detailed information on the instructions of the God parents. So MAGDI and EA where armed for all times.
Light-heartedly MIRA and TU returned to the land of the Acacians.
They could not believe what they saw, in a hurry the other Gods had left the harbor GATA-BEN. Why?
ANU’s ship no longer shone in the sun, the bright sky was covered with blood-red clouds and strange rocks with fiery tail fell to the ground. What happened?
The first house in GATA-BEN was left hastily; the doors were open and were not sealed. Only the LULU harvested the juice of the Acacias as if nothing happened. The leader of the Lulu knew nothing, he could only laugh and said: “ANU’s ship steers the star.
Hastily MIRA and TU returned to NI-BI-RU.
The COUNCIL had already gathered and under ANU’s leadership the Gods were trying to find a way out. MIRA and TU noted that the first time was ripe, so they sent MAGDI and EA the FIRST SIGN in order to warn them and to prepare them for what was coming.
The FIRST SIGN had the following form and would also be a final sign that was sent both in the beginning and in the end:
* First sign image (attached)
Genesis II
The time of change had come. Gloomy shimmer where above the heavens of the gods.
Only ANU could imagine the full scope.
What happened?
NI-BI-RU had left its mandatory course.
What could the Gods do?
Again they asked the oracle like at the time of the exodus from Aldebaran, again they spun the disc.
But the oracle remained “blind”, there was no “light” sign as usual. Was the connection to the ancestor Gods interrupted?
Now ERA rose, the wise one of the ANU-NAKI, he imparted his staff IR-MIN-SUL the power of thought, and spoke truth and wisdom to the Gods.
NI-BI-RU drifted from its original course, this is why KI has to leave his prescribed orbit, for a certain time the NUMBERS of the Gods have to be changed! Those with ears hear and those with eyes to see the divine resolution that ERA with the power of his thoughts and the power his staff announced: MUMMU as 1. Companion APSU stays on its prescribed course at 36 Hunab. LAHAMU’s virginity is not disturbed at 72 Hunab.
But KI’s orbit has to move from 108 Hunab to 96 Hunab, he moves 12 lines/stripes from LAHMU’s face!
12 large returns must take place, before KI takes its old prescribed course again! Ages will pass, and the stories of the Gods will only be found on “Tablets” but the truth remains and will return!
A giant flood will destroy KI, later the Lulu will change history at their will, however you shall know the truth and carry it for all future!
It was not the revenge of the Gods, for their interbreeding with the women of the Lulu, that caused the flood, but because NI-BI-RU had left its prescribed path, and none of the Gods could stop it. Read the numbers and become wise! You call it gravitation, the Gods call it “Hall of the golden kettle”.
12 large returns means 12 times the passing of the twelve sings on the horizon (zodiac signs), then the time will be completed and KI will return to its prescribed position!
These were ERA’s words, the council heard it with displeasure, but there was nothing to interpret or change.
Short time after it came as foretold: KI left its orbit and moved 12 lines/bars against the virginity. KI was hit by severe floods, for a short time KI wobbled and lost its consciousness. Life on KI was washed away, the Acacias broken. Only the Lulu in the mines managed to escape! Why?
The entrances to the underworld were opened and Reptoids permitted the Lulu admission. Why?
Weren’t the females of the Lulu beautiful to look at?
Weren’t the Reptoids particulary keen on beings of this species?
The NEW RACE was about to be born!
We call them LE-MU-RI-AN, because actually from the connection between the Reptoids and the Lulu the LEMURIANS originated!
The LEMURIANS should become stronger than the Reptoids, because they had the DNA of the Gods and the Reptoids!
They built a world that had never been seen before, and it was their task to not only frighten the Gods when they returned, but to chase them away.
But what happened to EA and MAGDI?
They were well aware of their divine immortality but where worried about their vulnerability- because divine DNA does not mean protection in battle against every enemy.
They built their city PEN-TA-KIT deeper in the earth under the lake BAN-TAN and from their bloodline another 711 Gods’ children where born. They taught the God’s children all sciences, in virtues, and in the art of warfare. They also received the SECOND SIGN from MIRA and TU, it showed them KI’s shift, the planet that from now on we call EARTH. It showed them the start as well as the finish of the shift, and according to ERA’s words this age would last 12 times 12 signs in the firmament, 12 times 12 signs the shining herd UL.ME would pass before Earth could take her hereditary orbit at 108 Hunab.
Through these signs all future calculations and prophecies were possible– it showed them the the true path.
NI-BI-RU’s in his wondrous EIGHT, the two paths, which they call ENLIL’S PATH and EA’S PATH and ANU’s PATH that corresponds the DUB, or as you call it, the eclipse. Thus from the sign it is clearly recognisable, that the star NI-BI-RU doesn’t take 3,600 Earth years to “orbit”, but 3,6 schar, that’s 12,960 Earth years, and so the “orbit” equates half a Precision. The presented events happened in the sign of GU, which you call Aquarius, and its numerical value is 12.
Now you will wonder, what does this number tell us?
Think! In Aquarius the first ANU-NAKI settled on Earth, after they first won the war against the Reptoids, in Aquarius Earth tilted its course, lost hold and spun from 108 Hunab to 96 Hunab.
Now I am talking about an orbit of 3,6 schar, this means that the Gods would return in the sign of Lion!
But didn’t ERA talk about 12 times 12 lines/stripes/bars/strokes?
12 lines means Aquarius again, because the shining herd, which you call Zodiac, has 12 signs. This is also the mystery of the “Crop Circles”; not unwilling ordinary people should decipher the signs, they are solely for EA and MAGDI and their divine offspring, so they are able to correctly interpret the time of return! Because NI-BI-RU orbits 3,6 schar this is 12,960 Earth years, and 3,6 schar away from Aquarius indeed stands Lion! But this crossing does not cross the path of your Earth, it runs through the inner circle, that you call the asteroid belt. We will later address the events that happened at that time in detailed manner! After 3,6 schar the next encounter comes, because NI-BI-RU’s orbit has a drawn-out EIGHT. This EIGHT is turned in its self, indeed the point of crossing lies on one “level” but not at the same point in space! Thus it happens that one time the encounter in Aquarius causes KI’s orbit to shift, but the other time it orbits the asteroid belt without disruption for your planet.
Your children have a game, which is called “spin-the-bottle”, a bottle is spun in a circle, at the point where the bottle stops a pledge is payable.
What pledge will be payable after the return of the ANU-NAKI?
Exactly this picture of “spinning-the-bottle” was what TU and MIRA had in mind, when they send the sign of return to their divine children!
Of course they encrypted it as agreed, they drew the path of the “shining herd” which you call ecliptic as a LINE, well aware that the descendants of the primitive Lulu or even the Reptoid beings were not able to recognize this as a circle! But that was not enough, the NUMBERS were also encrypted, because who would possibly recognize, that the first sacred angel the “crop circles”, the DUB-SCHAH, the number 72, is equivalent to the inclination of the ecliptic of exactly ONE DEGREE!? Who would be able to calculate the time of the start and the time of return, if not the sons of the gods themselves??
Now here the time of return shall be pictured, the Planets have their equivalence exactly like the position inside the “shining herd”, the calculations where sent by MIRA and TU with the goal of awakening the children of the gods and to give them the corresponding assignments. Each of the God’s children will now become aware of their assignment and will contribute their part to initiate the return.
The battle we lost, but still have won, will now be carried out on the level that is marked in the book ILAT-LITUM, “The Highest victory”
Titlu: Re: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Siberia din 18 Decembrie 2011, 16:48:26
GENESIS III: The War Between Lemuria and the Land of EA.MAGDI
72 moons had past since EA and MAGDI built their house under the lake BAN-TAN, it was big and magnificent, and had room for all 711 God’s Children.
To honour their divine parents they called their land EA.MAGDI.
The first-born son of the twins was called IMMARU-IMTAHA, in your language this would mean “light warrior”. The first-born girl was called ZU-SINNISNARTU, in your language this means, “Wise singer”.
To simplify it, from now on we call the two God’s children IMMA and SINNI.
IMMA trained the godsons in all martial laws, especially the throwing of the silver battle disc and mastering the fire stick. The silver battle discs that were left by TU, had magical powers, not only were they able to find the enemy through the mind power of the thrower, they also had 45 openings to shoot “fire waves”.
The outer 18 openings carried TU’s initials, the CORE of life going upwards in a curved path, which represents both the divine race and the anscension of the gods themselves. 108 battle disc were fabricated, according to the sacred number of HUNAB, the distance between KI (Earth) and APSU (Sun) in ancient holy times.
But SINNI, the wise singer, had the special task in training the children of the gods to understand the signs, that TU and MIRA were sending to Earth within certain intervals.
She herself was in the possession of the emerald tablet that MAGDI received from MIRA but she was not allowed to show it to the other god’s children. Too much of wisdom, deceit and spite/malice, too much of eternal truths and possibilities to see into the future, were recorded on the emerald tablet. It required courage and determination and truly divine will, to accept this tablet, then the next war with Lemuria was recorded on the tablet just as the escape of the god’s children to the planet LAHMU (Mars) and all destiny of the gods and the people till the sky’s last blink of the eye.
Even her own inevitable fate was recorded there, and Sinni had the strength to endure this!
But slowly Time became dark, the Reptoid beings interbred with the escaped Lulu and formed a new race, the Lemurians. Of course they also had heard of the escape of the gods, but they also knew of the land EA.MAGDI and the hideout of the abandoned god’s children. They didn’t know the lake BAN-TAN, but their cunning and determination was great to find this place and to destroy the sons of the gods.
Their leader called himself ETU-MARU, which means “dark son”.
The race of the Lemurians also had divine strands [of DNA] in their blood, because the primitive Lulu were created by the gods from “monkeys” [allegedly Neanderthals, Wes’ comment] and 9 strands of the gods were connected.
At the end the mixing with the Reptoids emphasized their combat skills even more, only the medial talents were extremely low.
ETU-MARU`s lover was SARRATA ( SARRAT IRKALLI ), the “Queen of the underworld”. SARRATA was extremely beautiful and also intelligent and cunning–she could pretend and mislead many.
Therefore ETU-MARU made up a plan: He sent SARRATA up to the “upper world” to spy, she should find the house of the gods and if possible gain their confidence, to gain access to the house of the gods.
Cunning and beautiful as she was she went to the upperworld, where everywhere small settlements of the god’s children had emerged.
Although, EA and MAGDI got warnings from TU and MIRA, that pointed out that the enemies of the gods lived in inner earth, but these warnings had since faded, and few even thought about it. This enabled SARRATA to infiltrate the god’s children, and she even won the heart of a son.
He informed her about lake BAN-TAN and of many many secret things that enabled the Lemurians to start their attack. On the darkest day in the history of the ANU-NAKI the attack of the Lemurians began. SARRATA also found out that on this day the god’s children wanted to celebrate a feast. The date was choosen well and ETU-MARU led the Lemurians into battle. The war could not be shorter, after 7 days the gods had lost 550 of their children and EA and MAGDI decided for the last resort. There would be an escape to planet LAHMU [Mars, Wes’ comment]. The 166-remaining god’s children started to flee under the leadership of EA and MAGDI. With three “silver birds” they left the land EA.MAGDI for good, to find a new home. SINNI sang her most beatiful songs to please the heart of the remaining children. She encouraged them and dried their tears.
The NEW Home
LAHMU (the planet Mars) was like the earth at that time. It had an ample vegetation, deep valleys and gorges and wavy oceans.
The children of the gods had the great luck that there were no aggressive beings like the Lemurians.
Far from it, there were smart birds with whom the children of gods soon made friends.
The birds had caves far above in the cliffy mountains, and because they were so strong and confident at the same time, the children of the gods let them take them high into the air just for fun.
They had gleaming plumage, that shimmered in all colors of the rainbow.
Yes, there was rain and rainbows on LAHMU, and over time this world was loved by the children of gods more than the partically inhospitable Earth.
So they built their first house on LAHMU and called it SHADU.E, which means ,,Mountainhouse” [,,Hillhouse”].
All this had SINNI known, for it was recorded in her emerald-tablet, but could she have spoken the truth?
Even ANU would have been refused to do so, for something horrible would have happened, the course of the heavens would collapse.
SHADU.E was built nobly and received a golden gleaming dome by which in the soft light SINNI sang her songs and instructed the children in the arts of the gods.
IMMA however continued instructing in the martial arts for he would never accept the dishonor of being defeated by the Lemurians!
One day he would lead the gods to their revenge against the Lemurians and wipe them out completely.
SINNI too had to achieve something special, for by their escape from earth the children of the gods had stripped themselves from the chance of reading and interpreting the SIGNS of MIRA and TU.
This was irreversibly necessary, for from where else should they get the hints for their further development?
Thus SINNI created an INU.ZU, a ,,wise Eye”, with which she could observe the forests, the feral fields with corn and the sheets of ice of the northern seas of the planet Earth from her house.
She had to be able to determine the Return of the gods, for it was up to her if the betrayal was punished by MIRA and TU or if ANU could be pleased with a legend.
The FIRST encounter was 6 Signals ago, and SINNI knew that NI-BI-RU had completed half a cycle after 6 Signals and would reach it’s point of intersection of the ,,eternal Eight”.
NI-BI-RU started in the sign of GU (Aquarius) and threw KI (the Earth) from it’s orbit; it would return to the solar system in the sign of UR.GULA (Leo) and cross the system at 228 HUNAB.
That was NOT one of the encounters of which ERA spoke, for ERA meant clearly the encounters with Earth, and those take place every 12 signs!
So the FIRST encounter between NI-BI-RU and KI (the Earth) took place in the year 309,033 B.C. with your time calculation.
The following events should occur 12,960 years later, starting from the year 296,073 B.C.
Thus the complete cycle of NI-BI-RU (because of the years after Christ) is 311,040 earth years, which are 86,4 SCHAR.
For this reason NI-BI-RU has the core number 648 and LAHMU; the new home of the children of the gods has the numerical value 468. 311,040 earth years are 80 great cycles of the Destroyer (Satan).
For 80 multiplied with 3,888 (the true 666) is 311,040.
311,040 Earth years are 90 great creation cycles, for the number 3,456 (serpent bites it’s own tail – symbol for chaos and creation) multiplied with 90 results in 311,040 Earth years.
Here the quotation from the book ILAT-LITUM finds it’s true meaning:
,,Light and shadow are combined.”
Light (number 90) multiplied by shadow (number 80) results in 7,200 or 7,2 Schar, which equals one cycle of NI-BI-RU, so it comes to one (Light-ENLIL’s Way) positive result and one (Shadow-EA’s Way) negative result!
Not for nothing one way Enlil’s and one way EA’s are exactly 3,6 Schar.
When we retrace the happenings we will discover, that 3,6 Schar – in the sign of Leo (10.953 B.C.) – the golden era ended through EA’s way and today 2007 A.D. The golden era begins through ENLIL’S WAY!
However we will return to the to the events at the time:
The Shadow-Way fulfilled the first time and the children of the gods waited wishfully for the beginning of the Light-Way.
SINNI had fufilled great deeds, for her INU.ZU, her ,,wise Eye” could not only see the signs of MIRA and TU from Earth, but could also see far into the heavens and follow NI-BI-RU’s course eternally.
So she could calculate the exact date of the return of the gods.
MIRA and TU had also taken precautions, they let SINNI know by their signs in the corn which plans ANU had.
The great Council decided to help the children on LAHMU, for ERA’s wisdom told the gods, that EA and MAGDI and all following children-generations should belong to the tribes of the gods.
ERA’s wisdom meant, that the gods under the leadership of ANU and with the power of SEPT invade the land of the LEMURIANS and should force them with unimaginable devaststations back into the caves.
So it was recorded in the book ILAT-LITUM, the ,,highest victory”.
The sign for this was transmitted to SINNI as follows:
* Second sign image (attached)
GENESIS IV: The Return Of The Gods
IMMA and SINNI, the children of the gods and leaders of the children on LAHMU had fulfilled great deeds.
Through the wise eye INU.ZU they could follow NI-BI-RU’s course and wait for the prompt return of the gods.
SINNI was lecturing in the mountainhouse SHADU.E about the high signs, and that shall be expressed here word by word, for it is the revelation of the secret of making the signs, or crop circles, which the humans on KI will call them later.
,,Many children will ask themselves, where these high signs come from and how they are made!”
The high signs are messages from our god-parents on our homeworld NI-BI-RU.
So much you know already.
They send us these signs, so we can calculate their return and prepare us!
When signs originate in the corn, the WATER in the halm is informed!
High signs can only originate where specific minerals and iron is available in the ground, of course water has to be there also.
This information is transmitted through ,,waves” – we call these waves NA.LI.TAR – they are waves in the metaphysical spectrum – the humans call them REIKI – Blue Light – VRIL – there are thousand names for it, but only we know it’s purpose!
The NA.LI.TAR-waves are sent through space by MIRA and TU, on Earth they inform the Minos and iron containing water and at a specifically determined time the water presses the halm and the crop into the desired pattern!
The humans will know one day, that water is the medium of the gods – our gods – it is the universal divinity!
You can talk to water, water has a memory for the period of eternity, and water fills the space between the stars in its’ most precious form – as ice! For that reason humans build their temples and churches nearby water! [1]
The humans have some among themselves, whom they call druids; they can communicate with water and understand the meaning of our messages!
But it will not help humans, for these druids will be laughed at and declared insane, for the minds of most humans is clouded by a radiation out of the world of matter – the humans will build antennas and this dangerous radiation will contaminate the planet KI and its’ species and take away their spiritual experience(s).
NA.LI.TAR-waves can produce ice-pictures – the principle is very easy:
The waves inform the (ferreous) water and this will change the temperature at specific points within a short time, these burn- and breakpoints in their wholeness result in a fine ice-picture.
We can see it through our wise eye INU.ZU on the lake BAN-TAN!
Humans aren’t so familiar with ice-pictures as they are with high signs in the crop, but they fulfill the same meaning – our god-parents show us the way and prepare us for their return!
The humans will build a terrible facility which they call H.A.A.R.P., they want to produce NA.LI.TAR-waves themselves and create false pictures!
But it will not work, for they have not the device for it and their sense is directed on the world of form and appearance!
Form and appearance are only the expression of VRIL – some will see, that VRIL and GRAL are the same, for it is only meant for the communication with NI-BI-RU!
VRIL 4,636
GRAL 1,616
Sum 6,252 = 15X120 = 1,800 = ½ SCHAR!!
VRIL is the power, and GRAL is the device to send out the force!
Every 12,960 years our courses cross, and so the NA.LI.TAR-waves rise.
The humans will notice!
They will cut the halms of the crops and analyse it, they will notice a strange short live energy, which they can not measure!
For VRIL remains only very short in the world of form and appearance, for it changes into its’ spirit-form and carries the information on for all eternity!
So it is written in the TABULA SMARAGDINA:
She who was – she who is – she who will be –
,,Steersman of times, the chariotleader,
Lord of the waters, Lord of the Light
From the horizon of EA to the horizon of ANU
He, who leads the way, he, who is.
The star that was born from LAMUS light.
The child that was born out of TU’s semen.
Concepted by the royal MIRA.
Guarded by SEPT, the leader of the firesigns.
He, who receives the words
Who’s way leads to ERA’s secret
Recorded in the tablets of the grassgods
From the beginning of light to beginning.
The TABULA SMARAGDINA turns on the sweeps, the waves of oceans, above the heads of the children of gods, it transmits constantly NA.LI.TAR-waves into the Vigrid-plains, to announce together with the high signs the return of NI-BI-RU.
SINNI had fulfilled something great:
Everywhere on LAHMU she placed the IR-MIN-SUL, and the children of gods were delighted by the water of the light!
On LAHMU there were Ley-points too, where the Minos-Iron-Water sputtered.
12 pillars were placed on LAHMU by SINNI, 12 pillars it were 2 eras later on KI (the Earth).
IMMA had to achieve special work, for the pillars were made of a mixture of LADUR-rock and SEMADIT-metal.
This unique mixture of precious rock and also precious metal gives the pillar its’ conductibility in Minos-Iron-water.
When the 12 pillars were placed a great feast was celebrated, the children of gods flew on the wings of the TAN.TAK, the ,,gleaming flowers”; high up to the SHADU.E, they celebrated the feast of the first placement of the IR-MIN-SUL, and noone could take it from them in this moment of inner entrancement!
On the next morning the pillars started to rotate, the water sputtered from the openings in the head and high above the red fields of LAHMU NI-BI-RU presented itself to the children of gods for the very first time in all its’ glory and delightfulness.
In this time SINNI sent a final sign to Earth, to state it’s inhabitans the return of the gods.
In ,,Land of return” in the ,,Book of Change” this time is exactly described:
Land Of Return
When HE stands above the top of the pyramid
When the lights falls in and breaks the top
The day will be shortened ten steps again
But only once, then the way of the goddess begins
Again in the west, like before the flood.
But onehundredfortyforthousand
who stand on the mountain ZION in the name
of the father and the son
Will receive the wings
The godly lines of ZINI.
(The) ghost of the wind will abduct them up to the city
Which is named ETAB.ENTABA, there but waits Henoch.
The seven keys are seven signs
Made by the mistress SINNI.
You will recognize the signs
for wisdom and intellect live in one house
in the other live malice and deception
The righteous know the meaning.
One will come, as in primeval times before, with the name ETU.MARU
The lord of darkness, lord of fog.
One of the righteous will stagger, treason in his heart
But the body of a spider will save him.
On the next morning they will see the silver birds
And know that they are being hailed (,,called”).
On that day the air will feel like lead
And dark fogs will cover the mountain and the soul.
Those standing on the mountain ZION are three and six,
For his number is three hundred sixty
And are however one hundred forty forthousand.
One will turn the tablet of signs against the sun
Then the KADINGIR, the gateway of the gods,
Will open anew and the airs begin to sing.
This sign should get the following shape:
Titlu: Re: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Xanadron din 18 Decembrie 2011, 19:28:39
“72 moons had past since EA and MAGDI built their house under the lake BAN-TAN, it was big and magnificent, and had room for all 711 God’s Children.”
Lacul BAN-TAN poate fi f. bine actualul BAI-KAL. 😎
Unde destule “intilniri apropiate” cu ET si/sau OZN-uri :ufo: au fost raportate de rusi – care desfasoara de alfel destule activitati secrete prin zona, inclusiv observatii cu ajutorul “The underwater neutrino telescope NT-200”, amplasat la 1 km sub luciul de apa.
Citeva imagini din 2009 cu sursa ISS/NAZA (care, asa cum va asteptati, habar n-are despre ce fenomen e vorba :-D) pot sugera varianta asta.
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=38721&src=eoa-iotd (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=38721&src=eoa-iotd)
Per total, si asta-i totusi doar una din nenumaratele “povesti annunakiene” 👿 ispititor de bogate-n detalii, a caror eventuala confirmare ar tine pina la urma doar de aparitia LOR in carne si oase. :martiansmile:
Titlu: Re: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Siberia din 18 Decembrie 2011, 22:17:59
I always thought that Baikal is the place where russians hide their cosmospheres 😀 (just kiddin’… or not 😕 :-D)
Titlu: Re: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Xanadron din 19 Decembrie 2011, 06:34:50
Oups, I’ve missed the point – this is the English section! 😮
A perfect place for lazy non-translating posters, 😀 so here I am back, with some details.Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, was the site of several UFO encounters, according to the Russian navy.
Declassified records going back a generation reveal several encounters with what are described as UFOs. Only a year ago, the scientists were able to reach the bottom of Lake Baikal, located near the border with Mongolia.
In one case in 1982, military divers training at the lake said they spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silver suits at a depth of 50 metres.
They tried to catch the visitors but three of the seven men died in the process, while four others were severely injured in the incident, according to the recordshttp://www.nowpublic.com/strange/lake-baikal-russia-reveals-ufo-encounters (http://www.nowpublic.com/strange/lake-baikal-russia-reveals-ufo-encounters)
Titlu: Re: The Ilat Litum tablets – stories from forgotten times
Scris de: Siberia din 19 Decembrie 2011, 14:39:32
It’s not lazyness, dear colegue, it’s only lack of time. I don’t have enough time and i fear to get “lost in translation” 😀 (jokin’)
Now, about the russian connection zith Annunaki.
Tunguska (like lake Baikal) si also in Siberia, you know; and Valery Uvarov (a scientist that have been involved in the russian government UFO secret program), said that the Tunguska incident was caused by an alien ancient defense device settled in some underground facility to north of impact area. He also claimed that this device was built by the Anunnaki to prevent meteors and hostile activity. Whatever it is, it seems that is still activated but we won’t hear the russiana reveal its location.
Maybe the Russians found out something before or after the Nazi’s expeditions to find their cosmic roots about the Anunnaki base in Siberia (under the Baikal / Ban-Tan) because they hurried to conquer the space and go to Mars.

It is said that in the late ’70s and the first years of ’80s, the russians (maube after hearing even Hoaglands theory about Anunnaki) flied to Mars and started to explore the planet. Is said that using their “nonexistent cosmospheres” they managed to map the Mars in a very short time and to discover a lot of ancient artifact and mars bases. The most interesting discovery was the town of Cydonia. They took all the relics, ancient artifacts from Cydonia and started their own base on Mars (on the sunny side 😀 😀 :-D). It’s not known if they found the Anunnaki alive there and started a “beautifull friendship”.
It is said also that the Chinese (russians friends) are also deeply connected to Anunnaki.Now, if these tablets tell us the true story of Anunnaki, we can understand the Nazi’s faith in their cosmic descendant theory. In this case, Atlantis is not the “NWO black magic island”. Knowing that there are many who speaks about a war between Atlantis and Lemuria, and that Lemurians war the bad/warrior guys (according to these tablets), someone can assume that the Atlants were some direct Anunnaki descendants.
As nazi’s discovered their roots in the Atlantis people, they light have thought that are direct descendants from Anunnaki, and that’s why Hitler wanted to ascend to Aldebaran :-DJust a tought of mine 🙂
p.s. – as written somewhere on the site, maybe there is still a battle between 2 factions (lemurian descendants – as the 13 bloodlines and atlantis descendants – as Anunnaki children). Who knows where the truth is ???
– for further informations, go to http://supriemrockefeller.wordpress.com/category/10-chapter-x/ –
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“The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
18 Decembrie 2011, 19:28:39Ultima editare: 18 Decembrie 2011, 19:45:29 de Xanadron
“72 moons had past since EA and MAGDI built their house under the lake BAN-TAN, it was big and magnificent, and had room for all 711 God’s Children.”
Lacul BAN-TAN poate fi f. bine actualul BAI-KAL. 😎
Unde destule “intilniri apropiate” cu ET si/sau OZN-uri :ufo: au fost raportate de rusi – care desfasoara de alfel destule activitati secrete prin zona, inclusiv observatii cu ajutorul “The underwater neutrino telescope NT-200”, amplasat la 1 km sub luciul de apa.
Citeva imagini din 2009 cu sursa ISS/NAZA (care, asa cum va asteptati, habar n-are despre ce fenomen e vorba :-D) pot sugera varianta asta.

Per total, si asta-i totusi doar una din nenumaratele “povesti annunakiene” 👿 ispititor de bogate-n detalii, a caror eventuala confirmare ar tine pina la urma doar de aparitia LOR in carne si oase. :martiansmile:
- 5 people like this.
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună – opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!
I always thought that Baikal is the place where russians hide their cosmospheres 😀 (just kiddin’… or not 😕 :-D)
- 2 people like this.
“The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Oups, I’ve missed the point – this is the English section! 😮
A perfect place for lazy non-translating posters, 😀 so here I am back, with some details.Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, was the site of several UFO encounters, according to the Russian navy.
Declassified records going back a generation reveal several encounters with what are described as UFOs. Only a year ago, the scientists were able to reach the bottom of Lake Baikal, located near the border with Mongolia.
In one case in 1982, military divers training at the lake said they spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silver suits at a depth of 50 metres.
They tried to catch the visitors but three of the seven men died in the process, while four others were severely injured in the incident, according to the records
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Trăim pe-o planetă nebună – opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!
It’s not lazyness, dear colegue, it’s only lack of time. I don’t have enough time and i fear to get “lost in translation” 😀 (jokin’)
Now, about the russian connection zith Annunaki.
Tunguska (like lake Baikal) si also in Siberia, you know; and Valery Uvarov (a scientist that have been involved in the russian government UFO secret program), said that the Tunguska incident was caused by an alien ancient defense device settled in some underground facility to north of impact area. He also claimed that this device was built by the Anunnaki to prevent meteors and hostile activity. Whatever it is, it seems that is still activated but we won’t hear the russiana reveal its location.
Maybe the russians found out something before or after the Nazi’s expeditions to find their cosmic roots about the Anunnaki base in Siberia (under the Baikal / Ban-Tan) because they hurried to conquer the space and go to Mars.
It is said that in the late ’70s and the first years of ’80s, the russians (maube after hearing even Hoaglands theory about Anunnaki) flied to Mars and started to explore the planet. Is said that using their “nonexistent cosmospheres” they managed to map the Mars in a very short time and to discover a lot of ancient artifact and mars bases. The most interesting discovery was the town of Cydonia. They took all the relics, ancient artifacts from Cydonia and started their own base on Mars (on the sunny side 😀 😀 :-D). It’s not known if they found the Anunnaki alive there and started a “beautifull friendship”.
It is said also that the Chinese (Russians friends) are also deeply connected to Anunnaki.
Now, if these tablets tell us the true story of Anunnaki, we can understand the Nazi’s faith in their cosmic descendant theory. In this case, Atlantis is not the “NWO black magic island”. Knowing that there are many who speaks about a war between Atlantis and Lemuria, and that Lemurians war the bad/warrior guys (according to these tablets), someone can assume that the Atlants were some direct Anunnaki descendants.
As nazi’s discovered their roots in the Atlantis people, they light have thought that are direct descendants from Anunnaki, and that’s why Hitler wanted to ascend to Aldebaran 😀
Just a tought of mine 🙂
p.s. – as written somewhere on the site, maybe there is still a battle between 2 factions (lemurian descendants – as the 13 bloodlines and atlantis descendants – as Anunnaki children). Who knows where the truth is ???
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“The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure.” – Jiddu KrishnamurtiNews
News From the Galactic Federation of Light.

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5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
Greetings our dear earthlings Galactic Federation of Light have instructed me to give you a message of the great importance.

Now all the forces of light who are assigned to help earthlings with their shift into a new dimension are summoned for emergency the moment of truth is approaching when the threshold for overcoming problems must be determined in other words the degree of danger for people who are at the brink of survival as a result of natural disasters which become increasingly destructive with every day.
Why is it happening humanity is too slow in turning its ship which have taken a wrong course leading them to destruction in the preceding decades all the higher forces of the universe have worked to compel you to awaken sending you numerous signs and cues and also literal unequivocal information about an Ascension the shift of your planet to another dimension into the new energy space.

There is an unceasing struggle between the forces of light and darkness for your minds and your souls
and for your lives your Galactic brothers and sisters have joined in this process crucial for an entire universe trying to help as many people as possible to use this unique chance stopping the wheel of the incarnations and returning them where they originally have come from.
But these efforts strike an impenetrable wall named inertia that tiny part of the best representatives of humanity who have taken upon themselves the mission of bringing the true knowledge to the people are perceived by the majority of the population as Fanatics cult members dreamers in other words people not of this world.
But remember it is precisely such strange and unusual people swimming against the tide who have led Humanity to the new levels of development opening the New Horizons for them postr ly they often have been called Brave genius wise but during their lifetimes they have been ridiculed persecuted and sometimes even sentenced to death.
So do not repeat this mistake again and again believe those who could Escape boring R uniform life who have overcome the power of inertia and have he the voices of the higher Powers your Galactic family and the misunderstanding and mockery stubbornly persevered to reach the goal planned by their souls and not by The Faceless consumer society that sunk in the vices of Duality.

Overcome your pride and try to hear and understand those who sincerely wishes to help you to save your souls that are tired to be born again and again in the 3D world where the cruel laws of survival will reign where the world is ruled by the race of reptiloids who have seized the power on Earth and transformed people into their obedient slaves.
There is no time left for pondering your Earth is exhausted from an endless waiting and already unable to keep on herself the burden of 3D World the Earth throws it off with all possible means through earthquakes and and floods through tornadoes and hurricanes through tsunamis and Volcanic explosions and only you our dear earthlings could soften this process changing your Consciousness ridding yourselves from negative energies consuming you.
And transforming them into the energies of light and love please change your mind and help us and the
higher powers of the universe to save you without your understanding and participation we won’t be able to completely accomplish our mission for saving Humanity which means that the greatest part of humanity won’t be able to ascend with the Earth.
We extend our hands to you and wait for your handshake in return the Galactic Federation of Light has instructed me to give you the following message: the excitement created by your media about the planet Nibiru approaching Earth has had some real foundation and now I will tell you what has really happened in these last days of this month.
What you call a Nibiru is in reality nothing else but a huge meteorite that has broken off from the unknown planet in another galaxy. It is traveling in our universe for a long time and we keep a constant surveillance over this huge object which size is comparable with the size of a small planet this meteorite represents a real danger for all the planets and civilizations of our galaxy.
The Galactic Federation of Light has decided to address this problem and has created a team of Specialists from different alien civilizations which has developed a system of surveillance and a plan of actions in case the meteor will come too close to one of the planets and will represent a real danger for them.
By doing that we have been abl to avoid the meteorites collision with several planets of our galaxy and the last such incident may have happened with your planet I will reveal to you the mechanism of influence on this Heavenly Body.
In general the meaning of the mechanism is that the beam of electrons focused in a certain way is capable to change the trajectory of the flight of an object. this meteorite like a Wandering ship has been wandering through the universe for a long time and only thanks to an unceasing surveillance of our ships from the Galactic Federation of Light it has not caused any harm so far.
We are happy that we have helped the earthlings to avoid a catastrophe in this crucial moment when the shift of your planet to the new higher vibrational space is coming to its ultimate stage and we assure you that in the future we will do everything possible to protect you from any danger coming from the outside.
In the last month quite a few important events have happened in the space around Earth and also in the Galaxy as a whole.
First of all it concerns the sun its energetic component has experienced significant changes it has happened due to the qualitative jump in the sun’s vibrations it is similar to a process when a person who is was shifting to the new level of Spiritual Development goes through a crisis with concurrent high temperatures the same thing is happening with the sun and the sun’s reaction to the higher level of vibrations unfortunately is reflected upon you creating unusually high temperatures and also a sharp fluctuation of temperatures.
The fires that are blasting all over the earth now are also a reflection of an unusual solar activity because the sun is an indelible part of the fire element to help establish a complete balance on your planet.
The second sun will soon come to help him his feminine counterpart that already possesses the necessary assortment of qualities that corresponds with the new vibrations.
The role of the feminine sun will be to decrease the solar activity of its masculine counterpart and by
doing that to soften the climate on Earth to the moderate all over the planet.
I will not explain all the details of this process because at this moment you only need to know that
everything develops according to the plan and according to the scenario developed by our creator.
The second change on your planet Planet concerns the moon perhaps many of you have noticed that in recent times the moon behaves quite unusually appearing in different places and in different times this is also explained by her transition which is a necessary element of the entering together with Earth into the new higher vibrational energy space on a subtle plane.
The moon has divided into several moons and gradually the number of the moons will be increased to seven when your Earth enters the 5D with its physical body.

The seven moons will be shining in your skies and it will be a magnificent and beautiful sight all these changes are happening gradually and the Galactic Federation of Light is controlling this.
Crucial for the Galaxy process the main part of the process still happens on a subtle plane and remains unseen for you but some signs of its descend into the physical plane can already be identified by your astronomers and also by the space stations that stay on the orbit now .

I would like to calm and reassure you with this message and also would like to say that everything happens according to the plan and this chord of eclipses that has happened in this month has become a border which will forever separate the 3D world where your Earth is still staying from the new higher vibrational space where slowly but surely she is moving.
Now be assured that we are always near you and are always ready to come to your help.
Now I am instructed to give a message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started now it’s already impossible to turn back this process because all the heavenly bodies that accompany Earth have entered a stage of their complete transformation and of course the sun and the moon are the main bodies because they influence the processes of life functioning on your planet.

What’s new happening with the sun the sun now is in the turbulent current of such unbelievable power which is called for to extract from it a second sun its feminine half which will gradually drive out the masculine Sun the one that is becoming too rigid for the Earth of 5D whose climate will change substantially. That new motherly son will provide the Earth with soft even climate very comfortable for its inhabitants.
I know that even now some of you have been able to see a second sun but so far it has been rather Sun’s manifestation on a subtle plane of Earth and you could see it in only some special circumstances but soon it would take its lawful place in your skies.
The same thing pertains to the Moon it is rapidly changes its parameters color shape and place in the skies and perhaps many of you have noticed that sometimes it rises from the Horizon like a sun lightening up a huge space around it and you become astonished by the size of its sphere. That’s how its transformation is happening gradually the moon will loose its functions as a nightly celestial body because on the 5D Earth the border between the night and day will be erased.
Because the day and night also have been the embodiment of The Duality like good and evil light and darkness.
The night has always evoked fear in people has been associated with different superstitions with the coming of the dark Forces and there is some element of Truth in that.
Because just as darkness is the other side of light so is the night is the other side of the day that’s why all the sorcerers rituals and the other dark Affairs have been conducted at night for ages. But because the darkness cannot survive on the new Earth of 5D it simply will be dissolved in the light of the high vibrations of 5D.
Then the night as a physical embodiment of Darkness on Earth with would not be able to exist anymore. Therefore the moon as indelible part of the night has to transform into another body which will be harmoniously matched with the new conditions of life on Earth that’s exactly what will happen very soon and the lunar eclipse on this month will be its beginning. The body of the moon will be reborn and while it will continue to be an artificial satellite of the Earth it will assume completely different functions.
The moon will balance the magnetic field of Earth something that she has been doing before but now coming in resonance with the new parameters of your planet she will become some type of the regulator of energies promoting its equal distribution all over the planet. It will not be expressed on the physical plane instantly and for some time the night will continue to change place with the day but gradually the borders between them will be erased.

I know dear ones that for many of you it sounds like a science fiction but believe me soon it will become a reality and you will be accustomed to it quite fast because the new parameters of the heavenly bodies will be for your good and will bring only Pleasant Sensations into your life.
This message must prepare you for the upcoming changes on the planet and most importantly protect you from panic and fear which are so characteristic of the people who witness everything unfamiliar and unusual.
Ashtar shiron who loves you sincerely,
Channeled by Marta
The Earth: Prisoners on a Planet of Slaves, or in a Dimensional Paradise?
Infinity Explorers
What media?
The “media” is the propaganda branch of the government and big business.
For you
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Ancient Civilizations And Sound Waves: Healing Power Of Music

November 20, 2021

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Ancient civilizations used a variety of healing exercises, and one of them was utilizing the benefits of music. Music has never-ending advantages and it is believed that it has the ability to improve cognitive performance and memory. It is difficult to believe that music could truly heal physical or mental ailments. However, ancient civilizations may have the answer to this question that how they used the healing power of music and how a relation was established between music and medicine back then.

Egyptians And Healing Power Of Music

Ancient civilization utilized the therapeutic benefits of music for quite a long time. The Greek physicians were recognized to use flutes and zitter to heal their patients, and just like them, Egyptians had their own method of using the healing power of music.
They had a belief that the sound generated by vowels had special healing abilities, and the method was known as ‘Toning’. Also, the generated sounds were manipulated using breath and voice that had therapeutic results.
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This method turned out to be so useful that the buildings were specifically structured to amplify such sounds that had healing features during the performance of religious ceremonies. Particular areas that could amplify the sound were incorporated inside the pyramids by the Egyptians which depicted the relevance of the healing power of music.
John Stuar Rield, a renowned acoustician asserted that the king’s chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed to reverberate to enhance the sound energy in the chamber.
Does Music really have therapeutic benefits?
The therapeutic benefits of music may sound absurd to some and people might be skeptical about it. However, it has been reported in several ancient accounts that the ancient civilization had laid their hands on something extremely profound. The use of music in medicine was researched first back in the 19th century, Diogel of Salpetriere hospital in Paris originally reported on the effects of music on humans. It included various aspects such as cardiac output, respiratory rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure.
A research was conducted where live musicians were directed to perform beside the bed of the patients and it was found that soothing music could really lower the blood pressure and heart rate. Also, it could also increase the cardiac outputs and aid the workings of the parasympathetic system.
Journey from ancient times to today’s Modern Era

In today’s era as well, music is widely known for its healing properties. Using several methods such as structured therapy, music these days is used to treat both mental and physical illness. After conducting approximately 25 researches, the experts are of the opinion that music can even treat depression and anxiety.
Surprisingly, one does not even have to attend official music therapy sessions, learning how to play the piano or hearing soothing music works as a therapy in itself. Well, it is truly difficult to believe that merely learning or hearing music can treat several ailments, however, the ancient civilization realized its value way before us.
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This Is Why The Anunnaki Came To Earth
February 22, 2017
In “Mystery”
February 11, 2017

Many people have the belief that long ago, inter-dimensional vibrations generated everything that exists: galaxies, solar systems, planets, etc

In the Solar System, multiple groups of Beings inhabited several planets including Planet Earth. In time the Atlanteans arrived. This Atlantean Civilization was united and closely connected with the frequency and vibration of the sound of water. Water is the pure manifestation of sound, as it experiences all vibrations and frequencies.
Water “feels” or “experiences” all kinds of electromagnetic frequencies and vibrations.
(The Earth: Prisoners on a Planet of Slaves)
- Very low-frequency vibrations (frequency <1 Hz).
- Low-frequency vibrations (frequency between 1 and 20 Hz).
- High-frequency vibrations (frequency between 20 and 2000 Hz).
- At that time, the Atlanteans shared the planet with the Sirians, the Reptilians-Serpents, the Anunnaki, the beings of Mars and the Leviticus of Pluto.
In each planet of the Solar System, there were certain different beings, just as on many planets outside our solar system, there were races of beings. In that period the planets were divided, containing each of the races of beings with determined and specific physical expression. In addition the Interdimensional Beings were also included
Science has shown that “hominids” have been on this planet for a long time, yet they have not been able to demonstrate that Homo Sapiens Sapiens or modern man has.
Why do Human Beings exist as we are today?
At one point in time on the planet Earth, the Anunnaki race, led by Enki, Enlil, Marduk, and others, in addition to the Sirians, Reptilians-Serpents, Pluto Leviticans, and Mars beings, Certain planets, There were specific agreements for the creation of life, generating lasting partnerships of collaboration among these races

The Anunnaki Beings possess great longevity and live for thousands of years, but like all, in the end, they ended up succumbing to death in its plane.
The Anunnaki maintained their existence on interdimensional planes since their original planet is situated in another dimension. But Anu, Enlil, and Enki together with their son Marduk, generated the existence of the Human Beings of the Earth.
The human body is designed specifically for its control and management.
Initially, the bodies were composed of Free Election and Free Will powers, but later they were altered to reconvert them to “biological prisons” or “biological robots”. The need for “slave labor or servant” was the fundamental need that led to the creation of humans.
It is quite possible that we live in a holographic prison created by superior alien beings in technology and knowledge. Limiting the capacities of the physical body and the subtle bodies of beings, they created extremely limited and governable Homo Sapiens to bound them to earthly physicality, preventing complete spiritual access. How? “Enclosing them in their own reality,” in their own design and in their own mind limited to the physical world only.
For the control of these new human beings, they generated the archetype of “a God” that forced a physical settlement and apparent spirituality. These gods were the carriers of the “mental archetypes” that design our social, family, and own bases.
The concept of a “God”, forms the mental expression of the Archetype of a Great Being, who from the beyond, outside in space, lives and controls us individually and collectively, managing our lives, and bringing us satisfactions or sufferings, according to their Designs, and should confer on their worship and rituality with which he pays allegiance.
Later human civilizations were created and also the types of mental archetypes that governed the consciences of these humans were increased.
The cerebral modifications that limit our intelligence, the mental archetypes that limit our consciousness, generated individuals that were selfish, separatist, and ignorant or blind of their true reality of the Spiritual Being.
Archetypes generated thoughts and beliefs that governed our lives by depositing our earthly and spiritual power in that God, as something greater to us, to which we owed submission and respect. All these thoughts and beliefs have shaped all our civilizations and all their individuals, preventing them from seeing the reality of their Being. But the scenario is that all the answers are before our eyes, in this reality.
Absolute slavery
Marduk decided to generate the earthly prison, since he was the designer and person in charge of the human project that we know today, in mental limitation, mental archetypes, the creation of beliefs and thoughts, and symbols, but other Beings of other races did not find sense to that decision.
One of the most suggestive thoughts beliefs was the creation of the physical relational bond with others through emotions.
Will there be any human being who can transcend all beliefs, thoughts, mental symbols, and emotions that limit us, without getting lost in time and space?
- Love will be the solution.
- It will be the self-recognition solution.
- It will be internal sincerity the solution.
- It will be the internal expansion solution.
- It will be inter-dimensionality the solution.
- It will be the subtle energy solution.
- Quantum physics will be the solution.
- The unit will be the solution.
- The inner Light will be the solution.
- The fall of the Angels.
Marduk created the design and Anu used that design for his interest. The fall of homo sapiens or “fallen angels” is simply earthly imprisonment. No one fell down just got caught. Finally, we leave the following question: What knowledge or information do we need to leave the Earth Prison or our paradise?

3 minute read
They record an interdimensional portal opening in the Scottish sky
More and more people believe in the idea that there are other realities and dimensions besides ours, interacting with us and even overlapping. With this idea comes the possibility that traveling between different dimensions, there are even stories that this is not only possible, but that such interdimensional portals have already been opened in the past. Disturbing, sometimes terrifying, and always strange, there are cases that go beyond what we can imagine and make us wonder where these portals are.(interdimensional portal opening in the Scottish sky)
And if we talk about interdimensional portals it is inevitable not to make reference to the Skinwalker Ranch, also known as the Sherman Ranch, located northeast of the US state of Utah. Those who have entered this private property have witnessed UFO sightings and encounters with strange creatures. There are innumerable conspiracy theories about the Skinwalker Ranch, as it is about some top secret scientific project, or that all these mysteries are phenomena because of an ancient Indian curse. However, experts in the field agree that it is built on a true interdimensional portal. Whatever the explanation, it is not the only portal on our planet. Now, some inhabitants of a Scottish council claim to have seen an interdimensional portal in the night sky.(interdimensional portal opening in the Scottish sky)
Interdimensional portal in Scotland
The Scottish council of Midlothian, near Edinburgh, has become a topic of debate among UFO believers and time travel . An amazing recently published video shows a blue circular light that appears in the night sky . Curiously, an unidentified flying object passes near the supposed interdimensional portal, just before closing.
It is not known who recorded it, the only information that some media have published is that the portal was visible in the sky until dawn and that the lights are not the reflection of any focus on the ground. Subsequently, the controversial YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’ shared the images. Tyler Glockner, responsible for Secureteam10, is convinced that the mysterious light that appears in the Scottish sky is, in fact, an interdimensional portal.(interdimensional portal opening in the Scottish sky)
“It really looks like something that generates a lot of light ,” Glockner explained. “Definitely not a spotlight on the ground. It seems to shrink and shrink until the sky engulfs it completely. “
As the video went viral in social networks, many netizens began to raise several theories to explain the strange phenomenon of the sky. Some users argued that the portal appeared in the sky could be used by extraterrestrial civilizations to travel in time , while others speculated with the possibility that UFOs used these portals to travel long interstellar distances.
“There is something strange that they are trying to hide from us. Have you ever seen how on most days there are clouds covering the sunset? During the afternoon, you can see the planes leaving behind chemtrails. Then the sunset comes, and they cover the clouds, as if they were hiding something, “ Glockner concluded.
SEE – Portal on the water leaves swimmers in Lake of California surprised
However, the skeptics explained that what can be seen in the video is simply a normal phenomenon. Assumed experts revealed that the light emanating from the sky could actually be from the Moon hidden behind the clouds. Apparently, the “portal” would be a separation of thick clouds with the light of the Moon, something similar to the rays of the Sun, but in the night sky.(interdimensional portal opening in the Scottish sky)

The truth is that so far no one has been able to find an explanation for the strange phenomenon and the mysterious object that appears before the mysterious portal is closed. We only have unfounded hypotheses, which make it clear that for skeptics it is only the light of the Moon and for believers in the extraterrestrial theme it is an interdimensional portal. And if this last possibility is true, then we should point out on the map to Scotland as a new portal to other realities.
What do you think about the mysterious light on Scotland? Is it an interdimensional portal? Is the Moonlight among the clouds? Or do you have another explanation?
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Footage Of Bob Lazar and John Lear Area 51 Alien Craft – The Truth Behind the Footage
February 2, 2023
Bob Lazar is a controversial figure in the world of extraterrestrial conspiracy theories, best known for his claims of having worked as a scientist at Area 51, the highly secured US Air Force testing facility in Nevada. According to Lazar, he witnessed the reverse engineering of alien technology, including the examination of nine extraterrestrial flying saucers powered by something he referred to as “Element 115.”
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the footage of Bob Lazar with John Lear, which purports to show the two discussing the alleged alien craft testing at Area 51, and try to determine whether there is any truth to the claims made in the video.
The Bob Lazar And John Lear Area 51 Alien Craft Footage
There is a widely-circulated video on the internet that claims to show Bob Lazar and John Lear discussing the alien craft that Lazar says he worked on at Area 51. In the video, Lazar explains the technical details of the propulsion system, while Lear provides his own observations and comments. The footage has been used as evidence by those who believe in Lazar’s claims and is considered one of the most compelling pieces of evidence in the extraterrestrial conspiracy theory community.

Analysis Of The Bob Lazar UFO Footage
The footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear discussing the alleged alien technology at Area 51 has been the subject of much debate and skepticism, with those who believe in Lazar’s claims arguing that the video provides credible evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial technology and the government’s efforts to keep it hidden. However, skeptics argue that the video is a hoax and that there is no credible evidence to support Lazar’s claims.
One of the biggest arguments against the authenticity of the video is the lack of corroborating evidence. Despite numerous efforts to find physical evidence or documentation to support Lazar’s claims, there is none to be found. No other scientists or engineers who have worked at Area 51 have come forward to corroborate Lazar’s story, and there is no independent documentation or records to support his claims.
Furthermore, there are questions about Lazar’s credentials and background. Despite his claims of having worked as a scientist at Area 51, there is no official record of his employment there, and his background has been subject to much scrutiny and investigation. Some have even questioned whether Lazar is a real person or a pseudonym used by someone else.
Another argument against the authenticity of the video is that it was not recorded at Area 51. While Lazar and Lear discuss the alleged alien technology, there is no mention of the specific location where the conversation is taking place. This raises questions about the credibility of the footage, as it could have been recorded anywhere and is not necessarily related to the claims being made.
In the video, Lazar describes the saucers as being powered by something he refers to as “Element 115,” which he claims has the ability to create a gravity wave and generate propulsion. He also explains the technical details of the propulsion system, including how the saucers use a series of magnetic fields to generate lift and control the direction of the craft. Throughout the video, Lazar appears to be knowledgeable and confident in his explanations and provides detailed diagrams and illustrations to help illustrate his points.
John Lear, who is also present in the video, provides his own observations and comments and often asks Lazar questions about alien technology. Lear is a well-known figure in the extraterrestrial conspiracy theory community and has made many claims over the years about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the government’s efforts to keep it hidden. In the video, he provides his own insights and opinions about the claims made by Lazar and offers his own thoughts on the implications of the technology.
The Claims Of Bob Lazar
Lazar’s claims quickly generated a great deal of media attention, and he became a controversial figure in the world of extraterrestrial conspiracy theories. While many people were intrigued by his claims and saw him as a whistleblower exposing the truth about alien technology, others were highly skeptical of his story and accused him of fabricating it for personal gain.
Bob Lazar first came to the public’s attention in 1989, when he went public with his claims of having worked on alien technology at Area 51. According to Lazar, he was hired to work on the propulsion system of nine flying saucers, which he claimed were of extraterrestrial origin. He also claimed that the saucers were powered by something called “Element 115,” which he said had the ability to create a gravity wave.
The footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear discussing the alleged alien technology at Area 51 is a controversial topic that has generated much debate and skepticism over the years. While many believe that the video provides credible evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial technology and the government’s efforts to keep it hidden, there is no solid evidence to support these claims.
The Testimony Of Gene Huff

Gene Huff, who was a coworker of Bob Lazar at Area 51, provided testimony that has been used by both supporters and skeptics of Lazar’s claims. In the 1990s, Huff gave an interview in which he claimed that he had worked with Lazar at Area 51 and had seen the alien technology that Lazar had described. Huff stated that he was skeptical of Lazar’s claims at first, but eventually became convinced that Lazar was telling the truth after seeing the saucers with his own eyes.
Huff’s testimony added credibility to Lazar’s claims and was often cited by those who believed in the authenticity of the footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear. However, Huff’s testimony was also the subject of much scrutiny and skepticism, with many questioning his credibility and the validity of his claims.
Critics pointed out that Huff was not a scientist or engineer, and that his background and expertise were not in a field that would allow him to understand or evaluate the technical details of the propulsion system described by Lazar.
In addition, there are inconsistencies in Huff’s testimony, and some have pointed out that his claims were not supported by any independent evidence. Critics have also pointed out that Huff’s testimony was not given under oath, and that he did not provide any documentation or other evidence to support his claims.
Despite the controversy surrounding Gene Huff’s testimony, it remains an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to evaluating the claims made in the footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear. While his testimony has been used by both supporters and skeptics of Lazar’s claims,
it remains unclear whether his claims are credible or if they add any real weight to the debate over the authenticity of the footage. Until there is independent evidence to support or disprove the claims made by Gene Huff, his testimony will likely remain a topic of speculation and debate.
In conclusion, while the footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear is intriguing and raises some interesting questions, it is important to approach the claims made in the video with a critical and skeptical eye. There is simply not enough evidence to support the claims made in the video, and the lack of corroborating evidence and questions about Lazar’s background and credentials cast doubt on the authenticity of the claims. Until there is concrete evidence to support the claims made in the video, it is likely that the truth behind the footage of Bob Lazar and John Lear will remain a topic of speculation and debate.
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Marduk: The Babylonian god who reigned over the chaos of an Anunnaki war

3 minute read
Unsolved Mystery: Why Did the Anunnaki Leave Earth?
September 6, 2020
It is believed by many that approximately 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos landed on Earth looking for gold.
The Ancient Sumerians assert that they extracted their knowledge of the distant past from the teachings and writings of the Anunnaki.
But why did the Anunnaki leave earth?
- Enduring mystery about why the Anunnaki leave Earth
- The Anunnaki civil war: Clans of Enki vs. Clans of Enlil
- Taking Babylon back in honor of Marduk
Enduring mystery about why the Anunnaki leave Earth
What was the reason for their departure from Earth?
What happened after the fall of Babylon?
According to research, this mass destruction was due to a civil war (maybe, a nuclear war) between the clans of Enki and Enlil (for political ambitions).
Ishtar and Marduk started the conflict.
Marduk retook Babylon through Cyrus the Great of Persia in 539 BC.
However, then all the Anunnaki left the Earth.
Did Marduk stay here?
Answers to these questions are found in the book The End of Times by Zecharia Sitchin.
According to this book, everything begins when the Second Pyramid War took place, between the two different clans.
The Anunnaki civil war: Clans of Enki vs. Clans of Enlil

It was the civil war caused by Inanna / Ishtar, who wanted to control Africa and Egypt which led the Anunnaki to leave Earth.
Inanna also wanted to further develop her governorate in India, so she had stolen ME templates with engineering skills.
Marduk was disadvantaged and decided to build the city of Babylon and the Tower of Babel in order to reach the Heavens (a spaceport to launch spaceships towards Nibiru, the Anunnaki planet)
Marduk: giant Babylonian god “from another world.”
He fought against the goddess Tiamat, who wanted to destroy the Earth and all the Anunnaki.
His origin is mysterious but apparently he was the son of Enki .
He had surreal alien features: giant size, with two heads, four eyes, four ears, and radiating light.
Babylon came to reign after defeating Tiamat, a Draconian Anunnaki who wanted to destroy all gods and creation in war.
This deity does not appear in Sumerian mythology until the Acadian of the years 2,300 BC.

Origin of Marduk, Anunnaki king of the kingdom of Babylon
It is thought that he was the son of Enki, creator of humanity and Ninhursag, the mother goddess of Earth.
Note that the Akkadians and Babylonians called Enki as Ea.

The Enuma Elish says that it was created in the Abzu, the Anunnaki’s underworld.
As we have already mentioned, this Babylonian text narrates that Marduk was born with two heads, four eyes, and four ears (!) . The text also described him as a giant and that he emitted light.
He [Ea or Enki] created him so perfectly that his divine head was double (…)
(…) Four were his eyes, four were his ears;
When his lips moved, the fire burned and radiated.
All four ears were huge.
And equally the eyes; the eyes perceived everything.
The tallest among the gods, his form was extraordinary.
his limbs were very long, its height (?) Extraordinary.
In the years 1,700 A.C the city of Babylon greatly increased its power in Mesopotamia.
There began the cult of Marduk as a divine ruler. For example, in the Temple of Esagila, he was worshiped with a large golden statue.
Marduk vs. Tiamat: Anunnaki Civil War
The book Enuma Elish narrates a civil war of the Sumerian / Mesopotamian gods .
There were many disputes between the Kindred and Tiamat and Abzu (primordial gods).
Tiamat and Abzu wanted to destroy all their descendants due to “shocks” (rebellions, perhaps).
Due to the annihilation plan, Enki / Ea went on to kill Abzu .
Tiamat was a draconian / reptilian goddess and decided to take revenge for the murder of her consort.
She created grotesque hybrids, 11 chimeras that carried weapons.
She also gave Kingu absolute universal power as he pierced the Tablets of Destiny. Anu couldn’t resist the battle against Tiamat and that’s when Anshar proposed Marduk as a warrior.
Marduk crafted a bow, arrows, a giant mallet, and an electric beam weapon .
He also had the Imhullu, a weapon with technology to generate hurricane-force winds.
With all these weapons he managed to defeat Tiamat and later he was proclaimed king of the Anunnaki, possessing the Tablets of Destiny.

Public Domain
Then Marduk, from the deceased body of Tiamat, created the heavens and the Earth, and from the eyes of Tiamat gave rise to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Likewise, from Kingu’s blood, Enki created human beings…. That is the myth of the creation of Babylon.
Something that supports the theory of the ancient astronauts is that the Code of Hammurabi possibly describes that Anu and Enlil had given Marduk a type of Enlil aircraft, an “Enlil-ship” .

With all this epic history, we see that Marduk was an influential god who resided in Babylon some 3,800 years ago .
The war against Tiamat is an important story because it speaks of the beginning of time and of human history.
The appearance of this deity was mind-blowing and alien. Perhaps the Babylonians did come to see this being face to face.
If you like this article you might also be interested in reading about The Igigi : The enigmatic deities that rebelled against the Anunnaki
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Unsolved Mystery: Why Did the Anunnaki Leave Earth?
The History of Sumerian Gods Usumgal: The Gods who created the Anunnaki

3 minute read
The History of Sumerian Gods Usumgal: The Gods who created the Anunnaki
September 17, 2020
The Usumgal or Usumgallu stands for “great dragon”, an alien reptilian race.
As per the Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki and their Ancient Gods like Anu and Tiamat were Gods of the stars.
Numerous investigation and thorough research have suggested that the Ancient Gods of the Anunnaki like Anu are those Usumgal, the creators of the Anunnaki.
It is believed that the reptilian beings, Usumgal are the Gods who have created the Anunnaki.
There is an interesting Ancient tale of wars between the Gods.
- Ancient History of the Usumgal
- Ancient Gods and genetic engineering
- Cosmic war between the Astronomical Gods
Ancient History of the Usumgal

If facts are to be believed, then, in reality, Tiamat and Apsu are the Ancient Gods of Sumeria.
Although, the Sumerian mythology is way more complicated and there is a possibility that there could be two different types of force that gave birth to the following Ancient Gods.
Dragons were born from Tiamat, and the dragons were called Musmahhu, Usumgallu, and Basmu.
It is believed that Usumgal gave birth to the Anunnaki.

The primeval Gods were a race of extraterrestrial reptilians called Kingú that arose in the constellation Draco. After Draco, these beings traveled to other constellations like Orion.
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Anton Parks is an author and he states that on Earth, these ancient aliens made their base in Hyperborea, a legendary land located at the North Pole.
Then the time came when the Kingú, created the Usumgal, another dragon race with seven powerful leaders.
The strong and mighty leaders of the Usumgal race always envied the power of the Kingú (similar to the story of Lucifer)
Ancient Gods and genetic engineering
Ancient God, Usumgal were familiar with genetic engineering.
The seventh mighty leader of the Usumgal Gods, called Anu, was the one who created the Anunnaki.
The Sumerian Mythology says that:
In heaven Anu is on his throne, clothed with all the attributes of sovereignty: the scepter, the diadem, the headdress, the staff (…) He was the “father of the gods” (abû ilâni), “father of the heavens »(Ab shamê).
The Anunnaki are said to have been created in the Pleiades, although the prototype, called Saam, was created in the Great Bear.
Saam later became famous as Enki, who rebelled against Anu.
Enki is also the one who created Igigi.

Cosmic war between the Astronomical Gods
The Usumgal, along with the Anunnaki then rebelled against the Kingú and defeated them in our solar system.
Tiamat was completely destroyed by Marduk here on Earth, which is also described on Babylonian tablets.
However, other extraterrestrial God called Kadistu decided to shut the Diranna or star portals that were placed on Earth, in order to keep the Usumgal locked up here.
Numerous Kadistu aliens were also trapped here when the portals were shut, and suffered wars by the Usumgal.
Later on, the Usumgal enslaved the Igigi created by Enki and forced them to work in water channels in Sumer.
After a certain period of time, the Igigi also rebelled.
Worried about the insurrection, the Usumgal used their genetic engineering to modify the Neanderthal humans and enslaved them.
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This Is Why The Anunnaki Came To Earth
Sumeria, the Anunnaki gods and the possible origin of reptilians
The Anunnaki Conspiracy: the secret plan of the gods
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The Lost Books Of Enki: Memoirs of an Anunnaki God and Beginning of Human Civilizations

4 minute read
The Lost Books Of Enki: Memoirs of an Anunnaki God and Beginning of Human Civilizations
July 14, 2020
The Lost Books Of Enki: It is said to be among a collection of 25,000 Sumerian tablets from over 5,000 years ago.
The Lost Books Of Enki are said to have been suppressed as it contains the true hidden story of the Anunnaki, beginning with their arrival on Earth from Nibiru, the creation of the human being (Adamu), and the reigning establishments in Sumeria, Egypt and in the Indus River Valley.
This story precedes the Bible, the Hebrew Torah, and the Quran by about 5,000 years and has many similarities to those texts, such as the Garden of Eden (E.DIN), Adam and Eve (Adamu and Ti-Amat), and the Flood .
It also narrates an ancient war where the three civilizations are destroyed and the god Marduk is left with sole power.
The 25,000 Sumerian tablets were reportedly found in Nineveh, Iraq, in the royal palace of the Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal. The alternative story it tells has been calculated to be about 450,000 years old.
- The lost books of Enki: first tablets, the arrival of the Anunnaki
- Royal lineage of the Adapa hybrid, Ziusudra and the Universal Flood
- Sumeria, Egypt and the Anunnaki war
- conclusion
The lost books of Enki: first tablets, the arrival of the Anunnaki

In the First, Tablet Nibiru is described as having problems in his atmosphere.
To restore it, the Anunnaki decided to use gold, but they had to find gold reserves on other planets. The god Alalu travels to the planet Ki (Earth) to search for the gold and finds it.
Then Enki arrives to establish a command base in Eridu, Sumeria, the same Biblical Eden called E.DIN, and the gold mining begins. After a while, the Anunnaki driven to mine the gold felt exploited and rebelled against Enki and Enlil .
Enki and Enlil then decide to artificially create primitive workers to replace the gods . In the Sixth Tablet, Enki devised that a genetically engineered hybrid could be created : a hybridization between an Earthling hominid being and the “essence of life” or Anunnaki DNA .
The final human model was executed and called “Adamu” (the same as in Genesis), along with its female counterpart Ti-Amat.
Because these Adam and Eve procreated, Enlil decided to expel them from the E.DIN station (Eden) towards the Abzu station of Enki.
The Seventh Tablet narrates that Adanu and Ti-Amat procreated and populated the Earth , in addition, Enki mixed with earthly daughters of Adanu.
Royal lineage of the Adapa hybrid, Ziusudra and the Universal Flood

In one of these copulations Adapa is born and then the woman Titi. Adapa became the First Civilized Man due to his high intelligence and Enki’s education.
On the Eighth Tablet, Adapa begins working on seed crops created by Enki and Enlil . In Tablet Nine, a proliferation of humanity is described and the Adapa lineage remains royalty.
The Anunnaki mixed quite a bit with humans , like Enki and a human woman, who gave birth to Prince Ziusudra. However, on Earth a lot of drought and pests begin to be generated , in addition to the prediction that a flood will occur .
Many Anunnaki begins to leave Earth, but Enki decides to warn Ziusudra about the Flood, instructing him to build a submarine and to guard the “seeds of life. “
Nibiru’s approach to Earth causes the Whiteland ice cap to slide , causing a massive tsunami. Ziusudra managed to survive with his submarine and when the waters receded, the Anunnaki reestablished ground command stations.
Sumeria, Egypt and the Anunnaki war

On Tablet 11, Ninhursag acquires the neutral land of Talmun , Marduk is granted the Darkened Lands, and Enlil the Ancient Lands.
There are many conflicts and Inanna declared war on Marduk.
The Anunnaki under Enlil’s command threatened him and condemned him to exile. Additionally, Enki and Enlil politically divided Earth for their descendants.
Tablet 12 narrates that in the First Region of Enlil the human civilization of Sumeria is established.
Marduk seized the Second Region (Egypt) and exiled Ningishzidda (Tot).
Marduk declared himself the supreme god Ra and established the reigns of pharaohs. Innana, meanwhile, governed the Third Region: the Indus Valley (Afghanistan, Pakistan).
On Tablet 13 the Anunnaki-human hybrid demigods became kings and priests, but populations begin to revolt in civil wars and the gods began to use nuclear weapons that caused calamities.
In Tablet 14 the center of Marduk, Babili, survived the war and Enki intuit that Marduk will be left with a supreme hegemony.
Enki and Enlil retreated to distant lands, but Enki decided to leave this story written on the tablets.
Enki’s Lost Book is an alternate story that has not been 100 percent confirmed (information comes from Zecharia Sitchin’s work). However, it could be under censorship from academics.
The narrative seems to precede what ancient texts like the Hebrew Torah, the Bible, and the Koran say. It is very likely that the Anunnaki have performed all these actions on Earth, based on what we have read in Sumerian texts and from the other books already mentioned.
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Unsolved Mystery: Why Did the Anunnaki Leave Earth?
Was Jesus an Anunnaki? Has our History Been Molded?
The History of Sumerian Gods Usumgal: The Gods who created the Anunnaki
6 minute read
Formatierras: The cosmic gardeners who created our humans
February 23, 2020

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Millions of years ago, the Formatierras, the most evolved race in the galaxy, decided that the Earth was appropriate to carry out a galactic-level multi-species reserve experiment, like a cosmic Noah’s ark.

Thus begins this exciting story. The conclusions will be only yours. Let’s continue .. The planet was prepared and began to “sow” a multitude of plant and animal species from different parts of the galaxy.
Within the format of the formatierras was the creation of an original and dominant species, built with the genetics of at least three extraterrestrial races, plus the one corresponding to the predominant planet.
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After many tests and studies it was decided that the root species from where they would take the primary chromosomes for the new species, was that of the great saurians that inhabited the Earth and that perfectly adapted to the planet and its purposes.
The person in charge of the creation of the new species destined to evolve as human on the planet was Wotan (take it as a representative subject), creating the original Manu from the genetics of the reptiles that inhabited it.
A long time later, Enki and Enlil arrive and create the Lhulu from the Manu for their particular purposes. Then the Lhulu breeds with the Manu and the Lhumanu is born.
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Thousands of years later Baphomet (take as representative subject), representative of one of the races whose genetics was used to reinforce the root chromosomes in the creation of Manu, enters the scene by signing the pact with Moses.
This breed is the Alpha Draconis Reptilians. Then we have Wotan and the Nordics in charge of the creation of Manu, and whose genetics were used for it.
On the other hand Baphomet and the Reptilians, whose genetics were also one of the other two used together with that of the formatierras, and in the middle of the Annunakis, Enki and Enlil who returned to manipulate the original Manu to create the Lhulu, and then , as they crossed each other, they began a new race, the Lhumanu.
Therefore we have four races as possible claimants of our possession, the Formatierras, the Nordics, the Reptilians and the Annunakis. What is the value of Lhumanu as a unit of Carbon? His multi-species genetics.
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The inactive genes of our DNA, (the considered genetic garbage), are those corresponding to the species that were used for its creation, and the active ones are the consequence of that extraterrestrial amalgam, we Pasú.

We have the certainty of this story, but we have no proof. Only time will confirm or discard it. Let us now see what Wotan and Baphomet represent in subjective reality.
These real and almost mythological Beings, object of adoration and pleitesia, more than specific subjects they represent, energies, civilizations, ideas, paradigms and archetypes, alternative realities and universes of subjective reality.
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It is as if we were talking about Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill, Nazism and capitalism, the people and the crown, freedom and oppression, the extremes of the same body.
Wotan represents the root of civilization, the primitive and pagan, the primary knowledge of humanity, the hyperborean, the closest to the origin.
Baphomet represents change or evolution, the modern and Christian, the insubstantial knowledge of society, the southern, the furthest from the origin.
Primitive man pure, innocent and wise against the present man corrupted, sinful and ignorant. Both one and the other are still two sides of the same coin, the thirsty masters of power behind ideas.
One sharing knowledge in exchange for idolatry, order and indoctrination, the other hiding knowledge in exchange for manipulation, chaos, pleasures and fortune. Lights and shadows of the same body, the matter of the 4 × 4 matrix space.
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Which would you choose if you had no other option? Undoubtedly to Wotan. How do we understand Wotan and Baphomet from the point of view of energies?
For that we have to withdraw to the previous article, to the substrate “e”, the mother space not yet defined by a matrix, where the lights and shadows move before being manifested in the matter.
As we said, nothing happens without it having happened before in mental MS and etheric MS.
The primordial Merkaba de vaet (0-) is the mother cell of matter and energy, whose charge is neutral, not by equilibrium, but by absence of polarity, that is, it is the only thing in this reality that is not composed of positive charges and negatives themselves.
Although its vaet (temporal space angular vector) is (0-), zero vaet (without orientation) and negative in space (lack thereof), it only takes shape and load when they come together, giving space and time according to matter and energy.
Since everything is energy, and matter is condensed energy vibrating at a very low frequency, we could also assume that all energy is matter vibrating at a very high frequency. Therefore we can postulate that everything is matter.
Following this reasoning, mental MS and etheric MS are as material as this 4 × 4 MS, only outside the range perceptible by our senses.
As we need more subtle energies to subsist, such as those produced in our body by food, by the air we breathe, by the sun that warms us, by the emotions and feelings that rejoice us, the lights and shadows also need energies more subtle, obtained, in this case, from the passions of the pendulum ends.
A football game releases as much energy from its fans and fans as from a concentration camp in World War II. It does not matter the circumstance or the act but what is obtained by it.
How do you think a cow feels in the slaughterhouse, or a bull in the sand? Who consumes that energy produced by stress and released by the animal?
Yes, he succeeded, you in the etheric plane. Why? Because you can’t eat a steak or a hamburger the way you eat it in the Matrix Space 4 × 4.

As you will see, everything is relative to the matrix space that you inhabit, be aware of it or not.
Every time a ritual is done in the name of Baphomet, either directly or implicitly, the energy released by the participants is consumed directly by it, it is their private banquet.
A Catholic mass, a Masonic course, a prayer chain where an image is asked or prayed, etc., etc., etc., are private agapes for the lights and shadows of this game.
Wotan feeds on positively charged energies, and Baphomet on negatively charged energies, who defines the charge? Our selves on duty.
For example, in a Catholic mass positive and negative energies are released depending on what conscious or unconscious thinking we have at the time of the ceremony.
Fulanita asks for Menganito’s health, positive energy. Menganito apologizes for what he did to Zutanito, positive and negative energy.
Zutanito went to Mass by obligation, negative energy. In a single ceremony he fed the lights and shadows unconsciously, and the sponsor consciously because he is the representative and intermediary between the producer and the consumer.
But as the demand for food is great, because the armies are also great, it is only necessary to possess the selves so that they commit the acts of thoughts, words and deeds that release the energy demanded by both Wotan and Baphomet.
Meanwhile, we are drained as piles, and we cannot retain enough energy to nourish our Being and that it manifests freely and fully.
If we free ourselves from the lights and shadows, all the energy will remain in us and the path to liberation will be much faster and easier.
We cannot get Wotan and Baphomet out of this reality, but we can get them out of our interior. The million dollar question is why does the Do allow them to feed on us?
And the answer is very simple, because we allow it for what is stated in the article “letter from an initiate.”
We decided to fulfill that role in the game of creation, we decided to continue being lambs and food, so that the pendulum continues to move.
Only a few really want to change roles, stop being lambs and become wolves, attentive and owners of their energy and food.
Meanwhile Wotan and Baphomet continue to dispute the Lhumanu, not only for the food it generates, but for being a holder of an alien genetic bank rarely seen and something they want since our creation, something so precious to them that they sacrificed their own evolution for to get it.
Today, Wotan and Baphomet are no longer strangers and cannot hide so easily within you, because they have known your face and will recognize you when they take hold.
The only difference between Adolf Hitler and you is that he was aware of who he fed and who he wanted to feed.
Since he could not free a whole race of light and shadow, he could, however, try to give him the best choice within the limited duality.
Sean Ser and they will get Wotan and Baphomet to throw them out of their mouths because they will no longer serve as food, they will be able to free themselves in particular, and perhaps tomorrow, the Human race will only feed the Human because they will be vaet (0-) the mana of the Do that feeds to the crystallized Being that lives within the Virya.

The secret of the KGB: the extraterrestrial races on Earth
October 31, 2018
In “Mystery”

This Is Why The Anunnaki Came To Earth
February 22, 2017
In “Mystery”

The Anunnaki and the Forbidden History of Humanity
March 23, 2017
In “Mythology”
Links of electricity-from-space;
Humanity and our role within the universe?
Update about the battle between light forces and the dark controllers?
What is happening with our Earth, the Sun moon and Solar system & stay healthy?
Our new Wannabe Rulers/back ground?
Our Sun, weather and Vulcanic activity movement of tectonic plates on earth?
Ancient Egypt and the black Nobility
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.
A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?
The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?
Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.
5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.
Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.
Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.
Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.
Why this industry should be in public hands.
Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.
Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)
Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D
Than you, I’ve rehently been lkoking for inffo about thijs topiuc for ages and yourfs
iss thhe bsst I’ve came upin tijll now. However, whhat
abbout the conclusion? Are yoou surfe concerning thhe supply?