Pushing WW3, preparation, set-up and Push.

15 Jul 2024
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Following the assassination attempt of the US president Donald Trump and the cascading events that had happened there after with some politicians calling for him to be quote taken out of the race unquote others saying that it’s time to put him in the Target and we have a continuation of these types of verbiage and rhetoric that is really calling on people who will act to do in fact uh pull the triggers and start to act.
These are very dangerous times everyone and I want you to note the seriousness of what we are living through and experiencing.

If you had to put this on par with what has happened in our world’s past I would say we are in a position right now that is very close to the Fukushima nuclear power reactor melting down in Japan after that tsunami. We’re at a point where maybe things could just go pushed a little bit further and we could see something that starts to affect not just a local region and area but in fact the entire world.

We have uh government leaders from other nations including American enemy Nations or presumed enemy countries that have stood up against this and said that hey once they tried to take Trump out of office and that didn’t work then they were going to take his life and we have seen these attempts on his life.

Elon Musk even said he’s had two different attempts on his life in the last eight months I fully believe
that we have other politicians and people in positions of power inside of the military-industrial complex who have all had attempts on their life recently.
So what we’re starting to see now is just a glimpse into what maybe the CIA the FBI the Pentagon under National Security may have been hiding and brushing under the rug of a foreign group. That is waking up these are sometimes called uh sleeping cell groups they are sometimes called uh you know groups of uh foreign entities what we have are people who may be putting into action the things that are needed to change our country into one of Civil War.
The Civil War calls really started to come out as soon as Trump took that uh took that damage to his ear and put him on the ground as soon as he said fight fight put his fist up in the air.
Then we started seeing all the people saying you know what maybe it is time to fight and that is one of the scariest things you really uh hoop cat. I saw a post by him and now hoop cat he definitely leans towards a certain direction now he said something very smart I want you to really pay attention to this because no matter what dire action politically you lean toward. You have to squash Civil War and the discussion the even possibility of Civil War before it ever rears its ugly head it literally is a rabid animal once it lets loose once it’s gone it’s too late there are no ways to treat it you just have to wait it out.
Historically Civil War civil unrest has always followed a pattern you have a beginning stage then
in the middle which is the most dangerous stage you have massive amounts of Bloodshed huge amounts of Warfare no one trusts anyone there’s families ripped apart there’s faiths that are ripped apart everything is in destructive mode.

And then so much blood has been spilled that finally maybe even Generations later you have people saying you know what we’ve seen enough we’ve had enough I just want to be able to breathe I want to be able to let my children know that today isn’t the day that is going to be their last or the last for one of their family members.
Guys this is where we’re at we’re at the beginning stage so you have the beginning where we are today you have the middle which is the absolute blood bath that’s where even going to the gas station to fill up uh fuel for your generator no matter what you’re doing that becomes a mission that you have to have a support team on and that’s the middle that’s the blood bath stage and then you have the winding down or the ending phase where there’s been so much Bloodshed that everyone says you know what we have to agree to some terms of Peace here and we wrap things up that could go on for 6 months 12 months 2 years 5 years it could go on near in perpetuity but it won’t. Because here in America you will have the protection of infrastructure.

They have this plan by the government to protect all critical infrastructure that’s where you’re going
to see massive amounts of military moved towards the Electrical uh companies you’re going to see them move towards uh different forms of water protection you’re going to see them move towards the military industrial complexes government offices it’s going to become a movie and that’s where we get a little a little bit hairy Here I have a a message here this is a write up from Scott Ritter says I used to have a friend named William pulk I say used to because he tragically passed away.

Pulk was a man who was in the Inner Circle of John F Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis he talked to me many times about the decision making that was going on and the role that Kennedy played in preventing a nuclear war. Now I’m bringing this up right now because we do have a lot of correlation between what happen happened during the Cuba Missile Crisis what happened with Kennedy and what is happening right now.

The maturity that Kennedy had as a leader part of the maturity came from when Kennedy was first briefed on what was then called the single integrated operational plan or scop sop the American war plan now
that’s different of course from psychological operation which you are under attack from today and every day a psychological operation means disinformation misinformation misdirection uh dividing the people uh making you think that you should go do something maybe even calling to action other people who wouldn’t otherwise uh you know go out there and fight with their uh their weapons.

Every president uh oh excuse me I missed a part here he went to the Pentagon and they briefed him
they said this is what we’ve got if we go to nuclear war basically it was a notion that America would be the largest surviving civilization but to guarantee that we had to kill everybody off in the world.
He came out and said that is insane I’m not doing that he turned to his adviser and said and we call ourselves the human race he demanded that you have to give him more options every president since then up until George W bush reacted the same way when they first got the briefing on how America plans to go to war the decision was to destroy the entire world so that 20 to 30% of Americans who survive will be the largest remaining civilization cluster in the world this would guarantee America’s Global dominance in a p uh post nuclear conflict.
It’s true Insanity they say they all said the same thing give me options I can’t do that you can’t make me do this you have to give me more options then the Pentagon always gave them options that inevitably led to that scenario since the end of the Soviet Union the collapse of the Soviet Union and Americans have downplayed the nuclear war plan.

We de-targeted our missiles nothing was automatic anymore. We’re heading on a path to getting red
of nuclear weapons and then George W bush a post 91 environment came along and said we will use our nukes to ensure that this never happens again there we reinserted a nuclear plan or War plan into our military Doctrine

now there’s a little bit of uh misinformation here we always had that nuclear war plane in our Doctrine and our uh our survivability Doctrine so a little bit of mis-info here but nonetheless a lot of it checks out he says today we have a similar mindset nuclear war strategy but without the maturity of the Kennedys we have people who look at the plan and say well that’s just a plan we’re not really going to do
that we don’t have to worry about this.

They say it like they say the Russians are bluffing the problem is the second that something does happen and the plan is pulled out the dust is brushed off we start pushing buttons and then that scenario comes true we’re going to blow up the entire world because we know that in a post nuclear environment we can’t allow for instance India to survive if we’re reduced to 30% of our capacity we couldn’t allow a country like India to have Superior civilization in a post-nuclear conflict we would destroy the entire world that’s what our plan is.

the American people need to wake up and understand it’s fully automatic now well we are close aren’t we we’re right at that point where people are making really bad decisions and they’re making from the highest levels all the way down to the street level. We have gangs running a muck we have corporations in so much corruption that you might even think Trump was a whistleblower and this was just Boeing trying to take out another one look at all of the events that we are experiencing today.
You can start to see that we really are past that point of no return it it’s back there the point of no return somewhere back there we may have passed it in 2019 we may have passed it in 2001 when we instituted a new tyranny uh War plan against the American people we may have passed it in the 2007 financial crisis
when the banks got bailed out we passed it somewhere back there and now we’re past that point of no return we know what things used to be like right, they used to be nice, you used to be like hey you know that those were good times back then look at the movies you know Kelly and I just watched Beverly Hills Cop 3 and though it had a little bit of a slight it had like a a 3% agenda maybe one to 3% agenda compared to the other
movies that are out today that have like a 60 to 90% agenda still it hearkened back to an old age of movie production where you’re like okay this was just slow paced entertaining.
Took back some good old Nostalgia Vibes that’s the way things used to be we’re past that point
of no return what comes next will probably be civil unrest what comes next will definitely be the destitution of the American people and according to some Outlets I guess what comes next will be the survivability of 30% of the American populace.

Now is that just the people that they will push underground in the deep underground military bunkers
or the dumbs that they have created is it just survivability uh Doctrine for the US government well I don’t know I do know that they’ve made plans for people who will be critical for the future they have the names the list the addresses of people who are the electricians the plumbers everybody who really matters.

and gets things back going once things go south so hopefully we just individually find ourselves in a good position and we have the skills to make sure that we not only remain under the radar but we’re also not the tallest nail to be hammered down and we have the skills and the groups and family care love and ability to rebuild things.

Are falling down thank you guys for being here with us I apologize for a little bit more of a somber or a slow paced video today but the things that are happening out there are really worth taking note of share this video If you think other people need to see just how close to the end we are from my family to yours please stay safe and keep watch.
This week’s full spectrum news is brought To Us by you all of our members on patreon make sure you check out dade.com if you’re interested in turning your door into a safe room door use the code fss1 you’re going to get a discount there it’s at least good for free shipping or a little bit of money off of the purchase price.

A lot of high-end people use these I don’t get any commission see if it’s right for you but first stock your pantry.
Hug your loved ones rebuild the bridges that maybe have
been burnt down and good luck everyone

Behind the veil?

Not by accident but there is a Hidden Malevolent Force behind it and They Will Stop at Nothing!

Evil is born in the world. Halation out of our death and joy. Click here for the video link with explanation.

Clearly, the globalists took into account “the aspirations of peoples all over the globe… to emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism” in their planning of the NWO. It is for this reason that the BRICS alliance was formed and the NWO was designed in a multipolar fashion. They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati’s multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.

Please click here for the original video/link


…(from page 161) They conveniently fail to mention that there are many other options besides resorting to either of those two extremes.

Kissinger and Co. also make the assertion that building the NWO is the “grand objective” of America’s foreign policy…

…(from page 26) and that the effectiveness of US policy will be judged by how well America fosters the globalist institutions…

…(from page 27) Also note how the passage assigns the US to the Western Sphere. The planners had another nation in mind to lead the Eastern Sphere (China).

The book then goes on to offer specific ways America can sacrifice its national interests to build the global government.

The Deindustrialization of America
On page 173, we see the genesis of the economic policies that have brought the American economy to ruin…

…as the globalists make the case for unilaterally removing the trade barriers that protected America’s economy from competition with foreign slave labor.
Kissinger and Co. also make the case that we shouldn’t economically defend ourselves since it might create “impediments… to the progress of others”…

…(from page 75)

And to give Americans a taste of what’s coming, page 75 also drops this little hint…

…As it turns out, America did indeed lay itself down as a bridge to pull China into the NWO. We did it by luring them in with a great deal of our national wealth through lopsided trade and outsourcing.
And this brings us to the subject of the BRICS…

The BRICS Role In Erecting The New World Order
Prospect goes on to address the status of those nations that were “freed” by the engineered collapse of the Old World Order…

…(from page 164)

If we remove the spin from this passage, it tells us that the new nation-states’ drive to achieve true independence must be “balanced by converging forces.” And what form did these “converging forces” take? The globalists employed hot & cold wars and insurgencies, trade conflicts, and “economic hit men” to make life unbearable for any nation-state attempting to be independent. All this strife forced such nations to reach out to international institutions for “help” (which came in the form of military occupation or debt bondage).

Only in the arms of the globalist institutions would such nations find any peace…

…(from page 61)

When Prospect spoke on page 60 of what animates such peoples…

…it brought to mind something I wrote in an old article titled David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2:

Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?
A clue to their motivations and strategy can be found in this article, titled “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati.” In it, the author states…
“The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.”
The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:
1 – They set up a China-centred alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance. This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance. How have they approached this, you ask?
They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers…
…while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies…

the five whores
…thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another.

They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).

They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) are where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behaviour.
It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.<<<See the source image
Clearly, the globalists took into account “the aspirations of peoples all over the globe… to emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism” in their planning of the NWO. It is for this reason that the BRICS alliance was formed and the NWO was designed in a multipolar fashion. They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati’s multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.

With the Rockefeller plan for the BRICS New World Order laid out before us, let’s take a look at how it was implemented.

China: Building up the False Saviour

Major moves towards building the New World Order outlined in Prospect for America began in the late sixties…

1969 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduces the Special Drawing Right, the planned replacement for the US dollar as the global reserve currency…

July 1971 – former Special Studies Project director Henry Kissinger held secret meetings in China to lay the groundwork for their introduction onto the global stage. Here he is with Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai (a.k.a. Zhou Enlai) during the visit…

August 1971 – President Richard Nixon takes America off of the gold standard…
…This was the first major explosion in the dollar’s demolition as the global reserve currency (to make way for its replacement by the globalists’ SDR sometime around 2018).

February 1972 – Nixon visits (and “opens”) China. Here he is with Chairman Mao…
June 1973 – David Rockefeller Sr. visits China to start working out implementation details for what is to come. Meeting with Premier Chou En-Lai…
So what was set in motion by these events? By 1978, Deng Xiaoping took power and “developed ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’ and Chinese economic reform, also known as the ‘socialist market economy,’ and opened China to the global market.” An interesting view on the hidden dynamics behind this development is offered in the above-linked “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati” article…

“Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
‘When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.’
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan ‘to get rich is glorious.’
However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.
The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.”
(For Fritz Springmeier’s writeup on the Illuminati Li family, click here.)

This helped put in place a Chinese elite that “is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.”
Needless to say, globalist coordination with China…

…and their BRICS partner Russia…

…has continued unabated to this day.

In closing, I’d simply say that any global solution offered to us in the coming years is, in fact, a globalist solution. If you do not get together with your neighbors to start exercising self-sufficiency and control over your life, you will fall into globalist dependency and control by default. And if you do not get together with those in your local community to devise a currency (or other method of trade/barter) of your own, you will end up using bankster currency by default. Power that is not taken into your own hands is left to the predators who grasp for it.

[Update 1 – 11 November 2014]
In response to this comment from a suspected webtroll…

“How do you know that Putin isn’t telling Kissinger, ‘Buddy, your days are numbered.’”
…I looked up an old New York Times article I ran across a while ago…

So while the front page news has blaring headlines about the supposed conflict between West and East, you’ll find the truth a little deeper in the paper: that all these political types work for the same bosses and are actually buddies behind the scenes. Don’t be distracted by the public puppet theatre/drama.

Links of electricity-from-space;

Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?

The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?

Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

Urgent: A message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started

Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.

Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.

Why this industry should be in public hands.

The Tesla World?

Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.

Owners of the empire

Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)

Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D

Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

The climate debate!

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