Doctors Were Bribed & Coercion!

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Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

It seems medicine during the COVID pandemic became all about maximizing profits, without regard for health outcomes, and that is something that our health agencies must be held to account for.

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doctors bribed covid vaccination coercion


  • In late March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Within this $2 trillion stimulus package, $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated COVID patients
  • Hospitals were reimbursed an extra 20% for each Medicare patient hospitalized with COVID, and the only criteria to receive that bonus was a COVID-positive PCR test
  • The federal COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment program also paid hospitals bonuses for every COVID-19 patient treated with emergency-authorized COVID medications (Remdesivir, convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir)
  • Hospitals also received a 300% upcharge for COVID patients placed on ventilators, even after it became apparent that this was a death sentence. Somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the incentive to use ventilators. Why?
  • Throughout 2020, evidence mounted showing the PCR test is incredibly unreliable above 35 cycles, and health agencies instructed labs to use 40 to 45 cycles. In essence, we had an epidemic of false positives, and financial incentives then drove hospitals to mistreat and kill countless patients, many of whom may not even have had COVID

As detailed in “How COVID Patients Died for Profit,” hospitals were financially incentivized to diagnose patients with COVID and treat them with protocols known to be lethal, in part to “protect” the staff from infection.

As if that weren’t bad enough, primary care providers across the U.S. were also bribed to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. The following document was posted to Twitter in mid-April 2023 by Rep. Thomas Massie, an award-winning scientist and Republican Congressman for Kentucky.1

“Ethically, shouldn’t doctors disclose when they’re profiting by recommending a drug or treatment — especially a drug or treatment for which there is no medical malpractice liability?” Massie said.2

Doctors Were Incentivized to Jab Babies Too

Once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children, similar vaccination incentives were extended to them as well. As detailed in an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid provider bulletin3 dated July 2022, doctors received $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental shot.

Hospitals Received at Least $100 Billion From Taxpayers

In late March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.4 Within this $2 trillion stimulus package, $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated COVID patients.5

And, rather than simply agreeing to pay COVID patients’ bills, the government decided to pay hospitals extra — a lot extra — over and above the standard bill, provided they treated patients in a certain way. By the end of October 2020, $96 billion had already been disbursed.6

Ostensibly, the additional bonuses for COVID patients were supposed to help hospitals recoup revenue that was lost due to the cancelation of elective procedures. But hospitals were supposedly filled to the brim with COVID patients, so just how much revenue was lost?

The bonuses were also supposed to cover additional costs associated with caring for COVID patients, such as additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitation, but that could have just as easily been covered as an extra line item, rather than a flat double-digit percentage over and above the actual cost of the treatment.

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COVID-Positive Medicare Patients Worth 20% More

As reported by KGNS.TV, a local Nebraska news station, in late March 2022:7

“According to the state, since COVID hit Webb County in March of 2020, about 85,000 people have contracted the virus, with roughly half of them serious enough to be admitted into the hospital. Almost immediately, the federal government stepped in to help pay for their care with millions of dollars.

KGNS took a deeper look into this to answer the question, ‘Is there a difference in how much hospitals get paid back by the government when caring for a positive COVID patient versus a non-COVID patient?’ The answer to that is ‘yes.’ People on government programs, such as Medicare, are worth more.

According to section 3710 of the Cares Act, hospitals are reimbursed by the government an extra 20% for each hospitalized Medicare patient. The only criteria for that extra money? A positive COVID test.8,9,10

For instance, hospital Medicare patient with pneumonia — without COVID — is worth about $7,700 to the hospital. But with COVID, that reimbursement jumps to over $9,200.

A Medicare patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome requiring a ventilator? Without COVID, the bill is around $34,000. But with COVID, that Medicare patient now worth almost $40,000. And the list goes on.”

On top of those incentives, the federal COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment program also paid hospitals bonuses for every COVID-19 patient treated with emergency authorized COVID medications (Remdesivir, convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir) and mechanical ventilation.11

It doesn’t seem like decisionmakers considered the possibility that incentivizing hospitals to diagnose patients as having COVID might impact patient care, outcomes and/or COVID statistics, but it most certainly did. To presume hospitals would think twice about treating patients with a particular drug or put them on a ventilator when they get reimbursed top dollar for it is naïve in the extreme. Especially when all they needed was a positive PCR test to justify it.

Throughout 2020, evidence mounted showing the PCR test is incredibly unreliable above 35 cycles, and health agencies instructed labs to use 40 to 45 cycles. In essence, we had an epidemic of false positives, and financial incentives then drove hospitals to mistreat and kill countless patients, many of whom may not even have had COVID.

Former CDC director Robert Redfield and Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, have both stated they believe financial incentives drove up the COVID-19 death rate in the U.S.12

Vented COVID Patients Earned Hospitals 300% Upcharge

I strongly suspect the reason why so many COVID patients died was because they were forced onto mechanical ventilation, and the reason for that was because hospitals received a 300% bonus for patients requiring ventilation! That’s no minor incentive. As reported by USA Today back in April 2020:13

“Sen. Scott Jensen, R-Minn., a physician in Minnesota, was interviewed by ‘The Ingraham Angle’ host Laura Ingraham on April 8 on Fox News and claimed hospitals get paid more if Medicare patients are listed as having COVID-19 and get three times as much money if they need a ventilator …

Jensen took it to his own Facebook page April 15, saying, in part ‘How can anyone not believe that increasing the number of COVID-19 deaths may create an avenue for states to receive a larger portion of federal dollars? Already some states are complaining that they are not getting enough of the CARES Act dollars because they are having significantly more proportional COVID-19 deaths.’

On April 19, he doubled down on his assertion via video on his Facebook page. Jensen said, ‘Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why?

Because if it’s a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for — if they’re Medicare — typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000.’

Jensen clarified … that he doesn’t think physicians are ‘gaming the system’ so much as other ‘players,’ such as hospital administrators, who he said may pressure physicians to cite all diagnoses, including ‘probable’ COVID-19, on discharge papers or death certificates to get the higher Medicare allocation allowed under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act …

USA TODAY reached out to Marty Makary, a surgeon and professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, about the claim. Makary said in an email April 21 that ‘what Scott Jensen said sounds right to me.’”

Why Did Government Continue Paying for Deadly Protocol?

Why wasn’t the 300% bonus payment eliminated once it became apparent that putting COVID patients on ventilators was a death sentence? As early as April 9, 2020, Business Insider reported14 that 80% of COVID-19 patients in New York City who were placed on ventilators died, which caused a number of doctors to question their use.

Somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the financial incentive to use ventilators. Why?

The Associated Press15 also publicized similar reports from China and the U.K. A U.K. report put the figure at 66%, while a small study from Wuhan, China, put the ratio of deaths at 86%. Data presented by attorney Thomas Renz in 2021 showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% of patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.16

The lowest figure I’ve seen is 50%.17 So, somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the financial incentive to use ventilators. Why?

Incentives Put Nursing Home Patients at Risk Too

Nursing homes in some states also received incentive payments if they accepted hospital discharges. For example, in Wisconsin, the Department of Health Services (DHS) paid out $2,900 for every admission a nursing home received directly from a hospital.18

This, even though by then, it was well-known that more than 80% of deaths occurred in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and live-in rehab centers. More than 90% of residents of these centers have at least one chronic disease and more than 70% have two conditions, which in turn can weaken their immune systems.19

They also live in close quarters and share staff, which facilitates the spread of pathogens. But rather than protecting the elderly by NOT admitting potentially infected patients, the DHS paid these facilities to take them in.

Incompetence or Malice?

In the final analysis, it’s quite clear that the COVID pandemic was grossly mishandled. Either U.S. health agencies and political decisionmakers were inept and unqualified for the job at hand, or they acted with malice, and the outcomes of their financial incentivization of bad medicine were intended ones.

Either way, their strategies were ill-conceived and resulted in needless death and suffering. Adding insult to injury, billions of taxpayer dollars were used to pay for it all. Financially incentivizing doctors and pediatricians to inject an experimental gene therapy into babies is, in my view, completely unconscionable, and should never have happened, but the same can be said for the continued use of ventilators.

It seems medicine during the COVID pandemic became all about maximizing profits, without regard for health outcomes, and that is something that our health agencies must be held to account for.

Ivermectin and the Price of Life

by Justus R. Hope, MD Dec 13, 2021 Updated Dec 16, 2021
Sun Ng’s Recovery with Ivermectin
Sun Ng’s Recovery with Ivermectin

What is your life worth? More to the point, what is your loved one’s life worth? What value would you
place on your child, your mother, father, or spouse?

When the world experienced an average of nearly 15,000 COVID deaths per day, Dr. Andrew Hill decided
on the price of a human life. Dr. Hill made that calculation during a conversation with Dr. Tess Lawrie,
in January of 2021, during the peak of the Winter Surge.

In a zoom conversation between Dr. Tess Lawrie, nicknamed the “Conscience of Medicine,” and Dr. Andrew Hill, then the most influential Ivermectin advocate in the world, Dr. Hill chose dollars over human lives.

Hill’s parent institution, the University of Liverpool, had just received a 40 million dollar donation
from UNITAID four days before Hill’s Ivermectin paper was published, and Dr. Hill’s conclusion was changed 180 degrees from his position just a few weeks earlier.

Andrew Hill admitted that his sponsors (UNITAID) pressured him to alter his conclusion. Hill explained,
“I think I’m in a very sensitive position here.”

Dr. Lawrie called Hill out. She stated, “Lots of people are in sensitive positions; they’re in hospital,
in ICUs dying, and they need this medicine.”

Lawrie criticized Hill, “This is what I don’t get, you know, because you’re not a clinician. You’re not
seeing people dying every day. And this medicine prevents deaths by 80%. So 80 percent of those people
who are dying today don’t need to die because there’s Ivermectin.”

Hill responded that the NIH would not agree to recommend IVM.

Dr. Tess Lawrie fired back, “Yeah, because the NIH is owned by the vaccine lobby…This is bad research.
So at this point, I am really, really worried about you.”

Hill answered, “Okay. Yeah. I mean, it’s a difficult situation.”

Lawrie responded, “No, you might be in a difficult situation. I’m not because I have no paymaster. I can
tell the truth…How can you deliberately try and mess up…you know? So, how long are you going to let
people carry on dying unnecessarily – up to you? What is the timeline you’ve allowed for this, then?”

Andrew Hill reacted, “Well, I think…I think that it goes to WHO and the NIH, and the FDA, and the EMEA.
And they’ve got to decide when they think enough is enough.”

Dr. Lawrie pointed out the obvious, “You’d rather…risk loads of people’s lives. Do you know if you and
I stood together on this, we could present a united front and we could get this thing. We could make it
happen. We could save lives; we could prevent people from getting infected. We could prevent the elderly
from dying…

I’m a doctor, and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the
message [out] on Ivermectin…Okay. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be
able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do.”

Dr. Lawrie demanded to know the identity of the unknown UNITAID author who changed Dr. Hill’s conclusions,
the person whose influence was to cause so many preventable deaths.

“So who is it in UNITAID, then? Who is giving you opinions on your evidence?”

Hill answered, “Well, it’s just the people there. I don’t…”

Dr. Lawrie pressed Hill, “Could you please give me a name of someone in UNITAID I could speak to, so that
I can share my evidence and hope to try and persuade them to understand it?

Dr. Hill evaded, “Oh, I’ll have to think about who to, to offer you with a name…But I mean this is very
difficult because I’m, you know, I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in
a very difficult, delicate balance…Yeah, it’s a very strong lobby…”

The conversation concludes with Dr. Hill promising to do everything in his power to get Ivermectin
approved if she could give him six more weeks.

Dr. Lawrie, “So, how long do you think the stalemate will go on for?”

Dr. Hill, “From my side. Okay…I think end of February, we will be there in six weeks.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, “How many people die every day?”

Dr. Andrew Hill, “Oh, sure. I mean, you know, 15,000 people a day.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, “Fifteen thousand people a day times six weeks…Because at this rate, all other
countries are getting Ivermectin except the UK and the USA, because the UK and the USA and Europe
are owned by the vaccine lobby.”

Dr. Andrew Hill, “My goal is to get the drug approved and to do everything I can to get it approved
so that it reaches the maximum…”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, The Conscience of Medicine, concluded with this, “You’re not doing everything you can,
because everything you can would involve saying to those people who are paying you, ‘I can see this
prevents deaths. So I’m not going to support this conclusion anymore, and I’m going to tell the truth.’

Finally, Dr. Lawrie added, “Well, you’re not going to get it approved the way you’ve written that
conclusion. You’ve actually shot yourself in the foot, and you’ve shot us all in the foot. All of…
everybody trying to do something good. You have actually completely destroyed it…I don’t know how
you sleep at night, honestly.”

The fact that Dr. Andrew Hill allowed another person to change his paper’s conclusion has been known
for more than six months and was published in the book, Ivermectin for the World.

“However, he [Dr. Andrew Hill] was reigned in before more damage [to the vaccine lobby] was done:

He was invited to the NIH, along with Dr. Marik, probably to give the appearance of propriety.
He was given a gag order and told not to speak to any more press until The WHO made an official decision
on Ivermectin. It turned out that this decision would go against the drug despite Dr. Hill’s findings.
Dr. Hill’s conclusion would be changed by someone else, and the rest is history.”

What was not known, until the transcript of the zoom conference between Dr. Hill and Dr. Lawrie was leaked,
were the specifics of the quid pro quo. It turns out that the height of the COVID-19 Winter surge,
when about 15,000 people per day were dying, was precisely the same time as the zoom conference, held
on January 18, 2021. Moreover, it was days after Andrew Hill’s University of Liverpool took the $40
million payoff.

The transcript of this conference call appeared in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s’ book, The Real Anthony Fauci,
and in this article published by “The Defender” newsletter:

World daily COVID deaths were averaging around 15,000 per day on January 18, 2021, and six weeks later
were averaging some 9,700. Currently, the world is seeing about 7,500 per day die.

80% of these or more could have been prevented with Ivermectin, a statement with which Dr. Hill would
likely agree.

Overall, since that fateful decision of Andy Hill to allow his sponsor to “change” his paper’s conclusion,
2.475 million people [11 months x 30 days per month x 7500 deaths per day] have died, 80% of them could
have been saved had Ivermectin been approved. So precisely 1.98 million lives were lost as a result of the

The price per life?

Forty million dollars was the value of the donation made to the University of Liverpool by UNITAID. This
sum comes out to 20 dollars and 20 cents per life. That is what we are all worth in the calculus of the
vaccine lobby.

UNITAID bills itself as a “global health agency” hosted by the World Health Organization and supported by
the vaccine lobby.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation contributed hundreds of millions to UNITAID. In October, they
committed $120 million more to the new expensive Merck drug molnupiravir, a costly and genotoxic
competitor of Ivermectin.

Some experts say it will stimulate the emergence of viral mutants and worsen the pandemic.

If that prospect is not concerning enough, consider this: One dose of Remdesivir, a drug that does not
save lives, but one that is widely used on most United States ICU COVID cases, costs $3,100 per dose, or
to put it bluntly, one dose of Remdesivir is worth roughly 153 lives. Yet, the worst drug earned the FDA’s
approval while the best one, Ivermectin, was suppressed for money.

Ivermectin, a drug that has nearly eradicated River Blindness in much of the world, a safe drug already
given to humans in over 4 billion doses, can be purchased mail-order from India at 1,000 12mg tablets for
$163. That comes out to 16.3 cents per dose.

Dr. Alan Bain recently saved the life of 71-year-old Sun Ng thanks to a court order issued by Judge Paul
Fullerton. Following the hospital’s initial refusal, Ng’s family sued Edward-Elmhurst Health and Sun Ng
was administered the Ivermectin for five days. After the treatment, Ng “removed his breathing tube” and
was taken out of ICU.

Dr. Bain, unable to get a local pharmacy to fill the prescription for Ivermectin, obtained the mail-order
version and saved Ng’s life.

Thus, five 12 mg doses cost about 82 cents but are worth more than the 20 dollar value placed by the
vaccine lobby and Andrew Hill on a human life because pennies were all it took to purchase the Ivermectin
that saved Sun Ng.

Ivermectin has 27 randomized controlled studies involving tens of thousands of patients showing reduced
time to viral clearance, hastened recovery time, and reduced mortality. On the other hand, the vaccine
lobby’s choice, Remdesivir, was rejected by the WHO as a drug that failed to improve survival and other

One thousand doses of Ivermectin can be purchased online for $163. Yet, UNITAID paid $40 million to
change Dr. Hill’s conclusions to call for more studies [delaying Ivermectin approval], essentially
condemning millions of human beings to death from COVID-19. So while 82 cents may be the price of life,
it seems that twenty pieces of silver remains the price of death.

Dr. Justus R. Hope, writer’s pseudonym, graduated summa cum laude from Wabash College where he was named
a Lilly Scholar. He attended Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded the M.D. degree. He
completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at The University of California Irvine
Medical Center. He is board-certified and has taught at The University of California Davis Medical
Center in the departments of Family Practice and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He has practiced
medicine for over 35 years and maintains a private practice in Northern California.

– Sources and References


Buddhist Monks with Superpowers?
Adam & Anunnaki.
Attempts to restore our erased memories from our human past
To remember our human history/creation of the universe.

Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


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