lucifer and our Shadow part?

Index: please click on the link for the index please?

Purpose, bankrupt the entire world. ( Rothschilds ) Click link for video/explanation.

Click here for the information and standard oil.

Everyone has they’re own key to the solution of loving themselves fully.

I have come across so many articles and theory’s about this. And I believe a lot of people think others are they’re savior but not the case. There are only two names we know of who did prove themselves successful in the past the first one Being Buddha and the second one Ron Hubbard. The last one his organization we know as scientology destroyed by the CIA and other Government run/ controlled security organizations. These organizations us these trauma based DNA defects to manipulate them.

In the case of Ron he used /developed an energy meter to distinct between trauma based and normal conscious decisions.

Hopefully someone can write an article that can endure a larger group to an understanding of this.

Shadow work is not only about self improvement by way of making the negative and unsavory parts of yourself better or getting rid of them or replacing them with better more acceptable habits and patterns then you do not actually understand what shadow is but also possible to re-member past life’s. Earth is a prison and most people not aware of it nor that they have several and different brains and in addition multi-dimensional.

This is why I never use changing rooms , restrooms in places now . I do not feel safe . I shouldn’t have to be in fear when I go to places . It’s even hard cause I have autism. And it makes it worse

Hello, How are you doing, I made out time going through your profiles and I love your post all you share are really interesting and good to read. you look like a very nice and busy woman with a good mind,🌺🌹🥀🌷 I have tried sending you a friend request but it not going through that’s why I decided to drop a comment here. If you don’t mind send me a friend so we can talk and know very well about each other 🥀🌹🌷 thank you.

Many people are not aware of the fact that a traumatic type of experience lead to changes in your genes and storage their. Meaning that you will past it on within your offspring.

The main problem is that their it can manifest itself in many often undesired responses/actions.

The intelligence/security units within our Governments know this and certain families even elected for it/used. The hidden trauma of the past used/played on and located within our DNA/expression in our subconsciousness/drive.

It was Ron Hubbard the creator of scientology who discovered a method/mean to bring this into our consciousness/treat. Many of the pon’s used by organizations like CIA, FBI, Free Masons and other secrete groups did not like it and started to infiltrate Scientology and destroyed inside out. This in addition to other conclusions which came as the result of treatment and published as such.

Don’t fall into the trap!

Also remember: shadow does not simply mean the violent or ugly aspects of you. Shadow is whatever part of you you have disowned.

Your innocence could be in your shadow. Your love of life could be in your shadow. Your courage could be in your shadow.

Shadow is whatever you have disowned by choosing instead to identify with its polarity.

The continual judgement and desire to get rid of shadow is in fact actually the essence of what creates shadow.

Point being: much of what I hear of these days as shadow work is actually just the definition of what shadow

Enslaving other civilizations, waring predators making friendly alliances. Cunning strategies and alliances with others but continuing wars. Eradicate human groups. Anti human agenda.

This is by far the most important video shared because it ties together the history that led up to the Atlantian invasion, the races that invaded us and forced pole shift (biblical flood) in which we lost our race memory, with the current New World Order agenda they are aggressively pushing for. I highly recommend everyone watch until the very end and everyone shares this with anyone calling upon these fallen races in order to support the Ascension Timeline.

The Atlantian Cataclysim

With the Orion Group now an ally to the Annunaki Nibiru resistance, they organized themselves into what is known as the Intruder races of current times, and these beings are who orchestrate the NWO, and the highest factions of the Illuminati plan for earth takeover. This entails creating a social class system and hierarchy, a Ruling Class and a Slave class on the earth which is the Reptilians Archon ideology.In 9558 BC the Annunaki wage war over humanity, organize for the One World Order Takeover, Luciferian Covenant on the earth. This is also referred to as the Luciferian Rebellion.

These groups go into the main Egypt Stargate and force EMF pulses into the earth core and Crystal Caverns to destroy the Arc Gates and destroy any communication access beyond the seven Solar planes, which they now controlled through the Egypt Stargate in Giza, the Ley Lines of the Sphinx and GWL network through the frequency fence NET.This EMF pulse forced a blast so powerful in the earth core that it moved the ocean floor and tectonic plates across the earth globe. It was at this time the Sirian’s took all ET technology and Crystals off planet permanently to prevent any further abuse from these warring races. Without the ET and Pyramidal technology to convert incoming frequencies in the Precession of the Equinoxes during the 2012 Ascension Cycle, the planet Earth could explode entirely annihilating the species and genetic material.

The Atlantian Flood

Since the Nephilim Wars the Nibiru Annunaki Resistance and Patriarchal Melchizedek factions decide to take over the Inner Earth and start aggressive campaigns to take over the earth territories 30,000 years ago. The Sirians warned them about the abuse of crystal technology in the earth core and these groups continued to force massive power generators into the earth and Crystal Caverns. Several power generators exploded and ripped apart the surface continents of the earth, more powerful than the previous Cataclysm at the time of the Lemurian Holocaust, killing many humans again.The planet Earth tilted on its axis which damaged all Planetary Gates, Planetary Grid Networks the portals and Stargates on the planet. All the Pyramids and ET technology disconnected and went offline. Flooding and cataclysm destroyed the Atlantian colonies and much of the earth surface. This timeline is also referred to as the Atlantian Flood.

#Lucifer #ArchangelMichael #Thoth #GalacticFederation #AshtarCommand #NewWorldOrder #cosmicconsciousness #akashicrecords #angelichumanity #selfawarenessjourney #lawofone #lightbody #dnaactivation #higherfrequencies #higherdimensions #higherawarness #masteryourmind #Anunnaki #innerwisdom #spiritualdevelopment #embodiment #intentionsetting #spiritualbeings #lawofattractioncoach #metatron #starseed #lightlanguage #lightworkersunited #lawofone #lightbody

Lisa Renee, Emerald Order Guardians Contactee

 I had a few issues simultaneously hit me last week which I recently resolved. I’ll speak about it during my next zoom meeting.

I was not able to post this on Facebook as most of the information in this 2 and a half hour documentary is censored on Social Media.

This video will serve as an initiation for most of you about what is truly going on. Please watch the entire documentary no matter how hard it may be to watch as their is vital life saving information in this video that we all need to know.

This video will help you see through the deception and make you aware of their true agenda which is to infect the whole world with Q-Dots. This video will help you understand the gravity of Humanity’s situation and what kind of action needs to be taken to stop it.

Please watch the full documentary here is the link:

Touchless Torture, Judea’s Psychotronic Inquisition

 I had a few issues simultaneously hit me last week which I recently resolved. I’ll speak about it during my next zoom meeting.

I was not able to post this on Facebook as most of the information in this 2 and a half hour documentary is censored on Social Media.

This video will serve as an initiation for most of you about what is truly going on. Please watch the entire documentary no matter how hard it may be to watch as their is vital life saving information in this video that we all need to know.

This video will help you see through the deception and make you aware of their true agenda which is to infect the whole world with Q-Dots. This video will help you understand the gravity of Humanity’s situation and what kind of action needs to be taken to stop it.

Please watch the full documentary here is the link:

Touchless Torture, Judea’s Psychotronic Inquisition

Since Judaism’s successful launch of the 66 books of the Bible in 324 AD, The Council of Nicea, and the subsequent infiltration of the Vatican in 1566 by Crypto Jew and founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, Judea’s primary Warfare has been Subversive Ideological Warfare by the process of performing “Theater” upon the world stage and thereby controlling public perception. Theater creates age-long misdirection in mass consciousness. Ancient examples of theater that today still affect the collective thinking of Mass Consciousness can be found in the stories of religious books such as the Bible, Torah and Koran.

The devil always leaves his signature on his handy work, just as he did when he excluded 14 books from the Original 80 books of the bible making it 66 books; just as when he murdered 66 million white Russians and wiped it from history, just as when he hijacked public perception by teaching us the Earth revolves around the Sun at 66,600 MPH, and just as surely as carbon constitutes our DNA, which makes the life on earth carbon based, the devil’s signature exists in the components of the carbon atom, represented by 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 Electrons… You reading this are here to change the devil’s program.

During our current era the examples of theater used by the enemy to counteract the minds, the true intentions and the movements of the millions of souls who incarnated during this micro window of time in order to deflect humanity from going into a transhumanistic timeline, can be found in the highly advanced mind control doctrine of both, the Metatronic and Guardian Teachings.

Evidence of the Judia’s plan to create New Age cult movements via CIA MKUltra mind controlled slaves masquerading as enlightened gurus can be traced to dedicated Luciferians, Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky. Just as our ancient religious beliefs were programmed into our collective Psyche by the forefathers of Judaism, our new age religious beliefs are also Jewish creations. The concepts held by followers of “so called” channeled teachings are thought implants; directed and managed by and through the collaborative efforts of three Jewish controlled institutions- KGB/MOSSAD/CIA – Organized Jewry’s triad of public thought control.

“International Judea’s” ceaseless Psychological Warfare through the control of religions, governments, schools, news & entertainment media, has caused all of us to become indefinitely distracted from the ACTUAL horrors that The vision of Judah aims to fully and permanently manifest in our reality. If Judea’s subversive and psychological warfare and vision of a destupion transhumanistic future is allowed to eventuate, this world will be a world in which everyone’s thoughts will be programmed into them via the AI Supercomputer God of Israel, which will be headquartered in the blood drenched unholy land of Jerusalem and Starlink (Scalar/5G) Satellite network will serve as it’s far reaching tentacles, psychotronically attacking any and all dissidents to the Jew World Order. 

Minder weergeven

Illuminati’s Genocidal Programs Against Humanity

The Human Atlantian nation became progressively overrun with a race called the Anu-Melchizedek Leviathans. The many competing Anunnaki, Drakonian and Reptilian family lines of the Anu-Melchizedek Leviathan races were a product of progressive Fallen Angelic raiding of an Emerald Covenant hybridization program that began in 155,000 BC which the Anti-Christiac actions of Thoth, traitor to The Emerald Covenant, interfered with. The Founders’ Emerald Covenant hybridization program was intended to assist the Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races that had joined the Emerald Covenant to regenerate their DNA Templates to reclaim the potentialities of ascension. Genetic engineering was used to combine portions of the Angelic Human DNA Template with that of a composite Anunnaki-Drakonian-Reptilian genetic strain, using the Anunnaki slave-primate Lulcus DNA, upgrading the Neanderthal first to the Luhari, then to the E-Luhli-Levi, E-Luhli-Judah, and E-Luhli-Nephi. After thousands of years of evolution on Earth, and 5 genetic upgrades, the E-Luhli-Levi Cro-Magnon received its final upgrade to the Homo-sapiens-1 Annu-Melchizedek. The Annu-Melchizedek race, housing incarnations of non-human Fallen Angelic souls on Emerald Covenant “Redemption Contracts,” resembled the Angelic Human 12-Tribe races because five of 12 Human DNA Strand Templates were genetically engineered into bonding with the hybrid DNA.

From the E-Luhli-Levi stage, the hybrid races could, but were not intended to, naturally procreate with the Human race, due to the compatibility of the lower DNA Strand Templates between hybrids and Humans. This made the hybrid races, especially, the most evolved Annu-Melchizedeks, a prime target for Fallen Angelic races that desired to incarnate their presence on Earth in quest of Halls of Amenti dominion. By the later Atlantian period of 10,500 BC, the number of Fallen Angelic Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan (of E-Luhli-Levi) hybrid family lines, born of Fallen Angelic raiding of the hybridization program, exceeded those of the Emerald Covenant Human and Maji-Indigo races. Throughout much of pre-ancient history, Earth’s Star Gate system remained open, and interstellar commerce was commonplace. In later Atlantis, this circumstance led to invasion, formation of the competing Leviathan Atlantian Conspiracy NWO (New World Order) dominion agendas and in 9560 BC formalization of the Anunnaki-Leviathan Luciferian Covenant NWO Anunnaki Master Plan for final capture of Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates.

3,5 d.

 ·(2) Facebook

1 d. opmerkingen

Lived on very clean sufficient well water growing up..Never a healthy issue. Years after consuming chemically treated municipal water. Became ill. Kidney issues, severe headaches, etc. Corrected issue. As a blind test. Consumed distilled or mineral water for a month. It from any plastic container. Didn’t consume sodas. Quit consuming sodas over 20years ago. Especially from both formed containers. Plastic &aluminum. Soda xan is lined with plastic sleeve. As to keep the man made Citric acid from degradation of aluminum can. To much aluminum. In your body cause migraine issues. As a child. Had very bad migraine. After my research. I was consuming the treated fluoridated water while at school .. Not at home..Because it was pure well water..! Had test done as a child. Doctors state..Probably neurological. More test. Nothing. Except never viewed a full hemo test results, or endocrinologist test? Scans. Nothing. Toxic water syndrome was my conclusion. Another side note. For the Diet soda drinkers. Case study done 10 years ago.

Three ladies working in a doctors office became ill after consuming such diet soda daily while on a health weight reduction plan. One became neurological ill. With muscular and other mialgia symptoms. All 3.. became ill drinking such diet soda . And completely cleared up after a month . Detoxification of their bodies. I personally can’t get near detergents, air crap..because it’s toxic garbage. Yet!. to sniff fragrant shit.. Especially man made chemically treated toxic materials folks are toxic syndrome ill..

Remember this. Brushing with. Swishing with fluoridated materials actually kill off your good biosphere in your mouth.. Look it up.. Just think about it..


Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


Climate change, no offence

ESG and Climate change.

Pfizer and Data.

13 thoughts on “lucifer and our Shadow part?

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