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Scott Ritter Drop Bombshell: U.S Orders Israel to Use Nuclear to END War – Iran Claims to Have Nukes
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Scott Ritter Drop Bombshell: U.S Orders Israel to Use Nuclear to END War – Iran Claims to Have Nukes
Scott Ritter discusses the escalating tensions between Israel, Iran, and the United States, emphasizing the potential for nuclear conflict. The video highlights serious concerns, including:

The US President’s suggestion that Israel may need to use nuclear weapons against Iran, stressing that conventional warfare might not be enough to defeat Iran.
Iran’s claim of possessing nuclear weapons and their readiness to respond if attacked, posing a threat to Israel.
The potential consequences of a US attack on Iran, which could lead to Israel’s destruction and result in massive casualties.

Ritter also analyzes the military dynamics between Israel and Hezbollah, pointing out:
Hezbollah’s extensive preparations, including deep tunnels into Israeli territory that have not been fully detected by Israel.
Despite Israel’s air superiority, a ground war against Hezbollah would be extremely challenging.
He draws a comparison to the Vietnam War, where the United States won many battles but failed to achieve its strategic goals, suggesting that Israel might face a similar outcome.
The video also touches on the difficult conditions in Lebanon, with reflections on personal memories of family and friends in the war-torn region, highlighting the human toll of ongoing conflicts.
ScottRitter #IsraelIranConflict #NuclearTensions #Hezbollah #MiddleEastWar #LebanonCrisis #USIntervention #NuclearThreats #GeopoliticalCrisis #WarConsequences #IsraelDefense #HezbollahTactics
So here we have the president United States actively saying to Israel use nukes against Iran because he knows that we can’t destroy it without nukes and so Israel would have to use nuclear weapons to destroy it so he’s encouraging Israel to use nuclear weapons against Iran is aware of this which is why Iran has come out and said we have nuclear weapons now they haven’t said that straight up we have nuclear weapons but I’ve worked with the Israelis back in the in the 1990s I’m familiar with their analytical processes and how they extrapolate things how they think into it.
And I can guarantee you they have analysts right now are saying the exact same thing Mr Prime Minister Iran has nuclear weapons and if we continue with this policy Iran will use these nuclear weapons against us our calculations are that three to five 15 to 20 kiloton devices will eliminate Israel and as Iran proved an operation true promise to they can deliver the missiles that will hit any part in Israel they want to.
Anytime they want to hit it and there’s nothing we can do to stop it if you attack Iran Mr President we are destroying Israel forever that’s the that’s the discussions that are taking place right now so this is we are at a very serious moment um in in world history right now where Iran where Israel is playing stupid games.
Netanyahu is literally gambling the lives of over a hundred million people uh because that that will be the casualties. I know Israel’s you know 12 million but when you talk about the damage that’ll take place uh over 100 million people will be killed by a nuclear conflict between Israel and Iran and um you know and this this is what we’re talking about but nobody’s talking about it right now we have a president joking about going you know hitting the nuclear. We have a prime minister that’s calling the bluff of the United States and we know we call the bluff because again Biden put some really good stuff on the table but just yesterday the US ambassador to the United Nations I believe it was yesterday might have been this morning I don’t know I’m getting tired but uh she basically said uh she said the United
States is supporting two res Solutions one calling for the immediate provision of humanitarian Aid the other one calling for a ceasefire that the United States is blocked. She is blocked she is on record saying these are horrible resolutions America can never support this stuff and suddenly she has to eat crow and read her instructions from the state department; why because Joe Biden had a 30-minute conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu reading him the riot act and Netanyahu told him to pound sand he said no we are attacking and so Biden now is trying to put pressure on Israel demonstrating that the United States won’t have your back now.
Israel has to calculate this but Netanyahu is desperate right now he’s failing in in in Gaza I mean how many times is Israel gonna have to go in and clean out um Gaza I mean they now have to go into the northern part of Gaza again why because Hamas hasn’t been defeated they’re there they’re resisting they’re killing Israelis they’re firing Rockets into Israel this is over a year into this into this war and Israel hasn’t defeated Hamas they will never defeat Hamas and in Hezbollah right now you know Israel
is making some propaganda videos on the on the periphery but every time they penetrate deep they get hit hard by Hezbollah.
They get you know they’re getting knocked out um they and now Iran if they bomb Iran it is the end of Israel literally Israel will be turned into the Stone Age and this will trigger an Israeli nuclear response which will R trigger an Iranian nuclear response that’s where we’re at right now it’s no joke time this is IND the world kind of stuff.
And yet we’re still playing stupid games yeah and maybe before we transition just your final comment on this contrast because you we’ve had as you said Joe Biden and the Biden Administration attempt in these recent weeks especially in the last couple days try to speak with the Israeli side lots of tensions between Netanyahu and B Gant and Biden and uh now it seems like there’s also I don’t think this is a coincidence that Vladimir Putin is taking time to go to Turkmenistan to meet with the Iranian president in the eve of what is coming from Israel. Wh what do you see as the differences here between you know what uh Russia and Vladimir Putin may be saying and communicating to Iran versus how the United States has gone about this because you called what the United States is doing and what Israel is doing
too as stupid games because of the consequences but now you also have Vladimir Putin coming in and talking to the Iranian president I’m just curious about what you think might be said and how it might differ from how the United States is handling this all of this.
With the Israeli side well I think Russia and Iran are moving towards a strategic relationship that has teeth um a key problem for Russia and Iran is Iran’s or Russia’s longstanding um policies regarding the
nuclear nonproliferation treaty um and you know Russia has historically supported sanctioning of Iran because of um you know its so-called violations of the safeguards agreement Etc.
You know but Russia decided you know signed on as part of the joint comprehensive program or plan of action the nuclear the Iran nuclear deal you know Trump pulled out of it America is not part of it Europe is not complied with it and Iran has you know gradually moved away from it because the actual agreement allows them to do. I can’t remember the article 24 and maybe article 36 or something like that uh if one side is in non-compliance the other side can stop adhering until the other side comes in this was actually something the United States negotiate is part of the uh sanctions Kickback you see uh we put it in there because we thought that Iran would be the ones cheating and therefore what we said if Iran cheats then we can you know bring Snap Back Our sanctions uh but it’s bit us because we with through Europe refuses to engage economically and so it’s Iran that is doing the Snapback and uh their Snapback is actually to back out of the uh additional protocols and things that were put in place by the um by the by the agreement um Russia has gradually um shifted its sense because it recognizes that the United States and NATO uh and the European Union have been using um the iaea and the nuclear nonproliferation treaty uh to um hamstring Nations like North Korea and uh and Iran um they saw how the United
States abused the IAA in in Iraq creating a false U Spy of you know later in 2003 of a of a resurgent a revived Iraqi nuclear program that didn’t exist and holding Iraq accountable to things that that were fabricated.
We’ve seen Russia basically tell the world the United Nations and the world that with regard to North Korea which pulled out of the npt and has a viable nuclear weapons program that Russia is no longer going to hold North Korea accountable for that. That the day of trying to get North Korea to back away and disarm is over. Russia except STS North Korea as a nuclear power um I think the discussion that uh Putin and Iran are going to have is about Iran’s potential withdrawal from the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and how Russia and China and Bricks will deal with this.
What are the consequences of this uh you know what needs to happen um to trigger this what steps Iran needs to take um so that there isn’t you know because you have to be careful we have a bricks meeting coming up um that Russ has put a lot of time and effort into it and one of the key aspects of the bricks you know reason for existence is to reject the rules-based international order and Implement a law-based international order derived from an appreciation of international law.
The nuclear nonproliferation treaty is a treaty that serves as one of the foundations of international law and so Iran can’t just willingness. So I think one of the conversations that Russia is going to have with Iran is how to manage this crisis what can be done um you know to avoid this because I think the ideal for Russia would be to keep Iran in the nuclear nonproliferation treaty but um Russia
understands the pressure that Iran is being put under and if it’s going to become an existential issue like it had been with North Korea then Russia will of course I believe advise Iran uh that
if it’s going to withdraw these are the steps that need to be taken so that Russia can you know prevent a backlash that harms Iran that harms Russia that harms bricks and it comes down to a question of timing as well but the wild card in there is Israel’s uh actions uh Iran has promised an instant response uh
if uh if Israel attacks um basically they’re saying that if Israel sends aircraft to attack Iran by the time those airplanes return to Israel there won’t be in Israel um that that’s how quick the response is s going to be. So again um very dangerous times very disconcerting um you know events that are taking place but I think that’s the direction that that Putin is going to be talking about this is about the future of Iran’s strategic relationship with Russia and Russia’s strategic relationship with Iran I think you’re going to see it get closer and I’m also I think you’re going to see that Russia is going to back Iran on this nuclear issue. But it has to be done properly it can’t just be a willy-nilly knee-jerk thing um that’s not how the Russians work the Russians do everything deliberately um and there has to be you know legality attached to everything.
So I think Russia will work with Iran on the best way for Iran to pull out of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and declare its new status as a power yes indeed uh those are a great Insight Scott.
Now I wanted to transition and I believe this is a good place of transition to the overall picture because you have been talking about what Israel has been doing to Lebanon its bombardment campaign its aerial Campaign which has escalated even as we speak now there have been strikes on Central Beirut so they’re going deep into Beirut in an attempt to uh assassinate another Hezbollah leader this time a negotiator failed to do this uh but killed upwards of 20 plus people now and counting in that strike.
I wanted to ask you though about this situation with the ground Invasion because uh with Israel it seems
that yes Israel can bomb and bomb and bomb but according to recent reports Israel has not been able to penetrate up to two kilometers into Southern Lebanon and that now it’s been days and days more than a couple weeks now where they have been planning and now attempting to invade and you just wrote an article for Consortium news on the fall of Israel and I wanted you to talk about your thesis in that article in the context of this what seems to be a flailing and failing ground Invasion and how it relates this this failure how it relates to Israel ‘s overall picture as it pretends to its future a lot of confidence when it comes to striking Iran it’s going to surprise Iran.
You the golan are going to surprise and shock Iran and damage Iran it’ll be so devastating yet this ground Invasion isn’t going so well so I’m curious about this contradiction your opinion on it
given what you’ve recently written in Consortium news well you know I’m somebody who has said all along that logically speaking Israel should never have gone in in a big way in Gaza that that it was
never going to end well for them and unfortunately history is proven to me correct on this.
So we’re more than a year in and Gaza is not defeated I think I pointed out earlier the Hamas is
reemerging in Northern uh in Gaza I mean Israel had built a a corridor in the middle of Gaza splitting it uh the goal was to basically totally pacify the north where the rocket attacks were primarily coming from that threatened Ash and other things. Hamas is back there coming out of the ground firing rockets
and um Israel will never defeat them um they just they don’t understand what Hamas has accomplished here um and I’ve also said that I didn’t think Israel was going to go into Lebanon in a large way because the outcome is inevitable Israel will not win well the uh IDF has announced they’ve gone in with 20,000 troops that’s a significant number of troops um but mainly these are troops operating in on the on the on the you know immediate border area as you said the deepest penetration is under 2 kilometers um as they try to probe in deeper they’re getting hit they’re walking into ambushes they’re running into the teeth of the of the hola defenses and um this is a war that Israel wasn’t prepared to fight.
When you know if there was no other diversions uh with a fresh Army but now they’re bringing an army that’s been worn down by more than a years worth of fighting um you know that’s exhausted physically um the logistics are screwed up because they don’t have the spare parts uh you know required to sustain
this effort um and you know they’re backing up with a lot of air strikes and everything they use some cute tricks assassinating leadership blowing up pagers that caused momentary disruption um but as both Hezbollah and Iran said that uh whatever Israel accomplished with these trick plays um and I call them trick plays because I’d like to point out that uh you know teams don’t win championships with trick plays.
You win championships with fundamentals and uh the fundamentals of war is that Israel will not Prevail in southern Lebanon the Hezbollah has had 18 years to prepare for this for this very thing.
Nothing Israel’s doing is taking Hezbollah by surprise nothing uh Hezbollah knows the kind of weapon systems Israel has they know uh the effect effects they’ve made preparations for this and they’re going to lure Israel in and kill them.
Remember the tunnels that Hamas has, has been digging similar tunnels the tunnels will be used when
the time is right bring the Israelis in deep enough cut them off kill them and you’ll find uh that there’s far more tunnels that reach deeper inside Israel than Israel knows.
Israel you know found a handful of them and blowing them up and talking about them but there’s more there’s always more because they’ve had 18 years to prepare you don’t think in 18 years all they did is put out three tunnels that uh crossed into the you know right across the border no they’ve put tunnels that go in deeper and just take a look at the scope and scale of some of the tunnels that existed in Gaza
that Israel’s found uh one of them basically you could drive a tank all the way up through right to the uh to the border and that’s how big the tunnel was.
I would imagine the hezbo has tunnels of that size um all over the place but the ground war is not going to go well for his Israel here they have an air War but what they’re doing in the air war is they’re it’s a repeat of Gaza now they’re trading Beirut is an extension of Gaz it’s Collective punishment and it will just further alienate um Israel from you know from um from on the international community and here’s the key this is now we’re getting into the defeat you know Israel is going to be a lot like the United States and Vietnam.
I mean study the war in Vietnam we won just about every tactical engagement there was I mean you know of course there’s a couple times you know platoon overrun here company overrun there but generally speaking when the Marines went out and hook and Jab with the NVA we won we killed them um they with through and then we with through from the hill that we just captured and the NBA came back and we had to go fight for that hill all over again we had to fight for the valley all over again um that’s the way.
And that’s what happened to that’s what’s happening to Israel in in Gaza right now they come in they take a piece to train they think they have it they don’t because they don’t know what’s going on underneath they withdraw. Hamas comes back and you have to come back and fight for the same terrain all over again. Well you know it’s the fourth or fifth time that Israel’s given up this territory and they pay they pay a price in Blood and Equipment each time uh and that’s going to happen to them in in Lebanon as well.
C classwiz wrote; War is an extension of politics by other means I mean that’s sort of a synopsis of a longer phrase but what that means is that if we try to evaluate a conflict from you know military engagements Al we’re missing the big picture.
This conflict is; Israel has set u certain um goals and objectives for instance with Hamas Israel says that the goal is the physical destruction of Hamas is a resistance force meaning that Israel want to make sure Hamas will never again be able to launch an attack like they did on October 7th and the destruction of Hamas is a political force that means that Hamas will not play any role in the governing of whatever Palestinian entity exists. When this conflict is over Israel has failed on both accounts Hamas is
powerful, sinir is the leader he hasn’t been killed um and the resistance Fighters you know are not only continuing the resistance but they’ve recouped many of their losses um one of the things about bombing civilian populations especially in a Guerilla type conflict is uh for every terrorist you kill um you end up killing a whole bunch of innocent civilians which means that you create new terrorists new resistance fighters who come out.
And Hamas’s I think claim that they’ve uh you know brought in 3,000 recruits during this time um and they say well what about training well they resistance fighters in Gaza uh senoir talks about children of the camp these are all children of the camp every one of the fighters he has is a child of Camp what that means is that you were born and raised in Gaza you know Gaza like the back of your hand um and that’s the key they know Gaza like the back of their hand the Israelis don’t they’re coming in it’s foreign territory um and they’re never going to win that’s the same thing in in in uh in southern Lebanon hezb has spent 18 years preparing for this they’ve walked every inch of that ground they have everything predesignated they have their ambushes set up and Israel is just going to walk into one trap after another trap after another trap um it’ll go on forever Israel has said that their goal and objective Now with uh with Hezbollah is to eliminate it as a political entity and as a military entity.
They altered that there was simply to get him behind the latan river they’re not going to be physically
able to do that but now they’ve said no we want to eliminate them well they’re not going to do that uh so Israel’s set unattainable goals what’s happened to Israel in setting these unattainable goals Israel’s destroying itself.
And this is why I the article is you know about the end of Israel um economically Israel is a basket case uh in September of 2023 September 9th. Joe Biden was in New Delhi India where he announced uh you know the this new initiative called the India Middle East economic middle India Middle East European economic Corridor this is a grand plan designed to um defeat the Chinese belts and Roads initiative to serve as a counter to uh the sus Canal route to serve as a counter to Russia’s uh St Petersburg to uh you know to the red uh to the to the Persian Gulf uh rail uh Network um and the key to this was Israel.
Israel’s the heart because the it goes from India to the United Arab Emirates up then through Rail lines
that connected to Saudi Arabia into Jordan into Israel to hia and then from hia by containership to uh to a port in uh in Greece.
Benjamin Netanyahu that same day put out a press release he said this is the most important thing that’s happened to Israel ever he said this will change the face of the Middle East and Israel forever he said this is what makes Israel the you know the greatest economic um potential of the region.
Israel become the heartbeat of region a new reformed and revitalized uh Regional economy he was so happy about this is what Israel always been waiting for the chance to grow up into a mature Nation at peace with its neighbors dominating its neighbors economically being invited to the table.
Being you know having their voice listened to and obeyed by Arabs uh this was it this was the greater Israel that Netanyahu had always been dreaming of um after October 7th this initiative is dead in the water it’s just not going to happen I’ll tell you the main reason why is that uh a key aspect of the submiss was that Israel had to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia um they were on the cusp of doing this literally, they were very close to this normalization part of the Abrams Accords.
Saudi Arabia now has said that while they haven’t shut the door on normalization they will not normalize relations with Israel until which time there’s a Palestinian state and its capitals in Jerusalem Israel has said under Netanyahu that this will never happen
So if Israel says it’s never going to happen then relations will never be normalized which means the India Middle East European economic Corridor never going to happen the greatest thing ever to happen to Israel will never happen um and this is just the beginning of the bad economic news because now Israel will never have a chance to become this Powerhouse that it wanted to become.
Instead it’s going to the reality sets in last year Israel took a$ 67 billion economic hit this doesn’t include the cost of the war this is just loss of Tourism um unemployment loss of jobs lack of investment nobody’s investing in Israel right now because it’s a horrible place to invest.
Israel’s become a place that isn’t many people don’t want to live in um it’s funny I wrote this article then almost immediately the BBC um played an interview with somebody who made the same arguments he said that nobody wants to raise children here nobody wants to this isn’t where your families come this isn’t where you come to retire this isn’t the land of milk and honey this is a place where every day you have to worry about missiles raining down on. People are fleeing their homes um you know that it’s completely unstable from a from an economic standpoint and that translates into societal instability uh there’s a significant percentage of Israelis who hold dual passports and it’s not just the physical holding of the passport but the fact that the vast majority of the Israelis come from Europe and the way European law is that if you can trace uh your lineage back to I think through your parents to your grandparents that you can claim citizenship and get your passport. And we’re starting to see Israelis flee Israel and when they
start to flee in significant numbers you get a demographic shift um that’s not in favor of a greater Israel it’s in favor of a not just a two-state solution but a one-state solution called Palestine and this is this is the reality Israel is no longer a viable nation state.
They’re holding things together through military force and intimidation but at some point in time
you know the Israel has to find a way to become economically viable it’s impossible the hoody have carried out an effective economic blade of Israel’s uh second largest port the port in the South uh no ships are coming through no economic activity, now under attack that’s the most important port
and uh that’s going to shut down uh the world’s going to stop doing business with Israel because it’s been recognized internationally as an apartheid state. That’s carrying out genocide and violation of international law and slowly but surely Israel is going to become this isolated um non- entity
nobody’s going to want to do business with it people are going to flee and uh again you get the demographics drop to a certain point and the Israeli State ceases to exist.
Just on its own vallation so this is the reality of losing this conflict Israel is in the process of not just losing the military aspect of this war but losing the political aspect it’s not Hamas and Hezbollah that’s uh being threatened with uh you know being eliminated as entities it’s the state of Israel.
Israel is an unsustainable entity given the current circumstances and there’s no reason to believe that the current circumstances are going to change to the betterment of Israel they can’t defeat Hamas they
can’t defeat Hezbollah and if they try to attack Iran they will be eliminated yeah and you know I think all those points are important to take into account given what is going on right now in Lebanon.
There’s this a reality that is that is very striking you you’ve mentioned that Israel is living by The Sword and is now dying or perishing By The Sword. I’ve heard you say this and I think it’s so interesting that just one that one year after it ignited this genocidal campaign in Gaza that as you said has not been successful at least if we look at uh its stated aims with regard to Hamas and the
Palestinian resistance. But now it feels like a an even bigger Quagmire is opening up that is very similar I think in many ways to your uh comparison to Vietnam where now they are fighting an even stronger more organized and more well equipped uh Guerilla force that also has a modum of political power and I wanted to get to this actually Scott because the Wall Street Journal has reported that and this is what’s I think is very important for people to understand that the United States is seeing Israel’s ground Invasion and overall campaign in Lebanon as an opportunity to displace an unseat AKA regime change.
Hezbollah in Lebanon so I wanted to ask you about this in the context of what you were saying in terms of how Israel is expanding this uh field of conflict but doing so not in an advantageous position
actually quite the opposite I’m curious on your thoughts on this well it’s interesting that one of the go-to moves that Israel is considering right now as part of the heesa displacement is to breathe life back into what was called the southern uh the southern Lebanese Army SLA.
Israel created this after their invasion in 1982 and their occupation of Southern Lebanon they created the southern Lebanese Army um and it was a horrible group of um disaffected Muslims Christians who raped pillaged murdered they had no support and Hezbollah defeated them uh and kicked Israel out in 2000 and then the SLA ceased to exist. But Israel is going back to that model which means they’re that’s all they know um you know the United States has a policy that treats hezb as a terrorist organization and we have been trying for some time now by enacting sanctions that Target uh Lebanon um and sanctioning Hezbollah to split Hezbollah out of Lebanese the Lebanese body politic um but it hasn’t worked Hezbollah has actually become a viable political party uh one of the most powerful political forces in Lebanon.
It is part of the Lebanese government um you know and you know what so what we’re saying is that you know when we say we want to you know push hezb side we’re declaring war against Lebanon and that’s the
difference in the past you see in the past when Israel occupied Lebanon hezb was not considered an extension of Lebanon hezb was a resistance group primarily in the south of Lebanon but it was at odds with the Lebanese government and with other militias the Amal militia um you know hisb was derived from it but there were some clashes there definitely the Sunni Arabs the Drews the Christians
um they were all opposed to Hezbollah um and you know many of them collaborated with the Israelis to take on Hezbollah or take on the Shia.
Today the dynamic has changed what we’ve seen uh before Israel went into Southern Lebanon were the various factions uh making it clear that they stood with hezb because they stood with Lebanon and they viewed hezb as part of Lebanon what we’re trying to do is Rec create the 1980s and 1990s um in Lebanon we’re trying to go back to a time where we had influence we had levers that we could control um but I think Lebanon has moved past that. I think it’s a mistake to believe that Lebanon will revert to
you know the kind of Divisions that existed that could be exploited that we were exploiting Israel sought to exploit in the 1980s 1990s. I think Hezbollah now um is part of Lebanon um and that you
can’t separate the two without destroying Lebanon that’s what Israel’s trying to do understand what’s happening here uh this this bombardment of uh of Lebanon is you know the D again.
I hope I pronoun I think it’s D dya dwa uh the the the name of the Southern um Beirut um I don’t know if you ever saw the meme I used to say have trouble pronouncing the Babel menb yeah I remember I it’s
been on this show on record on this show that you’ve had yeah I mean it’s on and they showed they showed this meme that was hilarious because it showed me just screwing it up screwing it up and finally I said it right and they’re like whoow yay and so I know that I’m screwing up the name and I don’t mean to be humorous here but sometimes you have to have humor or else you get depressed.
Because what’s happening to Lebanon is depressing I have friends there I know everybody does
but hor you know Imet this family they came to New York in uh in June and um and in a wonderful family and they came to remember when I used to talk about doing the Central Park uh Reviving the 1982 Central Park demonstration the million person March and I and I really was trying to do that but I ran into a reality check which said New York City was never going to allow this to happen um and so we moved
To you know trying to create waging peace documentaries and all that but I guess I forgot to make the Public Announcement because when they heard it the first time uh the wife a wonderful lady she went to her husband said we’re taking vacation in June we’re going to New York City and we are going
to be part of this demonstration and they did all the plans they bought the tickets they got everything locked up and she her husband and her daughter flew to New York City and then she’s like well there’s no meeting there’s no there’s no rally what happened and she contacted me through Jeff Norman my co-host on uh on ask the inspector and I said hey we’re here and I said well I’ll meet with you so I went down to New York City and had a wonderful lunch with them and talked with them and got to know them and they’re just fantastic people really the earth type of people they live in Beirut and uh every day every I hear the bombing I send them a message I just to making sure they’re okay because uh I’m very worried about them and I know there’s people that have loved ones there and friends and family and they’re worried about them and unfortunately uh many thousands of them have died and many thousands more are going to die because is Israel doesn’t give a damn about these people.
Israel is carrying out a policy of collective punishment and Israel knows it’s going to get away with it because it’s already slaughtered Palestinians committed genocide and it’s gotten away with it nobody’s doing anything to stop them so Israel’s now focused on bombing Lebanon in to the goal is to inflict so much pain on the Lebanese people that they rise up and reject Hezbollah but I have a feeling that it’s going to backfire that the people aren’t going to rise up against hewell because they consider hezb to be part of the Lebanese social and political Fabric and this will just Harden the resolve of Lebanese against Israel and against the United States it’s a it’s a horrific gamble on the part of the United States to use Israeli genocide. Because this is the genocide of the of the Lebanese people
it is they’re treated as a as a subhuman class and they’re being murdered um with no consequence and America has attached itself to this policy because somehow we think through genocide we can achieve a policy objective VV Hezbollah. It’s a sickening um reality of American policy that I mean everybody says that they know this about America and we should know because we did it in Iraq we killed Millions uh we did it in Afghanistan killed Millions um we don’t care and we’ll do it again in Lebanon either directly uh with uh with our own bombs we’ve done that in the past or indirectly using Israel as a proxy but we’ll kill as many as necessary to achieve this. We don’t shed tears over dead Arabs we don’t shed tears over dead brown people uh that’s just a harsh reality of it.
Although I have to say that this family is whiter than I am so I you when I say when I say dead brown people it’s just stupid. I mean we don’t even know what we’re talking about when we talk about Arabs and the Lebanese and the Levant uh and the and the and the wonderful mix of you know.
She’s a Russian she’s from lugans um she married her husband uh who is you know from Beirut but he’s a Christian I believe and um you know you I’m sure there in there there’s French blood and there might be other blood and it’s just all this wonderful mix that’s what makes Lebanon such a wonderfully diverse country is this blend of Mediterranean uh cultures and peoples and internationalism um and now they’re being bombed by this hate filled genocidal Maniac named Benjamin Netanyahu and they’re being supported Nyah is being supporting this by the ignorant Americans who are so indifferent to Arab um suffering that we’re willing to let Israel commit genocide of the Lebanese people so we can attain an unattainable objective uh with Hezbollah it’s not going to work America.
America will fail on this like we failed on everything this is just open challenge I have for anybody you know and if you see an answer in there put it up there, and I I’d love to hear it, I challenge anybody in your audience right now to tell me one thing America has done since the end of the Cold War that’s been beneficial for mankind, one policy initiative because all I see is us uh bombing Serbia expanding NATO taking out mumar Gaddafi allowing Libya to collapse. Illegal war of aggression against Iraq and Saddam Hussein uh there I challenge anybody to give me one thing just one that America’s done that says oh America cares about the world.
We don’t all we do is death and destruction we have become literally the global Pariah we are the worst nation in the world when it comes to treating the world and it’s not just the big ticket stuff what have we said about Congo what about the Cobalt and all the other Rare Minerals that are pulled out of the ground in the Congo by little children who Rush down there with their hands and they do this poisoning their bodies and they’re going to die a miserable death uh with half the life expectancy what about the millions of Congolese who have died in the ongoing fighting that takes place which we facilitate because we want that kind of chaos so that we can gain access to these materials which we need for our cell phones.
America has done that that’s what we do that’s what we’re all about we have done nothing good we have a military-industrial complex that can only exist when there are conative crises in the world so we facilitate the crises and the C when it sound might sound like a little policy thing that the stupid Georgetown postgraduate people talk about in their little seminars.
But each one of these policy things about generating crisis results in dead human beings hundreds of thousands if not millions of them and it’s all America’s fault we haven’t done anything that’s good nothing everything we’ve done is bad and I hate to say that as an American but it’s the truth there’s not one single foreign policy initiative that we’ve undertaken that was done for the benefit of humanity.
Yeah I mean as you were speaking about Lebanon in particular in your context uh you know I was thinking even just about the dangers that uh journalists and journalists that we know uh you know I can’t pronounce good Arabic either, So uh I won’t put you her name but Kate Francis who’s been on my show more than a few times I worry about if she’s gonna be alive uh the next time uh that uh you know I check social media la maruu going to have on this show very soon a friend of Garland Nixon
as well I’m worried that he’s not going to be around to come on and talk about what’s going on the ground you know we can go on and on and on so you know this is a very real uh development that that includes very real people and I and I think you just summed up US foreign policy very well.
There Scott which gets me one more journalist we should talk about and that’s the grey Zone
journalist that was um yes Jem fro right oh my yeah he’s was arrested I believe in in Tel Aviv or somewhere in Israel proper we could call.
I don’t know if you wanted to say anything about him well it’s curious because to be to be honest when I first heard the story they said well he’s reporting you know he was trying to find out information about um the effectiveness of the Iranian missile attack and I went you know I can support a lot of
Journalism but if it looks like uh battle damage assessment smells like battle damage assessment it might be perceived as battle damage assessment by the Israelis and therefore Espionage but then uh Max Blumenthal who was always on the ball came out and said the reporting he was doing was the exact same reporting that an NPR reporter did with the full approval of the Israeli government.
The same reporting that he wasn’t trying to do anything new is just the you know the same thing and so this is this is a targeted thing because I believe that uh NPR has uh you know drank the Israeli Kool-Aid whereas Max Blumthal in the gray zone haven’t and so I think this was a targeted attack by Israel against an American journalist who is not playing the game the way Israel wants it to play and the American government is silent on this issue.
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