Part of the Most Impossible Decade of the Century and 2026, the GRAND FINALE

All eyes now looking to Trump and guessing. His birthday chart and celestial interpretations by Stefan Burns.

Please click on the link for the original video as published

A Global Storm is Coming 🌪️ World Astrology Report with Dan Waites

Stefan Burns
13 Nov 2024 #astrology #currentevents #plutoinaquarius
Astrologer Dan Waites with ‪@WorldAstrologyReport‬ and I halfway through this conversation on what’s happening with the shadow structures now being revealed and what’s likely to occur into 2025/2026 ran into massive tech problems and were unable to finish our conversation. Could be a fluke, could also be foul play, hard to say. Regardless, enjoy this conversation between Dan and I as we look ahead for what’s in store for us based on the astrological transits that are active and unfolding.

Dan Waites’s

Pluto out of Bounds:……

astrology #currentevents #plutoinaquarius #worldastrologyreport #planetaryinfluences #spirituality #awakening


The following conversation that takes place between myself and Dan weights may be a conversation that certain people don’t want you to see.

The reason I say that is because right as we really started to go in depth as to what is happening right now and as we started to cast a lot of light into dark Corners the interview completely cut out.

I had a massive Tech problem my internet stopped working I am on ethernet and I’m also in San Diego close to Los Angeles and we were talking about a lot of the existing Shadow power structures at play
currently in the United States also across the world so not saying that’s 100% the case.
But it was anomalously uh bizarre and I’ve never had Tech problems like that before we were not able to reestablish a connection and so this is not a complete interview conversation with Dan Waites
from World astrology report. We do a overview as to the current energies right now we talk about this full moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus.
We talk about Pluto moving into Aquarius the upcoming retrogrades 2025 and 2026 with Saturn Neptune conjunctions we do a pretty nice overview but again right as we started to get into it you’ll notice
that everything totally cut out and you’ll notice exactly what we were talking about when that occurs hope you enjoy this conversation.

I’m sorry that could not be completed I will have Dan back on the channel at a later time so
we can do a more in-depth conversation and a look ahead for 2025 2026 and also Pluto into Aquarius but we just ran into massive Tech problems and it’s really a complete unknown why?
Because it was so bizarre I me have a good computer all this stuff there’s really no uh solid
explanation as to why all of a sudden we were totally cut off from each other so with that I present to you this conversation between myself and Dan Waites.


Hi everyone welcome Dan waits to the channel buddy how are you doing I’m doing great Stefan thanks so much for having me yeah we’re a little bit of a what is it 15 hours apart because you’re in Thailand I’m in San Diego yeah other side of the world it’s um it’s a bright morning over here.
I guess it’s uh the sun’s coming down where you are I’m blasted with uh light panels yeah uh but I’m excited for this because you are one of my favorite astrology Channel channels. Also you know we’re friends and uh I like the analysis that you go into and it’s in depth.
I can tell that you’re researching this stuff and so it’s that box because I do the same thing on my channel we have a lot of overlap so I’m sure a lot of people watching this already like oh my God it’s Dan this is great.

And I just wanted for us to pingpong on what is happening right now starting with the full moon coming up in Taurus so the full Super Moon conjunct Urus exalted right starting with that because that’s hitting all these different charts you know.

Trump various other people in the cabinet we’ve you know KLA it’s hitting our charts it’s hitting our ascendants um so maybe we’re the good people for this and then to go into four days later how Pluto shifts into the for the last time and all the themes that we can expect with that.

Also just like things that may happen pretty quickly after that occurs but then also the 20y year time span. So like I know you’re excited to talk about UFOs uh I want to talk about the economy uh the election and like just what the downstream effects that may be Ai and like what are kind of uh what Humanity’s like common push and goal is at that time for the next 20 years.

Then also the retrogrades Mars Mercury those are coming up like they’re like now so that’s really important and uh also 2025 2026 so strap in folks because we’re GNA go through everything and there’s gonna be probably a lot of hot takes it’s just gonna be a lot of fun so thank you for being here.

Dan you’re very welcome Stefan no that sounds great to me um we we’ve kind of been building up to this election for you know for a long time kind of everybody’s been eyeing it now it’s happened we got a result that you know has possibly surprised some people but of course the um the symbols and the astrology keeps working.

So now we have to figure out where are we now where are we going and there is a lot coming in the next few weeks that possibly suggest um this the story of this election might not even be over in some way it looks very interesting so I’m looking forward to getting into this.
Yeah I mean this to give people the backstory this started because I was looking at this uh full super moon chart because it’s just grabbing me for some reason I mean one of the things I’ve been talking about is how with the new moon that we had back in Taurus on May 8th just three days later huge giant
geomagnetic storm and during that waxing phase you know after that new moon in Taurus every single time the moon’s been Taurus it’s been brighter and brighter and brighter and now we’re finally at the full moon during that waxing phase for six months.

We’ve had a huge sequence of geomagnetic storms like five g3s and a couple G4S and now we have the
culmination coming up and guess was conjunct Uranus Moon’s exalted it’s just like there’s something to this intuition is telling me there’s something to it and uh looking at uh the chart for Donald Trump it’s like right on his mid heaven and so we texted about that and I was like is this like what’s if there are these deep State factions you could say like this time’s running out to like remove the political power that’s now coming in right.

And so we talked about I was like is this like a Hitman and you’re like well there’s a lot of ways to express itself so maybe you could talk about that like how is this affecting some of these people in the public eye yeah great question.

I mean so we have this this full moon that’s really tightly conjunct Uranus and Uranus is a planet that we associate with surprise shocking developments rapid turnarounds it can be all sorts of things it can be a violent energy but not always you know it can also be in a sort of enlightening kind of energy um and as you say we’ve got it right on Donald Trump’s mid Heaven which is the part of his chart that speaks to his public reputation who he is out there in the world and it’s just coming in a few days time. It’s difficult to predict with Uranus you know Uranus has been has been in this kind of area of Trump’s chart for you know quite some months now and we’ve seen all these really rapid and surprising ups and downs in the election campaign.

You know of course we saw the assassination attempts um the first one coming in July when we had Mars and Uranus as you say at the mid Heaven of Trump’s chart I don’t know if you want to you want me to yeah on the on the on the fixar alal which also has quite a fearsome represent uh reputation in astrology. I don’t know if you do you want me to share my screen and yeah please and show this so people can see what we’re talking about.

Yeah I just I just feel that there’s something big and there’s a multiple ways to express itself uh and so I’m also looking the economy because right now things are so hot right now and Taurus Scorpio that axis is about like the finances and the economy and things and we I want us to talk about that a little bit later but we’ll start here because this is like I mean what eight eight arc minutes off or nine arc
minutes off from his mid Heaven.

It’s crazy yeah so this is this is Donald Trump’s chart you can see you know there’s a there’s a little bit of doubt about the exact time but let’s just use this chart I have the chart given for 10:54 a.m. so we have an ascendant the final degree of Leo and his mid Heaven is up here this MC 24 degrees Taurus 9 Minutes might be slightly different but it’s roughly around there we’re pretty sure of that by now.

So if we then bring in uh what the planets are doing now in fact actually let’s just bring in the chart for that new moon yeah the full moon full moon sorry yeah I like this program how you can nicely layer that makes these uh conjunctions really pop out or Square aspects.

Yeah it’s really nice to look at so here’s the full moon you can see it’s at 24 degrees exactly of Taurus and it’s just over one degree from Uranus so full moons tend to be quite energetically loaded
moments anyway but we have this this moon really close to the planet.
Like surprising development shocks things you didn’t see coming there’s some sort of I mean there’s there’s almost certainly something really interesting coming in three days time or so when this full moon goes exact. Now yeah you did mention you know could this be some sort of could this be another attempt on his life or something like that. You know this configuration isn’t as obviously um malevolent as the one that came in July when we did see you know he was almost shot in the head but nevertheless Uranus can still bring violence surprise shocks.

It’s quite tightly Square to his Mars on his ascendant looks like it could be something you know quite provocative for him perhaps that stimulates that Mars gets him going um and so that’s you know that’s one possibility certainly and I’m sure he’s taking a lot of precautions now. Like as you said the this the stakes are really high in this election and what’s just happened you know Trump’s talking about uh putting Elon Musk in charge of slashing the federal government he’s going to be putting RFK Jr in charge of the FDA potentially. I’m sure big farmer is not going to be particularly keen on that
he’s mentioned um opening up the JFK files and presume he also want to investigate you know he’ll also want more transparency and investigation around you know the assassination attempts on him personally so the stakes are so high and it’s hard to imagine that there aren’t there isn’t a lot going on in the background um you know the other thing about this full moon is it’s not just Trump’s chart it’s also hitting kamela Harris’s chart it’s also activating the US sibi chart the chart for the US itself um JD Vance all the figures who are involved in the election pretty much so there’s something on the
way there’s something interesting in the post in a few days time it’s hard to know with you and us exactly what it will be.

I mean also just a reference because I think you know my audience is a little bit more awaken than normal a lot of this is just like political theater right and I think if you’re on your soul purpose life mission then all this is kind of not that important but uh I think it is also good to have
your pulse on these things a little bit not too much but to just be aware and observant of what’s happening around you.
So that’s why I wanted to talk about this also what you’re not showing with your double chart there is that Jupiter I believe it’s at 19 degrees right now of Gemini maybe it’ll be at 18 degrees by time of this full moon but that is exactly basically exactly on his Uranus his natal Uranus so that’s really
interesting too.

Yes so his Uranus is also being stimulated right now his Uranus is at 17° 53 yes Jupiter is at 19 degrees of Gemini North Node and Sun yeah and on the North Node and on the sun Planet biggest planet yes and you know that Uranus there sort so much Uranian energy connected to Trump right now I mean he did pull off one of the probably what’s going to go down as you know kind of one of the most incredible political comebacks you know in history.

We’ve just seen that happen that’s quite Uranian in itself but some of the astrology suggest you know he’s not kind of there are potentially more ups and downs more surprises to come in this story yeah I think undoubtedly the other thing that’s pulling to me um and we can get back to this it’s just that the moment he wins all of a sudden we get this massive pump in the economy right as Pluto is about to leave Capricorn and when it first moved into Capricorn we got the big financial crash and it wasn’t just subprime mortgages it was a whole bunch of shady stuff that was happening basically Banks stopped lending to each other.
Because like I don’t know what you’re doing and I don’t know what you’re doing so there was an erosion of trust and that system fundamentally the EUR dollar system fundamentally never got fixed and now we have these decentralized currencies born out of that specifically Bitcoin in 2009 but others and following born out of that acting as big competitors and for example Bitcoin has its Jupiter at 29
Capricorn that’s where Pluto is right now they’re going nuts.
Trump has connections to Peter teal he has connections to Elon Musk both founders of PayPal connected with like you know the new way of moving money and so there’s also this economic angle Taurus that Taurus Scorpio axis being connected to finances the full moon it’s exalted but Uranus there who’s this ruler over technology and Innovation. I wonder like there’s right now I just see there being very big winners not only in terms of economics and finances and money but there’s also very big losers so it’s like there’s this huge split right now and maybe there are poor losers like sore losers out there that’s kind of just my feeling. Yeah I think I think that’s um probably on the money I mean we can see it with our own eyes we’ve seen what’s the some of the things that happened in this campaign we’ve seen attempts on Trump’s life you know I’m a little bit skeptical of the sort of Lone nut um theory about what happened particularly with you know with these with the first um actually both of these attempts so I think there are for, there are forces that have a lot at stake um and it’s not really it doesn’t make sense to me that they’re kind of just going to take this lying down!

I think I’d be looking out into the world to see if there are things that that might happen that somehow make things more difficult for Trump or change the scenario somehow as you mentioned there’s a ton of money involved in this.

I think there are there are different we can see that there are different factions perhaps that are were aligned with the different candidates um as you say there were these figures like um Elon Musk obviously and Peter teal who JD Vance worked for and I think he’s been kind of in the background quite a bit with Trump this is a kind of maybe a sort of technological transhumanist kind of faction.

Um they obviously represent big Financial interests but there were other Financial interests I think that were lined more up behind the Harris campaign um I don’t think it’s I think there I think the so-called deep state will probably can and will sort of move you know move and maneuver behind kind of different candidates. It’s not quite I don’t think it’s quite as black and white as some people sometimes think it is but clearly there were F certain factions that were allied with one of the campaigns and other factions with this with the Trump campaign um so you know when there’s this much at stake um and we’ve already seen with our own eyes what can happen in the world it’s hard not to imagine that there’ll be more moves yeah I want to come back to this uh this chart uh just in a couple minutes.

But first I would like to share my chart showing solar activity and spontaneous social processes and then just touch on 2025 and 2026 before we then do a more exhaustive look at that near the end of the video um because this is a big factor right now in the background um and it doesn’t mean it has to occur but it’s also looking kind of likely.

So I just have the I can just show this entire screen here okay so here is a uh chart from a research paper you can see the DOI there in the bottom corner this is BAS uh we have our solar activity which is our wolf number basically sunspots uh it’s like a yearly Sunspot number the average and all the red asteris red asteris are these spontaneous social processes.

Um so it’s not some plan thing or something that like you know really took a long time is this a kind of a volcanic eruption of humans doing things together example French Revolution uh the Russian
revolutions the formation of the People’s Republic of China Arab Spring collapse of the USSR and you notice as red asterisks are just all of them lined up on solar maximum and we are in a very strong solar Maxim right now.

That is not shown on this chart but it is in there and so it’s like we have this big double conjunction between Saturn and Neptune coming up I’m calling the 13 arc minute you know conjunction where the 13
arc minutes apart in 2025 I’m calling that a conjunction that’s so close let’s say it’s a double conjunction in Aries the very beginning of the zodiac that’s pretty explosive right there Sun’s exalted in Aries here we have this data showing this connection between spontaneous social processes and solar activity you look at the global uh like what it the global human consciousness project something like that they uh they show that there’s greater amount of correlation between people during higher solar activity just more energy on the planet and so just like we see all these factors evolving with uh people that are very much in the Limelight right now.

And then we see that we have this very zealous energy coming up in 2025 2026 we see this solar activity chart it’s like is there going to be some just like volcanic Outburst of energy in this this coherence and this like solidification of people behind a common idea and belief that are really charging
forward. With that like what can trigger that that it’s not guaranteed to happen but it seems there’s so many things pointing that direction. Yeah I mean you can really feel the the sort of tensions in terms of power structures growing at the moment where there’s a kind of battle I think going on that particularly uh particularly through technology in that there are certain forces that want to use technology I think to uh control human beings to Snoop on us to um to make sure we don’t say things that they don’t like and so forth and at the same time this exact same technology is Awakening people because it’s really difficult to control the flow of information uh with the technology that
we’re using.

So the same technology kind of is doing almost like the it’s doing the work of kind of both sides at the same time it’s we can see we can feel this pressure building I think it’s happening everywhere and uh it’s a but it’s almost unprecedented.

I think you know have we have we been in this situation before as Humanity uh I’m not sure we have I perhaps in sort of very earlier epochs um but we haven’t really seen this in you know in history that we can you know we can dig up so this the theme of power and um where it should be held is it going to be concentrated at the top by old institutions or is it going to be more distributed that’s the kind of the big question isn’t it?

And you can feel you know Pluto moving into Aquarius the sign of the group sign of the collective that
um that does I think Aur pretty well for power actually ending up being dispersed this is Aquarius is not a sign that really um signifies centrality you know the that’s the opposing sign Leo so we’ve we’ve almost got the sort of opposite impulse to what we’ve seen since you know if you can think about Pluto was in Leo in um you know the much earlier in the uh the 20th century and we saw the the massive Outburst of of kind of celebrity culture um that seems to perhaps be coming to an end.

I feel like there was some that Dynamic played into the election a little bit you know I don’t want to be seen as sort of taking sides too much I’m more I consider myself kind of quite politically independent but if you look at kind of who the two candidates were surrounded with um Trump did have these kind of tech people around him that we’ve already mentioned um Harris was relying much more on Celebrity endorsements and so forth. The this is very leonine right the celebrity the central figure um and so I wonder if we’ve kind of seen a we’ve seen a shift in from a kind of sort of leonine way of doing things to an Aquarian one.

Yeah it’s very interesting too uh because he built this Coalition it’s almost like a coalition government so you still have this two-party system in the States but it’s kind of European in some way because he pulled in RFK pulled on Elon like Jordan Peterson and Tulsi gabard and all these random people but a lot of them some of them Democrats at one point Independents.

I like the Coalition aspect and people coming together and I find it also interesting how you have for example him Trump being a Gemini son and we are in this age of Geminis you’ve talked about in depth on your channel we have like an eight part series or something it’s awesome everyone go to his channel subscribe smash it like give this guy some love.
Dan’s the best and so I found that really enlightening I did some my own research on the age of Gemini and we have sna there right now at zero I think it’s still zero degrees maybe it’s like one degrees Pluto’s going to hit that eventually it’ll move on but it’s going to hit sna.

Send is so interesting because it’s this 11,400 year cycle and the last time it was in gemini or like effectively this position right closest to the Sun it gets to 76 astronomical units or so then it flings out there nearly to a thousand goes way out into deep space if there is a Planet X that goes Way

Beyond the orbit of it last time it was so close was when we all of a sudden had the transition from like Paleolithic to Neolithic specifically the pre potery Neolithic but even that’s outdated now they found Pottery in the pre potery Neolithic so with this transformation in Civilization culture and people coming together and like does sna have this imprint of deeply transforming Society civilization
Humanity when it reaches its closest because it has all this new information from the deep unconscious
Collective that it brings in here’s.

Trump this Gemini son the United States chart is uh United States is cancer is that right but it has specific Gemini placements is that right yeah it has it has Mars and Uranus in Gemini so one of the things that we’ve seen that’s kind of over and over again has kind of brought big resonances in US history is Uranus uh entering Gemini which is which is what it’s about to do next year this is one of one of uh three big outer planet sign changes we’re getting next year one of them is Uranus um the US the sibl chart which is the chart for the US that I tend to favor.

Um has Gemini as the seventh house um as I said Mars and Uranus in that sign um Uranus is an 84ye cycle and um we’ve seen over and over that the US has engaged in these big transformative armed conflicts when Uranus has gone into Gemini. That kind of really ended up redefining um the US and us the country’s institutions were reshaped that’s sort of a cynical resonance that we’re about to enter into as well so the stimulation on Gemini is really interesting the one of the reasons I talk about this as being an age of Gemini is that conjunctions of Pluto and Neptune this uh are happening in Gemini these conjunctions come every 500 years they’re very powerful they completely redefine um structures of power and belief in society and the last conjunctions of this of these planets happened at eight Gemini eight sort of eight degrees and change of Gemini one at seven degrees and change um and so uh Uranus is going to reach those that degree in I think 2027. That’s I think going to be really transformative as well uh for the for the United States um you know we can get into sort of what might be coming but the there are other indications that this period that we’re about to enter into is going to leave the world completely different in a way that other uh transits haven’t done.

Pretty much ever um another factor that I’ve been looking at is uh Pluto um and coming out of bounds.
So Planet a planet that’s out of bounds reaches a declination that’s above about 23 and a half degrees
which is the tilt of the celestial um equator and the ecliptic and a planet that goes beyond that yeah and a planet that goes beyond that um that is sort of said to be able to act without bounds with it’s kind of like it’s its sort of um uninhibited self appears in history.

Now Pluto does this um a couple of times in its cycle and it’s about to do it again from 2025 to 2035 if you look at back at times when this has happened before they’ve over and over again been extremely revolutionary periods in history but it’s not going to go out of bounds again after this period of 2025
to 2035 that’s never.
That’s not going to happen for thousands of years so there’s some sense in which history is going to
be different after this period that we’re entering into um and the planet of power which is Pluto is not going to be entering into the these periods where it kind of gets out of control I find that super interesting and you know there’s a lot of people talking about how this period that we’re entering into is going to you know change everything um and that that is a kind of a really a sort of practical astrological. Sense of like or indicator that that’s actually is what’s going to happen I found that out quite recently through an astrologer called Rosie Finn um who’s done a lot of research on this and her research really blew my mind.

i’ just like to give a shout out to her um you can find her research online Rosie fin Pluto out of
bounds and it’s something I think yeah your audience might want to check out there’s a very interesting article on by her on this subject okay.

Yeah I’ll put it in the video description um and then I mean we also have the Pluto return for the United States occurring at the same time.

So there’s just like I’m just trying to build this you know we’re building this holistic kind of view of all the different things are pinging we have the we have the really nice configuration now between Uranus and Neptune and Pluto as well all them sextile and I mean it just makes me think of like 1965 when we had Pluto and Uranus conjunct and Neptune with sextile and it was over in Scorpio Pluto and nept uh Pluto and uh Uranus went conjunct in Vergo um and that was a really big formative time too.

And you’ve talked about on your channel before Saturn Neptune conjunctions how they’re linked to changes with the bounds of Russia and I find it interesting because we’re talking about some sort of
conflict perhaps with Uranus like reaching that point in the American chart because that’s happened before um we know that right now Ukraine is a proxy war and more so than for like Iran because they’re providing weapons or for North Korea because they’re providing weapons and soldiers now it’s really proxy war with China because they’re providing a ton of materials not only for like Industrial
and Commercial use but like Dual Purpose that could also be used for the military and certainly it is um and so we’re already kind of engaging in this proxy war.

China Taiwan’s a super hot issue uh and then we have this change perhaps coming up big change with Russia in with these uh Saturn Neptune conjunctions uh and like you know I see how it’s connected to our ongoing situation with China and with Trump coming in is gonna be much tougher right he already had that trade war with them once they’re hurting I mean our economy is hurting too um it’s very interesting do you have any thoughts on that?

Yeah so one of the big themes of the cycle that we’re in the Pluto Neptune cycle as I mentioned um this conjunction happened in Gemini the sign of the Twins and so what these Cycles seem to do is bring about divisions in the world different kind of bastion’s and splits now.

In the Cold War of course we had the whole world split into these two camps um and at this time Pluto and Neptune were pretty close to a exact sex style now in the ’90s and the early 2000s they moved away from that sex style and what happened you know the Cold War ended we entered this sort of unipolar world uh now they’re getting close again to this sex style and what’s happening you know we’re seeing a new Cold War underway it’s slightly different to the last one in that this time um on the Russian side we have China which is more taking the lead and yet we can kind of see how the world is sort of splitting and Biffa again.

Those and I could see this some sort of bifurcation in the world uh possibly playing out until maybe the mid 2030s and we have to think in terms of scenarios this is just uh one scenario that the astrology suggests to me. Is quite possible maybe even likely but that we’re going to look at like a new Cold War a new split in the world with two sides two perhaps competing models and systems as we had in the Cold War um and then there we may see uh as you mentioned sort of Russia uh really resonates to this Saturn Neptune cycle.
We’re about to get a conjunction and whenever we’ve got these conjunctions we’ve seen the kind of boundary between Russia and the West sort of refixed and it look it’s looking like that’s kind of happening again. I’m wondering if we’re going to sort of shortly this kind of barrier this boundary concretizing again being fixed again sort of the borderline of Russia being drawn up and if we might sort of enter a new Cold War scenario um. You know that that there can be a lot more going on though I think during the Cold War there were it was a period that a lot of people look back kind of fondly on. Not the people who were you know hit by the really horrible proxy wars that happened but it was a very creative period it was a a period of Awakening you mentioned the’ 60s and there’s sort of resonances with the 60s uh brought uh up by the forthcoming Shrine between uh Uranus and Pluto.

So it’s just looking like a really transformative and kind of wild period but with Echoes of some of these historical events that we’ve already seen. Yeah pretty strong Echoes um I want to take it back though to this full Moon because we have that coming up uh in like three days and so I feel like it’s
a trigger point I mean who knows but I just feel like it’s a trigger point that’s going to kind of start the Domino’s falling you could say and then then it evolves from there I mean similar like how World War I started right you had the assassination all of a sudden all of a sudden there’s a World War right and uh that’s not guaranteed but it’s just such a crazy full moon with a conjunct Uranus um and so uh just like what are some scenarios they see playing Out World stage now.

That we’ve kind of talked about all these things and laid out all the cards yeah I mean we could be looking at some sort of trigger around this time some sort of surprising event in geopolitics which perhaps forces Trump to um take action somehow or do something he wasn’t expecting. Uranus um the we have these two so arguably two proxy wars happening in Ukraine and then we have the war in the Middle East as well both of these uh these conflicts I think we can all partly attribute to Uranus being in Taurus. Taurus is a part of the world that um the Middle East Russia Ukraine these kind of places kind of resonate to. We’ve had Uranus planet of disruption in Taurus um we saw these Wars breaking out uh in these parts of the world and um also kind of signified by eclipses in Taurus as well yeah Taurus Scorpio um you know you kind of you’re always kind of piling signatures up in astrology and kind of when you sort of get a pile of big signals that’s kind of when you know something’s going to happen um we’ve got this full moon again conjunct Uranus it could well put the spotlight on uh Ukraine or

I think um as you I think mentioned well I’ve heard people talk about how the sun in Israel is actually very close to this uh this full moon if you look at the Israel chart I can maybe bring that up? actually if you want so I can people can see what I’m talking about we also been having some stuff happen in Cuba and it’s like hitting that chart too which is interesting. So I mean we don’t need to spend much time there we can do that later but uh magnitude 6.8 earthquake power outage a month before that hurricane swept over. Like sometimes it expresses itself very obviously yes absolutely um so if you can see the uh the chart I brought up this is the chart for Israel we can see that this this full moon conjunct Uranus is very close to the Sun in the in the Israel chart um and so it’s hard not to be a bit worried about what could be coming.

Is Israel going to use the election of trump to do something or to take some kind of kind of action that sets that that region even more a flame than it already is. We also have of course like looming in the background we’ve got this uh the theme of Iran as well um there’s I think there’s quite a reasonably sort of high possibility that that conflict could be um brought to bear especially given that that Trump is a kind of very vocal supporter of Israel um might they potentially use his
election to take some action against Iran we’ve already seen how there’s a Iran and Israel have started attacking each other directly rather than through proxies in the past year or so.

So you know this is another potential flash point we’re just seeing a lot of things heating up like I guess that’s kind of what I want to bring to people’s attention is that I think they’re like again like I trust in higher spirit and guidance and if you do that you’re fine but also very much like it’s undeniable that sometimes in history things are quiet and other times things are very hot and loud like 536 ad. You would not want to be alive during that year right that was not a good year uh across all of Europe in a lots actually the entire world uh then other times totally fine quiet and it just looks
like things are getting really hot and hotter especially with the stuff happening in 2026.

We have these retrogrades coming up too which we talked about a little bit how they’re going to possibly modify things that there’s going to be some sort of kind of revision Ary aspect and they they’re kind of starting pretty close after this full moon and after that shift of Pluto into
Aquarius um so is there anything you want to talk about with the retrogrades and how it may be modifying political figures or you know governments or just in social movements or things of that
nature. Yeah yeah I mean so maybe I can uh show your viewers once again just so they can see what we’re we’re talking about um I’ll just share my chart again um but yeah we have two retrogrades coming up in the next few weeks um one of mercury and one of Mars. So just bring my uh yeah Mars Only pops up every two years me it’s not like a Mercury one every you know three times a year yeah so Mercury yeah Mercury goes retrograde three times a year Mars every two years so a Mars retrograde is quite significant uh and we have both of these planets retrograding very shortly so you can see that if I’m just animating this um we have mercury getting ready to station retrograde on the 25th or 26th depending on where you are in the 23rd degree of Sagittarius now. Um Mercury is going to stay direct if I just bring that up on or sort of at the um oh one moment Mercury will station Direct on the 15th of December at Six Degrees of Sagittarius in 23 minutes so on this on the 7eventh of this uh month Mercury entered what’s called Shadow so it reached the degree that uh it is going to station direct at soort of roughly
the seventh now this is just after kamela Harris conceded the election so we have mercury kind of preparing to retrace its steps that it’s taken since uh that concession which is obviously quite interesting and then we also have Mars getting ready to retrograde as well uh in early December um so both of these retrogrades you know retrogrades tend to invoke rewords revise redo rethink um the Mars retrograde is definitely dialed in to the United States’s chart as well Mars retrograde happening in Leo. If we take a look at where that’s happening it’s happening in the seventh degree of Leo which actually is where the nodal axis of the US chart is so it’s really dialing in the US um it amar’s retrograde in Leo it has to do with C Central figures um it has to do with uh um celebrities people who are seen um amar’s retrograde in Leo. You have to wonder you know is that saying something about what things that might be coming to the world of celebrity to very well-known figures and of course we have
the Diddy case underway right now so that makes me uh makes me wonder you know are we going to see um some celebrities kind of under attack perhaps um their reputations might be damaged it would make sense given uh some of the things that are Brewing around in the Zeitgeist right now.
Yeah there’s just a lot of people have a lot to lose what I find interesting about the Mars retrograde is that now Trump has his Mars and ascendant near the end of Leo and that’s it that’s where the
conversation left off that’s where I lost all my internet connectivity and it took quite a while for me to get that back.

I had to reset my computer like two three times and I wasn’t able to even load websites for a while and then eventually things re uh connected so again I don’t know why but I did like what we covered in that video and I wanted to present that to you so you can get a sense of some of the entics.

I play based on the astrological transits and some of the other things that we discuss so if you like the video please click the thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you have not done so already make sure to give Dan a follow at World astrology Report. That is his handle for YouTube also his website is astrology and he has a special members forum and uh extended videos that he hosts on that website so you can also give that a look if you are fan of Dan and his material.

I will be back with more wishing you all well have a great day and I’ll see you all in the next video

What will it be freedom or total and controlled submission ?
We’re in the Most Impossible Decade of the Century and 2026 is the GRAND FINALE

Stefan Burns
91.4K subscribers

There is strong correlative evidence to suggest that the reasons the past few years have been so difficult and lifechanging is because of the convergence of A BUNCH of different outer planet synodic cycles and all happening after a nine year period where NOTHING occurred. Presented by Stefan Burns.

🪐 Planetary Resonances eCourse (20 hours)!…
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spirituality #astrology #ascension #consciousness #solaractivity #schumannresonance #starseeds #lightworkers #mundaneastrology


Why is it that the past few years have been so freaking difficult and lifechanging transformational and heartbreaking at times.
Why is that it’s not because of any particular thing it’s not just because of the economy and inflation or c19 and the pandemic it’s not just because of environmental problems or the spiritual Ascension process that’s occurring there is a factor that is causing all that to occur and those are the outer planet great conjunction cycles and I discovered this when I was researching the outer planet great conjunction cycles for the 21st century.

I noticed that the 2020s have the highest density of these great conjunctions of all the decades, the 2020s there is seven of them and they actually go from 2020 to 2026 they don’t even take
up that full 2030 range.

The next highest decade is 2080 with five of the conjunctions and the other interesting thing that you’ll notice is that right before the 2020s we had a dead zone and this is the only decade in the 21st century where there were zero great conjunctions between the outer planets this is Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.

So we had this seesaw effect where we had a normal amount of conjunctions here 2000 June 8th of 2010 I lumped this one up with the others because it’s close in time then we had nothing things got very quiet and we didn’t have these energies in the background bubbling up to a greater degree.

But then the floodgates were open and we had this massive sequence of great conjunctions in 2020 we had a follow-up in 2022.
We just came off of a Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 21st of 2024 that’s the most recent great
conjunction that occurred and then we wrap up this END higher sequence with Saturn and
Neptune meeting at 0 degrees of Aries the very beginning of the zodiac starting a completely
brand new initiation cycle as it relates to the Saturn Neptune synodic cycle and that’s connected
to a lot of things and so this is the final big push that we are going through of course.
There are going to be new challenges and obstacles and opportunities in the centuries and decades coming
up but this is certainly a big convergence as it relates to our background planetary resonance
morphic field and so this provides a little bit of light and hope because we’ve gone through
most of these. There are only just two left there is the Saturn Neptune conjunction on July
13th to 21st on 2025 this at two degrees of Aries almost a conjunction it’s a 13-minute orb so they
get very close but they don’t meet exactly and then they finally do mean exactly Saturn and
Neptune on February 21st 2026 at 0° 46 minutes of Aries so in this video we’re going to discuss
these outer planet great conjunction Cycles along with a couple other cooperating factors
that are making this decade more difficult than a lot of us were hoping for but in general this
is creating a very big transformational push and these energies are being felt not only physically
or emotionally or mentally or spiritually but all of them combined together and this is fueling this
spiritual Ascension process that many are going through. For people that haven’t started that
it’s bringing more people online all the time through their own Awakening Journey.

Hi everyone and welcome back to the channel if you’re new here I’m your host Stefan Burns quick reminder that my planetary resonances eCourse is available that goes into this in depth.

It teaches you about these planet resonances these outer planet great conjunction Cycles we’ll talk about that more at the end of the video but that is a resource for you to explore 20 hours of content if you
really want to understand how these Planetary Cycles influence the background morphic energy
field which is what everything manifest from. So that’s available for you on my website okay so let’s look at this we have the early 2000s and
then we have this dead zone and then we have our decade right now let’s start with up top
we have some acronyms JS would be Jupiter Saturn J is for Jupiter P is for Pluto n is for Neptune
U is for Uranus so we had a Jupiter Saturn great conjunction on May 28th of 2000 bringing in the
New Millennium this is at 22° 43 arcminutes of Taurus you’ll also notice that we had a great
conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus just one degree off from that this year if we go here
Jupiter Uranus April 21st 2024 21° 49 minutes of Taurus so almost exactly one degree different 24
years later so some of the energies that we are dealing with in 2024 also bringing back
energies from the early 2000s and so this is one of these modifiers that makes this decade even
more kind of spicy because not only is this a great conjunction in of itself it’s also
re bringing up these energies from this cycle and presenting them to us again but this time through
a more Uranian lens then and uh then there was a long break and then we had a Jupiter Pluto cycle
uh a great conjunction December 11th 2007 at 28 degrees of Sagittarius then it was Jupiter Neptune
that followed May 28th 2009 26 degrees there’s actually three of them here then July 10th 26°
December 21st 24 de all in Aquarius and that makes sense because Jupiter moves about one sign per
year about 30 degrees per year has a 12E cycle around the Sun and so it met up with Pluto and
Sagittarius and then one year later about it then hit um Neptune which was in Aquarius at the time.

Then on 2010 June 8th we had uh some conjunction with Jupiter Uranus it was three the first one was
at 0 degrees of Aries case in point again you’ll see that we’re working with these energies from
this first decade again with the second decade. So 0 degrees of Aries right there Jupiter Uranus
conjunction that’s coming back up again with this final conjunction that we have for the 2020s with
this February 21st 2026 Saturn Neptune conjunction at 0 degrees of Aries but it did retrograde back
both these planets Jupiter and Uranus so then we had one at 28 degrees of Pisces and 27 degrees of
Pisces also please note that if you have any personal planets or points at these degrees
you’re going to feel them more strongly and so this could have been even more transformational
time for you as a result if you have big planets there. For example your inner planets or even outer
plants are well aspect or on certain angles or these are happening on your angles like your
ascendant your IC your descendant your MC but then after all this occurred we entered into to The
Dead Zone and there was nothing happening. So I mean there were things happening uh I mean you
have these for example these Jupiter Saturn Cycles they have a conjunction then squares opposition
closing square and then the next conjunction um but those are lesser aspects we’re talking about
great conjunctions these are the most powerful of the synodic cycle they bring up the most they
are the biggest upwelling of energy into that morphic field of information and archetypal
themes for us to deal with.
So we didn’t have any during the 2010s we also had a solar cycle maximum that was very weak during that time period solar cycle 24 was anomalously weak and so you can see how these things manifest out there was no great conjunctions during the 2010s we also had the weakest solar cycle in over a 100 years during that decade this in general as I see it.
Is kind of like a removal of a Ben beneficial stressor or an evolutionary uh fuel you could say
if anyone if you go to the gym or you do sort any sort of exercise routine or really any sort of
skill task you know that you need to do it to get better and so for the gym for example if you are
weight training you want to increase your weight over time and you’re not going to get stronger if
you actually don’t do the exercise and so we had this long break here and I think what happened
is that we kind of got soft. We didn’t have these transformational energies pushing and pulling on
us and there was a little bit of complacency that developed we didn’t have extra solar forcing as a
result of that weak solar cycle and then all of a sudden 2020 rolled around and not only
did we have uh like one great conjunction there was actually a whole sequence that occurred in just
a year’s time so then there is a Saturn Pluto conjunction January 12th 2020 22° 46 minutes of
Capricorn that also involved Mercury the Sun and series supercharging that synodic cycle and that
is not the happiest synodic cycle Saturn and Pluto is connected to things like p uh pandemics and War
and just disease and pestilence and um things that aren’t really all that cheery but after that we
also had Jupiter Pluto conjunction and so we had Saturn Pluto go conjunct and then Jupiter come in
comes in this agent of expansion at slightly different degree points right this is 24° 24° 22
degrees that one got very close but then it added more fuel to that fire overall and then we had a
new Jupiter Saturn great conjunction December 21st winter solstice of 2020 and this is at 0
degrees of Aquarius which is the next the next astrological age that we’re entering into that
is the sign that Pluto is moving into uh and will stay in now at the end of 2024 it’s been moving
back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn and this was a great mutation into air and so
if you aren’t aware of what that means Jupiter and Saturn form these conjunctions in the sky and they
change element every 200 years or so. Because they rotate around in such a way that they’ll meet
only in a single element until eventually they shift into a new element.
So when you have the first conjunction in an element that’s going to stay in that element for 100 150 200 years that’s called a great mutation and that makes that conjunction even more significant and powerful and so there is in 1980 a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Libra and then it was in Taurus we
had the Earth element before this was the final Earth element conjunction for Jupiter Saturn
and now we are exclusively in um Air element conjunctions with Jupiter and Saturn until 2159

I believe that conjunction occurs in Scorpio and so this is now almost a 140 years where
we have just Air energy with these Jupiter Saturn conjunctions which are some of the strongest and
most fundamental planetary resonances because they work with the biggest planets the biggest planets
are Jupiter and Saturn by far uh and the most they have like the most weight to them you could
say and they’re really connected to Law and Order and society and how we interact with each other
and much more though in different ways and so 2020 was a real doozy because we had this Saturn Pluto
Mercury Sun Ceres conjunction we had three Jupiter Pluto conjunctions and then we had a Jupiter
Saturn great mutation at 0 degrees which Pluto is moving into at the same time and this is right
before we enter into the age of Aquarius around 2100 if we keep procession at the rate that we
are then we had further instability with a Jupiter Neptune conjunction at 24 degrees of Pisces April
12th 2022 Jupiter Uranus conjunct April 21st 2024 21 degrees of Taurus again bringing up those
energies from that 2000 conjunction the last of the air great conjunctions between Jupiter and
Saturn and then we have the sequence here that we are about to find out what that means with Saturn
Neptune at this 2° Mark with Aries with that 13-minute orb that they’ll get really close
together and then this final real conjunction that they have at 0 degrees of Aries then Saturn will
charge ahead because Saturn’s the fastest mover so a lot of very powerful energies bubbling up
right now into the background planetary resonance morphic field because of these great conjunctions.

Kind of the math of it all right it’s just how they are rotating around they’re orbiting
and then they just didn’t meet up in the 2010s if you exclude you know these three and put them
up here they didn’t meet from 2011 all the way to 2012 uh 2020 and then all of a sudden now
we have this big sequence that’s also bringing up and dredging up some of these energies from
before what astrologers have been tracking for Millennia are these planetary conjunctions now
we have Uranus and Neptune and Pluto and the other trans-Neptunian dwarf objects in the fold but the theory is that these conjunctions these movements of the planets and their geometric relationships to each other in the archetypal energies that they are embodied with they shape our morphic reality field.

They bring up different themes for us to grow through and to evolve through and just to experience and so we had that deficit in the 2010s due to there being no outer planet great conjunctions but that certainly wasn’t the only thing that was different in that decade as compared to before and after we see solar cycle 24 here anomalously weak compared to the solar cycle before here’s solar cycle 23 if I had the other data you see that 22 and 21 are about the same strength as 23 here and so we had a fairly regular solar cycle expectation and then Cycle 24 comes in maybe it was anomalously weak because there was that dead zone and that was what was manifested or they’re working together this is still very much being explored and understood but now we are ramping up to new highs this red line here is the average it’s the uh the smooth monthly average but look at the actual monthly print in the gray you see that our values now are going up similar to where we were in solar cycle 23 much higher than solar cycle 24 which
never got above 150 sunspots.
Now we are at in July 196.50 and for August we are going to be over 200 more like probably 220 230 which is well up in this range here and so this solar cycle is also causing a big shift as compared to the 2010s in terms of the energy that we’re receiving from the Sun and this is interacting with us in a variety of ways because the energy of the sun is what makes Earth hospitable and allows for life and Earth transmutes that energy.

But in general more energy coming in means that we have more energy flowing through our bodies
activating different things our DNA how our cells are talking to each other and cellular group cellular behaviors and expressions and also I mean so many different metabolic processes it’s really beyond our current understanding in terms of a clear scientific framework. There’s so much more research that needs to be done on this but people are feeling it and that’s how we know that there is something to this and so we see that this solar cycle is also much stronger than it was last decade and it’s looking very similar to what we had in the early 2000s but we have more great conjunctions happening in this decade than we do during any other decade in the 21st century I also want to point out a key detail in the increasing electrification of our planet.

Due to the roll out of new cellular Network Technologies because there is a significant difference between 5G and the preceding cellular Technologies 4G 3G 2G 1G Etc and so we’ll get into that the physics of it but first let’s just see the state of 5G here we have a Graphic for the world and we see how
much 5G was adopted across different parts of the world we see 2021 we see 2025 so dark blue is at
the beginning of the 2020s and now we have these light blue uh zones there they’re four modeling
a little bit but that’s effectively where we are now in terms of 5G usage and we see that there’s
been a huge change in 5G adoption in North America 13% all the way to 60 plus% Europe same story 4 to
44 also in Greater China massive increase in 5G we see that some places are still really not using it
all that much like Africa Latin America is kind of lagging behind some of the Eastern European states
are relatively slow in their roll out.

Asia Pacific this is a little misleading if you go there you know that there’s 5G everywhere in Asia Pacific but maybe they’re counting it based on the surface area of the land and some of those islands are pretty uninhabited but regardless there’s been a massive roll out of 5G technology and this is significant because of the electric susceptibility of water and so water makes up 70% of our body by weight and 99 out of 100 molecules in our body are water and the reason why is because they’re so tiny compared to like a protein or amino acid chain or anything else.

They’re very tiny and so they sit in and hydrate everything they completely encapsulate our DNA and they hydrate around collagen and all these things and water is the great mediator between everything in our body and it connects to different frequencies of light the entire light spectrum but what we see is that it really connects to frequencies that are greater than 1 GHz.

So we’re looking at the electric susceptibility of water here and at the on the x-axis we have 1 GHz 1 GHz 10 GHz 100 GHz this is um billion times per second because megahertz is million times per second gigahertz is a billion cycles per second so that’s 1 billion cycles per second and then up here we have our dialectic constant and we see that there’s various kind of slopes for the temperature of water the latent heat of water will affect the electric susceptibility but in general what you see is that as you go from low frequency here 1 GHz or 100 megahertz water is not absorbing these energies that easily the dielectric constant is high.
Then as you move past 1 GHz this zone right there as you go past one gz all of a sudden
water absorbs almost all the energy it receives these are microwaves this is how a microwave oven
Works they use frequencies that are in this gigahertz range to heat up food because they
know in the physics is that water molecules will pick them up they’ll pick up that energy
and information and then start to vibrate more and this causes more cellular stress in our body it’s
not just heat production because water can contain that information and it’s just chaotic random
information and it creates more non-coherence in the body it shifts the body away from coherence
and towards greater chaos which is stressful and promotes inflammation and chronic disease and so
with the roll out of 5G we’ll see this right here very clearly.

Here is 4G we see that it has some of the band at 1 GHz but most of it stops at 2.5.
5G goes from 2.5 GHz All the Way Beyond 50 GHz and here is the human body temperature at 37° C so I line that up and look at the dielectric constant for water there we are near the bottom of this electric susceptibility curve as relates to the most advanced 5G Technologies a lot of them are still in this 10 GHz range but there’s plenty especially from like Verizon and others that are 20 30 40 gigahertz and so those energies get absorbed dramatically not only into our bodies but into the entire biosphere into the atmosphere.

That’s why they attenuate out so quickly and why they need them every few blocks those antennas
because they get absorbed into water and other biologic tissues very easily and that’s a problem because it’s just in general pumping more energy into everything that our body then has to deal with.

So this is another manifestation of these outer planet great conjunction Cycles taking place in the 2020s This is one of the things that it manifested up now it started back earlier because we had 1G 2G 3G 4G but finally now it’s hitting this electric susceptibility curve and if they keep going higher with the frequency let’s say with like 6G then it stood it could start to become very deadly this is already probably deadly in terms of a long-term time perspective and in terms of chronic disease and inflammation but as that frequency goes up it is going to get really bad really quickly because we already see what we’re doing with 50 GHz here at human body temperature we’re absorbing nearly all that energy.

If you look at just standard water susceptibility so these are some of the factors at play for why the 2020s have been so difficult with these outer planet great construction Cycles we have now a stronger solar cycle with solar cycle 25 more solar energy coming in and we have things like the deployment of 5G which is in general just radiating our bodies to a greater degree and so this is a big stressor and a big push but something that it appears the universe wanted us to go through a necessary transformation process and this is what I believe is responsible for this Great Awakening and Ascension process that
so many people are taking part in right now.

I’ll be talking much more about these great conjunction Cycles on this channel so if you like to see those videos please subscribe but if you want to get into it right away then I have my planetary resonances e-Course there will be a box that pops up right there which goes in depth on these different energies from a natural philosopher’s perspective looking at the science the astrology the mythology so we can better understand where we’ve been where we are and where we’re going.

I highly recommend you check that out 20 hours of content 15 hours of me on video discussing this. Sharing what I’ve learned doing a bunch of deep dives into a lot of topics not only the inner planets and the energies of the moon but also the outer planets the dwarf planets outside the solar system Planet X the astrological ages procession of the equinoxes and so much more.
And I’ll be adding more content to that course with time so if you sign up now you’ll get access to that before the price does eventually go up as I continue to add content to it so again planetary resonance is e-course is available to you that is your heads up and head start on all this.
And you’ll find it deeply valuable because what I found when I was making the course is that it helped put everything into perspective and by having that higher Vantage Point as to what was occurring energetically. Not only was I able to a better see things and rationalize them and accept them but I can now better plan for what’s occurring. I kind of have the RO map in my mind and know what I need to do when and it just allowed me to find peace with it by having some understanding it was easier to not be kind of pulled by the current and sloshed around. It’s like I know what that current is I know which direction to swim and there therefore I do that and so that’s my own personal experience as I was creating that course it helped really ground my energies and provide a lot of comfort to what was occurring in my life and still is.
Just you know in general and so I think that is also something that’s provided with this course
just through the educational aspect you Empower yourself in that way so I hope you find that
resource valuable you can check out the course here you’ll need to sign up before the payment
pops up and then once you sign up and pay you get access to the course that’s on demand learn at
your leisure and I’m wishing you all well have a great day I’ll see you all in the next video


Humanity and our role within the universe?
Update about the battle between light forces and the dark controllers?
What is happening with our Earth, the Sun moon and Solar system & stay healthy?
Our new Wannabe Rulers/back ground?
Our Sun, weather and Vulcanic activity movement of tectonic plates on earth?
Ancient Egypt and the black Nobility
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past


The God Eaters.

Sustainable-Farming, victory gardens

Laura Eisenhower and the colony on Mars.











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