God is not a psychopath, Archons and the Demiurge?

Brain parts

Because of the pre-programming as present in our small brain with it limitations and no free will; the mammal brain has to be much larger and has too because of the complex data processing with all these vibrations of energy around us and and some traveling at the speed of light.
Our mammal brain is contributed to the ability of logic thinking or thing outside the box, again a slow process but not the most important capacity of our mammal brain at all. Above all it is a frequency processor and our ability to communicate within our universum.
Again, voor most of our daily responses we do rely on our small brains but are all so stimulated to do so by our society and powers within. The first is alright the second manipulative and bad. We are stimulated and set against each other continuously, instead of working together which is much more effective and peace like.(Creates mutual respect).
In afterlife there is no hell because it was only introduced in the middle ages to try and make humanity (at least the religious part) more obedient.

We as humans have been generally allowed very little room emotionally and have been encouraged to feel powerless or frightened and contained in this way, repressing our emotions.
The strength of the Emotion allows certain energies to coalesce, fuse, bond, and come together in realization of themselves. Without emotion, that bond could not be. Therefore, we often ignore our bodily symptoms and emotions.

Hell is now planet earth and the result of deliberately setting people and groups against each other. Associating and suggesting that it is vital to your survival, being right. In reality part of a control strategy by the real rulers of this world. The greedy and the big ones. Greedy is asocial and does not take into account our inherited social culture and fabric, with a few exceptions big might be impressive but not beautiful, it is intimidating and corrupting in nature. It size to impress and even to intimidate us. When you look at buildings it are the Banks, big corporations and the State.

food of the gods

There is another aspect of they exploit quote m thinking that our Creative potential in these bodies has been specifically to be directed in a way that reinforces the physical limitations of creating. I am speaking of sexual activity the orgasm, and what is emitted basically sex without love may set up the condition where that energy is used by other entities (thought forms, that are projected by Them that are possessing/controlling the couple volved.

Sex and energy

Did you ask yourself why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something.

A something with a consciousness/awareness, that feels and desires to live, as we do.
To be aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die. Life is a process of consuming other living things in order to stay alive as long as possible until death in turn consumes us. We tell ourselves life is a whole lot more, but it\s reduced to that as long as we must feed to survive. If we can\t stay alive more than a few months without food, how can eating not be fundamental to how we actual define our existence?

Eating is a requirement for biological life as we know it. It’s the thread that holds together material existence. More than a thread, it, a chain, binding us to the law that we must consume each other.

There is something missing; what kind of God or gods would create a world predicated on killing? We don\t like to ask that, and we find every excuse to avoid looking at this question. But every time a dear one dies, or you find a nibbled bird in the yard destroyed by an idle cat, or you read about an animal that has suffered mercilessly, or another molested child, or a nation ravaged by a quake that buried thousands of living people, your mind goes back to that nagging question. Who would make a world like this? Was it truly a God of love?

According to much evidence, it wasn\t. This world now presented/created in this way cannot be the original one, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is now controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister.

Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the something wrong with the world, the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad.

The Matrix.

Yet awakening to the truth of our predicament is the first step toward radical change. Only radical change can possibly right the fundamental flaw woven into physical creation.
And how well-woven it is. Not only does violence wind through the lives of all Earth life like the fibers of a time-bomb attached to a victim.
It reaches out into space, where supernovas implode, collapsing millions of stars along with all living beings on all their attendant planets.
With death and devouring are so pervasive most people can’t conceive of a world without them, or if they can conceive it, they label the concept preposterous. Yet quantum physics shows that matter is nothing but atoms: emptiness vibrating. Emptiness does not die and neither does the energy it oscillates. So why must bodies die that are made of up of these things?

Robert Monroe, in his book Far Journeys write:

Did you ask yourselves why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something. A something with a consciousness/awareness, that feels and desires to live, as we do.
To be aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die.

The Matrix.

The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. (The Eagleâs Gift, by Carlos Castaneda)Different intelligent and advanced civilisation favour a different spectrum of the loosh emitted.
Our society puts great pressure on us to be fine and work hard . Not think, contemplate, study, play or otherwise.
Suppression of the emotion using chemicals; look at how many commercials on television encourage us to take medicine so that we can ignore the messages from our body or emotions and continue to WORK.
Emotions are complex.
The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the world’s root religions.
We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice,
with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah.
While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and
old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword. Joshua: 6:21)

In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers.
When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.(Koran: 9:5)
Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as symbolic in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovah’s sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isn’t
contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other.
Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh.

Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus’e baptism, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.(Matthew: 17:5)
Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be saved. Christians are no strangers to sacrifice.

Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one life time.

It was Airl who did tell Matilda about the amnesia humanity seem to suffer after re-incarnation and not heart of elsewhere including he. He remembers all. Karma/learn is embedded within the soul-structure and incarnation. He told Matilda about the loss af a group of military personal stationed in the Himalaya. Got overrun by the Anunnaki from a base located underground on Mars. They all suffered a total amnesia after passing and had no knowledge about who they where, where they came from, past experiences and skills. They were stil able to identify the souls of them due to the unique soul vibration Frequencies) but that was all. Nor the skills to bring them back and treat. Could take thousands of years to find out.
What the did learn and found out however was that earth and some other locations are being used as prisons. The humans are not aware because after the body passes the soul return to the so-called light being a very high voltage plasma field resulting in electro shock and total amnesia.
Crudely reprogrammed and told to incarnate again and return to the light at thr end of there manifestation.Sabotaging the resoning behind incarnation on planet earth.

The only person inour world they know of managing to shed the induced amnasia was Boedha. We are misinformed in respect of our socalled haven and not a peacefull place at all.
The Annunaki/Archon are in full control of our 4D heaven.

Back to the story: Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: He who does not follow the wheel thus set revolving lives in vain.

The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing.


OUR world now presented/created in this wat cannot be the original one, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. In my mind, a God is a perfect being and needs nothing, it is a complete being.

Does not need to be worshipped, does not need to be wanted, does not need anything from anyone? Following this line of thinking, we can deduce that some of these protagonists are imperfect. More so when they need to inflict pain and suffering on others so they can collect their loosh.

To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators
and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain.

If living in vain means breaking out of that’ I’m all for that kind of failure. More so when they need to inflict pain and suffering on others so they can collect their loosh.
Further more, such situation would reveal that As above, so below. Meaning that the politics Up in the nearby universe and galaxies is as screwed up as down here. Very sad!

Bassically; this world as it currently is seems to be a siphoning system. But the natural beings who have chosen to inhabit it the spirits that manifest as the trees and animals and vegetation are not they beautiful? We find ourselves drawn to Nature because it soothes and inspires us. I think Nature soothes us because by going out in the wild, we place ourselves in close proximity to these pure entities, and their calm spirits heal and restore us.
We can love our fellow beings and at the same time acknowledge that the world has been hijacked by predatory entities. I have a hard time believing the world was created by these entities, though.

I think the key to freedom is learning to access and draw from our own inner infinite source of energy and relying less and less on taking in energy from things outside that don’t want to give it to us.

All the beauty and goodness that abounds in spite of them points to an original plan for the creation of the world coming from Someone loving and good, Someone whose desire was to create something joyous and beautiful.


As far as your comment about not wanting to live in a physical body forever goes: as a free being, a master of living, you would not need to unless you wanted to. You would be able to dissolve the body at will and leave this dimension, or recreate the body at will if you wished to come back.
Mastery is about freedom, choice, and empowerment, not about whether you choose to hang around in this physical dimension or in some other one.

Every week I get emails from people saying they have been realizing these same things, feeling like they are alone in their perceptions. But they’re not. I think mankind is becoming ripe for realizing the truth. You’re just at the forefront of the discovery.
He who created us in turn was created. Perhaps as you create others some of the essence is diluted. I do not know this.

Further more, such situation would reveal that As above, so below. Meaning that the politics Up there is as screwed up as down here. Very sad!
Your question as to whether only vegetable matter contains spiritual light. A Vedic creation myth talks about the world being created through sacrifice, namely the sacrifice of one of the gods, Brihaspati, of his own life. The story goes that he allowed the other gods to cut him up into pieces, which is what they made the world from. The reason the earth has life, so the explanation goes, is that it is made up of parts of Brihaspati’s personal divine energy. This relates to many other Hindu stories and even European fairytales that talk about one thing being destroyed and from it many new and smaller things being born for instance, a god killed a certain demon, and from his blood falling on the earth, an army sprang up. Or a witch killed an innocent young maiden, and where she was buried, roses grew out of the ground. In nature, we see the same thing: you destroy the living garlic by taking it apart, and from each piece of it that you bury, new garlic plants are born.

Why is meat appealing? Because it tastes good. Why does it taste good? Because the animal it comes from is good. We eat the goodness.
Why is some animal flesh more appealing than others? Humans prefer animals like chickens, cows, deer, and rabbits to animals like cats, dogs, coyotes, or tigers. It seems to be the gentler, sweeter, vegetarian animals who have the sweetest meat. So perhaps an animal’s goodness (we could say the animal’s loosh, and the quality of its energy) is consumed by the animal’s destroyer, and that goodness or loosh gives them energy.

This is not to justify eating animals. I think it’s horrible. But perhaps it explains why we have the craving to do it.
There seem to be two ways of getting energy: by tapping the infinite within or by taking it from something outside. Sometimes the energy is given willingly, as in a love relationship or an employee/employer relationship, where one entity gives something to the other voluntarily. Sometimes the energy is demanded or stolen, as in slavery, emotional manipulation, theft, rape, killing an animal for food, or taking leaves of a plant for food.

I have no problem with a willing gift of energy from someone who wants to bless us with it, as the love/energy a mother gives a child (she WANTS to nurture it), or the donation a person gives a charity they believe in (they WANT to support it). Sharing energy and moving it around into various combinations and shapes in the world can be fun, so long as no one is depleted from it (generally, if we give willingly and with joy, it’s because the energy were giving comes from a feeling of energetic abundance, and we therefore not depleted by the gift).

I’m actually working on a new article right now working title Strength and Support: Can They Be Opposites? which I hope to publish here on the blog in a few days. Some of these ideas will be gone into more in that article.

The Vegetarian Mythby Lierre Kieth. She tried every form of vegtarianism and veganism for over 20 years and it destroyed her health. She also did a lot of research into the big arguments in favor of vegetarianism and found a lot of interesting info. The biggest blight on the planet is farming.
It has depleted our topsoil and it displaces a lot of the wild animals and destroys their habitat. The other main argument is the issue of killing. As you have noted, eating involves the killing of something else (with the possible exception of fruit-and, no, fruitarianism is not the answer).
Not just plants, more animals die from the harvsting of grains and veges than from eating meat. Vegetarianism is awesome in theory but in actual practice it doesn’t pan out. I don’t wish to get into any arguments here, I’ve read all the John Robbins books and just about every veg book and have tried it for many years and I’m just throwing in a contrary opinion based on my own experience. I urge everybody to read the book. It’s REALLY well done.

If anything it just validates the fact that this is a messed-up planet.
Many people have debunked The China Study, too. that doesn’t mean much. Read the book. the only form of vegan ism that could consider itself morally superior would be fruitarianism. A lot of people can’t hack it and do have problems with it. Let me, honestly, know how you do on it.
I have to admit that a lot of people do well such as durian rider and free lea.
Animals have been eating plants ever since they existed. If it wasn’t a worthwhile form of food, why are there so many herbivores and omnivores?
I do eat meat, and plants, since humans are omnivores. but if eating plants didn’t have any healthy merit, wouldn’t exist.
Perhaps what made her sick was the GMO’s? When they entered out food supply, they were considered safe. Only recently have there been studies clearly linking the dangers and wheat and corn and soy are huge crops for Monsanto and other GMO companies. Most people would get sick and not realize the danger, but now people are starting to question seriously the safety of GMO foods and even to demand they be stopped, or at least labeled. I say stopped. The BT corn is poisonous. So many people now not being able to handle wheat well, maybe it isn’t the natural wheat, but the GMO wheat that is to blame! Making humans and animals sick, poisoning the
land and our bodies. BT corn makes it’s own pesticide inside itself, poison.
Humanity evolved on meat for thousands of years, and through personal experience I can tell you that I agree that veganism is not as healthy as an omnivorous diet. The strength of the vegetarian argument will always be ethical, in my opinion. Yet, I also recognize that humanity is in a constant state of war with nature as is clearly gleaned through our dependence on science and technology. It is through science and technology that I feel we have finally gotten to a point where we do not have to live under the law of predation anymore, that we can limit the suffering we impose upon other beings by eating life forms in a much denser form of consciousness like plants, and, animal bye-products that do not require the killing of the animal in order to sustain ourselves. For me, the choice to eliminate animal flesh from my diet is my benevolent soul’s indignant response towards the malign nature of this world. In this way I see the path of non-violence as a path towards liberation from natures law of predation, and, the actualization of my own inherent divinity. A form of rebirth, and resurrection, if you will.
I agree with what your saying here Bronte. BUT, for example Perennial fruit trees, and also vegetables, such as apples, strawberries, artichoke.
Would you say they have more a giving nature? Where they actually produce fruit for us to enjoy? They don’t die afterwards. Albeit the fruit they produce does, but could it be that some things were meant for us to eat and enjoy and take pleasure in? Such as trees that bear fruit?
I am in the process of switching from a cooked vegan to a fruitarian diet that includes greens and small amounts of nuts. Fruit and nuts are given whereas the greens are picked off but at least the plant is not killed. I think this is the best diet, but I think any healthy vegan diet is good. There is a big community of fruitarians online. Bodybuilders, pro level cyclists, ultra marathon runners, mothers and children. And you can get advice from these people. Some have been doing it 5years, others 10+years and some 30+years.

If you have seaweed and eggs while avoiding too much soy and having lots of leafy greens in your vegetarian diet often almost everyday then the vegetarian diet works and is healthy. With (free range)eggs you are not killing anything as it is not alive. Now loosh if one learns to gather divine energy (the energy that is spread out in this creation through the sacrifice of a god etc..)buy using alchemy then the demonic loosh harvesters will leave one alone ie they will be repulsed by your divine glow otherwise you get sucked and drained of vitality or loosh regularly..

if you don’t have enough divine glow you get lonely..upset..emotional etc all this produces loosh for the demons to gather and these demons are the rulers of this world they rule this world so the solution is to be in the world but not of the world and learn to gather up the god particles so you glow with divine peace and are not easily upset or overly emotional and so become victims of the loosh harvesters.

This is I think what everyone has to learn eventually like the universal lesson of life. Look at the movie The Golden compass it has a very interesting story line similar to what Ive been talking about here.
Also, your definition of loosh is incorrect: go back and read Robert Monroe again, or the above article. Loose is not divine, unconditional, loving energy as you mistakenly state.
Monroe defines it as loving energy combined with fear or other negative emotion. It is only exuded in an atmosphere of lack or threat (as when we feel lonely or when we are fighting to defend someone we love).

Not sure what your comment about Curt living in the city vs. the country means. Granted, taking part in nature is wonderful and beautiful, and exhilarating, but nature is also very cruel and violent. Are you saying that nature is wonderful now or are you sticking to the original premise of your article observing that this whole world is fundamentally flawed and is a factory for extracting energy?

Obviously there is a mix of both good and bad in this world but it is certainly not the kind of Paradise that I can conjure up in my mind. Certainly, if I were God I would create something much better than this. Of course that leads to his argument that I (we) did create this place to suffer in, or to your argument to use the Law of Attraction to actually create a better world. Also, you are saying he equates satan with God. Isn’t that what you are saying too? The Creator(s) of this world are not the divine, loving , etc. beings we mistakenly believe them to be. I think we all agree with that. So, yes, as the Gnostics have said millennia ago that Jehovah was indeed a Demiurge, or false, evil God.

We are outraged when we learn that we are on some menu, but like the lion and the zebra, it is all supposed to be this way. Our loosh has to be used its a tax of existence on his plane that even the devourers must pay. The big difference from the animals is that as human beings, maybe we have a choice to upgrade the frequency of the loosh we produce (from lower to higher), and thereby alter the details of the transaction. This physical universe is indeed a separation from God or the original , loving force behind it all. What did happen, our physical universe is energy based. To operate/manifest you need energy.
Would a loving God really create a world such as this for his own fun and entertainment? The big questions are: What do we do about it? Where do we go from here? How do we get ourselves and everyone else out of this mess.

They began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself. Than new owners came and took over of this planet and had a different appetite and different preferences than the former ones. They nourished themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power.
These new owners who came here 500,000 years ago and became known as the Annunaki. Magnificent beings spoken of in our Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. They came to Earth and rearranged the native human species.
They rearranged your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited frequency band whose frequency could feed them and keep them in power.


Anything [of DNA] that was unnecessary for survival and that could keep you informed was unplugged, leaving you with only a double helix that would lock you into controllable, operable frequencies.
A frequency fence, something like an electrical fence, was put around the-planet to control how much the frequencies of humans could be modulated and changed.
Negative beings: Causal interactions involve exchanges of energy. For two realms to exchange energy they must share some degree of resonance.
The weaker the resonance, the more energy is needed for entities of one realm to directly affect those of another. Negative entities are usually not in full resonance with their targets and are therefore limited in what they can directly do to them. However, with additional energy they can compensate for weak resonance and impact realms otherwise beyond their influence.

This energy is known as loosh, identically the lifeforce energy harvested from human suffering, the emotional energy expended in the learning of lessons, and the psychic energy expelled through prayer and ritual. For every frequency of vibration, the soul may emit loosh at that frequency.
A comparison may be drawn to laser energy of a particular color. Entities with low soul frequencies consume energy of a low frequency.

Not only does loosh fuel the expansion and crossing of realm boundaries as discussed earlier in context of learning lessons and surrogate motivators, but it allows negative entities to more strongly manifest in the realms of their targets. Loosh is a commodity in higher realms because it is the very fuel of trans dimensional navigation and conquest.

Having been through the eastern religion circuit myself i came to realize on my own that the system of re-intarnation and karma was, at its core, evil and cruel. For a god to come up with a system like that he/she would have to be very cruel indeed. I also see that the killing of the ego is also a system to keep us suppressed and in denial of our very own natural wants and desires. On the other hand, using the Law of Attraction to create a better world for oneself seems to be a better alternative and perhaps the answer to our dilemma. Perhaps we need to reclaim our power and our own godlike powers. Of course that’s what the religions warn us about: thinking we (our egos) are equal to God and that we should be seeking Oneness with God, not separation. Personally, I don’t want to be one with with the cruel bastards, but I do have the desire to hook up with the Prime benevolent power in the Universe. The thing about the LOA that I don’t like, and an idea you have posited, is that of physical immortality.
Even if I were to rise above the negative forces of this planet (haven’t yet) I still do not want an eternity in the physical body. I have to believe our destiny is a spiritual one.

I don’t see a contradiction between what I wrote in the article and my reply to Curt. This world as it currently is seems to be a siphoning system, but the natural beings who have chosen to inhabit it the spirits that manifest as the trees and animals and vegetation are not they beautiful?
We find ourselves drawn to Nature because it soothes and inspires us. I think Nature soothes us because by going out in the wild, we place ourselves in close proximity to these pure entities, and their calm spirits heal and restore us. We can love our fellow beings and at the same time acknowledge that the world has been hijacked by predatory entities. I have a hard time believing the world was created by these entities, though. All the beauty and goodness that abounds in spite of them points to an original plan for the creation of the world coming from Someone loving and good, Someone whose desire was to create something joyous and beautiful. I say this throughout my articles, so again no contradiction.

As far as your comment about not wanting to live in a physical body forever goes: as a free being, a master of living, you would not need to unless you wanted to. You would be able to dissolve the body at will and leave this dimension, or recreate the body at will if you wished to come back.
Mastery is about freedom, choice, and empowerment, not about whether you choose to hang around in this physical dimension or in some other one.
One thing Monroe talked about again and again was that he knew for SURE that his spirit or soul would live forever. He also indicated his evolution over many lives. This certainly sheds some light on the concept of loosh. I’m not sure how it all fits but I think it’s not nearly as depressing as we think.

I certainly wish I knew what Robert was holding back but maybe it was somehow counterproductive to our growth Also I find it interesting that the New Testament’s main point is that Christ died once and for all as a sacrifice for our sins.
Now, most people get hanged up on the Loosh Factory concept but after that chapter he becomes aware that he NEVER actually’ manufactured any loosh, meaning he still had is own INTERNAL work in order to generate pure and true loosh.
With freedom comes power, with power, responsibility, that’s what the collective human specie is working at.
Gurdjieff also talked about humans being’ the food of the moon just FYI. I wouldn’t worry about it. Plants and animals are food to us and they don’t question their reality, what they may question is HOW they get to being our food (a carrot would probably dream of growing health without any chemical treatments or a hog would dream of bathing in the mud and running around green fields instead of being locked in a gestation cage where it can even turn around on its side).

I don’t believe in any holy book or that Christ died for our sins. Sin is a concept these deceptive/delusional divine masters use to make everybody feel guilty and fearful enough to become their total follower. Nobody died for my sins! lol

The Roman Emperor Constantine (who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire) married his way into power.
His wife mysteriously disappeared. His second wife was his ticket to the throne. Then he had her killed. His third wife was a prostitute (Theodora) who had risen to the throne in the same diabolical ways Constantine had and who lived to have a devastating effect on the belief in reincarnation.

Theodora feared that her sins would follow from lifetime to lifetime and this infuriated her. She did not like the idea of karma (what the Bible refers to as the reaping and sowing effect through one or more lives of one’s actions)

Theodora’s life was filled with lies and treachery. She was not interested in advocated any religion that would demote her in another life.
Thus, she persuaded Emperor Constantine to remove reincarnation from Christianity.
This action was engineered by Theodora and her various ecclesiastical henchmen, who imprisoned the elderly then-pope (when he refused to summon the council) and consequently had him sent to a forced-labor camp for six months until he agreed to sign the illegitimate council’s rulings.
It was also at that time that almost all the writings of the renowned Origen, a Church Father who wrote about the truth of reincarnation (among other things), were systematically collected and burned.

The idea that the soul would go through many lifetimes on its journey toward relationship with God (and that salvation was not dependent on obeying the man made dictates of an increasingly corrupt church system but was a millennia-long process of experiencing many lives with with spiritual elders in between as a means of returning to oneness with the Creator, the One, and with each other) was simply too dangerous to the power-hungry Theodora’s schemes to be allowed. And thus, we are all victims of our ignorance of church history, including the corruption and oppression brought in by the Roman Catholic Church from non-Hebraic cultures and traditions.

Thanks for commenting.

Loosh an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans-engendered by human activity which tigers emotion, the highest of such emotion being Love/Loosh
Something, Somewhere ( or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug (sic) a substance ident Loosh.
This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who posses Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for.
We are being trawled for our human energy. I was starkly reminded of this the other day when I saw someone walking around with a Chevron t-shirt which sported their logo and new motto: human energy. How ironic. For most people, the motto probably seems harmless enough, or maybe even benevolent, showing a kindhearted corporation caring about its employees and the world, or recognizing the importance of the people running its operations. Yet if you understand the occult foundation of corporate logos, you’ll know that Chevron’s logo is really a pyramid (2 levels of the corner edges).

The pyramid is favorite image of the New World Order, because it represents a tiny hierarchy at the top being held up by a large majority at the bottom, and symbolizes the compartmentalization of knowledge the further you go up. Just like its logo, Chevrons motto has nothing at all to do with caring for people, and everything to do with controlling people and harvesting energy from the human farm,
looking at people as nothing more than batteries that create energy (ever wonder why corporations call it human resources.

Corporations (like Chevron, spin off from Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil) have cut a deal with the real devil or harvester. Corporate heads are middle managers in the equation. They are conduits to set up human farms, and funnel human energy upwards.

The Ultimate Point of the Conspiracy: Harvesting Energy from the Human Farm

When looking at the headlines and news each day, it’s useful to take a step back sometimes and ask yourself: why? What’s the point of all this control? The NWO conspirators have all the money, wealth and prestige they could want. Some of them are the international banksters that own the money printing press and could literally print what they wanted. Some of them would never have enough time to spend all their money.
At a certain point the game is not about money; it’s about power and it’s about energy or more specifically, human energy.
It’s about setting up a system where people at the top sit around all day, managing the human farm, while their economic or literal slaves do all the work to benefit the controllers. Check out Stefan Molyneux’s great ebook The Handbook of Human Ownership for the precise history and techniques behind it all.
NWO-owned corporations are the middle managers in this equation: they are the physical conduits through which the human energy is funneled upwards.
These NWO conspirators are not the ultimate controllers, because they themselves are being demonically possessed and the force which is doing the possessing is a group of non-human entities which many
have referred to as the Archons.
Human Energy = Loosh/ Food for the Archons

Loosh is defined by the urban as an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans engendered by human activity.
Shocking as it may seem, humans are not at the top of the food chain. Listen to what Bronte Baxter had to say about the human farm and loosh in her article Tracking the Crack in the Universe.

Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.
In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call loosh.

The old race also called ones or people of the light.

They understood how to create life, and they wanted this territory for their own reasons. Territories are created and held by certain energies for many reasons, one of which is that there is consciousness within all things.
Consciousness communicates continuously. Consciousness vibrates, or can be led to vibrate, at certain electromagnetic frequencies.
Electromagnetic energies of consciousness can be influenced to vibrate in a certain way to create a perfect source of food. Consciousness can be prepared and ingested in a variety of ways. Some entities, in the process of their own evolution, began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness, they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge.

They than began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself.
Than new owners of this planet arrived and had a different appetite and different preferences than the former ones.
They nourished themselves with chaos and fear the more the better. These aliens used to feed of the effected humans, it stimulated them, and kept them in power.

These new owners who came here 300,000 years ago are the magnificent beings spoken of in our\Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. They came to Earth\and rearranged the native human species.

It was Zecharia Sitchin who translated and reinterpreted ancient tablets and inscriptions (many of them non-existent or not documented by any archaeologist or specialist in -Babylonian languages) from the villages where the first produced food or loosh for the Archons in a massive way, by scaring the captives on the human farm.

14th Anniversary: Recall 9/11 Was a Mass Ritual to Generate Loosh

As we approach the 9/11 14th anniversary, it is worth remembering that ultimate point of that horrendous false flag operation: to ritually sacrifice people, scare the wits out of anyone else and generate a large amount of loosh. It’s no coincidence that the operation was carried out on 9/11 when 911 is the emergency number dialed in the US. Think how many times our so-called leaders have said that the world changed forever on 9/11\’94
. Like the hackneyed term national security, 9/11 has become the excuse for the NWO conspirators to do anything they want, whether it’s expanding Government (creation of the DHS), passing draconian legislation (The Patriot Act), attacking innocent, sovereign and foreign nations (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.), squelching key aspects of the Bill of Rights and concocting an entirely new faceless, enemy-less and endless wars. The Fake War on Terror. What a tremendous amount of loosh for the Archons!

We are all food of the gods on the human farm until we reclaim our awareness and break free.
Solution: Make a Strong Determination Not to Be Food on a Human Farm. Like it or not, we live in a predatory universe. Not all of Nature is predatory, but it’s certainly an aspect which is present in a large degree. In our arrogance we may think we are at the top of the food chain, but maybe were not.
There is copious evidence from ancient accounts and current ET contacts/abductees that we are not alone in the Universe, and that there are hostile advanced races who are happy to feed on human energy.
Getting out of the human farm starts with waking up to the truth that the human farm exists. Fortunately, the signs are that a lot of people are doing that. Hopefully it will be fast enough before the NWO becomes too entrenched.

Not only does loosh fuel the expansion and crossing of realm boundaries as discussed earlier in context of learning lessons and surrogate motivators, but it allows negative entities to more strongly manifest in the realms of their targets. Loosh is a commodity in higher realms because it is the very fuel of trans dimensional navigation and conquest.
Energy harvested from one region can be rerouted to another. For example, a natural disaster in one
part of the world may provide negative entities with sufficient energy to penetrate the realms of targets
Other sources of energy include occult and religious rituals. Sunday worship provides “mass” amounts of energy and affords negative forces easier attack opportunities on Sunday than other days of the week. The moon plays an important part in energy harvesting by depressing global frequencies twice a month and initiating a veritable feeding frenzy for negative entities; this is what Gurdjieff meant by mankind being food for the moon.

Without it negative forces are handicapt because they are not in full resonance with their targets. Trying to get more by letting the humans life in a reign of violence, terror, war by influencing there environment in a negative way. The more they can harvest the stronger they get.
Using simple but direct techniques to access higher consciousness, I have concluded that children displaying past life memories are not actually the direct reincarnation of the people whose memories they seem to share.
This is puzzling and rather illogical. However, there always seems to be a soul group connection, leading me to consider the possibility that our spiritual guides are souls we have been the closest to in our past lives. Furthermore, these guides may observe and even experience by proxy many of our thoughts and actions upon the Earth Plane
Reincarnation is still one of life’s grand mysteries, and while we gather more information about it, we must remain open to many possible explanations for it, if we are genuinely interested in discovering the
true nature of reality.

Writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
CORRECTED because it did not come out properly before:
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The concept of loosh, in my opinion, holds a major clue to human freedom. What is loosh, as it was
described to Robert Monroe? It is a kind of energy that animals and humans generate in situations that involve two things: an intense desire plus a negative emotion. In the last article I equated loosh with force.
But when loosh arises in the harvestable form, it is laced with some form of negativity: fear (in the example of a mother defending her young),

Sadness or hopelessness (in the example of a lonely person), fear again (in the example of prey/predator combat). So how do we explain this? Life energy isn’t negative, so what really is loosh?

It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. It’s that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But it’s more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. It’s something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an
overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy.

Let me explain more concretely. Whenever we have a strong desire without tangential feelings of fear, sadness, remorse, etc., what do we experience? A surge of life, a re-charge. We say pumped or psyched.
We feel power. But when we have a strong desire accompanied by the negative emotions, that’s another story. Then our strong desire seems to churn inside us, causing anguish. In the first case, our life energy is infused into us from somewhere. In the second case, it’s being infused and at the same time being drained away.

Hence no re-charge.
Negative emotions come from an attitude, a decision that has been struck by a very deep part of us, the subconscious mind.
The subconscious decision behind a negative emotion like fear or sadness is something like this won’t work, I can never have it, I’m sure to fail.
Self-messages from the deep influence what happens to us in outer, material reality.
If were engaged in combat, a self-defeating attitude determines that we lose. If were trying to create something nice, this attitude jinxes us. If we have a fabulous dream, a negative subconscious decision ordains that the dream remains a wish and never becomes reality.

Negative self-talk, which results from self-doubt on the subconscious level, also opens the door to being harvested. When the subconscious has decided that we can’t get what we want, that we will fail, that fundamental ruling relinquishes the reins that control our destiny, in spite of the positive thoughts we may be consciously thinking.

Hence no re-charge.
Negative emotions come from an attitude, a decision that has been struck by a very deep part of us, the subconscious mind.
The subconscious decision behind a negative emotion like fear or sadness is something like this won’t work, I can never have it, I’m sure to fail.
Self-messages from the deep influence what happens to us in outer, material reality.
If were engaged in combat, a self-defeating attitude determines that we lose. If were trying to create something nice, this attitude jinxes us. If we have a fabulous dream, a negative subconscious decision ordains that the dream remains a wish and never becomes reality.

Negative self-talk, which results from self-doubt on the subconscious level, also opens the door to being harvested. When the subconscious has decided that we can’t get what we want, that we will fail, that fundamental ruling relinquishes the reins that control our destiny, in spite of the positive thoughts we may be consciously thinking.

Self-doubt puts the outcome of any endeavor on the cosmic freebie shelf, where anyone who wants can come and take it over. That’s the reason behind the expression, Victory belongs to the most committed. The individual with the least negative self-talk about a competitive outcome wins, because that is the person with the fewest internal obstructions to manifesting their desire.
Negative self-talk makes it possible to be defeated by an opponent with a more user-friendly subconscious. It also opens the door for trawling psychic entities, like the gods\’ or Monroe’s light being, to lap up the influx of energy that our strong desire has instigated. No such in-road exists when a strong desire is accompanied by a determined intention. The energy drain only happens when negative self-talk contaminates the process of strongly desiring something. Then the tears come, or the sadness, or the fear or the outrage, and that self-undermining mindset that shouts can’t do this!
Shoots a hole in our manifestation, letting the wonderful energy drain away to benefit those who know how to cart it away and make use of it.
Did they steal it, these loosh harvesters? Actually, they didn’t. We gave them permission subconsciously. We said can’t handle this, so somebody else decided. That’s what happens when you put your life or desires on the freebie shelf of the universe.

To put again in a nutshell:

Strong desire + authoritative intent = influx of life energy stored (spiritual empowerment)

Strong desire + self-defeating attitude = influx of life energy siphoned (spiritual harvesting)

What’s emerging from this picture is that intent is everything. Intent is the reverse side of permission. Holding a determined intention is the key to both success in a given situation and to personal empowerment from that situation, while having a weak intent (a desire polluted by self-doubt) is tantamount to permission for someone else to step in. This spills the life energy and places the key to a situation’s outcome into the hands of something outside ourselves.

I can relate part of this history from personal experience:\par Many billions of years ago I was a member of a very large biological laboratory in a galaxy far from this one. It was called the “Arcadia
Regeneration Company”. I was a biological engineer working with a large staff of technicians. It was our business to manufacture and supply new life forms to uninhabited planets. There were millions of star systems with millions of inhabitable planets in the region at that time.

There were many other biological laboratory companies at that time also.
Each of them specialized in producing different kinds of life forms, depending on the “class” of the planet being populated. Over a long span of time these laboratories developed a vast catalogue of species throughout the galaxies. The majority of basic genetic material is common to all species of life. Therefore, most of their work was concerned with manipulating alterations of the basic genetic pattern to produce variations of life forms that would be suitable inhabitants for various planetary classes.
The “Arcadia Regeneration Company” specialized in mammals for \par forested areas and birds for tropical regions. Our marketing staff negotiated contracts with various planetary governments and independent buyers from all over the universe. The technicians created animals that were compatible with the variations in climate, atmospheric and terrestrial density and chemical content.
In addition we were paid to integrate our specimens with biological organisms engineered by other
companies already living on a planet.
In order to do this our staff was in communication with other companies who created life forms. There were industry trade shows, publications and a variety of other information supplied through an association that coordinated related projects.

As you can imagine, our research required a great deal of interstellar travel to conduct planetary surveys. This is when I learned my skills as a pilot. The data gathered was accumulated in huge computer databases and evaluated by biological engineers.

Based on the survey data gathered, designs and artistic renderings were made for new creatures. Some designs were sold to the highest bidder.
ther life forms were created to meet the customized requests of our clients.

The design and technical specifications were passed along an assembly line through a series of cellular, chemical, and mechanical engineers to solve the various problems. It was their job to integrate all of the component factors into a workable, functional and aesthetic finished product.
Prototypes of these creatures were then produced and tested in artificially created environments. Imperfections were worked out, modifications made and eventually the new life form was “endowed” or “animated” with a life force or spiritual energy before being introduced into the actual planetary environment for final testing.
After a new life form was introduced, we monitored the interaction of these biological organisms with the planetary environment and with other indigenous life-forms. Conflicts resulting from the interaction between incompatible organisms were resolved through negotiation between ourselves and other companies. The negotiations usually resulted in compromises requiring further modification to our creatures or to theirs or both. This is part of a science or art you call “Eugenics”.

In some cases changes were made in the planetary environment, but not often, as planet building is much more complex than making changes to an individual life form.

Coincidentally, a friend and engineer with whom I used to work with at the Arcadia Regeneration Company

  • a long time after I left the company – told me that one of the projects they contracted to do, in more recent times, was to deliver life forms to Earth to replenish them after a war in this region of the galaxy devastated most of the life on the planet’s in this region of space. This would have been about seventy million years ago.
    The skill required to modify the planet into an ecologically interactive environment that will support billions of diverse species was an immense undertaking. Specialized consultants from nearly every biotechnology company in the galaxy were brought in to help with the project.
    What you see now on Earth is the huge variety of life forms left behind. Your scientists believe that the fallacious “theory of evolution” is an explanation for the existence of all the life forms here. The truth is that all life forms on this and any other planet in this universe were created by companies like ours.
    How else can you explain the millions of completely divergent and unrelated species of life on the land and in the oceans of this planet? How else can you explain the source of spiritual animation which defines every living creature?
    To say it is the work of “god”, is far too broad. Every IS-BE has many names and faces in many times and places. Every IS-BE is a god. When they inhabit a physical object they are the source of Life.

For example, there are millions of species of insects. About \par 350,000 of these are species of beetles. There may be as many as 100 million species of life forms on Earth at any given time. In addition, there are many times more extinct species of life on Earth than there are living life forms.
Some of these will be rediscovered in the fossil or geological records of Earth.

The current “theory of evolution” of life forms on Earth does not consider the phenomena of biological diversity. Evolution by natural selection is science fiction.
One species does not accidentally, or randomly evolve to become another species, as the Earth textbooks indicate, without manipulation of genetic material by an IS-BE.
A simple example of IS-BE intervention is the selective breeding of a species. Within the past few hundred years several hundred dog breeds and hundreds of varieties of pigeons and dozens of Koi fish have been “evolved” in just a few years, beginning with only one original breed. Without active intervention by IS-BEs, biological organisms rarely change.

The development of an animal like the ‘duck-billed platypus’ required a lot of very clever engineering to combine the body of a beaver with the bill of a duck and make a mammal that lays eggs. Undoubtedly, some wealthy client placed a “special order” for it as a gift or curious amusement. I am sure the laboratory of some biotechnical company worked on it for years to make it a self-replicating life form!

The notion that the creation of any life form could have resulted from a coincidental chemical interaction moldering up from some primordial ooze is beyond absurdity! Factually, some organisms on Earth, such as Proteobacteria, are modifications of a Phylum designed primarily for “Star Type 3, Class C” planets. In other words, The Domain designation for a planet with an anaerobic atmosphere nearest a large, intensely hot blue star, such as those in the constellation of Orion’s Belt in this galaxy.

Creating life forms is very complex, highly technical work for IS-BEs who specialize in this field. Genetic anomalies are very baffling to Earth biologists who have had their memory erased.

Unfortunately, the false memory implantations of the “Old Empire” prevent Earth scientists from observing obvious anomalies.
The greatest technical challenge of biological organisms was the invention of self-regeneration, or sexual reproduction. It was invented as the solution to the problem of having to continually manufacture replacement creatures for those that had been destroyed and eaten by other creatures. Planetary governments did not want to keep buying replacement animals.

The idea was contrived trillions of years ago as a result of a conference held to resolve arguments between the disputing vested interests within the biotechnology industry.

The infamous “Council of Yuhmi-Krum” was responsible for coordinating creature production.

A compromise was reached, after certain members of the Council were strategically bribed or murdered, to author an agreement which resulted in the biological phenomenon which we now call the “food chain”.

The idea that a creature would need to consume the body of another life form as an energy source was offered as a solution by one of the biggest companies in the biological engineering business. They specialized in creating insects and flowering plants.

The connection between the two is obvious. Nearly every flowering plant requires a symbiotic relationship with an insect in order to propagate.
The reason is obvious: both the bugs and the flowers were created by the same company. Unfortunately, this same company also had a division which created parasites and bacteria.
The name of the company roughly translated into English would be “Bugs & Blossoms”. They wanted to justify the fact that the only valid purpose of the parasitic creatures they manufactured was to aid the decomposition of organic material. There was a very limited market for such creatures at that time.

In order to expand their business they hired a big public relations firm and a powerful group of political lobbyists to glorify the idea that life forms should feed from other life forms.
They invented a “scientific theory” to use as a promotion gimmick. The theory was that all creatures needed to have “food” as a source of energy.
Before that, none of the life forms being manufactured required any external energy.
Animals did not eat other animals for food, but consumed sunlight, minerals or vegetable matter only.
Of course, “Bugs & Blossoms” went into the business of designing and manufacturing carnivores. Before long, so many animals were being eaten as food that the problem of replenishing them became very difficult. As a ‘solution’, “Bugs & Blossoms” proposed, with the help of some strategically placed bribes in high places, that other companies begin using ‘sexual reproduction’ as the basis for replenishing life-forms.
“Bugs & Blossoms” was the first company to develop blueprints for sexual reproduction, of course.
Process required to implant stimulus-response mating, cellular dAs expected, the patent licenses for the biological ngineering ivision and preprogrammed growth patterns for self-regenerating animals were owned by “Bugs & Blossoms” too.
Through the next few million years laws were passed that required that these programs be purchased by the other biological technology companies. These were required to be imprinted into the cellular design of all existing life-forms. It became a very expensive undertaking for other biotechnology companies to make such an awkward, and impractical idea work.
This led to the corruption and downfall of the entire industry.

Ultimately, the ‘food and sex’ idea completely ruined the bio-technology industry, including “Bugs & Blossoms”.

The entire industry faded away as the
market for manufactured life forms disappeared. Consequently, when a species became extinct, there is no way to replace them because the technology of creating new life forms has been lost.
Obviously, none of this technology was ever known on Earth, and probably never will be.There are still computer files on some planets far from here which record the procedures for biological engineering. Possibly the laboratories and computers still exist somewhere. However, there is no one around doing anything with them. Therefore, you can understand why it is so important for The Domain to protect the dwindling number of creatures left on Earth.
The core concept behind ‘sexual reproduction’ technology was the invention of a chemical/electronic interaction called “cyclical stimulus-response generators”.

This is an programmed genetic mechanism which causes a seemingly spontaneous, recurring impulse to reproduce. The same technique was later adapted and applied to biological flesh bodies, including Homo Sapiens.
Another important mechanism used in the reproductive process, especially with Homo Sapiens type bodies, is the implantation of a “chemical-electrical trigger” mechanism in the body.

The “trigger” which attracts IS-BEs to inhabit a human body, or any kind of “flesh body”, is the use of an artificially imprinted electronic wave which uses “aesthetic pain” to attract the IS-BE.
Every trap in the universe, including those used to capture IS-BEs who remain free, is “baited” with an aesthetic electronic wave.
The sensations caused by the aesthetic wavelength are more attractive to an IS-BE than any other sensation. When the electronic waves of pain and beauty are combined together, this causes the IS-BE to get “stuck” in the body.

The “reproductive trigger” used for lesser life forms, such as cattle and other mammals, is triggered by chemicals emitted from the scent glands, combined with reproductive chemical-electrical impulses stimulated by testosterone, or estrogen.

These are also interactive with nutrition levels which cause the life form to reproduce more when deprived of food sources. Starvation promoted reproductive activity as a means of perpetuating survival through future regenerations, when the current organism fails to survive. These fundamental principles have been applied throughout all species of life.

The debilitating impact and addiction to the “sexual esthetic-pain” electronic wave is the reason that the ruling class of The Domain do not inhabit flesh bodies. This is also why officers of The Domain Forces only use doll bodies.
This wave has proven to be the most effective trapping device ever created in the history of the universe, as far as I know.
The civilizations of The Domain and the “Old Empire” both depend on this device to “recruit” and maintain a work force of IS-BEs who inhabit flesh bodies on planets and installations. These IS-BEs are the “working class” beings who do all of the slavish, manual, undesirable work on planets.
As I mentioned, there is a very highly regimented and fixed hierarchy or “class system” for all IS-BEs throughout the “Old Empire”, and The Domain, as follows:
The highest class are “free” IS-BEs. That is, they are not restricted to the use of any type of body and may come and go at will, provided quote s look at this from another angle.

What is that inrush of energy you feel when you have a powerful desire, the kind that’s uncorrupted with negative mind chatter? When you get that flush of inspiration, that idea of something wonderful you could be or do or create or experience, how do you feel? You are flooded with energy and joy. If it happens in the middle of the night, you are up for hours.
There’s power in a dream, in a desire. Because dreaming and desiring are what? they re-attached to something. They’re like a pipeline, bringing in an unbounded rush of energy. Where does that come from? What is it that such great thoughts tap into?
Whatever it is, it seems to be the font of the life force itself. The energy that rushes in from that place is strong enough to empower people to lift cars that have fallen on the body of a loved one. Its strong enough to give the victory in battle to the physically weaker party.
When we desire something, or dream of something that instills a desire, that need reaches into the deepest part of ourselves, a realm that is a powerhouse of energy and consciousness. Unless we obstruct the natural process by throwing up self-doubt, the Infinite, this powerhouse, responds to our desire like a reservoir responds to an opening pipeline: it rushes in to fill it.

That’s why energy suffuses us in our inspired moments and in our crisis moments. We are becoming more powerful, more filled with life, at those times.
We are garnering spiritual power.

In those moments we are fulfilling the intention of the life force to create and to manifest, and to become a unique embodiment of itself: an empowered creator, making manifest more creation, more expressions of life.

Powerful, authoritative desire is the key to personal empowerment, spiritual empowerment. That s why those who feed off human life created religious teachings that tell us desire is bad. If we believe it s bad to want things, our desires will never be powerful, never full of confident intent. They will be wimpy and ridden with self-doubt: just the thing the psychic trawlers like, because then our pipeline to the Infinite has holes in it, making any incoming energy harvestable.
So passion, or what Ive been calling authoritative intent,brings in spiritual power. Self-doubt brings
in the harvesters. Loosh is the power of the Source, the power of life. When we access it through desire, it infuses us, unless we let it be drained off by doubting ourselves, by shooting holes in our pipeline.

Intent and permission are reverse sides of will, and will is one of the faculties of personhood. We can give it away through permission, letting our energy be siphoned and our souls assimilated into oneness with the harvesters.

Or we can build our will and grow in personal empowerment. We are told that being spiritual means surrendering our ego (our desires and our self-hood). But true spiritual empowerment will never be achieved by bending before the gods in self-abnegation.

Spiritual empowerment means living the power of the Infinite as unique expressions of the Infinite, which is what our spirits were long before the gods got hold of us. Long before the creation of this physical universe took place.

Freedom means taking back control of ourselves through will, taking back control of our spirits. It means exercising will to think the thoughts we desire, not the thoughts the trawlers want us to think.

And freedom means much more. It means, through intent, hooking up our bodies to run on the intelligence, love and energy of the Infinite, rather than on the limited grid of DNA. DNA was created by (or at least is currently controlled by) the gods, our harvesters. It is programmed with our decay and death. We can overcome the program by establishing ourselves in our nature as one with our spiritual Source
e. When we ordain, from our authority as sons and daughters of the Infinite, then the power behind our wishes brings them to fruit, whatever our declaration might be. We can ordain a parking place, or we can ordain a healing, or immortality. We can ordain

Personal freedom from harassment by purveyors of the global agenda. We can also work together with other awakening creators, and ordain freedom for mankind. Working on behalf of all material creation, we can ordain freedom and happiness for all beings in the physical universe. We can establish material life on a new level, where death, lack and suffering are never part of the picture again.
We can claim our own divinity, and oust the regime that controls this dimension. And if we choose to ordain that, we must do it in love and compassion for the trawlers, not in revenge and hate, because a made-new world is no place for negative things.
The harvesters are hungry, like everybody else. The gods are no worse than we are when we eat chicken or beef, or when we set up pens on a farm. They eat our energy because they know no other way to live. Our life force sustains them, while they make us their minions.
But just as we don’t need meat to live, just as we can rewire ourselves to live off the power of the Infinite
e within us, so, too, can these gods. What better way to help them learn to tap their internal spiritual resources than by removing their external food source, rendering ourselves unavailable? When humankind takes back its power and its home in the universe, the psychic vampires will have empty nets from their trawling and will have to look to the same Source we were being forced to look to for ongoing life.

This learning process, for both mankind and gods, won’t be easy and may not always be pretty. But it’s the door to everyone’s freedom, the door to a new life. We can no longer afford to let paradise remain a metaphysical concept. We have to make it reality.
Because it’s the only alternative, at this time in history, to assimilation. Our enemies wish not only to harvest our energy but to assimilate our consciousness, our individual souls. That is their plan with their New World Order, where all will be microchipped servants of global government. That is their plan with a universal religion, where all will surrender their egos and amalgamate into Oneness consciousness: the impersonal consciousness of enlightenment stripped of desires, originality, joy, passion, and the power to choose.
We either let them accomplish this by doing nothing, or we take action now. We pick up the forgotten key to freedom, call it whatever you will: choice, personal will, authoritative intent, impassioned and confident desire.
We elect to become the children of the Infinite that we forgot how to be. We take back our birthright
as sons and daughters of the original, loving, joyous divine intention.
How will that happen? The Infinite will show the way. Once we hook up our pipeline of desire and shore up the holes of self-doubt in other words, once we take back our power.

Original Consciousness can pump its life into our flagging bodies and spirits once more. With that will come inspiration and ideas. Connections will get made. When that starts happening to enough of us, how can the New World Order do anything but fail?
Just thought of something in herbology herbs create an enviroment for wich the body can heal and each herb creates certain enviroments for healing.
The healing process caused frome us ingesting the life force from the plants. . . . . .And the loosh expelled from the plant try’s opening the blockages allowing for normal circulation. . . .or something like that kind of a random thought, i was just reading something about medicinal herbs the other day, and saw a kinda trend in this article that kinda related to what they were saying in the book. . . .
Just by being aware of the process allows us the opportunity to succeed!
Along with our daily experince with suffering and inspiration we must also become conciously aware of ourselves during the dreamstate.
The Dreamstate will allow us to experience many more conciously uncontrolled instances in a shorter period of (time) than we could experience
in the waking state.
Could the dreamstate be the perfect vehicle to create and induce the desired situations needed for those who use and harvest Loosh?
So my question now is. What kinds of meditation practices are fruitful, in that they don\rquote t mire us in the further energy harvest game?

Are kundalini cultivating practices safe?
REPLY FROM BRONTE: I haven\rquote t decided yet what to make of kundalini practices there is clearly a lot of energy involved, but are we being consumed by something, or is it our own energy rising in the body? I know people with severe kunalini who describe it as burning alive, their self-identity being pulverized by an outside force, which they think must be God. This makes me very suspicious.
I meditate almost daily and find it a useful centering process, a place of answers and inspiration. I don\rquote
t use a mantra or any specific technique. I simply reign in my awareness and focus it on itself. I have a friend who never studied any formal meditation who has naturally taught herself to do the same thing (without ever talking to anyone about it, including me).
I believe coming back to home base is a natural ability all of us have, if we but take the time to sit down, close our eyes, and do it.
In fact, it’s such a powerful process that the dark entities running the world must ensure that it’s somehow railroaded, that they themselves garner the energy and power the practice would normally give to the practitioner.
There was a time when I quit meditating, in disgust over the lies I had been taught. Now I realize I was only cutting myself off from my own power source, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It’s important not to stop spiritual pursuits just because self-serving entities try to step between ourselves and our mastery of life. Such defection plays right into their plan

Im not sure what to make of loosh. Are you saying it’s an electrochemical event? At one point you compared it to adrenaline. Adrenaline, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA etc are all neurotransmitters produced by the thalamus and adrenal cortex for a variety of functions, not just fight or flight. They influence mood, sleep and thought. So are you saying that these subtle beings are so subtle that they are microscopic, that they are in our synaptic clefts stealing our neurotransmitters? How are they utilizing those chemicals? Do they have recptors in their subtle bodies (the bodies which are somehow small enough to fit in our clefts?)
Why don’t they just rob a pharmacy? They could get all the synthetic neurotransmitters they could ever wish for.
It’s true that there are unseen forces.

Quantum physics has established that. But to assign these forces motives and blame them for our own maladaptive behaviours and failed coping mechanisms seems a little far fetched. To place oneself in the center of some cosmic battle seems a bit delusional and grandiose. Perhaps we are simply this gigantic wave you described not some individual entity drowning in it.
Perhaps we don’t need to fight for peace, freedom or utopia. Perhaps we are delusional to think that we should be free from suffering and only experience endless pleasure. It sounds like the same belief that these loosh-eaters promote. You say they steal the loosh from us to be happy. We turn around and steal the loosh from plants who have a desire to live and grow just like us.
But we justify it by saying their level of consciousness is too primitive for it to matter. Maybe the gods think of us a stupid plants too.
Maybe that’s why Kali ate only fruits, then switched to dry leaves and finally only water. Maybe the only way to free oneself from the cycle of stealing loosh and being robbed of loosh is to stop being a hypocrite and perform penance. Maybe that’s why Jesus repeatedly said to fast and pray.
The goddess Kali ate only fruits then leaves then water? I guess youre not counting the buckets of blood she loved to consume.
She was ravenous for blood, and that’s why shes depicted in Indian art with a bloody tongue hanging out and garlanded with a necklace of blood-dripping skulls.
That’s a thoughtful question about HOW the loosh energy is consumed, and one I also contemplate.
I believe it’s hard to determine because were dealing with entities more sophisticated than us on the food chain The same way it would be hard for a sheep to figure out what happens to its fleece after it’s shorn, and why its family members keep disappearing. It doesn’t see the axe, the stew pot, and the dinner table.

Robert Morning Sky wrote an interesting white paper about mitochondria and their possible role in all this. I don’t recall the details, but mitochondria are different from other elements in the cell. Independents or something and play a major role in metabolism. Could it be through these that the energy is transferred to the gods? But even though some physical substance that acts as a portal or gatekeeper is probably involved, part of the energy transfer must take place on an astral or ethereal level, since the energy will be consumed in an ethereal form.
But the ‘Farm’ must not be disturbed. No one wants the ‘Farm’ destroyed. And, since its attending Beasts (Mankind) may stampede in the upcoming solar system wars, and thus may cause destruction to the Farm, the Beast must be controlled.
Implanting a mind control device would be desirable, but unfortunately is highly impractical. If a cont
rol device in the brain is not feasible, then an external device placed in the immediate proximity of the brain is a viable alternative. But how can the Beast be fitted for and be expected to carry the device… voluntarily?
The Beast must be deceived.

The human brain functions on electronic frequencies that are matched by only one device on the retail market today, a device called a cellular phone. Fait accompli!
New personal electronic devices, another form of control units, will also increase in number and variety. Cassettes, CD players with headphones, virtual reality headgear, brain wave analyzers, lap top computers, personal pagers, beepers, and a host of new devices will keep Man ‘blanketed’ with the numbing and controlling electronic blanket.

in the form of medicines, mood changers, diet and weight control, pain relievers, sleep aids and sleep preventers will also be used to control Man.
Recreational drugs, including cigarettes, alcohol and narcotics, are yet another part of the control pro
grams designed to keep Man docile.
To avoid any chance that Man will be motivated to take a stand against any of the battling groups, and fight for himself, behavior modification will require that no human being be allowed status as ‘Hero’.

Therefore, only people who are examples of ‘appropriate’ behavior, will receive recognition and awards.

Victims, martyrs, tortured pow’s, people who die in service of their country… all examples of humans who do not fight back but endure great suffering… these will be the new ‘Heroes’, the new role models. Any human coming too close to Hero status, who behaves independently, will be the target of smear campaigns and worse, all intended to ‘bring them down’.

Population control must increase in intensity and in the numbers of programs. Only the ‘right’ men and women will be allowed to continue within the system of the ‘Farm’.

Disappearances and abductions, particularly of women and the youngest children will increase – ‘Thinning out’ undesirable populations will increase – New mysterious airborne diseases will be developed. Present-day medical treatments will be a thing of the past, minimally effective if at all. (The HENTA ‘break-out’, the HENT-T lizards? A coincidence?)

Obesity will increase, passivity will become desirable, and sexual dysfunction will increase in males. An increase in electronic transmissions will cause most female menstrual cycles to shorten from 28 days to near 25 day periods.
To maintain control of Mankind, NASA must be eliminated, or at least severely restricted in its scope. Man must stay stranded on Planet Earth. The search for intelligent life must not be continued.
It must be abandoned. A false claim of discovery may be made, but the end results must re-affirm the futility
of such a search.

The stage is set. The War is engaged. ERIDU is the prize, Man is the servant.

So long as Man seeks salvation ‘out there’, he paves the way for Beings vying to become his Overlords.
There are more first-hand witnesses to UFO’s, all reliable and professional, than there are to the ‘ball lightning’ phenomena. Government records show that many investigations of UFO’s have been
conducted by various agencies, even while denying publicly that they exist.

If they exist, Why haven’t they responded to our signals for contact? Why haven’t we ‘heard’ from them?
Why are no radio signals being received? Could there be, as the Author suggests, an electronic blanket, preventing them from reaching us?
Or are we being shunned? Are we kept in the dark to avoid a world wide panic? If they are benevolent, there would be no panic, there would be rejoicing in-the streets, elation in every life.
Man and an Extra-terrestrial being working together, what grander event could there be? And if they are benevolent, why deal only with the world governments? Would they not be more effective revealing the purpose of their presence to every person on this Earth? Are they prevented by some form of inter-galactic law to interfere in our life-form’s development? If there is such a law, who are the ‘channeled’ entities the world is flooded with?

Just as ice can transmute into water and then into vapor, energy can shift from physical form to etheric form and back again.
We know our emotional energy can transmute into physical energy, as when we get a burst of adrenaline due to extreme fear. It also can reverse and go the other way, as in cases of physical healing following emotional prayer or emotional focused visualization. Somehow, I expect, et hereal beings siphon off human emotional energy and retain it in their own emotional grid. Perhaps it’s not that different from what we do to one another when we encounter strong emotions in someone we love, hate from what we do to one another when we encounter strong emotions in someone we love, hate, or otherwise are emotionally connected to.
We seem to absorb the person’s emotion, while the other person’s intensity seems to diminish.
The articles in this blog series give evidence from a variety of perspectives supporting the theory that we are being siphoned energetically.
Try reading Making a Soul by Bennet, a student of Gurdjieff, for another interesting take on this.
I do agree with you that it’s hypocritical to be outraged at being siphoned when we ourselves siphon others, which is what we do when we kill something and eat it. You’re right, the plants have a desire to live, just as we do. Eating seems to be the essential weakness and the essential flaw in the universe.
Everything wears down, nothing can sustain itself on its own intrinsic energy forever, so everything takes the life of others in order to continue living. Surely it need not be like this, for there to be life. Surely, if all life springs from an infinite, undying energetic source, it should be possible for the expressions of that energy field to sustain themselves with the infinite energy that is their own essential nature.
I think the problem must be that we get so focused on outward things that we forget who we are, forget how to self-sustain. This problem is universal throughout known creation: even suns flame and die out, unable to sustain themselves forever. Why is that?
If we all are made of eternal, infinite energy, why don’t we manifest eternity and infinity?
Doesn’t make sense that we don’t, unless weve gotten so absorbed in the process of creation and living with what
weve created that weve forgotten ourselves. Then the solution would be to reconnect with our essential nature and reconstruct the way we habitually live. Since we each are cells in the universe, when the cells start getting this, the universe itself can conceivably change from a dying entity that literally eats itself to a being that can sustain itself on infinite energy forever. In other words, our minds, being part of the universe, influence the way the universe thinks.

You are confusing the physical universe with the universe of the spirit which is exterior to the physical.
I believe that it is in the non material universe of thought that all physical manifestations are created.
As they become agreed upon by us at that level they become more real. It is our habit of making them manifest automatically that creates confusion. We forget we have manifested them and then we become the effect of them.
You are a spirit, then a god, full capable of making space and energy and time and all things well.

And there you crouch, forgotten to yourself and hidden from the eyes of all pretending there to be a beast that walks and eats and dies.

L. Ron Hubbard
If Our Infinite Creator meant us to live off It’s own energy instead of eating other Earthly life forms, how come we have stomachs to digest life forms and teeth to devour?
Could it be that these creator/harvesters messed with our D.N.A. to devolve us into flesh devourers for the express purpose of harvesting out negative energies?
Bronte: If I remember rightly, mitochondria were Johnnies-Come-Lately on the cell evolutionary scene. Something like an outside virus that attached itself to living cells and tra nsformed them into energy dynamos.
The relationship between the mitochondria and the nucleus is considered to be a kind of symbiosis.
Consider the feeding of energy that takes place when people watch dog fights, or cage fighting, boxing ect, war, there is a subtle loosh process going on. This same energy harvest occurs with 4d entities,they feed off of human misery, fear & suffering, pain.
That is why this earth is hell. There is hope, but we have been fucked over since birth, its really hard to align our will to succeed, especially when the 4d harvesters of sorrow are working day and night, invisible and coordinating with nwo occultists to make the world hell for us.
Hi, ive read Loosh 101 and on my way to read loosh 102, just want to tell u how i feel, is like ur words are mine, u speak things i think of, i embrace ur ideeas and theories and feel them as mine, they are right and fair i cant describe it into words as they come from withtin me, i what i belive is right even if i have read it just a few minutes ago, makes me think at a random post some1 made on my youtube page
Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heart-ache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty.
Hmm. Sounds like youre thinking, but I don’t agree with your conclusion. Loosh is energy, either positive or negative.
Monroe distinctly states in his book that worship is a form of loosh, one of the more prized forms. So is the love of a mother for her children, he says.
Neither of these would equate with Tolles the pain body, which Tolle describes as a negative entity (or trapped, congealed consciousness) within each individual that struggles to have a life of its own as a separate entity. Tolles idea of a pain body is wholly negative, whereas the loosh concept includes both positive (loving) and negative (hating).

In my opinion, Tolle is inventing something that doesn’t exist, suggesting we imagine the more tender, vulnerable aspects of our psyche as a living, negative entity in its own right that must be dissolved. He even suggests giving it a name, like or something, as if it were a person. This way of looking at the hurting part of ourselves, seeing it as an entity and something that has a craving to feed, something that creates drama and negativity sh
that only makes us want to cut off this part of ourselves and destroy it, be free of it. It’s the same as religion telling us we have an ego that is negative, selfish, and arrogant by nature and must be destroyed or transcended.

All of these approaches to the self cause a person to think of him/herself in terms of compartments, instead of regarding and embracing oneself as a whole. When we act negative, it’s because our psyche is hurting over something. We need to understand what is hurting and heal the attitude or belief behind the hurt, and that
dissolves the negative feelings. But Tolle would have us observe the negativity, disdainfully seeing it as the drama created by an irrational child living within us, who needs to be dissolved and destroyed.
This judgmental attitude toward ones own pain can only create more of it, or worse, compartmentalize part of ourselves. When we do that, we move away from personal wholeness. Tolle would have us live so:
with part of us coldly observing and part of us acting, separate and unowned by the observing superior part of ourselves. To me, this is a dissociative state not unlike that experienced by sociopaths.

Religion calls it enlightenment.I call it a breakdown of ones personhood, a destruction of personal integrity and personal identity, an abdication of ones selfhood by the soul. My other articles in the Blowing the Whistle series go more deeply into this.
Ive recently just started looking into this. For sometime now Ive been obsessing over truth. Truth is all that matters to me, for once we know the truth, we know how to live. As I am somewhat cynical, I am unsure as what to think of all of this. All I know is that it feels like something keeps pushing me to keep exploring, and I feel like Im getting closer to my goal. Truth.

Henry Ford said, whether you believe you can or can’t, youre probably right.. This just reinforces all of that. There is power in belief, and self-doubt certainly robs us of that power. Believing in this knowledge will only lead to a better future for me. Hearing someone quote something and then hearing the sort-of science behind the quote is what it takes for me to be a believer. I have to rationalize.

Ive read articles where those who say the culprits behind the loosh stealing is Satan and all of his demons. I used to see dark entities as a child. They would watch me and I called them hordaks after the villain in the he-man cartoon. I know other things exist. More advanced beings. Ive experienced sleep-paralysis where I was
surrounded by shadows. When I was a child my mothers mini-van was picked up by a bright light while we were driving. These memories I have. I will keep searching and listening to my heart to try and decipher
what feels to be right. Hopefully i will find what I am looking for.
I have also read the works of Robert Monroe. I thought about all this quite a bit when I was in my early twenties. If the refined form of loosh can be called love, and there are those that harvest it, is it really a problem? Whether we humans produce or harvest love Both feel good. The one who gives love feels not a sense of being drained but there is an abundant energy there as well. Perhaps refined loosh production is indeed the same way? What would a person do with love they could not express?
Store it in a jar for another time? Both the giving and receiving of hate, feels awful.At least that is what I perceive to be true for (almost?) all humans. One learns not to hate because of the consequences.
It can take a while to learn from our own mistakes or negative actions. I have never seen a person filled with hate and anger that is fulfilled or successful in any meaningful way. Yes, they can gain power.But the plan never works out and they eventually fail and/or are killed by the people who were formerly repressed. With love, It seems we have the opposite: there is infinite growth, opportunity and an increase in the ability to use ones will to succeed. But then the question comes: If I did not receive a negative feeling from my own negative actions, How would I learn? I don’t really enjoy a fire being lit under my ass until I learn, But you have to admit its very effective! I avoid pain and seek pleasure and do believe that every human on this earth is like this.
Im afraid you are missing the point here. Loosh is not love, but love combined with angst and suffering. The example Monroe gives in his book is a mother bird fighting to her death in an effort to protect her young.
The love intensifies the suffering, and the intense suffering feeds the ehteric vampires. As far as your comment goes that we need negative feelings to turn us around when we take a wrong direction, again that’s missing the point: that vampiric entities instigate and generate suffering in humans and animals so as to feed off of the negative energy of suffering.

Your interpretation of Robert Monroe’s experience sounds a little funny to me. Have you actually read all 3 books? In this particular encounter Monroe was given information from a being who was something like an inter-dimensional tour guide. This was not a high level entity and certainly not an actual graduate of the Human Space/Time Illusion.

One can see this to be true with an example of common human thinking: So lets say you really love someone. You might think to yourself, I want to stay with this person forever
What if an emotional habit energy held you to that desire? You might feel an urgent need to return to this loved one at any cost. And so we do.
We come back and back again for reasons real or imagined because we just can’t let go. We get caught up in the human drama and die with unfinished business every time around. That unfinished business is what
I personally interpret as karma. The human experience sticks to us like glue and keeps us in low orbit.. We are unable to as Monroe puts it reach escape velocity. So perhaps spiritual seekers are those who have had enough of it all and are done with the amusement park, but finding it hard to leave because they are just not done yet?
In the book, the naive energy form called goes through a similar scenario. So Impressed by the energy and radiations of a of this system, the lifeform wanted nothing but to gain this status.
After the beings first incarnation and death, Robert and this entity’s friend try to snap him out of it.
The being does not remember who it was before it came to earth and believes itself to be a male human warrior who had just died in battle not aware that he had died). The strongest desire for this human was to get back into the battle and kill more Romans, or something like that. But of course when he tried to pick up the sword that lay on the ground, his hand passed right through it in bewilderment.
This clarity on the Loosh energy is useful as (i don’t mean to move to another topic but the Don Juan Matus said the universe is a predatory universe and we have been taken hostage. He specifically mentions an foreign entity that has taken over our minds) i wished to know under which conditions we Humans can take back control.

I applaude your effort and work and would ask if you have ever read the ideas and actions that Don Jaun Matus and your thoughts on his methods for dealer with the Flyer mind.
This is some of the purest and most delicious truth I have ever found, it is akin to the first time I read Far Journeys (in which I found some of the most reliable intel on the why we are here, why suffering, etc. questions).

Blowing out the bliss ninnies (for example the many who are making 6 figures+ selling this 5D New Age junk) is dear to the mind of an iconoclast like myself.

Enlightenment is a painful, brutal business and is only for the strong and courageous. I tend to get ticked at the freedom peddlers who offer easy sounding solutions, but that is my cross to eliminate someday.

What you have written is perfect for the Sedona Method I am practicing, as Lester said, we can’t get rid of the negativity unless we look at it.
To beat the system it needs to be done at the macro level. Here we are at the micro level. To get to the macro level, you need to travel the vortex or in quantum physics a wormhole.

Believe me it can be done,and its quite a ride.
I think there is some truth in all those so called religion or new age crap, that’s make us attract to it in the first place ( we feel from within that there is something there, but it is so intricate with lies then at the end we been deceive and fall in the trap).

I remember reading some books of Arnaud Desjardins; That he talks about the here and now, and that the past and the future are not reel but only the present ( if we put on the side the fact that we perceive the time as linear; or may be time is an illusion) it make sense. So starting from there if I observe myself with attention I can perceive my thought and see that negative one coming follow by that corresponding emotion. I cannot fight it because it make it stronger, but by just look at it as an neutral observer you do not get move by the emotion.
But let say I help someone and I feel good about myself and CHOOSE to let that emotion empower me. And that’s the big word there CHOOSE. From my own experience I realize that not all my thought are really mine, I think those non biological being of are feeding on us (that how Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda writhing called them) try to influence us to like you said Bronte make holes in the pipes so they can have a feast. Know yourself is a key to freedom, I believe in that because knowledge is power.

It’s like TM, I think youre friend who changed the mantra for some word of her invention is on to something.
Every time I tried to go back to it (not anymore) ; because I was missing that calming effect. I start back (for a week or two) by just sitting there eyes closed and quietly observe as neutral as possible everything was going on in my mind, it calm me down deeply and all the positive effects come back too ( focus concentration,.) But every time I was getting back to that mantra all the positive get away.
I read somewhere that the truth are hidden in plain site but mix with all the lies and entrapment to make sure we get confuse and deceived. I think we have to question and question everything, like when I was a kid and start to think for myself and question everything was around and perceive even the answers I received I questioned.
I am responsible for my own growth, my health, and more I take my responsibilities for me ( spiritually, physically,) and less I lean on something or someone more Im getting my power back. That even go for the food ( I am not there yet ; but working to it) , if you are dependent on someone or something (groceries,.) for feeding yourself they have power over you. More you are independent and self sufficient for everything ( to a certain extent; because we need the others and I think we are not design to live alone and a desert area) more you gain back power and reel freedom.

Just as an example let say price of oil go to the roof in one day ( 300, 400 % raise or more) and it can happen trust me. Some peoples have so much power, influence and money that they can do it in snap of a finger. Whatrquote
s is gonna happen to the deliveries to your groceries store ? And if the foodstuff and commodity finely get there what is gone be the price ?
What about those peoples who can’t afford it ? You get a chance to be rob between the doors and your car.

I don’t want to be alarmist, do not get in the fear mode but think about it. Get youre freedom and power back.
Some good points there, Truth Seeker. A couple of comments we can exist in the company of others without being co-dependent on each other. What about a community of empowered individuals, together because they enjoy each other rather than because they need each other?
As far as \’93observing negative thoughts and emotions\’94 goes, that\rquote s one of those popular dogmas I don
\rquote t ascribe to. In my experience, simply observing is a form of allowing. What actually works is to notice the undesirable thought or emotion, and order it away.
This is quite different from refusing to notice it (a form of repression, that only exacerbates the negativity). You’ll find several articles on this blog where I explain techniques in detail for banishing destructive thoughts and emotions.
Here’s a simple loosh fix.
I often receive information upon awakening and this is it for this problem. Claim your loosh and specify
that it is NOT to be stolen, that you will give it out consciously to only those you wish to give it to.

Loosh is stolen during time of emotion (the greater the emotion, the more you become a beacon), which is why after you have an emotional response, you feel drained. Because, quite literally, you are. No one has mentioned the energy drain after sex, but it there.

Since making this announcement aloud and forcibly, I am feeling MUCH more centered and strong. I intend to continue to make this statement loudly and forcibly until I completely vibrate at this frequency.
I have often had this nagging feeling that we are trapped here. This is indeed a prison planet. Who are our captors? The New World Order?
The reptilians? The annunaki? Are they all the same or at least very closely related? Why is there so much suppression of knowledge, spread of misinformation, and outright ignorance?
I took an anthropology class in college and was very disillusioned with academia. My teacher talked about all of the fossils of hominids, sudden appearances of technology/civilization/agriculture, and then just started talking about us humans now.

There was obviously a major jump between hominids and humans. None of our current interpretations really answer the question, unless you are willing to consider that we were (re)engineered. That we existed before (perhaps as hominids..whatever you want to call that when they show the line up of evolution), an extraterrestrial race tampered with our DNA, and here we are. My biology professors have tried to convince me of junk DNA- DNA that supposedly does not code for anything. If nature has taught me anything, it’s efficiency. I do not believe that we would carry anything that serves no purpose. I believe it is within this junk DNA that shows just how
closely interconnected we are with intergalactic species.

This raises another question. Why create us? Considering that the system is as you said, one that survives off of the sacrifice of others, then it makes sense that we are a resource. A resource of labor, of loosh. Something to be harvested. I believe that the gnostics were talking about these extraterrestrial races, the gods, when they talked about the demiurge.

The best thing that I’ve read in your articles is hope. As limitless/infinite beings of love and co-creators, we have the ability to manifest change. Many people like to talk about manifesting reality through thought (which I particularly enjoyed your article about that by the way). I do believe that thought is the cause
and manifest reality is the effect. However, I think we also have to be sure that our actions align with our thoughts. That we do everything we can to remember that we are love. To show we are love. Just to be love. Thought + action.
In a crisis, people do begin to talk about seeking God. But even as they suffer, they do not want to admit that they have sinned and must change their beliefs and their actions. While God might not respond to America’s national day of prayer, He will respond to individual, heartfelt prayers of repentance. He may have already responded to personal prayers from some who suffered these recent tragedies, if they are willing to turn from sin and obey Him.
What an interesting conversation!

Loosh. Rare to find people discussing this energy. As a seeker, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting, and observing, trying to comprehend this hidden part of life since I first encountered it as a young man.
I, too, had a strong reaction and disgust when I realized that our universe is predatory. To exist, a lion must kill, horribly and violently, to feed its cubs even though that seems evil to the zebra. How do we resolve this contradiction?
Finding a true Master. A real Master is someone who knows this old cosmic game, and has figured out how to navigate these waters.
But a true Master is hard to find, and Masters hardly mention loosh directly, because I think on some level it is forbidden. They do hint a heck of a lot about it, though. See Dario Salas Sommer’s (pen name John Baines) The Stellar Man, for an interesting cosmic description of this loosh system and what part we play in it.
Most don’t know that Gurjieff’s work sometimes called the way of the sly man was about working to become someone who had learned to slip through the cracks of this system.
As a race, we humans are a bit narcissistic, vainly believing that the next step up above us is the Creator of the Universe. Most of our sacred texts only give us the slightest hint that there are other levels of being higher than us, yet not at the top.. Perhaps, even though we have within us the divine spark of the creator, there is a lot of mischief that can happen with our older brothers, who we might mistakenly call God.. I guess if we planted a garden, our tomatoes, if they had a tiny bit more consciousness, would mistakenly think of us as God, and pray to us about helping them.

Realm Breach
The ultimate objective of any hyperdimensional ambush is realm breach, the penetration through a realm boundary. Like a syringe breaking through skin, realm breach allows direct injection of disruptive influences into the target realm. This operation consists of three steps: stalking, baiting, and bridging.

Stalking is the act of reading the weaknesses of a target and moving into position to exploit those weaknesses. This is achieved either through remote monitoring or direct sampling of the auric field. Methods of remote monitoring include remote viewing and data gathered through neural implants.
Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.
In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:
the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.
mind control of the IS-BEs in the invaded area through the use of electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, erasure of memory and the implantation of false memory or false information intended to subjugate and enslave the local IS-BE population.
take over of natural resources by the invading IS-BEs.
political, economic and social slavery of the local population.
These activities continue in present time.

Another important mechanism used in the reproductive process, especially with Homo Sapiens type bodies, is the implantation of a “chemical-electrical trigger” mechanism 207 (Footnote) in the body. The “trigger” which attracts IS-BEs to inhabit a human body, or any kind of par “flesh body”, is the use of an artificially imprinted electronic wave which uses “aesthetic pain” to attract the IS-BE.

Every trap in the universe, including those used to capture IS-BEs who remain free, is “baited” with an aesthetic electronic wave. The sensations caused by the aesthetic wavelength are more attractive to an IS-BE than any other sensation. When the electronic waves of pain and beauty are combined together, this causes the IS-BE to get
“stuck” in the body.


The lower your FRV, the more you exist on the level of mechanical passivity or reactivity, and the lower your place on the ladder of causality, meaning you are more easily manipulable, have more buttons to push, and are more detached from objective reality. Basically an extremely low FRV pushes you deeper into the STS (service-to-self, aka dark or negative) predator/prey dynamic. Those with low and unstable FRVs sometimes come off as emotionally unstable and delusional.

The higher your FRV, the more you tend towards being consciously active instead of mechanically passive or reactive, the higher your place on the ladder of causality, and the less you are at the mercy of baser impulses, manipulations, delusions, and hysteria.
Those with higher FRV are good natured and emotionally stable, grounded in reality, and give off a positive vibe.
Through resonance and necessity, FRV also determines what themes of experience you tune into and therefore attract. This is covered more deeply in my article:

Realm Dynamics. To summarize, those with low FRV resonate with harsher and stranger experiences because that intensity is needed to evoke some glimmer of truly conscious response, while the conscious consideration that comes with higher FRV means learning and growth can come more gently. Therefore having a higher FRV means attracting a smoother and more positively sync hronistic train of experiences.

But the vibrational frequency spectrum alone is not the sole factor involved here. Its amplitude and purity matters as well. The average person may have a weak and muddied spectrum somewhere in the middle, while sophisticated dark beings have a high amplitude spectrum clustered on the lower frequencies, opposite for sophisticated positive beings.

Now, the stronger the amplitude, the more strongly it affects local experiential reality. People who have a strong low FRV can bias the synchronistic nature of their local reality to such a degree that they pull in highly improbable and thus strange experiences of a traumatic and disturbing nature. The stronger the amplitude of high FRV, the more reality biases towards things magically working out for the being in question, as though reality bends around them.

What of a weakened amplitude? Well, even if the frequency is high, with too low an amplitude it has little effect upon local reality. In fact, that can disconnect one from the synchronistic flow since the broadcast signal is weaker. We ll return to this point in a moment.

Where exactly does FRV reside in a person? Rudolf Steiner has this to say: It is not possible to draw a fixed boundary between the changes that take place as a result of the activity of the I in the astral body and those that take place in the ether body, since they blend into each other. If something we learn enhances our faculty of judgment, a change has taken place in the astral body, but if this judgment changes our state of mind so that we become accustomed to feeling differently about a subject after having learned about it, then a change has taken place in the ether body.
Everything we take possession of in such a way that we can recall it again and again is based on a change in the ether body. Anything that gradually becomes an entrenched part of the wealth of our memory rests on the fact that the work performed on the astral body has been transferred to the ether body.
The I is not working on the astral body when we simply give ourselves up to pleasure and suffering, joy and pain, but only when idiosyncrasies of these soul qualities begin to change. Likewise, this work extends to the ether body when our I applies its activity to changing our traits of character, our temperament, and so on. ( Outline of Esoteric Science )

Links of electricity-from-space;

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Update about the battle between light forces and the dark controllers?
What is happening with our Earth, the Sun moon and Solar system & stay healthy?
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Our Sun, weather and Vulcanic activity movement of tectonic plates on earth?
Ancient Egypt and the black Nobility
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

A New Financial System Just To Steal Your Assets nearing completion?

The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws?

Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

Urgent: A message of extreme importance today the most crucial period of your planet’s entrance into the space of 5D has started

Super connectivity at room temperature and missing key to understand free electric energy.

Sound & Vibrational Medicine & Tesla.

Why this industry should be in public hands.

The Tesla World?

Use of frequencies and effects on our bio energy field that surrounds our body.

Owners of the empire

Finite Element Model for Atmospheric IR-Absorption Joseph Reynen. (CO2)

Free energy and T. E. Bearden, Ph.D

Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

The climate debate!

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